• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 117: The Father of Monsters

A few months later, Mount Everhoof. The tallest mountain of the world, constantly covered in snow and ice swept by strong winds causing many blizzards.

Through hardwork, determination, and some unexpected teamwork, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra reach the top of the mountain followed by a couple dozens of changelings.

"I really hope it's here Sombra, or I swear I will turn you into just a shadow of yourself!" shouts Chrysalis.

"I'm certain it's here!" shouts back Sombra. "Gusty never said in her writings where she hid it, but where else is better than the Frozen North to hide such a powerful artefact? And what place is more inaccessible than the top of Mount Everhoof? It doesn't take to be Starswirl to understand that the Bell can only be there." He points at a cave in front of them. "Look. I'm sure the Bell is in there."

"Then what are we waiting for?" asks Tirek before he begins to walk, only to hit face first a magical barrier that makes him bounce back a little while burning him. "Ouch!"

"A magical barrier..." says Sombra before he touches the barrier, getting burned. "And a powerful one too. Not surprising, knowing what it's guarding."

"So it means the Bell is really in there," says Chrysalis. "But how will we get it now?"

"It's too powerful for me, I won't be able to break it," says Sombra. "None of us can on our own."

"Don't tell me we did all this only to fail so close of our goal!" yells Chrysalis.

"I may have a solution," then says Tirek. "You two have a lot of power, but individually, not enough against the barrier. But I could absorb both your magic, and I should have enough to be able to do something."

"Only for you to leave us here!" yells Chrysalis.

"We can't trust you. I refuse to let you take my magic," says Sombra.

"And yet, it's our only solution to get the Bell. Unless you want to pass the rest of your life in fear of that filly," says Tirek. Seeing that the two still refuse, he growls and reluctantly says "I promise I will give your magic back. There. Happy? I'm not here for power. I'm here to get the Bell so he can destroy that filly." He looks at Chrysalis. "And I still think it's a bad idea."

"He's our only chance!"

"But you know the stories."

"We can just get away from here once we bring him back! Then once he takes care of Sweetie Belle, it will just be a matter of taking his Bell from him!"

Tirek huffs. "And you think it will be easy?"

Chrysalis chuckles. "Come on. You underestimate me. All I need to do is disguise myself as a rodent, approach him, and jump at his Bell. He will never expect a rodent to try to take his Bell."

"Not unless I disguise myself as his shadow and take the Bell before," says Sombra with a cackle. "As for you Tirek... Sorry, but I don't see anyway you would be able to take his Bell. You aren't really the sneaky type."

"I will just be happy if I can escape to the other side of the world. What happens to you or to Equestria will not matter to me anymore. I just want this filly dead so she won't be on my tail anymore."

"What happened to your wish to conquer Equestria?" asks Chrysalis mockingly.

"I know when to leave the ship when things become too wild. And the instant we get this Bell out of there and bring him back, I know things will become too much for me. I don't even like remaining in Equestria knowing that there's now a filly strong enough to make a joke of me despite me having the power of four alicorns. I'm only here because I would be safe nowhere as long as she lives. With her weird star, she could find me anywhere."

"Another reason to bring him back so he can defeat her," says Chrysalis.

"Hum... My queen... Why don't you simply absorb the magic of the Bell instead?" asks one of the changelings.

"Because it still wouldn't be enough. Only him as enough magic so that, with the Bell, he would be able to face Sweetie Belle."

"Unless Sweetie Belle reveals to be even more op," says another changeling.

"She defeated Tirek very easily," agrees another.

"Don't be stupid!" yells the queen. "She can't be that 'op'! There is no more powerful magic user than Grogar! He was the terror of Ancient Equestria! The Creator of the majority of the monsters that plagued the world! Pretty much the Father of dark magic! Today, his legend instills fear to the youths! No matter how strong Sweetie Belle is, there is NO WAY he can lose to her!" She turns to Tirek. "Very well. Take my magic. Let's finish this."

Sombra sighs."Alright. Take mine too." He then glares at Tirek. "But you better bring it back!"

