• Published 31st Oct 2011
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The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch08: Toy Run!

Though not common for her, Applejack relaxed into her chair. She was at home, and the crops were set, and the farm was ready for the nearing winter. Some things were still growing, but she had a couple weeks before they would be ready to harvest and store. So she did what she rarely does, took some time off. Between the shop, and the farm, and the party at Rarity's coming, she needed some time to unwind.

She did not really know what to do with herself, so she sat there, thinking about the year, all that had gone on, and the bounty the farm yielded. It was indeed a good year, for the farm, and herself. She made a friend she did not know she was missing in her life, and she made a few through her. Though her cousin was back in town, and working at Apple Cider's, she did not care that much. Temptation was not a problem, being on the nights. She would avoid that bit of bad cider.

After a moment, she started to nod off, and her hat was right over her face. she was so relaxed, she did not even notice the sound of hooves on the old boards of the house.

Applejack was jarred awake, when something grabbed her arm, and her hat was removed. She flung open her eyes, and looked at Apple Bloom, who was doing the shaking. She also saw her two friends, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, the latter now wearing her hat. That irritated her a bit, but she was more concerned to their panic. "Y'all ok? What's wrong?"

"AJ, you gotta take us out!" Bloom exclaimed. That is when the panic was revealed to be excitement.

"Take y'all out? Where?" She looked at them all in turn, and stopped back on her sister. She looked like the filly she was, for one of the few times. She figured it was something to do with her cutie mark, since that is often the reason she actually seem to act her age, even if she was very serious about it.

"To Canterlot's Mall of Equestria! Yay!!!" They all shouted.

"What ever for?" then it hit her. "Oh no, again?"

The Magick of Friendship chapter 8
Toy Run!

Every now and then, the three, self named "Cutie Mark Crusaders" went out to the big city. They had a few ponies to take them, but this time it was Applejack's turn.

The girls were into a show that had started recently, one they all fell in love with after one episode. It seem to have that effect on a few, but it did not stop there. The show was a remake of an existing line, once based on toys, and became a long running line. The newest incarnation, was new life into a series, and seemed to draw in more fans than ever before.

Being a toy line originally, a new one was due, and it came out and sold out quickly. The girls had managed to get their hooves on most things, but now and then, they looked around to find the lost pieces. Applejack liked the idea, since it made her sister actually enjoy being a filly, instead of wanting to be all grown up.

So she was now on her way to Canterlot, she asked Twilight if she would go, but she was held up in her schooling, and Library work, much the same with all the others. Only she was free from school, and could easily leave work.

Applejack rode up front of the chariot, next to the unicorn, who made it lighter for the Pegasus who pulled it along in the sky. The three girls nearly bounced around in the back, making Applejack a bit nervous. She was not much for flying around, she liked being on the ground, but a quick flight was easier to manage, than a long trek, especially when Canterlot was easier to access by air.

The Mall of Equestria was located farther down the mountain perched capitol, but still was pretty well up in the sky. When they landed, Applejack was still uneasy by the height of it. The others, did not seem to care. "Come on Applejack!" Her sister said. "Yeah, let's hurry!" Sweete Belle added. "Before it's too late!!" Scootaloo finished.

The four made their way into the City, it was so vast, that it could hold the town of Ponyville in just the shopping district. The fact it was broken into districts, really proved that it was a massive city. It had a few ones, some bigger than others, and strategically placed. The Shopping one, was in prefect view of the Grand Castle above. Since it was the main attraction of the City, it was best to make sure it was seen from the busiest part. Other parts, like the ambassador's district, was set around the base of the mountain, making it nearest the Castle, on the lower raise, but also close to the other areas. Castle it self, was closed off by most areas, only few could freely move about the grounds. Ambassadors had the easiest access, but were also closely watched. Since the wars, the grounds were guarded in case another war came. Though it was a far off idea, since Equestria has long been the friend to the many of the other countries.

Applejack felt a bit overwhelmed, by the size, the stores here, were so much larger, and flasher. More over, there were many more of the same type, than Ponyville had. It made one wonder how they felt with so much competition near. She spotted some of the local diners and food services, and wanted to take a look to see how the big city ponies did things. The girls were more interested in hitting the shops. It would have to wait, she would not dare leave them alone in the city. Risks were low, but still there. No matter how utopian, every culture had it's troubles. Seemed to just be a part of life, not everypony could sit easy in peace. Please some of the ponies, some of the time, but not all the ponies all the time.

Their first stop, was "Toys 4 U" One of the biggest lines of toy stores. And so in they went. She looked around, as the girls dashed ahead. "Mighty large toy shop" she thought, as she trotted along. Seemed like it's own town, with signs pointing out where things were. She saw the direction that the three disappeared, and made her way there. It was a lot pinker than the rest, obviously to attract little fillies. Funny, she thought, because a few of the toys here, the biggest draws to little fillies, were collected by all ages, and all genders. She did not see much point in the collection of such things, but she also was not here to judge.

