• Published 18th Mar 2019
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A Sweetie Dream Land - Lucar

Sweetie Belle finds herself in another world, working for a fat penguin self proclaimed king.

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Chapter 22: Machine and Eternal

Still having a hard time believing that she just won a fight against an actual giant (or maybe just a giant it, she still couldn't tell), even if she had been helped, Sweetie and Kirby were going toward the next planet, following the trail. Reaching it, they were marvelled by what it was: a planet sized futuristic floating city, with skyscrapers going both up AND down below the world. Going to the surface, they could see huge buildings everywhere, without anything else, of all shapes and size. They were so amazed that Kirby didn't see where they were going. When Sweetie looked, she screamed, "Watch out!" but it was too late and they crashed through a wall at the top of one of the skyscrapers.

Thankfully, nothing too bad, a bump at worst. Slowly, they got up, Sweetie glaring at Kirby. "Maybe next time, you should watch where you are going when you are driving."

"Poyo..." Kirby replied, rubbing his head, sorry.

Looking around, they saw that they were in a small room with just a door and nothing else. For some reason, the door looked like the ones in the Halberd. Kirby was the first one passing it, followed by Sweetie Belle, now giggling, remembering all the times she crashed because of Scootaloo when she was driving her scooter, carrying her and Apple Bloom on their cart.

The door led them on the roofs where they had to jump on a second building with a Bomb Block at the top. Destroying it caused the apparition of water all around the building. The third building had two ways possible: the roof where they would have to avoid Gordos, and through a pathway where they would have to run on disappearing blocks that were above electrified floor, with a Gordo in the way. They chose the roof where they could take their time to avoid the Gordos, with some food in the way. At the end, they reached a cannon that shot them at a second cannon below, then a third further, that shot them through a wall until they hit another more solid one. Kirby quickly took Sweetie on his back before she fell, before flying on the roof of the building they collided.

This seemed to be the end of the way until Kirby saw at the other side of the building, on the wall, a Bomb Block that he destroyed by sending a kunai on it. That caused the destruction of the whole building, except for a door on a platform with an Invincibility Candy falling on it. Sweetie also saw a Maxim Tomato falling and took it in her magic before they took the candy and passed the door.

On the other side, they went inside a building where they had to do some jumping before having to go down, then up, and they entered a room with somehow a strong wind pushing them back and a door under the ceiling. As the invincibility disappeared, they ate the Maxim Tomato from before the previous door before Kirby went on Sweetie's back and, now with the Ninja Ability, she ran on the wall until reaching the door. On the other side, they had to take an elevator down passing many Gims before passing another door which only led to an empty room. Annoyed, they went back into the room with the wind.

Because of the wind, they didn't try to go on the path above, rather taking the one below where they had to avoid more Gordos. Kirby then decided to give up the Ninja before eating some bird named Birdon, with red feathers and goggles on his eyes. That gave him a new Ability where Kirby now had wings on his arms with a mohawk of feathers on his head.

After jumping on some platforms, they saw a switch at the end of a conduit, and they understood that they will have to go through metallic doors again. Sweetie activated it with her beam and they jumped on the platform above where they found a closed metallic door with a switch in front of it. Not losing time, they ran toward the door, activating the switch in the way which opened it. Behind the door, Sweetie shot another beam on a third switch in an hallway below and they quickly passed a second door followed by a third. They found the exit door below a platform at the end, after Sweetie ate an ice cream.

That led to an elevator that went up, and they stopped at the second floor. Here, they entered one of the two proposed rooms, only to find a Mr. Frosty awaiting them. Kirby immediately flew at him and cut him with his sharp feathers, followed by Sweetie punching him all over the body with a Vulcan Jab, beating him before he had time to throw his ice block. That made a Maxim Tomato appear, and Sweetie took it in her magic. The second room had a Jukid. Beating him made a biscuit appear.

Walking back to the elevator, they reached the third floor, with two more rooms.

"Let me guess, we will have to beat more of those guys until we find the one making the door appear? Like in the previous world?"

Kirby shrugged at her with an expression that said, "Seems like it."

In the end, the door was defended by a Bonkers in the fourth floor. Seeing this was the door leading to the guardian, they ate the tomato released by the Frosty before entering it.

This led them inside a factory and... Wait... Are these Heavy Lobsters they saw in these containers? There were dozens! Thankfully, they were deactivated. But, at this moment, they heard something falling behind them, and when they looked, they saw a silver Heavy Lobster ready to crush them. Jumping back, they readied themselves.

"We have gotten better since then. I'm sure we can destroy it without problem this time."


