• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,224 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch01: Twilight's Pony Tale Part 1


In Equestria, a land of ponies, there is the great Queen, and her Sister, both of whom rule the Day and Night respectively. Some time ago, they changed from the four legged talking ponies, into those who walked on two legs, their fore hooves, transformed into hands with fingers, and since that day, they have began to evolve their very way of life.

Now most ponies are very social, and love to make new friends. So a company that was well known for their entertainment devices, created an omni device, called the “Bayland Beyond”, often shorten to “Bay-B”. A social device able to connect all of Equestria, without any need of lines, or face to face contact. Friendships bloomed all over, and ponies who may never have met, became closer then friends they had near by.

Since most ponies were social, it did not mean all were, and some are reclusive. Not because they are antisocial, but simply because they cannot pry themselves from their books.

Twilight Sparkle, the current student of the Queen Celestia, is such a pony. She is a gifted Unicorn, that Celestia took under her wings, to teach the ways of magick that only the Great Queen knew. She was a great student, and learned quickly, but her thirst for knowledge, and desire to learn, has made her a shut in. This concerned the Queen greatly as she knew that, although Twilight would become a great Unicorn, she would ultimately be less of a pony if she did not gain life lessons. She needed to get out into the world, and experience things, that not even the best books, could ever teach.

She needed to experience the joys of laughter, the pain of sorrow. What it was like to share loves, and to experience first hoof, what it meant to live.

She could learn all the magick in the libraries, but she could only live through...

The Magick of Friendship
Twilight's Pony Tale Part 1
Chapter 1

Twilight Sparkle, a violet unicorn, with deep purple hair, with as streak of lighter purple besides a magenta one. dressed in her student cloths, almost robe liken to that of wizards, but far less baggy and covering. It was more like a vest over her normal clothing. She stood before her Queen and mentor, pleading with her. "But why? Am I failing? I will study harder, I do not want to learn from anypony else!"

Celestia, dressed in her royal garments, white with golden sun armor she always presented herself in in public with, as well as any royal matters. Looking on her student, and smiled to attempt to reassure her, that she was not being punished. "No, no, my most faithful student. This is no act of detention, it is a new lesson you must experience"

"I will read anything, I just do not wish to leave here" She was nearly in tears, she had not been away from Canterlot, much less Celestia, since she began her lessons years ago.

"The fact you keep your muzzle glued to those books, is why I am sending you off" She stepped closer, putting her fore hoof onto Twilight's shoulder. "You need to make friends, to experience the aspects of social life"

"Then I will spend more time with Queen Luna’s student Harmony Spirit, or any of the other ponies around here" She was sounding more desperate.

Celestia walked farther away, feeling a bit disappointed in herself. "I should have put her into the world sooner, now she is bound tighter then her tomes" She thought to herself. "Canterlot, is a wonderful place, full of great ponies, but it is not the life experience you need to be a whole pony" She turned toward Twilight. "This place is too sterile, and pure. Life is not, as sad as it maybe. But the conflicts in life, also gives rise to things unexpected, that balance out the bad, and often, out weighs them"

She paced a bit, as she could tell Twilight was still not allowing herself to embrace this study. "As I young Princess, I traveled this country, even beyond, but my travels made me grow, and I am thankful for it. One place really blossomed my growth. Ponyville, and over the years, it's held onto the values that it was founded on" She stopped, and looked at her student. "Ponyville Tech, will not only continue your lessons, but also give you the opportunities to grow heart and soul"

Twilight looked down, still not welcoming this big change in her life. "I will of course... do as you wish..."

"Do not take it so hard, treat this as the new assignment. Like when I've had you out on field lessons. Learn the meaning of being a friend, and what it is to have friends. What life is like for those not within the walls of a castle. Take notes, and report back to me. Use that Bay-B I gave you"

She pulled a purple and green device out of her pocket. "This? But it's just a toy"

The Queen laughed gently. "No, that is a device for socializing. I gave it too you to hopefully expand your world. I am surprised you do not know how it works, did you not read the manual?"

Twilight pocketed it, and curled her ears back in embarrassment. "Well.. I have been busy with other studies..."

