• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 2: First Day part 1

She should be sleeping. It was almost midnight and yet she was still awake. But who could blame her? She was now stuck in another world for who knew how long, and she had not even been there for an hour that she had gotten herself enlisted into the local monarch's army. Hopefully she will not have to take a weapon, she didn't know if she could use one.

How were everypony at home? Twilight was probably searching a way to bring her back. She was her best hope to get home, but who knew how much time will pass until she finds one? If she ever find one... And her family... They were probably worried sick. And her friends too. She hoped that Rarity wasn't too mad at Twilight for accidentally sending her to another world. Actually, had they even found out that she was sent to another world? Maybe they think she was just transported to another kingdom or, Celestia forbid, on a deserted island. If that was the case, they will search the whole world... without result. Will they even come to the conclusion that she had been transported to another world? Maybe they will just conclude that she was dead and stop searching. And she will have to serve that mad king until the end. And she will never see anypony ever again. Her mom, her dad, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo...

"I miss you..."

Sweetie was suddenly awakened as someone knockd at the door.

"Mmh... What...?"

"Sweetie Belle, it's time!" a voice behind the door said. "I will wait behind the door! Hurry up to get ready so we can have breakfast before we start our day!"

Oh... Right... So this wasn't a dream. If only it was why this kingdom was called Dream Land. Well, she had to wake up, she didn't want to get the king mad again, he was kind enough to let her stay at his castle, even if she had to work for him in return.

She opened her eyes, and looked toward the window, only to have her first surprise of the day: the sun was barely raised at the horizon! Seriously? It's even sooner than a school day! Ugh! She should have tried to sleep as soon as she had hit the bed! Well, she will have to do with it. No choice.

As she got up, she looked at her new chamber. It was a little bigger than her chamber at Carousel Boutique, at least there was that. Waddle Dee gave her a good room. The problem was that it was empty. Outside of her bed, and a nightstand with a clock, there was absolutely nothing in there, not even a closet. If she had to live here, she will have to get this room more lively, even if she was not sure with what. If only she could make appear photos of her family and her friends, it would be a good start. A few plushies maybe? She could try her luck at sewing at least one that will look like Rarity. She was only able to sew correctly the Crusaders' capes, but maybe she could ask the Waddle Dees for help? She will have to think back to it once she had a break.

There was another room attached to this one, which was a bathroom. A really small bathroom. Without even a bathtub, just a sink to brush her teeth and a mirror above it. If she wanted to take a bath, she will have to take it with the others. She had already taken one the previous day after she was given her room, so she didn't need one right now. As for her need to use the toilet, she will have to use the ones at the end of the hallway outside of her room.

In short, she didn't need to take too much time to prepare herself before opening the door to come face to face with Waddle Dee, or she thought, the same one that helped her yesterday. They looked so much alike, it will be hard to keep track.

"I'm ready. Good morning."

"Good morning. I hope you didn't have any problem waking up."

"A little. I had a hard time falling asleep last night. But I think I will be alright. Still, it's really early."

"I know, you will become used to it. Let's go take our breakfast."

"Hum... First..." She didn't end her sentence, running right into the restroom at the end of the hallway.

"Oh, right..."

"So, I was told that your first duty will be cleaning the boxing ring. You need me to guide you?"

"A boxing ring? Really? There is a boxing ring in this castle?" Sweetie Belle exclaimed while watching curiously Waddle Dee eating. She had already seen Waddle Dees eating last night, when she had taken a dinner before going to bed, and she still couldn't help herself but ask How?! They didn't have a mouth! Waddle Dee was currently eating a watermelon, and it was just... disappearing! Just HOW?! And it's not just the Waddle Dees, she could see the same thing happening with a Waddle Doo a few chairs at her left!

Stop it Sweetie. You will just give yourself a headache. Just consider it Pinkie Pie level of impossible and be happy with it, she told herself.

"Yes. There is a boxing ring where the king trains himself. These days, it's almost always messy. There is probably some remains of last night's training. Don't worry, you will not be alone in cleaning."

"You will be here?"

"No, sorry. I'm guard duty at the treasure room."


"Hey, like this, you will have the occasion to become friends with some others servants!"

Sweetie put a hoof under her chin. "Mmh... You're right. For now, I only know you and King Dedede here."


After breakfast, Waddle Dee led Sweetie Belle to the room with the ring, showing her various things to help her find her way in the future. On the way, they encountered the rest of the cleaning crew, consisting of two more Waddle Dees and two Broom Hatters, pear-shaped yellow creatures with brown feet, a witch hat like the foals would wear at Nightmare Night, and of course, a broom. Oh! And they didn't have any eye or mouth... Creepy. One of the Waddle Dees had his right arm around two mops while lifting a bucket full of water with his left arm, and the last one had a household shovel, a feather duster and empty garbage bags, and he also had a white kerchief.

