• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,788 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

  • ...

Sporting in the Light, Running in Darkness

Author's Note:

I made a Pinkie Promise to have this out and readable by the end of September... I KEEP MY PINKIE PROMISES! So with that said, enjoy!

I would like to note that, whilst things in this chapter will clarify some questions, you may or may not know what i am going to do. The entire story has been thought out, and might I say that there are some big twists to come. So don't assume anything until I have finished.

Pre-read by: Muranuse

XxX 23 Days From Portal Opening XxX

“WELCOME TO PONYVILLE, SHADOW!” Said pony was cringing from Pinkie Pie's close proximity yelling as the bells and whistles went off around him, having come inside the bakery of Sugarcube Corner due to his invite for his party.

Rainbow chuckled seeing the party going pretty smoothly, it was a little mellower than she was used to. “I thought this was a party, Pinkie, where's the jams? No offense to the one playin' right now.”

Giggling to herself as she bounced around Shadow, she looked to him. “Well, considering how Shadow can't bust a move, I made it so he can enjoy his own party either way! Besides, it was party time! Yesterday couldn't happen because the mean Author couldn't go a little further.”

Sorry Pinkie, but you got a Party now.... Hey wait a moment! “NOPE! So, Shadow, how about I bring ya’ some punch!”

With that, the smiling pink pony bounced off again. Rainbow blinking a little before turning to Shadow. “Did you understand anything she said about an Author? I mean, she sometimes does that, but who writes stuff for parties for her? I mean come on, she's a one pony party planner.”

Shadow was just as confused. “No idea, the Pinkie from my world beyond the mirror is the same way, talking to some invisible imaginary friend she has who is writing a story at that sudden moment.”

Said Pink Party Pony had a glass up and ready on her nose and put it down without spilling a drop right in front of Shadow. “So, I take it you like Lyra's jams?”

Smiling as he listened, it was a cool mix. Lyra in his world often did musical duet's with Octavia, and for wilder parties would accent, the DJ Pon3 herself, Vinyl. This was a good mix with the band at hand, upbeat but still not overly loud. “It's good, Pinkie, thank you. Maybe next party we can have two moods, like a start up with Vinyl and a relaxing wind down with Octavia.”

Rainbow scoffed as she looked to Shadow. “You kiddin' me? Vinyl all the way for me! No offense to Octavia, but classical is so unbearably boring.”

Though he knew Rainbow was always one to be loud and proud, the one in his world was starting to make a routine out of his song choices. He would have to explain later, but he smiled, almost sly as he knew she would actually enjoy it if she knew. “I guess you must mess up tricks a lot. Too fast and not so focused on actually doing well in your training for the Wonderbolts.”

Last night she had told him more about herself, about what she aspired to, and why. She learned a lot about the other her as well, but right now, she was flabbergasted. “Now hold on here, you cannot be suggesting my training to become a Wonderbolt is hindered just because I don't like that classical garbage! It just ain't my style, it's too boring and makes me sleepy, how is THAT any good for picking up speed?”

Shadow shrugged a bit, drinking his punch. This made Rainbow pout at him, but he ignored it. Finishing up he smiled, walking to the dance floor. “Might as well DO something, it is my own party after all. Coming?”

Figuring she would ask another time, she just enjoyed the party. Though she couldn't help but think Shadow had a point to make of her, as if comparing her to her human counterpart. She would have to show him NO Rainbow dash was the same as the other.

XxX 16 Days From Portal Opening XxX

After a week of resting his leg, Shadow felt extremely restless. It was quite the tasking procedure to just lay down most the time, he just couldn’t stay still without something to do. Thankfully, he was getting used to his pony body. In fact he was used to it almost an entire week ago now, it was like second nature to him. Though he did have the awkward moments of grabbing things as if he had fingers, only to have whatever he was trying to grab drop due to him having hooves.

