• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 1 : The Landing And Finding a Home

It is Age 737, and a Saiyan pod is about to land on Earth—a story well known as the story of Son Goku. However, this is not his story. Our story begins at the age of 741, when a new pod comes towards Earth, one that will change the history of the planet. Now, let's follow the story of a young Saiyan girl with black hair and two stripes in her hair, the inner being light pink and the outer being dark purple, all set up in ponytails and held by a hair clip that looks like that of an eclipse, while dressed in the normal style of Saiyan armor. Our young warrior's name is Twilight Sparkle, and she is about to go on a brand new adventure, so let us see where her story takes her.

On a normally beautiful day at the beach of Papaya Island, we find a woman with long, beautiful red hair in her lab coat walking along the beach while fully absorbed in her own thoughts. When out of nowhere something falls from the sky and lands on the rock side of the beach, as she gets closer to whatever it was that fell from the sky, she calls up her own ground units and tells them to bring her capsule box, for she will need her tools to bring back whatever it is, and now that she is closer, she can see it's a form of ship with a small surprise inside a young girl, looking like a normal girl well except for the tail. For other than that, she looks like a normal 4-year-old little girl. What a twist life has taken for the scientist Vomi.

a little later inside Vomi's laboratory under Papaya.

Vomi walked into the room where they were storing the space pod, followed by a little Twilight. She was planning to reverse engineer it and learn as much as she could about the pod. while thinking about what happened as she opened the pod and got the child out.

”Hello there, little one, what are you doing in this pod?" Vomi said while a smiling at the girl.

”I don't really know. one moment I just opened my eyes and I was here. Before that? I don't know," said the girl. while looking around confused.

”What do you know?" asks Vomi.

"Well, I know my name is Twilight Sparkle. and I know how to do this," Twilight said. As she lifted her hand, it started to glow a light pink, which made everything in the room lift off the ground and tables while creating a soft glow the same color as her hand. After a bit, she set everything back to where it came as her hand stopped glowing while looking back at Vomi. ”Other than that, I only know what I think is basic. But I'm not sure about it."

To say that Vomi was surprised would not have cut it, for Twilight had just shown powers that many believe were fake, and she had done it like it was nothing. At that point Vomi knew for sure that the pod that had come from space. For a kid like her had not been found on earth before. Sure there were some reports of others with abilities to make one or two items move on their own, not but not a full room of items, and then there was the tail. Other than that, she could come off like a normal kid at this point. Vomi had two choices to pick from: she could hand the kid over to Commander Red, and Twilight would end up being trained to be nothing but a killing machine for the Army. or she can find her a home where Twilight would be able to grow up to be a happy, nearly normal kid. As she was thinking over this, she was interrupted in her train of thoughts when Twilight pulled lightly on her coat, making Vomi look at her again.

"You never told me who you are. Are you my mom?” asks Twilight while looking up at Vomi with her eyes full of curiosity and hope.

Now Vomi found this to be really unfair. She already had a weakness for kids, and here is little Lost Twilight looking at her in a way that makes her look far cuter than she had any right to be. How can she say no to this? "Well to start out my name is Vomi. And sadly I can't say that I'm your mother. However, I can take care of you for a time; maybe if we don't find any problems with it, I can take you in, for you are far too cute to let go," said Vomi as she bent down to pick up Twilight in her arms, lifting her up, and put her finger on Twilight's nose, making the girl giggle. "And for that I would need to talk to my husband, for as much as I want to I can't just take you in without talking to him first."

This answer was more than good enough for Twilight who nodded her head in agreement while giving Vomi a big smile.

Some time later.

Back at the lab with the space pod Vomi has just gotten done with scanning the pod and found that the computer on the ship only had one task set in it's programming landing the pot which is odd. Not even a launch of a plant was done with it. It was like the pod just kind of popped into being in space, with the only command being to land on the planet, making the mystery of Twilight even more confusing. So she decides that she wants to see how smart Twilight is with a few tests, and every test came back with a 100% score. Every school grade, all the way to high school, she beat them all with like they were nothing. The only thing she had not gotten done well was her writing, which would be easy to help her with. One the other thing was clear, what Twilight called basic stuff would make nearly every school kid cry. Making it so she would be the perfect lab assistant would make life for Vomi so much easier. For she would not need to think about sending Twilight to a normal school which is probably for the best. For Twilight would probably end up being bullied due to how well she would be doing. So she can teach her easily if there is anything other than writing skills that would be needed. And due to how much Twilight already knows, she might even be able to help her with her work. Finding ideas that will sell products to the people can sometimes be hard. And do to who she is working for. It was even harder fight to make something that the people liked enough to buy. something that you only tell Command Red if you want to die, for he made it easy for the people to know who they are by naming their company Red Pharmaceuticals. Sometimes Vomi wonders how the army got as far as it did.

