• Published 18th Aug 2018
  • 14,355 Views, 2,147 Comments

The Infestation of Equiss Prime - Jest

The queen of blades has launched her newest weapon, a ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret. Unfortunatly for her, this ship vanished after launch and crash landed on a distant world filled with colorful ponies.

  • ...

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Meeting Friends, Old and New

“You know, I d-d-don't think chasing ibuprofen with c-coffee is a good idea,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Doesn't that make you sick?” whispered Scootaloo who peeked out from behind Fluttershy’s foreleg.

Twilight merely grunted as she took the medication and chased it with a mouthful of brownish sludge. She then swallowed the rest of her coffee, ensuring that everything stayed down and that her stomach was going to obey her. Only when she was certain she wasn't about to throw up, did Twilight glance to a slightly uncomfortable Spike standing before her.

“It's fine. I’ll be getting some sleep immediately after the party,” Twilight reasoned.

“Ahh’ that's good, ‘cause no offense there, boss, but ya look like a whole heap a manure,” Applejack remarked.

Fluttershy bobbed her head in agreement.

Twilight snorted. “I think I’ll survive a simple party. Unless Pinkie Pie was planning on playing pin the tail on the donkey, because I don't think I’d survive getting spun around in circles.”

“Although fun, I don't think this is quite the right crowd for a game like that,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping up next to the infested unicorn.

“So, how did it go with the big guy?” inquired Applejack.

I assume that it went well, since you are not preparing any escape plans, Zecora inferred, joining the small crowd.

“It did indeed go well,” Twilight replied, glancing at the infested zebra. “And let's just keep those plans on the back burner for now. I still need to feel out the opinions of the council once they’ve assembled.”

“I wouldn't worry about it too much,” Pinkie Pie declared. “They are all pretty reasonable people. Barring a, uh... few exceptions.”

Rainbow Dash snorted bitterly before downing the cup of punch she had been holding.

“I gotta say, Pinkie, you were exceptionally quick on the draw with this party,” Spike offered, gesturing to the tables of snacks and food which had been carried into the room while Twilight had been waiting for her coffee. “I dare say you have better organizational skills than mom over here.”

Pinkie Pie giggled. “Oh, I wouldn't go that far, your old ma is quite the multitasker.”

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie, though I think you’ve got me beat in the speed department. Why, you’ve even got a few seafood dishes… and are those pigs in a blanket I see?” Twilight inquired, licking her lips.

Pinkie Pie bobbed her head excitedly. “Yupperdoodle! There are tons of different creatures that live on base, so it wasn't hard to find a chef willing to help a mare out in her time of need.”

“Well what are we waiting for, let's get this party started already!” Spike exclaimed.

“Wait!” Rainbow Dash gestured back to the entrance leading from their private barracks.

“What are we waiting for?” Scootaloo asked.

Her question was answered a moment later when Rarity got wheeled into the room, the unicorn still locked in a deep sleep. The nurse attending to her was familiar to Twilight, who winced upon seeing the uninfested pony so soon after their rather imperfect first meeting.

“Err, are you sure she should be here?” Applejack asked, a scythe-like arm scratching her head. “She ain't even awake.”

I do not understand why an unconscious pony would be invited to a party. Though I have never been to one myself, so perhaps my assumptions are flawed, Zecora reasoned.

“Well’ if she woke up and found out that she didn't get invited, Rarity would be awfully sad, don't you think?” Pinkie Pie replied.

Zecora blinked. How did you just do that without me noticing? Noone should be able to read my mind.

“I might have been eavesdropping just a little bit,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed before giggling and hopping away.

Twilight quietly ignored Zecora’s demands for answers and walked over to the nurse, clearing her throat when she had drawn close.

“Sorry about earlier. Things have been stressful, to say the least,” Twilight offered.

The nurse chuckled. “You could say that. After our meeting, I was granted access to your file, and I’m honestly surprised you weren’t even more snippy with me.”

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. “Yeah, well… It's still not an excuse.”

“Don't worry about it, dear. I’ve dealt with plenty of unruly patients in my time,” the nurse dismissed.

“Speaking of which, how has Rarity been?” Twilight inquired, glancing down at the still slumbering mare.

“She's been quiet,” muttered the nurse. “It doesn't seem like it on first glance, but it feels like there is a lot going on just under the surface.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked, peering intelty down at Rarity and poking her in the side with a claw.