"To think, you passed up a chance to read on something wholly new" She smiled, and came to her again. "You will be fine without me down the hall, and you will gain confidence in yourself as well"


No longer in the robe, now dressed in just her casual wear, a sleeveless hoodie, plain shirt, and shorts. she rode in the private chariot from Canterlot to Ponyville. Celestia had watched over Twilight for so long, she was like a mother, and so such privileges as this ride, came with being the Queen's "daughter". Also, the full tuition in the college, and set up with a dorm, and having the allowance to spend to live in her home for the next couple years.

She decided to land outside the town limits, so not to draw attention. She grabbed her saddle bag. She had only a few needs with her, her other effects would come to her dorm room later. She was kind of hoping her things would already be there, but she was not sure if it would be so.

With her bag in hoof, and set around her hips, she thanked the Strong Pegasus, who pulled the cart through the sky.

She lifted her hand, and looked at it. "I forgot my late" She turned back, but the chariot was gone. "Oh mare, I hope they have coffee at least" She looked toward the town, seeing some activity from her spot. "Celestia said it was a more rural town"

She walked toward the town, and as she neared, it grew bigger, and she saw more life. It was nothing like the markets back home, but not the one pony town she imagined either. The buildings were modern, but with old fashion touch. Every where there was development, looked like it was made to accommodated nature, more than the folks here. She saw many shops, and ponies who did not seem much unlike her. It made her feel a little easier, but she still could not handle the social aspect just yet.

She looked around, too nervous to ask for a coffee shop. In her scan, she noticed a few things she had not given much thought too. There was mostly Earth ponies, but saw some Pegasus, and one or two Unicorns. She also spotted a couple other creatures. Young dragons, Antrhoids, and a few other species from outside Equestria’s boarders. Some she could not place.

“Seems Ponyville is more lively then I thought it would be” As she was thinking to herself, she spotted a place that seem to be just what she was looking for.

"Apple Cider's: Farm Fresh Food, and drinks" She read, and on the window read "Cafe open"

She trotted in, and the place looked like a diner, but also had the elements of a coffee shop. "Wow, maybe I can get a latte or something" A sign she spotted said to seat herself, and wait for service. So she obeyed.

She found an open booth, and set up some of her books on the table, with plenty of room to work. She pulled out two books, a "Guide to Ponyville" and "History of Ponyville" Before she could look into either, an Orange coloured pony came up to her. Dressed in work appropriate cloths, with an apron over with the store logo and name. Hair braided, both mane and tail.

"Well How do miss" She said, and Twilight nearly jumped, and looked over. "H-hello..."

"I'm Applejack, and I'll be waiting on y'all today" She had a charming southern accent, and a welcoming smile. "Say, you don't seem too familiar, you new to these parts?"

"Yes... I'm Twilight Sparkle, I came from Canterlot, to attend college here"

"A pleasure make'n you acquaintance miss Twilight" She said. "Canterlot huh? Go figure. I'd imagine them castle schools would be much nicer then this one here"

"Well, I would not know, I was privately taught, but they decided that I should seek some unique lessons here. You do not happen to be attending there too?"

Applejack shook her head. "Na, I finished my lessons in high school. I enjoyed where I was in life, so no need to go out getting more learning. I like working the farm, and the shop here. Family owned for many generations" She pointed to the counter, at a red stallion, who was working back in the kitchen. "That's my older brother, Big Macintosh, or Mac if y'all like. He don't mind too much" She then pointed at a little filly trotting around with some food. "That there is my lil'sis Apple Bloom. And Granny Smith is about some place. She don't move to fast no more, but still likes to keep active"

"A nice family" Twilight was not too sure what to say.

"Thank ya, we may not run one of those big companies, or dressing ponies in the latest styles, but we be keep'n everypony fed, and happy" She paused. "Oh my, I completely forgot. What can I get y'all?"

"oh yeah, well, what do you have in the way of latte, or coffee?"

"How about I whip y'all up an Applejava, guarantee y'all love it. Best we have, accord’n to me. Course I'm not much for that stuff. I like teas or Cider for hot drinks" She started to trot off. "I'll be back sugar cube" she said with a wink.

"Uh..ok..." She figured best not to argue with her. So she returned her attention to the books. "Wonder if all the ponies here are so friendly?" She asked out loud, to no pony, but one heard.

"Mostly. Kinda sickening at times" A voice came.

Twilight looked around, till she heard a sound behind her. A blue Pegasus with a wild spiked rainbow mane, propped up on the back of the booth seat. "So, from Canterlot? Names Rainbow Dash"

Twilight looked at her funny. "You were listening to us?"

