• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 484 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 15: Rage of Royalty!

Back in the canyon where Twilight and Tempest are waiting for the Z-Fighters to come.

"So are you ready to face him Twilight?" asked Tempest as she looked towards Twilight with a bit of worry, while she was stretching and get herself ready.

"As ready as I can ever be Tempest." reply Twilight as she continued to stretch.

"Just promise me you will try and keep your emotions in check, for if you lose it, we will have more problems then just Cell, and that is putting it mildly." said Tempest worried.

Finishing her stretching Twilight stood back up and looked at Tempest with a smile, "Well even though I don't fully know what it is there will happen if I truly lose it, I do trust you fully on that it will be bad, how bad? I will probably only know if it happens. So lets move forward and believe it will not," This made Tempest look at Twilight in surprise, "And yes I know I'm probably the Queen of worrying, and I'm saying not to worry, But I have been worrying ever since I lost to Goku. So I'm going to try and bury it, and try and live each day by day, for that way I will cut down on my stress. And do you know the main reason to do this? This will help me keep my emotions in check just like you asked," reply Twilight as she turn towards where she was able to feel the Z-fighters is coming from, "And I'm probably going to need the removed stress, for I must be honest with you, its been getting really harder to keep my rages under control."

This got Tempest to look more worried then before, "What do you mean Twilight?"

Looking back towards Tempest Twilight start to explain, "Ever since you touch my mark, I have felt myself getting easier and easier at get angry, it has gotten so bad that I have started to break my night table each morning, if not for my spell book having a repair spell in it we would have had to get a new every day. And no you are not at fault for this from what I can tell, for I feel like this was coming even before you did that, but it's now doing what it can to make me angry... And the scary part is that it nearly got into all the anger I got stored, but I blocked it so it should be fine for now."

"We really need to find a way to get rid of all that rage from you without it doing anything bad... Wait what about the Dragon balls?" asked Tempest looking at Twilight with a bit of hope.

"I mean we can try, but I got no idea if the dragon can do that, for the Dragon seems to have problems doing anything about gods at all, and I'm counted as one, so there is a big chance it will not work. But we can give it a try after we have dealt with this Cell stuff. And besides, I'm finally getting a chance to release some of this rages in a good way," said Twilight before turning her head looking towards where she was able to spot Owlowiscious coming flying towards her, "And speaking of that it seems they are finally here," As she finish talking, her trusted pet landed on her shoulder while the group of fights landed a bit away looking towards them, and before she decided to deal with them she petted Owlowiscious before she let him fly of and land on a pile of rocks near Tempest.

On a hill over looking the canyon there was about to turn into a battle ground

"So what do you two think? Who is going to ruin this? I personally would put my money on the future boy, he looks like he is about to creak at any point." said Lapis as he was looking down at what was going on with the zoom on his scouter.

"Well I think it's Vegeta, for from everything I have learned about him from Tempest, he is probably cooking hard right now, do to the fact that he got beaten by Owlowiscious, "said Lazuli as she was sitting down on a rock near her brother, "What about you Gevo? Who do you think is going to make a mess of all this.

"Both your choices on this seem likely, and with the fact that they are family, means there is a high chance it's one of them. So I think it will be both of them, but if I have to chose who ruins it first, I will say Vegeta followed shortly by his son." said Gevo as he was looking at the birds flying around.

"Well one thing is for sure, if he tries anything I will go down there, for I'm not letting him stress out Twilight any more then needed, she has been really on edge the last few days, "said Lazuli as she got up and stood at the edge of the hill, "And if the troll doll tries to make that worse I will probably break his arm. What about the two of you?"

"Well I for one will go as well, for we can't let our girl go down with stress like that. So we can't let Vegeta and his Future Princess ruin this for Twilight." reply Lapis with a cocky smile.

"And I will back the two of you up. For as mush as I trust my Sister to handle herself you make a good point about her stress. So if we have to handle them all and take care of Cell ourselves then so be it." said Gevo as he crossed his arms, while looking it all over on his own scouter.

Back with Twilight and Tempest.