“Her body twitches like she's walking, and her eyes move rapidly behind her eyelids,” explained the nurse. “It isn't random either, it’s like she's traveling somewhere.”

“Any idea what's going on with her?” asked Spike, glancing expectantly at Twilight.

Who shook her head. “No idea. Her mind is locked down tight. The only way I’d be able to get in is if I hurt her in the process, and that would be counterproductive.”

“D-d-do you require my h-help?” Fluttershy offered, slipping up next to the other infested.

“No, it's fine. I don't think we can help her at the moment,” Twilight replied.

“I feel like this is one journey she needs to take alone,” remarked the nurse. “Now why don't you all go join the party, hmm? I’ll keep an eye on your friend.”

“Please do. She's been through a lot,” Spike murmured.

“Don't worry, I will,” she replied.

Twilight cleared her throat and took Spike by the shoulder. “Now then, why don't we see about getting a snack and some punch?”

“That s-s-sounds l-lovely,” murmured Fluttershy.

“Can we get some sweets?” whispered Scootaloo, the zergling hybrid searching the room for any sign of chocolate.

“If you're good,” Fluttershy replied.

“Waaaait!” Pinkie Pie interrupted, sliding in front of the small group. “We have one last important guest that will be joining us.”

“Aww, come on, Zecora’s already eating!” Spike pointed out.

The zebra retracted her tentacles, quickly swallowing the dozen or so prawns she had stolen from a platter.

“Just wait another few seconds, and he’ll be here,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Wait, he?” Twilight murmured, her gaze growing distant.

Extending her mental powers, she sought out the mind of anyone in the immediate vicinity whom she could not see. The second after she did so, Twilight became equal parts happy and confused, glancing expectantly to the shattered doors. Where an aged griffon ambled through along with a worried-looking earth pony dressed in the garb of a confederate soldier.

The trooper had been one of the same Twilight had seen guarding the door earlier, though his companion was someone she hadn't seen for some time. Razor Wind looked nearly the same as Twilight remembered, with the sole exception being a fresh scar that went down his cheek and ended just above his collar bone. Save for that, the old griffon still looked like he had been carved from some nearly petrified oak, his every feature gnarled by the long march of time.

“Oh, would you quit crowding me, you nervous child?” barked the older male.

“But sir, your condition,” offered the soldier.

“I don't have any stars-damned condition. I’m just old!” shouted the griffon, who waved his walking stick at the pony menacingly.

“Err, sorry,” muttered the colt who swiftly walked away.

“Is that… Razor Wind?” murmured Spike.

“Who else would it be? King Whisper Beak the Third?” barked the griffon as he ambled up to the pair.

“It's so good to see you. I thought you were dead,” Twilight remarked.

Razor Wind snorted. “Surviving wars ain't even that hard. Just keep your head down and don't volunteer for nothin’.”

“I like this guy,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Then get me a chair. The walk down here did a number on my back,” demanded Razor Wind.

“How did you escape?” Spike asked. “I thought you got caught up in one of those riots on the upper levels.”

“If you think a couple jumped up stick-heads are enough to stop me, then yer ma here hasn't told you much of me,” Razor Wind shot back, sitting down on the chair Rainbow Dash had brought for him and giving the pegasus a nod.

“Still. That couldn't have been easy,” Twilight offered.

Razor Wind shook his head. “Not even close. Those blasted fools tried throwing me over the side of the city wall, thinking I couldn't fly.”

“You can?” Rainbow Dash whispered in a low tone.

The griffon opened his tattered wings and grinned wolfishly. “These babies can't rightly get me off the ground anymore, but that doesn't mean I can't glide on ‘em if given the chance.”

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly, peering intently at the griffon as he folded his wings once more, wincing as he did so.

“Does it hurt?” she asked.

“Only when the wind is dry,” Razor Wind replied, then looked the pegasus up and down before leaning in. “Lost a fight, did ya?”

“Yes, sir,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“But did ya lose the war?” Razor Wind inquired.

“No, sir,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Then ya didn't lose nothin’, now get me some of them fishy things, and I’ll tell you a tale or two,” Razor Wind barked.

Twilight smiled, and pulled Spike away from the griffon. “Come on, let's get ourselves some food.”

“Daww, but I wanted to talk to the old-timer,” Spike whined.

