• Published 18th Aug 2018
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The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Healing Minds

Twilight hummed thoughtfully as she strode slowly through the hospital, her gaze flicking from one injured human to the next. While she observed the many strangers, Twilight’s mind quickly calculated what it would take to heal them fully. Then she discarded such calculations as none were mission-critical or in such poor condition that they required her immediate help.

She did notice that the few who were awake and cognizant of their surroundings viewed her with a mixture of awe and fear. It was a natural response, Twilight decided and ignored almost all of the looks shot her way. All save for the young guard she had manipulated only a few minutes earlier, whose wide smile was observed closely.

The expression radiated warmth, assuaging any of the discomfort that Twilight felt from being feared. No words were spoken as they passed one another, though Twilight gave the girl a small nod of thanks. A move the soldier returned heartily, snapping off a quick salute before returning to her more neutral stance a second later.

Now wearing a smile of her own, Twilight clicked the button for the lowest floor this elevator could reach. A second later, the metal box lurched downward once more, the ride silent, save for the distant whir of machinery. This time her descent was not made alone, as Twilight shuddered to a stop a floor later, where she was joined by two soldiers.

Whose hands went to their weapons for half a second before they noticed who they were looking at.

“Apologies,” one muttered before stepping inside.

His partner was less trusting and only followed after his fellow when he had given Twilight a thorough visual inspection. This might have made Twilight uncomfortable, if she wasn't able to easily read his mind and find that he had nearly lost an arm to an infested school child. With that tidbit in mind, Twilight merely ignored his look and leaned against the wall, staring off into space.

A second later, the elevator began to move once more, with both of the uniformed soldiers remaining silent. Her curiosity already sparked, Twilight couldn't help but pry just a little more into their minds. From the more battle-worn of the two, she was able to discern that they were headed down to change shifts at the vault.

His partner wasn't thinking about the job ahead though, but rather Twilight, which he viewed with naked curiosity. That curiosity was tinged with appreciation though, and Twilight quickly discovered that he had already heard of her recent accomplishments. It seemed as though a broadcast had gone out to everyone who needed to know that Twilight had saved some of their comrades who had been at death’s door.

Though Twilight was glad that she was being trusted more, she couldn't help but wonder what else the average soldier had been told about her. That was a thought for another time though, as they had arrived at their destination with a firm clunk. The soldiers quickly stepped out, with the more battle-worn one giving Twilight a small nod before departing.

Twilight smiled faintly before following after the male a moment later, subtly ensuring that there was a good amount of space between her and the two humans. Together they unknowingly made their way to the vault together, where they stopped once more. This time she had evidently been expected, as the two current guards were staring directly at her. Not only that, but the huge door had already been opened, revealing the long empty hallway beyond.

“Good afternoon,” stated a tall, slightly androgynous female with dark skin and even darker hair. “Why, may I ask, are you here?”

“Would you deny me entry?” Twilight inquired despite already knowing the answer.

“No,” stated the soldier. “The boss merely wants to know what exactly you have planned.”

Twilight hummed to herself, silently tempted to give some sort of bullshit answer, only to stop herself before doing so. “I hope to help as many of your infested as possible,” she stated.

“Help, how?” asked the grizzled soldier from earlier.

“I hope to remove the programming left behind by the black queen and do what I can to ease their physical afflictions,” Twilight calmly remarked.

“And you can do that how?” asked the dark-skinned woman.

“I’ve picked up a few things during our last mission,” Twilight explained. “Your boss should know all these details already, considering they were in the after action report I filed.”

The woman held up a finger before turning away, a hand covering her left ear. After several long moments of silence, the soldier nodded and gestured to her subordinates. “Buckshot, Auto. You two are on guard detail while the sergeant and I will escort our VIP here,” she commanded.

Twilight raised an eyebrow as the two of the men quickly took positions by the entrance after snapping a crisp salute. This left Twilight in the company of the dark-skinned woman and the experienced soldier from earlier. He didn't seem surprised in the slightest, leaving Twilight to wonder if they had planned this entire encounter in advance.

Either way, it didn't concern her so long as she was able to continue her mission without interruption.

