• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Companions, New and Old

“One more what to worry about?” asked Blueblood, looking around.

“I’ll deal with it later,” Twilight replied dismissively, waving a hoof. “Applejack, keep an eye on the entrance. Zecora, do you have any healing potions on you at the moment?”

The zebra hybrid stepped forward cautiously, glancing at the ponies standing in the corner of the room. I do, though I would caution against using them on such creatures. We will need everything I have if we are going to have a hope of reaching the princess in one piece.

“Blueblood may not look it, but he's an adept warrior. We will be fine,” Twilight replied.

I agree with Twilight. We will need allies if we are going to have a hope of slogging through this quagmire, Applejack added, slithering over to the far door.

The second the towering hydralisk was further away, most of the ponies relaxed, though that didn't stop them from eying the remaining two zerg hybrids closely.

That does have tactical merit, Zecora admitted, walking back over to her cloak and slipping it on. Though I would advise you to scan them and figure out their injuries before I administer anything.

“Perfect,” Twilight declared.

Blueblood scratched his head. “Well, at least I’m not the only one who is part of a conversation no one else can hear.”

Twilight chuckled mirthlessly. “I aim to get your refugees on their hooves so we can move, though my ponies and I will need to rest before we can do so.”

“Understandable. We too were about to bed down for the night before we detected your presence,” Blueblood admitted.

“Um, Prince Blueblood, who exactly are these people?” inquired a curious filly.

“And what exactly are they?” asked a stallion, who stared intently at Twilight’s glowing, yellow eyes.

“What we are is a long and complicated story that doesn't exactly have a nice, neat ending,” Twilight warned, trotting up to the male. “All you need to know is that right now we are your friends and we intend to get you out of here alive.”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow curiously. “Though my eyes tell me otherwise, it seems as though you are more pony than last we had met.”

Twilight smiled. “Making friends will do that.”

Zecora stepped forward and gestured towards the older pony lying on the ground. I suggest we move quickly. This one does not appear to be long for this world.

“Right,” Twilight declared, extending a hoof towards the unicorn who stood before her. “I’m here to help, if you will allow me.”

The middle-aged stallion stared down at the offered appendage, his wrinkled brow furrowing slightly. His mane was two shades of light purple while his fur was a slightly brighter shade of the same color, the short cut hair parting to reveal a well-filed horn in the center of his head. He appeared to be in good shape. His cutie mark was that of a dark flower in bloom.

After a long pause, the stallion clopped his hoof against Twilight’s. “The name’s Moon Leaf, this is Sun Sprinkle, and the injured pony is named Willow. I’ll introduce you to the rest after you’ve healed my uncle.”

The young filly bounded forward. “I’m so glad you weren't a bad guy. Is this your house?” she asked curiously.

Twilight chuckled, the unicorn noticing the other four ponies breathed a collective sigh of relief the second Moon Leaf had accepted her help. “It is one of my homes. Though I have a feeling it is the only one that still stands,” Twilight explained.

Sun Sprinkle nodded eagerly, her long golden locks bouncing up and down. “That's so cool. I don't suppose you have some food or blankets, do you? The ground is actually kind of comfy, so we don't need beds.”

An older mare stepped forward and cleared her throat. “Though if you had extra, I certainly wouldn't mind not sleeping on... whatever this is.”

Twilight nodded. “I have some rations and water, but first Zecora and I need to ascertain the depth of this stallion’s injuries and get some rest.”

Moon Leaf gently crouched down and, using his magic, pulled back the blanket, revealing that the white-furred stallion was completely covered in bruises. “Willow here saved young Sun Sprinkle’s life earlier today when he leapt in front of some kind of summoned rock spell,” Moon Leaf explained. “We did all we could, but he fell unconscious shortly afterward.”

Potential for concussion is very high. If that is the case, it would be a very bad sign that he is unresponsive, Zecroa reasoned, the zerg hybrid kneeling down next to Twilight.

“True. I’ll use a diagnostic scan to figure out if that is indeed what happened,” Twilight replied, already lighting her horn.

The magic took a second to build due to how exhausted she was, but after a moment to gather, it was released in a wave of purple energy. It cascaded over the older stallion’s body, starting at his cutie mark of a bent tree branch and ending at his light blue mane. Once complete, Twilight closed her eyes, silently going over the data she had received, calculating the damage.

After a long pause, she let out a sigh. “He’ll probably be fine, but he's got a lot of internal bleeding as well as some bruising on his liver and pancreas that we will need to address,” Twilight explained.

“That does not sound good,” muttered Moon Leaf.

