• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,355 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Choosing Sides Part 1

“Well, this is it,” Steel Heart exclaimed, stopping a dozen feet from a large metal door. “Before you head in, I was hoping to speak to you.”

Twilight glanced down the hall to where a single power-armored pony stood quietly next to the entrance. Marked by the confederate crossed stripes and emblazoned with a dozen or more stars, this was clearly the right meeting room. Though hidden away within the bowels of the seemingly endless facility, this area was far more important.

Unlike nearly everywhere else, here the walls were smooth, the floors made of wood and covered with carpet. Paintings hung from the walls while small cameras kept a constant vigil on all who darkened the long silver hallway. Though there was little in the way of security forces, Twilight could tell that there were numerous defences waiting to spring into action.

“Of course, Steel. What did you want to talk about?” Spike asked.

“Wait. Are you sure you want to chat here?” Twilight exclaimed, subtly gesturing to the power-armored guard down the hall, who was no doubt staring at them behind her blackened helmet.

Steel Heart nodded. “It ain't that serious. I just wanted to give you this, and it seems like the best time to do so.”

“Give me…” Twilight blinked. “What is this?”

“It's that medal I promised you,” Steel Heart exclaimed with a smile. “See?”

Twilight leaned forward and inspected the small hunk of gold dangling from an arrow-shaped strip of blood red cloth. Only about the size of a bit, the medal was shaped into a six pointed star with a small sun emblem emblazoned into the middle. It was incredibly ornate, with every inch carved to give it a slightly rugged texture that drew the eye towards the center.

“Is that a star of courage?” Spike asked.

Steel Heart nodded. “For your efforts saving the early confederacy and putting the lives of its citizens above the value of your own, I do bestow upon you this humble medal. Let all who see it know what you have risked for your fellow pony.”

“I- but…” Twilight muttered

She gazed down as Steel Heart placed it against Twilight’s chest, only to pause when she realized that wasn't going to work. Undeterred, the older mare began to fish around in her pockets before producing a small magnet which she used to clamp the medal to Twilight’s chest with a distinctive thump of odd finality.

“Congrats, boss. You deserve it,” Spike commended, grinning from ear to ear.

“I absolutely do not deserve this,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Are you officially rejecting it?” Steel Heart retorted, eyebrows raised.

“No… I just…” Twilight lifted the medal up with her hoof and gazed down at it. “Don't think it should be given to a person like me.”

“Hogwash,” Steel Heart replied with a snort. “The medal of courage goes to brave people, and you have shown yourself to be incredibly brave.”

“Best just accept it,” Spike whispered. “I don't think Steel’s gonna back down on this one.”

Twilight chuckled mirthlessly and dropped the medal. “Thank you, Steel Heart.”

“Why are you acting so surprised? I said I was going to pin a medal on you, didn't I? Did you not expect me to honor my word?” Steel Heart blustered, puffing out her chest and bumping Twilight.

Who laughed a little louder. “I should have known you would do something like this. No wonder I could sense an odd bit of trepidation from you for the last few minutes.”

“I just needed to work up the courage, is all.” Steel Heart laughed heartily and pounded a hoof against Twilight’s back. “Now then. We don't got long, and you really should get a little heads-up on what you’re walking into.”

“A meeting with the council to discuss the war, right?” Twilight replied.

“Yes, you know about what will be discussed, but do you know anything about who you will be talking with?” Steel Heart pointed out.

“No, I do not,” Twilight admitted.

“Well, you already know one of them,” Spike offered. “Edmund Duke is on the council. As is Nagglfar, though he is only holding that position until Celestia is fit to take his place.”

“Wait, Nagglfar. That was that huge black dragon who invested his entire hoard early on, right? I heard he owed Celestia a really big favor,” Twilight exclaimed.

“He did. He's also not exactly interested in fighting, or much other than writing really, but he is as wise as he is old, and he's apparently old enough to know Celestia when she was young,” Steel Heart explained.

“I remember that. Celestia never did say what she had done to earn such a favor. Just mentioned something about chasing shooting stars and laughed,” Twilight muttered.

“Well, regardless. He's usually pretty quiet, but when he does speak, everyone listens,” Steel Heart continued.

“What about the others? I heard that there was a mercenary, a merchant, and a pegasus noble of some kind,” Spike continued.

Steel Heart nodded. “That's true. The mercenary in question is Stalwart Steel of the Tygores clan. She is pretty young, but was tough enough to beat her old man in a fight and earn her place as the patriarch. Smart too, she threw in everything she had after only a few minute long conversation with Celestia and even pulled her entire clan out of their ancestral labyrinth.”

