• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,224 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch18: There When you have fallen furthest

A few days had pasted since the End of the Year party. On that night Gilda felt like she was one of the girls, but she was feeding off the excitement all shared in that night. Afterwards, she reverted to being a bit of a shut in. She did talk more to some of the ponies, but not very often. Pinkie Pie seemed to be relentless; she loved having friends, and would not give up on Gilda.

It both annoyed and challenged the Gryphon, for Pinkie was the only one who seemed unafraid of any danger Gilda could possess to her.

Seeing her friendship possibilities opening, it started to make her feel funny. So she started to spend more time with Dash, possibly afraid that she would drift from her.

The Magick of Friendship Chapter 18: There, when you have fallen furthest

Gilda and Rainbow Dash were alone in the Pegasus’ cloud top home, just spending a lazy afternoon together, as they often did when neither felt like doing much else. Up here, few bothered them, and made it easy for them to relax.

Something more than what they had talked about, seemed to be on the Gryphon's mind, and she did not seem willing to speak of it. Normally, Dash was not too keen to pick up on this, but she knew Gilda too well. When she was not looking at her or being distant with her oldest friend, something was wrong.

"Yo G, what's up?"

The Gryphon looked at her, and then away. "Nothin' Why you asking?"

"I know this, you are hiding something. Tell me!" Dash was lying on her back in a cloud bed, then rolled to her side. She almost looked like a pin up, since she was not in much but her bomber jacket. Dash and Gilda did not really care about staying "respectable" So when they were not forced, they often strutted partly, if dressed at all. Gilda was still in her street cloths, being cold as it was still winter. The Pegasus was a bit more use to it than her friend.

Rainbow Dash’s changed position did not seem to improve Gilda's far away attitude. "It's nothing! Damn"

With focused gaze, the Pegasus glared at her till the other felt the weight and looked at her. "Not going to drop it... are you?" Dash only raised her eyebrow as answer enough. "Fine..." She stood up from the little chair, and looked at the window, or rather the hole in the cloud. "Dash, we've known each other longer than pretty much anyone else, not counting Fire" The pony seemed to have mixed feelings, hearing the name. "I... don't know how to say this. I don't have a way with words, like Twilight" She turned back, looking at her friend, the only one who has always been there for her. Until recently, she was the only friend she's had. "I..." She took a paused, looking a way again.

"What?! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Rainbow pestered.

"I love you damn it!" She shouted out, but not the way she wanted to say it.

Dash forced her breath through closed lips, making a sound like passing gas. "That all? I love ya too G, you know that. We are like birds of a feather... don't hit me for the lame pun"

"Not like friends, or flight sisters! I mean... deeper than that. Don't make me sound stupid with that 'like you like you' crap"

This made the other shift her position and sit up a bit, surprised by this news. "You sure?" Was all she could think to say.

"I think after so many years I'd know!" Those were not the words Gilda was hoping to hear.

"Ok, ok, it's not a problem G, but... I don't know..." She looked down, thinking. "I'm not ready for that"

Gilda's eyes narrowed a bit. "For what?"

"Relationships, damn. It's what we're talking about right?" She paused, and thought. "I don't think I'm ready to be in one, I'm too focused on my goals. I need to stay on track, so I can become a Wonder Bolt"

"So, that is your answer. You rather be a Wonder Bolt?"

"Not 'rather', I just need to achieve that first before I can do anything else. I've spent nearly two years in Collage taking classes I didn't really give a crap about, all so I could graduate and go to the Training camp. Also, you should keep focused on your own goals. Dating and all that, would distract us both"

Gilda turned away again, looking back out at nothing particular. "Fine, whatever... forget... I said anything..." Her voice was breaking up a bit, as she fought it.

"G, I-" Dash tried to save the moment, but Gilda was not accepting it.

"No, it's over. Moving on!" She snapped and stormed out.

