• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,788 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

  • ...

You Can't Run From Double Rainbow's

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas (or in MLP holidays Hearths Warming) and blessed be to everyone. I hope you all enjoy this christmas update, I put alot of time effort and love into making it right, and I hope I did so. I hope this helps answer some things, put to bed a few nay-sayer comments, and overall you have an enjoyable time to relax and read during the holidays.

Sighing heavily, with regret, Shadow Step walked up to his visitors. Took a week before they could come along, but he understood why. With a deep bow, which he still felt was weird, he respected the two in front of him. Those he ran from when he first woke up in Equestria itself. Princess Cadence and Prince Armor.

Cadence giggled into her hoof a bit, before patting his head. “That's alright, My Little Pony. You need not bow to me.”

Rising up and rubbing his fore-hoof he spoke nervously. “I did run away, and cause a ruckus. I am sorry I just panicked.”

Shining smiled as he stepped up. “It's fine. It's not like there was any harm done. Though, I will admit...” Frowning a bit, Shining thought back to the speed. “That whole thing about running fast, that weird magic Twilight told us about, it is a cause for concern. Especially if there's any real hostilities ready to come through.”

Shadow blinked a bit. Shaking his head he started explaining how he got there. Twilight was with them, as well as Rarity, who he had met a couple days prior. Gasping in shock at the treatment he endured she looked over to Cadence. “That's just horrid! To be jumped by some common thugs? Left to rot? Why, I never heard of such vulgar behavior over a competition! Sure, Rainbow and Applejack were highly competitive, but never hostile enough to hurt each other!”

Smiling at her, Shadow nodded his thanks for her concern. Frowning and looking down he started rubbing the floor in a weird way to them. “Well, it's the biggest event in the school... The Winner gets to choose a charity to give the money from the audience admissions to. Though, most only see it as a race to see who's the best, thanks to the second top prize. Winner also gets to make one request from anyone in the school, and is qualified for the inter-school marathon. Some are racing in hopes of woo-ing people they love, others, like Jagged, are doing it for the glory.”

Cadence giggled at that. “Well, that is somewhat romantic. Racing for the one you care for, hoping to win their hearts. Though...” with a pursing frown she looked to nowhere, kind of wondering about that rule. “The fact that they get to order their love for a date is despicable. Love cannot be forced, it has to be earned.”

Shadow smiled a bit, chuckling. “Well, I didn't say demand did I? I said request. The request, if it's something the other doesn't want to do at all, can be declined. Principal Celestia wouldn't force anyone to do anything over this.”

After some lunch and Cadence finding out more about Shadow, having asked about if he himself had someone special to his heart, they started to leave. As they got in the Chariot, Cadence turned and spoke softly, with a small glint in her eyes. “Oh, by the way. When you told me you don't have a special somepony, you weren't lying... But you did try and hide the fact you wanted one. Good luck.” With that, she got in and the Chariot left.

To say Shadow was stunned was to begin the matter. Saying he was nervous about that glare however was to get to the point. What did she have planned? If he didn't know better, he could have sworn she knew exactly his hearts desire.

Though that was going to be the least of his worries. He had met nearly the entirety of the six friends in his world in this one. The only ones he had not seen were Sunset, who was already from this world, Pinkie Pie, and he hoped not to have her pop up next to him, and Rainbow Dash. He was thankful for that one.

Shadow just didn't know how he could handle the cyan girl... er- mare? He still didn't completely understand mannerisms here. It was getting around dinner time when he was walking in town. Thankfully he was given a thumbs up to at least walk around town, even though his leg was hardly fully healed. After the punishment of a days run at high speed, the doctors here had even asked in shock at how he was even capable of standing.

Without knowing what to get, he just opted for some tea with apples. Seeing as there were no intricate food groups here like in his world. As he was finishing up, he was looking up at the weather teams. He still couldn't believe it, Ponies with wings controlling the weather here.

Shadow was about to head back when he seen a familiar multicolored tail race across the sky, Cyan leading the way. His brain spinning with gears on the connections he was making with everyone else from who he knew back in his world, and only one met this connection. With little thought, he raced into a dark alley and hid as he watched the cyan mare fly around managing the weather.

