• Published 25th Jan 2019
  • 5,992 Views, 828 Comments

Oh no, they're Goddesses now! - James Pwyll

What would you do if you were all-powerful? Probably whatever you wanted.

  • ...

To the Point

Shining Amour wasn't really a god who enjoyed massive amounts of heat, but there was something about Big Mac's forge that just seemed to suit him. Deep within the earth itself, this grand, cavernous workplace was lit by the red glow of the fires right at the center. Upon the walls were countless weapons of every description, from the sharp to the blunt. Mac himself, as muscular as ever, was hard at work on his latest creation, which Shining was specifically here for. And the war god looked on with his usual interest as his burly compatriot hit his hammer time and again against the bright-hot metal. The ringing of the strikes echoed across the chamber, and Shining knew that what was being made here was the kind of weapon no mortal could ever hope to create, much like everything else Mac had ever made. But, for all his skill as a smith, Mac wasn't really much of a conversationalist, and so their time together had been quiet and without a single word. Shining, who could only take so much awkward silence in his day, decided it might be worth saying at least something during his visit, and so, after clearing his throat, be spoke. "So...your sister tells me this new weapon you've got is quite something?"

Mac, upon hearing of his beloved kin, smiled with his next hammer strike. "Eyup."

Shining blinked, knowing full well that was likely the most he was going to get, spoke again. "I do love my sword, but as my wife always tells me, it's nice to shake things up with something new now and again." Phrasing like that actually caused Mac to cease his forging for a time, looking to Shining with a knowing smirk, leading to the blue-haired deity frowning somewhat. "For the record, what me and my wife do in our private moments stays private."

Mac shrugged, getting back to his work. And speaking of which, the weapon had, at last, been finished. Shining stood back as the smith plunged it into a nearby pool of ice-cold water, sending a billow of steam all around them. When at last it had cooled, Mac withdrew it to reveal a long, shining spear, with its long handle engraved with what appeared to be etchings of vines. It was an impressive looking thing, to be sure, and as Shining held out his hands to receive it, Mac saw him look on as if waiting for permission to hold this new creation. Smiling, Mac placed it into the open hands, giving that permission in the form of a solemn nod. "Eyup."

Stepping back, Shining could feel it, light and yet packed with power. As a god of war, he had a sense for weapons, and he knew this one was not to be trifled with. In the vast space of the forge, he took a moment to display his martial skill with it, twirling the weapon about and practicing a few motions with it in a manner that made it clear that this was a man who knew weapons and, more importantly, knew how to use them. "Very nice," he remarked. He arched an eyebrow to the spear's creator. "And I imagine it's got a little something extra in it, like all your others?"

Another nod from Mac. "Eyup."

Smiling, Shining stood normally, looking again to his new spear. "In that case, I'm eager to test it out." He tapped his chin. "Can't just go willy-nilly and use it on any old creature. I'll need to wait until someone..." Then, he paused, as if a cold chill went down his spine. He looked upwards, to the ceiling, as if sensing something far about. Eventually, he smiled again, holding his spear even tighter. "And there's my chance." As before, he gave a quick nod to Mac. "Be right back."

Mac watched as his godly friend was engulfed in a bright flash of light, and before long, he was gone from view. Mac, knowing well that Shining was likely on his way to stop some ne'er-do-well, folded his arms and chuckled. "Eyup."

As for Shining, he emerged back upon the surface, opening his eyes to see that there was indeed trouble afoot. A village was half-demolished by what appeared to be a rampaging giant. Likely a survivor of their recent failed attack on the heavens. Mortals, old and young, man and woman alike, all fled from the scene, screaming loudly as their home became a veritable playground for this oversized bandit. And speaking of whom, the giant cackled loudly, taking great amusement in the havoc he was causing. "That's right, runts! Run away! I love me a good chase!" Glancing down, the giant smirked as he reached out and picked up a young lady, who was of course terrified of having been caught like this. The giant, licking his lips, looked over his captive with dark desire in his eyes. "Well, hello there, pretty one. You're a right catch, aren't ya?"

Here, Shining felt, was a good time to intervene. And so, taking a single step forward, he pounded the blunt end of his spear into the ground, sending a ripple all around that caught the giant's attention immediately. All fell silent, and even the panicked villagers dropped to their knees, realising who it was that had come among them. The clouds parted, and Shining's armour glistened with the newly-emerged sunlight. The giant, narrowing his eyes at this, set the young woman aside on one of the few roofs he hadn't torn down yet, before making long strides towards his divine foe. Shining, raising his spear and pointing it to the approaching adversary, spoke aloud in his usual, godly tone. "Giant! Know well that you stand against Shining Armour, God of War! This place, these people, are under the protection of the heavens! And though you have laid waste to their homes, know that I will not stand and watch while you hurt them! None shall fall to your hand this day, beast!"

The giant, now just a single step away from the god, laughed loudly. "Bwahahaha! You what, mate? You think some piddly little god like you is gonna scare me off? The other may have gotten their rears handed to them, but you won't get me!"

Shining chuckled. "They all say that," he responded, holding his spear aloft. The giant, taking that as a signal to charge, did exactly that, with the earth shaking with every step he made. Shining wasted no time, and so lifted his new weapon and drew it back, ready to hurl it towards his target. The giant roared with fury, unafraid of what was to come. And come it did, as Shining gave an almighty throw, sending the spear flying through the air. With the true aim of a god, the spearpoint lodged itself square in the giant's chest. Not piercing him all the way through his torso, but enough for the entirety of the blade to be in there. This, unsurprisingly, caused the giant to stop in his tracks, looking down to the spear with more annoyance than anything. Leaping on this lull in the fight, Shining spoke again. "Do you surrender?"

The giant gave another loud laugh, spear still in his chest as he did so. "Hahaha! You think some toothpick is gonna be enough to do the trick? You're gonna have to bring a way bigger stick if you're gonna...gonna...gonna..." He trailed off, his words getting quieter and quieter every time. Shining looked on, seeing something happen at the place where the spear had hit him. It was as if many tendrils of some sort had emerged from the point and were spreading out under the giant's skin. The latter was even more concerned about this than the god was. "Wha...what did you...?" But unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to finish asking, as it was here when, to the shock of both of them, a plethora of thorns erupted from under the giant's skin. They covered him all over, giving the appearance of some massive, bipedal porcupine. Of course, the giant was even less happy about this development. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!!!"

Even Shining winced to this sight, seeing the thorny vines continue to move about within his foe, causing such pain and anguish that the giant eventually fell backwards, unable to move, lest he cause himself further agony. By this point he looked like less of a person and more like a thorny bush that someone had draped clothes over. Though Shining bore no love for the giants, even he could not avoid feeling discomfort and guilt over this, villain though the giant may have been. "So...um...here's the deal. I take my spear out, you recover, and you never come back...deal?" After a long and incredibly awkward silence, the only sound coming from the giant was a long, high-pitched wheezing, which Shining immediately accepted as a positive response. "Great! It's a deal then!" Reaching forward, he plucked the spear out of the giant's chest, and as soon as he did it was as if all the violent vines were instantly evaporated, leaving the giant exactly as he'd been looking before, save for being covered in tiny holes now of course. "So...catch you later?" Shining remarked, before disappearing himself in a blinding flash of divine power.

As for the giant, he simply laid there, slowly doing his best to recover from his previous ordeal. "...Ow."

Meanwhile, back in the subterranean forge of Mac, Shining reappeared, with the former god looking to him upon his arrival, smiling and looking like he was awaiting the field report of his creation. Shining, looking to the spear, weighed his response before finally breaking the silence. "So...some thoughts..."