He had to admit, the time it was taking him to acclimate was quite short. He had to ask Twilight if a change was hard to get used to for her, and she explained the video in a little more in detail, the one that was trying to embarrass her during the fall festival fiasco. She told him so far it was a normal rate of acclimation to environmental changes compared to what he was telling her.

It was time for him to come up on his promise to Rainbow to show here the sports in his world; Shadow had everything he needed. Surprisingly, most of the equipment he needed was already made, native to Equestria as it was his own world. After making it to the clear field under Rainbows house, waiting for her to return from her duties, he had spilled the contents of the saddle bags he was carrying.

Stretching his back and groaning from the weird sensation of having carrying stuff in such a way, he had to wonder how these ponies got around. Perhaps they had titanium backs? Sifting through the gear he found the one item he had Twilight make, seeing as no ball like it really existed. It was a Football, or more rather a Soccer ball to those who knew it by such.

It was also the sport the Rainbow from his world liked to play most. Do personal favorites continue between worlds? Shadow would find out soon enough, as Rainbow Dash swooped in from her cloud home - of which he found very impressive - and landed in front of him in a very proud show-off style pose. "Rainbow Dash is here, ready to show you up at your own games. Bring 'em on!"

Though Shadow smiled, he knew she would probably do just that, considering his inexperience using his pony body still and her being an athlete, even as a pony. "I suppose we can start off small and build up. But first, tell me how you even play with these things." Kicking to her the ball that was shaped like a double pointed egg. “This football I can hardly fathom what ponies can do with it...”

Stamping on one end, Rainbow flipped it into the air only to turn and kick it straight for a nearby tree. The kick sent it a little to the side, hitting a rock about ten yards further, but Rainbow still smiled. “Bucking contests. They are shaped in a way that makes them hard to pick up momentum, it takes strength to actually kick it far enough past the wind resistance it picks up. Most of the time Earth ponies are the better kickers, not only do they have strength but they also have aim. What about you? Have one of these things in your world then? Football you called it?”

Shrugging, Shadow just smiled. “Well, that's one way to call it. Though that name is also taken by another ball. How we play is a field of a hundred yards, and two teams try to battle their way to the others goal line. Though how we hold it as humans ponies cannot. I think Pegasi can try, they can hold the ball and fly with it.”

Grabbing another item from the pile herself, Rainbow grabbed herself a racket. “So what's this doing here? I'm pretty sure it's universal, you smack a ball around. All I can think of.”

Rolling the ball on the ground, Shadow nodded. “Tennis, two players, or four if you want, a net separating them, and have to hit the ball past them for a point. Though the point system is unique, starting at fifteen, then thirty, then forty, then match point.”

With a scrunched up nose, Rainbow had a hard time understanding that kind of math. “So, fifteen points, fifteen more, then ten more, then done? That's what, four points normally? Why not say four?”

With a shrug, all Shadow did was pick the ball up. “Well, how do you play?”

Rainbow clenched the racket tight and stepped back in order to get ready for the throw. “Well, we kind of just take this thing and swing, that's all I know anyway. Not like I have ever played the sport myself. Toss it.”

With a smile, Shadow gave it a good toss, but not too fast. With a swing, Rainbow slammed into it and it flew right past Shadow's head. “Whoa! Sorry Shadow, you ok?”

Shaking his head, Shadow chuckled nervously. “Maybe something that doesn't involve small objects coming to collide into my skull... Like this?”

The two had talked about each sport, practiced a few things with Tennis and Football, and were generally getting the hang of things with others like Hockey and such. Rainbow herself had an idea about Football. “Hey! How about this? We fly it around inside a cloud stadium, encompassed around a field. That way, we can get 'tackled' and do that 'down' thing with the score system and team switching! The goals can be different, rings of various sizes maybe, and each one has different points.”

With that, Shadow had a mental image of something like that. It seemed a bit rough, but a good idea. “Maybe some equipment to protect everyone would be ideal, that way no one gets terribly hurt. High speed crashes may not be very good for Pegasi, I would imagine.”

Seeing there was one more thing in the bags, Rainbow pushed it out and looked at it. “So what's this one Shadow?”

