• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,788 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

  • ...

The Waking Truth, Blurs of a Shadow's Speed

Author's Note:

Welcome back! Sorry for the delay, as I said in the comments of Chapter 1, I had alot of things to do... But i am back, everypony! I hope you enjoy this new chapter. Also, hope this explains a few things.

Also.... NEVER BREAK A PINKIE PROMISE!!!... I nearly tore my hair out getting this thing out THIS WEEKEND, because I pinkie promised it would be out this or next weekend. ^_^ So i hope you all appreciate my convictions to give you all a story. When i make a Pinkie Promise.. I KEEP IT!... *looks around* cause i don't want Pinkamina to make me into cupcakes.... *shivers*

WARNING! Listen one and all, before you read, there is a HEADcanon issue that has been shoved to my attention, and i would like to clarify, when you see this issue, please take note: this story as an Alternate Universe tag, as well as the fact the issue is not canon, even if you believe it is. what is in this story, if it is not canon, is my headcanon. please enjoy the story, regardless of this issue. all further complaints will be ignored.

“Ah'm tellin' ya, it was the strangest thing. Found 'em in the orchard, just like he is now. Gotta say, whatever had him runnin' in that forest did ah number on 'em.” Applejack opened the door to the spare room with her a few friends in tow. The night went by rather uneventfully after Shadow Step had collapsed.

The girls came in with her to see Shadow on the bed, still asleep. It was just sunrise, so he hadn't recovered yet. Twilight and Fluttershy were the priority on getting there, mostly because they were the only early risers of the group besides AJ herself. Rainbow loved her sleep, and Pinkie was usually tuckered out from night after night of parties. Rarity was away on a trip, so that left her out.

Twilight came up with Fluttershy, both inspecting the new pony. Fluttershy gasped and held a hoof to her lips, a look of concern on her face. “Oh my, what horrible condition he's in.” What Applejack didn't see till she got him in better lighting was what had Fluttershy so concerned for his well being.

The bandages on his head were still in place, but scratched up a bit. His coat was a mess, and for good reason. He had gotten what looked like close calls through thorn bushes, nothing actually hurt him but he was scratched all over. Applejack had cleaned that up from him before laying him down, as so he was comfortable. The bruise on his leg was light, but the leg itself seemed to be in poor condition, swollen and stiff.

That was just the normal stuff. The rest was kind of horrifying to think about. The tips of his mane and tail were singed, like a fire caught him, but the tips of his hooves seemed to be pale, as if they were in the cold for way too long. It all added up when they noticed the welts, bruises, and everything else around his body.

It was a scene of torture, but the Stallion was breathing steadily. Twilight looked to Applejack. “Whoever this pony is, he's pretty injured. Why didn't you just get Doctor Helping Hoof.”

With a deep sigh, Applejack put her hat to her chest. “Ah know ah shoulda, but just look at him, Twi. He's in no condition fer being moved along the road ta the hospital. Seein' as I ain't no unicorn, like yerself, ah couldn't carry him that far without serious harm, ta the both of us. Besides, Fluttershy here's just a good a doctor, and you'd be able ta help if'n he needs heavy medical treatment.”

Twilight nodded, but as they were talking, Fluttershy had been inspecting every inch of the pony before her. She checked the bandages and gasped. “He's from the Crystal Empire!”

That got a shock out of the two behind her. Twilight was beside her instantly. “What do you mean? How can you tell?”

Fluttershy pointed to Shadow Step's head. “Those bandages, they are laced. Remember Redheart? She was the nice nurse who helped the town when Applejack's muffins made everyone sick. She moved to the Crystal Empire a year ago... These are her laces, I always asked for some when my critters needed them.”

Applejack stamped the ground softly, shaking her head in confusion. “Now wait just a second, yer tellin' me, he's from the Crystal Empire? No go, Sugarcube. Those bandages are still fresh, bout a day ah reckon. How can he be from there, when the forest is in the south? Not ta mention, if'n he came by train, it would still take a good day to get to Ponyville.”