I think I will be able to deal with both issues at once. How bad is it, my queen? Zecora replied, only to have her mind injected with a sudden burst of information. Ah, I see. He was very lucky to have gotten away as well as he had.

“I’ll say. If that one rock had been a little to the left, it may very well have broken his spine,” Twilight remarked.

“That doesn't sound good at all,” added Blueblood.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Zecora will take care of it. For now we have a bit of catching up to do.”

“Are you sure you don't want to rest first? It appears as though your journey was even more arduous than my own,” offered the prince.

“No. I have a few questions that need to be answered before I can even think of closing my eyes,” Twilight replied, stepping away from the group.

Blueblood nodded slowly, turning his back on the refugees and lowering his voice. “You want to know how things are going, and more specifically, how auntie is doing.”

“Yes, and I also want to know if any refugees managed to escape via air. I noticed that the docks were heavily damaged, but there were startling few wrecked ships,” Twilight replied, in a low tone.

“Your assessment is correct. Celestia seemed to have seen this coming, as her guards managed to evacuate a good seventy percent of the population before Nightmare Moon even arrived,” Blueblood remarked, snorting irritably. “After that it was a fight to get them launched, but ultimately we managed to send them to the confederate provinces. Oh and before you ask, yes, your parents both made it out safely.”

Twilight let out a long sigh, deflating somewhat. “Well, that's something at least.”

“Before you get too relaxed, I must tell you that auntie was injured in her initial battle with Nightmare Moon and let me tell you, it was not pretty,” Blueblood warned.

“I figured as much. Old tall dark and brooding mentioned something about sapping Celestia’s strength for the last thousand years when I fought her a few days ago,” Twilight replied.

That made the unicorn pause and look Twilight up and down. “I’m honestly quite surprised you survived such an encounter. Nightmare Moon was handedly beating Celestia before we were able to intervene and get her out of there.”

Twilight gritted her teeth and breathed slowly, forcing herself to relax. “She's alright though. Like now?”

The prince nodded, glancing over her shoulder and watching as Zecora poured a bright orange concoction down the injured stallion’s throat. “Alicorns are as tough as nails, and auntie is no exception. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if she was already back to a hundred percent by the time we got back.”

“Good.” Twilight let out a sigh. “Very good.”

“I’d ask about your companions, but the hour grows late, and I have a feeling sleep will not come easily to my own compatriots,” Blueblood exclaimed, turning back around. “We will speak more soon.”

Twilight watched the stallion go, trading places with the zebra hybrid, who stopped next to Twilight. He will make a full recovery, though it will take some time before he is able to walk without pain.

“Will he be able to walk in a few hours?” Twilight questioned, watching closely as the refugees spread out and did their best to get comfortable on the fleshy ground.

Most likely. He will be slow, however, Zecora cautioned.

“That is acceptable. I don't think it likely that we will be able to simply sprint to our destination anyway,” Twilight replied.

So should we speak with this strange entity we heard earlier, or… Zecora trailed off, her gaze focusing on Prince Blueblood who had begun to sing.

Not only sing, but several instruments could be heard, though Twilight could see no source of the sounds. The words he spoke were quiet, little more than a whisper, and his strange band played just as quietly. The lyrics themselves spoke of the night and the quiet slumber promised by the dark, each other sentence rhyming.

Even after listening for only a few seconds Twilight could already feel her eyelids begin to grow heavy, and she could see that Sun Sprinkle had fallen asleep. Even a few of the older ponies were snoozing soundly, and though Twilight wished to join them in dreamland, she forced herself to stay awake. It was at this point that Twilight realized the strange, almost archaic way Blueblood spoke, his words using terms and phrases that had fallen out of favor centuries ago.

Either way, it certainly didn't detract from his lullaby, and after only a few short minutes, all of the ponies were asleep. A soft thump signalled that Applejack had joined them, and though Twilight considered waking her up, she ultimately decided against it. After all, the former farm pony had quite a large day and no doubt needed to sleep more than the rest of them.

Shaking her head and dismissing the lingering desire to close her eyes, Twilight turned to find that Zecora had done something similar. “I’m sorry, what were you about to say?” Twilight asked.

I was going to ask if we should speak to whatever entity is responsible for this place, Zecora exclaimed, her very thoughts sounding sleepy somehow.

“I will in just a moment. I want to check in with Blueblood again,” Twilight replied, stepping over to the dark templar just as he walked away form the group of slumbering ponies. “Where did you learn that?”

Blueblood raised an eyebrow at the accusatory tone. “If you are asking if it was learned from her, then you will be happy to know that was not the case.”