“Woah. I did not hear that,” murmured Spike.

“And the merchant?” Twilight pressed.

“From a long line of earth pony traders who can trace their family history past even the first founding of Equestria,” Steel Heart exclaimed. “Real money-smart and with more bits than the royal treasury in its prime, if you believe the rumours.”

“They were another early investor in the confederacy project,” Spike added. “Celestia mentioned them in passing a few times.”

“I remember that as well. She mentioned their elder is a stallion by the name of Silver Spirit, though she didn't say much about him. Only that he was traditional and about as likeable as moldy bread,” Twilight remarked disdainfully.

“That's putting it mildly. He is about as ornery as they come, but despite being as old as dirt, he's still as sharp as a tack,” Steel Heart whispered. “Doesn't look too bad either. A shame he's a right bastard.”

Twilight snorted. “So that leaves what, the noble and…”

“Shannon,” Steel Heart answered. “She was the secretary for the first administrator of the province, but was promoted by Celestia herself after his office was made redundant due to governmental restructuring.”

“I’ve never heard of this Shannon person before. What is she like?” Twilight inquired.

“Professional to a degree that would make even Inkwell think she is going a bit overboard,” Steel Heart exclaimed with a grumpy snort. “She's a griffon to boot, and was born to an impoverished pair of shoemakers. Apparently made her parents rich after she took control of their business and swiftly moved up from there.”

“If she was so smart, why was she some guy’s secretary?” Spike inquired. “It seems like she could have had whatever job she desired.”

“Some say she was aiming for her boss’ job and wanted to gain the necessary contacts. Others think she saw the war coming and was angling for a meeting with Celestia. Either way, she is a control freak who has a knack for management and always looks exactly the same as the last time you saw her,” Steel Heart remarked.

“Plenty of serious people,” Spike muttered.

Steel Heart snorted. “That's nothing. The last guy, Valerian Mengsk, takes the cake by far. Guy has a thousand yard stare that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. I don't even think it's physically possible for the dude to smile.”

“Wait. I heard about his family in history class with Celestia,” Twilight interrupted. “The Mengsk clan holds dual citizenship as both griffon and Equestrian nobles. Not only are they one of the two families to have ever become griffon nobles, but they are also one of the oldest pegasus blood lines on record.”

Steel Heart nodded. “Yup. They say they can track it back to the first Equestrian-Griffon war where their family was gifted a parcel of land for valorous actions. Since then they’ve interbred quite a bit, and get this. Valerian has a set of huge fangs.”

“A mutation borne from those pegasi who have a considerable amount of griffon blood in their veins,” Spike added.

“Guy’s as tough as nails. Though his family was wrecked pretty bad during the fall of Ironhall,” Steel Heart continued. “I think they only got like, three of their folk still left, and the majority of their wealth was destroyed during the fighting.”

Spike winced. “He's not going to be a fan of us. That's for sure.”

“Wait, what happened at Ironha-” Twilight began.

“The council will see you now,” announced the guard in a mechanical tone.

Zerg wiped out the town, Spike explained.

“Good luck, you two,” offered Steel Heart.

“You aren't coming with us?” Spike asked.

“Nah. This is above my pay grade. Besides, I got work to do,” Steel Heart replied.

“I’ll see you again soon, Steel,” Twilight murmured, clasping the earth pony around the shoulders and squeezing her tightly.

“Aww, don't say it all grim like that. I’ll see ya for coffee tomorrow,” Steel Heart retorted.

“Sounds good,” declared Spike, who was swiftly picked up into a tight, brief hug. “Oof. A little tight, dontcha think? I ain't covered in metal like Twilight is.”

“Ahh, you can handle it. Have fun in there,” Steel Heart exclaimed as she walked away.

Twilight strode towards the door without looking back, though Spike did glance briefly over his shoulder before following after the unicorn.

“Twilight and Spike Sparkle. You are cleared for entry. Please seat yourselves at the end of the table while the other council members connect,” remarked the guard a second before the metal door split in half and disappeared into the walls.

Gazing inside the newly revealed room, Twilight was immediately surprised at how bright it all was. The walls had been replaced with screens displaying a sunny afternoon day in Canterlot and were made to look like windows. The room was also fairly narrow, with just enough space for a large mahogany table in the shape of a hexagon and seven chairs.

All of which were empty, save for the one directly across form the duo, that was taken by Edmund Duke. The minotaur had seemingly not noticed Twilight and Spike’s arrival however, and was tapping angrily at a tablet. The earth pony mare standing next to him looked like she was about to have a coronary. She was frustrated and trying to pull the small computer away.

“Sir, please. The invite has already been sent. You don't need to keep tapping it,” she stressed in a low tone.

