• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch13: What ever did you see in Everfree

The year was nearly over and the cold of the coming winter was strong, some felt that it was stronger than normal. The bitter chill in the wind, felt like some omen.

The cursed land of Everfree, where much of Equestria feared and avoided, was gripped in early winter. It was leaking out to the nearby lands of Ponyville, and Fluttershy was first to feel the harshness of it.

Quickly she aided the animals to their rest for the winter, or escaping from the chill. She was aided by some of her friends, as they came to help out with the sudden change. Though she was at the most risk of Everfree, with its cold breath on top of her now, they feared it would be too much for her to bare out in this open land. After much insisting, she was also given her own place to be in the early winter. Rarity was first to offer a place, but her mate Playful Paws was the more likely choice for her.

"Something ain't right here" Applejack pointed out, almost needlessly. "This is a couple weeks too soon for the scheduled winter; Everfree ain't never blown up a storm like this before"

They all looked to the now dead looking trees that were the border to the fearful land. Something was near the edge, and was watching them.

It made a motion, with what looked to be its arm, and the wind kicked up and in the dust of the snow hid the escape of the figure.

"What in the world was that?" Rarity asked, looking a bit scared.

"I do not know, but it was using magick. Not any I have ever felt before" Twilight commented.

Applejack seemed lost in thought. "AJ?" Spike asked, standing close by among the worried friends and citizens.

She snapped too and looked at the Dragon, then all the rest. "It seemed a might familiar. The shape that is..."

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 13: What did you see, there in Everfree?

Twilight tried to get help from Canterlot to investigate this occurrence, but they saw it as Ponies jumping at shadows. Everfree Forest has so many legends, that a trick of the eyes could start the mind thinking. Even Queen Celestia was less than convinced it was anything. "Merely an early winter for that Nature ruled land and perhaps just one of the Witches playing a game with worried ponies"

But Twilight knew some of the magick used by the witches. They were in tuned with nature, and thrived in Everfree. Good or bad, they all used the natural elements to do spell works. She thought about it, and it did feel something like their kind of magick, but she did not think that either; the kinder Witches would waste time with bringing early snow, or the Wicked ones would do so little as this, if they did anything against Ponykind. Something not heard of in ages.

It was natural magick, but it was not witchcraft.

She looked up more about those who worked in Nature. She found many types, but none seemed to fit. Druids seemed to keep to themselves, only tending to Nature's needs. Shaman were more able to use the magicks, but like the druids, were more into the working with Nature for the good, than using it for tricks or evil. Nymphs, and Spirits, Pixies, and Faeries, all seemed too out of place to be to blame.

Twilight scanned all her books, going A-Z in all possible magick users. She spotted a couple things in her search, not of this case, but just interest that she would like to look into later. One was a Kelpie. A pony-like demon, that lured those foalish enough to get too near, to their deaths. It was in here, a book of magick creatures, for it is said to cast a spell on its victims. It seemed a rather weak way to include the creature. The next she would stop at was Unicorns. She found it strange that it showed; not only one that looked to be from long ago when they stood on fours. Looked like a goat cross breed; cloven hoofs, beard, and long thin tail with a puff on its end. Seemed there was another kind of Unicorn that lived outside Equestria, and did not use magick like the home grown kind. It was more of Magick, and many legends were about it.

After a few moments getting lost in the idea of these foreign creatures, she went on through the book. She saw one thing toward the end, a VooDoo priest, but it was another that was not in Equestria. She closed the book, and signed. "What could it have been?" After much studying, she decided it was of those times that required action, not reading.


Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, who really did not wish to be there, Playful Paws, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, who snuck along. They all gathered outside where Fluttershy's house once was, but now it was just a mound of snow.

"Everfree has been busy" Spike pointed out.

“Or rather, this mystery creature, to put it more accurately" Twilight corrected.

"Can I... uh just stay... behind?" Fluttershy said meekly. Paws wrapped his arms around her, and it seemed to bring her out of her fear a little bit.

"Don't y'all wanna know what ate your house?" Bloom asked.

This cause the mare to receded back into her worry. "Oh my… Ate my house? I think I really should stay behind..."

"I'll stay with you" Playful Paws said, holding her closer. She gave him a smile.

Applejack took front, and stood before the blowing winds. "Anypony..." she paused, looking over to Spike. "Er, any one, not go'n in, stays behind. Rest of us, let's go!"

With a few nods, the little group moved on. Lead by Applejack with Twilight close by, using her magick to feel out anything nearby. Apple Bloom, and Spike took the sides, incase Twilight did not see something in time. Rarity was in back, struggling to keep up. She was not properly dressed for a winter trek, though not completely unprepared.