Twilight relaxed slightly, lowering her voice to a whisper. “I’m sorry, I shouldn't have assumed.”

“It would have been a fair assumption,” Blueblood conceded. “I learned it after becoming a dark templar, though I had been taught the phantom instrument spell when I was a child. A part of my required studies in order to become more cultured, as my father put it.”

The unicorn hybrid chuckled. “At least he gave you one useful skill.”

“Indeed,” Blueblood admitted. “Though I’m afraid I too will have to retire in a moment as well, as I have spent the last of my energy.”

Twilight stepped back. “Go ahead. I won't bother you anymore.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. It is good to see you are alive and well. A sentiment I’m sure Celestia will share as well,” exclaimed the dark stallion before he trotted over to a nearby wall and knelt down into a meditative stance.

Your friend is a strange one. Jovial one minute, wise beyond his years the next, Zecora pointed out.

He is odd, but his heart is always in the right place, Twilight remarked. Now I need to discuss things with my suddenly sentient hideout. You can join if you wish.

Zecora shook her head. I trust you to fill me in on anything important. For now I simply need sleep and to gather my strength for the coming battles.

Twilight nodded, watching as the zebra hybrid trotted over to Applejack and rested next to the slumbering hydralisk. Now relatively alone, Twilight trotted back down the steps and into the strange, fleshy version of her old house. Once there, she turned to where the living room would be and lay down on the floor, sprawling out in order to get more comfortable.

Okay. Let’s talk, Twilight began.

The floor shivered and the round head of a small equine-shaped creature emerged, followed shortly by a neck and a pair of shoulders. At that point it stopped, the purple mass of twisting flesh contorting briefly before a pair of bright, slit-pupiled eyes opened. A mouth followed a second later, though the rest of the mass remained featureless, only the size of a filly’s upper body.

“Greetings, mother,” it offered in a warbly, yet feminine voice.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Okay, so first question. How are you even sentient?”

The mass of purple flesh shrugged its miniscule shoulders. “I don't know what to tell you. After you left, I began to study my surroundings closer, and after several months had passed, I began to experiment.”

“Which would explain why you hollowed out the layer below you and created this strange copy of my old house,” Twilight remarked.

“I saw it in one of your memories and thought you may find a familiar atmosphere to be more relaxing,” explained the creature.

“I did infuse you with a bit of my magic in order to give the wards an extra bit of glue to hold onto…” Twilight murmured, tapping her chin. “Though that doesn't quite explain why you're sentient, I think it's about the best explanation we are going to get.”

The creature wilted ever so slightly, sinking visibly into the floor. “I hope you are not angry with me. I merely wished to create a more inviting atmosphere for whenever you finally returned.”

Twilight smiled and laid a gentle hoof on the creature’s shoulder. “I wouldn't have left you alone for so long had I known that you were more than a semi-sentient mass of flesh.”

“Thank you, mother,” replied the creature, bowing its head slightly.

“Alright, well I don't really have the time or the energy to really study you in greater detail. For now let's focus on connecting you into my mental network, so you won't be alone again,” Twilight began, rising up from the floor. “After that though, you’ll have to focus on merely staying invisible, as there are many enemies all around us.”

“Are they dangerous?” asked the creature nervously.

“Very. So you will have to be very diligent not to give yourself away,” Twilight replied.

The creature nodded. “Then I will make sure to stay out of sight and while you sleep, I will attempt to figure out how best to integrate myself into the overmind.”

Twilight paused at the strange word choice, but ultimately brushed it off. “Don't stress over it. If you can't figure it out by the time we wake up, then I’ll help you do so before we leave.”

“Thank you again, mother, and sweet dreams,” exclaimed the creature before sinking into the ground and vanishing.

Twilight paused, her gaze lingering on the spot for several seconds before the unicorn turned and walked back upstairs. Hopefully you are able to hide yourself well, as something tells me we won't be returning for quite a while.

Twilight awoke to the sound of several voices speaking in her mind, though the unicorn could tell that they weren't talking to her directly. Shaking off the grogginess of sleep, the pony wiped her eyes free of grime and stumbled into a stand. The soft fleshy mess that had served as her bed for the night receded into the ground, becoming flush with the floor once more.

Shaking her head, Twilight looked around and found that she was in a replica version of her childhood bedroom, only if it had been moved onto the first floor of her old home. Dismissing that bit of strangeness, Twilight trotted towards the exit, which parted for her, allowing the unicorn to stumble into the next room, where both Applejack and Zecora sat or rested on couches grown from the creep floor which were perfectly sized for their odd dimensions.

