• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,788 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

  • ...

The Shadow of Victory, The Love of a Rainbow

Author's Note:

I deeply apologize everypony, for I have been away. You try writing when you have to move around, and no computer left for you to use. I had to finish this on my tablet! Buck that.... Anyway, i hope this presents a very broad view, and what will be giving a few answers, but many more questions. Forgive the Cliffhangar.... but i think the next chapter is going to end the story, so i decided to end it on that instead of just writing heavily and ending with a brief chapter. you have been warned.

XxX Three days till Portal Opens XxX

The town was quiet, nearly dead today, even though it was it’s usual bustle of ponies talking left and right about the weather, that was mostly cloudy yet warm and nice out. No, it wasn’t dead to silence to others, only one Pony in particular whom was fighting off what could only be described as a past long past. A childhood forgotten, a mother whom wasn’t his mother, a war that tore him apart without care, a brother lost to time within darkness, and another lost to that same darkness.

Although to Shadow, the town was quiet only because he was blanking out everything, his sight, his hearing and his sense of smell, all that was left to his walking feet was his bodies own auto pilot, following the steps given by Equestria’s magical pull on him, guiding him as his thoughts raced faster than Rainbow’s own Sonic Rainboom.

Ever since he started thinking about why he cared so much for the pony Rainbow, he was flashing back to that weird memory, or whatever vision he had, and Blitz, whom saved him from the shadows. It was almost unbearable to think there were other factors to him caring so much for a pony version of the human he had a crush on.

For the last three days, Shadow could only think, and try and figure out everything that was rolling through his mind, and what he was finding only made less sense. He was part of a war in the Crystal Empire, he was pleading for some unicorn to snap out of something, he was tortured…. He was saved, he fled, and then a bright light behind him as he looked himself in a mirror before everything went blank.

His memories were nothing, he couldn’t understand. Why did his memories show his life as part of Equestria, when he knew the human world far better? He needed to know, to find out more about this Blitz. And the only one to help him there, was Twilight.

And thankfully, his power led him right to her door. Deciding not to question it anymore, he knocked. Spike came right up. “Oh, hey Shadow, how’s it going?”

Taking a deep breath, the stallion calmed himself. “I need to speak to Twilight. She still looking through those history books?”

Shrugging, the little drake turned and waved Shadow in. “Books in general, but couldn’t hurt to ask. Why? I figured you’d be out hanging with Rainbow.”

As they climbed the stairs, Shadow explained. “Things are… strained at best. Something came up and now I’m trying to keep out of sight for awhile.”

Scoffing, Spike groaned out. “Well that’s not good. Hope you two work it out, you know?” Getting a smile of assurance, Spike knocked on Twilight’s door. “Twilight! Hey, Shadow’s back, he’s wanting to know if you’ve got anything from those history books to tell him?”

It was almost instant, but she opened the door and looked disheveled, but wide awake. “Sure, I think I do anyway. What little I could piece, if you want. Come on in.”

Stepping in, Spike shut the door and Twilight lay on her pillows. Grabbing a couple books, she gestured Shadow to come closer. “Now, what would you like to know?”

As good a place to start as any, he assumed. “Blitz. What’s his connection to me, and Rainbow?”

Humming, scrunching her nose, the purple Alicorn didn’t seem to like that starting point. “I was kind of hoping you’d ask about the shadows and crystals… But I suppose we can explain that one later.” Sitting up, Twilight yawned before beginning. “Nothing. Or at least, nothing historically given. Blitz, as I’ve learned, was the adopted son of Celestia. He was given the honor as head of the royal guard until his demise during the Fall of the Crystal Empire. He died returning from the kingdom having saved many of his soldiers, pulling them back in a flash of light, a Rainbow of color.”

Holding up the book, she read the script out loud. “As it writes: ‘The cold winter above held no prisoners, as the darkness swallowed all within. One beacon of light flashed through to save those who gave there lives for the cause, and faster than I could blink, a rainbow covered the area, and we were gone. Away from the death and misery, our ears still rang from the explosion of magic that must have almost taken us.’ This right here makes me think he was capable of a Sonic Rainboom, but the story of the Rainboom only ever came to pass after Rainbow herself did it as a little filly, and now as her greatest feat everyone knows is true.”