“And what are your names? If you don't mind me asking,” Twilight inquired. “Mine is Twilight Sparkle, as you likely already know.”

The darker-skinned human gestured to her name tag. “I’m Double TIme, and this is…”

“Charlie Foxtrot , though you can just call me Charlie, everyone does,” muttered the man.

“Well, it's wonderful to meet you both. Now then, may I continue?” Twilight replied.

Double Time nodded. “Just pretend we aren't here.”

Twilight briefly scanned the female soldier’s surface thoughts, but found nothing. You were hand-selected for this job due to your low-grade psionic ability. Either that, or the dampener is affecting me more than I care to admit, Twilight thought to herself before ignoring the two humans who moved to shadow her as she walked into the vault.

Just like the last time Twilight was here, her psychic senses were muted somewhat, though not quite to the same extent. She had assumed it would be worse, and was left slightly confused when she could still feel the thoughts of the other infested in the area, though only the loudest of which were audible to her. Still, even that was a marked difference from last time.

Am I getting stronger, or just more used to it? Twilight wondered before her gaze settled on the first target she had been hoping to see. Namely a certain former human who was close friends with her new squad.

Pinkie Pie lay on her bed with arms and tail sprawled all over the place, a magazine covering her face. Said publication floated up into the air each time the infested exhaled, only to land back in the same spot a second later. The sight made Twilight snicker as she stared through the glass wall into the well-furnished room beyond.

The former human seemed to hear this and turned her head to look to where Twilight stood.

“Bwuh, isat you Twilight?” she muttered sleepily.

“It is, Pinkie Pie, and I have a surprise for you,” Twilight declared.

“Ooh, I love surprises. Just give me a second to get my clothes on,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight blinked, only now realizing that her friend had been nude up until that moment. Not like there was much to see, given that her chest was a mass of chitinous plates devoid of features. It had still been enough to make one of her escorts blush though, which made Twilight only more confused.

There is nothing there. Why are they so awkward? Twilight thought before focusing her attention on Pinkie Pie. Who was now standing in front of the two way glass, a familiar hoodie draped over her form.

“There we go!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Now, what kind of surprise do you have for your favorite snakey snake?”

Twilight chuckled. “How would you like to be able to leave this cell and go anywhere on the base and maybe even on missions with your friends?”

“Is that possible?” Pinkie Pie asked, glancing at the soldier who stood behind Twilight’s right.

“Maybe,” Double Time replied simply. “We will have to verify the effects before we can okay such a thing, but if Twilight is capable of all she says she is, then I don't see why not.”

Pinkie Pie inhaled a massive lungful of air before letting out an excited and high pitched cry of “Yipee!” while spinning around in circles all the while. Both guards winced, and though Twilight was slightly annoyed by the sound, she couldn't help but share in the girl’s joy. Eventually, the infested ran out of oxygen and was forced to stop and begin to breathe in again.

“Once was plenty,” Twilight quietly stated.

“Oh, okay,” Pinkie Pie replied, only to bounce back almost immediately. “So, what do you have to do to me? Will there be knives involved? Or would they be scalpels?”

“None,” Twilight answered. “I merely need access to your cell.”

Everyone turned to Double Time who was quiet for a moment before whispering something into an unseen microphone. A second later, the steel door next to the window popped open and allowed Pinkie Pie to peeked her head out.

“Come on in, everybody. I just cleaned up,” Pinkie Pie excitedly remarked.

Twilight was the first to take up the offer while Double Time was close behind, and Lewis remained outside. The first thing the former unicorn noticed was that the enclosed space was indeed clean, it was also fairly luxurious. There was a television across from a specially designed bed, which itself sat next to a similarly sized desk upon which was a computer. The girl also had a well-stocked bookcase, a weight set, and numerous nick-nacks as well as posters which added some charm to the slate grey walls.

It was nice, though still a jail cell in Twilight’s mind.

“Now then, please lay on-” Twilight began, only to be interrupted when Pinkie Pie surged forward.

“Wait a second!” shouted the girl.

Twilight blinked. “Go ahead. What is it?”