Coming up and smiling brightly, Shadow figured it was time to see how she liked Soccer. “It's a Soccer ball. Well, some people call it Football, but to make sure no one confuses it with the egg-shaped ball they call it soccer. Big argument there, don't ask. This is a very good sport. In a way it's like Football, you take this, two teams, and try and get it in the other team’s goal. However, there are some rules: You only use your feet and head, not your hands, which ponies do not have, so that rule doesn’t apply here. I think the not using your head rule will work for ponies though. Or at least don't carry it, only kick it around. So only kicking it around can you score. Which is why it was primarily known as football.”

Shaking her head, Rainbow Dash could only look in confusion. “Alright, but that sounds confusing. Why do you call the sport where you carry a ball football, and the sport you are only allowed kicking it with your feet soccer?”

Laughing at that, Shadow nudged Rainbow a bit. “That's the argument! HAH! But seriously, it's a timing and location issue. Many different places, many different sports. Sometimes we mix things up with others and don't communicate things correctly. So, want to try kicking this around?”

With a kick from the dark coated earth pony, the weather pony herself caught the ball with a hoof. “Huh, it's a lot firmer than the egg shaped one, a bit heavier too.” Kicking it back, she felt the hit and seen it bounce up to Shadow again, who caught it with a hoof. “That takes some tough hooves to hit, it's a bit tough and dense, what the heck is in that thing?”

Smirking, Shadow stamped the ball a couple times to make it bounce, only to start bouncing it on his head. “It's just air, but it has a pretty thick shell around it. It's made so you have to have strong legs to kick it down field but also heavy so it doesn't just suddenly get kicked into the air like a rocket.”

With a shake of her head, Rainbow could only look surprised that Shadow was bouncing the ball on his head a bit before making it rotate between bouncing on his head, to his flank, and even a kick from his back leg before it landed in front of her.

Instinct took over from there and she started to bounce the thing on her own head, but it took all she could muster to keep going. It kept moving all around the place that she had to flap her wings to get to the side quick enough. Though it didn't last as she missed a clean hit enough to head-butt the thing straight at Shadow.

Having to stand up on his back hooves to catch the thing, Shadow got nailed and landed on his back, the wind knocked out of him a moment. “Wow, maybe some practice alone would be better than with an audience huh?”

Flying over to get the thing, Rainbow just continued trying. Shadow set up a makeshift goal as she tried to keep the thing in the air without kicking it several feet away this time. Before he could finish, however, he heard a loud punt, a pop and a screech “LOOK OUT!”

Turning to Rainbow, who was flying up rather than at him, the dark coated earth pony looked into the sky, half blocked by the cloud house that blocked most the sky above the field, and grew darker with wavering lines of thread and the ball. But instead of turning to get away from a runaway soccer ball, Shadow just ran forward under it without a second thought. “Get out of the way!” heading straight for the other balls in a pile, Shadow grabbed as many a she could and ran for it. “I got you!”

Seeing this, Rainbow turned and looked in shock to see Shadow racing off in a hurry, as if Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon again. She wasn't so far off on a dark pony threat

To Shadow, the field became a barren field of crumbled parks and forests, the balls he grabbed into little fillies and colts crying for their parents, and his vision blocked by a helmet. “I'll get you to safety, he won't hurt you, I promise!”

In his mind’s eye, all Shadow could see following him was a dark billowing smoke as he ran for his life holding the little ponies as best he could. Racing towards a broken down building, he jumped into it from the side, attempting to hide from the darkness. Though all he could see inside the house as the shadow past were more shadows, all laughing and starting t move his way. He ran out once more, only to get tackled to the ground hard by a zipping rainbow of color.

Landing on his back hard, Shadow looked up to a golden armored stallion with purple eyes and a spectrum mane. “Blitz?”

Said Stallion shook him a good bit. “Get your head together! Come on Shadow, you're freakin' me out! And who the hell is Blitz?” Still trying to struggle out of the hold, however, the one on him slapped him. “Snap out of it!”