Grabbing yet another book, the same she started with days ago, she opened it to the trinity. “But it’s impossible for him to have been so fast in the air. Remember, he was given the power of seismic control, not atmospherically. As you might have learned, Pegasi magic is what keeps them in the air, but also gives them the ability to handle weather. The Wonderbolts, and Rainbow, use this magic as a way to go fast. Though I doubt he was grounded the rest of his life, the magic he used wouldn’t have given him aerial speeds high enough. So it wasn’t a Rainboom. I’m guessing he was rainbow colored, and the explosion was actually an attack. Remember, it was a warzone.”

So, the connection to Rainbow was foolish. But there was still something. “Is Blitz her ancestor maybe?”

Shaking her head, Twilight unrolled a scroll. “There’s not a single Blitz in this entire thing. Genealogy is the only way to track this, and from my attempts, it seems he never had children. Or, at least not with anyone in Rainbow’s tree.”

Well, that was something off his chest. Maybe it was only their looks, nothing else. That was a relief. “And I assume nothing connecting her and me means you found out I’m not related to this other pony?”

Twilight groaned and smiled nervously. “Well, I’ve not gone that deep yet… Actually…” Producing another book, she made sure to show him. “This is the only mention of him other than the Trinity…. It says: ‘And with speed unending, his hooves battled the elements to insure our safety. Thus was the tale, but who he was is unknown. Coat of darkest night, the son of darkness, lost to shadow. Do I give pity? Or do I die, knowing that a mother’s lose and our own blind eyes caused this torture. Only history can tell.’ And then it ends. The tale was of a hero, someone who was so fast, he gave Celestia and Luna the opportunity to finally end the war of the Crystal Empire. It was short, shadowed by the vague writing. It nearly repeats itself. Blurs of black, speeds unending, and son to a darkness, but it’s spoken rather, ‘Son of Evil’ who did good deeds.”

“But, that has nothing to do with me.. does it?” It sure sounded vague, and too much so to be anything connected to him. As the only piece she could find on this other pony like him, it was still beyond believable to be him.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight sighed. “No, not at this point. But I never said I didn’t have a theory. Actually, I was going to give you my theory once I told you about the shadow and crystal.”

Ok, now Shadow was getting nervous. What did this have to do with him? Only Blitz and this other pony with high speed were connected to him. And Blitz was beyond him. Though Twilight made sure to get his attention. “The third pony. Of the Trinity, Blitz was the son of Celestia, who fought in the Fall of the Crystal Empire, the war with King Sombra. This old tale of the fast pony has him dated at the same time, as part of the trinity. Earth pony and Pegasus. But there’s a third, a Unicorn.”

Now he got it…. Twilight continued. “You see, King Sombra was the final part of the Trinity. He was this Unicorn. The one with powers over the physical plane. The only way he could use his magic was if it was control of a physical object. Manipulate, duplicate, and power spells for him. The most magical gemstone in all of Equestria is that of the Crystal Empire, the very gem that makes up the whole kingdom. If he took control of it, he could do anything. And he did, he went so mad with power he became a tyrant. He was the one who started the entire war.”

“Wait… Blitz has mentions, and there’s only a single tale of this other pony, how come Sombra is so well known?” It was a valid point. It made little sense, it seemed Sombra had more history than any of the other two.

“Because, he came back from the past.” This took the dark stallion by surprise. “When he fell in the war, he used the last of his magic to make the entire kingdom vanish, in an instant. His story would soon be lost to history, nothing more than an old legend… Until the Crystal Empire came back, and not only did it return, so did Sombra, who wanted his kingdom back. My brother and his wife went there and protected the kingdom until I and my friends could help. Celestia had us go to help them, and with our help, we managed to finally finish him off. Even if he lived to survive the blast of love and hope, he would soon evaporate without the very magic he used to stay alive through the years by the power of the empire in the first place. Now, with the Empire back, all that history was returned. And with it, Celestia made public several books that were published back then available. It’s the only reason I even have this much to go on.”

“But, what about this theory? You know, the one about Sombra and these others?” He was afraid of what was being said. Years old, and he comes back? Was he immortal?

