• Published 15th Apr 2018
  • 3,555 Views, 117 Comments

The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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When Anon awoke the next morning, the sun hadn't even peaked over the clouds. Both Trixie and Coloratura were still asleep, but Blush was just getting dressed.

"The showers are on the first floor to your right" she whispered

He nodded, taking a new robe from his ruck sack and walking with Wallflower to the first floor.

"Have you signed up on the chore board yet?"

"I haven't"

"Then you should. Head Mistress will have your hide if you don't. This is the perfect time too. The board is first come first serve. So the easy jobs are still available"

They walk to the front desk, picking up a clipboard with various tasks on it. He skimmed down the list, trying to find the job with the least amount of effort involved. He decided on mopping the men's restroom while Blush chose sweeping the main foyer. The two then walk into their separate showers.

The men's showers were just as immaculate as the rest of the house. Not a speck of dust or grime to be seen. It was so clean he almost didn't want to sully it with a shower. Anon removed his robe and turned the shower on. It even had soap and shampoo, things he would've packed had he known he had a one way ticket to crazy town. After a nice long soak, he dried off and put his robes back on. Outside, Wallflower was patiently waiting for him, her hair a giant poof.

"I realized I forgot to tell you:" she said "the dining hall is on the second floor, fifth door to your right."

"You coming with?"

"Nah. I still have to get my hair in order. I'll meet you up there alright?"

"Sounds good"

They both go back up the steps, Anon departing at the second floor and going to the dining room. It was quite hard to miss. The doors were large, gold and ornate, the handles depicting the heads of lions. The inside was just as high class. The floor was the same white marble as the rest of the house and the walls had paintings depicting grand scenes of battles and events. The tables each had a long silk cover and the chairs were well cushioned. He felt like he was attending a ball for the wealthy and elite. After serving himself and sitting down, Trixie entered as well, hair a mess and dark circles under her eyes. She grabbed some coffee and sat beside him, barely able to keep her eyes open.

"Morning, Sunshine." Anon jabbed

Trixie merely groaned, taking little sips of her hot coffee

"What? Going to bed at 9:30? Are you children?" he mocked, mimicking her high pitched voice

"Oh har de har har." Trixie growled

Wallflower and Coloratura soon joined them as well. It seemed that sleep didn't effect Coloratura's appearance in the slightest. It must be nice, waking up the same way you went to bed.

"You guys ready for Eclipse?" Wallflower asked

"Once Trixie finishes her second cup of coffee, she will be." Trixie mumbled

"So what are we supposed to expect?" Coloratura asked

"It's always quite a spectacle. My favorites are always the squash fights."

"Squash fights?"

"Yep. The selection is completely at random. Meaning that, on occasion, upperclassman will face lower classman and get absolutely slammed. It's always fun to watch because the newbies always feel like they have a shot."

"I have to admit that does sound like fun."

Wallflower checks her watch

"Well it looks like it's dawn. I'm going to go check the lineup."

Both he and Coloratura get up. Trixie, however, remained seated, still sipping her coffee.

"Trixie will join once she's awake."

"We'll be sure to tell you who you're against."

She just nods as the three make their way to the arena. It wasn't too far a walk, being just a stone's throw away from Kindness House. The arena itself wasn't overly impressive, just a big circular stage with wooden stands. Even at this early hour, nearly every seat was taken. As he scanned the stands, Anon noticed something odd. There was a segment almost completely empty, except for a few groups of people, Sunset being one of them. He tapped Wallflower's shoulder.

"Hey Wallflower. What's that over there?"

"Oh that? That's reserved seating for nobility."

"What aren't you over there too?"

She looks down for a moment, biting her lip

"Let's not talk about that."

They had made it just in time. A man in a long black coat and top hat carrying a cane walked to a small wooden platform in the middle of the stage. He looked like Snidely Whiplash. The man pressed his wand to his neck, amplifying his voice.

"Welcome one and all to the 455th annual Eclipse. I thank you all for coming. I am sure you're all just waiting to get started so allow me to cut to the chase!"

The crowd roared with a thunderous applause. As it died down, the man continued.

"I am pleased to welcome not one, but two of the Noble Families here today, the Shimmer family and the Sombra family. We are very pleased to welcome you to Eclipse."

The crowed roared with applause again. The Sombra family looked rather creepy. There were four of them in total, all of them wearing black robes with the skull of a stag painted on the chest and none of them showed even the slightest sign of emotion. Anon's eyes returned to the man at center stage as he pointed his wand to the air and multiple beams of light zig-zagged across the sky to form a chart.

"What? What is it?"

Coloratura pointed to the left side of the brackets. The second match of the day was between Sunset Shimmer and Trixie. Wallflower laughed a bit.

"Oh man. Trixie is going to be absolutely smashed by Sunset. She doesn't have a prayer.

"You think they're that unevenly matched?"

"Oh yeah. I've seen the Shimmer family's magic firsthand. I can say for certain that no amount of performance magic Trixie pulls will ever be enough to match Sunset."

"I still think Trixie is going to give a good fight."

Coloratura crosses her arms

"Even if she somehow manages to beat Sunset she'll have to fight Chrysalis after that. And there is no way she could ever beat someone from the Sombra family."