With that slap of a hoof to his face, the dark pony stopped and shook his head, looking around him. He saw he was in the middle of town, several ponies gathering around them. Looking above him was a rainbow colored mare, Rainbow Dash. “What - what happened? I don't...” Groaning and sitting up, Rainbow getting off him so he could, he looked to everyone. “Sorry everyone, I just... Something spooked me was all.”

After a brief explanation, and very vague, the sporting duo gathered the gear and went back to Twilight's Library, upon the cyan pony's rather strict order to figure this out. “You ain't going to just shrug this one off Shadow. Things were going swell until now, what the hell got you so riled up, and why did you call me Blitz?”

Sighing heavily, the dark coated pony could only hang his head. “I wish I knew. All I can remember is that ethereal blobs were chasing me and many little ones through a broken warzone. As if I was a part of some rescue squad. Whoever I was remembering as Blitz looked like you, but was a stallion. That's all I know.”

Stopping at the door, Rainbow knocked and looked to her companion. “Not good enough. Look, whatever that was, it was like you were possessed. You gotta’ remember something more than that. There's no way you couldn't know what you were doing. Maybe it was some kind of vision, or something. But it sure sounded like you knew this Blitz.”

Opening the door was a purple scaled dragon assistant. “Oh, hey guys. What brings you two here, I thought you would be sharing sporting advice or whatnot.”

Smiling nervously, Shadow tried to diffuse this. “Nah, we're just looking for Twilight to help me figure out some of this stuff, hard to learn everything when it comes to Rainbow Dash. Too fast not enough detail, you know?”

Blowing raspberries at that, Rainbow elbowed the stallion before glaring at the dragon. “We're here because he had a bit of a spaz attack, some kind of scare that, as he explains, is something I don't think is best left alone. Not after the weird stuff we usually go through. Know where Twilight is?”

As if on que, the newest Alicorn princess flew down, rather unevenly, to the door. “I overheard. Come on in, I think I have something to show you two as well.”

Having to sit down, Shadow explained everything one more time. “All I know is, I looked up and saw the ball coming at me. Before I knew it, I found myself in a warzone, little children all over, crying, I grabbed them up and ran for it. Something was chasing me, a blob of shadow, something laughing, green eyes almost piercing with evil intent, crystals growing and spreading... I run into a building and see more shadows, laughing at me, and when I run back out I am hit to the floor and see a stallion with purple eyes, a stallion with rainbow colors and gold armor. Then things turn back to normal. I called the Stallion Blitz as well.”

Thinking on this, it was a full ten minutes before Rainbow had to stand up and glare at the book worm. “Come on Twilight, what's this all mean?”

Levitating a book from the table, she shown the two of them. “I was looking up some history. Ever since Shadow came to our world, I've been wondering where I heard about his power before, 'a speed that can outrun the sun, a shadow that never ends' because one night I noticed some kind of connection between Shadow's power and something in early Equestria. I had asked Princess Celestia to send several books with special ponies.”

The book page turned to a trinity symbol, each point having a symbol for each race of pony, and the center being a Symbol of the Princess's “There were three ponies that were special, each with a power that defied their race's gifts and natural abilities. They came around the dark ages, that's all I can dig up: sometime between the age of Discord and the banishing of Nightmare Moon. The Pegasus had the ability to cause seismic events, a Unicorn who's magical ability was to span physical object, and an earth pony who who's flow of magic was reversed, or as it says 'The giving of power becomes a greedy thief of thus' which can only mean reversed magical polarity. This fits Shadow well.”

Rainbow looked between Twilight and Shadow for a moment, Shadow himself looking surprised. “Whoa, you're telling me this thousand or so year old pony is, like what, his ancestor?”

Shaking her head, Twilight sighed heavily. “I can't say for sure, but it's a big coincidence either way. This pony has to have a connection to Shadow.”

Standing up himself, Shadow grabbed the book and started reading. “Impossible, there's no way. I'm from the Human world, this can't be...”