Taking a deep breath, Twilight looked straight at Shadow. “Sombra and the entire Kingdom, every Crystal Pony there, were gone a thousand or so years ago. But as soon as Sombra and the Empire returned, so did everypony else. You see, it was as if time stopped for them, entirely. What was a thousand years to us, was a day to them. What if Sombra wasn’t the only one who came back…”

He couldn’t fathom this scenario, was she saying Blitz was still in existence somewhere, or that this other pony was? And if the latter… wait. “Who.. came back?”

Looking right at the stallion, Twilight was sure of this theory. “You. You did, you are this other pony and you came back. It’s the only thing that makes sense. All the evidence points to you being this speedster.”
Stunned, Shadow was connecting the dots as well. But there was one giant flaw… “How come I woke up in the human world though? Amnesia or no, why am I the ONLY one that was sent there? If I am this speedster, then why don’t I remember anything, why was I taken to the human world?”

Twilight sighed, looking down. This was also a thought she encountered. “I said it was a theory. I am still sure it’s the right one, but I can’t answer everything. Thousands of years ago, history and information either displaces, changes, or disappears. If I could find out how you got there, then trust me I would do so. But last I checked, the mirror was the only way in or out of the two dimensions, and Celestia has had it in her castle for as long as I know, at least until the Empire came back, she allowed Cadence to watch over it so any threat to Equestria was given a fighting chance to prepare.”

This was not going anywhere, Shadow felt, so he at least was comforted by one thing… There was no link to him, Rainbow, or Blitz that was causing his feelings any chaos. He loved her, he truly did, but he had to be sure about who he was, about what he knew. And he did now. “Thanks Twilight. But I think we can leave it at that. You did help though.” Smiling, he turned. “Hope you find the proof you’re looking for, I’m sure when you find out if I’m that pony or not, I’ll be the first to know.”

Leaving her to her studies, or sleep as she sorely needed, he left and was rather content. Sure, this whole deal about him being a thousand year old pony was ridiculous, but whether or not it was true, all that mattered was nothing held his heart.

Though regardless, he was still worried about one thing… Rainbow’s answer to his feelings. If she did not feel the same way, he couldn’t do anything about it. Though he hoped she accepted.

XxX Two Days Until Portal Open XxX

Rainbow was having a very hard time, she was too busy trying to think to understand what she wanted to do. After talking to Fluttershy the other day, she just had more questions on what she wanted to do rather than knowing exactly what to do.

Head through the cloud pillow, she groaned in the real pillow, only to pick herself back up and sigh. “Why is this so difficult! I don’t do mushy stuff! Guh!” Head into the pillows again.

Her talk with Fluttershy did a number on her. Sure, she cared for Shadow, he was a cool stallion who enjoyed pushing himself, speed and sports, and understood her. Though it was partly due to her human self, she would forgive that now knowing he wasn’t concerned about it. It was just too much to process, feeling wise.

She had to figure this out. Did she actually have those kinds of feelings for him, all within a month? It wasn’t impossible, but she was too adventurous to be tied down to anypony. “Then again.... So is he, so he would either join me or let me be, knowing I was a free spirit… Maybe, or maybe not and this love thing will pin us both down. Ugh, more questions…

Turning over, the Pegasus had little else to think about. It was unnerving, she was prone to fidgeting if stayed in a place too long. She needed to clear her head. Deciding lying about would do no good, she decided to get up and just take a flight around the town. Hope that she could figure things out then were low, but she had that hope regardless.

As she flew, it was getting close to Noon. She knew that tomorrow morning they were on a train to the empire to finally see him off, but she didn’t want him to leave just when things were getting difficult. She never backed out from anything, even decisions like this. But the thing was, she didn’t have a clue how to tell, she was no good with these feelings, this mushy stuff or any of it. The only one who was she could trust was…. “Wait… That’s it!”

Speeding to the fashionable marshmallow of a mare, Rainbow quickly knocked on the door. “Rarity! You home?”

Opening the door, the purple haired lady of the store smiled. “Well Rainbow, what a surprise. How goes your day? Been out and about with that dark handsome Stallion have you?”

Groaning a little, Rainbow bowed her head. “Can I just come in? This is a little embarrassing as it is.”

