• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 12: Red Canyon

By the time they reached Red Canyon, the sun was already starting to set, the sky turning orange. The perfect setting for this island made of red stone, hence the name. It gave also a panoramic view like Sweetie had never seen before, the filly opening her mouth in awe before so much beauty and majesty from the mountainous island. And that was when she finally picked up about the mountains, which they will have to climb...

When all of that is finished, she will probably sleep a whole week.

The Warp Star dropped them just before a Bouncy, followed by another, then two Waddle Dees, one of them charging from behind. And they just arrived! After some jumps above holes, they reached three blocks made of stone with cracks on them. The first and last blocks were above spikes, while the middle one was above a door. It didn't take a genius to guess that these blocks were like the snow ones back in Iceberg. Knowing that, they were able to reach the door while avoiding the spikes and exploding the Rocky on the middle block.

Sweetie will really have to ask Waddle Dee how they could walk on these blocks without destroying them.

They found themselves on a bridge above spikes, facing a green jellyfish like at Ripple Fields. Sweetie immediately dropped a bomb on it, followed by some fireballs from Kine with Kirby in his mouth. The jellyfish hadn't even time to attack before it was knocked out. Gooey then discarded the Bomb and ate the jellyfish, gaining the Spark Ability.

With Gooey being on Sweetie, she got the Spark too, not changing much her appearance outside of making her mane and tail look more like the ones of Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash, even spikier with some arcs of electricity appearing in them sometimes. She tested the Ability and discovered that she now could shoot lightning bolts from her horn!

Back in the previous area, they continued their way, quickly running on the stone blocks that followed before they disappeared. On a pillar farther, they spotted, below, a tomato on a stone block above a deep hole. Not taking any risk, Coo flew to it and took it in his claws. Once he was back, they cut the tomato in six parts for everyone, taking a small break. The door was not far after.

After the door, they were underground, jumping on some more pillars while avoiding two Gordos. They then had to get up, jumping on a block that couldn't be destroyed and avoiding a third Gordo flying horizontally. They passed another Gordo and a Flamer, destroyed some Star Blocks, and had to get up again with the help of another indestructible block. Sweetie used her lightning to shock a Poppy on a giant apple before Gooey ate the apple, and they did the same thing for the two following Poppys.

They reached a dead end with some stone blocks in the ground and understood that they had to continue this way. The next few moments were a chaos where they had to wait for a few rows of blocks to disappear while trying to avoid Gordos in small spaces, and Rick and Sweetie got hit. They finally fell on another row of stone blocks with, before and behind them, Star Blocks. Kirby and Rick quickly destroyed them before moving from the disappearing stone blocks, revealing spikes under them. One of the wall of Star Blocks led to a small dead end, forcing the ones that ran to it to be carried by Coo to the other side.

Passing the other wall of Star Blocks, they got out of the mountain where they had to jump on a few top-pointed pillars before reaching the door which was floating in the air above nothing, meaning they had to jump through it without failing. Because of that, Coo and Kirby were the last ones to take it so they could catch anyone that would miss the door. It led to another underground tunnel where they had yet again to jump from pillar to pillar while avoiding more Gordos. The pillars eventually let place to three small platforms sticking out of the walls with a Star Block between them. Shotzos dropped from holes in the ceiling on the blocks, stopping them. Thankfully, they just had to destroy the blocks to get rid of them, the Shotzos falling into the pit below them.

They then found themselves back on pillars, with more blocks between them, but this time, no Shotzos, but a Waddle Dee, then a Sparky, another Waddle Dee, and a Sir Kibble. They found the door where they had to jump on two more blocks to reach it, Sweetie using lightning on the new knight guarding it.

The knight was different from the Blade Knights and Sword Knights, possessing a cylindrical black body with a purple helmet on his head with an orange spike on top. His hands and feet were purple too and he had no eyes visible through the visor of the helmet.

They just arrived in the new area that they were already attacked by Bronto Burts and a hedgehog followed by a Broom Hatter. Not long behind the Hatter, they were ambushed by three Kabus appearing in the air, one of them falling on Kine. Barely finished with the Kabus, and they were assaulted by four Bouncies. Were they finally starting to send more troops to stop them? Or was this just this area? In one case like in the other, they had to beat many more enemies before reaching the door.

And... They were back in the forest.

What? How are we back in the forest? I thought that these doors didn't teleport that far! And I haven't seen a forest in Red Canyon since the Warp Star! And... IS THIS A NINJA?!

Before them was a bipedal creature in purple ninja garb, with yellow shoes. The biped possessed yellow five fingered hands and two yellow eyes. There was no mistaking him, he was a real ninja.

After living parasols, a dragon, giant animals and whatever, I now fight a ninja?!

