• Published 25th Jan 2019
  • 6,005 Views, 828 Comments

Oh no, they're Goddesses now! - James Pwyll

What would you do if you were all-powerful? Probably whatever you wanted.

  • ...

The Jar

There were many strange sights to be seen in a world such as this, and yet, every once in a while, a view would come along that would, by every definition, seem odd even by those standards. Such was the case today, as several of the gods and goddesses of this realm were standing at the very edge of their cloudy domain, eyes filled with determination, their hands ablaze with great power, all starting down at a foe that, to be honest, probably didn't have much of a chance. A small group of giants, tremendous beasts to be sure, towering over the tiny villages that littered the area, all busying themselves with what appeared to be a construction project of some sort. But this was not one of bricks or mortar, but of the earth itself. Specifically, they appeared to be piling up, of all things, mountains. Just a bunch of mountains ripped from the ground and stacked on top of one another. Now, this incredibly dangerous makeshift ladder was obviously an attempt to get up to where the assembled deities were, and this, as one would expect, was not to be tolerated. "Alright, everybody. You know the drill!" Sunset called out to the rest of them.

And so the battle began, with every manner of power and element being hurled down at the titanic enemies below. Fire, ice, lightning, even just pure, raw magic. All of it was implemented as some sort of projectile at the approaching monsters. In some cases, most notably Rainbow and Applejack, they even took to leaping down from the clouds fully, colliding with the giant and sending them reeling with a single punch to the face. "So, AJ, how many do you think I'll get this time?" Rainbow called out.

"Heh, y'all may have won yer count last time, but today will be mah day ta shine!" the blond goddess replied.

Twilight, adjusting her glasses slightly, gave them a disapproving frown. "Girls! Will you please keep this professional? You know these attacks aren't to be taken lightly!"

Pinkie, who was close by when she said that, tapped her chin with a look of curiosity. "Hmmm, you know, for supposedly being our mortal enemies, you'd think we'd have mentioned them before now. And yet, here we are." Seeing the annoyed looks she was getting, she merely shrugged. "Meh, questions for later." And with that, she lifted up the nearest rock, though from where nobody could say, and hurled it down at the nearest giant.

Rarity, who was similarly occupying herself with sending down a rain of ice-spikes at her foes, swept some of her hair aside before remarking on the situation herself. "Honestly, you'd think they'd have learned by now that picking a fight with us never ends well."

Sunset chuckled as she looked over to her. "Well, you know these giants. Once they got it into their heads that they could just kidnap a goddess to be their wife, there was really no stopping them."

Rarity scoffed at the explanation. "Hmph! While I can't deny that we're certainly a fine catch for any prospective lover, I do object to their methods." Placing her hands upon her hips, she looked down to the means by which their enemies were trying to get up to them. "I mean seriously, who in their right minds thinks a pile of mountains was a good idea?!"

Applejack, having leapt up from her latest punching session with a giant below, dusted herself off slightly before giving Rarity a firm nod. "Ah'll say! An' after me an' mah kin spent so much time makin' those darned mountains too!"

Sunset, who was getting similarly annoyed at the current fight, soon found herself smiling again as she glanced up to the skies above them, seeing just a touch of sunlight peeking through what had been, until that point, a relatively cloudy day. "I think our fight is going to come to a swift close, girls. Better step back."

And step back they did, a sign that the giants on the mountain-ladder immediately took notice of. All eyes turned upwards to find the thick cloud layer parting completely, revealing not only the brilliantly blue sky above, but also a lone figure floating high above them all. Regal, beautiful and causing sheer awe for all who saw her. Celestia had arrived onto the field, and all the giants felt the dread of what was about to happen. Some even tried to slowly back down the ladder when they were sure none of their fellow giants were looking, but alas this was too little too late. For Celestia, with a single wave of her hands, summoned a massive firestorm from the very sun itself, swirling like a tornado and completely surrounding the crude tower their massive rivals had created. From that moment the battle was won, as all who were still upon the aforementioned structure were soon rendered into naught but ash. Some giants had successfully managed to flee before that happened, but for the most part the invading force had been completely dealt with. As for Celestia herself, she smiled with her victory, returning higher to her plane above the rest of the world as the clouds once more resumed their cover. As silence fell over this now-ended battle, Rainbow looked down to the now-vacant pile of mountains before them. "So...maybe next time we can start with Celestia doing that?"

Applejack folded her arms and scowled at her. "What, an' just' let us all get rusty? No thanks."

Rarity walked over to Sunset, patting her on the shoulder. "I must confess, I always get a thrill of being reminded just why your mother stands above us all."

Sunset smiled proudly. "Yeah, it's inspiring alright...as well as terrifying."

Rarity shrugged slightly. "Well, yes, that too."

All of them shared a laugh over that, and when they eventually finished they turned to see that the gentlest of their number, Fluttershy, was just arriving onto the scene, carrying what appeared to be a tray of delectable-looking tea. "I hope the day went well."

Rainbow, of course, was the first one to zip on over there, taking her cup and swigging it in one gulp. "Oh yeah! And then some! Those giants were toast!" She glanced over her shoulder. "Literally!"

Fluttershy sighed. "I'd almost feel bad for them...if they hadn't been coming here to turn us into unwilling wives."

Taking her own cup, Twilight raised it to her friend. "I'll drink to that."

All of them settled down now, enjoying their new drinks, just as Fluttershy was glancing around. "I do hope my brother wasn't too much of a hassle in the fight?"

Pinkie giggled. "What, Zephyr? Nah! He was actually okay with this one. Not a single complaint...for once."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Makes a change." She then turned her head slightly to the general area behind her. "Yo! Zephyr! Get over here before your tea gets cold!" However, when silence was all she got as an answer, she turned around in full, seeing that there was, in fact, no sign of Fluttershy's brother. "Er...Zephyr?"

All were looking in that direction now, and soon began to feel at least a little bit of concern. "Um...where is he?" Fluttershy asked.

Nobody had an answer for her, but as the moments passed, realisation began to dawn on them, and they collectively turned down to what, mere minutes ago, had been a fierce battlefield. And soon after, Twilight looked over to Sunset. "They...they didn't, did they?!"

Fluttershy, having already figured out where this was going, let out a long sigh. "Oh, brother."

The giants had been staring at their captive, bound from neck to toe in rope, for some time, and when it became clear to all of them that this day had not gone quite according to plan, the largest of their number looked to his smaller cohorts with more than a little irritation. "Guys...I thought I made it clear that we were supposed to be snagging one of the pretty ones!"

One of the others shrugged, looking rather embarrassed about the whole situation. "Well, if you look at him a certain way, he...actually, no, I got nothing."

Zephyr, looking up to his captors, took on an indignant look. "See here now! Don't you know who I am?! I am Zephyr! And you brutes will show the proper respect to a god!"

The lead giant rubbed his temples. "Just...stuff him away until we can figure out what to do with him."

Zephyr, now looking worried, watched as the other giants brought out a large, ceramic jar, opening the lid as they did so. "Now hold on! You can't just stuff a god into a jar!" His tirade, thankfully, was cut short when one of the giants promptly picked him up with one hand and did indeed stuff him into the jar, sealing the lid on tight after doing so. "Ah...I suppose you can."

Author's Note:

I always hoped to return to this one eventually, and I guess here we are 😊