The Gryphon moved to the edge of the cloud, hesitating a moment before she shot into the sky. Rainbow Dash came out, just to see her go. She wanted to go after her, but something stopped her. She just let out a deep sigh.

Gilda flew for awhile, till she felt too drained to go on. Landing on a ledge of an old building, she managed to stand and took a few steps inside. When there was no light of day coming through, she sat and balled up into herself, wanting to hide from the world.

She bared herself and confessed something she had felt for some time now. She reserved herself for so long, but with everything in the last few weeks; from making peace with Twilight, and earning new friends because of her stupid move that put Dash in the hospital, and even after the party for the end of the year. All the new emotions brought on by letting her guard down and making friends, allowed her heart to feel.

The Gryphon longed for love, but never knew it. Dash was the perfect choice; she knew all about her, and was almost just like her. But unlike the Gryphon, the Pegasus had a bigger goal in mind and was working to achieve it. She had to work hard, where Gilda just had something to prove and it was not really a challenge for her to see it through.

Moments past, till she heard a sound and pulled her head out of her arms and looked over. Pinkie Pie was coming up the steps, holding some random looking objects. "Oh great..." Gilda muttered lowering her head back down, hoping the uninvited guest would turn away or not see her.

Pinkie did notice the other, and stopped. "Oh, hi" Her upbeat and chipper voice, cut like an icy wind.

"I... want to be alone..." She replied flatly.

Pinkie did not hesitate and came closer, rather than leaving. "Why would you want that? Everypony wants to be with somepony else"

Gilda cringed at that.

"Wanna talk?" She set down the items, and moved closer still. She was being cautious, with reason.

"Look, we may be kind of friends now, but I'm not really all that interested in talking to any one, not right now..."

Pinkie was not so easily deterred, and she moved in front of the other. "Should let it out, I'm a good listener, even if I talk a lot"

The Gryphon glared at her, but such warnings did not phase the pony. She was coming to admire her for that, not letting anything stop her from what she wanted. "I'm going to fly a way now, and you are going to drop this"

She went to get up, and Pinkie put a fore hoof on her shoulder. "You know, I am very persistent and I can follow any pony, or even a Gryphon" She gave a grin that seem to reassure that she could. "I've chased down Rainbow Dash a couple times, so don't think-"

"Don't say that name..." She cut off, batting the hoof a way, causing Pinkie to blink in confusion. Everyone knew that no two were closer than "Dash" and "G"

"What happened?"

Seeing little choice, Gilda decided to just stop fighting, and talk. She relaxed back to sitting. "I have a bit of a problem with her"

The pony settled in next to her. "Oh? What kind?"

"Romantic..." The words came out before she even thought them. Instead of covering up her slip, she went on. She bared herself once today; why not try for strike two? "I've known her all my life, and thought me and her had something... I was wrong. All she cares about is those damn Wonder Bolts"

"I don't think that is all, she is just super focused on it. Why not just be there and help her along, so when she gets in, you and her could be together"

Gilda scoffed. "What makes you think she'd want me? She basically said she didn't. Besides, once she is a Wonder Bolt, she'll have any one she could want"

Pinkie shrugged, she was not going to lie or pretend she knew. "Not sure, kinda seemed obvious. You and her, maybe she won't, but at least you can stay friends. Would suck, to have one little thing, ruin a life time of friendship"

She studied the pink mare; she had seen some of this insight from her before. Of all the ponies, despite this, she never imagined she would be getting sound help form Pinkie "I just... I have no one any more... Not since my brother died, I've felt so alone. Dash has been by my side, and always there... how could I love anyone else? Who else?" She felt herself breaking down, a fear of being alone starting to set in. She embraced herself, holding tightly. She fought them before, but now her tears started to come out freely. She had these fears a long time ago, and suppressed their memories. Her world crumbled once, with the death of her brother. It happened again, when nearly all else she held dear was gone. Now she felt that last part of her happiness, was going to be gone as well.

