• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 484 Views, 33 Comments

Twilight the Saiyan - Xalok

Twilight Sparkle a Saiyan with God Ki and magic how will she fair in the world of Dragon ball as the Daughter of Vomi of the Red Ribbon Army

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Chapter 16: The Calm Before The Storm

Outside of Goku's home just after Twilight left.

"So do you think my dad will make it?" asked Gohan as he looked at Twilight, as they walked towards the front down, with Goku being pulled along by Twilight's magic on a stretcher she had gotten out of a capsule.

"Well he should make it, but it will take some time before the medicine kick in, so all we can do is make sure he takes it every two hours," explain Twilight while putting most of her focus on calming down, for Vegeta had annoyed her more then she was ready for, "But at this moment our focus should be on getting your mother, and your sister moved. For I want this whole thing dealt with, with as low a number of deaths as we can make it. And from the small bit of data I got on him, your sister and Mother would be just the sort of thing he would want."

It was quiet for a bit, before Gohan decided to speak "May I ask you something Ms. Twilight?"

"Sure go ahead, but please drop the Ms. it makes me feel old. But else go ahead." said Twilight

"Why are you helping me and my family? For from what I understand you got more then enough reason to hate my dad, so does that not include his family as well? Not that I'm not thankful for the help, it just feel... Odd that you are helping us." asked Gohan

"To be honest I got no hate for you or your family. It's just your dad," said Twilight as she turn her eyes onto Goku for a second, "But my dislike of your dad should never be aim at those who are just friends or family with him. And I'm helping him right now do to two things, one I might need his help in dealing with Cell, for do to how ''Special'' I can't go near him without the fear of him gaining some of my DNA, and there by gaining what makes me ''Special''... Ugh listen to me, I sound so Vegeta right now, all you have to do is replace special with elite." said Twilight with a facepalm.

Gohan was not able to not laugh a bit about this which he was not sure if it was good or bad, before Twilight join in and laugh at herself, "You know you are a lot nice now that you are away from all that," said Gohan with a smile now fully trusting Twilight, but there was something he felt the need to ask, "If you don't mind me asking Twilight, what is it there makes you so ''Special'' I can understand if you do not want to explain it, but I really want to ask."

This made Twilight stop and look up for a bit, before she looked back at Gohan and snapped her fingers making a bubble around them, which surprise Gohan, "Before I say anything I will explain what I just did, I cast a spell there has made this area we are in, the bubble you can see sound proof. Now I'm ok with telling you this but only if you keep it to yourself, for it will help me if at least one of you knew my secrets, so if you promise this stays between the two of us, then I will tell you." said Twilight in a serious tone.

"Well Now I got more questions, but sure I will keep it between us."

"Well alright, the thing there makes me special, is that I do not carry any normal Ki in my body. My Ki is purely that of a true God, this is why you can't senses me at all, only when I push my power on others can they get a feeling of my true might, what I'm a god of from what I know is magic. Where I got pure God Ki from I got no idea. And Now you know," said Twilight looking at a fully stunned Gohan, making Twilight worry a bit, "Are you ok Kid?"

"Yeah... Yeah I'm good, wow I did not think I would ever meet a god. No wonder why you were able to beat my dad in Super without it yourself. And it also explains why you need to stay away from something like Cell, for something like that gaining God powers will just be the end of everything." said Gohan now fully understanding of what was going on.

"And to get back on topic, I do want a chance to fight your dad, and win with my own power. Right now your dad got a win over me, and I want to remedy that, and that got stopped by your dad's heart disease, so helping him now will give me that chance back," Twilight explain her last reason for helping Gohan and his family, which Gohan show that he understood, "Also you said you had more questions now? What are these questions?"

"Oh yeah you said you cast a spell? but all I saw was you snapping your fingers, how does that work?" asked Gohan now even more interest then before.