“It seems like someone else needs to do that a bit more than we do,” Twilight replied, glancing at Rainbow Dash.

“--and that just about covers it all,” Twilight murmured. She paused to clear her throat. “Would someone mind grabbing me some--Oh, thank you, Spike.”

The dragon nodded as he handed over a tall cup of punch. “No problem. Try to let your voice rest for a bit, that was one long recap,” Spike offered.

“No kidding,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“I c-c-can't b-believe you went through all that in s-s-such a short t-time,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Now I feel bad about wanting you back sooner,” Scootaloo admitted, peeking out from between Fluttershy’s forelegs.

“Spike did great while you were away though,” Applejack interrupted as she slithered next to Twilight. “He kept everyone’s hopes up and made sure we could all think somewhat clearly.”

Even if it was rather hard without you, my queen, Zecora added somewhat reluctantly, the zebra’s tentacles writhing angrily beneath her hood. I am not sure if I could have maintained my sanity if I was to lose the intellectual edge your presence grants me.

“Well, don't worry, it's not like I can go back,” Twilight exclaimed and downed the rest of the drink in a gulp.

“Too bad though. I would have loved to meet my doppelganger. I wonder if her hair was as pink as mine,” Pinkie Pie pondered.

“I’d sure say so,” Twilight replied.

“So, what do you think happened back there anyway?” Applejack interjected. “You don't think that big explosion took ‘em all out, do ya?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don't suspect so. Sunset Shimmer had enough of my magic to perform one big group teleport, and I doubt she’d leave her friends behind.”

“She m-m-might not have b-been given the ch-ch-chance,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Sunset was strong, as was the bond she shared with her friends,” Twilight replied. “She made it out, of that I’m sure. The only question left is if they were able to save that other version of me.”

“I think so,” Spike stated.

“Now that we got that wrapped up for everyone else, do you think we could start the party for real this time?” Spike asked.

“For sure, but before that happens, let's welcome the rest of our guests!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Everyone turned to the shattered doors to find a small cadre of strange individuals walking inside. Twilight recognized all of them, including the janitor and soldier she had met upon returning to this reality. She also recalled the names of Pinkie Pie’s psionically gifted squad, though she wasn't exactly enthused by their presence.

While Pinkie Pie began introducing everyone, Twilight took a step back, pulling Zecora and Fluttershy with her. The two infested creatures silently followed their queen’s lead, all while staring intently at the newest arrivals.

“You’re w-w-worried they aren't n-nice,” Fluttershy reasoned.

“I am,” Twilight admitted, glancing at Zecora. “Just keep your distance for the moment. I would rather not cause a scene, but if they dare insult any of you…”

“I w-w-wouldn't w-worry. Pinkie Pie is smart,” Fluttershy whispered.

I admit the pink one has shown a remarkable aptitude for reading others. I don't think there will be any problems, Zecora added.

“We shall see,” Twilight remarked.

The trio stood away from the others, with Twilight watching the larger group closely, while also remaining apart. Extending her psionic senses, she could tell that the newcomers were uncomfortable being around the infested. Those feelings were surprisingly dull however, as if they had been tempered by something.

As they stood there uncomfortably, with Pinkie Pie introducing everyone in the room to one another, those strained emotions faded even more. A few half-hearted greetings and several awkward jokes later, both groups seemed more or less at ease with one another. All they needed were some kind words from Pinkie Pie, as well as a bit of prompting from Spike. A bit of fear and a sliver of hatred remained, but they were minor, having been subdued by the budding acceptance they all felt.

“S-see?” Fluttershy muttered, gesturing to the two groups as they began to intermingle.

All is as predicted, Zecora stated.

“I suppose you were right,” Twilight admitted. “I must have spent too much time with humans. Their xenophobic ways have infected my mind.”

“A b-b-bit of p-paranoia is h-healthy,” Fluttershy offered.

Especially given the climate of the times, and the threat unbound infested pose, Zecora reasoned.

“Fair enough,” Twilight muttered. “Shall we join them?”

“If y-y-you w-want,” Fluttershy stuttered.

I will remain at your side, my queen, Zecora replied.

“Then let us enjoy ourselves,” Twilight exclaimed.

“So what's it like, getting stuck in that thing?” Tall Order asked, clopping a hoof against Twilight’s semi-organic metal exterior.