Vomi's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a hungry stomach. Something that made her look towards Twilight and realize that the poor girl had probably not had anything to eat in some time, and looking at the clock it was right on time for dinner. So she told Twilight to come along so she could get some food. Being a high-ranking member of the Red Ribbon Army has its benefits having her own kitchen fully stocked, with more food than even five men can eat so feeding a small girl easy right? It turns out that is a no. Little Twilight was able to eat food enough for four starving men, something that made Vomi realize that she might need to do more tests on Twilight to find out as much as she can. Of course these tests are for Twilight's own good. And then there is the armor she has on something that she wants to see what it can withstand. Many of these things can be looked into one's Twilight is a sleep, but first a bath for even though Vomi did get Twilight to eat more like a girl and not a hungry beast, she did get food over herself and this led to a new surprise. For when she had gotten Twilight to take off her clothes and gotten her into the bathtub. She discovered that Twilight has a big pink star on her back, it looks like a tattoo, but a scan showed that it was not just some tattoo. No, this was something that was natural to Twilight and held power in it. What this power was is the question. But that is for later right now Vomi was just happy that Twilight seemed to enjoy her first bath and was not trying to fight it. She had already had to dealt with before when her son was still little and living at home with her, she always ended up more wet then he did, so having Twilight enjoy the water was a relief.

After the bath, Vomi would take Twilight to the lab before bringing her to bed, for she needed to take a blood sample from her so she could learn more about the girl. So after getting it she put her in her own bed where she fell asleep fast. Vomi is more ok with sleeping on the couch herself she had done that many times before when she did all-nighters, so giving Twilight her bed was fine. But sleeping is for later right now she has work to do.

Four hours later inside the Vomi lab. She had just gotten done running all the tests she could on the blood, and the results were something that she found surprising. The blood itself, at first glance, looked like any of the normal blood, but when heated up, the blood lit itself on fire without evaporating or changing in any way, becoming liquid fire. So by this account, she tried to freeze it down, making the blood freeze everything around itself while the blood remained a liquid. This blood was just crazy; why would Twilight's body need its blood to be able to do this? At this point Vomi was sure on one thing. She would need another set of eyes on this, to try and find out what else there might be to Twilight's blood, and the only one she can trust with this is her husband, Dr. Gero. Which is perfect for she would need to talk with him about Twilight anyways as well. For even with how short time she had spent with Twilight, she had come to love the girl, just like she loves her son but that would be for tomorrow. Right now she needed her sleep.

The next day.

Waking up on the couch the next morning. Vomi realized that something was on her, so she lifted her blanket, and what she saw was little Twilight holding onto her. It seemed that she had woken up after Vomi had gone to bed herself and crawled up to her, which was the cutest thing she had seen in a long time. making Vomi hope even more that her husband will agree to add Twilight to the family. While waiting for Twilight to wake up, Vomi had called her husband about wanting to keep the girl and about help with the blood sample.

After Twilight finally woke up. Vomi had taken her to the bathroom to go over her and now also Twilight's morning routine. After that, they went to breakfast. while eating breakfast with Twilight. Vomi started to think back to the conversation with her husband before waking up Twilight, and it had gone far better than she had thought it would, and Gero was more than happy to help learn more about Twilight. He was even happy to let Twilight join their family. So she sent the blood sample to him right away before going to the bathroom with Twilight. It will take some time for it to get to Gero. This was due to the distance between the two, not that they wanted to be away from one another, but to how dangerous his work is. Working on war machines for the Red Ribbon was not a safe job, but it was the only job he was able to get to earn enough to continue his own research. Working in robotics is not cheap, so he took the job to work for Commander Red. How that little devil had gotten ahold of enough money to start the Red Ribbon Army and Red Pharmaceuticals was something that Vomi and Gero would probably never know.