Pinkie frowned and put her arms around the Griffin, pulling the other to her. "Don't worry, you'll find some pony... or one, I guess. Don't want to limit you now" She gave a soft giggle, one that Gilda actually felt herself share in it. "You won't be alone, Rainbow Dash still cares about you, and now you have more friends too. After the party, you showed a lot of us you are not so bad. Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy... well she is afraid of you still, but that's just her, being her. Rarity likes you, and I like you too” She paused a moment, with a name smile. “Honestly though, not very hard to get me to like any p- one."

Gilda looked off, thinking about it all. She did have to admit, she was not alone. Her closest friend maybe did not want a relationship like that, but did not mean she wanted to cut things off completely. She felt oddly at ease in the others embrace, a comfort she has not felt in a long time. Dash and her were always so defensive of their feelings, she did not get any tenderness.

"Why," Pinkie started up again, causing the other to look at her. "I bet you'd find some...one, who'd share your feelings. Oh Mare. It's hard not saying ‘pony’" She giggled.

Gilda studied her. "You think so?" She felt so vulnerable right now, nothing like herself. Even the once painfully upbeat voice of this pony, was sounding like music.

“Oh yeah, ages of saying ‘every pony’, ‘some pony’, not easy to change”

“I meant finding someone”

Pinkie gave her famous smile, and looked right at her. "Of course, just need to show more that side of you I saw at the Year's End party. It's an attractive side"

Gilda blinked at the comment, she had never heard those words used on her. Little tufts of feathers came up around her mouth, in the show of embarrassment for avian. She grabbed her own chest, as her heart was starting to race. The more she studied the pony, her smile, and the brightness of her eyes, her caring, and the very air around her. Gilda did not understand it, or why she was feeling funny. She looked away, then back at the pony again. She did not know what was going on.

"You ok?" Pinkie leaned closer, trying to see anything.

She could not think, she only reacted, and soon Gilda found herself giving what was the Gryphon equivalent to kissing. A soft bite on the others cheek. The edge of her beak, where flesh met, was pressed beside Pinkie's lips. Gilda was just as surprised by the act as the pony was, who looked wide eyed for a moment. Even as they both realized what was going on, neither pulled away.

After a moment, Gilda let go and they sat there staring off into space, both wondering if it had happened at all.

"Wow... that's a Griffin kiss" Pinkie said, coming out of her trance. She looked at Gilda, who seemed ashamed by it.

"Pinkie... I..." She stood up, and ran into a leap. "I'm sorry" She called back, as she darted off. Pinkie slowly rose up, and looked toward where the other flew. She rubbed her cheek tenderly. It did not really hurt, but it left something more behind than pain or a mark.


Gilda flew frantically, trying to find some place to hide. She repeated the scene over and over, trying to make sense of it. "Why did I do that? Why?!" Her thoughts shouted.

After a long flight, she came to a cave on top of a mountain that looked over Ponyville. She could have flown out of the land, but she felt compelled to stay.

Inside the cave, she stumbled to a stop and threw herself against the wall, back pressed to it. "What is wrong with me? Am I so desperate, that any one that seems to like me I throw myself on?" She started to doubt herself more, wondering if she loved Rainbow Dash at all or if it was just their history. She hardly knew Pinkie. She seemed nice, caring, and even challenged her in ways no one else had dared too, but she could not be in love. Not after so short a time on talking terms, and a few kind words.

A Vision of Pinkie came to her, and she felt her heart race again. She clenched her chest, trying to stop the frantic beats. "Why do I feel like this? I... I didn't even feel this way around Dash..." She more and more, felt the love she thought they had was only one of convenience not true. She equally wondered why she felt for Pinkie Pie, what should have been for the Pegasus.

She clenched her eyes and tried to stop the tears, those painfully confusing tears, from flowing. It made no sense, love at first sight, and instant romances. Nothing but foalish stories... right?

"Gilda?" She heard a voice in the back of her mind. "Gilda?" It called again, clearer and identifiable. It was Pinkie. Now she was haunting her mind. "Gilda? What are you doing?"