"This snow is horrid, even colder than pony grown verity" She stated with a slight whine in her tone.

She stopped, and the others noticed and stopped too. "What are y'all doing?" Applejack asked, coming around to her. "Should've left that big ol bag behind with them two" She was in her full command mode, nothing was going to hold or stop them.

"Well, if I had done that, then we wouldn't have these now" She pulled out some boots, but they were rather fancy looking, with style, and flair all too Rarity.

She passed them out, though she did not make any for Apple Bloom, and never thought of dragon sized. "Sorry, I do not really have any for you two. Had I known...” She paused and thought a little. “Oh but I suppose, you might fit into Fluttershy's pair, Apple Bloom"

She looked at them, and shook her head. "If'n Spike ain't got em, neither will I"

He looked at her. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine"

"But Spike, y'all are a dragon, they don't like the cold much"

Rarity took the time, to go over to Twilight. "Actually, if you can help me, I might be able to modify these. I had made em for... well, as an extra, incase, with Fluttershy's stallion and all" She was covering up the truth. She had made these ahead of time, when there was another Pegasus in the group of friends. She did not wish to bring up the bad memories for both Twilight and Applejack.

She did not seem to catch the cover up. "Oh? What can I do?"

As Spike and Bloom went on, Rarity and Twilight used their magicks to reshape the boots to fit the longer feet of the dragon, with room for the claws. It did not take too long, given Twilight’s magick, and Rarity’s vision. "Pardon us, but I think we've fixed the problem" Rarity said, and held up the new boots. "See, just a bit of in the field modification"

With both satisfied, and the group more suited for this weather, they reformed their ranks and moved on deeper into the snowy landscape of Everfree. Even though Applejack had already been through it once not so long ago, the snow changed it so much it looked barely as it did then.

After what seemed to take forever; they found a little hut, one that Applejack did recognized. It had a few hoof prints in the snow. "So she was active" She muttered.

The others had no idea who it was, but the leading mare did, and she moved in. "Zecora?" She was knocking on the door, as Rarity, Twilight, Both Spike and Apple Bloom stood back. "Zecora?" Bloom muttered, recalling the name. She started to notice the area, and knew her cousin was not too far away.

The door opened, and out stepped the black and white pony-like creature, wearing some more clothing than last time the Earth pony saw her. Only some simple material, to keep her from the cold that has claimed so much already. "Well well Applejack, I see you are back. Friends and you, what can Zecora do?"

"Y'all bringing this winter into Equestria? I know y'all got some crazy hooky pocus, able to know my name, and all that" She was in a mixture of accusation, and trying not to be accusing.

She cocked her head, a bit confused looking. "Snow, I do not know. I have done nothing, not one thing"

Applejack let up a bit, but was not so convinced. She did not know this one too well.

"A Zebra?" Twilight said in a burst of revelation. All eyes turned to her. "Now I know; you are a zebra, from a far off land..." She trailed off, as if more to say.

"This is true, what you have said. You're studying serves you well, one so read" Zecora said, moving out to be more in the middle of the group. She seemed to have no fear of them, even though she was out numbered.

"A land that practices VooDoo and very strange magick... Ones I don't recognize"

The other nodded. "I do Voo Doo, and other magicks too"

"Then, it must be y'all!" Applejack shouted. "Twi said she felt a strange magick a brew'n, and it wasn't one she's felt before. Who else here can do that? Also saw y'all out on the boarder earlier, watch'n us"

The zebra turned and looked at the pony, her usual soft grin, fading a bit. "What do you say? that I have some game to play? You speak of snow, but tis the season for it to show. I have no power over the elements, or nature's will. If you are looking to blame, then this role I will not fill"

"We're..." Twilight moved between the two. "Not blaming you, only looking for reasons. Equestria does not get snow till a bit later, and it is all coming out of Everfree" She took a moment, to look at Applejack. "If you can help us find what is causing this, it is starting to cause us problems for us"

"I don't know how well I feel of this one. My cousin lives out here, and any pony like him, that chooses this Celestia forsaken place, ain't right" Applejack was no longer shouting, but still sounding very condemning.

"So, I helped in your quest before. Now I am shunned? Now you find me to blame for the mess? I am stunned" Zecora had no smile, but a scowling look.

"Don't y'all be eyeball'n me"

"Applejack” She looked at her, than the other. “Zecora. Please?" Twilight tried to snuff out this. "Look, we do not know this land, or much about you, we are just a bit uneasy. If we all just think, we can sort this out"

"Don't know how I feel about all this either" Spike whispered to Apple Bloom and Rarity.