“But I thought you needed to hit it once for each person,” Duke replied.

“No. You are all in the group chat. See?” replied the young mare who pointed at the screen.

Edmund Duke blinked and peered in close at the screen. “Oh. I see that now. Thank you, Ruby.”

“No problem, sir. Now remember. You don't have to touch the tablet again. They’ll connect automatically after accepting your invite,” stressed the mare.

“Yes, yes. I can handle this simple piece of machinery,” Duke retorted.

The mare merely sighed and quietly excused herself, giving Twilight a small nod as she passed them by.

Wow, she has got some angry thoughts, Spike noted.

I didn't even know that particular curse word, Twilight replied.

“Ahh, Twilight and young Spike. It is good to see you both,” Edmund Duke exclaimed, gesturing to the chair across from him. “Please, sit. The others should be arriving shortly.”

“He said connect, does that mean they are joining virtually somehow?” Spike asked.

Twilight sat down, only for the chair to groan under her weight, prompting the unicorn to rise almost immediately.

“Why don't you take the seat?” offered Twilight.

“Sure,” Spike exclaimed with a shrug.

“Huh. I would have sworn that the chair was strong enough. It took all of Stalwart’s weight,” remarked Edmund Duke.

“You know I can hear you even if it hasn't finished connecting, right?” boomed a deep, yet still feminine voice from Twilight’s left.

“I knew that,” muttered Edmund.

Twilight turned and watched as a flickering blue light quickly solidified, becoming a towering female minotaur. Taller than even Edmund Duke, the new arrival wore what looked like a loose-fitting set of robes held tight around the middle by a thick band of some silky material. Though the projection was unable to reproduce color with any degree of success, Twilight assumed the clothes were likely either black or brown.

“Giant woman,” murmured Spike under his breath.

Twilight followed her son’s gaze as it traveled up the new arrival’s massive, hulking form to the surprising plain features. Bearing no scars and containing the last remnants of youth, the female’s face bore a strong jawline. She also had a large pair of ram-like horns jutting forward from either side of her head, framing her face. Young, yet stern, the minotaur definitely looked the part of a seasoned warrior, her hands resting atop the table, a fist placed inside her palm.

“So this is Celestia’s heir…” remarked the new arrival, her eyes narrowing. “Curious.”

“I am Twilight Sparkle, and this is Spike. Stalwart Steel, I presume?” Twilight replied.

Stalwart nodded slowly. “It is good to finally meet you.”

“Yes, most excellent indeed,” exclaimed a new voice, this one even deeper and more rumbly than even Stalwart’s. “Though I am curious. What did you think of the last package I sent you?”

“The last…” Twilight’s response fell away as the head of an ancient black dragon coalesced to her immediate right. “You mean ‘The Catcher in the Rye’?”

The scaled head solidified completely, revealing the aged and slightly round features of an elder dragon. His electronic ghost only went down to his neck, and for good reason, as Twilight assumed a single one of his teeth would likely fill the very room she now stood in.

“Yes, what did you think?” he pressed, his closest eye peering intently at the unicorn.

“It was… different,” muttered Twilight.

“She hated it,” Spike exclaimed.

The black dragon scoffed. “What? Why? It's a masterpiece!”

“It's whiny and downright annoying,” Twilight reluctantly added, shooting Spike a quick glare.

“But the characters, the themes, the meaning!” shrieked Nagglfar.

“Was nothing more than a rather poor attempt at a coming of age story,” Twilight finished with a shrug. “Hardly worth the praise heaped on it.”

“I like this one,” Stalwart Steel declared.

“Apologies,” offered a crisp, slightly sharp tone. “There was an error with my terminal that required a professional’s attention.”

Twilight turned to her right, glancing past Nagglfar to where the sharp-pressed features of a suit-wearing griffon had appeared. Her age was difficult to figure out, as the former secretary looked as though she were nearly forty, though that seemed to be on purpose. Twilight assumed she was slightly younger, but that couldn't be discerned for certain. What was certain however was that this sharply dressed griffon was the perfect picture of professionalism.

“Do not worry, administrator. You are still technically early,” Edmund Duke remarked.

“Good. Though I am surprised Nagglfar beat me here. I assumed I’d have to send for a technician after he crushed another computer,” Shannon remarked coldly, beak raised slightly and a teasing sparkle in her eye.

The great dragon snorted. “I will have you know that I am not completely incompetent with technology. I simply don't have the experience you lot have.”

“Weren't you amazed by indoor plumbing?” remarked Stalwart Steel.

“I simply enjoy my rustic living accommodations. That is all,” Nagglfar exclaimed, scoffing angrily at the minotaur’s remark.