After an hour of speculation, the three could only agree on one thing. Sighing heavily again, the dark coated stallion with speed on his side spoke up. “I don't know if this pony is my ancestor, but if he is, then how could I have gone to the human world? Last I checked, the portal here is well guarded. And why can't I remember anything before waking up to Vice Principal Luna's care for my injuries...”

The cyan rainbow pony smiled and pushed against him with her hoof. “Well, you did remember something. Vision or what really happened, past or future, you got something more now. That's a good thing. We'll figure it out later. So, how about we try Soccer again before night time? We can get Twilight to make another ball since the last one broke.”

Twilight groaned and slapped her face with her hoof. “It took forever to conjure that thing, the time it will take for another is not gonna’ happen tonight. Not after the day I’ve had, there was a whole fiasco with the Everfree: Timberwolves tried to get at Fluttershy's animals, and then Rarity wouldn't let me say no to being her magical anchor with clothes, she needed more precision with some tough fabrics. And then Spike wasn't here all day so I had to go through the library re-shelving by myself... So sorry, but not today.”

Seeing the spectrum colored Pegasus groan in disappointment, Shadow gave her a hug. “Hey, no worries, we can try it tomorrow or something. We still got time before I leave and all.”

Smiling up at the dark stallion, Rainbow pushed him and scoffed. “Yeah, well whatever amount of time it takes, you owe me a match then. I'm gonna’ kick your ass at that sport, seeing as it's the only one that's fair to us both at the moment.”

The duo walked through town silently for a few moments before Rainbow Dash decided to chime in. “So tell me what you wanna’ do? It's getting about dinnertime. Wanna’ go grab some hay-fries?”

Shaking his head, Shadow Step sighed. “Not really. I'm still trying to digest the hay-burger from last week. It tastes like a salad that's been cooked. Nothing wrong with a salad, but maybe try actual potatoes for the fries? Those are still edible to Ponies right?”

Scoffing at that, the spectrum colored Pegasus pushed against him. “You need to lighten up. If you keep being so picky you'll not have enough energy for the journey back.”

Smiling at that, Shadow pushed back. “Look who's talking, you're pretty strict yourself on some stuff. Maybe you need to lighten up on your tricks. Speed is good, but crashing at high speed isn't.”

With a pout, Rainbow countered. “Hey, my injuries would only be a medical problem of my awesomeness and desire to be the best! You not eating anything is starving you, much worse. If I crash and break a rib I can be healed, if you starve yourself, you might die from neglect of basic needs.”

The dark coated stallion had to admit, she had a point. Sighing heavily, he started walking again. “Then come on, least I can have protein somewhere with those egg salads. Whilst we eat we can talk about this Daring Do you keep squawking about.”

The cyan mare grinned and flew up by him. “Oh that's gonna’ be a long talk for sure; Daring Do is awesome! You won't believe some of the things she's done!”

After finding a place to eat and getting some food, the two sat there relaxing, which consisted of Shadow sitting there listening to Rainbow tell the tales of her hero. “And then, she ran in and found the evil Ahuizotil and took back the artifact, and kicked his henchmen to the ground! It was then, that she flew off and left him to escape the crumbling temple that couldn't handle the magical overload of the artifact, and saved the world again!”

Blinking at that, Shadow let go of his shake. “Sounds a little like a guy from movies I watched. Some adventurer who was just an archaeologist but saved the world from evil artifacts and people wanting to take over the world. Jones was his name I think? He too used a whip as his main weapon and tool to get around.”

Having heard that, Rainbow sat down and looked absolutely enthralled. “Is this Jones guy for real? What kind of stuff does he find? Who does he fight?”

Chuckling at the excited mare, Shadow just sipped his drink before telling her. “Well, he's only a movie character. He isn't real. The person who plays as him is just an actor, not a real archaeologist. But his character fights a lot of evil people, armies or secret organizations, just taking them out left and right. Artifacts from space, or ancient gold powered by magic, whatever fits the bill.”