Twilight nodded and looked to Fluttershy, puzzled. “She has a point. Maybe someone else had some laced bandages? And he just has a reckless streak?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, I know these laces, I asked for surplus before she left. Only way someone could have them, is if they came here with a supply recently. I haven't seen anypony with these bandages before today. These have to be from her, and she's still in the Crystal Empire...”

Twilight hummed at that. Both her friends had a take on this, and both had good points on where this pony came from. She stepped to Shadow. She didn't know what else to do, but she knew she had to find out more about him. With a quick spell, she cast an aura around him, trying to find any kind of sign he was in the Crystal Empire.

With a burst of energy, the Aura popped, and she flew back. Applejack caught her just in time, and Fluttershy ran over, helping her up. She stood up quick and looked in shock. “He's no ordinary pony... His magic aura is all wrong!”

She raced up to him again and inspected his coat. It was normal, everything about him, even the cutie mark, seemed a normal pony attribute. Twilight was frantic as she checked him head from toe. With a final hasty spell, she checked again, this time confirming he was not from the Crystal Empire, and his Magic Aura was not normal.

With a swift turn, she looked to Fluttershy and Applejack. “He's not a Crystal Pony resident, his aura isn't aligned to that place like most, even the normal ponies who went there have their aura polarized. And not only that, most Earth Ponies magic is to push and outwardly benefit the life around them, through farming and such. His magic is inward... Sheltered... As if, instead of him benefiting the life around him, it is the life around him benefiting him. His Aura pulls inward, even Pinkie Pie, as abnormal as she is, has an outward Aura.”

Fluttershy was first to ask, since she had little understanding of the Aura. “What if he's from the Everfree? He did come out of there right?”

Applejack shook her head. “No way no how, even Zecora is still Equine. If'n she's outward, like us Earth Ponies, then this is mighty strange.”

The Princess of Friendship nodded. “I checked. Zecora is basically your average Zebra, just like Earth Ponies. Besides, the bandages prove he was in the Crystal Empire, remember Fluttershy? How he made it here is beyond me, in a single day, but I am sure we shall get the answers soon... We just need to wait till he wakes up.”

XxX Crystal Empire XxX

The Wonderbolts were guided into the throne room, where Cadence was looking out the window. Shining turned to them as they got close to her. “Tell her what you just told me. Leave no detail unheard.”

Spitfire saluted and turned to the Princess of Love. “Ma'am, Sorry we were so late in our report. When you sent the letter concerning this runaway pony, we were hot on the trail of saving the western forest north of ponyville... A Dragon from the Foal Mountains had gotten loos, and started a rampage across the countryside. We don't know what woke it, or what it was chasing, but it was clear it had a single objective in mind. As soon as we got the thing to calm down and go back to the Mountains, we were intercepted by a royal guard that we were to search the north. Your request we search for a pony that ran southbound from here was our top priority from Celestia.”

Fleetfoot continued on. “We couldn't find any pony lost in that snow. We feared the worst, seeing as nowhere around the area was a clue. The storms that pas through the area in question didn't give us a chance to find hoofprints. No body, no prints... nothing.”

Soarin was next to speak, but this time with some trail to follow. “Though the local tribes around the ridged of the tundra did say they saw a speeding black wisp flying across the ground southbound. I followed the trail... I think I know where he went.”

That got Cadence's attention. She turned and stared at Soarin, her eyes burning with the need to know. “Where did he go? He could not have gone far.”

Soarin bit his lip, looking to Spitfire. She sighed and looked to the princess, rubbing he forehoof as she let her head down. “Th-the thing is... Whatever trail this guy took, it leads... to the Foal mountain. We believe he's was the one who disturbed the dragon, and he was the one it chased to that forest west of Canterlot.”

The royalty of the Crystal Empire looked to each other, their eyes meeting, and curious understanding took hold. One question boggled them though. Shining spoke up. “Is he in that forest? If you knew where he was, you'd have brought him back with you... So what does this mean?”

