• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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The Trial of Day

Over the course of the next few days Anon healed incredibly fast. His newfound life magic was incredibly potent, so much so it manifested without his will. He'd often find plants growing from whatever he touched. He was even starting to be able to make living creatures, however briefly it was. All the while he kept Excalibur close to him. Or, rather, Excalibur kept close to him. It was more than just a sword. He could sense something inside it, like a soul. He swore every now and again he could hear faint whispers echoing from the blade, though he couldn't make out what it was saying. The moment he tried to listen closely it would stop. Thankfully they managed to keep the whole thing quiet. God knows the uproar that would happen should the magic community find out of his newfound treasure.

He spent the bulk of his time with Rarity preparing for the first trial without much contact with the outside. What made it worse was the fact that Rarity wasn't much of a conversationalist. Truth be told he was going a bit stir crazy from it all. It felt like an eternity to finally get to the end. The first trial. On the last day of preparation Rarity addressed him seriously.

"There are some things you need to keep in mind before we start tomorrow: The first being is you need to keep your sense of self. You don't happen to have an object you're strongly attached to do you?"

Anon thought for a moment, though he already knew the perfect object. Something that was never far from his person at any given time.

"Yes I do."

"Good. Might I take a look at it?"

Anon looked down a bit. He was always reluctant to reveal elements of his past to the mages. He didn't know why. Something about it always felt foreign and uncomfortable. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a hexagonal locket. It was made of a glass the reflected brilliantly in the sunlight. Inside was the picture of his mother, his original mother. Not the thing that occupied his house now. He cautiously handed it to Rarity. The colors of the rainbow danced across her face.

"It's beautiful." Rarity said in awe "And they say magic doesn't exist in the mortal world."

Rarity took out her wand and gently tapped it once.

"What did you do to it?"

"I just put a slight amount of mana inside it. Should Clover's personality and memories overwhelm you, the magic of this locket should be enough to remind you of who you are. Now onto the second piece: Whatever you do, you must, and I mean must, remain in a lying position. Do not stand up or sit."

"Why not?"

"The pressure difference will cause your body, at worst, to exploded and at best to be horribly mutilated."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. Meet me here tomorrow at the same time. I'll stay behind to make some preparations for the ritual."

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

Anon lifted himself out of the wheel chair with ease, taking the locket back and walked out of the room and back into his own room. There, his friends were waiting for him. It was a relief to see them all after spending so long cooped up. Coloratura sat playing a strange looking flute covered in tiny fissures while Trixie sat pouring over a book the seemed to have completely blank pages.


Sunset ran up and hugged him

"It feels like we've hardly seen each other in months."

"It has-"

Anon stopped mid sentence, realizing his very touch was causing more plant life to emerge from Sunset's robes.

"You don't even need a wand to tap into your mana. It's nothing short of incredible."

"It is. My body is full of life. It's difficult to control."

Sunset locked her arm with his

"What say we go out and relax a bit? Everything has been so turbulent lately. We need to relax a while."

"Sure thing. Where are Lyra and Bonbon by the way? I haven't seen them since I retrieved Excalibur."

"Both went on vacation for a week." Coloratura said "Apparently they needed a break from all this."

"I don't blame them."

All of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door. Without so much as any of them moving, the door opened and a very gruff looking old man in a wheel chair entered. He had a long red beard with various metal rings woven in and was missing his right eye. He wore what looked to be animal skins and a metal hat with horns, much like a stereotypical viking. Behind him were two large black cloaked students

"Greetings. This is the room currently occupied by Anon E. Mouse correct?" he said in a grizzly voice "My name is Ruftherford, current head of the Rutherford family and master of survival magic, I am also head professor for those wishing to specialize in monster hunting."

"A pleasure I suppose."

"Rom wishes to have a word with you. A new development has taken place that you must be aware of."

"May I attend?" Sunset asked

"No, you may not."

"I won't go unless Sunset can attend."

Ruftherford laughed a deep chested laughed

"I always forget you're mortal born. I respect your courage, or blind stupidity. Fine, bring the girl along."

The two followed him down the hall. Once out of the room he tapped his staff twice and just like that, they were back in Rom's office.

"Greetings, Anon." he said "It has been some time."