This made Twilight smile, "You seem to really like the idea of magic don't you?" said Twilight as she looked at her with a nod and a sparkle in her eye," But to explain spells are cast by doing the formula, in your mind and the all after how good at magic you are, you can cast the spell in many ways. From what I understand, there is no spell caster in the universe better then me, but I can be wrong on that, so all I need for even some of the bigger spells is a snap with my fingers," explain Twilight as she snap her fingers and Owlowiscious appeared on top of Gohan's head, while giving off a hoot in surprise, but relaxed as he saw Twilight and lean forward as Twilight put her hand forward to pet him, where after he jump up on her arm and moved to her shoulder.

"Wow that was great," said Gohan with stars in his eyes, before he thought for a moment, "Any chance you can teach me?"

This gave Twilight pause, for she had not really thought about if others were able to use magic, "Well to be honest I don't know really. But I can take a look and see if I can teach you. But for this I need to look deep inside you, to places that no one has ever looked before!" explain Twilight.

This made Gohan nervous for a moment, "I need an adult."

"I am an adult Gohan... But serious I'm not doing this without your consent." said Twilight.

Gohan thought about it for a second before he agreed with himself, that he trusted Twilight, "You got my consent... Will this hurt in anyway?" asked Gohan still a bit nervous.

"Nah it will not hurt at all, the worst thing you might feel is a bit of a tickle," And so with consent given Twilight lay her hand on Gohan's head, and let her magic run into him, it took a bit before she found it... A sleeping magic core inside Gohan, a core that she would be able to wake up with a small ritual, "Well I got good news for you Gohan, you can gain magic, but it needs to be awakened, and for that I need to do a small ritual, and when that is done you should be able to feel your magic like you feel your ki, just as another living forces moving around in your. But with us being on a timetable right now, how about we do this one we got your mom and sister to safety." finish Twilight explaining with a smile

"Deal!" said Gohan happily before he turned a bit nervous, "So before we go in, know that my mom can be really aggressive, but she should cooldown when you tell her why we are moving them," Getting a nod from Twilight Gohan open the door and walked in followed by Twilight, and the scene before them was not what they were ready for, and Twilight barely caught a bow of fruit there was throw towards where they were.

Seeing the chaos they walked into Twilight put a full stop to it, by using freeze field spell. Sure it would not work towards strong fighters, but to stop Chi-Chi and her Daughter it was perfect, and it took both a second to realize that nothing was moving anymore, with both looking towards Twilight and Gohan. This also gave Twilight a chance to see to study Gohan's little sister for a bit, for she had not really looked into the girl before today, and from what she was able to see, she looked a lot like her mother, with hair just as long, but also having a bit of the wild side to it. Her eye color stood out however, for she had heterochromia it seem, having her right eye a deep blue, while her left was a light green, like what the Super Saiyan gave, and with how young she is, she has probably not started to talk yet. Twilight was taken out of her character study when Gohan spoke up.

"I thought you needed to snap your fingers to cast spell?" questioned Gohan as he looked at Twilight.

"Well it makes the spells cost less of my magic to snap the spell, while a cast like this without a snap cost the double in
my magic, but as a trade off it's faster," explain Twilight as she snap her fingers making everything go back to where they were while cleaning the house up, "The greater your control of magic becomes the more things you can do without thinking to much about it, it makes cleaning far easier, and if you understand how something is made, you can even repair things there is broken, take that as a small lesson in magic," And as she finish she snap again removing the freeze field.

"Now you are just making me look forward to learning more about it." said Gohan happy.

As Chi-Chi stopped being confused over what just happen, she looked at Gohan, "Gohan it's good to see you, and where is your father, and who is this woman you have brought home?" said Chi-Chi as she looked at Twilight like she had seen her somewhere.

"Well Hallo My name is Twilight Sparkle and..." managed Twilight before Chi-Chi recalled where she had seen her before.

"Oh My goodness Gohan where in the world did you run into The Twilight, she and her family is behind many of todays greats innovations in our time!" said Chi-Chi in a happy tone, before a she thought of something, "Oh please tell me that you got Ms. Twilight to get you a scholarship. This is great Gohan just..." and it was here Twilight stop Chi-Chi.

"Woah woah there, I'm not here about a Scholarship, I'm here to try and save yours and your kids life," said Twilight as she focused on getting Chi-Chi to calm down, while at the edge of Twilights eye she notice Gohan did not look to happy about it when his mother start to talk about scholarships, something she would look into when they were not in a hurry.