Spitfire saluted with a steady, but nervous, posture. “Sir, we lost his trail a few feet into the forest... But we do know one thing. He went south after getting deeper inside the forest... The only place south of that forest is Ponyville, and if he stayed in the forest... he'd have made it to the Everfree.”

Shining and Cadence looked at each other, and for a minute they could only talk by the looks in their eyes, as they understood one important fact. He had to have made it to Ponyville. Cadence walked up to the Wonderbolts. “Thank you for your service, Captain. You and the rest of your team are welcome to rest here to gather your bearings for your trip back tonight or tomorrow.”

With all of them saluting they answered with a firm yes and marched off. Once gone, Shining turned to his love. “And you said he wouldn't have made it in his condition. He completely bypassed Canterlot!”

Cadence nodded, but was stoic for a moment. Looking down, she softened to her stallions gaze. “Any normal pony would have completely fainted before reaching the limits of the northern cold. But to completely run to the Foal Mountains, and get chased, and succeed in outrunning, a dragon into a forest.... He has incredible stamina and speed.”

It was that soft downcast gaze that told Shining that she was right in her understanding of the normal pony, but they both had no idea he was capable of this. Shining would think he would have collapsed at Canterlot. “Well, what's done is done. He's in Ponyville now. He has to be. If he has the survival instincts to keep running until he was safe, he had to have went into Ponyville from the Everfree.”

Cadence nodded at that. With a deep sigh she looked out the window. “I suppose that means he's stuck here till the portal opens once more.”

Shining stepped up by his wife and smiled, nuzzling her cheek. “We'll make sure he gets the chance to return. Besides, little Twily lives in Ponyville, he is in safe hands.”

With a smile and nuzzle back, Cadence accepted that. She sighed against her husband. “I guess this means we will have to visit Ponyville soon. Looking forward to it.”

Shining could only chuckle at that, holding Cadence in a hoof. “Me too. Now, how about some llunch? You've been stressed about this for a whole night, you need some strength back.” Shen she agreed, they went to gather some lunch. Though, Cadence couldn't help but wonder if this new pony would rather stay here in Equestria. She hoped to find out soon...

XxX Ponyville, Two Hours Later XxX

In a groggy groan, Shadow started to wake up from his slumber. As his eyes opened and adjusted to the light, he could feel the warmth of a bed, and see the fine wooden workmanship of a home around him. He could hear a soft melody as he tried to figure out where he was...

He saw a cloth come over his head as the singing came closer. Shadow knew this singing voice, somehow. It was the same to another he knew, and the caring touch was familiar, as the cloth washed his head. He looked to the side and seen, with his waking eyes, Fluttershy, but in human form.

Shadow could swear he saw her like that He wondered why, I this was a dream, then why couldn't it have been another. “Flutter...shy?” And then the world came crashing from the dream.

Fluttershy squeaked in shock, the sound fully waking Shadow as he winced from the sound a bit and shook his head, sitting up to look as she fled. Even though she didn’t get far, he had shaken his vision back to normal and could see, in shock, that Fluttershy was just a pony.

What made it worse was, he felt this was indeed Fluttershy, from the hair and the eyes, and the care taken of him, he was sure she was Fluttershy. She had hid behind two others, and one that reminded him faintly of another of her friends. Then he seen yet another Pony with both a horn AND wings, as Fluttershy had only wings. “Wait... This isn't.. a dream?” “Who... are you?”

The new Alicorn Princess stepped up. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. It would seem you already know Fluttershy.”

Shadow Step looked to the yellow Pegasus. “Is.. that really you Fluttershy?... How could you have gotten here...”

Fluttershy just hid behind Applejack more, and said apple farmer looked to the new addition to Ponyville. “On mah call, cause ya kinda collapsed on mah farm with, ya know, tons of injuries? Seein' as ah didn't wanna take the chance you were some kinda runaway, tellin' from those bandages ya got.”

