• Published 25th Jan 2019
  • 5,992 Views, 828 Comments

Oh no, they're Goddesses now! - James Pwyll

What would you do if you were all-powerful? Probably whatever you wanted.

  • ...

New Guy on the Block

"Thanks, buddy. I really needed this." Timber slowly took a sip from the nice and hot tea he'd been offered, sighing with contentment shortly afterwards. He glanced around for a bit, taking in the peace and calm of his surroundings, all with a look that showed he was far more relaxed right now than he had been for quite some time. He smiled to his companion, an older fellow with long hair, a beard and white robes, who sat beside him on this large boulder in their field. "In this day and age it's pretty nice to meet someone who's gonna be this welcoming."

The other man bowed his head to him. "I often find that presenting kindness to strangers will always do more good for the world than harm. What reason have I to add to the cruelty one may experience in this life by denying succour?"

Timber blinked a couple of times. "Er...yeah...what you said." He took another sip of his drink, enjoying a moment of a cool and gentle breeze passing them by. Then, he turned to his friend. "So, you live around here?"

The man shook his head. "Oh, no. I come and go, far and wide. I speak of the value of doing good for one another. It is my purpose in life to go hither and yon, hoping beyond hope that those who I preach to will take heed and lead gentler lives."

Timber nodded. "Huh...neat. You a priest?"

Again, the man shook his head. "Nay, friend. I follow not the Gods and Goddesses thou might have known of. I follow...a different path."

Timber chuckled. "I hear ya. After all the run-ins I've had with them, I can't blame you." He looked down to his drink, then sighed. "You know, I could really do with some wine right now. Haven't had any in ages." Then, immediately after having said that, he was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a small cup of wine, being offered to him by his companion for the day. "Oh! Wow! Thanks!" He accepted it, giving a nod of thanks before taking a quick glug of the stuff. "Oh yeah, haven't had it that good in a while." But then he paused, looking around and, after seeing a total absence of any wine bottles, looked over to his new friend. "Er...where did you get this?"

The man gave him a knowing smile, then lifted up his water-satchel. "Oh, I made do."

Naturally, Timber didn't really get what he was saying, but he was unwilling to look a gift horse in the mouth, and so just gave a shrug before getting back to his drink. But it wasn't long before curiosity took hold of him again. "So you just go around telling people to be nice to each other? Pretty interesting career move."

Putting his satchel down, the man smiled. "Carpentry wouldn't have suited me for my whole life. I was needed for...something more."

Timber chuckled. "I'm betting your parents were pretty shocked about your new life purpose, eh?"

The man looked away, pondering that. "My Mother always knew what I would do. And my Father...well...that's a long story."

Timber looked to him with even more curiosity than before, which was understandable given that vague and cryptic remarks like that tended to have that effect. But he also got the sense that the guy didn't really want to go too deeply into this, so Timber gave him his space, enjoying instead the pace of the moment. Sadly, that peace did not last long, as they could soon hear what appeared to be a crowd of people. Turning, Timber saw that this was indeed the case, as a sizeable collection was now coming right towards them from the other side of the field. Setting his cup aside, Timber raised an eyebrow. "Huh...who's that?"

The man sighed. "Troubled souls."

Timber looked to him, then to the group, again, who were getting closer and closer, revealing that they seemed to be armed with torches and pitchforks, much to Timber's worry. "Um...should we leave?" he asked. The man stayed silent, watching as the people drew nearer. Eventually, they were right in front of them, shouting angrily at the guy, even though he remained as calm and cool as a cucumber the entire time. Timber, getting off his rock, stood between him and the crowd. "Whoa there! What's the problem here?"

One of the crowd pointed to the man behind Timber. "That man is a heretic! He blasphemes against the Gods!"

Timber blinked. "Okay, I know he doesn't really follow them like you might, but still..."

Another, an older man with a crazed look in his eye, spoke next. "He preaches heresy! He must be dealt with so our Gods are appeased!"

Timber frowned. "Okay, no! There's no need for that!"

The older man paused, looking left and right before looking to Timber. "Uh, yeah there is! We brought the wood to nail him to and everything!"

Of course, Timber was aghast at that, but before he could say or do anything, both he and the mob were interrupted by the sudden arrival of a massive flash of light. They all shielded their eyes, and when they were at last brave enough to look, they saw that it was none other than the Lady of Nature, Fluttershy herself, who landed gracefully upon the ground before looking to the crowd. "And just what do you think you're doing?" she demanded to know.

The mob, who now hurriedly hid their torches and pitchforks behind their backs, started whistling innocently to themselves while their Goddess looked to them with an arched eyebrow. But of course, the old one from before just kept on ranting. "My Lady Fluttershy! Fear not! We shall punish this heathen most severely!"

Fluttershy turned, looking past Timber and to the gentleman in question, who was simply sitting on the rock and sipping some water. She then looked back to her so-called followers. "I fail to see how this man deserves...whatever this is supposed to be!" she said as she gestured to them all.

The old man considered that. "He follows not the Gods but his own twisted message! He preaches of showing kindness! Of turning the other cheek! He even says we should all be charitable! Clearly he's a dangerous criminal who sullies the names of the Gods with his vile blasphemy!"

Fluttershy looked to this elderly mortal like that was the most ridiculous thing anyone had ever said to her. "Alright...I could understand if you felt angry about your faith being insulted, but I do not understand you wanting to do harm to this man for spreading good messages." She frowned, wagging her finger at them. "And for that matter, exactly what about those messages is different from what we've been saying all these years? Kindness, charity, forgiveness, have you actually been paying attention when we gave those lessons ourselves?"

Suddenly there was a wave of guilt and sheepishness in the crowd, like they were small children being scolded by their mother. "Um...yes?" one of them answered.

"Meaning?" Fluttershy asked, arms folded.

"...No?" the other replied again.

Fluttershy nodded. "There we go. Now, if you're quite finished, I want you to apologise for having spoiled this man's afternoon, and then I want you all to go back home, alright?" Her words were gentle, but they carried weight, and soon all of the gathered mob was throwing their weapons down on the ground before walking past their intended victim, mumbling words of "I'm sorry" and other such apologies before making their way back to whatever village they'd come from. Soon, the crowd was gone entirely, and Fluttershy unleashed an exasperated sigh. "Honestly, these mortals..." She paused now, turning to the man who had so nearly come to a bad end. "I am so sorry for that, Sir. The followers of me and my fellow Goddesses can get a touch zealous at times."

But the man raised a hand. "Think nothing of it, my Lady. I bear no ill will towards them."

Fluttershy smiled to him. "I really do appreciate that. I'll try to keep them from bothering you again."

The man nodded. "That would be most appreciated."

Looking away, Fluttershy grimaced. "For goodness' sake, nailing him to some wood? Who even does that?!" She raised her hand to snap herself away, only to suddenly notice that Timber had been here the whole time, whom she now smiled at. "Ah, Mr Spruce. Wonderful to see you again. Sorry about that unpleasant matter with me and Applejack a while back."

Timber, who had been thoroughly taken aback by this whole encounter, gulped before offering a weak wave. "Um...no problem?" He watched as Fluttershy smiled sweetly to him, then snapped her fingers and whisked herself back to the home of the Gods in blinding flash of light. All were gone now, save for Timber and his mostly-silent companion, and after making sure that they were indeed alone, the former looked to the latter with a great deal of confusion and bewilderment. "Well...that escalated and de-escalated quickly!"

Taking another sip of his water, the man smiled and nodded. "Indeed."