• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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The Colors of Change

Anon made his way back to Generosity House with Sunset's condition heavy on his mind. He could only imagine what kind of pain she suffered though. To know the person you marry would die within only five years. Life magic really was a dangerous tool. What price did Clover have to pay, he wondered? The sky was starting to dark outside and he checked his watch. Seven PM. Initiation was getting close. He hurriedly made his was down the winding stone path back to his House and back into his room. To his surprise, Trixie was there.

"Well, well seems we got the same house." Trixie mused "And same room assignment no less."

"Nice to see you, Trixie" he said, slumping on the bed

"Everything alright, Anon? You seem pretty down."

"It's nothing. I'm just tired."

"You ought to know you can't lie to a mage like Trixie like that. Your mana is very distressed and shaken up."


"Oh yes. Mana is very responsive to emotion. You're essentially... oh what do you mortals call it... wearing your emotions on your clothes?"

"On your sleeves. But close enough."

"So what's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it. And shouldn't."

Trixie starts to pace back and forth, her shoes lightly tapping against the wood floor

"let me guess: Sunset tried to teach you threading and unlocked the crest memories huh?"

"How did you figure that out?"

"I figured she'd try to teach you how to thread your magic." she explained "And I know there Sunset is pretty bad at interacting with magic crests. I bet she just tired to mix both of your mana's together like a novice. It can be tricky to get right."

They both went silent for a little while. Anon just couldn't tell Trixie the Shimmer family's secret.

"So what's this initiation thing?"

Trixie gets a smug smile and giggles a little

"You should know by now that I love seeing newbies squirm. No way I'm going to tell you. But I wouldn't anyway. If I did Head Mistress Rarity would have my hide."

"I hear she's pretty strict."

"She is. But she isn't so bad so long as you do what you're told, exactly the way she tells you to do it. That's pretty much the best advice I have for generosity house: do what you're told exactly the way you're told to do it."

"Seems simple enough."

"It can be a bit tedious at times. But when all is said and done Rarity is a great Head Mistress. She is pretty well versed in most magic and is always willing to help you in your studies."

"Sounds like I lucked out then."

"I'd say so. There are better houses but all things considered Generosity House is not a bad place to be."

Anon looked towards the side of his bed and saw Coloratura had already been here. All of his books and alchemy supplies were in a neat little stack next to the head of the bed. He looked through some of the books, checking the Conjuration one first. Trixie let out an excited gasp.

"Lucky!" she whined "I've been wanting to take conjuration for so long. But it's a fourth year class. I plan to make it my specialty."

"What did you say the Lulamoon family excels in again?"

Trixie grins

"A brand of magic called Performance Magic. It's a pretty big umbrella term for a range of skills. Conjuration, manipulation, illusion, the like. Conjuration always was the most interesting to me. It can be tough though."

"Any advice for a newbie?"

"Nothing that your teacher won't tell you on your first day. Conjuration is similar to mortal math in the way that it's very straight forward but takes a lot of practice to be good at."

"Well math was always my worst subject so that isn't inspiring any confidence."

"You'll be fine I promise. Just practice and you'll get it."

Coloratura opens the door

"I see we have a new roommate." she said "Who are you?"

Trixie stands up and puts her hands on her waist

"The Great and Powerful Trixie, heiress to the Lulamoon family crest."

Coloratura cocks her head

"Lulamoon... that does sound familiar."

"I'm guessing you come from a theatrical line? My family name is really only recognized in artistic circles."

"Close. Music. The Countess family."

"We're semi-famous stage performers. We're not well known enough to break out of the theater bubble yet in terms of influence. But I intend to change that."

"You intend to become a noble?"

"That's the plan."

Coloratura sits at the desk

"So who's our fourth bunk mate?"

As if on cue, the door opens again and another person walks inside. It was a girl of short stature, covered in freckles and had short green hair. She had the fashion sense of a senior citizen, wearing a tacky sweater and sweat pants.

"Hi. My name is Wallflower Blush. What's yours?"

Both Coloratura's and Trixie's mouths dropped

"Blush?" Trixie gasped "You mean the same family who invented memory magic?"

Wallflower sighs

"Yep. The very same."

Trixie turns to Anon

"This girl comes from a family that was got honored in nobility three years ago by the government. The current head of the clan invented a new magic called Memory Magic. He invented something called the Memory Stone, a tool that can change or erase a persons memory at will."

Wallflower looked extremely uncomfortable

"Are you alright Wallflower?" Anon asked

"I'm ok. It's just I have some big shoes to fill is all."

"That must be difficult trying to succeed someone who invented a new school of magic."