She jumped when she realized that it was not a memory, but reality. The Pink mare was there, here and now. "How the-"

Pinkie came closer, and smiled, that smile that made her heart skip a beat. "Silly, if you want to play 'Hide and Seek' should try farther outside Ponyville for it to be a challenge for me"

Gilda calmed herself, and sat back to the wall. "Why... why did you come? After that..."

Pinkie cocked her head. "Why not? You didn't do anything bad, just a... I've heard the term before..." She was snapping her fingers, as if it would help her recall. "Spike told me... Love bite?" She smiled reassuringly. It made Gilda only be drawn more to her, but still did not know why she was at all. "Are you ok?"

She looked away, it was hard too, for some reason she wanted to keep her eyes on her. She fought looking back. "I'm confused... I thought I loved Dash, but I don't think it was... now... now I think I've fallen for you... but I don't know why"

"Fallen Gryphon? Hmm, could be a story title" She giggled, then turned more serious. "Some times, it's hard to understand our hearts" She said, coming closer. "My body does random things, and I don't know why, but it can predict events. Been called ‘Pinkie Sense’" She sat by Gilda, who still had to fight herself from looking. "Did you mean it? The Love bite? Did you feel something inside you?"

Gilda opened her eyes, still gazing away. "Yes..." She felt a hand on hers, and looked at the pink tone covering her bird like claws. It was smaller, but seemed to pin hers there. She followed the arm attached, and looked into the pony’s eyes. She looked more serious, than she thought possible of her.

"You felt something and well..." Pinkie took the others clawed hand, and placed it over her pony chest. "You know what this means, when my heart is doing this?" Gilda looked down, as if she could see the rapidly beating heart. She could only feel under her fingers and palm, and shook her head to answer. "Darn, cause I don't either. Hehe... but, it's a new feeling and I have an idea though... I think I might be in love too"

Gilda stared deep into the others eyes; she played games and knew how to read a lie, but the heart, their hearts, didn't lie, and neither did the locked eyes.

"Maybe it doesn't make sense, but love doesn't need years to grow, it can take moments. Look at Twilight and Applejack. Maybe it took them time to admit it, but they've always loved each other from day one" Pinkie smiled again, and Gilda found herself mirroring it. "We can wait, if you like. See if it's-" She was cut off, and Gilda pulled Pinkie's forehead to hers. She wished she had lips, since it would have been so much easier for her to show how she felt. They both just closed their eyes, and felt the warmth between them. Somehow it felt right, so oddly so. Had things still been the same, she would not even look at the pony, but now she was wondering how she ever was apart from her.

"You know something?" Pinkie started, Gilda moved to look at her as she slowly opened her eyes. "I remember when you and Rainbow Dash came here. I tried to make friends with you two, but you pushed me a way. She was willing, but you seemed defensive"

Gilda studied her, and felt overwhelming shock when she recalled it all.

Long ago; they came to Ponyville, in hopes to find a place to start over. After losing everything, they had no home or hope, but this town was known for having countless lives of all breeds. Still, Gilda was not very welcoming to new friends. She wanted to keep herself and Rainbow Dash safe from any pain.

She remembered a Pink pony that Dash seemed to take too, but Gilda felt oddly about her. She was a threat to her and she made it clear, she wanted the pink pony gone. It was only the start of what she did. She terrorized any who came close to Dash, even an old friend of hers who happen to live here now. Like Fluttershy.

The pink mare always seemed to take everything Gilda threw at her, and came back for more. Not for abuse, but hoping for friendship.

It was at a party, when things really turned. The pink pony tried to make peace, but Gilda still would not have it, and after a display of her true self at the time, she left the party and ruined her chances of being friends with anyone in the town. Dash stayed behind, and made friends and later came for her.

A deal was made; that she would try to be less mean, and the others would not bug her. Though over those years, she did not keep too true to her end as the ponies had.

