• Published 4th Jan 2024
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Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 20: You did WHAT!

After everyone had gotten ready for the next day, Tempest took Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin with her to go back on the hunt for Cell, while Twilight had taken to go and get the last of the strong people into a place where they would not become a snack for Cell's power building, so it's with that in mind that Twilight went to a little Island in the middle of the sea.

Outside of Kame House Twilight appeared.

Looking at the little house Twilight understood fast that this, was probably the perfect retirement for the old Master, for with the Island not having more then three palm trees, and his little pick house, a place where one can be alone as much as they want, though it surprise Twilight a bit that, from what her scouter was telling her, there was a hidden room under the house it self, which seem to be a training area which is well used while also care for, it seem the Old Man was still keeping his training going, but only when hidden, something Twilight might help him with in the future, but that is for later, for right now something was touching her foot, and looking down Twilight Roshi's oldest friend Turtle touching her leg to get her to look down, why the Turtle was called just that she did not know, but a name is a name.

"Hey there Miss, what are you doing all the way out here? And how did you get here?" asked Turtle a little confused, for he had not even seen her come.

"Hey there, please call me Twilight, for the whole miss thing really is not my thing. And I have come here do to wanting to help your friend Roshi and the others here." said Twilight with a smile while kneeling down to Turtle.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" asked Turtle now curious what was going on, for he knew about what the other left for, and they had not hear from them yet.

Standing up again before replying Twilight spoke, "Well it will be easier if the others came out first, for I really dislike repeating my self, and don't worry about getting them out here I got that," said Twilight with a smile, before she raise her hand and send a blast up in the air, that exploded a good bit over the house, and just after there was novice from inside the house, it sounded like she had woke them all up, which was a surprise to her, for the time was nearly twelve, but Twilight thoughts die when out they came first there was Master Roshi himself, the man was a great teacher, for it was his style she was still following, so she had some respect towards the man, but she also knows how much he enjoys the female body. Right after followed the Pig man Oolong, and then Puar, who Twilight was not sure, on what Puar is, other then being a shape-shifter just like Oolong.

And last out the window came Chiaotzu, Tien's old partner-in-crime, from when they were still under the Crana School, one that Twilight had learn a lot from as well, but after she had learn everything they knew, which was mostly skills base on killing, which should not be a surprise, when the Masters of the Crana School was Hired Killers, which did remind her of what her dad did 5 days before Twilight and Vomi went into space, for Gero want to be sure Twilight was ready to protect them, so he needed to know that Twilight knew what Killing was like, so he had hired Mercenary Tao, to tell her about his work and the kill it self, something Tao had found odd, but the pay was good so he had done it, Vomi had not been told about this, for she did not like the man.

"Eh what is going on out here? are we being attacked by android?" said Roshi confused and when he saw Twilight, other thought came to the man, for with his age, he was able to see that the girl in front of him is a big girl, where he likes them big, and that was all he needed to end his fear, and go into the personality that Twilight was going to keep in check, "Hallo there what brings you to my island hehe." said the man full of glee, not having realize yet, that it had been Twilight to wake them up.

"Master Roshi, I do not think we can trust that girl! She is probably one of the androids!" squeak Puar, with Oolong just behind just looking at Twilight just like Roshi had done, something she wanted to end here.

"Now Now Puar, just look at her does she look..." Roshi was cut off here, when Twilight put both her hands forward and let Lightning jump between them in a style that Roshi knew far to well "Lightning Flash." And as he said this Roshi become serious.

Seeing the all now understood that she was here for a reason, Twilight drop the Lightning, "Now that I got everyone to understand, that I'm not just some eye candy. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm here to bring you all to a bit safer place to stay for a bit of time, and also to do something a little more personal," said Twilight as she walked over to Roshi before giving him a respectful bow, and then looked the man in the eye's, "I have been using your teachings to train myself Master Roshi, so I have come to give you a gift as well, and that gift is being able to call in two favors from me."

This came as a surprise to them all and the first one to speak was Roshi, "Oh And what is it you will bring us away from? And these 'Favors' why give something like that?" asked Roshi while looking Twilight over now, not as a pervert but as a Master looking over a warrior, and what he saw surprise him, for he had not felt power from her, yet when he looked he was able to see power and a lot of it, and that was without looking at the tail that he had notice that no one else had, and do to his long time alive Roshi knew what he was looking at, and he was impressed.

And at Roshi's request Twilight explain why they had to be moved, which they all ended up agreeing to, and when that was done, Twilight spoke again, "And the Favors are just a easy way for me to pay for the school time you gave me without knowing, and so you know the limits for what those Favors are small, for my family business is the second biggest in the world at this point anyways," said Twilight with a big smile, making them all realize that they already knew who she was.