"You don't even know the half of it. I feel like I'm running for president. Anyway, it's nice to meet all of you. What are your names?"

The three introduced themsleves

"So who are the noble families?" Anon asked

Trixie jumped to answer

"There are Six currently: Shimmer, Montage, Sombra, Cadenza, Sparkle, and, of course, Blush." she said "Each of them is credited with changing the magic world in a monumental way and thus have more voice in the government. They're second in power only to the king."

Wallflower looked stunned

"Anon did you grow up an orphan or something? How do you not know this?"

"I'm the first in my family line to possess magic."

"Jeez. Talk about something that only happens once in a blue moon."

Wallflower takes out her wand and with a flick of her wrist poofs into an orange robe. A sixth year. Even with that robe on it didn't seem to make her any less awkward.

"So what is life like for a noble?" Anon asked

"Annoying, full of rules and expectations, boring more often than not and full of shallow suck ups." Wallflower grunted "But hey, at least we have money right?"

The sarcasm was dripping from her voice

"Sounds like nobility isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"It really isn't. But there's nothing I can do about it now."

Anon checked his watch: eight thirty. Nearly time for the initiation ritual.

"I'm going to head down to the lobby." he said

"You do know we still have a half hour before the ceremony, right?" Coloratura commented

"I know, but might as well."

In truth it was due to Anon's anxiety over being punctual, a trait inherited from his mother. He felt his hairs stands up on end as he remembered. His parents! His worry was over briefly however. Not like they cared about him. They probably didn't even know he was missing. He exited the room, quite annoyed and Coloratura followed.

"Are you alright, Anon?" she asked

That's right. He had completely forgotten that everyone in the room could tell what he was feeling from his aura. That was so annoying.

"I'm fine."

"You know you can't lie to me like that right?"

"I know. I just..." he sighed "I just don't want to talk about it."

"Well I can still keep you company. You don't have to say a word."

"Why do you care so much? We just met."

"I'm an empath. It's a bit of a weakness of mind. I don't like seeing people upset."

He and Coloratura walked down the marble steps and into the main foyer, sitting down on a red silk couch seemingly pulled straight out of antiquity.

"You mages sure are fond of antique stuff." Anon said

"Yes. One thing you will learn about the mage world is that it is extremely traditional. It's one of the highest values we hold. That's why so much are architecture hasn't advanced beyond then seventeenth and eighteenth centuries."

"I think it's beautiful honestly. A lot of modern houses certainly don't have the same flash and attention to detail that yours do."

They both sat there, casually passing the time on various subjects until there were only five minutes left. Anon was surprised that within that time, only four other students had arrived. Were all the other houses this empty?

"You nervous?" he asked

Coloratura smiled

"A little. But I think I can handle it. What about you?"

"A bit yes. You mages operate under some strange rules."

"You'll get used to it in time, I promise. Our culture isn't as different from mortals as you think."

Five minutes passed and right on the dot, a beautiful woman in an all white robe with well done purple hair and prim glasses walked into the center of the lobby, Blossomforth by her side.

"Welcome." the woman said "I am Head Mistress Rarity, head of the White family, leader of the Way of White, and head of Generosity House. It is a pleasure to meet you. You all have your diamonds I assume?"

The six students display their diamonds

"Excellent." Rarity walks over and takes all six diamonds, setting them on the spotless floor "This is a simple exercise. I want you to simply thread your mana through the diamond. Fear not, no magical information will be visible."

They all walk to their diamonds, doing as instructed. The gems begin to change color, Anon's glowing a deep, sparkling green. Rarity looks at each gem closely, inspecting them with remarkable care.

"Yes, yes I see." Rarity said, a look of awe on her face "Fascinating."

One she finishes looking at each of the gems, she put her hands around Anon's. The gem opens up just slightly and a beam of blue light shoots out, branching into a bunch of other beams, each a different color that formed almost a root like system. Rarity was completely entranced by the sight.

"Incredible. You have quite the intriguing shape Anon. It's ancient, yet... modern. So down to earth yet so idealistic. Quite something. I'm eager to see what it will transform into."

Rarity places her hands on Coloratura's gem. It opens up into a beautiful mist of light and color, similar to that of the Aurora Borealis.

"Absolutely splendid." she said, giving a small golf clap "I can already tell you are going to produce some positively splendid art."

Rarity continues down the line, each gem producing an impressive array of colors and shapes. Each were different from the last.

"Absolutely spectacular." she said "I humbly welcome each of you to the Generosity House. As official members I will now grant you access to the back. Follow me please."

Anon and the rest of the students follow Rarity to a door behind the front desk. She pulled out an ornate white key and unlocked the door, allowing each of the students to file in. The sight was incredible. The room was filled with what seemed like hundreds of gems just like their own.