Tirek raises an eyebrow. "Or what?"

"JUST TAKE IT ALREADY!" yells Chrysalis.

Tirek shrugs and opens his mouth while Chrysalis and Sombra send their magic at him. As he absorbs the magic, Tirek passes from his old form to his taller, muscular, younger form, now around three times taller than Chrysalis. Cracking his knuckles, he turns to the barrier. "Moment of truth..." His horns gone, he uses his hands to gather magic into an orange sphere and fires a powerful magical beam at the barrier. However, it is just enough to open a small hole in it. "That's all I can do! One of you must jump through it, quick!"

"I could have if I could still transform!" shouts Chrysalis.

"And me if I could still turn into shadows!" shouts Sombra.

Chrysalis turns to her changelings. "One of you do it, NOW!"

At her order, the closest changeling turns himself into a foal and flies through the hole.

"Quick! I don't know how long I can hold it!" shouts Tirek.

A few seconds later, just in time, the changeling comes out with a sinister-looking greenish-teal colored bell. "I have it! I have it!"

"Good," says Chrysalis before looking at Tirek. "Now give my magic back."

"And mine too," says Sombra.

Tirek growls, but opens his mouth, giving back to Chrysalis and Sombra their magic, returning to his old form. "Alright. So, we now have the Bell. How do we use it already?"

Sombra invokes a book and opens it to a page, pointing at it. "We need to use this spell. There's no other way to use the Bell."

The other two villains look at the book, read, and nod, before circling the Bell.

"We must hurry. Discord probably sensed me taking your magic. He could appear anytime," says Tirek.

"And it's only now that you tell us this?" says Sombra.

"Shut up and focus!" says Chrysalis.

After some growling, Sombra focus on the Bell along with the other two, and the Bell starts levitating.

In the back, one of the changelings gulps and begins to walk away.

"Where are you going Thorax?" says another changeling spotting him.

"I have a bad feeling Pharynx. We must get away from here."

At this moment, a beam comes out of the Bell and hits the air above it, opening a portal to who knows where.

"Now is a good time to leave," says Tirek.

But then, Discord appears. "Finally found you! The magic in this mountain is so messed, it..." That's when he sees the Bell, and the portal. Immediately understanding what is happening, he panics and yells "WHAT HAVE YOU IDIOTS DONE?!"

"We have no time to talk!" shouts back Chrysalis. "We must get away before-"

"Before what?" suddenly asks someone, interrupting her.

Everyone stops moving, filled with dread. Slowly, they turn their head to face the origin of this voice. Here, in front of the portal, the Bell floating beside him, is a blue ram with two large dark horns and a red collar holding some bells. The portal then closes, and the ram puts the Bell on his collar.

Discord gulps and waves at the ram. "Hey... Grogar... Long time no see... I would like to remain here to catch up with you but..." He shows a watch. "it's pony terrorizing time, so I must go! Bye!"

Dong! Dong!

Before he knows it, Discord is hit by a dark beam, and in just a few seconds, he finds himself drained of his magic. Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek look in horror at seeing the draconeequus so easily defeated.

"Don't think I forgot how you tripped me, giving Gusty the chance to take my Bell," says Grogar. "It was a great move from you, but betrayal is still betrayal, and be ready to pay for this."

Discord, weakened, shakes in fear. "C-come on. It was thousands of years ago. You know it's bad for the health to hold a grudge so long."

Dong! Dong!

Again, Discord is hit by a dark beam. But this time, as he yells in pain, the bell causes his body to start to transform into a more monstrous version of himself, two times bigger with sharp teeth, sharp claws, and horns that could impale.

One of the changelings, Thorax, hides behind a boulder.

Grogar approaches the monstrous Discord and pats his head. "My grudge is settled. Mmh... Maybe I should now give you back some of your powers so you can be useful in this new form." He then turns to the three villains. "What about you?"

"We-we-we're the one who freed you!" shouts Sombra.

Grogar chuckles. "I know that already. I was just wondering how I would punish you."

"Punish us?!" they shout in fear.