"Well that is something, to think a second Saiyan came to earth and then became part of the family there has taken the world by storm," said Roshi while thinking over what those favors can do for him, not realizing the others had not seen the tail, and was now fearing Twilight a lot, for they all recall what happen the last two times a Saiyan's had come around.

"Before any of you start to panic, know that I have been on earth for the same amount of time as, then the meathead has." said Twilight, which did get the others to relax.

"Say uhhh Miss Twilight, where is this safer place for us to stay if you do not mind me asking? And can you tell me if Yamcha is ok?" asked Puar looking at Twilight beggingly.

It was at this point Twilight realize one thing, she would never get away from the miss, so she decided to drop it, "Well that is the thing, there is two choices, my family got a private Island for just family normally, where all Ki is hidden while the place also looks like there is nothing there, so it's well hidden, and might as well be a private party Island filed with people who does everything they can to keep my family happy and any guests we got. You can pick to go there, but only if you follow the Island's rules, or you can come with me up to the Lookout. And to answer the second question, Yamcha is fine... More then fine to be honest, he seems to enjoy the hunt for Cell, even though he keeps getting away." said Twilight

"Well what is the rules for this Island of yours?" asked Roshi as he seem to enjoy the idea of just laying back with a drink while baking in the sun.

"Well most of the rules follow what is normal, so it's mostly be nice and things will go well, the only real rule you would need to know is that, if you misbehave against our staff you will be thrown into a Jailcell for your time there, there is also a rule about not talking about what you see there, and about the Island being there at all, for we want the Island to keep being private, else if there is any thing you want to use there you can ask someone and they will guide you there, the Island got anything you can think of." replied Twilight while looking at Roshi.

"So I will have to behave towards the girls there, I guess that is fair... But what If I want to be a bit of both places just so I know what is going on?" asked Roshi, for he had started to get interest in what was going on with all this.

This got Roshi a smile, "Well for that I got something else," said Twilight, as she summon a box, that she pull out a scouter and threw it to Roshi, and explain how it worked, " So as long as you got it, you can lock in other others view with it, and see and hear what they do."

"Well you truly have thought of everything Twilight. I think me and the boys here will take the Island trip, it sounds like a great time." said Roshi with a smile, for sure he did not like leaving his home, but to leave it for a payed trip to a luxury Island? Only a fool would not take that.

This made Twilight take a small picture out while smiling, "Good to hear! But before I take you there, there is one last thing to say, I got a picture here, and the woman on this picture is one you will leave alone, for if you don't... Then I will do things to you that not even the Dragon can fix, got it?" said Twilight in a tune there made it clear she was serious, this got a lot of nods of agreement from the boys, "Good I will give you the picture when we get there," and after saying that Twilight pull out a poll from her poke space, "Now the way we get there is easy, I want you all to hold onto the poll, so if you want to get something before going then now is the time." And when Twilight was done talking the all went into the house to take a few things they needed.

It had taken a half hour for them to pack their bags, and when it was done they took a hold on the poll Twilight was holding onto, "So I take it you are already?" asked Twilight and when she got agreement. she and everyone there left.

And just as Twilight got the group over on her family's Island, she got a call from her Mom, letting her know that Goku was up, which meant that when Twilight was done here, she would be able to talk about how to deal with Cell and maybe end him. But to Twilight's bad luck it took her over 3 hours to get the group set up, and warn them to leave her mother alone, but when everything was said and done, Twilight took a case of capsules filed with food and other items she might need, and then went back to the lookout.

Back at the lookout

As Twilight got to the lookout, she looked for the nears big Ki, for that would probably be Goku, and it seems Gohan was with him, so she walked over to them, and notice Mr. Popo and Dende was with them talking. And the first thing Twilight hear made her worry already.

"Dad! Why did you send in Vegeta before yourself? Do you really think we can trust him?" she hear Gohan said, this made Twilight stop before walking around so they can see her, for she wanted to hear this.

"Don't worry Gohan, I'm sure this will calm down Vegeta, and it will give Trunks an chance to understand Vegeta better. And if we are lucky our friends can end Cell before Vegeta even comes out." said Goku relaxed.

"But that is my point dad, when Cell is gone Vegeta is going to come for the rest of us! For I'm more then sure Vegeta is piss after how Twilight and Tempest handle him, and that is before we talk about how he feels about you beating him! So letting him get this training will do nothing but make problems!" said Gohan now a little annoyed at his dad who did not seem to understand.