"Before anything else there is a request I got." said Twilight while locking eyes with Goku who steps out of the group.

"Yeah and what is that?" asked Goku who was starting to smile while looking Twilight in the eyes.

"I want to have a fight with you Goku, and not just any fight I want to chance to changes our score from zero to one, over to a one to one score, for last time we went at each other I did not know how to fight at all, and I have spent all the time since then getting ready for a rematch. And I really need this rematch right now. So how about it? Are you going to give me what I want or am I wasting my time?" said Twilight while taking up a fighting stance and letting her power flow, making her let of a aura of power that everyone can feel, and what they were feeling was powerful, how powerful they had no idea.

Goku response was to take a fighting stance. "Well I can hardly say no to such a request, I just want to know how hard you want me to come at you." said Goku with a smile, for what he was feeling was making him all pumped up.

"Now hold up Kakarot I never... " and that was as far as Vegeta before he felt like death itself was on him, for Twilight had turn her eyes on him while looking at him like she was ready to kill making Vegeta step back. and start to think to himself, that he had felt something like this before, but where he was not sure yet.

Looking back at Goku, Twilight gave him her answer." I want you to come at me with everything you got, and that means your full power in Super Saiyan, for if you do not do that I will get really angry." said Twilight.

Giving her a curious look before talking, "Are you sure about that? For Super Saiyan might be to much for you without you doing the same." said Goku.

To this Twilight responded by going into Wrathful destroying the area around her feet do to pure power, "I'm more then sure about that. So power up and come at me, and I promise you, that this will be a fight like no other." finish Twilight as she took of her hoodie and threw it to Tempest before going back to her fighting stands.

"Alright... Just remember You ask for this." said Goku with a cocky tone before going Super Saiyan and then charged right at Twilight with a Punch just for her to catch the punch while giving him a smile back as she pull him in while punching Goku right in the gut where she followed up with a roadhouse kick to the face sending Goku flying.

Rushing after Goku as she send him flying Twilight gave him a reply "If you want to give me a fight you are going to need more power then THIS!" said Twilight as she caught up to him and continued her attack, with Goku barely getting ready for her and just barely blocked her attack surprise by just how powerful she was. But when he finally got over his surprise the fight become more fair, matching each other blow for blow with Twilight and Goku slowly letting more of their power come in to play, "This is more like it, I was starting to get fearful that you would not even give me a small fight!" said Twilight while still fighting and enjoying it far more then she believed she would, and she was enjoying pushing Goku to let more power out. But there was something that annoyed her a bit, it was like his focus was on something else, and that his power sometimes went lower, which made no sense to her.

As much as Goku was enjoying the fight, and was able to tell that Twilight needed this fight, he was not holding up well, his chest was hurting badly, and it was not from what Twilight had done to him, it had been there before the fight, but had been so small he had not notice it, but the second he had gone into Super Saiyan it had become clear there was something wrong. But he did not have it in him to take away the fight from Twilight so he kept pushing himself. But he was able to feel he was nearly done do to the pain getting worse so he use his Instant Transmission to get away from her, and prepared one last attack His to at least end the fight with a bang. so he took stance and put his hands together and start to chant while charging his Ki, "Kaaaameee... Haaameee... HAAAAA!!!"Yell Goku at the top of his lunges giving it his all while throwing his hands forward sending off his beam towards Twilight.

Meanwhile Twilight saw what he was doing and smile, and but both her hands together in front of her while charging her Ki as well, "DRAAAGOOOON!" as Twilight start her own attack a Dragons head formed over her hands with the Ki Charging in it's mouth, "BUSTER!!!" Yell Twilight as she fire her Ki right back at Goku.

As the two Ki blasts got near each other everyone took cover well everyone but Vegeta and Tempest, who was holding Owlowiscious to make sure he was safe, do to the powers colliding an massive making a implosion there made the whole canyon shake.