“Fine, I suppose,” Twilight replied. “It doesn't limit mobility, nor does it impede me in any other manner.”

“What if you need to do a tinkle?” whispered Little Strongheart, the buffalo clutching a small cup of punch like it was her sole lifeline in a tempest-tossed sea.

“The, uh, suit takes care of it,” Twilight cautiously replied.

“Well, it's a good thing you never attracted a partner, otherwise that last bit might have been a problem for you,” Spike remarked with a snicker.

“She has another hole though,” Tall Order offered, only to immediately wince. “I meant to kiss. Terribly sorry about my phrasing there.”

“For a butler to the Bluebloods, you sure aren't the best at being subtle,” Applejack pointed out.

Tall Order sighed. “It's a part of my… condition. Everyone’s thoughts are so loud that I struggle to hear what I’m saying amidst all the noise.”

“That sounds quite disconcerting,” Spike remarked.

“You have no idea how right you are, my boy,” Tall Order muttered.

“You know, I might be able to assist you with that,” Twilight offered.

Tall Order’s eyes immediately lit up. “You might? Oh, that would be delightful. Pinkie Pie has been an excellent help, but I’m afraid we know very little about our new abilities.”

“Twi here can totally help ya out. Why don't you come on by the barracks sometime tomorrow?” Spike offered.

“Provided Miss Twilight has the time,” Tall Order added.

“A short session shouldn't be too hard to fit into my schedule,” Twilight replied, sipping her punch.

“That is most wonderful. Hopefully I’ll be able to resist complimenting your legs until then.” The stallion blanched. “I said that last part out loud, didn't I?”

“I don't get it. Do you like metal or something?” Applejack muttered, tapping one of Twilight’s forelegs in emphasis.

“They are really big. I bet you are really strong, Miss Sparkle,” Little Strongheart muttered.

“Err, yes. That's what I was going to say,” Tall Order quickly added. “I am envious of your physique!”

Twilight chuckled. “Sure you were, that's why you're imagining me stepping on you right now.”

“What? No!” Tall Order rose suddenly. “Well, would you look at the time. I really must be turning in for the night.”

“But it's only seven o’clock,” murmured Little Strongheart.

“You know what they say. The early bird gets the worm!” Tall Order shouted before chuckling awkwardly and making a beeline for the exit.

“Oh, I like him,” Spike exclaimed.

“That's not a surprise. You two do have at least one thing in common,” Twilight whispered and popped a prawn into her mouth.

“What--I just like tall females, is all. It's not weird!” Spike shouted.

“Yeah, at least he doesn't have a crush on his mom or somethin’,” Applejack added.

“Like you're one to talk!” Spike declared, jabbing a claw at the hydralisk hybrid.

“I don't know what yer talkin’ about,” Applejack murmured, shrinking down until she was small enough she hoped Twilight couldn't see her.

“I see Tall Order’s poor phrasing has infested you all,” Twilight muttered.

“Now, Screwy, the point is to throw the dart closest to that red part in the middle. Like this,” Screwball declared before lobbing her dart and netting herself a whole three points.

Screwy nodded her head eagerly and tried to follow up, but was struggling to hold the tiny metal projectile in her hooves. After several seconds of trying, she gave up, the dart falling out of her grip and landing point down onto the ground.

“Can't,” Screwy declared.

“Use your mind, Screwy,” Little Strongheart whispered. “Like we practiced.”

The buffalo grabbed the dart from the floor before levitating it using her mind and throwing it at the board, scoring thirty points.

“C-can I play?” whispered Scootaloo.

Screwy’s eyes narrowed, the hair on the back of her neck rose, and a growl began to spill from her throat. The zergling winced in pain, stumbling back a step and rapidly attempting to slip away from the group.

“That's fine, I’ll j-just g-go,” Scootaloo whispered.

“Hold on there, kiddo. Screwy here was just being silly. Isn't that right, Screwy?” Screwball interrupted, glaring at her sister.

“I…” Screwy frowned. “Sorry.”

“She's just a little scared of new people, is all,” Little Strongheart whispered, lowering herself to Scootaloo’s level.

Scootaloo glanced nervously from one pony to the other. “Are you sure? I don't want to intrude.”

“It's fine, see, Screwy? She's just like you,” Screwball declared, gently pushing her sister towards the filly.