"It was you..." Gilda said, laying her back to the wall again. "I can't believe it... I forgot about all that... but you remembered..." She became teary eyed. "How could you want to be around me?"

Pinkie took her claw and held it tight, surprisingly so for a little mare. "Because, friends forgive friends" She smiled, showing she was fully honest.

Gilda could not look at her now, with these memories restored. "I'm a monster..."

Pinkie pulled her from the wall, and held tightly to her. "No, you were..."

Gilda clung tightly to her. "Pinkie... I... I want to tell you something..."

"You can tell me anything. I'm good at keeping secrets"

"I just hope Dash won't be mad. It's something we've both kept to ourselves since it happened, and we left Cloudsdale. Maybe if you know, I won't feel so bad cause you'll know why I acted that way..."


Gilda returned to the cloud home of her oldest friend, she was a bit worried on how Dash would be feeling, but she could not avoid her. They lived together, and she needed to know.

She stepped inside, and looked around. "Yo, Dash!" She called.

Rainbow Dash came out, still only in her jacket. She did not leave, but looked like she was troubled. "G?"

"Glade you dressed up and searched for me" She said at first, but regretted it. "Dash... I'm sorry I left like that..."

The mare trotted up to her, still looking forlorn. "I figured you needed some time" She answered, without sarcasm. "Sorry I shot you down... I can't say I've changed my mind on it but I should have dealt with it better" She hugged to the Griffin. "I can't lose you Gilda..."

Gilda hugged back. "You won't... When we lost everything, I promised I'd always protect you" She went quiet for a moment. "Maybe that is why I was thought we had something more"

"We could, maybe... I don't know" Rainbow Dash looked away. "I just don't know what I want, besides the obvious"

"Take your time, really... But I can't wait any more though" They broke the hug, and Rainbow Dash looked at her. "Don't worry Dash. I ain't leaving, but..." She looked away, as if the far wall was holding her words. "In a few short days, I've finally found ponies that treat me like you and your family always did... maybe I'm rushing into it, but I've spent like half my life being with no one but you. Not that it's bad, but now my heart aches for more..."

Dash sat in a chair, and looked at her. "So... what'cha gonna do? Not horse around with every pony you can I hope" She gave a laugh, she was not purely serious, but did not toss the notion completely out. Gilda was strange, and she could easily fall into that.

The Gryphon snorted a short laugh, "You crazy?" She looked at her, giving her a knowing look. "I'm still iffy on those ponies, takes more than a clawfull to change years of bitterness" She changed back to her serious tone. "I am gonna start opening up though and I've..."

Dash leaned forward. "What?"

She muttered something, no longer looking at the other.

"What?" But the other did not speak much louder. "Damn it, you finch, speak up!"

"I'm seeing someone, ok?!"

The pony sat back, and thought it over. "Don't waste time, damn. Thought I was fast. Who is it?"


"Oh come one, you’re getting like Fluttershy... is it Fluttershy? Wait... she's seeing that weird cat pony"

Gilda rolled her eyes, and took a seat. "You know em... and gonna laugh at me"

"Hmm. Fluttershy is taken, Twilight and Applejack are together. Rarity is kinda like me where she is too focused on her own thing... hmm... Only leaves Big M, Pinkie Pie, Derpy, Trixie... but you only really met Pinkie, as far as I know. You’re seeing Big Mac?"

"A town full of mares and after I tried for you, you pick a stallion?"

"Well, he does get around from what I've heard. About every mare in town either wants him, or claims to been with em"

Gilda settled into the seat.

"I can't ask cause AJ would buck my ass, but am curious how true it is... Hey! You're not getting off that easy!"

"That's what she said" Gilda laughed and Dash would have, and fought doing so. She was on a mission.

"Tell me who?"

She shook her head.

"Damn it, tell me!"

"Make me" Gilda stuck her tongue out.