"I know. She is so weird, and what is with her fashion sense? Fluffy might be the season, but it looks like she took it off some creature" Rarity shuddered.

"I don't know, she seems nice, maybe we should just give her a chance" Bloom defended. She stepped toward the other three. "Hey Applejack, we should give her a try. I bet she be a big help with her magick. Besides, I remember Adams Apple saying she's a might good neighbor"

"Temptation?” Applejack over heard. “That settles it! I ain't trustin' no one that bad Apple approves!" She started to storm off.

"But..." Twilight started. She was torn, because Applejack usually was right, but she also knew anything that had to do with her cousin makes her a bit blinded to the facts.

Zecora looked at her, and spoke for her. "She is head strong and thick in it too. Despite how she is now, I see a future for you two" Twilight looked at her and put back her ears embraced, picking up her meaning.

"Should go on now, you pony kind. For not here, the trouble you'll find" She spoke out for all to hear, and then went back into her hut.

Now with Zecroa behind, a possible big help in this search. They all turned and followed after Applejack.

"Hey sis, we gonna ask Adams Apple or Candy about this?" Bloom said, cutting the older mare off.

"No!" She snapped.

"We should try to get all the information we can" Twilight tried to reason.

"I ain't deal'n with that crooked branch of my family!"

"Then let me and Twilight go!" Bloom stomped her hoof.

The orange pony looked her a moment. "Fine, but I ain't go'n near him"

The two went off, leaving Rarity, Spike, and Applejack to wait.

Applejack was pacing, still steaming over the whole thing. The other two did not have much to go on, when it came to why she was so mad. Rarity only knew little bits about the pony she not so long ago, she became friends with. And Spike knew even less, and only what little he knew was from Apple Bloom.

Rarity looked to Spike. "I'm wondering why I came, I feel like I'm just a background pony in all this"

Spike shrugged. "Safety in numbers?" Despite the time he spent falling over for her, when they had their date and did not work out. They did not share an awkward moment, for they both had come to the understanding that neither of them was truly right together. Rarity was more or less humoring him, though she had enjoyed those love notes.

She nodded, and thought a bit. She was pretty bored. She worried about Fluttershy's problem, but not being a fighter like Applejack, or very versed in magick like Twilight, Rarity had little to offer in this. "I wonder what Pinkie Pie is up too?"

"Don't think I've met her"

"How long have you been in Ponyville?" She asked a bit surprised.

"Came here, shortly before the start of the school year, why?"

She thought about it. "Well, usually every pony meets her nearly as soon as they come to Ponyville"

They went on, just killing time, till the two others returned. Applejack had cooled a bit, and was looking at some of the winter fauna. She did not like this place, any more than any pony else. It exists outside the magick that fuels all life in Equestria, and as a pony who makes her living being in charge of growing plants and trees, she felt a bit unnerved that they did not really need her.

The two returned, and shared what they learned. A mysterious happening had been going on for a few days; something was using a strange magick to change the seasons in Everfree. A few days ago, it was hot as summer, then, it became cold as midwinter.

Twilight was conducting the tale, and made sure to avoid any direct mention of her, but Zecora was working on a way to find the source of the trouble. She was not native to Ponyville, but knew that this land was not meant to change seasons on a daily basis.
"So, they do not know what is going on, any more than we do" Twilight finished.

"We're back to nothin'" Applejack sighed.

They heard a sound, and from a path came the mysterious zebra. She looked a bit troubled.

Applejack moved first, and was standing before her. "Look,” She began, after her pacing and thinking. “I'm sorry about earlier, just-" The other cut her off, with a raise of her fore hoof.

"This is not the time, you must hurry. For your friends, will face its fury!"


She grabbed Applejack's arm, making her cry out "Hey?!" And the zebra started to pull her along. The others quickly followed. "What are y'all doing?" Zecora had a good grip, might be a good match of Applejack in a hoof wrestle.

"No time, not time, must stop this crime!" She stopped fighting, and went along with it.

Twilight noticed that it was the direction back to where Fluttershy and Playful Paws were, back to the formers snow covered home.

After what seem less time than it took to get as far as they did, they were back out. Fluttershy looked over, from a little chair she dug out. "Oh, you are back" She softly spoke, seeming not as worried as before.

Playful Paws poked his head from out behind a snow pony he was working on.

"Danger is on its way, listen to what I say. Go now, run a way!" Zecora shouted, and pushed Applejack out of the forest, and the others followed.

"Land Sakes, what are y'all doing?" She turned to look, and saw a rush of snow coming up to start blocking entry to Everfree. "Zecora!"