“Can you fix Sweetie Belle first?” Pinkie Pie inquired.

“I could…” Twilight replied.

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Then do her first. I don't want her to be away from her sister for even a moment longer than necessary.”

Twilight shrugged and turned to her escort, who was already whispering into her earpiece. After several moments of silence, Double Time nodded to her fellow, who repeated the motion before walking away. Twilight assumed this meant that Pinkie Pie’s request had been approved, though without the ability to read their minds, she couldn't be sure of that.

Either way, it left Twilight with little to do but consider her circumstances and wonder about what she could do. Eliminating the programming from the various infested was a start, but getting rid of their more inhuman features would take time. Though now that she was thinking about it, Twilight realized that she didn't have to do it all at once. She could instead empower the human parts of the brain through some careful manipulation and ensure that they would shed their more alien appearance over the course of months.

Possible, and well within my abilities even considering how much effort I was forced to put into unlocking Sunset’s magic and activating Fluttershy’s latent psychic spark, Twilight thought to herself. I may even be able to fix the majority of those infested trapped here. Though now that I’m thinking about it, should I even bother?

Twilight dismissed the thought as quickly as it came, reminding herself that such lines of thinking were morally abhorrent. She would help them not only because they suffered in a similar manner to her, but also because it was simply the right thing to do. Though a small voice in Twilight’s mind reminded her that by removing the queen’s latent programming, she could install her own.

That consideration was harder to ignore, though thankfully the sound of boots stomping down the hall was enough of a distraction to get rid of it. A second later, the second half of their escort return with Sweetie Belle, but also Rarity. The older girl wore her combat uniform sans armor and had only her side arm on her at the moment.

Someone must have been hitting the range when they got the message, Twilight thought.

“I came as fast as I could,” Rarity exclaimed, quickly walking into the room and grabbing Twilight by the shoulders. “Is it true that you can cure Sweetie Belle?”

Twilight glanced down to the slightly mutated young girl holding fast to her sister’s pant leg. Visually, the infestation did not appear deep, and a quick psychic pulse backed up that assumption.

“I can. Most of the physical signs of infestation will take time to wear off, and there will be side effects, but at least the queen’s programming will be gone,” Twilight hummed. “I might even be able to erect a mental wall in the girl’s mind which will stop her from being controlled in the future.”

Something I could do for them all. Though by doing so, I would not be able to control them either, Twilight reasoned. Irrelevant. I require no army and need not the help of civilians.

“Oh, that's wonderful. Do you hear that, Sweetie Belle? We may not be able to leave this place, but at least you could stay with me in my room,” Rarity happily exclaimed.

“R-really?” murmured the younger girl and looked up at Twilight quizzically.

Twilight nodded. “Provided your jailers agree.”

“It shouldn't be a problem,” Double Time quickly remarked.

“But what about the rest of my friends?” Sweetie Belle whispered. “Will they be able to leave as well?”

Pinkie Pie leaned down and flashed the young girl what Twilight imagined was a smile. “We’ll all be coming with you, but first we gotta get that mean lady’s thoughts out of your head,” Pinkie Pie explained.

Sweetie Belle nodded slowly. “What do you need me to do?”

So calm, and that look in her eye. She has seen terrible things, Twilight thought before turning and gesturing to the bed. “Sit there and let me take a look at you.”

The girl obediently did as she was told, sitting down at the edge of the mattress.

Twilight crouched before her and held up a hand, scanning the girl’s body with what little magic she could bring to bear. Sure enough, Twilight’s assumptions were only proven further, allowing the infested woman to begin the process of healing the young girl. Twilight started this process by linking to her mind and sinking her feelers in as deep as she could manage, rooting out any sign of hidden commands.

Sweetie Belle winced briefly, but recovered a moment later, keeping her mind open despite the discomfort Twilight’s presence brought her. Twilight could feel Rarity’s own fear grow, though thankfully she didn't move to intervene and merely wrung her hands nervously in silence.