"You wanted to use me, right? Why else would you bring me back?" He gives them a glare. "I hate being used."

"Powerful Lord Grogar!" shouts Chrysalis with a fake smile, trying to hide her panic. "We only brought you back so you could help us defeat a common enemy!"

"So you wanted to use me!"

Thorax flies away.

"I told you it was a bad idea," says Tirek.

"Shut up!" shouts back the changeling queen.

Sombra then turns into his shadow form and flies away... Dong! Dong! Only to be drained of his magic. Chrysalis turns into a mouse with a white coat and runs away in the snow... Dong! Dong! Only to receive the same fate. All the changelings in the area are then trapped in dark bubbles.

Tirek bows at Grogar. "Please! Spare me! It was their idea! I only followed because I had no choice!"

Grogar frowns at the centaur, then smirks. "Tell me... Who is this 'common enemy?'"

Tirek quickly explains everything, and when he's done, Grogar is rubbing his chin in thought. "I see... Indeed, if she's as strong as you say, she could be a threat..." He then turns to Discord. "And you should be ashamed! Letting yourself being 'befriended'! And you call yourself the Spirit of Chaos! Spirit of Fools, yes! Not like it matters anymore." He turns back to Tirek. "Luckily, I know how to deal with this filly."

Dong! Dong!

Suddenly, three dark beams hit the three villains, turning them into monsters too. Chrysalis becomes taller than Celestia, with a shell as hard as steel and spikes coming out of her back and her legs. Sombra becomes a pony made of physical shadow. And Tirek becomes as big as when he broke the barrier, but with claws on his hands, sharp teeth, and much more muscular.

Dong! Dong!

More beams go to hit the trapped changelings, also turning them into monsters of various forms, with spikes, claws, sharp teeth, and even sickles.

Grogar cackles. "Overwhelm her with both number and power!"

The rest of the changelings is waiting at the base of the mountain when Thorax comes and yells "Everyling! We must run!" gaining the attention of the others.

"Thorax? What's going on?" asks one of the changelings.

"What happened to the queen?" asks another.

"Pr-probably turned into a monster by Grogar... He didn't like the idea of being used."

Before more could be asked, one of the changelings points at the mountain and shouts "Look!"

Approaching them, two dozens monster changelings are flying, showing their craws, teeth, and sickles, ready to attack. Among them is Chrysalis. Panic spreads among the normal changelings as they begin to fly away to escape, only for chains to appear and trap half of them, created by the monstrous Discord. Shadows spread in the ground and wrap around others.

As changelings are yelling and struggling to escape, Grogar approaches, starting to use his power to turn them into more monsters while giving a loud cackle. "Yes! Let them know I'm back! Spread the fear! Make my power grow even more!"

The changelings who have managed to escape reach the Crystal Empire in the following hour, spreading the news of Grogar's return and what he's done. Fearing that the powerful ram and his army of monsters are now approaching the empire, Cadance and Shining Armor immediately order the evacuation of the city.

But they quickly understand that there's no way to escape. The empire is in the cold of the North, and the only safe way out is the train, which can only hold a few hundreds ponies at once.

They really should have thought of a way to rapidly evacuate the empire in a worst case situation...

Shining Armor sighs. "Take Flurry Heart and go. I will remain behind to... try and protect the empire."

"What?" shouts Cadance while holding their newly born daughter. "I can't leave you."

"Better me than you. One of us needs to remain behind to assure the crystal ponies that we are not abandoning them, and the other must escape to save our daughter from Grogar."

"Grogar is here!" yells somepony. "Grogar is-"

A giant dark beam suddenly hits and destroys the barrier protecting the city, leaving it at the mercy of the elements and the monsters. The yells of panic from the ponies double in intensity.

Shining puts a hoof on Cadance's cheek. "Now, please, go."

Crying, they give each other a last hug before Cadance climbs in the train with the alicorn foal just before the train closes its doors and leaves, followed by the changelings transformed into cold resisting birds each transporting a pony, generally a foal.