"What do you mean you are here to save us?" asked Chi-Chi now looking a bit annoyed.

And this is when Twilight explain about Cell and what happen to Goku, she kept out how she was fighting him for now, for that would just make more problems which was not needed right now. While explaining this Twilight did not notice that Little Annin had gotten up behind Twilight while she was talking, and had nothing Twilight's Tail. Which at first Annin had wanted to prove that she was the strongest, the second she touch Twilight's tail she felt the power behind it, and chose Twilight as her alpha, and started to hug Twilight's tail, making her look down and smile, and the use her tail to pull her up and give the little girl a hug. while she kept holding her.

"Well I was starting to wonder where she went. Though I will say seeing her this calm with you, and your tail, makes it hard to believe what you are saying, "said Chi-Chi as she sat down in a chair she had put next to the stretcher Goku was sleeping on, "So you said that you wanted to save us? Well how are you going to do that?"

"That is the easy part. You have probably seen Goku use 'Instant Transmission' well that is a skill I have mastered, so all I need to do is be touching one of you while the rest touch that person, but before we go you might want to lock the door so you don't get looters while we are gone, for you never know when they come around." said Twilight as Chi-Chi did just what Twilight said, before going back and laying a hand on Goku before touching Twilight and Gohan was doing the same, and with Twilight holding Annin, all there was left to do was leave.

And when they reappeared, they were on the Lookout, surprising both Kami and Mr. Popo

"Well I knew it was only a question of time before you showed up here Twilight. I take it you got Goku's family here to keep them safe for now?" said Kami as he walked over to have a look at Goku, "He really does not look good, but he will make it as long as things keep going like they are. Mr. Popo can you make a room ready to house Goku and his wife?"

"But of Course Kami." said Popo before he walked off with Chi-Chi following after she was handed the medicine from Twilight, leaving Gohan, Annin, Owlowiscious, and Twilight alone with Kami.

Where Owlowiscious chosen to fly up and sit on top of one of the buildings at the Lookout.

"The two of you are welcome to use everything the Lookout got to offer, else just call if you need anything." said Kami before he walked to the edge and looked down towards earth.

"Now then Gohan I need you to stand still where you are. For I need to I need to draw the star of magic under you before I can start awaking the magic in you." explain Twilight as she started to draw with her magic, this did get Kami to look on wanting to know what was happening.

And as Twilight started the ritual to awaken magic in Gohan, Piccolo came up to the Lookout. Landing Near Kami. So he nearly jump in when a vortex of pink magic was flying around Gohan. Annin was sitting on Twilight's Shoulders enjoying the show, "Now Gohan I need you to let your power out and when I tell you to you will stop, you will feel a bit dizzy for a bit, but when that is over you will feel a new energy in you, and that, is your magic!" explained Twilight. As this was going on Annin jump of Twilight's Shoulders and started to mimic what her Brother was doing not being seen by Twilight do to her attentions being on Gohan.

And Gohan did just what he had been told do, and it was not long before Twilight told him to stop pulling all his power back in together with some of the magic Twilight had been weaving around him awaking his magic, which made him fall down on his ass.

"Well Gohan now you are the third Saiyan with magic, I would ask how you feel, but you probably need a moment before you are ready to answer that," said Twilight as she walked over she pull a drink from her personal space out and open it before giving it to Gohan, "Drink this, it will make the world stand still a bit faster." she explained as she handed Gohan the drink which he took, and finished in one go. While Twilight got herself something as well, for she was not really in a hurry so having something to drink would be fine. while also getting a juice box for Annin so she did not feel left out. And after getting that done Twilight sat down and cross her legs, which Annin chose to sit down in Twilight's lap.

This is when Piccolo walked over, "What was that just now?" asked Piccolo as he stopped looking over the two.

Looking up at Piccolo Twilight started to talk, "Well what we were doing, was giving Gohan the ability to use magic," said Twilight after which she took a sip.

"Interesting, I have never seen a ritual like that before, where did you learn it?" asked Kami who had seen the whole thing, "And that Star you made on the ground... What was that star? For I was able to feel the power just from the drawing."