Something else that had come up was that Gero wanted to talk to Twilight at one point as well, due to how well she had scored on the tests she had done. She had gained his interest. But it needed to wait some time for Gero had just gotten started on his next project, Android 7, or, as the Army had already named him, Major Metallitron. Why they were so set on that name is something he is not sure of.

So that left Vomi and Twilight for their first real day together. and their plans were to get Twilight more clothes than what she came to earth in and what other items there might be useful for her, like something to play with when Vomi would not have time for her; everything else Twilight might need is something they already have; and going out shopping will allow Twilight to learn a bit more about the world she is now part of.

But before that Vomi had the joy of telling Twilight the news, that she would be taking care of her full time as her mom. Which made little Twilight tear up and jump into the arms of her. Sure she is not hers by blood. But that does not matter to either of them. And with that they were able to truly start there first day as family.

And it turned into a really enjoyable day. Getting clothes for Twilight turned out to be easy she just wanted clothes there was easy to more around in, looks were not something she gave much thought to so it made it easy to pick out what clothes she wanted her to try. This had been a nice surprise for Vomi, for it made it really easy and fast to get clothes for Twilight, and with how her new daughter had already shown interest in her lab, Vomi wanted to get her a lab coat of her own. That way, she would be able to take Twilight to the lab, teach her there and even let Twilight try to make her own experiments in the lab. Who knows what she might come up with.

Otherwise before going back to their home, they spent a bit of time in the city, where Vomi found out that Twilight had a real sweet tooth, just like herself. meaning she would probably have to hide her candy a bit or buy more of it, for a thing she had found out while scanning Twilight this morning before going out is that everything Twilight eats, be it sugar or fat, does not go into becoming fat on her body; even her teeth seem to be self-clean, which Vomi was a bit jealous of. But it did leave a door open to try and find a way to make this work for humans, it would make life a bit easier not having to think about cleaning her teeth. Or be able to eat as much as she wants without gain any fat. And the amount of people who would pay greatly for that would be big. But even so Vomi would still teach Twilight to use a toothbrush, for it would make her look a bit more normal in others eyes.

And on the way back to their home Twilight had spotted something there made her stop. A toy store there was selling plushies. And one in the front had fully pulled Twilight in. A small purple dragon there was holding what looked like a gem. "Mom can I have that dragon?" asked Twilight as she was pointing at it.

"Sure I can buy that for you," said Vomi as she took Twilight's hand and walk with her into the store.

With Twilight now having a lot of clothes to pick from. And with her watching Tv inside the lab together with her new friend Spike where Vomi was able to see her. And with her in new clothes Vomi was finally able start her test on the armor Twilight came in. And the test turn out to be a good idea for the armor turn out to be a marvel of engineering. Being able to to stretch so much there was no one who were not able to have it on, while sits well on anybody there use it. And no one has been able to even make a scratch on it yet, well other then the rocket and all that did was make a small burn make on it, but that would kill anyone who has it on anyways. So copying these would be high on the list of things to do, and if she was able to add the stretchy ability into other clothes, that would be able to earn them a lot of money, for having cloths that you never need to fear growing out of, would be something many wants. Getting this much to work with just from the armor Twilight had on, was making Vomi look forward to reverse engineer the space pod, for it would be the key to one of her dream projects. To make a spaceship and travel the stars, and that dream has just gotten more important. for She is convinced that there is more out there than just stars for where else did Twilight come from? and she wants to learn more about her race as well. But something bad did come into view due to Twilight. Why did a child have armor on when sent to a plant if she had been sent at all, for the ship's computer did not have a launch in its history, so the pod might just have been dropped in space and sent here after, and if so, why? This to Vomi did not look good, so she had made it a new point to make sure the spaceship she is working on will be equipped with stealth technology, for if there are others out there, she wants to be the one who finds them, not the other way around. And that would take a long time to make that. But at least with Twilight around time would fly.