As the smoke was clearing Twilight was having the biggest smile on her face, but it was short lived for she was barely able to feel Goku's Ki and he was not in the air anymore, but laying on the ground with Tempest having moved close to him scanning him, date Twilight was able to see as well, showing her Goku was Dying, but not to her but the heart virus, something Goku had been given the cure to, but it seem he had stopped taking it, and their battle had made the virus come out again. There by taking away her battle. Now happy at all, Twilight low herself down to the ground and open her personal space where she kept items she might need, and pulled out a bottle of the cure, for Vomi had been smart enough to have the cure scanned and copied, to save lives when others need it. And as much as she hates him, she needs a win against him when he is able to fight back, "You are really luck I want the win to mean something else you would have die today you know," said twilight as she bend down and gave him the medicine. And as she raised up she came face to face with Bulma and Gohan.

"What did you just give my dad?" ask Gohan a bit nervous. The other Z-Fighters had come over as well together with Trunks

Twilight looked him over before speaking, "Heart medicine, the stuff that Trunks came with, for it seems your dad stop taking it to early, which means he is going to be down for a time, and for as much as I want to fight him, and win this is not how I want to do it. It needs to be a fair fight or the fight might as well not happen." said Twilight to Gohan.

Who gave Twilight a nod, "Well then I better take him home so he can recover." said Gohan as he was able to walk over to his dad, Twilight stop him.

"You are going to need a safer place to keep him," said Twilight as she was reading a report from her Father, "For it seem people are vanishing in Orange City which is near where your lived. And if I was to put money down on it Cell is probably on his way towards your Sister and Mother, for they got a higher power the most on the planet, yet not high enough to be a threat to him, so he will probably targeted them. So I will take you to your Mother and Sister and then move you to the outpost there Cell will not find them." as she finishes explaining what she was going to do Vegeta had finally had enough.

"You are not going anywhere girl. for I'm Prince Vegeta will be fighting you next, and there is not a damn thing you..." Vegeta stopped talking as he was feeling a pressure he had not felt in a long time, and it took him a moment to realize where he had felt this before, and when he remember he got more scared then he had ever been before, for it had been when he was a kid, when he had walked in on his dad who was having a meeting. Or at least that is what he had been told, but what he saw, was his dad being humiliated, by what can only described as a purple anthropomorphic cat who he later learned was named Beerus the Destroyer... A God, where he had tried to charge at the cat when he stomped his dads head into the floor, but he got knocked down with only a look. A look filed with power, a power he was now feeling from the death glare he was gaining from the Girl Twilight.

The pressure of Twilight's Ki was tearing up the ground under her feet as she walk up in front of Vegeta, "I'm going to say this only one time Vegeta. I DO NOT care about what you want. If you want me to fight you, then you got to earn it, and right now you have earned NOTHING, but my rage. So for your own sake DON"T TEST ME!" said Twilight with a deadly tone making the ground she was standing on melt while waiting for him to respond, and when she got a shaky nod, she started to cooldown as she walked away from him, and back to where Gohan was, and as she got there she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry about that Gohan but I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately, and the Troll Doll pushed some of the wrong buttons. now then are you ready to go and get your mom and sister?"

Gohan took a moment to pull out of the shock before he replied, "Oh sure, and it's fine, I can understand being angry, so how are we going to go there?" asked Gohan while looking up at Twilight.

"Oh that is easy, I will use 'Instant Transmission' to get us to your home, so you just touch your dad and me, and I will take care of the rest," said Twilight a little more calm now, and so Gohan did just that, "Oh and before I leave I leave everything here up to you Tempest, I trust you fully to handle this."

And before she was able to start leaving Tempest gave Twilight back her hoodie, "Of course princess you can count on me," said Tempest with a smile while looking at Twilight who gave a small one back before going away.

"Well how about we keep things rolling," said Tempest as she look over the shocked Z-Fighters, "Piccolo how about you show me how strong you are, and don't worry about me go all out, else this fight will be boring for me." she finish as she walk a bit away to take a stance.

"Well then I will take you up on that challenge. For seeing your friend fight and the feel of her power was something else, which just makes me want to see what you can do." said Piccolo as he took his own stance and got ready for the fight, and when he saw Tempest being ready he charged at her fight her head to head.