As Shadow watched, a bright pink came up behind him and shouted. "HEYA! How ya doin' silly billy?" Now, normal reaction to a bight pink pony with gravity defying hair, and a tendency to be everywhere at any given time with a very loud and excited greeting, would grant the recipient of such with a high jump to the nearest ceiling-like object, most notably a fan, and grabbing on to it for dear life from a scare so powerful it was as if you had ran a marathon.

To the dark coat-ed pony with the wobbly leg, he was so used to it by now it was normal behavior from one known as Pinkie Pie. Not taking his eyes off the pony in the air he talked back. "Hiding, Pinkie."

Though, the only Pinkie he had ever known was the one in the human world, so when the sight of the spectral-mane vanished, the wheels in his brain registered that there was Pinkie Pie right behind him.. in the pony worl-”WHAT!” With that, he launched into the sky and grabbed hold of a ceiling fan.

Looking down he seen Pinkie waving a hoof. “How are YOU here!” Then it hit him what he was holding. He looked to see the ceiling fan... outdoors...

Pinkie rubbed her head a little, confused. “I thought I came from my mom and pop, but then again I don't really know- *GASP*- I so TOTALLY know, I've been blind this whole time! I have to be... MY FATHER! AHHHHH- just kidding! Hehehe!”

Long forgetting the ceiling fan, of which he found out it was part of the next-door 'Interior Superior Lawn and Home Cosmetics' he jumped back down and, seeing as he was still not totally used to hooves, fell flat face first into the dirt and rolled on his back to prevent leg damage. Pinkie was smiling above him, as usual, pretty darn close to him. “So, what's your name?”

Shadow groaned as he got up on his hooves and shook his head clear. After a second of getting his thoughts in order he realized the question. “Me? Shadow Step. I'm new in tow-” “*GASP* You're name is Shadow Step, the pony that has won the last dozen track records of Canterlot High in the human world on the other side of the mirror in the Crystal Empire, and you came running here when you thought Cadence would kidnap you, as IF, and ran through the frozen tundra, up a mountain, away from a VERY angry Dragon, bad Mushu I need to tell Fluttershy he's acting up, but then you got into the Everfree forest, with all sorts of monsters and timberwolves, and were-bears OH MY! Before finally getting help from Applejack all in one DAY, and using that weird earthy magic you have that not even YOU know about! Now your stuck here till the month is over and the portal opens again, and all you have to do is walking around Ponyville in grief over being missing from the other world, which is so sad.... *GASP* I KNOW! I'LL THROW YOU A PARTY! I'll make sure Rainbow gets an invite, toot sweet!” And she's off!... Before stopping and looking confused. “Should I ask Toot Sweet for the Berry Cake Surprise, or the Surprise Berry Blast? OH That's right, their the same thing! Silly me! See ya Shadow!” And pop, she's gone in a flash.

Shadow just stood there, his jaw on the floor. “How in the world did she.... Oh wait.. Right, it's PINKIE PIE! How can this one be even MORE of a sugar rush than the one in my world? AND HOW DID SHE VANISH LIKE SHE WAS A POPPED BALOON!

After about a good ten minutes, he just nickered and groaned out in frustration. “Standard procedure? Yes please. 'Just Pinkie being Pinkie!' yes indeed.” Blinking at that he chuckled nervously. “Talking to myself after that is kind of weird...” “Yeah no kidding!”

He was ok with Pinkie Pie doing it, heck he was used to it enough, but when calming down from a Pinkie surprise, you don't except a second one so soon, so when there was another person behind you when you didn't know it, that's the kind of thing that warrants- “WHAT THE BUCK!” and springing back up to the light fixture.

Looking at the one who scared him he seen the Cyan mare in question that held his attention when Pinkie Pie shown up just moments ago, rainbow mane and everything. She was laughing as she was hovering mid-air, her wings flapping strongly. “HAHA! You have to see your face, it's priceless!”

With Pinkie, he would relax as she went on a tangent enough to form thought and retort, but with THIS mare, he was quite certain he would be tongue-tied. “R-Rainbow Dash?”

Stopping her hectic laughter she flew up and presented herself proudly. “The one and only! What, you hear about me from one of the many tabloids covering my great skills as Equestria's greatest flier?”