Even after all this time, he couldn't get used to that ugly spider staring at him. All he wanted to do was close his eyes.

"It has been. What is this development?"

Sunset sneakily grasped his hand, he returned the gesture.

"We've figured out Nightmare Moon's ultimate goal. Or rather the steps to it. One of the first steps seems to be the reawakening of the Great Laylines. Do you know what those are?"

"I'm afraid I don't."

"Back in Clover's time, Laylines were great sources of power. They are connected to the greater magic. In order to separate our world from that of the mortals, we had to seal them. If she were to awaken them again, the world of magic and mortals would become one once again."

"Why would she want to do that?"

"Unfortunately we don't know. But we do know how we can stop her: in order to reawaken the Laylines, she'll need the four Great Catalysts. These are stones that act as flint for ignition. Without them, they will remain sealed. Except for the Southern Layline which as already been reactivated."

"Can we destroy them?"

"Not possible. Even if we could I'd not advise it. Who knows the consequences that would have? Anyway, all we have to do is keep them out of her hands. Luckily enough we already have one here, the Great Western Catalyst. However that leaves two others out of our hands. One belongs to our sister school, which, although home to many great mages, is significantly smaller. The final one is the one I am most concerned about. The Great Norther Catalyst lines, as one might expect, in the north."

Rom got up and tapped a crystal ball. Light poured from it showing a very detailed map. Anon looked at it in awe. Sunset giggled.

"That's right. You've never seen the mage world have you?" She asked

"I always thought it was a collection of small pocket dimensions."

"So this brings me to the most important point," Rom continued "Our best chance to defeat Nightmare Moon is now. She has yet to achieve full power and we know exactly where she'll be heading. In a week's time she will be traveling to the Great Northern Layline. If we can stop her there, we may just be able to defeat her for good, especially now that you've learned Life Magic."

Rom got up and stood tall. As tall as a disgusting spider could anyway.

"Our plan is as follows: In a few days we will take an express to the North. Rutherford, Sunset, myself and whoever else you feel is strong enough that you can trust can accompany us. Anon, your number one priority is to master Life Magic is much as you're able. This is the chance we've been waiting for everyone. Do not let me down."

Wallflower walked down the prison hall. This was it. The end was coming. And all without her being able to access the crest memories. Since she had not relinquished it voluntarily, her life was now forfeit and her crest the kings property. A knight led her to the executioners chamber. There, Tirek and his children watched. All except for Valencia. Was she really being genuine with that offer after all? It was too late to tell now.

Wallflower was placed on a stone chair. For centuries this chair had been used for executions of some of the most powerful and threatening mages to ever exist. Serial killers, high ranking dissidents, traitors. And now her. She felt honored in a way, someone so unimportant and unproven as herself sitting in a chair were people the importance of Clover the Clever sat. A knight took position beside the chair.

"Wallflower Blush, you have committed high treason by harboring the crest of your equally treasonous father. You were given a week to relinquish the crest voluntarily and be spared your life, yet you have refused. For your crimes against the crown, you have been sentenced to death and your crest taken into custody of the king. Do you have any last words?"

Wallflower took a deep breath

"Whatever my father had planned will work. We will win. We will take you and Nightmare Moon down. Enjoy this rein while you have it Tirek. Your days are numbered."

"We shall now commence with the ceremony."

The knight took a glowing metal beaker with an IV sticking out of the top. He entered the IV into her hand where the magic crest would be.

"Removing the crest for storage."

In a puff of smoke her crest was dragged through the IV and into the beaker. It sat floating in the empty space, perfectly preserved. The knight then took out his wand.

"And now, the execution shall be carried out."

The knight put the wand to Wallflowers heart. She closed her eyes. Her one regret was not learning her father's plan for all of this. In another puff of smoke her life was taken.

The next morning Anon woke up with Sunset sleeping in bed beside him. He felt unimaginable bliss. He slowly got out of bed and gave Sunset a kiss on her forehead. She couldn't help but giggle.

"I didn't realize you were up."

"I wanted to join you up there. I know the first trial is today."

"She's probably not going to allow you in, you know."

"I know. But I can just sit outside the door."

Sunset got up as well, poofing into a new robe.