Twilight thought about it for bit, for she was not sure how much she wanted to tell them, so she mask her thinking with taking a big sip from her drink, "Well the Star is the Star of Magic, it's the symbol of pure magic, it is also the catalyst for nearly all spells, the best way to explain it is this, when you think about the formula you use for your spells, the Star always shows up, no matter what type of magic you cast, of course it's not always the first one, but its always there. And to answer were I have learn the ritual, it's something I have put together myself, after having learn from both Namek's magic and
spirit study on Yardrat. I have also mixed in other magic that I learned from date I downloaded from the Galactic Patrol, for they had a few data banks which was just filed with that stuff, so it's something I have put together from many places, but I think it's only me who can do it like I did, I really do not want to go into why, for that is personal." Twilight finish explaining.

"Alright I trust you to not do anything there would harm Gohan. Speaking of where is Goku?" asked Piccolo, just for Gohan to explain it to him.

"What about you Piccolo what brings you up here?" asked Twilight while looking at him.

This made Piccolo turn towards Kami, making the two look each other in the eyes, "I know why he is here Twilight and I really do not like it. He is here to refused with me..." said Kami

"This won't be anything like Fusion... You'll just become part of me and allowing me to become even stronger. You and I are different, all you serve for is to maintain the Existence of the Dragon Balls" said Piccolo in a harsh tone.

"You are very correct Piccolo. You have become even more powerful then me over the years... As you fought Lots of worst enemy. All I did was stand by and grow old and weaker by the minute," explain Kami as he walked over to the edge of the lookout and looked down before looking back at Piccolo, "With all this strong people like Trunks who defeated Cold. Vegeta who has grown even stronger now has been beaten by man made powers... I also fear that even if Goku does wake up... The results will only be the same..."

"It's the only way to make sure I can keep up, and help protect the earth. This earth got no need for a god when we got help like we do," said Piccolo, just to hear Twilight having coughing a lot, do to having gotten her soda to go down the wrong way "Are you alright Twilight?" asked Piccolo, while Kami was just laughing, "And what are you laughing at now old man?"

"Oh I'm just finding something funny that you will understand later. Else before you take me, I would like to make a request to you young Twilight." said Kami as he walked over.

Having gotten done coughing Twilight reply, "Sure what do you want to ask?"

"I want you to take over my role as Guardian of Earth, one there goes where they are needed." said Kami

"I'm sadly going to be saying no to that Kami, "said Twilight and before he was able to get sad, she kept talking "But I can find a replacement for you, and I might even know who would love to take it, so I will just go and ask him, so don't move anywhere I will be right back." and with that Twilight used ''Instant Transmission''

On new Namek

Twilight appeared in the middle of the town the Namekies had made when she was last here, and instantly she everyone went to her to say hallo and welcome it took a bit before it stop, and when it did Twilight saw Moori come up to her.

"Hallo You Twilight what brings you to our home today?" asked Moori as he stopped in front of her.

"Hallo to you as well Great Elder Moori," said Twilight with a bow towards Moori, "I'm sadly here to asked for your help... Well more like Dende's help," and as she said this Dende walked toward her himself.

"So what can I help you with Twilight?" he asked

And So Twilight explain what was going on, and how Earth was going to need a new Guardian, and after having it explain Dende agree to take the job, as long as Twilight agreed to come and talk to him now and then, and let him go home now and then if he felt like it, which Twilight fully agree to. And so Twilight and Dende left new Namek.

Black on the Lookout

Twilight and Dende now reappeared on the Lookout.

"Let me be the first one to welcome you to the Lookout Dende, your new home." said Twilight.

This made everyone look over at Twilight just for them to see Dende.

"Dende it's great to see you, are you going to take the place of the Guardian?" asked Gohan

"Yep, Twilight asked if I wanted to, and I can't really say no to my only Sister" reply Dende, and what he said came as bit of a shock to them, for they knew Twilight was liked on new Namek but not this much.

And so Twilight stood back for a bit letting Gohan and Dende talk a bit and letting Kami tell Dende everything about the Lookout, there by having Twilight hear it all as well. And then Dende was given the earths Dragon, which he instantly started to improve the work on. While all this was going on Twilight was keeping a eye on Annin.