She shook her head to focus back on the ninja, only to be hit by some crescent-shaped projectile, cutting her. Rick charged at him, but the ninja suddenly disappeared before flashing around in the air. After about two seconds, he stopped and started to drop toward Kirby who avoided the attack by jumping in Coo's claws. Hitting the floor, a star leading flames appeared from his feet before bouncing on the ground, threatening to burn anyone touching it. He was burned by Kirby and Coo counterattacking by charging him surrounded in fire.

The ninja ran, and at Sweetie's surprise, ran up a tree! He then jumped and kicked Coo in the face before throwing two crescent-shaped projectiles toward Rick and Kine. While they jumped out of the way, Sweetie was able to hit the ninja with lightning. Rick followed by punching the ninja in the face, knocking him out.

I should write down everything I have done since arriving in this world. I can now add 'fighting a ninja.'

After the ninja, they were back in an underground tunnel partially submerged. In it, they found a tomato before reaching another door without any problems. It was the next area that caused problem because there were no less than three doors. They decided to follow the same strategy as earlier, this time separating the group into three. Sweetie and Gooey took one, Kirby alone took another, and the three animals took the last.

Sweetie entered the door, coming face to face with a knight similar to the previous one. But he wore a skull mask and used an axe. A single lightning bolt had reason of him, but she gained nothing from this fight. When Sweetie came back, she saw that the others were able to win their fight, and got nothing too. What a loss of time...

They ended up traversing a bridge before reaching an area where they had to jump through many pillars to go to the next door on a tall but narrow pillar. The next area revealed to be a lake where they found a tomato at the bottom, Sweetie starting to get full again. They then separated, Kirby and Kine taking the water way while the others continued on the surface, fighting many enemies including a few ambushing Kabus. After the Kabus, they regrouped, nothing important reported. Fighting some eels, they reached a water pit, having to enter it to continue. At the bottom, pipes released currents leading them right into spikes, forcing them to swim up to not get turned into cheeses. At a moment, they passed under a hole that Kirby and Kine could reach, leading to a door. While they continued to follow the current, Kirby and Kine went into the door, coming back a few moments later with the Cutter Ability and another tomato. Now Sweetie was really getting full. She may have to decline the next one, as sad as it was.

The following area was a succession of rock platforms and bridges where they had to ascend, fighting many Broom Hatters on the way alongside a few other minions. At the end, they had to avoid three Gordos and fight two Scarfys before entering the door. And now they had to cross an area full of platforms on narrow pillars, making it seem as if the platforms would fall if there was too much weight on one edge. The most annoying were all the Bronto Burts bothering their jumps, forcing Kirby to go with Coo so he could use the feathers with the cutter ability to get rid of them.

After another door, they were now in a room with... a giant Gordo that looked angry? And who actually attacked them? Panic appeared in the group.

"How are we gonna fight him? Gordos are invincible, and this one must not be different!"

Before they could think too long to find a solution, the giant Gordo charged at them, forcing them to disperse. The Gordo then hit the wall behind them... and his spikes fell off of him... his body took a pale blue tint... and he lost his angry look...

They all attacked him at the same time. It only took three seconds...

Sweetie gave a deadpan look at his unconscious body. "That's... disappointing."

They all nodded. The smaller Gordos were far more annoying than this one.

After this... 'battle'... they ended up in a place where violent winds pushed them, but there were not much in term of obstacles. All they had to do was to jump above the stone blocks not long after the start, eliminate the few enemies, jump above some spikes at a point, and not jump to avoid three Gordos in a row.

The next area was more interesting. They started in an underwater tunnel where currents pushed them. Sweetie, not wanting to use electricity in the water, let Gooey separate from her so she could use her beams while Gooey could use the same water jet as Kirby. As for Kirby, he entered Kine's mouth and spat from inside sharp waves right before him thanks to the Cutter Ability. With all of them, they had no problem knocking out the Blippers and the Glunks in the way until they reached a place where they could get out of the water even if the tunnel continued in a level above. This second level was a straight line full of pipes expelling air with fishes hoping on the ground and an eel coming out of a pipe at one point. Going on the pipes, the currents propelled them in the air, making them fly, much to Sweetie's joy, the filly starting to laugh.

And now I can add 'using air currents to fly'! This is so fun!

One last pipe led them higher, reaching a third level of the tunnel, with more eels and some Scarfys between blocks. At the end, they could see the door behind two Gordos trapped between blocks. They had to destroy all the blocks so the Gordos could have more space to move, leaving the group more space to pass them.