Pushing on, Twilight was able to root out several hidden command words that when spoken would flood the young girl’s body with adrenaline, testosterone, and serotonin. There were also several more hormones which would be produced en masse, but Twilight wasn't sure of their names. Either way, if activated either verbally or mentally, the girl would be forced to enter a sort of berserker-like state that would last until she was subdued or killed.

Grim, effective, but utterly reprehensible, Twilight thought to herself as she removed the command.

She then moved on to the other hidden commands and got rid of them as well, until at long last the girl was free of them. After that, Twilight breathed a small sigh of relief and went about erecting a mental barrier in the young girl’s mind. It was only while she was doing this final bit of psychic gymnastics that she felt something strange tickle her perceptions.

The odd sensation was not unlike the feeling of being watched from afar, only this individual was incredibly powerful. Despite all that raw power, Twilight got the impression that they couldn't quite get a lock on her position. Nor could this other being do much but peer through the tiny crack in the wall that was left in the psychic nullifier.

In the end, Twilight ignored it and finished up the mental wall she had been erecting, ending the problem before it could truly even become one.

“Her commands are gone, and no one should be able to take control of her again,” Twilight stated confidently.

“How do you feel, Sweetie?” Rarity quickly asked.

The girl shrugged. “Fine, but also kinda lonely.”

“That will come from psychic isolation. You're likely used to connecting to the other infested in the area, even though you couldn't actually do anything with that connection,” Twilight explained.

“So that's how I know whenever any of my friends are sad,” Pinkie Pie murmured.

“This connection doesn't pose a potential security risk, does it?” questioned Double Time.

Twilight shook her head. “It shouldn't, but as soon as I’ve been able to treat everyone, it will be a non-issue. Pinkie Pie is also especially psychically active, so I’d like to move onto her as quickly as possible ”

“That's good,” Rarity muttered in relief. “Can you also fix the other less-pressing physical issues?”

“In just a moment. Though be warned that the majority of changes will take weeks, if not months to truly take affect,” Twilight cautioned. “I don't have the skill nor time to micromanage all of the physical changes myself and will instead let her body do that for her.”

Sweetie Belle’s glowing eyes widened. “R-really?”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Though it may be a little more unpleasant than the first part.”

“That's okay,” Sweetie Belle hastily exclaimed. “I can be really tough, can't I, Rarity?”

“You are the toughest little girl I know, Sweetie Belle,” Rarity replied with a smile.

Twilight couldn't help but grin as her hand began to glow once more. “Alright then, just relax. This shouldn't take very long at all.”

She started by casting a low-grade healing spell, then used the anatomical information it fed her as a jumping off point. Within a few seconds, Twilight had found the right spots in the girl’s brain which when altered ever so slightly would allow Sweetie Belle to fight off the infestation herself. A touch of magic and a bit of psionic power later, those parts of the young girl’s physiology had been turned up to eleven.

It took far longer to locate and turn off the still active parts of Sweetie Belle’s infestation, however. Still, it was good practice in Twilight’s mind, and it ultimately wasn't long before the woman had gotten the hang of things. Before she stopped the flow of magic, Twilight focused her attention on the young girl’s eyes, remedying the unnerving glow.

“There we are,” Twilight murmured. “And it took far less time or power than I had anticipated.”

“I don't feel any different,” Sweetie Belle remarked, only to blink. “Wait, my eyes, are they…”

Rarity wrapped her arms around the younger girl’s body, pulling her into a tight, tearful hug. “Oh, Sweetie Belle, I’m so glad to have you back.”

“But I never left,” Sweetie Belle murmured through her sister’s shirt.

Twilight smiled and glanced at their escort. “I assume you will have your local medical professional check on her soon?”

“It's already been scheduled,” Double Time remarked.

Twilight nodded. “That is good to hear, for although I am confident of my technique, her hormone levels will need to be monitored. Even still, other than a little extra muscle density and some added height, I don't anticipate any complications.”

“I suppose that is a small price to pay,” Rarity murmured.

“That sounds awesome though,” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, pushing at Rarity’s arm. “I need to breathe, you know.”

Rarity blushed and took a small step back. “I’m sorry about that, dear. I’m just so happy.”

“This is so beautiful,” Pinkie Pie tearfully remarked.