And her voice was clearly that of the apple farmer that was friends with Fluttershy and another he knew. Which reminded him of where he was. After running all that time, his leg hurting every step since that dreadful mountain, he had made it through a terribly deadly forest into an apple orchard.

Twilight coughed into her hoof and that drew Shadow back to her. She smiled. “Well, as much as I would love to know how you know Fluttershy, care to give me your name? I have told you mine, it's only fair.”

Shadow nodded blankly. He knew this pony, he felt so. But he couldn't place his finger on it... or Hoof, as it were. “Shadow Step... But, I don't know who you are, Twilight. I feel like I should...”

Twilight hummed at that. She rubbed her hoof on her chin in thought. “Well, that's strange. Didn't you come from the Crystal Empire?”

Shadow remembered that place alright. Now that he thought about it, he had ran from there in haste because he thought they had kidnapped him from his world. “I'm... not from there. But I did come from there recently...”

Now that he had a chance to think clearly, his head feeling much better after the hit to the statue it took when he was pushed into it, he did kind of go crazy. They had healed his leg, even though it felt like it wanted to break at the moment, and his head was all better, he could barely feel the tingling of a headache. They cared for him, and he just up and called them liars, running off without a second thought. “If I ever see them again, I'll apologize... After the horrible ordeal with that dragon, I know me being a pony isn't a dream...

Applejack looked to the other girls in confusion. “Ain't that a counter-fection? He ain't from there, but he came from there?”

Twilight turned and smiled sympathetically. “Contradiction, and yeah, it does sound like two separate things...” Turning back to him she seen him sitting up. “So, Shadow Step. If you came from there, then you should know about me. I mean, my Coronation was there six months ago.”

With a frown and scrunched up nose he shook his head. “It doesn't ring any bells for me...” After a quick thought back to yesterday he remembered something about the Twilight from the Fall Formal being from this world, as that pink Pony told him. “I wonder if I should bring up Shimmer to see if this is her...

As if reading his thoughts, Fluttershy looked to Twilight. “Maybe he was there before.. The incident... We did wait a few days for you to come back from that other world. A good amount of Ponies left for work reasons.”

Twilight chuckled nervously, rubbing her cheek as she looked away. “Well, it's not my fault Sunset Shimmer decided to come and steal my crown.” And like a bolt of lightning, Shadow was out of bed, jumping onto it on all fours and looking at Twilight in surprise.

Seeing him suddenly jump, the three mares jumped back in their own surprise. Shadow just jaw dropped at the information before speaking up. “WAIT! You're the Twilight that took the Fall Formal! The one who stopped Shimmer from controlling all our minds! It's you!?”

Twilight was equally shocked as him now, and her eyes flew open, looking at him as she spoke. “Wait, your from THAT world? Beyond the Mirror?!” Getting a dumb nod, she blinked and looked to her friends. “Well, this explains a few things, then... Why he was in the Crystal Empire, and why he knows Fluttershy.”

Shadow gawked a bit. “Wait, but, isn't this Fluttershy from.. wait, this doesn't make any sense, how can Fluttershy and.. Applejack? Here?”

Twilight smiled nervously at him, tilting her head to the side. “I will have to explain to you everything, don't I? Sit down, and I will tell you everything I can.”

With a groan he sat down, but it felt weird for him to sit with back-bending legs and having to keep himself upright with his front hooves, which were still weird to him, holding him up. “What's going on...”

Twilight smiled and took a deep breath. “Well, first thing is first. This is Equestria, a world full of Ponies. I'm sure you've gotten that down at least.” With a nod she continued. “This is the other side of the Mirror. Or, what is a part of YOUR side, a statue. I used this very portal months ago, and I came into it not knowing about humans, or how to walk as one at first. Took me a few hours, but I got the hang of movement.”

That concluded Shadow on his own ways. He knew his body well, being a runner, and having to know whats wrong with his body and pushing through anything keeping him from running was how he got so good at sprinting. “I gathered the portal and world thing from the Princess up in the place north of here.”