While this was going on Vegeta was slowly processing what he had just felt. One thing he was sure on, and that was this Twilight girl was either mimicking a gods power, or that was just her power, but that should not be right, for he is Vegeta the Prince of all Saiyans, and thinking about the title he carried he realize something else something he would not let go... "You BASTARD!!!" Yell Vegeta as he turned Super Saiyan out of no where, making everyone look at him, and even stopping Tempest fight, "First you ignore your Prince, and then you go and name a nobody a princess, when there is only one TRUE royal child of the Saiyan race, and it's not some pretender girl!!!" screamed Vegeta as he charged at Tempest planning to strike her down.

And before anyone was even able to react and Vegeta only being half way towards Tempest who did not look impressed, was Vegeta stopped by a kick to the head sending him into the rocks, by a blonde hair woman. One that Trunks knew far to well.

Landing on her feet after kicking Vegeta, Lazuli fix her hair before speaking, "Oh we know about you're title Vegeta." she said as she looked at Trunks making sure his dad was ok.

"We just don't give a damn about it. And besides Twilight carry the title better then you do," said lapis as he and Gevo landed a bit behind Lazuli, "I mean what sort prince got a crime list as long as yours Vegeta, what was some of those things again Gevo?"

"Terrorism, Mass Genocide, Torture, Invasion, and Planet Destruction. And those are only the big ones, and this leads up to a bounty of 180,000,000 million." said Gevo as he was looking at Vegeta come out of the hole he had made when Lazuli had kicked him.

Hearing about all of Vegeta past crimes came as a major shock to Trunks, who had never been told much about his dad, but not as big of a shock as what Vegeta said next, "So what? It's part of true Saiyan do, for true Saiyan's are warriors. A saiyan there has not done at least one is not a true Saiyan!" proclaimed Vegeta as he stood proud.

"And you wonder why I ignored you and kept away." reply Tempest giving Vegeta a sarcastic look.

"Oh please spare me. For your own friends have done just as much as me," said Vegeta while starting to give a smug smile, "Well your X friends, for I already kill them all!" laugh Vegeta for a bit but stopped when Tempest still did not show a care. Before she started to smile.

"You mean the Ginyu Force right?" asked Tempest making Vegeta stop his laughing, "Well it's to bad someone gave them a new chance at life then is it not? Twilight even found Ginyu and got him a new body, and last we trained together, he was able to push me to going Super," she finish while showing off that it was not just him who was able to go Super, shocking everyone there, do to just how powerful she was when showing off making Vegeta's power look small next to hers, "And unlike you, I have had more time to work on it. And just to make things clear, Twilight is still stronger then me, she does not need Super to fight me at my strongest." And if they had not been shocked before, well now they would be fully blown down.

Not having learned his lesson yet Vegeta try yet again to jump at Tempest, but Lazuli stop him yet again.

"Fine if this how you want it then I will just rip you Androids apart first!" said Vegeta with a cocky smile.

This had Trunks Panic come right back up again, "Father there is no chance that you can beat the Androids on your own... At least let us help you." said Trunks as he was about to move closer both Lapis and Gevo move in between them.

"Yeah I can't really let you do that Princess, for the only reason your daddy is about to get his ass handed back to him, is his own fault. For if he had not tried to attack our friend like he did, then we would not have had a reason to come down here, so here is the deal. You sit down an relax and wait your turn, Tempest had barely started to test Piccolo," said Lapis with a smug smile, "Also Androids? Really? We are not Androids, but if it makes you feel better to call us that then sure." he finish with a shrug.

"You can't seriously think I will sit back and relax as you kill my dad?" said Trunks in a bit of a panic, which soon would turn into shock as Vegeta replayed.

"Get the hell away from me Boy!! Or you need me to give you a beating as well?" said Vegeta angrily, as he gave a death glare towards Trunks.

"I can leave you to deal with your Kid if you want. I Don't mind letting you play with those in your own power class." said Lazuli while laughing a bit to her self.