"Hey! You are the Rookie!" the Waddle Dee with the mops said upon seeing Sweetie Belle.

"Yes, it's me. Sorry if I'm late."

"You are right on time! Here, take this!" the same Waddle Dee said, giving her one of the mops, which Sweetie took with her magic.

"Thank you."

"Well..." Waddle Dee then said... the one that had been leading her. "It seems like you will be able to continue by yourself from now. I must go. Good luck Sweetie Belle. See you at lunch."

"Ok. Thank you for everything Waddle Dee. See you." She waved at the departing Waddle Dee who waved back, before turning to the cleaning crew.

Seeing she was ready, Mop Waddle Dee (she will name him that for now, and the other Shovel Waddle Dee) told her to follow them before they continued their way to the room with the boxing ring, the filly right behind them. In the way, one of the Broom Hatters gave her a white kerchief with green stars, which she put around her mane to protect it.

Not long after, they reached the room, and right now, Sweetie was thankful that she was not alone cleaning it, but was also wondering if they should have asked ten more Broom Hatters to follow them. The room was huge, and the ring at the center had many destroyed or crushed dummy parts on and around it. Some of them even ended up on the stands!

"Let's go!" Mop Waddle Dee said. "We have one hour to clean this!"

She gulped...

It... wasn't that bad, surprisingly. The Broom Hatters used their brooms to push the dummy parts and assemble them in a big pile that Shovel Waddle Dee put away in his garbage bags with his shovel. Meanwhile, Sweetie and Mop Waddle Dee dampened their mops with the water in the bucket and cleaned around where there was no dummy parts, starting close to the walls of the room, then around the stands, then on the stands once the dummy parts on them were removed, then around the boxing ring. The Broom Hatters had already finished their job and one of them was helping Shovel Waddle Dee, and there were almost no dummy parts left while the other took the feather duster and was dusting the ropes of the ring. And all the while, Sweetie Belle couldn't help herself but sing one of her little song. She had taken the habit to sing sometime while cleaning back in Ponyville, helping her to keep going without thinking about anything else.

Seeing their job almost accomplished, Sweetie decided to ask Mop Waddle Dee a question. "Say, what do these dummies represent ? The more intact ones look like a pink round... thing."

"That's Kirby. The newfound rival of King Dedede."

"What? But it looks so small!"

"I know. And yet, he-we are sure that he is a 'he'-was able to beat King Dedede. They fought in this same boxing ring, and at the end of their fight, Kirby was able to send King Dedede flying through the roof! He also beat by himself a great part of our army, including some of the king's strongest lieutenants. Since then, King Dedede is training really hard in the hope of beating him."

"Wow. He must be really strong then! King Dedede is so big and has this really big hammer! And he can suck up everything in his mouth!"

"Just a proof that size and power don't mean everything," the Broom Hatter with the feather duster said... Feather Duster Hatter?

"Don't let him hear that, you fool!" Shovel Waddle Dee said in horror.

"Don't worry," Feather Duster Hatter replied. "He is certainly having his breakfast as we speak. He shouldn't come before a few more minutes."

"Still... Watch out what you say... just in case."

"Alright alright... Pfff..."

"You are doing a really good job Sweetie Belle," Mop Waddle Dee then said to Sweetie. "This isn't the first time you clean, right?"

"Huhuh," Sweetie Belle answered while shaking her head. "Rarity often asks me to clean, either my chamber, or after disturbing one of the rooms." She then sighed thinking about Rarity. She really missed her.

"I see. You also sing very well, you know?"

Sweetie Belle hadn't thought she would get complimented, and couldn't help but blush as she looked at Mop Waddle Dee in surprise. "Uh? T-thanks!" She then averted her eyes and rubbed a hoof behind her head in embarrassment. "I love singing..."

Mop Waddle Dee chuckled at seeing her embarrassment, it was adorable... "Well, it was beautiful. You should try singing to everybody else at lunch, I'm sure they will love it too."

Sweetie couldn't stop the squeaky "eep" escaping her mouth. She could feel her blush growing and tried to hide it by lowering her head, turning her eyes to the floor. "S-sorry. I'm a little scared of singing in front of others, especially big crowds..."

Mop Waddle Dee was about to reply when they heard a "Urk!" coming from the ring. Once she looked, she saw Feather Duster Hatter on his back, waving the feather duster at his face (?) like a fan.

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?" she screamed in panic.

The Hatter waved at her in return. "Yeah yeah. Don't worry for me. It's just heat. I will be alright."

Sweetie raised an eyebrow at his excuse. "But it's not hot. It's actually a little cold."

".......... It's a cold hot."

"What? But that doesn't make sense!"

