• Published 25th Jan 2019
  • 5,992 Views, 828 Comments

Oh no, they're Goddesses now! - James Pwyll

What would you do if you were all-powerful? Probably whatever you wanted.

  • ...

Monster Troubles

"Alright...what do we have here?" Fluttershy looked on with great confusion at the scene before her, as dozens of villagers were all panicking in the streets. The village was in chaos right now, with homes having been, from the looks of things, completely smashed. What caused this, Fluttershy didn't know, but she knew they were in trouble, and so began to walk into the place. Naturally, as a Goddess, it took little time at all for the locals to recognise that it was her gracing them with her presence. But in spite of all the bows and people falling to their knees in reverence, the Lady of Nature kept her gaze forward, looking around for anyone who might be in charge here. Most of the mortals she laid eyes on were just screaming at the top of their lungs, but after a while she did spot someone who was talking with other older villagers. Walking close to them, she cleared her throat, and as they looked to her, she smiled to them. "I believe some of you were praying for help?"

As expected, they too got to their knees, their hands clasped together in a gesture of the very prayers she'd spoken of. But it was again the eldest she kept her eyes on, who now mustered up the courage to actually talk to her. "Oh! My Lady Fluttershy! Thank goodness you've come! Our people are in desperate need of your aid!"

Fluttershy got to one knee, reaching out and placing her hand gently upon the man's shoulder. "Tell me what troubles you, friend."

The elder gestured to the ruins of several nearby homes. "A beast! A beast of great and terrible size came to our village and destroyed many of what we've built here! I'd never seen the like of it! Like no creature on this good Earth! After it had wrought its terrible destruction, it left!"

The Goddess glanced around, seeing what were undoubtedly tracks in the ground, leading off far away from the place. "Do you know where it was going?"

The elder nodded frantically. "We think it went to the great forest. To the West! I fear it may return to finish us!"

To that, Fluttershy smiled, which the elder took for the reassuring gesture that it was. "Fear not. I will go to this place and look upon this beast with my own eyes. Fret not, my good fellow. Your village will not be threatened by this creature again. You have the word of the Goddess Fluttershy." Her promise was met with kowtows and grovelling from all of the assembled villagers, as was expected, and as she stood tall once more, brushing herself off from her prior kneeling, she began her stroll in the direction of the creature. None followed her, their faith in her abilities as strong as could be. Fluttershy herself was also confident, and her eyes never left that direction. "A great beast then? I would very much like to see it." On and on she walked, for what seemed like hours, until she finally arrived at where the elder had spoken of. A vast forested land, stretching from horizon to horizon, giving her a moment of pause. "Hmmm, a 'great' forest indeed," she giggled.

As a Goddess of nature, she had no difficulty entering the place. Trees bent out of her way, predators of every stripe bowed like her own followers, and all around the plants and creatures of the world gave her deference and passage as she desired. She smiled to each and every one of them, bringing herself more and more into the heart of the forest. Eventually, she sensed a clearing, and a mass of life within it. With her expression becoming more serious, she finally entered into that open space, with her gaze drifting upwards when she saw the one who dwelt here. "Oh my...you certainly are a big one, aren't you?"

The creature was indeed massive in size, at least the size of her largest temple. Were one to look upon it for the first time, they might be mistaken for thinking that it was simply an enormous lion. But look past the face and head and it became clear that there was a multitude of different animals mixed in with this life. The shell of a tortoise, the long tail of a scorpion, the legs of a bear, it was as if someone had come along and taken whatever parts of well-known dangerous animals they could think of and just mashed them together. He was definitely a sight, that much was certain, yet Fluttershy felt no fear towards it, stepping forward slowly. After a few steps however, a single eye snapped open, and a low growl was heard. But even in the face of this clear and present danger, Fluttershy smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

The beast stirred, getting up from its slumber to loom large over the Goddess before him. And it was at this point when her nature became known to him, as it simply took one sniff of the air to realise that it was not dealing with an ordinary human. Finally recognising that a Goddess stood before him, the beast began to whimper, bringing its head to the ground, almost like a dog when it was whining. Stretching out her hand, Fluttershy stroked its nose. "There, there, it's alright. We're all friends here." She paused, then spoke a touch more seriously than before. "Now, what's all this about you attacking that village across the way? Did they do anything to you?" The beast started to look guilty, and growled again. But of course, it couldn't actually speak to her, so instead, it took only actions. It lifted its front-left paw, prompting Fluttershy to look at it, and as she watched it turn it palm-upwards, she sighed. "Oh...I see."