Twilight chuckled and stood up to face the other infested. “Now then, let’s get that head of yours looked at.”

“Actually, would you mind doing that part last? I want to send out as many good vibes to my friends as I can,” Pinkie Pie gently inquired.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully for a moment before shrugging. “I don't see why not. Unless the nullifier goes down, we should be fine, after all.”

“Yipee!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed before sitting down on her bed with a thump. “Whenever you're ready, Doctor Sparkle.”

The infested woman chuckled and began to channel her magic once more. This time the same progress took far less effort, though it also didn't bring back nearly as positive results. Pinkie Pie had obviously been altered far more than Sweetie Belle had, and there was little Twilight could do about that.

It was possible to eventually regain her legs, but that would take surgery of both a magical and mundane nature, as well as long-term treatment. Without those options available to her, Twilight focused on the girl’s face in addition to her mutated arm.

“Now, this may feel incredibly weird, but just bear with me, okay?” Twilight warned.

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. “Is it my face noodles?”

“I’ll be rebuilding your face to make it more human, but your noodles will need to be removed, as will your arm,” Twilight replied.

“You don't need to agree with that,” Double Time quickly interjected.

“I…” Pinkie Pie hesitated. “Is there a slow way of doing the arm part?”

“There is,” Twilight admitted. “Though you will still likely have to undergo a sort of limited molt in a few weeks, if that is what you choose.”

Pinkie Pie let out a sigh. “I think I can handle that. Sorry, Twi, but I don't want to lose Righty just yet. I’m left handed anyway, so it's not such a big deal.”

Twilight nodded. “Fair enough, though your face will still need some minor reconstruction.”

“That's okay. I trust you,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Twilight smiled and quickly got to work again, summoning her magic in order to numb the girl’s facial features. Once that was done, Twilight cast a subtle scanning spell in order to discern if Pinkie Pie even had a nose. To her relief, Pinkie Pie did and not only that, but the majority of her jaw was intact, though it would take a bit of effort to make it look normal again.

Thankfully Twilight’s skill in manipulating someone’s flesh in such an intricate manner had increased significantly in only a few minutes. It was relatively easy for her to reconstruct the jaw and nose before cutting off the flow of blood to the tentacles. After that, Twilight just had to remove the nerve endings and amputate the now useless flesh with a carefully focused mana fire flare spell.

Pinkie Pie trembled visibly when the flame neared her face, though remained steadfast throughout the procedure. In the end her tentacles had been replaced by a mass of scar tissue which wasn't the nicest to look at, but was still better than the alternative. The hydralisk mutant checked this for herself, wincing only slightly as she touched a sensitive spot on her cheek.

“It's all there,” she murmured.

Twilight smiled. “You’re welcome.”

“Oh, thank you so much!” Pinkie Pie shouted, pulling Twilight into a tight, one-armed hug. “I can hardly wait to hug people properly again, but this is good enough for now.”

Twilight sighed. “I can't do much about your lower extremities, however. The hips have fused together, and your organs have been rearranged so that some are slightly lower in your body.”

“That's fine,” Pinkie Pie quickly replied, giving her tail a wag. “I can deal with being a snakey snake, but what about…”

Pinkie Pie motioned for Twilight to lean in close, a request the infested honored.

“What about my boobs and other bits? Could I still have kids and stuff?” Pinkie Pie awkwardly asked.

Twilight chuckled. “I can't be certain, but you should be fine in that regard.”

Pinkie Pie leaned back and released a long sigh. “Oh, thank goodness. Though my parents won’t be able to see them, I still want to give them grandkids.”

“Won't be…” Twilight nodded slowly. “I’m sure they would be quite proud of you, Pinkie Pie.”

The girl smiled sadly. “They will be, when I find Maud.”

Twilight nodded and rose once more. “Now then. From what I’ve been able to discern, your skin should be harder than a normal human’s, though the chitinous growths should fall off in time.”

“Will my hair ever come back?” Pinkie Pie asked, running her lone hand over her smooth scalp.

Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe. Though it's unlikely to return the same way it left. In my estimation, it will look more vaguely alien, for lack of a better word.”