She found the girls, already going over the aisle. She looked at the toys, little pony looking figures. Kind of off shaped, but it was style. She recalled when she was little, they had this line, and it was a bit more like the original ponies of Equestira, the four legged kind. These ones were the same, but in a different style. Looked more cartoonish, but a bit cuter.

She picked up one, and looked at it. Was a Unicorn, by the horn, and it's colours seemed to look kind of like Twilight Sparkle. It was a lighter colour, and the hair was a bit off compared to her friend, but it still looked enough like her. Like the real one, it had a cutie mark, something these toys all had. Little marks, like real ponies, that gave individuality , and personality. It had a couple stars, and her name was "Constella Shine"

Apple Bloom saw her looking at it, and came off. "Found one you like?" She looked a bit hopeful. Applajack, like her little sister, did not spent too much time enjoying herself. They shared that, and with that, both worried for the other. Bloom knew her sister did not really spend her filliehood, acting like one. In the few things that made the little Apple enjoy being so young, she was hoping her sister would find the same escape.

"Na... just looked kinda like Twilight" She went to put it back, but felt hesitant.

"Should get it, won't hurt"

Applejack looked at her sister, and back to the toy. "No, what would I do with it? I don't think brushing it's mane, and pretending with it, is something a full grown mare should do" She paused, and looked at Apple Bloom, who seem to take that to heart, like she was now evaluating her own self. She feared she would ruin this for her, and quickly turned her statement around. "But you know?" she held it closer. "A mare has to know, when to relax, and enjoy the little things" She gave a fake smile, she hopped did not show in it's falsehood.

The little Earth pony thought, and smiled. "Yer right"

They both paused, when a stallion made his way through, excusing himself, to get to the shelf. "Pardon" They both moved, and looked at him. He was around Applejack’s age, and looked more like a fan of occult, and horror, than a little filly’s toy. He grabbed a couple, and smiled, trotting back out.

"Even a grown Stallion knows" Apple Bloom said, giggling, causing Applejack to laugh a little.

They went to a few other places, any where that had toys, and after a few hours, the girls had more for their own collections. Applejack just had the one, but it seemed enough for her. She did not see herself getting all obsessed over them, like her sister and friends, but she saw no harm in being so. Was all in fun, and what ever made ponies happy, was just fine.

She decided to take the girls to one of the diners, and see what they were about. Afterwards, she did not really see anything that was so special, just bigger, and a little more fake than her own place, but she might just be biased on that. It was enjoyable, and after a long day, the four were ready to go home.

It was getting dark, and the city was calming a bit, but as with Ponyville, it was not just a day city. With the Queen Luna taking over, the nocturnal creatures would be out. Far more kinds, and amount of them, than Ponyville had.

The three fillies were in the back of the chariot, looking over their haul, and Applejack sat up with the Unicorn "driver" as before. Not the same group as the flight in. She was still a bit nervous with the flight, but she we feeling better after today. She was holding to the bag with her own toy, not even realizing she was doing so, protectively.

She started the day with nothing to do, and was worried she would be bored, or felt the day a waste. After this trip, she was glad. Maybe not at first, when jarred awake.


When the four got home to Ponyville, it was late, and so Applejack called ahead to let those who needed too, that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were safe, and with her. She decided to let them stay over as well.

They were back at the farm house, and the fillies all galloped inside, and were playing around. It was late, sure, but they could have some time to enjoy themselves, especially when they would probably pass out soon enough. Applejack, on the other hoof, was worn out. She made her way to her room, and just reminded the three to not stay up too late. She knew better, that they would not really listen, but she still held onto the fact they had been going all day.

Applejack changed out of her cloths, into a simple shirt, and loose pants. She saw little point in dressy night cloths, and so did not wear them. Warmer nights, would not even bother with anything at all. She put the bag on her dresser, and trotted a way to the bathroom. When she returned, she took out the box with the little pony toy, and sat on her bed, fighting to get the thing out. "Need to be a safe cracker" She muttered. After a few moments, she had it out, but the mane and tail looked a bit frizzled, due to the little plastic and tape they used to keep it presentable in the box. She picked up the little brush that it came with, and started to work the mane back into order, but it was proving not so effective. She moved out of bed, putting the wreckage of the box on the dresser, and grabbing her comb. She did not use it too often, her mane was too thick, but she had it from her fillihood, and kept it as a reminder of when her mother use to brush her mane and tail.

Returning to her bed, she sat down, and started to work the little mane, with better results. She thought it a bit silly at first, but as the hair started to get into shape, she found herself enjoy it a bit. She then worked the tail, and took care to get it nice looking. She laid back, putting the brush and accessories on the stand beside her. She held the little pony, so much like her friend, looking over it. "What would Twilight think of this?" She thought to herself, laughing a bit. "Full grown mare, and I'm playing with toys? And actually having fun with it" She set it down, facing her by her bed.

She turned out the lights, and settled into bed, looking at the little pony toy as she felt her eyes grow heavy. "G'night, little Twilight" She said, closing her eyes smiling.