After the door, they were in another tunnel where they had to go up by using platforms with Sparkys on them. At the top, they had to go forward before going down through some Star Blocks and reach water. They had to pass through Glunks and squids while avoiding two Gordos before getting out of it, landing on more platforms with Sparkies. At the top of the platforms, they reached not one, but two doors side by side. Kirby jumped on Rick, and together with Kine, entered the left door while Sweetie, Gooey, and Coo entered the right door. Turned out that the right door was the right one because they ended up on a floating rock platform with no way back, just a way up in a vertical tunnel. While waiting, Sweetie zapped a few Sir Kibbles above them.

A few seconds later, Kirby, Rick and Kine joined them, Kirby having a tomato in his hands. Sweetie bit her lips, still full. Oh heck! I'm not missing it! And it was with her stomach aching a little that they started to climb the tunnel, using floating platforms, bridges, and even stone blocks to go up. They then had to climb two slopes, then jump on more platforms, before reaching... another tomato!

"Oh come on! What is with all these tomatoes?! I can't eat anymore!" Kirby and the animals looked at her before chuckling. Kirby then took the tomato to divide it, about to divide it into five parts, before she then said, "Urg! Just give me a part! I will eat it later!" which Kirby did, Sweetie placing the tomato part on her back in front of Gooey. "Don't eat it, alright? Just make sure it doesn't fall."

A few more jumps later, another problem arose. There was a door, and up above a few more platforms, there was another door. Yet again, they separated like earlier, same groups. Kirby, Rick and Kine took the first door, and Sweetie, Gooey and Coo took the one at the top.

They appeared in what Sweetie recognized as what she now called a Rainbow Drop Room, making her smile widely. And apparently, they made the right choice, because it turned out that the blocks in this room were vulnerable to the Spark Ability, which Gooey, and by extension she, currently possessed. They destroyed the blocks above them, then they had to take a path between two. They went down a few steps and destroyed more blocks at the other side of a small hole. The ceiling being too low, they couldn't jump above it. While she was about to tell Coo to take her, Sweetie Belle was suddenly lifted from the ground, and yet, it wasn't Coo, the owl being at her left. The feeling of a wet tongue around her barrel answered her question. Looking back, she could see Gooey flying, some ring of small orange orbs having appeared behind him.

"You can fly?"


They reached the other side of the hole and Sweetie decided not to question how Gooey could fly without even inflating himself like Kirby or Dedede. She remarked after landing that the orange orbs on Gooey disappeared before he landed too on her back. They went up a few steps and reached the socle with the Rainbow Drop, Sweetie Belle taking it.

"Yay!" she shouted while raising it in her hooves. She then gave it to Coo before taking the way back, Sweetie eating the tomato part as a reward for herself, even if it caused her stomach to hurt a little more. Such gluttony, Rarity would be shocked! She didn't care. These tomatoes were too good. Beside, she at least waited a little before eating it.

They joined Kirby and the others behind the first door. To Sweetie's surprise, they were on a cloud! She was actually walking on a cloud, without a cloudwalking spell! How?!

Stop it Sweetie, it's Dream Land! Remember! After all this 'breathing underwater' thing, it shouldn't shock you!

Coo gave the Rainbow Drop to Kirby who ate it with a big smile, congratulating them for finding one. Sweetie didn't pay too much attention to that, looking below the cloud to see where they had to go from here. There were a few more clouds on which they could jump, it was the only way she could see. Coo then took her in his claws, Gooey jumping from her back, and together, the group got down, jumping from cloud to cloud until they reached Star Blocks in the sky. After destroying them, more Star Blocks were further below, and after destroying them, even more below. It was only after that they reached the door on a big cloud, at the top of the tallest mountain of the island.

They ended up on some platform arena in the sky above the mountain, finding themselves between... Oh, seriously?

A living tree, a giant boar, a giant fish, a dragon, and now, the sun and the moon, alive?! No, it can't be right. Kirby fought Nightmare on the moon, and it was bigger than that. Are these just some creatures that look like the sun and the moon?

The sun one was nothing more than a ball of fire with two hands and a face. As for the moon, he was actually crescent-shaped with two hands and feet, and a face too, of course, his mouth being in the hole of the crescent. The two of them were about Sweetie's size.

Kirby seemed to already know them, because he started to say many "Poyo!" and instructed them in what to do to fight them. If only they could understand him. At some moments however, he pointed at the sky, so Sweetie at least understood that they had to keep an eye on the sky.

The sun started to talk. "We are happy to see you too, Kirby. And you brought friends! What a BRIGHT idea!"

The moon took his turn. "Too bad they don't look like knights in SHINING armor, you would need one right now!"

Sweetie gave them a deadpan look, although she couldn't stop her lips from going up a bit. "Seriously? We just encounter, and you already starts with bad puns? Wait..." She facehoofed. "Would you be Mr. Bright and Mr. Shine? That Dedede asked for help in the Nightmare incident?"