"Yeah, bad habit, really have to stop it some time" She said so uncaring. "So is all of Canterlot a castle, or just the Queen's place?"

The violet unicorn was a bit annoyed. "Well, the whole place is part of the castle, but as far as looks, only the Castle it self is-" Rainbow cut her off. "Ever see the Wonder Bolts? I'm going to be one some day" "really?" Twilight replied with little interest. "Everfree yeah, but I have to deal with school first. They only take graduates into their ranks"

Twilight was about to shrug her off, but caught what she said. "Wait, you are going to college too?"

"Yeah, it's ok... for school"

"Could you show me around?" She became more hopeful.

Rainbow turned around, and disappeared from view. "Sorry Sparks, but I'm a second year. Also, with all t he junk I have to do with school, and around town. I have no time too. You should get a Freshman aid when you set everything up, so don't worry too much about it"

Twilight thought about it. "Also," Rainbow went on. "Should also get a roommate, if you are dorm'n. I imagine you are, being so far out of town. They could help you too, well, as much as a another new student can. Heh"

She went back into thinking. "I've met two ponies so far, and probably meeting two more, at least" She said to herself.

"Hey?" Twilight jumped, as Rainbow Dash sat across from her. "Day Dreaming?" She laughed. "Guess we both have our heads in the clouds"

She pulled out a device, and put it on the table. "I like you Twilight, can't wait to hang out with you some more. Let's sync, so we can keep in touch"


"Yeah, you have a Bay-B right? What pony doesn't?"

Twilight pulled out hers, and looked at it. "I do not know much about these things..." Rainbow grabbed it. "Wicked, a Dragon, that's a pretty rare one, for some pony who doesn't know much about em" She started to mess with it. "See?" She showed her the screen, showing a swirling pattern with "Awaiting friend"

Twilight took it back "Just do not hit anything" She picked up hers, and was about to hit something on it, when Applejack returned.

"Here y'all go Twilight" She looked over at Rainbow Dash. "When did y'all sneak in?"

"Sneak? Ha! Way you pay attention, I could blast through, and you wouldn't notice. Surprised Sparks here even got service"

"Why you trouble maker, y'all are lucky we don't refuse service, to even the most annoying customers"

Rainbow leaned over the table. "That's might neighborly of ya, Jackie" She said in a mock accent liken to Apple's.

"Told y'all, not to call me that!"

Trying to defuse the situation, Twilight changed the subject. "So, you have a Bay-B too, Applejack?

She looked at her, and pulled one out. "Sure as shoot'n"

"Hey now, I'm syncing with her!" Rainbow protested.

"Oh yeah?"

Rainbow stood up, and they placed both on the table. Twilight scooted over to the corner of the booth. "Ready slow poke?" Apple said. "Just try to beat me, Earthy"

They glanced over at Twilight. "Call it" She blinked. "Call what?" "Draw" She paused. "Uh...draw?"

Both jumped at their devices, and hit the sync buttons.

Twilight's own beeped. she looked at it, not seeing both them watching her. "You both are in my list now"

"But who is first?!" Rainbow grabbed it, and looked at it, and groaned. "Damn it!"

"Ha, showed y'all. You can fly around all ya want, but none can sync like me"

Rainbow looked at the join time. "So close, how'd this even know?" She looked at it again. "Celestia?"

"Yeah, she is my mentor... why?"

Apple looked at Rainbow, then Twilight, and Rainbow burst into laughter. "The Queen? Yeah right!"

"What? She is my mentor, she gave this thing to me" She started to get self conscious. She looked at Apple. "Why is is so funny?"

"I'm not doubt'n ya sweetie, just not too many consort with the Queen. The fact you came from Canterlot to learn here, when you were learn'n from her, it is hard to believe... for some" She glared at Rainbow.

"It's true, she wanted me to make friends, that is why she sent me here" She lowered her head, feeling like a lair, made her feel almost as bad as hearing she would be apart from her mentor.

"Don't fret Twilight, I believe ya"

She was not so convinced.

Apple sat beside her, and hugged her. "Common now, if'n y'all say she's is, then I believe it. Friends believe in friends"

Twilight smiled, hugging back, a bit mousy.