She looked right at Applejack, and Twilight, who was now standing by the Earth pony. The Zebra looked far scarier, as she was being wrapped by magick forces. "An evil is in this land, and I will make my stand. Till this veil of snow comes down, stay safe in your town"

"But, I can help!" Twilight said. "I'm a strong Unicorn!" She did not like to boast, but this moment called for it.

She shook her head, and started to be lost in the thickening curtain of snow. "Stay in your place, only this I must face"

Something was moving toward her, a black looking cloud that looked like it was made up of little things, squirming, and moving through the air.

It was nearly upon the Zebra, when the snow was done forming a shield. "Zecora?!" Twilight called out, but she heard nothing back.

They all stared at the wall. No pony knew what just happened, or what to do.

Applejack slowly moved up to the wall, and put her hand on it. Was not clear what was on her mind, but she seemed very lost in thought.

"Oh no!" Apple Bloom cried. "Adams, and Candy!" She ran up to the wall, and started to pound on it, with no effect. "No, they'll be in trouble, just like Zecora!" She had tears in her eyes, as she kept on hitting the solid ice and snow wall.

Applejack did not say anything, and lowered her head.

"Cannot let this be..." Twilight said, starting to pace. She was feeling out the magick, and found none in that cloud, but something was lingering around it.

"Well," Rarity began. "That Zecora character seemed well in hoof with the situation, not to mention all those other strange magick users in Everfree. I'm sure they'll be able to beat this" She did not sound so convinced in her own words. She had her arm across her chest, holding to her other, with her head not fully lifted. She was trying to ease everypony's mind, but did not think it worked too well.

Applejack shot her head up, looking to see how high the wall was. She backed up a good distance, and ran with all watching her. She was near the wall and jumped, but only got a short height up. She tried to dig into it, but the ice over it prevented even her hooves from making much of a scratch.

She slid down, and moved back again. Again she ran at it once more, but instead of a jump, she leaned down and put her hands down, spinning her body as she slid on her palms. With a sound that could put fear into thunder, she bucked the wall.

It had little effect. Small dents were left, and she fell to the ground rubbing her joints. The vibration sent a pain through her whole body. "Damn it..." She had struck some of the greatest trees in her farm, but in all her practiced years, never had she felt like she was bucked.

The others said nothing; they all wanted to do much the same but could not. None knew much of the Zebra, but she had just put herself in risk to save them, and she could not have known much more of them than they of her.

Fluttershy watched them trying to go back, and knew well enough it was very important to her friends to try and help this other she only briefly saw. She jumped up and flew, going to the top of the wall. As she neared the lip, a strong wind blew her back, sending her tumbling down.

Playful Paws galloped and caught her in time, both falling to the ground but much more harmless than her fall would have been.

Looking defeated, they all sat there, worrying, wondering what it all meant, and what would happen to those in Everfree.

Twilight stopped, her horn lit up, and she disappeared. The others looked at the empty space, and realized she teleported into Everfree.

She was not gone long, and she reappeared looking winded, and scared. She held her chest, panting for air as Applejack galloped up to her, supporting her as she stood. The others came in, and awaited her coming words.

"N...nightmare..." They all felt a prickle of fear, assuming her next word. "Nightmare, it is a complete nightmare in there. The Trees, the land, it is all a twisted forms of themselves... all the beasts I have read about, and heard lived there, I saw so many..."

"Zecora?" Applejack asked, but the other mare shock her head. "Wonder what happened to her?"

"Ew, what is that?" Rarity asked, seeing something on Twilight.

She panicked, and started to dust herself in a frantic manor. A little fluffy ball fell to the ground. They all looked at it, and tried to make sense of it. Whatever it was, is a clue to what was going on in Everfree.


After the little puff sprouted wings and bug eyes, Twilight caught it and put it into a cage. She performed tests, feeding it things, finding little it would not eat. Each time, more would sprout from it. She had sent a warning to Queen Celestia, and she had put a team on trying to get back into Everfree. The risk of the Night Beasts was too great, and she now knew it was not ponies over reacting to an early winter.

No word of success had come through, and it had been a few days since that one that one day that affected all the ponies in strange ways. Applejack and her little sister were still trying to find a way through, helping the efforts. As expected, Adams and Candy had not been seen.

Rarity could not focus on her shop and so often came to Twilight, to see what was becoming of the strange bug. Fluttershy and Playful Paws went to the Library, and were helping Twilight too. Seeking any information about the bug, or anything related to the goings on.