"Why's that?"

"They specialize in assassination magic."

Anon's jaw tightens a bit

"They wouldn't kill her would they?"

"Absolutely not. But they wouldn't need too. What I'm more worried about is that they'll try to disgrace her in some way. The Sombra family is the only noble family next to the Shimmer family to have been around since the Magic Golden Age. They tend too... be a bit elitist let's just say. They're also fans of using underhanded and dirty tactics to win. They don't like challenges to their power."

Wallflower seems to be getting excited

"I hope the Shimmer's and the Sombra's face off. Those are always a quite a show to watch. I'm already getting chills."

The man puts his wand back to his neck and speaks again

"Without further ado, let's get over the rules." the man begins to pace back and forth "Rule one: there is to be no killing or any magic that may cause permanent harm. Rule two: any school of magic is allowed. Rule three: matches may not go on for longer than thirty minutes or both contestants will be disqualified. Now will the first contestants Daring Do and Fleur De Lis please take the stage!"

The crowed became even louder the before, cheering like a bunch of crazed lunatics.

"This should be a good watch." Blush said "Daring made semi finals last year. Though I've never seen Fleur compete. I wonder what kind of magic she uses."

Daring and Fleur took opposite sides of the stage. Daring looked like something out of an Indiana Jones novel, wearing a pith helmet, a brown explorers jacket with at least twenty different pockets and short black hair that hung just above her shoulders . Fleur was quite the contrast, wearing a dress of all things, her long hair, well groomed hair done to perfection.

"Ready? And begin!"

In a puff of smoke, both the man and the platform he was standing on vanished, leaving no barriers between the two contestants. Daring lifts her arm in front of her, her hand displaying her magic crest. It was a golden compass. Fluer responded in kind, her crest being a spade the glowed a bright blue color. They stood their for a total of ten minutes, not budging an inch.

"Why are they just standing there? Aren't they going to attack?"

"They're feeling each other out, trying to guess how strong the other is." Wallflower explained "They're also trying to put as much magic pressure downwind as possible. Essentially they're posturing. Puffing their chest out."

"This isn't nearly as impressive as I thought it would be."

"Just wait. They'll got at each other soon."

The glowing stopped and they charged at one another with impressive speed. Daring pulled out her wand and stuck it in the ground then just kept on going, trying to land a punch on Fluer's face. Just seconds before her fist made contact, Fluer pointed her wand directly at daring, firing a blue ball of light. Daring dodged perfectly landing a punch square on her jaw.

Fluer put some distance between them and pointed her wand in the air. Twenty threads emerged from the tip. As they scattered, Daring fell to the floor, as if an invisible hand was pressing her down.

"That can't be right." Anon said "None of the threads are touching Daring. Did she do something else?"

Coloratura nodded

"Fluer is incredibly skilled. Those threads are made of pure mana. And since they're pure mana she can easily make them completely transparent to the naked eye. This is a skill you'd seen 11th years using."

Just as he thought the match was as good as over, Daring tapped her foot against the ground twice. The ground beneath Fluer's feet began to tremble and quake, as if a mini earthquake had been set off. he ground cracked below her, causing her lose balance and release her hold on Daring's body.

"How did she do that? She wasn't even using her wand."

Wallflower let loose a devilish smile

"She did use a wand. Just very cleverly. Remember when Daring stuck her wand into the dirt? She used something called a remote spell. Though this is the most brazen way I think I've ever seen it used. Remote spells are often used to set traps and are set using small, sometimes invisible magic circles. You can attune them with a specific magic, say to make a mini earthquake."

"But how did she do that if the wand is all the way over there?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?"

Wallflower presses her wand against his temple and his vision completely changed. It was as if he was looking through an infrared camera. A giant, golden circle was present on the entire area.

"That's incredible."

"You're telling me. Daring was just playing Fluer. The moment she stuck her wand into the dirt, she won the match. She's just toying with her. She could end the match right now if she wanted too. Not only that, but since she used her wand instead of a rune she can change the effects at will."

Daring got up and brushed herself off and in less than a second it was over. A large hand made of stone rose from the ground and grabbed Fluer, completely immobilizing her from the neck down. The referee counted to three and the match was officially concluded.

"This is an important lesson." Wallflower said "One of the most important skills a mage has is creativity. If tackled head on Daring would no doubt have lost to Fleur, her magic is simply too versatile to be countered with a straight forward strike. But Daring outsmarted her knowing she couldn't both use her threads and see the giant rune she placed."

"I'll be sure to remember that."

Trixie finally shows up, taking a seat next to Coloratura.

"It's about time Trixie." he said "You missed the first match."

"Blah, blah, blah. Who cares? Did you catch who I'm up against?"

"Bad luck Trixie. You got Sunset Shimmer."

"Bad luck? Ha! As if I could ever lose to her."

"What makes you so sure?"

"She may have power but the Great and Powerful Trixie is beyond power. She's cunning. And that's all the strength Trixie needs."

The announcer steps back in the middle of the ring

"And for our next match we have Trixie Lulamoon against Sunset Shimmer!"

"Guess that's my cue."

With a flick of her wand, Trixie popped into the ring, having no clue what she was getting herself into.

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