The Heavy Lobster opened one of its claws and shot a mini-lobster at them. Kirby flew up to avoid it while Sweetie took her whip, wrapped it around the mini-lobster, and sent it back to the Heavy Lobster who then charged at her. The bridge they were on not being large enough to jump out of the way, Sweetie was forced to use a shield to protect herself. That was however not enough to protect her, and her shield was destroyed before she was rammed into a wall. Kirby attacked the Lobster by sending sharp feathers to stop it from attacking Sweetie and was able to gain its attention, the Lobster sending fire at him. Sweetie quickly took the occasion to send a Giga Force Blast at the Lobster, sending it on its back.

Seeing that Sweetie was disadvantaged, not being able to fly, he landed on her back, hoping that it will do what he thought it will do.

And yes it happened: wings appeared on her back. At that, Sweetie gasped.

"OH MY GOSH! Does this mean I'm an alicorn now?!"

"Poyo!" Kirby interrupted her, pointing at the Lobster going up.

"Oh, right!"

The Lobster going back on its feet, she flapped her wings and was able to fly away from the bridge. Thanks again the Ability giving her instant knowledge of how to use it, or else, she would have probably crashed.

She then avoided barely a mini-lobster sent at her and she counterattacked by sending a charged beam at the Lobster. It attacked again by sending more mini-lobsters in rapid succession, forcing her to fly around it while approaching it. Avoiding one of its claws, Sweetie then charged her energy into her hooves while Kirby sent his sharp feathers at one of the eyes of the Lobster. Once she charged enough energy, she then started to throw her hooves forward at a great speed, sending powerful shockwaves hitting the Lobster all over its body, causing dents to appears all over it.

"Take my Meteor Jabs, you piece of junk!"

The Lobster didn't admit defeat and was able to grab the filly in one of its claws, trying to crush her. Kirby then flew from her back, went around the Lobster, and used one of his wings to cut at its left eye, damaging it to the point that it stopped flashing red. The Lobster dropped Sweetie Belle and immediately slammed its claw on Kirby, sending him crashing into a wall, but that gave Sweetie time to go behind it and send a Force Blast into its reactor, causing it to explode. The Lobster turned to her and retaliated by kicking her, sending her hitting a wall. Kirby came back and was able this time to cut its right eye, making it stop flashing red too.

Kirby then helpped Sweetie getting up and went on her back, giving her wings again. The filly quickly flew out of here, avoiding a mini-lobster as the now blind Heavy Lobster went on a rampage, sending mini-lobster everywhere. She took one in her whip, went behind the Lobster, and threw the mini-lobster at the remains of its reactor, destroying more of it and opening a small hole. The Lobster turned around and shot fire at her position but she flew out of the way and went back again behind the Lobster, charging another Giga Force Blast. Throwing it at the hole that remained after the destruction of the reactor, the blast reached important mechanisms inside the robot, finally destroying it, the robot falling in pieces.

"Yay! We did it! We destroyed a Heavy Lobster!" Sweetie shouted in joy.

"Poyo!" Kirby suddenly yelled, pointing at the remains of the robot, arcs of electricity appearing everywhere on some of its pieces.

"Oh oh..."

As quickly as she could, she spotted the door to the Fountain of Dreams and flew through it just as the remains of the Heavy Lobster exploded, the explosion engulfing the whole room, reaching the other Heavy Lobsters.

They could see the resulting explosion from the Fountain of Dreams in the sky not far from the factory, taking the form of a giant fiery mushroom that went high in the sky, and destroying a great portion of the area around it, probably destroying at the same occasion the buildings they crossed to enter the factory.

While she remained to look in awe at so much destruction caused by her, Kirby took the power from the fountain, readying them to go from this world.

"Well, at least Kirby, I don't think we will encounter another Heavy Lobster anytime soon," Sweetie then said, giggling slowly.

"Poyo," the puffball replied, creating a new Warp Star.

As they started to fly up in the sky to leave the world, Sweetie spoke again. "It seems like Meta Knight has come to this world before. Between the doors, the Heavy Lobster, or the electrified floor, he probably used this world's technology to build the Halberd. I wonder how he has been able to come here."

Kirby answered her by flapping his wings.

"His bat wings? He can go in space with them?" Then it clicked in her mind. "Oh right. We can breathe in space, so all he has to do is fly in space until he reaches this world."

Kirby nodded.


"I really hope he is not preparing another plan to take over Dream Land..."