Rainbow stopped laughing, and sat back across form them. "It is hard to believe, but what ever Right? You are a riot Twilight"

"Y'all be nice to her" Applejack said getting back up. "I have ta get back to it, cannot give y'all all the attention now" She winked.

"Mossy on there" Rainbow said, as she walked away. "Jackie" She snickered, till a muffin got her in the head. "Hey! You wanna do this?!"

"Still haven't learned not to tangle with me?" The two butted head, and growled at each other. They stood, forehead to forehead, for a moment, till gravity seem to give way. They were both hoisted in the air by a red stallion Twilight saw earlier behind the counter.

"Do y'all have ta do this every day?" He looked at Applejack first. "Little Sister?"

She looked ashamed, and down. "Sorry..."

He then looked at Rainbow, who was all scrunched up in a pout. "Rainbow?"

"Yeah, sorry..."

Twilight watched them, as Big Macintosh put them back down. They shook fore hooves, not looking at each other. "Stop it" The big stallion said, when they started to grip tighter and arm wrestle in the air.

She could not help but giggle, and subconsciously picked up the cup. She had yet to tried it yet, and was not expecting the taste. "Oh my, that is wonderful" She blurted out, and then covered her muzzle.

A moment later, a little filly came over. Filling in for Apple, since she and Rainbow were put in time out. "Like that I hear" She said.

Twilight laughed nervously. "Yeah... I did not realize it was not my normal drink"

"Let me guess, Applejava?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah, she gets that a lot. Though she doesn't make it for just any one y'know?"

"Really?" She looked at it. "How come?"

"It's a specialty of hers. She gathers the best apples we all have. She gives it to only her closest friends. A might emphasis on 'Give'"

Twilight looked at her weird. "She does not charge for it" As an answer, the younger filly nodded. "Really? But we just met, why is she giving me this?"

Apple Bloom shrugged. "She likes y'all already. She is mighty easy to get along with, and she likes to make friends. I say this is the fastest she's given a friend she specialty"

Something bleeped, and Twilight looked at her Bay-B. "Oh darn, I'm late!" She quickly gathered her books, and bag, and moved to get out of the booth, and stopped. "So wait, I don't have to pay? What about a tip?" She pulled out a book. "It says 15% is customary, but 20% is nice... but any percent of nothing is zero..."

Apple Bloom grabbed her arm, and pulled out of the seat. "Now git, don't worry about that stuff. I recall y'all said you are late"

"Oh right... uh... Thank her for me"



Twilight Sparkle walked onto the campus, and looked around. "A good sized school" She thought. See spotted the line. "Guessing that is the place"

She moved to the line, looking at her Bay-B for the time. "Mare I wish I come here sooner"

"Oh, wouldn't matter hon" The pony before her said, still turned away. "Of course, I was late too" She was messing with something. "I stopped by earlier, and saw it was pretty long, so I left help out at the shop I'm working at"

"I see" She sipped her java. "Well, at least it was not a waste"

"Pardon?" The pony turned around. She was a unicorn, with violet hair that flowed from her head like a stream, getting darker where it curled up like a gentle wave. She was all white, and dressed in some dress Twilight had never seen before. It was very pretty, and unique. "Oh my, another unicorn!"

"Yeah?" Twilight was a bit nervous at the response.

"There are so few here in little old Ponyville, that makes us like sisters!" She hugged to her. "c'est magnifique! I'm so glade to meet you... oh uh, what is your name dear?"

"Twilight Sparkle..." She was a little put off by her, she was as friendly as Applejack, but more enthusiastic.

"I am Rarity, in name and style" she laughed, letting Twilight go. "Oh dear, this will be good. I was hoping to find some unicorn friends here. So what is your specialty?"

"Specialty?" She was a bit confused by the question.

"Yes yes, the unicorn specialty? I am a designer, and my abilities are perfectly suited to my gift for fashion"

"Oh, yes, well. I actually do not have a special ability, I can just do magick. Transformations, modifications, spells, that type of thing"

"Pfft" They heard, and looked over to see a blue pony, wearing something like Twilight's training robes. "Your specialty is magic? I dare say you make me laugh"

"Who are you?" Rarity asked, not taking to this unicorn at all like she did Twilight.