"What are you, a hatchling? You sure gone soft on me"


Dash nodded. "Oh yeah, old G wouldn't be afraid of nothin'"

"I Ain't!"

"You are"

Gilda growled, and stood up. "It's Pinkie Pie!"

The smile and humor in Rainbow Dash bled away, replaced by complete shock. "P-P-Pinkie?"

Though she was not close enough, Gilda wiped her face as if spat on. "Yes, and next time, less drool" She sat back down in a sulking posture, looking a way.

"Dude, that is crazy. Of all ponies... I guess Derpy would be worse, but damn"

"Yeah, whatever"

"Common G, Pinkie Pie? That mare is so random, and weird. Sure, she can pull some good pranks, and I like her and all, but to date her? I'd go out of my mind, but I bet she can be pretty wild in the hay"

Gilda glared at her. "Ok ok, damn. It's kinda hard to see you two together, just doesn't make sense"

"And what would?" She asked feeling a bit insulted.

"Easy, I'm not trying to start anything, just say'n. I've known you most my life, I've kinda known Pinkie for a while, it's all square peg, round hole"

Gilda relaxed. "I know... When I flew from here, I wanted to be left alone. But she found me, by mistake, and some reason I just opened up. She listened, she understood, and she cared. Even after I stupidly gave her a love bite, she didn't even flinch or nothin'. She accepted it, and even came after me when I flew away from her"

Rainbow Dash watched, as her friend showed her rare side. A side that seem to be showing more often since the string of incidents in the last few weeks, she always had a wall up and took it down for very few. Dash was realizing if Pinkie got to see this side, it was pretty serious between them.

"I thought I was just throwing myself at her," She started again. "She was just what I needed, after what I said to you. We sat and talked for a good while, and I think... she IS what I need for my life" Gilda looked at her with complete seriousness. "You ponies haven't seen a side of her she's shown me twice. She is a lot deeper, and more thought out than most think. Sure, she has her dreams of business, but it's not luck she can pull off what she does. Did ya know she was a Rock farmer? How's that work?"

Dash nodded, more at the whole not the last question. "I guess you and her have something then. No pony better to get friends with"

"What do you think, about me and her?"

"What can I? Gonna do what you want no matter what" She joked. "It's sounds good G, looks like you found somepony else to deal with your shit"

Gilda throw a pillow at her, as the mare started to laugh. "You are such an ass"

Dash shrugged. "What can I say?"

"I told her..."

The other mare looked serious. "Told her... what?"

Gilda hesitated. "About... what happened"

"What?!" She stood up quickly, but after a moment past she sat back down looking heavy in thought.

"She won't tell, she promised. I just... I needed her to know..."

"I just, didn't want anypony to know. I wanted that all to be behind us"

Gilda looked down. "I know, but... after all the years, it's been so heavy on my mind. I needed to let it out, if I was ever going to change... Also, so she knew why I've been the way I have been. I told her not to make a big deal about it, just keep it to herself. I trust she will"

Rainbow looked up. "I suppose, it was bound to happen. I wonder... if I should tell AJ, or Sparks... They are the closest thing to family I have... anymore"

"That is your call. It's more your deal then mine, so it's all on you"

The Pegasus nodded.


Pinkie came home, and opened the door of her dorm room. She looked over to Twilight, who was lying in bed reading. "Hi" She greeted, getting the same in response.

Pinkie sat on her bed, and started to do something on her Bay-B. After a few moments of silence, Twilight dropped her book, looking at the other. "Oh, you are still here"

"Hmm?" Pinkie said, looking up. "Beer?"

"You ok?"

The pink mare looked around. "Me? Yeah, why?"

"I wonder, you've been in here for several minutes and said only 'hi'. Usually say something about your day or what is going on"

"Oh... right. I was just thinking"

Twilight rolled to her side. "Are you going to tell me? Do not usually have to prod you to talk"

Pinkie gave a weak laugh. "I just... learned something... I can't tell you though. I promised not to share it... I shouldn't even have said this much..."