"Don't lump me in with those weaklings. Where they run from away when they can, I fight till my death. And it doesn't matter who... Namekians, Humans and even Kakarot, I would accept death before having any of them help me!" finish Vegeta.

Everyone attention was taken away from Vegeta when they hear clapping which made everyone look towards Lapis who was the one clapping, "Well you sure know how to talk, so you at least got that going for you Prince."

"peuh, I don't need to be praised by a machine. You're just a nobody like your Sister, and I'm going to enjoy ending the two of you, before doing the same With Tempest." said Vegeta coldly.

to this Lapis just gave a shrug and started to speak, "All of you! Make sure to listen well. You guys know your code of honor of a Warrior. If you truly know it you will not interfere with my Lazuli and Vegeta's fight."

"Well to be honest at this point the only one there might not follow that is Trunks, so far the rest of us have not really gotten a reason to go against any of you," said Piccolo in a calm manner, "Though I do want to know if we are going to keep our fight going ones this is over Tempest?" he asked as he looked over at Tempest.

"To be honest I do not think it's needed, for as it stands you would need a lot more power to be able to really give me a fight. And I can already tell that it would be really unfair if I was to fight, Krillin, Yamcha and Tien. But I do want the three of you to come over to me, I got some training gear I want you three to use, it will help you catch up a lot." and with that Tempest was now focused on the Human fighters.

Hearing what Tempest had to say to him Piccolo realize something he felt he had to do, and he did not like, but before even trying that he would see how everything here turned out, so he focused back on Vegeta's fight.

"Well if you are ready Troll Doll, then we can get to the part where I break your arm for trying to jump a friend of mine." said Lazuli as she cross her arms and stood ready for anything.

"You bet I am" said Vegeta while still giving off the same smile.

And it was so that Lazuli charged, "That's what I thought." said as she delivered a slap to Vegeta's chin sending him flying towards a rock wall.

Just for Vegeta to right himself in mid air just before the cliff side and kick off on the rocks, sending himself flying towards Lazuli at full speed and headbutt right to Lazuli's forehead, followed up fast by a double fist hit right to her stomach sending her flying into the cliff Vegeta had nearly hit, where he followed it up with a Ki attack, "Get a load of this Big bang attack!" yell Vegeta as he put his hand forward and fired off a big ball of Ki blowing up the cliff that Lazuli's had been knocked into, and as the smoke clear, Lazuli's was just standing there looking up at Vegeta, this made him fly down and land near her.

"The fact that you are still standing is Impressive, for a bag of bolt!" said Vegeta having not lost his cocky smile.

"I never Imagined someone like you could fight like this. So I will give you point for ruining my favorite jacked, it was a gift from a friend," said Lazuli as she took of her jacked and and looked it over, for before discarding it, "Else I got to ask are you stronger then Goku or have you not had the chance to test that?"

"The hell he is! That Idiot was caught slacking on his training so I want beyond his strengths." said Vegeta full of pride.

"Well, If that's the case then... You two won't be a real help at all. For I will be honest with you, I have been playing you this whole time, so I think its time to end this." said Lazuli as she fixed her heir behind her ear.

This broke Vegeta's smug smile, and made him charge right at her with a Kick that she block with easy. where he start to follow it up by attacking her with everything he had, and she was blocking it now like it was nothing.

Meanwhile on the sideline Trunks was watch amaze by how well Vegeta was doing, for in his eyes Vegeta was winning, but this was ruined when Piccolo start to talk. "Well that is it for Vegeta then." This took Trunks by surprise.

"what do you mean Piccolo? My father is winning the fight!" said Trunks confused what Piccolo was meaning.

This made Piccolo realize one thing... Trunks is green when it comes to fighting, so Piccolo looked back at the fight and explained, "The android..." said piccolo just to hear from her brother to say Lazuli and say his own name as well, "Lazuli is just running your dad down, for she seems to have infinite energy, unlike Vegeta who will run dry sooner or later." finished Piccolo.