Spike had gone to his cousin and tried to get some help from the dragons, but they had a strong policy of staying out of foreign affairs. He hoped he could convince any of the dragons staying in the Canterlot Ambassador District to help, unofficially, but they too seemed bound to their code.

It was bigger than one Zebra or two cousins; it was the safety of all Equestria at risk, but Zecora, and the two Apples was what drove the ponies, and dragon, first involved.

"Ew, a Parasprite" Pinkie said, coming into the little lab Twilight set up. "Where did you find those?"

"A what?" The other mare said in surprise, nearly dropping what she was doing.

"Parasprite, nasty little things. Eat and eat, and eat, then pop out more and more and more, to eat and eat and eat, to pop-" Twilight stopped her. "They are a horrible pest, destroyed Grammy Pie's candy shop when she was about my age"

"The facts that early business, and being a candy shop, runs in the family… is not a surprise. But that you know of these things, when no pony else does, is!" Twilight took hold of her. "Do you know what it means? Why they are in Everfree, or what is going on?!" She was desperate.

"Going on?"

"You do not know? About Everfree is locked a way behind ice so thick, they cannot be broken. Or that any who teleport into there, nearly go mad when they come back from the horrors they see?"

She shook her head, quickly, and overly energetic.

"Figures... This thing came out with me. What attracts them?"

She shrugged, with Twilight no longer holding her. "I don't know. Only know that they eat and eat, and make more and more"

Twilight put her fore hoof to her face. "There goes that..."

"They like music. But if Everfree is blocked off, can't really put them anywhere. That is the only place they are safely out of the way. See the Parasprite is the preferred snack of the Magick Seeker Bats; they possess a strange amount of magick that satisfies the Bat's appetite. Not as much of a powerful source like a Unicorn, or something magickal, but enough to get them through the day. Ironically, the Parasrpite is attracted by the Magick Seeker Bat's scent. Why they produce so many, too keep their numbers up. Believed to be part of the once needed 'Nature's Balance' that keeps the Bats from devouring too much magickal creatures, and keeping the Parasprites going despite their fate"

She waited till the other was done, and Twilight slowly removed her hoof, and looked at the pink pony. She spoke at length. "Where... did... you find.... that?" Her eye twitched.

"In this book" she held it up. The Cover read "Myths and Legends of Everfree"

"Where was that book?!"

She looked over at the pile, and pointed to a little bit past the middle. "I think it was here? Or there… hmm"

"But, I have gone through all these books, and did not even see that one!"

"Pinkie Keen eyes" She smiled.

She saved herself the mental aggravation, and just accepted the facts. "Ok, so they are fed on by Magick Seeker Bats?"

"Yep" she opened the book. "Says here; The Magick Seeker Bats are drawn to large sources of magick, draining them of enough to fill the bat. It is usually not enough to do much harm to the source, unless in the case of the Parasprite, or creatures smaller than the bat, or of magick like Faeries, or pixies. It puts off a scent that attracts Parasprites, as they are the typical food of the bats, being more available than most other sources"

"Well," Twilight started. "I guess it makes sense then. The cloud was either Parasprites seeking the bats, or the bats seeking Zecora. Or something like that. Does not really help the problem of getting back into Everfree"

A pounding came to the door, and Twilight went to answer. Apple bloom was standing there, out of breath. "What is wrong?" The older asked the winded filly.

"C...Candy Apple, she's back at the shop. She got out!"

The news was a bit welcome, but she worried why Adams was not with her.

They all rushed over, and came into Apple Cider's, and saw Candy looking nothing of herself. She was ragged, and worn. None of her usual, though off putting, demeanor. Her coat even seemed to have less gleam than normal.

For the first time, Applejack was not acting mad or anything toward the other, she looked concerned and caring. She was bringing her a drink.

"Candy, tell em" Apple Bloom said, as they were nearer.

She nodded. "Well, y'all know how things are. Something came, and over took Everfree. It's not nearly the nightmare y'all think it is, but it ain't much better" She took a drink, gathering herself. "Them creatures are about, and it's all snow, and beasts now. Adams said he saw some of the witches fighting, but couldn't make out no clear winners. He sent me out, to try to find help, and he all stayed behind to try to fend em off"

"How did you get out?" Twilight asked.

"We have a little path, on the nights that Everfree is less then neighborly; we all can still git back and forth. Luckly, it ain't all froze up like I hear the rest of it is"

She looked right at Applejack, who did not look away. "I know we all have a bit of a past cousin, but please..."

Applejack did not wait; she stood up, and never looked away. "I might not like him, and I'm iffy on y'all... but y'all are family, and that means..." Candy joined in with her. "Apples Bunch together and never let each other fall"