Shadow's mind was blown away because, even though the goal of this Rainbow was flying, and this Rainbow was a pony, she looked, acted, and was as proud as the one in his world. “Uh... No? I just.. Know you from some mutual friends.”

Rainbow deflated for a moment. “Seriously, no tabloids covering this much awesome? How lame!” Then she heard the mutual friends part. “OH! Right, you were talking with Pinkie Pie! Though I have never actually seen YOU around here.... Uh, you do realize your still hanging upside down in the air right?”

Shadow blinked at that and looked to the fan he was clinging to and blushed. He chuckled weakly and nervously. “Yeah.. Uh... Meet you on the ground!” He let go and for some reason his magic activated again. This caused him to tense up for a moment before letting his body flow, reaching for each mark on the walls, kicking off one by one till he got close to the ground and landed gracefully.

Rainbow landed in front of him, and she looked quite impressed. “WHOA! Now that's some slick moving there! Where in the hay did you learn something like that? I didn't know Earth ponies could do that!... Well, except Pinkie Pie, but that's a whole 'nother matter.”

Still quite nervous talking to Rainbow he rubbed his fore-hoof. “Well, it's not something you learn... I'm more a runner, not a jumper.”

Rainbow chuckled at that, blowing it off. “Still, what you just did was awesome! Too bad I'm more of a flier, or I'd ask for some tips. So, what's your name? You're new in town, I know that, EVERYONE new gets a party.”

Thinking back, that was one of many things from his worlds Pinkie Pie. "Always throwing parties to everyone, even new students." “Well... uh, my name is... Shadow Step, and I-”

He was cut off from just his name, as Rainbow clicked two and two together. “Wait, whoa whoa whoa. Now THAT is weird. I KNOW you, Fluttershy said you've been at the Apple Family Farm healing your leg up from some kind of terrible ordeal. Now, normally, this would not be so freaky, but how in Equestria didn't Pinkie Pie know you were here! Usually she's at the gate for any new pony right as they arrive! Nothing slips under her radar.”

Shadow could feel the curiosity that Rainbow had for this. It was true, he wondered where the spontaneous pink party planner had been for the last few days. Usually, she was on top of anything. Which was all the more surprise when she finally did show up. He figured she wasn't here till that point. “Good question, but, I have no answer... All I know is that, I guess I was too fast for her.”

Rainbow looked at him with a face of no amusement whatsoever. “Seriously? She's able to keep up with me, Celestia forbid I try to get away from her from time to time only to have her BEAT me somewhere, but how in the hay can YOU, as an Earth pony, outrun her, when I, as a Pegasus, can't even do it.”

Shadow was feeling the pressure. Sure, he could come out and say it, but Twilight forbade any kind of public talks about it, to keep collateral panic of another world at a minimum. Smiling nervously, but trying to act all proud of himself, which was hard when he knew he wasn't really anything special, he tried to get out of this situation. “Must have been luck then, I did have to come through the Everfree to get to Ponyville in a timely manner.” There, not a lie, just not all the information.

Getting a look of no amusement was already pressure enough, now she looked even LESS amused. “Nah, She's be on you quicker than Fluttershy can hide from her shadow. She knows what's going on at what time wherever it may be. So there is something you aren't telling me here. Now spill.”

Well, he tried. Shadow truly tried, but he had two options, to run off to Twilight, whom he hoped he could find, or maybe actually tell her. Option two might make things worse, considering it was basically what he just said with more details.

The first option sounded good though... He sighed and looked to her, giving up. “Sorry Rainbow, but I have to keep quiet. After someone broke my leg, me waking up in the Crystal Empire, and getting to Ponyville in a single day, I can't just think of why Pinkie would have missed me coming into town other than me being too fast or too lucky. And who knows what she has planned for my party that has her wanting to invite you above all else, it's almost as bad as Cadence finding out my love for-” And with that, he finally understood what it felt to have a hoof in his mouth, his own that is.

Staring at Rainbow, who's eyes went wide, he could tell the gears were turning. He had just goofed up bad, practically shouting it to the heavens the entire ordeal, even the secrets in his heart. Now he had to explain what he meant by it all, and knowing Rainbow at all, he knew he couldn't get out of holding back information. Maybe he didn't have to, because he saw the marks again, and after this whole foal up he WANTED to run. No time like the present. “See ya Rainbow!”