Screwy resisted for a moment, but upon nearing Scootaloo something clicked, and her eyes went wide. Then before Scootaloo knew it, she was getting every inch of her being smelled by a curious mare that had no concept of personal boundaries.

“H-hey, that tickles!” Scootaloo exclaimed, pushing the pony’s nose away from her underbelly.

“She's never been this friendly before. What did you find, Screwy?” Screwball asked.

“Digger. Lonely, like us,” Screwy muttered between sniffs. “Part of our pack now.”

“I am?” Scootaloo murmured in shock.

Screwy bobbed her head.

“Well it looks like you're in, kid. Why don't you give it a go?” Screwball asked, extending her hoof and offering the infested a dart.

“Make sure to throw it real hard so it sticks,” offered Little Strongheart.

Scootaloo didn't reply, as she was too focused on the dart, grabbing it in her mouth and looking up at the board. For a moment no one said or did anything, as nearly everyone was silently wondering what Scootaloo was planning on doing. Theories ranged from simply lining up the shot, to thinking that the zergling had decided to chew on the thing, rather than throw it.

Then she spat the dart out with such force that it flew unerringly into the bullseye, slamming home with enough force to rattle the board.

Screwball blinked. “Woah.”

While the rest of the party continued to swell with laughter and the general sound of merriment, not everyone had joined in. Away from the other party-goers were Ember, Zecora, and Fluttershy. The dragon stood with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at anyone who dared look at her. Zecora and Fluttershy stood nearby, both locked in a conversation that was inaudible to nearly everyone else.

“Hey girls. Why don't you join in on a board game? I just know you’ll like it,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, suddenly appearing in the trio’s midst.

“Board games are for babies,” Ember muttered, unsurprised by Pinkie Pie’s abrupt appearance.

“S-s-sorry, P-pinkie, but we d-don't like board games,” Fluttershy whispered, gesturing to herself and Zecora.

“Not even if it's about conquering the world?” Pinkie Pie replied, lifting a box marked by the word RISK in bold red letters across the top.

“You h-h-have our at-t-tention,” Fluttershy murmured.

Zecora bobbed her head in agreement.

“It's still just a board game,” Ember muttered.

“But it's strategic,” Pinkie Pie countered, opening the top to display the contents within. “Plus look at all these cool little army dudes you get.”

“Pass,” Ember retorted.

Leave her. We will play without the whiny blue one, Zecora declared.

“Hey, she is so not whiny, just… okay, I can't actually refute that one,” Pinkie Pie muttered.

“Wait, are you saying I’m whiny?” Ember demanded, glaring down at the hooded zebra.

“Now h-h-hold on a s-second,” Fluttershy tried to interrupt.

Tell her she is a whiny child, and that I do not respect her. Tell her, Fluttershy. Tell her what I said, Zecora exclaimed.

“I’m n-n-not telling her-” Fluttershy began.

“She said you’re whiny and a child,” Pinkie Pie interrupted.

“I’ll wipe that smile off that freakshow you call a face. Set up the board, Pinkie Pie. I have a game to win,” Ember declared, seating herself at the nearby table.

I relish the opportunity to improve, Zecora declared, sitting down at the dragon’s right.

“W-w-well, alr-right,” Fluttershy whispered, following Zecora’s lead.

“Yippee, let’s get it on!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“I don't suppose you’d mind sharing a bit of your drink by chance, would you?” asked Blueberry Curls as she dropped three cards on the table before placing one of her remaining four in the discard pile.

Razor Wind paused as he was about to tuck his flask back under a wing. “Now why would you want that? This here is just a bit of water, is all,” he exclaimed.

“Oh, come on, don't gaslight me, old-timer. I can smell the booze from here,” Blueberry retorted.

“Doesn't smell half bad either,” Foggy Fleece added, swirling his punch while eyeing his cards. “A lot better than whatever they put in this stuff anyway.”

Rainbow Dash snorted in agreement, the mare downing her own drink before discarding a jack of hearts.

“I mean, what do you think she even used for mix, a few drops of vodka?” Blueberry muttered.

“Well, she did just put the kids to bed. Maybe Pinkie Pie will break out the good stuff soon,” Foggy Fleece offered.

“And in the meantime Razor Wind could give us a shot of his mystery booze,” Blueberry Curls offered.