The other mare sat up. "Oh? Now you have to, because it is going to drive me nuts"

Pinkie shook her head. "No, no. I can't, it would break the vow I made to my... to uh... a friend"

Twilight studied her, trying to read her. Pinkie looked back, and covered her head. "No! No mind reading!"

"I would not use that on you. You are acting strange, even for you. What is wrong? Can you tell me anything?" Twilight looked very concerned for her.

"You won't be freaked out if I tell you something?"

"Kind of hard to promise on that, not knowing the thing we are talking about. If you told me you were really a stallion, I might be a little freaked. I mean, I have known you this whole time, and you are not a mare? Be pretty odd... then again, given your nature, it would not be such a shock in the grand scheme" She paused and shuttered. “But then again, you have seen me naked...”

Pinkie looked at her funny, and sighed. "Ok, well... I'm seeing someone"

"Wait... what? It is Ditzy?" She seemed a bit shocked, then excited. "I can see that, you two are pretty close. Imagine the possibilities. You could deliver invitations to parties at a record speed. Ditzy Pie? Or Pinkie Doo?"

"Twilight?" She snapped out of her imagination, and looked at Pinkie. "You're starting to sound like me... No it's not Ditzy Doo, although the idea isn't too bad. You wouldn't guess, in a Moon Mare's age"

"Do not think I could, you know all of Ponyville and the choices are endless. I could see if that Dr. Whooves has some kind of match maker device, to help narrow it down..."

Pinkie rubbed her head. "Ok, I'll just tell you" Twilight leaned in, from her seat at her own bed. "It's... Gilda..." She was not ashamed, but nervous how her friends would take this news.


"The Legend of..." Keese’s ear twitched. He was sleeping till now.

Twilight was leaning, and fell forward.

Pinkie Pie looked down at her.

The other pony sat up on the floor, and rubbed her nose. "You cannot be serious. I know she has changed, and we are all trying to make friends, but dating? Wait... I thought... you know? Rainbow Dash and her were a couple. The way she acted, and sounded, made it seem like they were"

"Dashy didn't want a relationship at this time, wants to be focused on her goals"

"The old Gilda, might blame me for that..." Twilight muttered, playing back all she has seen of the Gryphon. Good memories have been made, but bad are hard to forget. "So how did it happen?"

Pinkie thought about it all. "Well... it's wasn't by chance that I found her up in one of the old towers from the Ponyville former castle"

"Former Castle?" Twilight sat back onto her bed, and looked at her.

"Oh yeah. When the Earth ponies came to this land, they had their own Castle for the Lord of Ponyville. It was before we moved to a Mayor system. She wasn't a very nice Lord, and even fought against the Royals. Kinda funny Gilda ran, er... flew there, since she was a lot like that corrupted Lord. Was even the Tower she made her last stand against the revolting ponies"

"Really?" Twilight and Pinkie forgot the point of this topic, and were lost in the history lesson. "I'll have to ask Mr. Passage about this one"

Pinkie nodded. "Any who; I saw Gilda zoom past, and she looked a bit troubled. All the time I've seen her, she has never flown sloppy like that. So I decided to go investigate, but I figured it would be hard for me to just show up on her account. So I grabbed some junk lying around, and acted like I was just there for something else. Glad she didn't ask, or I would have been found out" She laughed.

"It is hard to figure you out some times Pinkie, you act so silly but then you do acts like that, with so much thought" Pinkie only gave her a silly smile.

"She needed a friend, and well, I was around. We talked at the celebration, and I liked what I saw. She really seemed to be changing, or opening up to us. To be honest, she has always fascinated me. Even when she first came to Ponyville with Dashy, and acted so rude"

Twilight nodded, thinking about the meaning. "Kind of like how I was interested in Applejack?"

"Yeah, cept AJ wasn't a meany" Pinkie looked toward the small window of their dorm room. "I'm glad she's different than she was in those early days, I hate not being able to bring happiness to everyone in Ponyville, and she always eluded me"

"So, you really just wanted to make her happy? Just because it is something you do?"