"I am Trixie, the most powerful magic user of all Ponydom!" She whipped up a sparkling storm around her. "You can claim your gift is magick, but compared to Trixie, you may as well be just an Earth pony"

Rarity scoffed. "You don't impress me, but do keep talking, so when the line grows, you'll be far behind us"

Trixie laughed. "I have long been done with this. Commoner" She disappeared.

"Good riddens" Rarity said, looking back at Twilight. "Some ponies huh?" She changed the topic. "So, where are you from Twilight? I've never seen you in Ponyville"

"Oh, Canterlot. Ce..."She stopped recalling the last time she was mentioned. "My mentor thought it would be good for me to get some culture"

"Canterlot!" She said most excitedly. “I knew you were special" She seem to sparkle, making Twilight wonder if she had that as one of her magick abilities. “I should have known. you have an air that speaks of the upbringing of a pony from the Queendom capitol"

“Home schooled?” She recovered a bit from her excitement. “My my, that must be nice. Private lessons, and never having to worry about out shinning any pony else with your looks? Oh it makes me jealous to think of”

"Really?" She felt a bit embraced.

"Oh yes, say, let's sync our Bay-Bs. This horrid line is so long, and we should be connected any ways" She pulled out hers, it was one like Twilight's. She did likewise. "Oh, again, I should have expected no less. A Dragon model. I love the green and purple colours, it's oh so lovely"

"Thanks, it was a gift from my mentor"

"Such a great teacher, with wonderful taste" She smiled so purely, it was warming.

Twilight looked down a bit, despite the smile. "Yeah..." Memories of Celestia still seem to be too sore, was only one day, she was wondering how she would survive.

"Oh now, don't be upset. You have a friend here, and I'll not let you be a mope" Twilight smiled at Rarity's kindness.

They synced their devices, and they made a sound Twilight had not heard, a sound that excited the other unicorn. "You see, we are sisters!"

"Huh?" She looked at the screen. "Soul friends?"

"Yes yes, did you not know? These wonderful toys rate friendships, based on the info you put into it. When two match, you are destined to be friends. But our codes also matched, so that means we are truly inseparable!" Rarity hugged to her again, this time Twilight hugged back a bit. "Oh I can't wait to spend time with you, we are going to be the best of friends, you and I"


After a long time in the line, only the ever draining Applejava, and Rarity to get her through. Twilight felt pretty close to Rarity after a long chat with the unicorn. She found herself reflecting on her day as she headed toward the dorms.

She found the dorms, and walked in, looking around. They had a small desk set up in a little lobby, and a couple doors and some stairs.

She went up to the desk, and saw a pony sitting facing away. "Pardon me?"

He turned, and looked at her. "Oh, hello" He was bit overly friendly in his tone. "How can I help you hon?"

"Is this a co-ed dorm?" Twilight asked, a bit worried. New place was one thing, but if she was stuck with a stallion, she would be a lot to deal with.

"Oh no, I'm just helping out here" He giggled a bit.

She signed relieved. "Well, I'm looking for my aid. I know I'm really late, the registration took longer then I thought. They said that my aid would be here" She pulled out the papers.

He looked them over, and turned away, pulling out his Bay-B. When he was done, he turned back. "Luckily, she is still around. She'll be in, just one moment"

"Thank you" She went and sat down, and sighed. "What a busy day. So many new faces, and so much to learn" She paused. "I hope I can handle this," She closed her eyes for a moment. "Being alone now... well" She smiled a bit. "I guess not really" Thoughts of the ponies she met still played in her head.

She heard the door open, and opened her eyes and looked in the direction. A Yellow pegasus came into the room, with light pink hair, and soft blue eyes. She looked uneasy, as she came up to Twilight. "Um... Hi... I'm Fluttershh...."

"Huh?" Twilight asked, looking at her funny.

"Flut...t... oh my..." She whimpered.

Twilight's Bay-B went off. She pulled it out, and the Pegasus seem to brighten up. "Oh my, is that a Bay-B Dwagon?"

"Y-yes?" She stopped from looking at what set it off.

"I've never seen a Bay-B dragon model before. Those are really nice, and rare. I love these devices" She pulled out hers. "Mine is only a Bay-B Bunny, but it's still pretty neat"

"That is nice..." She looked around. "So uh, you were going to help me with getting all situated?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm very bad at meeting new ponies... uh. I'm Fluttershy" She sounded less nervous now, the little device was becoming an ice breaker.