"You got it right on that Piccolo. It's no wonder Twilight respect you, for you are proving you got a keen eye for what is going on," said Lapis as he seem to just enjoy the fight, "And Don't worry about him Princess, my Sister will probably just knock your dad out"

Back at the battle Lazuli was winning now with Vegeta getting more and more angry and it was going on. so She decided to end the fight with a powerful kick on his left arm, where all there was able to be hear as the kick landed was bone breaking, and Vegeta screaming in pain.

This was to much for Trunks who drew his sword and and went super as he charge right at Lazuli swinging his sword right at her, where she blocks it with her arm and all he did was ruin her shirt, and his sword.

"Wow that sword of yours is a joke, also that was not a smart move on your behave," said Lazuli with a smile.

And before Trunks was able to do more Lapis drop down on him with both his fist at the back of his neck, sending trunks into the floor

And Vegeta saw this as a chance to changes who he was fighting, but Lazuli was not going to let that happen, and grabbed by his angle with such force that she felt it crush in her grip, and when Trunks notice this he tried to charge at her again just for her to use Vegeta to beat Trunks down, this time knocking him out.

While the other Z-Fighters and Tempest was facepalming over this, they had been told that Vegeta was only in danger of his pride being damages, and his body, but he would not die so Trunks going in like this was stupid beyond reason, "I Knew Vegeta was stupid sometime do to his stubborn pride, but this is starting to become sad. And that his son is just like him on this part makes me think the ''Androids'' in Trunks Future are probably making a mockery of him, which would explain why he is not trusting Lapis and Lazuli, what do you think Gevo?" asked Tempest as she look over at him.

"I got no disagreements there, for he does seem stuck in his ways. When they are done with Vegeta I will probably take them with me and go out looking for Cell, we will probably do it by normal car, to not scare him away from us. And Lapis has been talking about wanting to try out the car he was given when he talked about wanting to drive." said Gevo as he was looking around to area.

And even with a broken foot and arm, Vegeta had not given up. He push himself up with his good arm and fire a shoot at Lazuli who avoid it, and punched him hard in the face sending him back to the ground, where he tried to get up again just for Lazuli to kick him in the ribs and making him finally collapse onto his back, but still in super.

"Well I batter make sure he stays down for a time," said Lazuli as she walked over to him and broke his right arm as well, finally ending the fight with Vegeta being knocked out.

And with that Lapis and Lazuli went back to Tempest and Gevo landing near where Krillin was, who was shocked at how powerful the two of them was, and also a little fearful for if the Saiyans were still alive.

As lapis saw how he was looking at them he talked, "Don't worry... We didn't kill them, they are just knocked out, though you might want to heal them with those magical beans you got, though at least wait a bit with Vegeta he would probably not accept his lose as long as my sister is able to be seen by him."

This made Krillin look over at Lazuli who was looking back at him with a smile, one that he was not able to not return, before they flew off. and when he hear Tempest speaking he turned towards her.

"If you want a chance with her, I think you just have to call her later, she seem to like you, she seem to like how brave you have been in the past for being just human." said Tempest while look down at the short guy.

"You really mean that?" asked Krillin just for Tempest to give him a nod, making him smile, as he flew of to heal Vegeta and Trunks.

With Vegeta flying of the second he was done throwing a fit, with Trunks trying to follow.

Look at everything there had happen since Twilight had left, and how the Troll Doll and his kid from the future had right out ruined the chance to test the humans, so all she had was their training data. But she had at least gotten to give them TB's, and Yamcha had asked about if DNA splicing would help him, which she had confirm that they had a Combat splicing center that would be more then happy to give him a edge if he wanted he just had to tell her and she would bring him there.

All this left Tempest thinking one thing, I hope things are going batter for Twilight.

Author's Note:

Future Trunks is just going to be called Trunks and Kid Trunks is going to be called just that Kid Trunks.

Also fun fact Orange City later got renamed into Satan City, in honor of Mr. Satan for ''winning'' against Cell.

And for those there want to know where Twilight and Tempest is at right now in power.
Twilight is a bit a bit over Cell's second form in power, while Tempest is just a bit below it.