The news reach Canterlot, and from there, spread to the whole Equestria. Celestia quickly acts to ready an army to counter Grogar's, but without Discord, and knowing how easily he has been defeated, doubt rapidly fills her. But she must act strong, make sure that her ponies aren't filled with fear, because fear powers Grogar. So she has rapidly sent ponies to spread the words everywhere that she, Luna, and the Elements will stop Grogar and that they don't have to worry. She has also gone to Griffonstone to ask for help while Luna has gone to the Dragonlands, but despite Gilda's work, the griffons still have a long way to go and won't be able to help. Torch, however, knowing how much of a threat Grogar is, has accepted to come with his strongest dragons.

As for Sweetie Belle, the last they have seen of her, she went to the south to deal with some evil empire she discovered. Hopefully, she will come back rapidly. She may be their best chance.

Grogar's army is slowly approaching by the north of Canterlot, and waiting for him at the base of Canterlot's mountain is an army composed of ponies, changelings who escaped Grogar, and some dragons under Torch's command, the Dragon Lord easily as tall as an Ursa Major, dwarfing all the others.

"Here they come," says Torch before frowning. "They got the Yaks."

"I feared this..." says Celestia.

"Remember, our only chance to win is to steal Grogar's Bell," reminds Luna to everyone.

"Leave it to me! I will take it from under his muzzle before he knows it!" yells Rainbow Dash.

"Don't underestimate Grogar, pony. He will not let someone approach his Bell that easily," says Torch. Then, hearing something approaching from behind, he turns his head and smiles when he sees the origin. "And here she comes."

"Mmh?" asks everyone else before they look at what Torch is looking, seeing a star approach. They all smile in relief at this.

The star crashes in front of them, and Sweetie Belle jumps from it just before. The filly is now pretty much back in shape, living her muscles more visible. Levitating in her magic are a purple unicorn with a broken horn and some white furred creature that looks like a monkey with two hooves instead of feet. The monkey thing is unconscious and very badly beaten.

"Hello everyone! Seems like I come just in time! There!" She throws the monkey thing at Celestia's hooves. "The leader of the empire of the south, calling himself the Storm King! More bark than bite if you want my opinion. The empire was easy to destroy, but it had a lot of territories that I had to free from its influence. And, there," She drops the unicorn who is not daring to look at anypony in the eyes. "A reformed villain named Tempest Shadow. She was working for the Storm King so he could reform her horn. I convinced her that she didn't need her horn. Now, she just needs some friends." Her smile becomes wide. "I also made a lot of friends! I found the hippogriffs who had to become seaponies to escape the Storm King, the abyssinians who were conquered are now interested in opening negotiations with Equestria, and the Storm Creatures are now nicer to be around!" She then stops smiling and looks at the army of monsters approaching. "So... what's going on now?"

With a sigh, Celestia quickly proceeds to explain the situation, making Sweetie Belle facehoof. "Chrysalis... I swear..." She then turns around and starts to walk toward the army of monsters.

"Are you really thinking of facing Grogar and his army of monsters alone?" shouts Luna is disbelief.

"Of course. They're just monsters."

"But Shining Armor, Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Discord are among them!"

"And they are thousands!" yells Cadance.

"I know!" shouts back the filly with a big smile. "Finally, maybe a real challenge to test my skills before my fight against Kirby!"

Everyone's jaws drop.

So she advances toward the terrible army, alone. When he spots her, Grogar orders his monsters to stop and smirks.

"So, you're the filly I've been warned about! You are small, but I can feel that you impose much more than the giant dragon behind you!"

"Thanks! I've been training really hard!"

Sweetie Belle stops a few dozens meters in front of the army, looking at her adversary, her cape floating in the wind.

"You went through a lot, uh?" asks the ram.

"You have no idea," replies the filly, smiling back at him. "I hope you aren't expecting me to be scared of you, but I fought many abominations that make your monsters look like kitties in comparison."

Grogar chuckles. "I'm already getting enough power from the fear of the ones behind you." He then glares at the filly with a smirk. "And each of my monsters is strong enough to exterminate a dozen of experienced soldiers by themselves!"

Sweetie's smile becomes a smirk. "Come, then!"