Letting her friend through, Rarity hummed. “You look… Less colorful today. Been eating your greens I hope?”

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow sat down. “It’s not that. I’ve been eating fine.” Though she did feel a bit nauseous. “It’s about Shadow. He… Well, he confessed. In a way.”

Apparently, Rainbow forgot just HOW much a drama queen Rarity was, as the fashionista nearly screeched in joy, eyes glittering like nothing else in the building. “Oh, what bold behavior! What did he say? Was it over dinner? Maybe candles lighting the area? Ooooo, maybe he was the shy type, blushing out a hilariously nervous confession of adoring and admiration.”

Putting a hoof against the mare’s maw, Rainbow stopped her friend from trying to analyze and embarrass her further. “Nothing like that! Geez… He already had a crush on me before he met.. well me. But he’s changed from crushing on my human self and now fell for this me. And I don’t even know what to do about it! We’ve kinda just separated to think, I’m sure he’s confused, but so am I, I mean how the buck am I supposed to feel about this? I’m no good with this, I don’t know if I am even ready for a relationship, especially with someone from another world altogether!”

Putting the hoof from her mouth, Rarity smiled. “Ah, the sudden confession, the old crush, the feelings of confusion overwriting the feelings of true love, but to one day be returned. That’s the way it is, hm? Well, have no fear, For I know exactly how to help you hold his heart.”

Glaring at the white mare, the colorful Rainbow grumbled. “You ignored me again….”

With a roll of eyes and hoof, Rarity scoffed. “Oh pah-LEASE. I heard every word. And I know you, Rainbow, if you believe me or not. Your best bet is to accept his feelings, but also make sure he doesn’t stay confused. You must show him you are your own mare, and you will have him wrapped around your hoof.”

Again with the groaning, Rainbow stood up. “I told you, I don’t even know if I WANT to! Come on Rarity, You know I don’t do lovey dovey.”

Smirking, Rarity gave Rainbow a sly look. “Oh you say so, but I see clearly. You are smitten with him. Maybe his athletic nature caught your eye? Or maybe his adventurous behavior found you kinship? Either way it makes no difference, I see it in your eyes as you walk by, you also feel for him. You ignore it, push it back, tell yourself it’s just a fleeting friendship that is so fun and so your style you can’t wait to hang out with him again. Even if you aren’t such a romantic as yours truly, you and Shadow look perfect together. So I ask you…. Do you care for him?”

Rainbow blinked, but took a moment to think. Of course she did, but that wasn’t the problem. “Well, yeah, I mean he’s awesome and all, and we’ve had a lot of fun together, but it’s not like it’ll last,”

With a waving hoof, Rarity sat in front of her friend and rose her head tall. “Tut, tut. This is not so difficult, you only make it so. Answer yes or no, nothing more. Does your heart flutter when you think of him?”

With a low rumbling hum, Rainbow just went with it. Thinking of the dark coated speedster, Rainbow took a deep breath. She wanted to know what he was doing right now, wondering if he didn’t want to talk to her anymore after the whole thing with them that happened. Would he even want to see her again? That thought pulled at her heart, she didn’t want him to leave disappointed in her, or not wanting to see her again.

Seeing the facial expressions, Rarity knew Rainbow was thinking about something bad. A scrunched up look or sadness, it was clear, Rainbow was overthinking it. “She never was good at thinking when she didn’t understand

Coming out of it, the weather mare sighed and looked down. “I would say yeah. Flutter indeed…”

Picking her friends head up, Rarity smiled. “Now, now, don’t fret. Your heart flutters, you care for him, but now for this. Do you LOVE him. Now, before you think about it, I want you to think of something. Close your eyes and picture this.” Seeing her friends eyes close, she set the scene. “Him, smiling, welcoming you to join him for whatever you two want to do, have fun and the like. And he holds you close, telling you he loves you no matter what you want to do.”

It wasn’t easy, but also wasn’t difficult. Rainbow could clearly think about her and Shadow racing around, just the wind in their mane’s. Laughing and playing games, it was nice. She could definitely get behind that idea. Though what struck her was she imagined them, after a minute of this daydream, kissing. Snapping her eyes open, and blushing, she shook her head. “Uhhh… well.. I mean… maybe?”