"Make it sound so cold Twilight" She looked oddly serious. "I didn't grow up very happy, not till one day when I saw my first rainbow and found my love of celebration and spreading joy. Maybe it's a bit selfish that I want everyone happy, but it's not like it's a bad thing"

Twilight started to think about Star Shadows, the pony who took Luna's place for several ages and fell to his own demons. He never seems happy, nor seems to want to be happy. Self-punishment for his betrayal to Queen Celestia, and the Night he loved so dearly. "Not everyone... wants to be happy" She said slowly.

Pinkie looked at her, and then a way. "I... don't want to believe that... but I guess it's true. Gilda wasn't one of those. I could tell she didn't want to be the mean Gryphon she was. I know too, because of what she told me. It wasn't her fault. It was what life threw at her"

Twilight nodded. "Well, I guess so. Queen Luna became Nightmare Moon, because of the lack of love from ponies. She was treated poorly, and just snapped. Star Light too, he felt the same neglect she did and tried to use his powers to change that and became Star Shadows"

"Don't think I know him"

"It was long ago, but he took Queen Luna's place for a good many centuries. Seemed the night was cursed, till the last few ages when more Night creatures and ponies started showing up. Now the Night is as active as Day. Love is what anyone really needs to keep happy. Friends, family, or mates" Pinkie nodded in agreement. "But Pinkie, are you sure about her? Are you just going along with it because it is what she needs, or are you really in love with her? Cannot just use yourself to make others happy"

"To give laughter, I'd give my very being" She looked even more serious, and seemed to have a light in her eyes. "But, it’s not just that. What she felt for me, was just what I felt for her. I look back, and think about how many times I tried to be friends and how many times she shot me down, and even hurt me... physically and in my heart... it wasn't just my nature to make everyone happy, it was my heart wanting her. Don't ask me why, I still don't know why I want her so bad"

"Maybe, it is simple chemistry. She is typically so opposite you, that it draws you to her. You are so genuinely nice and caring, that she is drawn to you. I can only guess that based on the little hints I've gathered, that she has a troubled history with little to no pony that cared about her"

"Pretty close" Pinkie said, standing up. "I do know this; she has seen this side of me that you've now seen. She understands it, and welcomes it. I feel most ponies can't accept me serious. I don't like to be, but it's nice to have someone who I can be with, and not wonder in the back of my mind 'Are they wondering when I'm gonna do something stupid?' It's a curse I share with Ditzy Doo” She paused a moment. “She doesn't mind being called Derpy, but it's a name given because every pony thinks she is just some silly mare, who delivers mail.

"I think that is why I was attracted to Gilda. She doesn't care if I'm silly, or serious. I mean, she didn't care for much of anything, but because she is so open about who she is she could accept me for me"

Twilight nodded, and then stood. Trotting to her, she put her fore hoof on the other’s shoulder. "Maybe that is true about Gilda" She paused. "Pinkie, I admit, it is hard to see you this way. That is because we all love seeing you smile, and keeping us all in good spirits. You give us strength, like when I lost Rainbow Dash. You kept me going the whole time. That was one of the hardest things I have dealt with, and you were the one who had me smiling. You are like the embodiment of Laughter and joy, in a way it hurts to see you any other way"

Pinkie nodded slowly. "I am glad that I can do that for you, and everyone, but even clowns need to cry"

Twilight hugged her. "And when you do, you know I will be right here"

She hugged back. "Thanks Twilight" After a brief moment, she spoke again. "I bet this will completely freak out every pony else" She laughed, resuming some of her normal personality. "Oh I know, I'll throw a party and break the news then. How can any pony let silly news, ruin a party?"

"There is the good old Pinkie" Twilight smiled.

"I hate to be too serious, too long. Silliness reset" She stuck her tongue out, and made beeping sounds.