The griffon hummed thoughtfully while he shuffled his cards around in his clawed hand. After placing two sets of three on the table and discarding an ace of clubs, he placed the flask on the table to his right.

“Ya know what, girly, you convinced me. Watch out though, it's pretty strong,” Razor Wind declared, shooting Rainbow Dash a sidelong wink.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, but ultimately shrugged, choosing not to question it. Gripping the small piece of metal tight in her hoof, Rainbow Dash threw back a shot's worth of the bitter liquid. The pegasus swallowed hard, but didn't make a face, pushing it along to Foggy Fleece who sat next to her.

“Yer just sharin’ because yer about to win,” Foggy Fleece exclaimed.

Razor Wind chuckled darkly. “Oh, I’ve been ready to win for three rounds now. I just want a few more points before I go out.”

Foggy Fleece snorted and threw back a good amount of the griffon’s mystery drink, swallowing a second later. A surprised expression crossed his face, and he eyed the other player with a newfound respect.

“That was actually pretty good. How long has it been aged?” Foggy Fleece inquired.

“Thirty years,” Razor Wind replied.

“Not bad at all,” Foggy Fleece exclaimed, passing the flask along to Blueberry.

“Ha. That didn't look very strong at all,” Blueberry Curls declared. “You’re just blowing hot air.”

“Issat so?” replied the griffon, eyebrows raised.

Blueberry Curls aimed to prove the old card shark wrong, and tossed back a whole mouthful of the stuff. The second she tasted the vile concoction sitting on her tongue, she considered spitting it right back out. She bit back that urge however, and swallowed hard, only to immediately begin coughing as soon as her mouth was empty.

“Augh, that was awful. How do you even drink that stuff? It was like swallowing condensed smoke!” Blueberry Curls shouted between attempts to cough up her own lungs.

“Oh, it wasn't that bad. You youngsters just have no taste,” Foggy Fleece exclaimed.

“I’ve had worse,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

“Told ya it was strong,” stated Razor Wing before dropping all but one of his cards which he placed in the discard pile. “Rummy.”

“Hey, where's Twilight?” Rainbow Dash asked, stopping next to Pinkie Pie.

Who placed the spoon she had been using to mix the next bowl of punch and glanced curiously at Rainbow Dash.

“Why do you need her?” Pinkie Pie replied.

“Razor Wind and I wanted to talk to her,” Rainbow Dash answered.

Pinkie Pie glanced from the slightly wobbly pegasus to the griffon who was speaking animatedly to a small crowd. This group was mostly made up of the infested party-goers, though a slightly queasy Blueberry Curls had also joined.

“Is it important?” Pinkie Pie inquired.

“Kinda,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“Then follow me,” Pinkie Pie offered.

She led the way down the stairs to the bottom floor of the barracks with Rainbow following close behind. Upon reaching their destination, the pair made their way around the rest of the party-goers who had gathered around a table. Though a drinking game was in the midst of being played, almost no one paid attention to what card was being flipped.

Neither Rainbow Dash nor Pinkie Pie paid much attention, and instead walked over to one of the rooms on the main floor. There Pinkie Pie punched a few buttons, prompting the doors to part and a sliver of light to pierce the darkened space.

“Is she…” Rainbow Dash trailed off when she saw Twilight laid on the sole bed, her entire body pulled into a tight ball.

The unicorn who usually towered a good head and shoulders over everyone now looked small and helpless. Even Twilight’s organic metal exterior seemed to be so relaxed that the unicorn appeared to be dead at first glance. If it wasn't for the soft sound of breathing that came from her, Rainbow Dash would have assumed that Twilight had indeed passed on.

That, and Spike, who sat next to Twilight’s unmoving form, would have likely been freaking out and would not be gently stroking his mother’s hair.

“Still important?” whispered Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash shook her head.

“Come on then,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, pulling Rainbow Dash away.

Leaving Spike alone with the unicorn, a soft smile on his face.

“You’ve earned the rest,” Spike murmured.

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

In case you dont remember what Ol' Razer looked like.
Wooden Brown feathers in the same shade scorched oak surrounded the griffon’s deep green eyes, which in turn were surrounded by black feathers that covered nearly the entirety of the griffon’s body. His beak had several deep scratches in it, one of which was so deep Twilight could see into his very mouth. Tattered wings that were a few shades lighter than the brown feathers around his eyes. He's also got a wooden eyeball!

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