Later that year Twilight would learned of her older brother. Gavo, when he came home from school break from the Military Academy. It was a bit of a surprise to Gavo when he came home to a little sister with a tail, but he fell into the role of a big brother rather quickly, or, as Twilight had started to call him, BBBFF, a name Gavo took to heart. That they became brother and sister so fast made Vomi happy, for she had a fear that he would not like her, or the other way around, but that fear had been for nothing. He had even taken her out with him to an animal park, something Gavo had always enjoyed he mostly liked the birds, which Twilight had taken a bit to as well. Something they learned later.

And when Gero was finally done with making android 7. He had finally had time to talk with Twilight and it had gone great. So good in fact that Gero had start to teach Twilight about roboticists. And these with these lessons she ended up building herself an Android Owl. which she upgrades every time she learns something new, and she named it Owlowiscious or Android Who. This is something Gero was really impressed by, but he also told Twilight to keep it to herself that she had made him. For if Commander Red learned about her ability to make this kind of Android, she would move to somewhere else to make Androids for the Army, for being able to live like Androids of animals would be able to be great spy's for who would think that a bird would be spying on them. And that would mean Twilight would be taken away from Vomi, which he was not going to let happen.

Else Gero had been trying to learn more about Twilight's race with Little progress, all he had learn was that Twilight's race was natural born Warrior's, her skin is harder then that of normal human race, and even whit what little physical work Twilight does in the lab with her mother, She is able to lift more then most fully grown men, and she moves a lot faster then others around Her, and Her reflexes were perfect. Some times looking at Twilight was like looking at a Martial Artist. Which lead to Gero sending out small spy drones, to find the worlds Top Martial Artists and study them, Which lead to Gero learning of a Little Boy under the roof of the famed Son Gohan. This Boy had a tail just like Twilight, meaning there is a chance that they might be the same. So Gero made a upgraded to his drones so they can get blood samples as well, and the blood from the Boy was a lot easier to work with. but it did not have the same abilities as Twilight's, but other then that it was nearly the same, other thing there stood out was the Boy did not have a mark on his back like Twilight, and he had not show any magic like Twilight had been able to do. Which said to Gero that must mean that Twilight, was a more advances part of the race. Else he would find out more about the race by studying the Boy. And 3 years later at the age of 744 in the middle of the summer, something new would be learn about Twilight's race something Terrifying. For one night when the full moon was out the Boy had looked at the Full moon, and what happen was something Gero had not ever believe to be possible, if not for the fact he was seeing it, the Boy transform, into a Great Ape at 15 meters tall with power to match his new size, and he went into a full on rampage, destroying everything and anyone He came across even the mighty Son Gohan, and the rampage last the whole night, and when the moon left the sky, the boy return to his normal self, unaware of what he had done, and as bad as it sounds Gero was happy that Son Gohan had been killed by a small mountain being drop on him, for it made it so the Boy would not have to deal with knowing that He had kill the Man, these news about Twilight's race needed to be share with Vomi and Twilight as fast as he was able, for if Twilight transform who knows how many would die.

To say that Twilight and Vomi were surprised by the news would be an understatement; however, it would explain why the cloth Twilight came in was able to stretch so much, for they had not found a limit on how far it was able to stretch yet. Armed with this information, Vomi and Twilight set out to make some special glasses lenses that block out moonlight, so she would not transform. When looking at the moon, for Vomi's plan to go into space, it would be needed to learn more about Twilight, for with how much power there is hidden inside her and with how little they know, who is to say there is not more power to her race that they have yet to learn about?

It would be 2 years later on Twilight landing day, May 6, which Vomi decided would be a good day to call Twilight's birthday, and with it being early summer, it was perfect for that. this is the day Twilight show Vomi her news inventions, a DNA splicing pod that allow anyone who enter to gain parts of a animal's DNA chosen, a great improvement on the Animorphaline drug, for the pod has the ability to store the DNA of the one who goes in and undo the changes, which was the biggest downfall of the Animorphaline, for if you regret it later that would be no way to undo it now there is, and the second problem was it left most who use it looking ugly, while the pod would allow control over the look as well, so this would help Vomi a lot with her job for it would bring in a lot of money and to make it simple for people they just kept the old name. This allowed Vomi more time to work on their space ship, and the sooner it gets done the better.

Life was happy for the next 4 years; that's when Twilight would learn what it means to lose someone she loves.