Oh the smirk on Rarity’s face, she was giggling as she found her answer. “Well, a maybe or not, it’s clear to me what you have in mind. Now, we finished thinking with our minds, now be the Rainbow I know you are, and act upon your own feelings. You’ll be right as rain, and everything will be just fine.”

Thought she still worried what this all meant, Rainbow knew one thing, Rarity had a point. This wasn’t like her, to toss and turn about anything. She was one to just go for what she wanted, and right now, she wanted to talk to Shadow, tell him she was sorry for freaking out, and to ask him for forgiveness. Then maybe they could figure out what to do about their relationship.

Standing up, Rainbow nodded and gave Rarity a hug. “Thanks Rarity, see ya tomorrow!” With that, she ran off.

The seamstress smiled and stood with her head high. “Well, my job is done. Hope she can just let loose by tomorrow, because it’s about time he goes back. Now… Where did I put that ruby?”

Though in the sky, Rainbow was flying through the air, trying to get her bearings. She wanted to at least start the road to recovery, now that she knew what she wanted to do. Least then they could calmly figure things out on the train tomorrow. It wasn’t too hard to find Shadow, he was currently getting the needed things for the ride. It would be two days till they reached the Crystal Empire, he’d need his own supply of food. Landing by him, Rainbow smiled. “Heya, Shadow! Ponyville treating you kindly in the market?”

Holding a saddlebag with a lot of fruits and vegetables, Shadow was slightly indifferent. On one hand, he was fearful of what she might say, after the whole surprise and running away thing that really separated them for the last few days. The other, he wanted to talk to her, tell her what he knew in his heart he felt. So, he decided to just stay casual, though nervous as he was about the whole thing. “Yeah, I’m doing fine. Everypony here is letting me get what I need fairly easily, thanks to Twilight giving me the bits to do so. What brings you out and about?”

Rainbow didn’t want to just stand in the middle of the market doing this, so she just said it. “Well, just want to talk really. With you. Uhhh, maybe we can walk and talk, where too next?”

Shrugging a bit, the dark coated stallion started walking. “You tell me. I’m finished really, it’s not like I’ll be getting five days worth of food here. I’ll be getting back home when the portal opens in two days.”

Thinking as quick as she could, Rainbow lead the way. “Let’s go around and enjoy the day huh? Some place to put those bags for now.” As they started walking to where Shadow was staying, with Applejack as they had the room for him, the multi-colored mare took a deep breath. “Listen… I’m sorry I clammed up the other day. It was… Well, after nearly crashing, hurting my wing, and then hearing such a confession from you, I was so stunned I didn’t even know how to think. I mean, come on, I’m not exactly the lovey type you know? Kinda hard to process that… And I want you to know that, even if I am still confused about my own feelings for you, I don’t want our friendship to end on such a disaster.”

Hearing all that, Shadow smiled, and closed his eyes in relief. “Well, I know you enough to know better. I’m sorry I ran off like I did, but when there’s rainbows in my head like there was, kind of hard for me to be proper in my confession. Took me a day to sort my own feelings, but even if you turn out to reject my love, we will always be friends. That’s one thing I never want to lose. Though I do love you, and nothing is between my heart’s love and you.”

A confused look appeared on Rainbow’s face. “What’s that mean? I thought you already knew me and my human self were different and your crush for her was not affecting your feelings.”

As the two stopped, Shadow nodded. “That’s true. But there was something in my head, that vision… Was that vision making me feel closer to you? was something about it and my past causing me to see you differently? I had to be sure, because you deserve someone who will put all their attention on you, and who you truly are. After talking with Twilight, although she made little sense after awhile, I just forgot about it. We’ve had a month together, we’ve been getting along and having fun, no Blitz or vision caused that, just us and what we enjoy doing being the same.”

That made some sense to Rainbow, but she was wondering more on that. What did that vision mean, and what did Twilight find out? She’d have to ask at some point, but decided to let it go. “Well, regardless, I think we’ll be just fine.” After reaching the farm, Shadow packing, and the two talked and had dinner with the family, they walked out into the orchard. “So… Gonna come back right? When you’re not busy for a month?”

With a smile, Shadow nodded. “Sure thing. Summer is a good time to just hang out and have fun. Maybe I can participate in this Running of the Leaves race before going back to school.”