And Annin was about to do something Twilight was not ready for. For Annin was done with her juice and wanted a new one, so Twilight was pulling one out, and before she was able to give it to Annin, she pulled it from Twilight's hands with magic...

This stunned Twilight, and everyone else but Dende who had no idea this was not normal for they had been looking Annin's way, "Oh Mom is going to have so many problems keeping Annin under control now," said Gohan who looked a bit nervous now, and the he tested if he had it himself by pulling Popo's watering can to him, which proved that he had gotten it himself, his sister had just gotten it as well, "How did she get magic as well Twilight?"

"Well she was doing the same thing young Gohan was doing, do you think she was close enough to get it as well?" asked Mr. Popo.

"She probably was, if I had known she was doing what I told you to, then I would have stopped her... Well it's to late now, well it seems I got two students and not one now. Any chance I can talk you into helping your Sister, Gohan?" asked Twilight as she was looking at Annin who seem to enjoy her new powers throwing around the empty juice box.

"Sure, I don't mind helping her, it will probably be fun. Though you will have to talk to my mom about that, for she probably wants me to focus on my studies." said Gohan not sounding to sure on the last part.

"Ok I need to ask you Gohan, do you want to study? Or is Chi-Chi pushing this onto you? For you don't sound like you want to. And if you don't want to do that, then what is it you want to do? For I can probably help you with that." said Twilight as she was looking back at Gohan, who was now surprised.

"What do you mean what I want to do?" said Gohan looking down.

This made Twilight Kneel down to Gohan and put a hand on his shoulder, "Gohan if you do not want to do what your mom wants you to, you should say something, not just let her push you to do what she wants. Like I will be honest with you I love study, and learning new things... But that is not for everyone, you need to want to do something yourself, if you do not care about something, then you need to say it, else you will just end up being stuck dealing with that for the rest of your life." said Twilight in an understanding tone.

"I will be honest I have never really thought about it, I have just always done what Mom or Dad tells me... So I don't really know what I want." explain Gohan as he was now thinking hard about this, for it was really true, he had never been given a choice, he had just done what he was told.

"Well how about I help you a bit? I'm going to ask you some questions, and you answer them to the best of your ability. sounds good?" asked Twilight this made Gohan nod his head in agreement, " Ok then lets start with, is there anything you enjoy in your studies, we are not looking at the bed parts, but at what you enjoy about it."

"Well I can say that I enjoy learning itself, and I enjoy when what I knows helps others." replied Gohan.

"Alright. What about training, is there anything you enjoy there?" asked Twilight.

"Well I enjoy moving around and working my body, and sparing can be fun... When not taken to serious." Gohan continued.

"Good. Now last one, is there any part of fighting you enjoy other then sparing?" finish Twilight.

This took a moment before Gohan answered, "Well the only thing I enjoy about that is learning how others fight, it's interesting to me, to see the styles of combat there is, and I do enjoy trying to see if I can do these styles myself." answer Gohan, who now looked like he had found a answer himself as well, which made Twilight smile, the boy was a smart kid, but he needs to be allowed to make his own choices.

"Well I think from the look you are giving me now that you already have realize what you want, but just to give my own meaning on it, and you can tell me if I'm wrong. I think you would enjoy being a martial artist, but more as a teacher, and as a sportsman, like I think you would enjoy joining the World Martial Arts Tournament, and other Tournaments while fighting people not to win, but to see how they fight and then teach others what you learn. At least that is what I think. What do you think yourself?" asked Twilight as she stood up again and looking over Gohan.

"To be honest that sounds great, only thing I would add is that I want to learn more magic as well. Else I would love to do that... But I do not think my mom would agree with that." said Gohan looking down just for Twilight putting her hand on his head, making him look up at her, and she was now carrying a playful smile.

"Well your mom did speak of a ''scholarship'' Well what If I did give you an ''scholarship''. For that would mean that I get to pick what you learns that day." finish Twilight while making sure Gohan was the only one to hear it, which made him look at her, first in surprise, and then when a smile.