"Tonight we absolutely must go on a date. I'll have no more distractions."

"I'd like that a lot."

"You need your practice too. It's only a week away from the Great Moon Ball."

As excited as he was for it, hearing that made his stomach tighten. It was also only a week before Nightmare Moon achieved her full power. He still had yet to even come close to her at her weakest, much less her peak.

"I can't wait. I'll even be able to see your house. I imagine it's grand."

"For a mortal it will absolutely be."

The two walked outside only to find Rarity waiting.

"Sunset is not allowed to witness the first trial."

"I know. But nothing in your traditions say she can't wait outside right?"

"No, I suppose not." Rarity said sourly "Follow me please."

They both followed her down the hall until they got to the entrance of the secret room.

"This is where Sunset must stay."

Sunset embraced him tightly

"I'll be here waiting. Be safe."

"I will. And I'll give you something to keep you company."

Anon tapped the carpet on the floor and manifested a rose from the fabric.

"For my lady."

Sunny smiled, took the rose and kissed his cheek

"I'll be waiting."

The doors shut behind him and he was filled with a sense of dread and fear. It was time for things to get serious. Rarity had painted a circle on the floor with various runes scribbled inside.

"Now lay down in the center. And remember. Remain in a laying position."

"I will."

Anon lay in the center and began to sweat a bit.

"Remove your robes please. You can keep your underwear on. I just need to see your chest and limbs."

Anon did as he was told and Rarity got out a brush with black ink. She drew the same circle on his chest while writing the runs on his legs and arms. Rarity assumed a prayer position.

"I pray for this ones soul. May the Light of Greater Magic shine through it and give him safety. May his mind be filled with the majesty of true mana. May he learn what was once unknown"

The ink on his skin began to beam a silverly white. Then it happened. It was a subtle burning at first. But then he felt as though his body were ballooning, Every muscle and every bone screamed in pain. It felt as though he were about to burst open.

Anon dug his nails into the ground and let out a scream. This was a pain even worse than when his manna was rubber banded back into his body during the fishing incident. His skin opened up and with force. Rarity kept watching, healing every would that opened. Every part of his body was bursting, even his eyes and tongue. Then, peace. He was standing at the edge of the World Tree. Only now it was far smaller. Instead of extending to the heavens, it was about the size of a normal tree, though a slightly taller. He lie looking up towards the branches, But something about this wasn't right. There was no sky above him, rather an endless white void. He hoisted himself up to a sitting position. His mind was foggy and dazed. In the distance he could see a figure. It called to him, beckoned him forward.

He slowly got up and walked to the figure, almost in a trance like state. The closer her got, the more the figure revealed itself. It looked familiar, but he knew he'd never seen the person before. She had long green hair and soft emerald eyes. She stood slightly shorter than he and wore a long white gown. Above her head was a halo glowing a dull yellow and in her hand she held a long white staff that looked as though it were a branch off a birch tree. As he got next to the woman she smiled and placed a finger on his head.

Like a gunshot, he was suddenly filled with clarity. Five locations, each spread at the corners of the world. One was the room full of snakes, the same one he'd had numerous nightmares of. It was located in the west. The next was some sort of dark crypt in the north. In the east was a kingdom resting on the clouds. In the south, lay ruins beneath the waves. The final was the World Tree located in his location, the center. Whatever the woman wanted him to find there would be the secret to defeating Nightmare Moon.

He was back in the shine where the ritual took place. Large roots were wrapped around his body and a tree growing right behind his head. Rarity looked exhausted. He tried to lift himself up but the roots held firm.

"A little help please?"

Rarity jolted to her senses

"Yes, of course."

Rarity used her magic to rip the branches in half, allowing Anon to sit up. His whole body felt sensitive, something akin to that of what he figured molting would feel like.

"What did you see?" Rarity asked

"A woman in white with a white birch staff. She instructed me to go to five locations, each across the world."

"You've been given a divine mission. You saw the Greater Magic itself."

"The Greater Magic has a physical form?"

"Yes. It's far more than mere energy." she said "Did you receive any other special instructions?"

"No. I can start with any of them first."

"Then we know what we must do. We must make a pilgrimage to the World Tree."

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