Thankful they were still going to see each other, Rainbow felt her heart swell. “I’d like that. Me and AJ always race through it, but after the first time we tried it we decided to just enjoy the race, not see who could win.”

Clicking with his own enjoyment of running, Shadow chuckled. “If you aren’t having fun, then what’s the point? If you enjoy it, then have fun with it, don’t just run for the winner’s circle. Though it never hurts to win, to be honest.”

Smirking at that, the mare nodded firmly. “Got that right.” It was still mid-day, but Rainbow knew it was time to go home. She’d been up and about for a long time, sleep didn’t come easily the night before. “Well, I’m gonna go take a nap, see ya tomorrow, ‘kay Shadow?”

Getting a bump from the stallion, Rainbow blushed as he smiled brightly. “No worries. See you at the station. Sleep well, ok Rainbow?”

Through her blush, the mare smiled and nodded again. No idea what had possessed her to do this, but on instinct and reflex alone, her heart pulled her ability to move and made her go in and kiss the dark coated pony right on the cheek, and shortly after her wings sprung open from such an action causing her heart to race, she flew off.

Speedily flying off, Rainbow almost lost it in her mind. “I kissed him!?!?! I kissed him!!!” It was an impulse action she never saw herself doing, but the more she thought about it the more she thought about it, the more her heart fluttered, and halfway home she was doing loops as she felt free, just amazing she did something. “Woohoo!”

Tackling her pillows, Rainbow nearly flew her bed through the clouds, but managed to spin on her back and just lay there holding a pillow she made for herself when, as she destroyed her other one just now. “That was Awesome! It felt so good too…. Ahhhh.” Smiling, the rainbow mane mare sighed in relief. “Maybe I can get one myself tomorrow.”

XxX A day later, on the train XxX

It wasn’t long now, they would arrive near nighttime. Shadow would spent the night and go in the morning back to his world. But something really felt off. For Shadow, he knew something was unsettled, there was something about this place, Equestria, that felt familiar. He didn’t want to admit it, but maybe he was a part of this world. But he still didn’t believe he was thousands of years old, technically anyway, or been through a war.

The others had come with him, Pinkie was just tossing around party favors for a ‘goodbye party’ with Rarity trying to keep things clean. Applejack was just resting with Twilight behind him, and Fluttershy was trying to figure out what to do as it was a very quiet ride.

Though for Rainbow, she was sitting by him, and it had been quite the journey with them. When they first got on the train, they had been talking about what to do when he visited again, as well as avoiding the kiss in any way possible. But just this morning, Rainbow awoke to them snuggled up against one another. She didn’t move, and neither did he as they enjoyed their time together. It was only when Pinkie had said something they shocked themselves up and away, and just let things be quiet between them, they both couldn’t find the words.

That was going to end, as Rainbow just shook herself from her stupor and took a deep breath before the plunge. Turning to Shadow, she smiled and wrapped a wing around him, pulling him close. “Buck this, I was happier like this than I was just a second ago.” Though a blush crept across her cheeks. “If, uh, you know. You don’t mind it that is.”

With his own blushing and awkwardly embarrassed feelings, he was unsure what to say, but he did know he enjoyed her company. Deciding to just go with it, and enjoying it himself more than just sitting there uncomfortably. “Sure. I agree actually.”

After a minute they calmed down, and were actually smiling. Rainbow felt accomplishment and was cheering herself on now, she was making things better just by being herself, and what herself wanted was a kiss. Though the topic was pretty quiet since they had that moment, she was anxious for one herself. “You know… I kissed you yesterday… Though I didn’t think about it, the more I do now the more I.,.. would actually like to kiss again. If that’s ok?”

Shadow was feeling a little more confident now, after a good while of just laying with Rainbow like he was. He had thought of the kiss since she had given him one, and he almost couldn’t sleep with how much he wanted to return the gesture. So instead of just asking, since she just asked herself, the dark coated stallion kissed her cheek, smiling as he snuggled up to her more. “Gladly.”

Rainbow blushed heavily, and her other wing just popped from her back. Settling down, she smiled and nuzzled into his chest, rubbing her head under his. Kissing her head, Shadow wrapped a hoof around her back, careful of her wings, and felt at ease.