They got close to the next planet which seemed to be a big rock divided in two parts: the south was surrounded by clouds, and the north was surrounded by millions of small yellow stars. The whole thing was turning around itself rapidly, but the clouds were turning in the opposite direction.

They approached by the north, only for the Warp Star to hit one of the stars and explode, sending them flying and bouncing on a few other stars before Kirby was able to stabilize himself with his wings and took the filly on his back.

"Thank you Kirby. I didn't think that these stars were that solid, some of them are hollow."


"Here is a door," Sweetie Belle pointed a little at their left. Surprisingly, the door was not black but white, but seeing this whole world seemed dark, in the end, it was no wonder.

Taking it, they were teleported to the south part of the world, on the surface. They could tell because of the strong wind suddenly pushing them. With the help of his Wing Ability, Kirby was able to use it to rapidly fly them above countless of creatures, Scarfys, Bio Sparks, Grizzos, Bronto Burts, or even Bombers. They quickly reached a section where Kirby had to slalom between floating electrified blocks, not easy between the enemies harassing them and the wind, and they were shocked more than once, but they were able to pass it and reach the door.

They were now in the north part of this world, walking on yellow stars, and...

"Minecarts!" Sweetie Belle shouted, immediately jumping in the one in front of her.

"Poyo!" Kirby followed, joining her.

Like in the fire planet, Sweetie used her magic to propel them, gaining speed and ramming enemies until they crashed into a wall of stars. Luckily, there was another minecart above them, only for this one to not go far except leading them above a small hole with a Star Block. Destroying it, they discovered a door leading to a room with a few Simirrors, creatures whose bodies were totally hidden under a mage outfit constituted of a robe and a wizard hat with a star. They just could see their hands, one of them wearing a wand, and feet. With the wand, they could create mirrors to attack their enemies, create illusions, or to deflect projectiles.

Kirby decided to eat one of them to gain their Ability that could be useful in this world against all those powerful enemies. It gave him a two-colored blue jester hat with some parts made of mirrors and a wand with a diamond-shaped head. He then jumped on Sweetie, not changing much her appearance outside of giving her a reflecting mane and tail, but it gave her the possibility to create similar mirrors from her horn, far more useful than her simple shield.

Going back in the previous area, they took another minecart above the previous one, this one crushing a wooden stake that opened the way. One fun ride later and the minecart led them right in front of a door. Before taking it, they ate the food not far to heal the damage from the electric blocks from the previous area.

The door teleported them beside a small Warp Star at the start of a tunnel made of stars. Taking it, they were able to traverse the whole area, Sweetie taking a Maxim Tomato on the way with her magic, before they crashed on a wall of stars, finding themselves facing a Chef Kawasaki and an Iron Mam at the same time. Kirby took on the chef, sending sharps mirrors at him from Sweetie's back, while the filly attacked the Iron Mam with more mirrors. The chef threw plates at her only for Sweetie to take them in her magic, dodging one of Iron Mam's attacks, before throwing the plates in her face followed by a charged beam. Kirby then warned her about something, and she jumped to her right, avoiding the chef's ladle, the chef instead grabbing the Iron Mam who ended up in his cauldron.

"Aaah! Sorry!" he shouted, before a whip was suddenly wrapped around the cauldron. Sweetie made it do a loop around her before sending it at the chef's head, spilling the soup and knocking him out alongside the Iron Mam, making a door appear.

This led them to the south part of the planet, at the bottom of a small mountain, with wind pushing them up. Using it to fly, they avoided the Scarfys, the Gordos, and the Shotzos in the way, using the mirrors to defend themselves when needed, until reaching a floating water section inside of a tunnel where they ended up reaching the door to the guardian.

Eating a floating Maxim Tomato beside the entrance, they advanced until they were stopped by three floating windows opening in front of them: one big rectangular at the top, one smaller under it, and a last even smaller rectangular one at the left.

The second window then showed a new figure, a human magician with a blue mage outfit, a red bow, and a magician staff in his left hand. What a shock that had been to see that there were actual humans in Dream Land, even befriending one of them, a girl named Adeleine that loved to paint. She could even give life to her paintings! So knowing that, she had no problems recognizing what this magician was.

Text appeared in the first window:

A Magician appears!

And the third window showed:

HP: 080

This made Sweetie giggle. "It looks like one of Button Mash's video games."

The magicien suddenly got out of the second window and the first showed:

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attack!

Sweetie and Kirby raised an eyebrow at this until they understood that it was the moment to attack. So they shot a few mirrors toward the magician until he went back in the window where he couldn't be attacked anymore.

The Magician takes 60 damage!