“Mornin’, my queen. Hope we didn't wake ya,” greeted Applejack.

We did our best to keep the conversation between ourselves, Zecora added.

“It's fine. I’m rested and ready to go,” Twilight replied. “How are the others?”

“The prince was up real early and said something about not needin’ much sleep. The ponies, however, are still out. Looks like they needed it,” Applejack exclaimed.

“That's understandable. They’ve gone through a lot recently,” Twilight remarked.

I have a feeling that our time alone is limited, and that Mister Blood will be joining us in a few moments, Zecora began, rising up from her couch, which receded into the floor. As such I had hoped to ask your permission for something.

“Just one second, Zecora. I need to check something,” Twilight replied, putting a hoof to her head and focusing on the mental connections she shared with her and the other zerg hybrids.

Spike, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo were distant, and though Twilight could no longer hear their thoughts, she got the distinct impression that they were okay. Unlike Zecora, Applejack and the creep, whom she could read the minds of and exercise some manner of control over if she wished. Focusing on the sentient mass of creep, Twilight could sense that she had the same level of connection with the others, though its mind was different.

It was larger for lack of a better word, yet lacked memories or as many thoughts as the others in her group. Focusing on the connection between them, Twilight found that it was quite strong and after a little more effort, it was as good as it was going to get. Opening her eyes, Twilight was relieved to feel that she could sense the location of the sleeping ponies as well as Blueblood.

Who was near the door on the floor above them, crouched in a meditative stance, his eyes open, but distant and unseeing. All of this information came to her non-visually, but Twilight could still piece it together into something that made sense.

“There we are,” Twilight exclaimed.

Thank you, mother. It feels good to be connected to my sisters, replied the creep.

“They aren't…” Twilight sighed. “I’m glad you feel better. Though it occurs to me that you still need a name.”

Actually if I may, my queen. I have already accidentally given her one, Zecora added slightly shyly.

“Oh really, and how does one accidentally give another a name?” Twilight questioned.

Applejack chuckled. “We were trying to think of something and Zecora thought back to her native word for house, which was misunderstood.”

Zecora sighed. I was thinking of nyumbani, but our newest ally heard numbi and it stuck.

Is it bad? I thought it sounded kind of nice… muttered the sentient mass of creap.

“It's… fine. Though now that I think about it, Numbi, kinda sounds like Gumbi,” Twilight mused.

I remember you thinking about that one time when you were here! Numbi declared. And it makes perfect sense since I’m all goopy.

“This is weirdly adorable,” Applejack remarked.

Twilight nodded. “That it is.”

About what I was going to ask you for… Zecora started.

“Absolutely, go right ahead,” Twilight offered.

Zecora cleared her throat and shifted awkwardly. Numbi spoke of you growing a parasite before, and I was hoping you could produce another one, if possible.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I suppose I could do that, but why exactly do you want such a thing?”

I have always known that this body was capable of reproducing more complicated structures, but something felt as though it was holding me back, Zecora explained. After meeting you, however, I felt as though that part of me was unlocked, so to speak, and I am confident that I could create more, should the need arise.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “It would be nice to be able to produce more whenever needed, but this does worry me slightly. I don't want to give ponies a reason to hate and fear us.”

“But think of all the advantages,” Applejack interjected. “Numbi mentioned hearing about how you saved that Silver Bulwark pony.”

Twilight wilted. “I suppose you’re right there.”

Applejack, that was very rude. You shouldn't have brought her up, Zecora admonished.

The hydralisk rubbed the back of her neck with a scythe limb. “R-right. Sorry, my queen.”

“It’s fine, just promise me that you will not infest anyone without my express permission,” Twilight stressed.

Zecora nodded as much as she could. I promise to not infest someone who is unwilling unless you give your permission or if one of us is in life-threatening danger.

“That is acceptable,” Twilight concluded after a short pause. “Now then. Give me a bit of space please.”

The other zerg hybrids walked or slithered away, the last of Numbi’s growths vanishing into the ground and giving Twilight an open spot to work with. Though it had been quite a while since she had last done something like this, Twilight remembered what her intentions had been in that moment. Thoughts of creating something to help her and the way she had pushed a bit of her magic into the creep returned, only this time it felt different.

Where before it felt as though her magic was being pushed only in a single direction, with nowhere else to go, now it felt as though there were options. Confused, Twilight let her magic and psionic power probe the various pathways, feeling out which one felt right. After finding the correct one which would grow her parasite, Twilight paused and shifted her focus to a different avenue.