Before the spectrum mane-d mare could even blink, Shadow was off in a dead sprint away from her, and normally she'd snap out of her stupor and catch the pony running in an instant. But seeing him already disappearing beyond the horizon with the small dust clouds from his running that vanished quick anyway were still up for a moment or two, had her jaw set on the floor in shock.

Rainbow was still gaping at the fact he was so fast as an Earth Pony. “Huh-wha-who? He's even faster than I am running, and I'm as fast as AJ on hoof!” Shaking herself out of her stupor she flexed her wings up. “But I'm even faster flying!” She took off and sped up to catch him, easily putting on the speed to do so.

Funny thing was, she didn't have to travel far, as he had gotten to Twilight's home, the lone library of town. But what made her stop was the fact he wasn't at the door, but on the ground. Flying down she seen him holding his back leg, and seeing it closer when she landed she noticed it was swollen. “What the hay, Shadow, you run on THAT? You ok there?”

Shadow was numb, his leg felt like it was dipped in lava and being pulled on so hard it was coming off. Hissing he looked ahead to the library, and the marks leading there. This time, it seemed, he couldn't follow them anymore, his leg just hurt too bad to move.

Seeing him in such a pained state, Rainbow slid in beside him, lifting the legs facing the sky up around her and tugging him hard up on her back, sliding her wing up under him and rolling him up before standing up tall. “Come on, let's get you to the clinic or something. That leg can't be feeling good.”

Shadow shook his head, blushing at the fact his crush, or the pony version of her, was under him, carrying him when he was down. It reminded him much of when they met... Shaking his head harder he looked to the Library. “What is this? A Library in a tree?”

Rainbow scoffed in amusement and turned to face it herself. “Yeah, it's a Library. One of my best friends lives there too, an egghead of a friend though. Why, didn't you already know? You DID head here, ya know.”

Thinking carefully, Shadow wondered who would like in a tree, but also figured it was best to have Rainbow know. She was the only one who didn't, it seemed. “Well, can we go see them? Remember when I said I can't tell you? Not in public? Twilight Sparkle kind of told me not to in case I cause a panic... If you want answers, she's the one to ask.”

Rainbow blinked and looked to him, then the Library, then to him again before she connected the dots that Shadow didn't even know about. “OH! No wonder you were running here! Let's go see her then. You are still going to the doctors though, that leg doesn't seem in good shape.”

Smiling sheepishly, he just relaxed and let her carry him. Blushing, he kept thinking back to a few years ago, when he had met the human version... It was kind of like this, except this time is was him as a pony, and he was avoiding the doctors clinic.

They went into the Library and Shadow seen clearly it was a very spacious one, and homey as well. Rainbow took a deep breath. “HEY! Twilight, got a mutual friend here for you to see! And you have got some explaining to do, keeping a new pony in town from me and Pinkie!”

Though the one who came down wasn't Twilight, but her little dragon friend Spike. He hopped on the railing and looked to see them. “AH! Rainbow, good to see ya. Hows that new move coming?”

Rainbow glowed at that, puffing her chest out proudly. “Amazing as always, just a few tweaks here and there, and it will be a sure win into the Wonderbolts Reserve.”

Shadow looked to the little purple assistant. “Is Twilight around?”

Spike frowned, humming in thought before sliding down the railing and hoping off next to them. “Well, strange thing is, Twilight and Pinkie just left a minute ago. Something about a party for a new pony in town. Guess that means you got found out dude.”

Slumping his head, Shadow groaned. “I'd rather not talk about it... Pinkie got it all in one without me even saying anything. I say my name, and suddenly she knows how I got here and everything. She even knows about my sprinting reputation!”

Exchanging looks between them, Shadow knew this was plain practice for them too, as they shrugged. Shadow sighed and looked blankly at them. “Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie then?” With a resounding echo from the two of them, it made him smile.

Rainbow sighed and turned to him though. “Twilight's off doing something, and you need your leg looked at. No more stalling, you are going to the clinic.”

Spike was instantly on this. “I wouldn't do that. They can't help. We've tried to ask them, but he just needs to keep any strenuous activity to a minimum. Wait, why is he even on your back?” Looking at Shadow, he glared. “Did you do that weird running thing again?” Getting a nod from Shadow, and a confused look from Rainbow, he slapped his face. “Great Celestia, you are dumb. Ok, just drop him on a cushion, I'll get the potion.”