Applejack blinked before coming up. “Now hold on, ya'll sayin' you knew about Equestria, ran from the Crystal Empire ta Ponyville, and are knowing of our Twilight here?” Getting a nod of confusion she looked to Twilight. “Somethin' smells awfully fishy here, Twi.”

Shadow shook his head, sitting up, fearing Applejack was thinking he was after them or something. “No, you got it all wrong...” He looked down sadly. “I wasn't thinking... Well, I was, but I guess I had thought too much into my situation. See, I passed out in front of the Statue, and next thing I knew I was waking up as a Pony. I thought I was kidnapped from my world to this one. So... I kind of ran away.”

Fluttershy looked to him and saw he was truly sad over it, but also confused. “It's ok, no one faults you for running. I run from things that scare me too. I'd have run away if I thought I was going to be kidnapped...”

Twilight smiled to Fluttershy, nodding. Fluttershy smiled back. Looking to the farm pony beside her, Twilight spoke softly. “He's not tries anything yet, Applejack. Besides, if he was HEALED in the Crystal Empire, then that means they believed him to not be a threat, my brother wouldn't let someone he thought a threat to run away so easily, either.”

Applejack nodded, looking to Shadow, smiling apologetically. “Beg yer pard'n then.” Shadow smiled to her and she took that as an accepted apology.

Twilight coughed into her hoof. “So, you know about everything from Cadence I would assume... Then, how do you not know that THIS Fluttershy and Applejack is not the ones you know?”

That got Shadow confused, but also looking closely. He spoke up, pointing to Fluttershy. “She's the same kind sweet person she always has been, not to mention she's still very shy.” Turning to said shy pony he asked a simple question. “Do you take care of other animals? Helping them be safe and happy?” Getting a nod he smiled to Twilight. “There you have it!”

With a giggle into her hoof she looked unfazed to Shadow. Twilight explained everything clearly, on how she thought the same, and that there were two different worlds, and that each had their own person in each. Both had a Fluttershy, a Rainbow Dash, and even Celestia. After a thorough explanation, Shadow just sat down slack jawed.

After an hour of Twilight explaining to him everything, he finally understood it all. He groaned, holding his head in both hooves. “This just makes my head hurt... I'm a runner, not a thinker...” But he smiled none the less, but this time sadly. “I guess I am going to be stuck here now?”

Twilight smiled brightly. “Nope! The Portal opens for three nights and two days straight every thirty moons. Meaning, in a month, you should still be capable of going back.”

Shadow thought about that for a moment. With a wide blink he sat up, pointing to her. “WAIT! It should still be open! I still have tonight!”

Twilight looked at him confused. “But you're here! Even if you came through the portal right as it opened, it takes two days to and from Ponyville and the Crystal Empire each way. By the time we get there, it'll be closed.”

Shadow looked confused more. “But.. If it's open all the time from opening to closing.. then I came in right as it opened.. and that was two nights ago!”

Fluttershy looked to Twilight. “Those Bandages... They were only a day old! He may be telling the truth!”

Applejack was not so convinced. “But didn't ya hear? It takes days ta get to and fro! No way no how, Sugarcube, he had ta have taken a couple days getting' here.”

Twilight hummed at this. After immense thought, she figured she would ask him how he got here, until Spike rushed into the door, heaving as he carried a letter. “Princess Cadence -heave, pant- Shining Armor -gasps- Missing pony.” And with a heavy sigh he fell to the floor, lolled from exhaustion. Twilight plucked the letter from his claws as he fell, as well a seased him down so he didn't hit the floor too hard.

After opening the Letter she read it out loud:

“Dear Twilight,

I hope you are doing well, your brother and I have been keeping an amazingly calm peace with the Crystal Ponies. Even though we ourselves are not, they see us as their own, which brings warm smiles to both our faces.