Twilight laughed nervously. "Yeah well, before today, I did not really have any friends, or know that many ponies"

"Really? That is terrible, oh, but you have made some friends though?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I did meet some. It's been a really busy day, and been so more active then I have ever been before" She sighed a bit, expressing her weariness.

"Oh, well, I guess you'd like to get things done as fast as possible, so you can get settled in. I'm sorry" She picked up on the subtle, but telling hint.

"I am the one who was running late"

Fluttershy sat down, and pulled out some papers. "Well, we should really get things set up" She smiled softly.


"Well, here you are" Fluttershy said, as they came up to the door to her dorm. She hooved over the key card. "I think your new roommate is home. Her name is..." She looked at her notes "Oh my, I can't find the papers on that..."

"It is alright. I just hope she is quiet, I'm very tired and need to get some sleep" She was long past her energy form the java, and was looking more worn too display how wiped out she was.

"Oh poor thing, should get you to bed right away"

Twilight laughed nervously. "I will get right on that. Thanks for everything, was really informative"

"Of course, is my duties to help the 1st years. Well, good night" She smiled softly, and bowed a bit, before turning away.


As Fluttershy trotted away, Twilight opened the door. The door did not move though, and she forced it open. It was not easy, but she managed to pull some reserves of energy, and was rewarded by falling forward into the room.

"Ow" She rolled over, and looked up into the starry blue eyes of a nearly completely pink pony. "uh...."

"Oh! Hi! Gee, you sure have a funny way of coming into a room, can I try that?" She skipped out the door, and closed it.

"What the?"

The door opened, and Twilight quickly rolled out of the way, as the pink pony crashed like she had, moments before. "Well, that is not as fun as I thought, but still fun!" She gasped. "I haven't seen you in Ponyville before! You are new?"

"Yes, my name is Twi-ay-eeelihhhht" She found it hard to speak, as the pink earth pony squeezed her.

"Oh my gosh, that means you need a party, and some candies. You made any friends? I can get you to know every pony! We can have so much fun. I love when new ponies come to town!"

She let go, and started to rummage through some of the huge mess in the room. Twilight stood up and stumbled back, trying to get her breath.

"Oh, I'm Pinkie Pie" She popped out of a mound, with some silly antenna on her head. "Nice to meet you Tw-eye-lihhht" She giggled. "That's a silly name. I like it"

"Actually," She sat on the bed across from the bulk of the mess. "It is just Twilight Sparkle"

"Oh, well, that's good too" She disappeared again. “You need to make a ton of friends, cause it's just so wonderful to have friends. You do have some, right?"

"Yes, I have made a few" She looked, but saw no sign of the bouncy pony.

"That's good, cause I'd be so sad to think that any pony is without friends" She popped out, and started to prance around the floor. "Yes yes yes yes!" She held out a Bay-B "Now we can sync, and be friends for sure!"

Twilight sighed, and pulled out hers "I am so tired, so if we make it quick. I would really like to get some sleep" She did not like coming off so rude, but with fading might, she was loosing any spare effort to be polite.

"Oh, I understand" She took the device. "I'll just do it for you so you can..." She looked over, and saw Twilight passed out. "Aw, she is all tuckered out"

She undressed her a bit, so she did not sleep in all her cloths. “Hmm, I wonder why she doesn’t have anything to wear?” She asked herself, as she rummaged through the bag Twilight had with her.

A knock came at her door, and Pinkie covered the nearly bare unicorn, and went to the door. “Hellooooo?” She nearly sang.

“Hiya!” The pony on the other side said. A greyish blue pegasus, with blond hair, and golden eyes stood there with a cart behind her. “I believe this is the room of...” She looked at a card. “Twilight Sparkle”

“Yes, well, partly yes, see it’s my room too” Pinkie stated.

She stepped aside. “I have a delivery of luggage. It’s a strange delivery, but I don’t question the mail, just get it through”

After a moment, the luggage was inside the room, and the mailmare was leaving. “Thank you Ditzy!”

Now with some cloths, Pinkie finished what she started. She set Twilight back into bed, and covered her up. "There we go"

Pinkie sat on her own bed, and looked around. "Wow, I made such a mess" She looked down at the two Bay-Bs. She synced them, and set hers down, getting up to put Twilight's down by her.

She stopped, and looked at it. "Oooh, idea"