That got Shadow's attention. “Wait, potion?”

Spike turned to him. “Yeah, Zecora came into town this morning, she brought some herbal books and remedies on natural healing for broken bones, even left some ingredients. Twilight was making a few batches in case you did anything stupid like that weird magic you do.”

Spike went to get the potion, so Rainbow went and laid Shadow on the cushions before hearing the door close upstairs and looked curiously at the new arrival. “Weird Magic? How is running weird magic? Better yet, how the hay can you even RUN that fast? You bolted faster than even Applejack can run, and she could keep up with me hoof on hoof racing! I should know, me and her raced a couple Running of the Leaves!”

Shadow didn't know anything about that, but he sighed, laying so his leg was free of any weight. “Well, seeing as Twilight isn't here, and it's in a place I can't cause panic, I'll try to explain.” Calming himself down he took a deep breath and began.

XxX An Hour of Embarrassed Explanation Later XxX

Rainbow had sat on her haunches form the first few sentences, both confused and shocked, as well as flabbergasted at all this. It only grew to her brain hurting, her jaw wide open, and doubting any and all information given. When he was done, she managed to close her mouth and rose her head, trying to figure out how to respond to all that.

Thinking on everything, it made some kind of sense he was a part of that other world, how else would he know Sunset Shimmer? But everything else, about him running so fast from the Crystal Empire to Ponyville was pretty unbelievable... If she hadn't already seen his speed. “So.. Wait.... How....” Rubbing her head furiously she stood back up, shaking her head clear and looking shocked, still unable to take it all in. “This is WAY too much information for one sitting. How can you even have natural magic here when you were from the other world?”

“That was Applejack's question, too.”

Turning from Shadow, who looked behind her, they both saw Twilight coming in and smiling. “Well, looks like you two have met. Sorry, been here since the middle of your little explanation there.” Coming up to him and looking at the leg, she hummed. “Guess you might not make it to the party. Pinkie wanted you to attend as a welcome to town thing, it's tomorrow.”

Shadow smiled at that, but sighed. “Tell her I'm sorry? I overdid it with wall jumping and running.”

Twilight looked confused by that. “Wall jumping?”

Rainbow remembered that and smiled brightly. “Yeah, that was TOTALLY AWESOME! He just went, clack, clack, clack, off the walls of the alley he was in from having been holding onto the ceiling fan from the home furnishing place after I gave him a surprise, and it was so cool!”

With a nervous chuckle, Shadow just looked to Twilight. “Well, I seen the marks, and last time I let go of the fan I fell on my back pretty hard. Pinkie surprised me first, then Rainbow. Pinkie asked who I was, I told her my name, and out of nowhere she knew everything about me.”

Twilight giggled, smiling at that. “Well, I think if you and the other Pinkie are any kind of friends, which I’d think you are, then you know the standard procedure. Trust me, the Pinkie from the Human world did the same to me.”

Rainbow turned to Shadow though, after the confirmation on his story, and the fact he was a fellow athlete, she just HAD to know more. “What kind of sports do I play? OH! Do I still have the need for speed?”

Shadow smiled at that, and Twilight rolled her eyes as she went to process the new letters she got. “Yeah, you do. In fact, you inspire many for track. I don't play many sports, just the ones where running is key. I don't think you have some of those here, so it would be hard to explain.”

Rainbow nickered and looked slyly at him. “Hey, I'm the Iron Pony here, whatever it is, I can get a sport down pat in ten seconds flat!”

Chuckling at that, Shadow felt comfortable talking to Rainbow Dash, the one here anyway. “Maybe when I'm not critically injured, I can teach a couple. Be warned, I'm pretty fast myself.”

Rainbow had a question about him and his speed. “That reminds me. What got you to be a speedster? I mean in the other world. Sure, here, you are fast and have that magic stuff, but what about over there?”

Blushing, Shadow looked away at this. “It's kind of embarrassing. Considering who it was who inspired me.”

Rainbow was confused by that, but then something hit her and she smirked, pride and smug mixed with a teasing glare. “Oh, so it was me, huh? I AM pretty awesome.” Though he didn't answer her, and she was quite curious. “But seriously, how did the other me inspire you to be a speedster?”