Immediately, every monsters in Grogar's army charge at the filly who begins to advance again.

A first changeling reaches Sweetie Belle, only for the filly to avoid its sickle before punching it on the cheek, sending it flying to the side. Another changeling reaches her, and she jumps before dropping on its head. She then lowers herself and gives an uppercut to the next changeling, sending it flying to the air. She catches the sickle of a fourth changeling and spins, making it slam into other monsters before she throws it at more monsters.

She surrounds herself in her ten double beam swords, grabbing one, and starts twirling them around, defeating dozens of monsters thanks to them. She then thrusts a hoof, sending a giant fist-shaped shield slamming against a dozen more monsters, before slamming this same hoof on the ground, causing dozens of dark spikes to emerge from the ground, hitting even more monsters surrounding her. Some of them start to attack her with magical beam and even spit fire at her, but she quickly counters them by creating many mirrors that start moving around her to deflect the projectiles.

Discord then snaps a claw, surrounding Sweetie with dozens of swords. The filly teleports and appears directly in front of Tirek, and the huge monster centaur swings one of his claws at her. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle grows in size and grabs Tirek's arm before using him as a meat shield against a beam from Shining Armor. She then slams the centaur, crushing many monsters including the ex-captain of the Royal Guard. She quickly returns to her normal size as monster yaks charge at her with their horns, and slams a hoof on the ground. Suddenly, the ground under the yaks rises, sending them flying high in the air.

She is then surrounded by a dome of shadow, but she destroys it with an explosion of energy, sending Sombra to the air before slamming him with a shield to send him crashing on Shining Armor. A monstrous ursa minor then drops on her to crush her, but again, the filly grows in size and throws the ursa, crushing some monsters before the ursa transforms to reveal that it has been Chrysalis. Dark crystals come out of the ground, and Sweetie Belle flies away only to be pinned down by Discord, making her vulnerable.

Or they think, because the filly is able to wrap her whip around Discord, and with her spinning, he's slammed against a lot of monsters before he's sent flying on the way of one of Tirek's beams. The spinning stopping, Sweetie Belle then teleports to avoid that same beam, appears above the centaur, and turns her body into metal before dropping on his head.

Sombra and Chrysalis then attack her from both sides, each firing a huge beam. Sweetie Belle drops from Tirek's head just before, and the centaur is the one getting hit by both beams on the head. The filly then grabs Sombra and Chrysalis with giant hand-shaped shields and slams them against each other before slamming them on Discord who has been about to fire at her with a gatling rocket launcher. She then throws her toward Shining Armor only for him to protect himself with a shield. But Sweetie Belle then slams her hoof, and the ground under Shining Armor rises to crush him against his own shield.

Despite all this, only a few monsters are unconscious. Those things reveal to be very resistant, and already, Tirek and the others are getting up from this beat down, which makes Sweetie giggle in glee. As dozens of monsters charge at her from all directions, she readies her cannons, smiling like Pinkie Pie.

Their jaws are dropping. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Torch... even Grogar. It's the only thing they can do at what they're witnessing. Not a word is even muttered. In front of them is an ocean of bodies, none of them moving, and in the middle of it stands a mountain. A mountain made of hundreds of unconscious monsters. And sitting on this mountain, is Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle huffs and puffs, regaining her breath. Her body is now covered in scratches with some burns. Behind her, she hears a monster growling, slowly crawling toward her despite its injuries. So, without looking, she slams ones of her cannons on its head, sending it to dreamland.

She turns to Grogar, smiling. "Did you like the show?" She giggles. "You should close your mouth, or you will eat a fly."

Grogar shakes his head, recovering from his shock. "I underestimated you... You are more a monster than any monster I created."

She smirks. "Are you... scared?"

He looks at her in outrage. "I'm impressed! Not scared! I can't be scared! Others are scared of me!"

Dong! Dong!