But on to the topic at hand. Two nights ago, an Earth pony of a dark coat had come through the Mirror to the other realm. He was badly injured, with a bleeding head injury and a broken back leg. We set the bone right, and healed it, but it will still require time to fully heal, whilst the Head Injury has been fully recovered from the bleeding and open wound.

Now, the reason I bring this up is that, upon waking up the morning yesterday, I had a small chat with him, explaining the situation. I thought I had explained properly his situation and condition, but he was unsettled, thinking we were to blame for his being on this side of the mirror. In an instant, he fled from bed. This is where the weirdest thing happened. Before Shining, or I, could immobilize him by levitating him with magic, he had slipped between us and out the door in a blur of speed.

We do not know who this pony is, however we do know he has an amazingly high speed, even faster than your average Pegasus. He fled the city by the time we reached the window he fled from, which is no small feat for the distance from the medical wing.

The reason I am writing about this is because, upon asking my Aunt, Princess Celestia, for the Wonderbolts to search and rescue this Pony from the cold of the Northern winter-land under us, they had searched the night before later than usual for a response, due to a DRAGON!?!”

Twilight's eyes lit up at seeing that. She read it with a gaping mouth. “-Dragon that was on a rampage north of Canterlot. This is relevant, because upon the Wonderbolts findings, the trail of this Earth Pony lead them to Foal Mountain, where this Dragon originates. The Dragon had chased an intruder to the forest north of Ponyville...”

She looked to Shadow, who looked shaken and looking away, nervous. Applejack caught on and looked at the rest of the letter. “-The Dragon had chased the pony southbound in the forest. We believe that he had made it ta the Everfree. If'n he made it ta Ponyville, please, contact us right away on his condition, fer that leg of his, runnin' for so long, would be in danger of worse injury. Signed, Yer Sister-In-Law, Princess Cadence.”

Twilight walked to Shadow. “You RAN here in a DAY!”

Applejack was even more startled and was right beside her, gawking at the pony. “Day nothin', ya made it here in less than twelve hours? TWELVE GOSH DANG HOURS! How in tarnation- That just ain't- oh mah sweet Celestia...” She sat down, rubbing her face with her hooves roughly, trying to make sense of it all was giving her a headache. “Ah need some Cider.. HARD Cider...”

Even though she was normally quiet, and was during this whole letter thing, Fluttershy was in her own state of surprise, and a little awe. Coming up with her friends, one with her hooves in her face, the other needing to pick her jaw up before it catches flies, which Fluttershy helped with, she spoke in an admiring smile. “How are you so fast? You remind me of another pony with how fast you are!”

Shadow just looked down nervously. In a shaky voice he sighed. “I-i am a runner... Sprinting and track racing back on the other side of that portal. I've been starting to get a small reputation as one of the fastest sprinters in Canterlot High. I don't know why I am running so fast here, but I think that's one reason.”

Applejack shook her head clear a moment, looking to Twilight. “Canterlot High? That a school?”

The Princess nodded, blinking herself back into reality. “On the other side of the mirror, the school is Canterlot high, and to us, it's their version of Canterlot... But there's no way just being a bit faster than normal would... Wait...” She remembered the magic aura for Shadow being different. “What else do you remember when you ran from the Crystal Empire?”

Shadow looked to her a bit confused, rubbing his forehoof in nervousness. He didn't like being put on the spot. Even when winning a race, he rarely let them put him on a podium. He didn't like attention. Thinking back, he did remember something different than his usual run. “I saw these symbols and spots on the floor... Something inside my heart told me to follow the spots, big enough to fit my hooves, and run for it. Whatever that light was, whatever those marks were, they lead me through the snow, away from the dragon, and even through the forest without getting totally hurt. I was scared I would die each time... Dying in the snow, dying from the dragon, dying from the terrible creatures in the forest... I didn't want to die...”

Fluttershy looked at him with concern and came up. “Lay down, your safe now. You still need to heal those wounds. It's ok, you don't have to worry about anything anymore.”