In the classic fashion, there was a thorn there. Oh, it might have appeared tiny to the casual observer, but it was clearly causing the creature a great deal of anguish, as shown by the pained look it bore. Fluttershy placed her hand upon that paw, smiling again to him. "Don't worry. I'm not angry with you. You were just lashing out in pain, weren't you?" After seeing it give a single nod, she continued. "Well, nobody got hurt. They were just frightened. Trust me, we can get this whole mess sorted out. But first..." She looked again to the thorn, reaching out and putting her hand upon it. "Now...this is going to hurt, but we have no other choice." The beast winced ahead of time, and Fluttershy, with an almighty pull, wrenched the thorn from the paw. As expected, there was a loud bellow as the beast unleashed its pain from the experience all across the area. So great was that roar that the very forest seemed to shudder with it. Fluttershy watched as the giant immediately licked its now thorn-free paw, clasping her hands together as she did so. "How do you feel?"

Her new friend continued to lick the spot where the thorn had been, but afterwards it slowly lifted its gaze to meet hers. There was a tense moment, but in the end, it smiled, its massive razor-sharp fangs glistening as a result. Leaning forward, it began to affectionately lick her, causing the Goddess to giggle. "Okay, okay, I love you too. Now..." She raised a finger to him, looking and sounding a bit more stern. "We need to go on back to the village, and you need to apologise for having smashed their houses, okay?" As the beast hung its head, Fluttershy smiled again. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. I'll explain everything to the villagers, and then we can all get together for a nice spot of tea afterwards." The animal perked up immensely after that, wagging its scorpion tail in the same manner that a happy dog might do. Fluttershy, letting loose another giggle, gave a nod to him. "Alright then, friend. Let's go."

And go they did, walking the exact same path Fluttershy had taken to get here in the first place. But of course, with such a massive companion, it was as if an earthquake was accompanying her, as every step made the earth shake. But she was unconcerned, for she knew the matter was resolved now. Eventually, she and the beast looked upon the village once more, and could even see several of the villagers starting to put their houses back in order. Fluttershy's smile widened, and she upped her pace, eventually reaching the borders of the settlement. Soon, eyes turned towards her, and while they were naturally glad to see their Goddess return, they were slightly less enthusiastic about the guest she'd brought with her, whom they now looked at with stunned silence. Fluttershy, clearing her throat, began to speak in the usual calm and authoritative tone of the Goddesses of this world. "May I have your attention please? It will please you to learn that I have resolved the problem that was giving this wonderful animal such a difficult time. Believe me when I say that he will no longer bother you, and..."

"SHE'S SUBDUED THE BEAST!!! KILL IT!!!" one villager cried out.

"Wait, what?!" Fluttershy remarked. But before she could do anything, she watched as dozens, if not hundreds of arrows flew overhead, going right behind her and, as she probably knew, into her new friend. There was a pause, and before long there was an earth-shaking thud right behind her, then silence. She stood utterly still, knowing full well what had just happened, and her expression was utterly blank, as if trying to comprehend her own thoughts over this unexpected turn.

As she did this, the village elder began to walk to her, bow in hand, with a satisfied smile on his face. "Thank you so much, my Lady! Without you we'd have never been able to do that!"

Fluttershy closed her eyes, then took in a deep breath, after which was an equally-deep exhale. Then, as she finally opened her eyes again, she looked the village elder with a firm stare. "Sir?"

"Um...yes, my Lady?"

"I suggest you and your villagers vacate the immediate area...rather swiftly."


"Because in less than a minute, this entire place is going to become a smoking crater as a result of the immense rage that is about to be unleashed by me over the unnecessary death of a creature that I considered a friend."

"...I'll give the evacuation order."

With her face still expressionless, Fluttershy gave a single nod. "Good man."