HP: 020

"So we are fighting a video game? That's the weirdest fight ever."

The Magician casts a fire spell!


She quickly raised a mirror shield before her and Kirby, just in time to not be burned by flames thrown from the staff of the magician at them.

Sweetie Belle raises her and Kirby's defense!

"Alright, once I go back in Equestria, I will tell Button Mash that no, real life video games aren't funny! Not when you can be hurt!"

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attack!

"It's our turn! Quick!"


A few mirrors later.

You beat the Magician!


Then, a new figure appeared in the second window, bigger than the magician. This revealed to be a human dark knight with purple armor, horns on his helmet, red glowing eyes, a rather big sword, and a red shield with a skull.

An Evil Knight appears!

HP: 180

"How many will we have to fight?"

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attack!

As soon as the knight touched the floor, Sweetie sent a Force Blast while Kirby threw a few mirrors.

The Evil Knight takes 120 damage!

HP: 060

The Evil Knight throws knifes!

The knight then threw knifes at Sweetie, only for the filly to run to avoid them.

Kirby and Sweetie Belle avoid the attack!

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attack!

Sweetie used that to attack the knight with a Vulcan Jabs while Kirby threw a mirror copy of himself to him, finally making the knight explode.

You beat the Evil Knight!

Thinking that it was not finished, Sweetie prepared a Giga Force Blast and Kirby prepared his wand. They did well, because the next enemy appeared: a big, brown colored dragon. Not one like the Ice Dragon! No! A REAL dragon, like in Equestria!

Sweetie gulped.

A Great Dragon appears!

HP: 250

"Alright, that's not so bad."

The Great Dragon gets the first attack!

"Oh! come on!!!"

"Poyo!" Kirby jumped in front of Sweetie Belle and put a big mirror shield in front of them. Thanks to that, the filly didn't have to stop her attack.

The Great Dragon slashes with talons!

The dragon slashed toward them with one of his claws. Kirby braced himself and intercepted the claw with his mirror, only to be sent flying by the strength of the dragon breaking the mirror.

Kirby blocks the attack!

Kirby takes damage!

Sweetie didn't move her eyes from the dragon, she knew that Kirby will be alright. It wasn't that that will seriously hurt him.

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attacks!

She threw the Giga Force Blast at the dragon and continued with using both her whip and her beams, quickly helped by Kirby when he came back, attacking with mirrors.

The Great Dragon takes 200 damage!

HP: 050

The Great Dragon breaths fire!

They ran out of the way of the fire, Sweetie getting the end of her tail and her cape a little burned.

Kirby and Sweetie Belle avoid the attack!

Kirby and Sweetie Belle attack!

The two of them ended this fight by shooting a charged beam and mirrors, making the dragon explode.

You beat the Great Dragon!

Kirby and Sweetie Belle defeated all the enemies!

"Yay! Finally!"


You gained 156 EXP! (Not that it matters.)
Your Kindness went up by 2!
Your Maturity went up by 4!
Your Eye Sparkle went up by 3!
Your Roundness went up by 2!


The third window disappeared.

Your Heroism went up by1 !

The second window disappeared too.

Your Love went up by 3!

And the last window disappeared, ending this whole crazy nonsense. The door then appeared.


"Poyo," Kirby said, waving at her to forget about it and go toward the door.

"Yeah... Still, that was the weirdest thing in my life, and I saw many weird things."

Kirby got the power of the Fountain, and then, a smile formed on his face before he started to jump in joy, repeating, "Poyo! Poyo!"


"Poyo!" he waved at her.

Sweetie stared at him, until, "Wait. Are you saying we have the necessary power to invoke Nova?"

"Poyo!" he nodded.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" She took Kirby's arms, and they started to jump together. "We did it Kirby! We did it! We will see Nova!"

Kirby then stopped jumping and created a new Warp Star before waving at her.

"Yay!" They jumped on the Warp Star. As they went up in the sky, Sweetie asked herself, "I wonder how he looks? How will he stop the sun and the moon from fighting? Will he become our friend? Ooh! I'm so excited!"

"Ho ho ho ho ho! They have done it. I knew they would succeed. Now, it's my time! Ohh ho ho ho ho!"

Author's Note:

For the Heavy Lobster, remember how the one we destroy in the Halberd cause the destruction of the right wing? Then did you ever wonder what happens when we destroy this other Heavy Lobster INSIDE A HEAVY LOBSTER FACTORY ? Exactly. And yes, this is a Heavy Lobster factory, look at the background during the fight, you can clearly see Heavy Lobsters.

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