They bowed. "In person! And thank you for being such a good public!"

"We are present all day..." Bright said.

"And night!" Shine continued.

She gave them a deadpan look again before turning to the rest of the group. "Let's just beat those idiots and go to the next island."

Bright then did a good impression of Rarity about to faint. "Ouch! Such burn!"

"Stop it!" the filly yelled, barely holding a laugh.

"Hey Hey! Don't be grumpy! Or I will be forced to say 'Goodnight' to you!" Shine said with a smirk. Sweetie answered by shooting electricity toward him, only for the moon to jump high in the sky, avoiding the attack. "As you wish!" he then said while he ascended. He suddenly stopped in the sky, looking like a real crescent moon. Somehow, the sunset suddenly turned into night. "Goodnight!"

Shooting stars then fell from the sky toward them, forcing the group to scatter. Kirby turned to Bright and started to pummel him with the blades of his Cutter Ability. The sun, in return, charged at him like a comet, the puffball avoiding him at the last second, only to see that the sun continued his charge toward Sweetie Belle who was too busy looking for the shooting stars to notice the danger.

"Poyo!" Kirby screamed.

"Googoo!" Gooey tried to warn on her back, seeing the sun coming.

At their call, Sweetie turned her head, saying, "What?" before being pushed out of the way by Rick who took the hit at her place. The charge sent the burning hamster further away where he slowly got up, a paw on his burned fur. Sweetie shot a lightning bolt at Bright in revenge, succeeding at hurting him.

Sweetie then heard a thud coming from behind while the sun jumped in the sky. When she looked behind as the night turned to day, Shine was there. Before the moon could do anything, he was attacked by Coo and Kirby until he started to roll around, forcing them to go away.

"Goo!" Gooey suddenly screamed. Sweetie quickly looked at where he pointed his tongue and saw the sun coming right above her. Understanding that being under the sun was a bad idea, she ran away just in time to avoid being fried by a laser coming from the flaming ball. While she ran, she shot another lightning bolt at Shine as he stopped rolling.

Shine jumped back in the sky, but Bright didn't come down. Actually, Bright put himself above the center of the arena, and Shine put himself right under him. The whole area started to illuminate, except a cone of darkness under the moon where the light of the sun didn't reach. Not knowing how to react, the whole group hadn't time to hide as the sun expelled fire everywhere that his light reached, burning everyone. That knocked away Kirby and Gooey's Abilities, but they were thankfully able to take them back.

Bright got back on the floor where he was immediately assaulted by Kirby sending his blades and Sweetie shooting her lightning bolts. He was about to charge at them again when the attacks seemed to get him. He was forced to jump back in the sky where cracks were seen on him, and Shine was forced to take his place. At once, everyone attacked him with everything they had. The assault only lasted two seconds before the sun suddenly went just above the floor and Shine went back to his moon form, this time behind the sun. The area started to flash again and everyone ran toward the cone of darkness created by the moon. But Bright and Shine were smart because the cone was revealed to be too far, nobody reaching it in time. The sun expelled his flames all over the area and everyone was yet again burned by his attack. That was too much for Rick who fell belly first on the floor, unconscious. Kine and Coo were barely in a better stat, and Sweetie Belle could feel herself also starting to close her eyes. Kirby and Gooey were still able to recover their Abilities in time.

Instead of returning in his biped mode, Shine remained in the sky alongside Bright. The sun positioned himself again at the center of the arena, followed by the moon below him. Sweetie understood that they were about to do this attack again and shot a lightning bolt right into the moon. Cracks appeared on him after being hit and he suddenly found himself colliding with the sun in a big explosion. The two celestial bodies then fell beyond the arena, somewhere in Red Canyon, and a last explosion was heard as they hit the ground behind the mountains.

Not celebrating their victory, Sweetie ran to the hamster who was already nudged back to consciousness by Kirby.

"Are you alright Rick?" she asked. "I'm so sorry that you took a hit for me."

Rick placed a paw on her mouth and shook his head with a smile, signifying, "It's alright, no problem. Don't hurt yourself like that." He then hugged Sweetie to reassure her, while Coo landed on his head.

Kirby sighed in relief. This fight had been harder than he had thought it would be. This new move of Mr. Bright and Mr. Shine changed everything. He was glad that everyone was here to help him, or he would have had a hard time battling those two by himself.

They waited a few minutes, the time to take back their breath and to let the pain of the burns disappear, at least a little. They then took the Warp Star, ready to brave the sixth island: Cloudy Park.

Hopefully, they will find a tomato quickly. Sweetie's full stomach could go to Tartarus, they needed to heal.

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