“Rustic? That cave of yours didn't even have a hole for you to shit in,” added a gravelly tone coming from Twilight’s left.

The unicorn turned to see one of the oldest earth ponies she had ever laid eyes on appear next to her. Wearing the robes of a merchant circa four hundred years ago, the stallion seemed strangely youthful in spite of his advanced age. For despite his wrinkled features and saggy skin, his dark hair was still styled perfectly, and his clothes were immaculate.

“Silver Spirit. So glad of you to join us,” Edmund Duke remarked. “I thought you’d be the final member to arrive, given your predilection for counting beans.”

The earth pony snorted. “Someone must count them, lest your fledgling confederacy go broke. It is bad enough that we are in essence an insular economy.”

“Oh no. You can't grow your own personal fortune. What a shame,” Stalwart Steel muttered in a bland, flat tone.

“If I cannot prosper in this situation, then no one can, and that, may I remind you, is a bad thing,” spat the earth pony.

“Prosperity is measured in more than simple bits and dollars,” Shannon retorted.

“Yes, yes. We’ve all seen your production estimates and all the weapons you are making,” Silver Spirit flippantly replied, waving his hoof at the griffon.

They don't exactly seem like fast friends, now do they? Spike thought.

Twilight stifled her laughter. No. No, they do not.

“Has Valerian mentioned when he will arrive? I was hoping to get this meeting underway soon,” Edmund Duke exclaimed.

“Present,” whispered a powerful masculine voice from Twilight’s left.

Everyone turned to watch as a robed pegasus stallion coalesced into being, his form occupying the majority of his chair. Larger than most ponies, the pegasus’ stature nearly rivalled Twilight’s own, with the tip of his head reaching the unicorn’s nose. His features were definitely at least partially avian, he sported a set of large fangs, massive wings, and narrower, more predatory eyes.

His voluminous robes were tied around his waist by a cord and were in the style of griffon nobility. Which was at the same time both relaxed and practical for the mountain-born creatures who lived in sub-zero temperatures for the majority of the year. Twilight’s attention flickered from his dress to his face, which was narrower than most and which faded from one color at his nose to another when it reached his neck.

I need to look up a picture of this Mengsk character after the meeting, Twilight thought.

Does someone have a crush? Spike teased.

Twilight shot her son a glare, though one that had lost some of its edge due to the unicorn’s wide blush. I do not have a crush on him. I’m merely curious about his appearance. That is all.

You know you could at least be more honest with your love of dangerous people. I mean, everyone knows I love giant women, Spike replied.

Twilight smirked and leaned towards the male. Don't you mean giant people? Or do I need to remind you what happened when you met your first minotaur? What was his name again? Iron Will?

I don't know what you’re talking about, Spike thought back, his mind briefly overcome with images of a buff minotaur in a tight white tank top.

The slam of someone’s fist against the table drew Twilight’s attention back to the conversation playing out right in front of her.

“Now, if you lot have gotten all the snide jabs and underhanded remarks out of your system, we have an important discussion before us,” Edmund Duke pressed.

“Though before we get to the meat of this little talk, we should at least briefly mention how our projects have been going. Starting with Nagglfar. I have not received a report from your little ‘Ministry of Morale’ project in quite some time,” Shannon declared, glancing at the black dragon expectantly.

Who squirmed as much as a floating head was capable of. “It has been… difficult to turn people’s attention away from their troubles. Especially given how numerous those problems have recently become.”

Before anyone had a chance to offer a word in edgewise, Shannon turned to Stalwart Steel. “I assume training on the new units have been going well, and that the use of extreme force within the police has decreased? I wouldn't have to ask, but your reports are bereft of most details.”

The minotaur woman crossed her arms over her chest and nodded. “Violent incidents are down, and graduation rates are up. What else do you need to know?”

“Plenty. Though that is a conversation we will have to have at a later date. Silver Spirit. Your documentation is, as always, excellent,” Shannon declared.

“Thank you, administrator,” replied the earth pony.

“Though if I see one more request to start a vineyard, I will cut the gin rations in half,” stated the griffon, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

“Understood, administrator,” muttered the old stallion bitterly.

“Nearly everything has been retrofitted to deal with the cold,” offered Valerian before Shannon could even ask the question. “We are just waiting on the final design revisions for the main battle tanks.”

“Exceptional as usual, Mengsk,” Shannon stated, her avatar scribbling something on an unseen notebook.

“Now then. If Shannon is done antagonizing everyone, I believe we have important matters to discuss,” Edmund Duke declared.

“Starting with the zerg,” stated Twilight.

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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