“Oh oh, what about our teeth?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“Your teeth?” Twilight muttered, only now realizing that Sweetie Belle had teeth as sharp as a shark. Pinkie Pie shared this physical attribute with the sole difference being that she also had two much longer fangs. “Your body may keep them, though in Pinkie Pie’s case she will definitely have to keep those fangs as they are connected to a set of poison glands inside her nasal cavity.”

“Farewell, salads,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, only to shrug. “Oh well, at least I still got my dracula chompers.”

“Good. I hate salad,” Sweetie Belle murmured.

“Now, Sweetie. Salad is good for you,” Rarity reprimanded.

“Actually both Sweetie Belle and Pinkie Pie will likely need a much higher dose of protein-dense food until the changes are reversed and Sweetie stops growing,” Twilight replied.

Sweetie Belle stuck her abnormally long, tubelike tongue at her sister.

Rarity merely rolled her eyes. “Be that as it may, you will still eat your greens.”

Twilight shook her head. “Now then, Pinkie Pie, shall we finish things up here?”

“Just a second,” Pinkie Pie replied, squeezing her eyes shut for several long seconds before opening them once more and flashing the other girl a wide smile. “Good vibes sent. Go ahead.”

“Again, I must warn you that this will feel rather strange,” Twilight stated.

Pinkie Pie nodded her head. “That's fine. It will be worth it to know that big meany can't make me do anything I don't want to.”

Twilight channeled her psionic power and connected her mind to Pinkie Pie’s, immediately extending her mental feelers. Digging deep into the other girl’s psyche felt strange, for unlike the time she had been working with Sweetie Belle, now Twilight felt this other presence much stronger. The shadow it cast on Pinkie Pie’s mind was nearly overpowering, and Twilight worked hastily to remove all of the commands.

As she discarded them one after another, Twilight couldn't help but feel as though this other entity was closing in. The crack left open by the nullifier was widening somehow, and with each passing second, the entity drew closer to reaching through that opening.

Pinkie Pie grunted and grabbed her head tightly as two foriegn entities rooted around in her brain. “Augh, it feels like my head is going to explode,” she exclaimed.

“What is going on?” Double Time demanded.

Twilight gritted her teeth as she channeled more of her psychic might. “The black queen is bypassing the nullifier somehow. Her influence is limited, but if she is able to activate the berserk command, it could spread from Pinkie Pie to the others.”

“I won't let that happen,” Pinkie Pie muttered angrily.

“I’m scared,” Sweetie Belle murmured.

“Get your sister out of here,” commanded the soldier. “And get emergency plan alpha ready to deploy at a moment's notice.”

Twilight didn't hear any of this, as she was racing to remove every command word and hidden trigger in Pinkie Pie’s mind. A task that was difficult enough to do without struggling against both Pinkie Pie herself, as well as the overwhelming psychic will of this other Twilight.

Her jaw tightened, her brow furrowed, and for a moment Twilight was almost certain that she wasn't going to succeed. Then a break, as she discovered the final hidden order and removed it from Pinkie Pie’s mind. The black queen’s presence was distant, yet Twilight got the feeling that she was pleased with herself.

You may have been able to save this one, but I have already used her to relay my order to the rest of my wayward children, spoke a voice not dissimilar to Twilight’s own.

How? Twilight replied in shock.

Did you think that when you glimpsed my mind, I did not look back? replied the black queen.

When I first arrived, Twilight realized.

You were special, your thoughts flowed in a way which ignored their infernal machines and soon my entire army will have this skill. Then nothing will stand in my way! declared the voice which slowly dissipated, leaving Twilight with the sound of distant laughter ringing in her ears.

Only to be replaced by a cacophony of noise which filled the room utterly. Screams of rage intermingled with yelled orders, and the quiet panicked mutterings of a terrified Pinkie Pie. In an instant, Twilight was able to discern that the rest of the infested had been activated and were tearing their way through the cages which had contained them.

Twilight knew Luna could contain the threat, though whether or not she could do so without having to kill the afflicted infested was another question entirely.

Right. Back to work then, Twilight thought grimly.

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