Grogar fires a beam at the mountain, spreading its effect to the ocean of bodies, and drains the magic of all the monsters, gaining more power than ever while Sweetie Belle floats away to not get caught. He then unleashes it, causing the earth to shake and the sky to be covered by dark clouds, creating a very powerful storm. Strong dark winds are now circling the ram, and black lightning now constantly comes out of him. As some of the unconscious monsters are sent flying by this, Sweetie Belle resists, protecting her eyes with a hoof and smirking again at Grogar.

"Wow! Nice backdrop! I didn't know you were one for drama!"

"There's not much that you know about me!"

"I know enough to defeat you!"

Grogar slams a hoof on the ground, causing it to crack for miles. "Don't be so sure, you arrogant pest!"

Father of Monsters

Sweetie Belle surrounds herself in a spherical shield, protecting herself from the wind. From the shield, she creates six arms each ending with a hand. In the first hand, she creates an energy sword. In the second, she creates an energy gun. In a third, she creates an energy whip. In a fourth, she creates an energy hammer. In a fifth, she creates an energy spear. The last one holds nothing, but points a finger at Grogar. Behind her, her ten cannons circle her, each ready to fire at the ram, while she creates dozens more elemental and energy weapons of all kind.

"Here's some of the fruits of my training!"

Dong! Dong!

Grogar fires a dark beam at Sweetie Belle to drain her magic, and Sweetie Belle flies out of the way. From the hand with the finger pointed at Grogar, she then fires dozens of hollowed stars that the ram easily blocks with the help of his Bell. She then sends all the weapons she has created toward him, and again, Grogar blocks all of them, only for Sweetie to appear behind him and to thrust her energy spear at his back while swinging her energy sword. Grogar teleports in the air and fires a giant dark beam at her, only for Sweetie to open a portal on its path and to open another beside the ram like she had done against Tirek.

Despite being taken off guard by this, Grogar manages to block the beam, but ends up bonked on the back by Sweetie's energy hammer, sending him crashing on the ground. As he recovers, he then see a shadow appear in the ground under him and quickly jumps out of the way, then charges back, ramming the filly who flies out of the shadow. Despite it, Sweetie is able to wrap her energy whip around him and slams him on the ground a few times before firing some energy beams that the ram blocks. But the beams are a diversion that lets her charge at him, her round shield covered in fire.

But then, Grogar slams a hoof through her shield, grabs her, and throws her out of it toward the sky before firing a dark beam. With a spin, Sweetie Belle avoids the beam, then avoids the dark claws that come out of it to chase her before charging back toward the ram, her cannons firing beams and elemental streams. Grogar blocks the projectiles and prepares to intercept the filly, only for her to surround herself in blue and purple energy before the resulting orb separates in two. The two halves then fly to his sides, and Grogar barely jumps out of the way as they crash into each other where he has been standing, only for the crash to create a huge explosion of energy that catches him.

In the middle of the explosion, Grogar teleports just above the center where Sweetie Belle is and slams her with both front hooves, making her crash and causing a crater to form. He then fires a dark beam, only for the filly to sink in the earth and disappear in it. A huge stone statue of Sweetie Belle then comes out and tries to crush Grogar under its hoof, but the ram destroys the hoof with just one punch before firing a beam at the statue, destroying it. Out of the statue, a dozen Sweetie Belle comes, and Grogar destroys all of them, revealing them to be mirror copies. The copies break into shards that charge toward him, but Grogar teleports, only to be hit by a storm of lightning bolts.

Teleporting away, Grogar looks at the origin and sees an one-eyed cloud surrounded with spikes which seems to be a painting given life. Again, Grogar fires a beam and destroys it, then jumps forward to avoid a now metallic Sweetie Belle almost dropping on him. She's followed however by a rain of explosive balls, one of them catching Grogar in its explosion. Recovering from it, he slams the ground and causes a part of it to rise under Sweetie Belle, sending her in the air, before he teleports and directly fires a beam at her, sending her crashing again. He then fires another beam, this time with his Bell, to drain her magic.

Using her hooves, Sweetie Belle propels herself out of the way, and continues to avoid more beams fired by Grogar, until the ram is suddenly impaled from behind by an energy sword. Coughing blood, Grogar teleports away and sees that he has been impaled by Sweetie Belle's round shield still there despite the filly not being inside it anymore. He quickly uses his magic to heal the damage caused by the sword, stopping the bleeding.