"Vegeta is not that bad Gohan, and if he was he would probably have blown up earth before I got home." said Goku still sounding sure that he did the right thing.

"Dad... I have spent more time with Vegeta then you have at this point, and I can tell you that he is not a nice guy at all. I mean Twilight mention that he had a long list of crimes." said Gohan sounding a bit like he was about to give up, which Twilight took as her que.

"Mass Murder. Terrorism. Conspiracy. Mass Genocide. Abuse. Assault and Battery. Theft. Torture. Mass Property Damage. Invasion. Mundicide. Populicide by association. Extortion. And a longer list of war crimes as well, with a bounty of 180,000,000 millions last I check, and that was over four years ago," said Twilight as she walked around the building making both Saiyan's look at her, before she continued, "Now I have heard a little of what you two are talking about, and I will be honest it does not sounds like something there will make me happy to hear." she finished as she stop in front of Goku who for the first time had a chance to study her and he was doing just that but kept his smile while doing it.

"Well Vegeta has not be that bad these past few years. And he now got a son here on earth, but sure I will admit that he still needs work, so a year worth of training with his son should do well for him" said Goku.

This made Twilight raise a brow at the man, "Goku I'm going to be honest with you, Vegeta needs help... And I mean a lot of help. For the man is a walking complex, and a part of the reason for the complex is you Goku, for we come from a race where our ranking as a child is seen as a big thing, where it's rare we move up, and Vegeta was set to be a elite top of the top, while from what I know of, you were born at the lowest level, and yet you beat him, and did something there is seen as legendary, which has shatter everything that he believed in, yet his pride and ego will not accepted that," said Twilight who had start to walk around a bit, "And all of this is before Tempest and myself comes into the picture, for the two of us has done more damage to his pride, yet his ego still stands, and that needs to be broken down a bit before he can start to be better."

Hearing this did make Goku think for a bit, realizing he might have made a mistake, "Honestly I did not think about that before sending him into the Time Chamber." said Goku as he was now looking less sure about what he had done.

"Time chamber?" asked Twilight for it was the first time she hear about it, this is when Mr. Popo step in.

"The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is a separate dimension from that of Earth. There is no night or day in the Room, but the surroundings remain a constant bright iridescent white aurora. Its reflective floor is of undefined area, and the Room's boundaries are thought to stretch to infinity in all directions, the main function of the room is that of training. To begin with, the flow of time within the Chamber is compressed. One day of real-world time is equivalent to one year inside the Chamber, or one minute of real time is approximately six hours, five minutes, and 15 seconds in the Chamber." explained Mr. Popo, which made Twilight think about the Chamber for a bit, she would want to study the magic of the Chamber ones she had time, but Twilight was taken out of her thinking when she realize what this meant.

"Please tell me you did not send Vegeta in there." said Twilight while facepalming hopping that she was wrong.

"I did not send Vegeta into the Time Chamber," said Goku which made Twilight feel a bit of relief, which was ended faster then she liked, "I send Trunks and Vegeta in there together." Finished Goku with a nervous smile.

This was not what Twilight had wanted to hear, for with how strong Vegeta was before going in, a full year of training, would surly make sure that he would come out stronger then everyone else, meaning the fate of the world would be in Vegeta's hands, so Twilight looked right into Goku's eyes and start to speak, "Goku... Right now I really wish I had killed you after the heart attack, for you might have doomed this planet," said Twilight while pointing down, "So for your sake you better hope that Cell is still around, for else he will be coming for you and then me, and where you don't have a way to deal with him I do, but I really do not want to do it, for I'm not sure I will be able to control myself if I do it, so the second he is out. YOU will go in there, and make sure you are more powerful then him, for I really do not want to deal with the prince of egos."

Twilight realized that she was losing it, so she took a deep breath, "I'm going to find something to help me relax, and I will let you handle Vegeta, so please make sure that Vegeta is handled." said Twilight now sounding like she was giving up, which Goku confirmed that he would handle it.

Mr. Popo took this as his que, and put a hand on Twilight's shoulder, making her look at him, "I think I know something there can help you relax a bit, for there is another room up here called the Pendulum Room, which allows anyone to see events of the past, which you might find interesting." said Mr. Popo, as he took Twilight with him towards the room, leaving Gohan and Goku alone to think and Gohan was the first to speak.

"I Told you she would not be happy about it Dad." said Gohan while looking at Goku.

"That you did, and with how she put it, I can't really say I disagree, for she made good points." said Goku.

Author's Note:

And for those there want to know where the hidden training room I talked about is.

It's also where Turtle sleep, how Turtle comes up and down on his own, I do not know, for the ladder seems the only way up or down.