Shadow looked to her and smiled a bit. Fluttershy was always good to him, even on the other side. She was one of the three only real friends he had. He did frown a bit though. “I need to get back to my world though. If I don't hurry, the portal will close.”

Fluttershy smiled. “It's ok. The Portal will open again in a month, you'll get back home. I'm sure of it. But you heard the letter, that leg can't be feeling too good from all that running.”

She had a point, Shadow could feel his leg aching almost unbearably, the only thing keeping him up at the moment was the fact he was ready to run if he felt cornered. Biting his lip he just sat down, setting the leg to the side to get the weight off it. “Ok... I guess it's better to be at full strength if I am going to make the journey...”

Twilight smiled and nodded to Fluttershy, who nodded back. Smiling at Shadow, Twilight explained a theory. “Those marks... the ones you followed. Maybe that's how you traveled so fast. Maybe it's a special kind of magic only you have here. Even though you are from a whole other world, you have magic here. Unique magic.”

Applejack was confused about this. “But how in the hay could he have magic? If'n you didn't realize Twi, you weren't an Alicorn princess on the other side. Magic don't travel both ways.”

Twilight smiled to Applejack. “But this could explain why his Magic Aura is reversed.”

Shadow was now confused from this. “But, even if the magic marks and lines that I followed.. told me to run, deep in my heart to follow it, how could it have gotten me here so fast? I still don't understand that one imprint of a body I fell onto when collapsing last night.”

Applejack scrunched up her nose in even more confusion. “I didn't see no imprint under ya last night, so what in the hay is this all supposed to mean?”

The news on the line, and the inability to see it from Applejack, Twilight had an epiphany. Looking to Shadow she looked wide-eyed. “You're the only one who can see it, because the magic is guiding you through the earth. That's what it means! The Magic you share with the earth, as an Earth Pony, it pours into you to give you speed and endurance! It pushes you to be faster! It also explains your Cutie Mark, you're running so fast you fly across the land at high speed!”

Everyone just blinked, letting the Alicorn's words sink in. Applejack's jaw dropped. “That actually makes a lot of sense! I still don't reckon it's true, 'bout you havin' magic an' all, but if'n it explains this, then my brain can rest from any old headache tryin' ta explain it without magic it might try.”

Getting up from the floor she smiled, crossing her right hooves over her left. “Well, Shadow Step, ya'll are welcome ta stay here a few more days till yer leg is good enough to start walkin'. Seein' as the portal's a no go for a month, best ta just rest, and go back when yer all better.”

Twilight smiled more. “I'll be sure to help you as a guide through Ponyville when you do have the chance to walk. There's many cool things, and many ponies, you can see. Maybe even a few you recognize.”

Fluttershy smiled brightly. “And I'll be sure to get you there. I'll visit very day to ease you back into walking. Maybe I can find Zecora for a potion to help a broken leg.”

Shadow blinked a bit before smiling. He felt safe, and he knew these ponies. Fluttershy in particular. Nodding he let them go off to their duties. Fluttershy looked back at him and smiled. “I'm sure you'll just love meeting Rainbow Dash. She's a fast pony too. I'm sure you two will be best friends, with how you two are talented for being fast.”

When the door closed, Fluttershy left Shadow in surprise. Blushing, Shadow was frozen in bed. Looking out the window slowly he wondered about Rainbow. “She's.. here? I wonder what she is like.. as a pony...”

XxX Canterlot XxX

Celestia was in her chambers, resting from a wild morning cleaning up the mess with the Dragon. He agreed to leave things alone, apologizing for his rampage. She agreed to give gems for any inconvenience. The Nobles didn't like that, but if it kept the peace, she gladly let them know who was in charge of their bits.

Reading the letter from Cadence, she smiled. Closing her eyes and looking out her window to Ponyville, she gave a soft chuckle. “I wonder what the Speedster is thinking... Maybe how strange this land is? or... feeling right at home? I will have to visit soon. It's been a long time...”