She had more than enough energy to grow a parasite, and the unicorn could tell that Numbi had more than enough biomass saved up as well. A little experimentation couldn't hurt, Twilight thought to herself, the unicorn choosing one of the other pathways for her magic and beginning to push. Funneling her magical and psionic might into the flesh-covered floor, Twilight focused not on growing a parasite, but rather some other helpful creature.

The ground beneath her hooves shifted and undulated, a mass of creep slowly building at the point directly in front of the unicorn. Small ripples and waves built on top of each other, growing until a spherical shape the size of an ostrich egg burst forth. Though separate, the pulsating mass was still partially connected to the creep floor by a deep purple latticework that held the entire thing together.

The green sack pulsed with a purple light, growing slightly as some shape twisted within the egg.

“What in the hay is that?” Applejack asked, poking the egg with a scythe limb.

“I don't really know,” Twilight admitted. “I felt as though there were new pathways which my magic could take and decided to experiment a little. I assumed it was just going to take the form of a different kind of parasite though. Not this.”

Fascinating. It is the size of a large dog, though I can't tell its other features, Zecora remarked.

“Here, I’ll grow the parasite while you inspect whatever this is,” Twilight remarked, focusing on the creep once more.

I am at your service, mother, Numbi happily chimed in.

Thank you, but this will be the last thing we grow for now, Twilight replied.

Focusing her magic and energy once more, Twilight grew a parasite from the twisting mass of creep, the small, orb-shaped creature simply emerging from the mass after a short pause. Plucking the thing from the ground, Twilight inspected it and found that it looked slightly stranger than the last one she had grown. Although horrifically ugly, it was the same color as Twilight, with the main mass being centered around a bright orange bulb.

Around which grew a purplish, arrow-shaped body with tentacles on the back and several pointed limbs and a beak-like mouth on the front. Shrugging, Twilight handed the nearly foot-long creature over Zecora, who eyed it curiously for several seconds. Then, just when Twilight was about to ask what the zebra had in mind, Zecora popped the entire parasite into her tentacle-filled maw and swallowed.

“I know that's how you study things, but…” Twilight’s voice trailed off.

Zecora shifted from limb to limb, her expression changing slightly. Yes. This is perfect. Its structures are so familiar and though inelegant, they are robust.

“Well, that's good. I think,” Twilight murmured.

It should take me a few hours, but I think I will be able to create more of these fascinating creatures, Zecora exclaimed.

Applejack looked a little green. “Are you sure you’re alright? That thing was mighty nasty-lookin’.”

Zecora nodded. It has already been dissolved. Though your thoughts are… appreciated.

“If you say so,” muttered Twilight.

A sudden crack made everyone turn back to the egg which had lost a lot of its color over the last few seconds. A spiked limb rammed against the inside of the egg, followed by a second, each one piercing through the thin membrane. Pulling the egg apart, the creature crawled up through the opening, emerging out into the world and shaking itself clear of purple slime.

“It's a zergling,” Twilight remarked, her eyes narrowing. “A strange-looking zergling.”

“Kinda looks like Scootaloo,” Applejack pointed out.

“It sort of does, doesn't it?” Twilight replied.

Indeed. Though smaller than the ones you have seen, this one appears to be more pony-like, Zecora exclaimed.

Twilight nodded, silently admitting that the zebra was right, as it looked far less intimidating than the ones fielded by the nameless queen. While theirs were covered in spikes and were obviously not capable of prolonged flight, this one had large wings and was covered in fur. Its back mounted spear-like limbs also folded neatly into its carapace, vanishing after they were no longer needed.

Those same limbs also only had a single sharp spike, unlike the other zerglings which usually had several smaller protrusions as well. This one also had hooves on its back legs, and thicker palmed hands on its forelimbs, which sported three large clawed fingers. The creature’s dual set of wings were also larger, and one was feathered while the other was insect-like in nature. Twilight got the impression one was used for flight and the other for simply jumping short distances.

Though its eyes were the same deep orange as the other zerglings the unicorn had seen, they were also slightly more rounded, and its entire body was smoother. Its chitinous plates linked together nearly perfectly, and a layer of short, soft fur covered the majority of its body. Even its teeth seemed less intimidating, only being visible when the creature opened its mouth rather than all the time.

The zergling shook itself another time before stretching out like a cat, extending its wings and limbs as far as they could go.

“Daw, that's adorable,” Applejack murmured.

Twilight blinked. “Huh. I guess growing zerg is a thing I can do now. Though I think I’ll have to keep it here for now.”

“And you better keep that secret from the others,” remarked a familiar voice. “I don't think they would be quite so understanding as I.”

Author's Note:

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