The shield throws its energy spear at him before firing at him with the gun, and Grogar teleports again before using the Bell to block dozens of projectiles fired by the cannons, only to have to teleport again to avoid three beam swords charging at him. He sees the shield fire a beam at him from its weaponless hand, and uses the Bell to absorb it, only to discover that he can't because the beam isn't made of magic! Before he can protect himself, he's hit by the beam and sent flying right into the path of an Ultimate Doom Laser. He teleports out of it, breathing heavily.

"This isn't magic!" he yells.

Sweetie Belle giggles. "Like I said to Chryssi, I can use other energies than magic. Celestia told me that your Bell can absorb magic..." Dark energy then starts circling her. "But as I thought, it can't absorb Dark Matter or any of the energies I create from it!"

Spreading her hooves, dozens of black spikes begin to randomly pock out of the air or the ground while dozens of dark orbs are fired from her body toward the ram who does his best to protect himself from the onslaught.

Sweetie Belle readies her beam swords and says "Since I came back in this dimension a few months ago, I trained hard to master this ultimate power of Creation and Destruction! The power..." She slashes a hole in space. "of the Gods!" A space beam comes out of the hole, and Grogar teleports away, only for Sweetie to slash another hole, and another, and another!

Eventually, Sweetie Belle stops slashing holes, leaving Grogar some respite as they both breathe heavily. "The power of the Gods? Seriously?"

"Of course, I am not a God, I can't create whole universes thanks to it. I'm not powerful enough." She places her hooves before her, and starts using energy to create what looks like a small sun, about as big as a beach ball. She then smirks. "But at least, I can still do that." She throws the sun at Grogar who easily jumps out of the way, only for the sun to create a huge explosion that badly burns him. Groaning in pain, he opens his eyes, only to see a meteor come toward him. He teleports away, and appears directly behind Sweetie Belle to punch her, only for the filly to disappear into shadows that surround the ram, only for eyes to chaotically appear in the darkness before firing dark lightning bolts.

Roaring, Grogar unleashes a huge explosion of dark magic that destroys the shadows and immediately spots Sweetie Belle as she has been thrown away by the attack. He then teleports above her and fires a dark beam, sending her crashing, before he fires dozens of smaller dark projectiles that all home in where she has crashed. Suddenly, Grogar spins around and fires another dark beam, destroying the round shield that has been about to stab him again. But then, an Ultimate Doom Laser comes from where Sweetie Belle crashed and engulfs him, sending him flying for a mile or two before he crashes.

He opens his eyes and sees Sweetie Belle charging toward him, hoof ready to punch, a huge quantity of energy surrounding it. He materializes the most resistant shield he can creates, and the filly punches it, the shock causing a huge wave to spread for miles.

To his horror, his shield starts cracking.

"Is this fear I see on your face?" asks the filly with the biggest smirk she can give.

More cracks.

As the shield breaks, Grogar places his Bell on the way of her hoof.

It starts cracking too.

"Ponies fear you, the Father of Monsters..."

More cracks.

"But monsters..."

More cracks.

"fear me."


In a phenomenal explosion of magic that is felt in all of Equestria and beyond, the Bell explodes, and Sweetie Belle's punch hits Grogar in the gut, creating a huge crater as he coughs blood. For a few seconds, the earth shakes.

To Sweetie Belle's surprise, by the time it's over, Grogar is still conscious, but barely, breathing heavily, terribly injured. Coughing some more blood, Grogar opens his eyes, and when he sees her, he starts panicking, but isn't able to move.

Giving a huff, Sweetie Belle puts her muzzle on his and says "Bring everyone back to normal."

Grogar nods rapidly, then does a spell.

Once he's done, Sweetie Belle grabs one of his legs. "Now, you're coming with me," she says before she walks back toward where she has fought the army of monsters dragging Grogar behind her. "By the way, thank you for the fight. Thanks to you, I think I'm ready to face Kirby."

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