"You Really want to do that for me?" asked Gohan.

"Well I would not offer it, if I did not mean it... And you can probably take your sister with you as well, for I feel a little bad about giving her magic." said Twilight a little worried.

"Why is that," asked Gohan before he looked towards his sister, and start to realize why, for she was making water fly around her, "I'm starting to understand why, for the amount of troubles she can make for my mom now, is a lot higher."

"Yeah... Magic is a tool there can bring great order, or great chaos... And the young we are the more chaos is just fun, so your Sister might be making a lot of chaos, that your mother might not be able to control." said Twilight, "Now how about we see how things are going with our green friends, for I do wish to speak to Piccolo about how things went down below after I left with you."

"Sounds like a plan." said Gohan as he start to follow Twilight, who stop for a moment to pick up Annin, and when they found Dende, Piccolo, and Kami, they were just about to do the deed.

"Lets make one thing clear, when we combined we will be using my body, understand?" said Piccolo.

Kami let go of his walking stick, "Agreed, it will be so. Your body is younger and more powerful, I understand." responses Kami, "Our union will make you far more powerful. While you will also gain my knowledge, only thing I ask is that you use this wisely."

And so Piccolo placed his hand on Kami's Chest, making Piccolo and Kami become their true self yet again. And after a light show there was just Piccolo standing there.

"Wow that was one hell of a light show there Piccolo." said Twilight as she walked up to him.

This made Piccolo look at Twilight, "I'm not Piccolo nor Kami anymore, I'm just a Nameless Namekian, but you can keep calling me Piccolo. And now I also know your true Nature Twilight, which answers why Kami wanted you to take over, and also why you do not wish to go near Cell yourself." Answer Piccolo as he look at Twilight with new respect.

"If It's not to much to ask Piccolo I want it to stay on the low as long as it can, but I do not mind you knowing, for I trust you to not just throw it around. Else I mostly came over to ask how things went after I left, for both me and Gohan want to ask." said Twilight.

And so Piccolo explain everything there happen after she left. And just as he finished Twilight got a call from jeice. "Lady Twilight we got a major Problem!"

"Hold on a second I'm bring Piccolo in on this so I do not need to explain," said Twilight where she did just what she said she would, "Now what is the problem Jeice?"

"Well the problem is me, and Burter went out to a alarm, and what we found was that Cell has broken into the lab where all the left over RR items where store. And he seem to have let lose the Androids there, but only after he changes there goals, and they have now gone out to attack! From what we can see in the data base, the earthlings should be able to handle the one there is moving towards South City. But the problem is that the 3 main Androids are to powerful for them."

There went a moment before Twilight got a devil smile on her face. "Jeice tell me where the three went, and then tell Tempest to send the earthlings after the one, and tell her to meet up with me after, for I'm going to need her to keep a eye on me, for I'm going to go and blow of some steam. Also Jeice, Burter."

"Yes Lady Twilight?" came both their voices.

"Good job, you make me proud. For you did this without being spotted so both of you have done a good job. Now report back to Ginyu!" finish Twilight.

"Yes Lady Twilight!" and with that both of them cut their link.

"Piccolo can you handle the hunt on Cell yourself for a time?" asked Twilight as she looked him over.

"Sure, and if I get the chance I will end him as well. But are you going to tell me why the Ginyu Force is working under you know?" replied Piccolo.

"Good. And if you need help Call Gevo and his team will come and help, if you find him. Gohan I leave your family's lives in your hands. And when it comes to the Ginyu force Tempest was friends with them, and they saw working under Frieza as nothing but a job, so I gave them a new one." said Twilight as she handed Annin to to him.

"You can count on me Twilight." said Gohan.

"Oh I nearly forgot," said Twilight as she pull out a few books from her pocket space, and then handed them to Gohan, "These books will help you get started on magic, they even hold the first spell, do be careful with them, for I made them myself a long time ago, so they mean a lot to me."

"Of course, and thanks for trusting me with them." replied Gohan as he watch Twilight jump of the edge of the Lookout.

And with that Both Piccolo and Twilight left the Lookout and went on the hunt!