Shadow took a deep breath, trying to look anywhere but Rainbow. “It was a couple years ago. I was being bullied because I was new to school, but nothing major like with Jagged. One day I was to pick a curriculum, something to be good at. The next day, I thought I would just watch everyone already in a club and practice alone.”

Looking down sadly he looked to his front hooves. “Seeing as I was never really strong, I had to go with something easy. I thought gymnastics, and when I was practicing, I got teased relentlessly, because it was more the girl sport. Because I even tried out, the bullying got worse. I started having to watch out for myself. I started running away from them.”

Smiling a little he looked up to Rainbow. “Imagine my surprise when I could outrun some of them. Given, most of them were muscle-heads. But still.” Looking sad again he sighed. “Then, one muscle-head, who was part of a running sport himself, the long jump and hurdles, caught me. Jagged was the one who caught me. He let everyone else take turns picking on me, tearing up my school books, all my hard work, and even shoved me around. One of them kicked me in the back of the knee and it got sprained from the impact from the foot, as well as the floor. Couldn't walk till the next day.”

Looking back to Rainbow he gave a warm smile. “Then, just as it was about to get worse, you came along. Well, you know what I mean, the OTHER you. She defended me, and got my stuff back. Didn't take long for them to get away, she was the one who lead all their teams. Next week she had them all benched or thrown off for roughing up another student. But when she saved me, she told me that she saw how I could run. Suggested I try Track, she needed more people who could run as fast as she could.”

Rainbow was stunned by all this. But was glad she, or her other self, could help him out. She would never let bullies get the upper hand. Shadow continued though on his story. “You told me that I should keep practicing, get faster, better. And you would help me. SHE would, sorry. It's hard to tell you that another you is doing all this. But she told me she would help, and she carried me to the clinic in the school to rest my leg.” He blushed as he remembered that, as well as this Rainbow carrying him too. “And that's how I got into running. Having someone save you inspires you.”

Rainbow blushed heavily at this, but smiled and puffed her chest proudly. “Well, guess Awesome doesn't get restricted to one dimension. Still, I figured you'd have been interested in running since you were a kid. You know, some big name hero or talented older pony who had some good stories to tell.”

Shadow blinked at that and looked away sadly. Rainbow caught on. “What's up? Not have much a Foalhood?”

Shadow shook his head, understanding what she meant even though he was still not used to such speak. He looked up out the window, seeing the stars since it was starting to be around sunset. “I don't know anything about my childhood. The last thing I remember was waking up to see Vice-Principal Luna taking care of me, and I was in pain. Anything before that, which happened a few years ago, is blank. I don't know anything about my parents, about who I was, what age I was, just that I was Shadow Step.”

Rainbow cringed at that. Hearing him say he had Amnesia of his whole life up to a few years ago was shocking, but she felt bad making him remember that. Putting a hoof on his, she smiled, trying to get him to forget about it. “It's alright. You are you, here and now. Sure, this whole different dimension thing is going on, but don't you worry, things will be a-OK. Just look to the future.”

Shadow smiled at that, but was blushing and very tense from the touch. He may have tasted his own hoof, which wasn't disgusting since it was walking on dirt, but the touch of one wasn't hard like he imagined. It was a soft hoof touching his and he was trying NOT to suddenly take it away, because he liked it as well as the fact he didn't want to worry Rainbow.

Rainbow smirked though as she thought to earlier. “Pinkie Pie's party is tomorrow, so look forward to that. Cause her parties are ALWAYS a blast. But you probably already knew that. So, enough about the other world, let me tell you about THIS one.” And with that, she went to tell him all the cool things she's done, wants to do, and more.

For his part, Shadow only listened, enjoying talking to Rainbow. He would never really approach the one in his world, he was way too shy for that, and she was always busy when he was free to talk. Now, he couldn't exactly run away in shyness, and this one wanted to talk to him, she had free time.

Inwardly sighing, Shadow was enjoying his time here. Sure, the ordeal on his first day on this side was scary, and he had been cooped up in the apple farm for awhile, but it was peaceful here, it was nice. Something in his heart told him this all felt right, and he hoped to enjoy every second he was here in Equestria, even if he had to go back to the other side.