That deflated her sails, but the Pegasus pony didn't stop smiling. “Well, he may not be actually real as a hero, like Daring Do is, but the guy this actor represents sounds like he could be cool if it wasn't for the forgery. Daring Do writes her tales after they really happen.”

Standing up, she stretched her wings. “Well, it's getting late. I should get back to my house and rest up for tomorrow.” She paid the bill for Shadow and flew up. “Take care! And try not to worry about that crazy vision.”

Waving at the mare as she fled, Shadow sighed and started walking back to the Library. “Maybe she's right. It might just be my imagination, or some kind of weird side-effect of the mirror.” As the sun descended, he looked to the rising moon. “Maybe I'm just mad for thinking it was real... But I can't help shake the feeling Blitz was a friend... Someone I knew...”

XxX Canterlot XxX

As the sun fell over the horizon, Celestia sighed and let her sister's night gracefully spring to life with stars. Coming from the observatory, she noticed Luna coming up to observe. “Well evening, Sister. Coming to check on our loyal subjects? Which town has seen the darkness of nightmares striking recently?”

Smiling and brushing against her sister softly, the dark goddess of the night was happy to report no danger. “It has been week’s since the last time we had to fight off nightmares in most of Equestria. Most ponies now are sleeping quite soundly. Though there is always that stray dark thought that we must witness each hour or so.”

Though there was one thing that Luna had caught in her sleep. “Forgive me, but I wish to talk about one of my own... You remember back during the reign of that evil tyrant, King Sombra? What we had to do?”

Nodding, Celestia knew this was coming. “I have thought as much recently as well, many things from that time are coming to mind. It is similar to the Crystal Ponies having their own memories return. One remembers, and the others slowly realize, and they begin to connect. But that curse has long since passed.”

Luna looked down sadly. “I remember sending our greatest to their deaths... Spectral Blitz had to fight one he called brother, to save another he known as friend. And still it was not enough. We had to intervene once we heard of their disappearances.”

Putting a wing around her sister, Celestia knew very well the pain they both felt. “You could not have known Sombra would turn into a Tyrant, or attempt to rule Equestria through the Crystal Empire's magic. Nor could I have seen Blitz dying to an army of shadows. We cannot mourn them, it was too long ago.”

Dipping her head down more, Luna shed a single tear. “But it was their loss that drove me to madness... To darkness... I blamed Sombra, blamed you, for throwing him into his own demise. It was foalish of me, but I will never stop mourning him.”

Holding her sister still, the white coated Alicorn looked into the distance. “One day you will. Time heals all wounds.”

XxX Twelve Days till Portal Opening XxX

“Oh come ON! I said I don't wanna’ listen to that classical nonsense before preparing for a trick! It's just going to put me to sleep.” Pouting in front of Shadow was the aggravated Pegasus pony who he said he could help her fly better.

Rolling his eyes, Shadow put the record in the music player. “You lost the bet, and you said you wouldn't back down from the consequences.”

Still pouting, Rainbow kicked at the ground. “By one point... I had it, you were down, how could I miss the shot? You cheated I swear!”

With a curling nose, Shadow scoffed. “Says the pony who tried to FLY kick the ball halfway through. I let it slide because you were competitive, but don't try and play coy. You flew, I raced to the defense.”

They had played Soccer under normal rules, Twilight keeping score. He had won ten to nine, but only because, as soon as he fell over due to strain, he picked up and just rushed through it to save the game and kick the ball to her goal before she could recover from her own sudden lunge to smack it his way. Due to that strain and using his power, his leg was hurting again, but not too much. He felt he was getting stronger and better.

As the soft melody of Octavia started, Rainbow groaned and lay on the ground, just letting the torture play out, hoping she falls asleep soon. After about ten minutes, she felt ready to just snooze, when the music cut out and Shadow stood up. “Alright, now go do the amazing filly flash you keep boasting about!”