"As a member of the Generosity House your gem will be displayed here for all of the school's life. Every person who has ever passed through this house has a gem here."

"Head Mistress?" Anon asked


"What exactly does the gem represent?"

"An excellent question." she smiled "These are special gems known as Seeker Gems and they reveal a persons innermost personality and traits in the form of a lights. And, just as a person's personality changes as they grow, so too do their colors. That's why, at the start of every year, I take each group of students to do this again based on how long they've been part of Generosity House. It's always so fascinating to see how people's colors change over time."

"That's amazing."

"It is. It really is a pity that this will be my final year here. I've grown attached. I know my successor will do just as well though."

"Who will be your successor?"

"It isn't determined by me. Once a Head Mistress graduates the other Head Masters and Mistresses pick a new student to fill the vacancy. Who knows? It may even be you."

"A new student can qualify?"

"Yes. And it wouldn't be the first time it's happened either. You see the qualifiers for the position aren't merely based on magical prowess and experience, but rather personality, responsibility and charisma. As Headmistress or Master, you are the face of the entire house and must act accordingly. One may very well be the most gifted mage to ever walk these halls, but if they don't have the personality for it then they won't be selected."

Rarity walks back to the door, holding it open

"You are dismissed. If you need anything please let me or Blossomforth know and we will try to accommodate if possible. And remember that you are granted full time access to this room and may use your gem again whenever you wish too."

"Thank you Head Mistress." the group said in unison

"Why you are quite welcome."

They all exit the room, Anon and Coloratura heading back to their quarters. Inside, Trixie was creating a wisp of light with her hands while Wallflower sat at the desk, reading.

"So, how was it?" Trixie asked

"It was pretty neat." Anon said "You got me all nervous for nothing."

Trixie laughed

"That's my job. How else will you be a mage if you don't expect the unexpected?"

"The same way I would if you weren't making me scared of things I shouldn't be."

Coloratura placed her hand on his shoulder

"You've had quite a big day." she said sympathetically "How's this all resonating with you? I imagine for a mortal coming into this magic world is a bit of a culture shock."

"Sorta. It was certainly a lot of information all at once. But us mortals have a lot of stories about things like this. So I'm more excited than nervous."

Coloratura looks confused

"Mortals know about the world of magic?"

"Not really. We just write a lot of fiction about it."

Trixie shrugs, making the whisp of light move this way and that

"I suppose that isn't too unusual. Up until about halfway through the Magic Bronze Age, mortals and magus lived shoulder to shoulder. And we all know how that turned out. I believe the mortals call it the Salem Witch Trials."

"We were always taught that that was a product of mass hysteria and delusion."

Trixie snorted

"That sounds about right. Mortals always had a very hard time accepting the concept of things like magic, despite the fact that they seem to crave that sort of power."

Wallflower closed the book she was reading, getting a nice big stretch in

"Well I think I'm going to turn in for tonight. You guys going to Eclipse tomorrow?"

"Eclipse?" Anon and Coloratura say in unison

"Oh did nobody tell you?" Wallflower asked "Throughout this week there are going to be a bunch of events. Tomorrow will be Eclipse. It's essentially a tournament of sorts. News students are barred from participating but it really is quite the spectacle. Sometimes even the upperclassman compete. And that is quite the show. It'll also be a great opportunity for you to study magic firsthand"

"Sounds like a blast." Anon said

"Well it's tomorrow from dawn till dusk. I'd highly recommend going."

"I'll be there. You want to go Coloratura?"

"Sure I suppose. Sounds like fun."


"Of course the Great and Powerful Trixie will attend! She's participating after all."

"Really? I thought you wanted to specialize in Performance Magic."

"Eclipse winners are decided upon by more than just offensive capability. It's a show of talent and skill. And the winner gets a prize. It's a different prize each year but they're always very valuable."

Wallflower nodded "Last year the winner got an automatic A in any elective course of their choosing."

"Wow. You weren't kidding."

"Exactly. Not only that it's a mark of excellence. And excellence is influence which is near everything in the mage world, especially if you intend to become nobility."

"Do you intend on competing Wallflower?"

"I don't think so. It's too much effort."

"You mages live in quite the complicated world."

"I could say the same for you mortals." she retorted "Anyway. I'm hitting the bed."

Wallflower climbed to the top of the left bunk bed, pulling the covers over her head

"I think I'll follow suit." Coloratura added

"I guess I'll do the same then." Anon agreed

Trixie scoffed

"Going to bed at nine-thirty? What are you children?"

But her taunts fell on deaf ears, for the three students were already fast asleep.

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