The two stayed like that for the entire day, it was getting close to the Kingdom now, and they would have to separate and start walking to the castle. Lifting her head, Rainbow looked into her stallions eyes, and with his eyes delving into hers, the two felt that spark, and each drew closer. Their lips connected, and with a deep heartfelt bond their kiss grew in passion from start to abrupt finish, right as the whistle blew, causing them to separate and look around. The conductor spoke through the magically connected speakers. “All aboard, last stop! Crystal Kingdom. Gather your luggage and be ready to step out. Thank you.

Though Rainbow was saddened, she was given another kiss on the cheek by Shadow, who smiled and nudged her. “Don’t worry, I’m still here in Equestria for the next twelve hours. I don’t go till morning you know.”

Smiling, they both got up and got ready with the rest of their friends. As they made it to the castle, they were given their rooms and free reign by Cadence and Shining Armor personally. Though Cadence was smirking and looking at the dark coated stallion and the rainbow mane mare, a glint in her eye. Though she never said anything, Shadow remembered what she said to him in Ponyville when she visited. Turns out she was right.

The morning after, the whole group went to the portal room, where the mirror sat. As Shadow looked at it, he was feeling more familiarity, as if he seen it before, even though technically he never did since coming here. But before they could say their goodbye’s, the door burst open with a bunch of party favors and the doors themselves changing into the one who had entered, a long bodied draconequus. “Well good MORNING everypony! I gotta say, this is one hell of a shindig, a private party without me? Oh the SHAME!”

Though as he noticed Shadow, he floated over to him inquisitively. “Hmm… And who might this be?” Shadow was quite confused and flabbergasted by the entire thing. “Uhhh… Shadow. Shadow Step.”

Becoming a magnifying glass with an eye for a lens, the jokester inspected him before suddenly turning back and grabbing the stallion. “OH! That’s right, I know YOU. My, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Thousands of years if I recall!”

Everyone’s thoughts were the same. “Wait, what?” Though before anyone could ask, they were interrupted yet again. “That’s quite enough, Discord. We’ll get to that after everyone has met.”

Discord snapped his fingers, letting Shadow down, and was bowing at the door. “Oh, forgive me. I was supposed to be the entourage. May I welcome Princess Celestia, and her sister Princess Luna.”

Didn’t take long for them to come in, they already were before he even spoke. Celestia towered over them all pretty much, which nearly intimidated Shadow to see her like this. “Uh… Hello, Princess.” Before he could bow, like the rest were doing, she held his chin. “AH, no need. It’s alright everypony, It’s a social visit.”

Twilight looked to her mentor. “Sorry, we weren’t expecting you. What brings you here Princess?”

Smiling, and letting her sister join her side, Celestia looked to Shadow. “We’re here for Shadow. We knew of him coming to Equestria from Cadence here, and we thought to see him off. Though, I suspect Luna has other ideas… Is he the one?”

Luna was blank, eyes wide, since she laid eyes on Shadow. After the question, all she could do was tear up and walk slowly to him. “Yes… Shadow… My son.” That had everyone balking and looking at them like they grew several heads.

Discord hummed at that. however. “So you took them in as your children when you beat me? Quite the paragon of care you are, considering what you became a thousand years ago. Oh well.”

However, Shadow was surprised, but also curious. “I mean… Luna, the one from the human world, took me as her child since I could remember, but… how are YOU my mother?”

Wiping her tears away, Luna looked to her sister. “May I?” Getting a nod, Luna smiled. “I raised you since you were just a small colt. My son, the Crystal Empire, and that fool Sombra, took away our time together, and your memories. But that doesn’t change the past. You are my son, no matter what tore us apart.”

With a big shake of her head, Rainbow wanted answers. “Alright, can someone stop speaking in riddles! How is Shadow born here?”

Floating above them and listening, Discord smirked. “Oh, technically he wasn’t…. Though I suppose you could say I made him into the pony he is today. GO on Luna… Tell them everything.”

Luna cleared her throat, glaring at the draconequus. Seeing everypony around her staring, she prepared herself. She knew this would be a rather lengthy history lesson. “It all started during the Age of Discord…”