Shaking her head and standing up with him, she was a little confused. “What, you want me to go try NOW? When I'm, you know, ready to fall asleep?”

Seeing the smirk plastered on his face, the cyan flying ace of Ponyville couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a point. “Just trust me, and go do that trick.”

Rolling her eyes at the dark colored runner, her rainbow mane blew in the wind as she leapt up and started soaring. She had to admit, she felt less stressed. Her muscles weren't tugging at the pressure of her flaps. She assumed this was just because she wanted to prove her own point, and started her trick.

After flipping through the air, gaining some speed, and finding herself fluid in all motions, Rainbow flew by in a spectacular roll into a steep loop before falling into several flips. Just before hitting the ground, she used all her power to flap up at the last second. This was normally where she crashed and burned, but the tug of her wings was much less straining and she found herself just barely grazing the ground before flying back up.

Flying up in shock at not crashing like she usually did, she flipped some more, cheering. “YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! WHOO!” As her excitement mounted, she attempted several other tricks that coursed through her, some she crashed all the time, others she sometimes crashed by making a mistake or two, but found she was flying better than ever. That was until she slammed into a tree whilst performing a daring swirl of a flip and roll, somersaulting up and then down into a nearby tree when she wasn't looking. Hitting the ground, she groaned and shook her head, clearing the birds from her vision. “That was so lame...”

A figure came over her, smiling quite brightly. “So, I see you're not so bad, you hardly crashed through several routines.”

Picking herself up, Rainbow Dash brushed herself off. “Well, I usually do. In fact, a couple of those tricks I crash all the time on, at some point of another. It was weird, I felt loose; my wings didn't stretch until they pulled in a random direction. I felt... relaxed. That's not normal for me.”

Smiling even more, Shadow chuckled. “Guess you'll be listening to more Octavia classical orchestra's from now on.”

With a pout, the rainbow Pegasus glared at him. “Hey, I'll admit something had me relax, but all that horseapples did was put me to sleep.”

Shadow just kept smiling. “Alright... What do you call reading a Daring Do book before bed?”

Not knowing what he was suggesting, Rainbow sighed. “Relaxing? I mean, that's fun, it's a good way to just relax. That way I'm not tossing and turning in bed until I finally just pass out.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Shadow decided to put it in perspective. “So, you relax in order to sleep, right?” Getting a nod, he continued. “Well, listening to Octavia puts you to sleep without wrestling the covers. Right?” Another nod. “Just like reading a book. You were relaxed from the melody, it was taking all that irritation, anxiety, and steeled posture and just relaxing you to the point of just flying without suddenly pulling a wing from stress.”

Taking that all in, Rainbow hummed in thought. She had to admit, the feeling of relaxation was there, and she didn't read a book relaxing on a cloud in the sky. She just listened to music that was not blasting with bass to pump her up, just violins and soft sounds that made her feel the need to sit down and rest. Blinking at that, it finally hit her. “Wait... The music relaxed me, so I felt better and flew better because I wasn't wasting energy just by being excited...”

Seeing it click, Shadow chuckled more and nodded. “That's right. That's how I train. I listen to something relaxing so that when I hit the field I don't pull a muscle from so much energy. But whenever I need to psyche myself up for something, I pump some of Vinyl's bass and kick some flank. Practice makes perfect, so you practice feeling relaxed, but when you're competing, you need no doubts, so you need to get your head in the game.”

Popping the music on again, Rainbow sat down and grinned at Shadow. “You know, it may put me to sleep, but I don't hate her music. Just that it felt like it would mess up my practice or sleep schedule. But if it's actually gonna’ make me better, I can find a song or two that I might like. This one isn't too bad but still not my taste. Oh well. It'll do for today.”

Though her sitting with her back to him, listening to classical music, Shadow had another vision. Seeing the rainbow stallion once more, in a library at night, reading as he listened to music. Shaking his head, Shadow just focused on the present, and smiled at Rainbow. “Whatever happens, I'm glad I got to know you, Rainbow Dash. Pony version or not.