"Just forget about him," Mop Waddle Dee interrupted while laughing. "Trust me. Leave him a minute and he will be back to work. He just needs a little air. Let's continue our cleaning."

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. "Okay...?"

Returning at their work, after a few more minutes, they finally finished cleaning the room with some minutes to spare.

"What now?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Do you know what is your next task?" Mop Waddle Dee said.

"No, nopony told me what I must do after cleaning this room."

"'Nopony'? You must mean 'nobody'."

"Oh? Uh... Yes! Nobody! Sorry, 'nopony' is the way we say it in Equestria."

"That's okay. So, if nobody told you what to do next, then you can either remain here until the king comes so he can give you something to do, or you can explore the castle in search of something to do."

As much as she was scared of the king, she didn't want to get lost in the castle. "I will remain here, just in case."

"Understood. It was good to work with you, I hope we will do it again someday. Until then, goodbye! Ah! I almost forgot, can you give me the mop?"

"Oh! Of course!"

After giving back the mop, the Waddle Dees and the Broom Hatters exited the room, pushing the now full garbage bags and waving goodbye at Sweetie Belle. While waiting for King Dedede to come, she decided to explore the few rooms next to this one. One of them revealed to be a storage with various weapons, probably to train with them on the boxing ring. Another room seemed to be a gym, full of equipment like weights. This one actually gave Sweetie Belle an idea. Maybe she could still train her magic, even if she was in a different world. Maybe she may even become powerful enough to teleport back to Equestria! With this idea in her head, she tried to lifts the weights with her magic one by one, from the smaller to the bigger, and once she found a weight that she could barely lift, she took it back to the boxing ring to train her magic with it until the king came.

A few minutes later, said king finally came through the door. He raised an eyebrow at seeing the filly on the ring.

"Mmh? What are you doing here? Don't you have a job to do?"

"Sorry king Dedede, I had nothing to do after cleaning the boxing ring, so I decided to wait for you to see if you have some task for me."

"And you are lifting a weight with your magic... why?"

"Remember when I said that I wanted to train my magic?"

"I see. Yes, if you can get stronger with your magic, you can be a better help at fighting that pink pest."

"I suppose... but I think I took a weight a little too big, my horn is already aching."

"Pfff. Of course. This is training after all. Pushing your body to its limit, lifting weights until your arms hurt, running until you have to crawl, that's how you get stronger!" he said as he struck a pose, flexing his arms to show the fruit of his training.

"So I should continue?"

"No. If you get too tired, you will not be able to continue your job. You know what? I propose you this. You will do what is asked of you until it is 6pm. At that hour, you will come here to train until dinner. What do you think?"

Sweetie smiled at that. Finally she will not be behind the other unicorns! "I'm okay with that!"

"Good! If you can become as powerful as you told you can be, then maybe you can become my trump card against that Kirby! If I don't crush him before, of course. Actually, you told me that that... Princess Twilight became an alicorn, right? An alicorn is, like, a stronger version of what you are? It means that if you become one, you will be more powerful, uh?"

"You can say that, yes. You see, in Equestria, there are unicorns, like me, pegasi, and earth ponies. Unicorns have a horn and can use magic with it. Pegasi have wings and can manipulate the weather, make rain, snow, or even a tornado. Earth ponies have neither, but they are really strong and tough and can be really good with plants. The brother and the sister of one of my friend can drop all the apples of a tree with just a buck. Alicorns are like a fusion of all the three, but really, really, REALLY more powerful, and they possess both a horn and wings."

"Interesting... And how did that Twilight become an alicorn?"

"Twilight was a really powerful unicorn before, so I think it counts. But my sis told me something about the Elements of Harmony shooting her with magical lasers making her explode. And when she reappeared, she had wings. I didn't understand everything, I think there was something about a poem? I remember that my sis' Cutie Mark was changed that day... Maybe-"

"So if I make you explode, you will come back more powerful?" Dedede interrupted her.

"What? No! Nonono! I don't think it's how it works! If that was the case, then there would be thousands of alicorns! But so far, there are only four. I really don't know how it really happened that day. All I know is that you must do something worth it. Twilight would be able to explain it better."

"But she is not here..."

"Yes... And that's why all I can do is try to get better by training."

"Mph... Then get out of this ring so you can go do your next task."

"And what must I do?"

"Ah yes. Well... I know! Go to the kitchen! I want to know if you are good at cooking!"

Sweetie saluted him. "Yes sir! And thank you!" she almost screamed before she jumped over the edge of the ring.

"By the way, good kerchief."

"Uh?" Sweetie put a hoof on her mane, only to feel that she was still wearing the kerchief given to her by one of the Broom Hatters. "Oops! I totally forgot that I still had it! I will have to give it back when I can." She took the kerchief, and instead put it around her neck. She then passed Dedede and exited the room. Maybe Waddle Dee was right and she could still hope.

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