• Published 15th Apr 2018
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The Sun and the Clover - BG9

After getting on the wrong bus, Anon enters a world of magic that will change his life forever

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The Late Sun

"Arms too perfectly to the hem of your robe. Legs shoulder width." Rarity grumbled "Shoulder. Width."

"They are!" Anon snapped back

"Are all mortals this lacking in manners?"

"No. We just aren't so traditional."

"Now show it to me again," she said "When she emerges down the staircase."

Anon let out a deep sigh. He bowed, left foot back, ankle arched at exactly thirty degrees, right arm around back with the middle finger at the waist line and left arm extended out at shoulder level.

"No, no, no!" Rarity shouted "Thirty degrees!"

A knock was heard at the door. Anon couldn't help but let out of sigh of relief. In walked Coloratura and Trixie. The two looked nothing short of elegant. Coloratura was dressed in beautiful long sleeved dress adorned with music bars mad with golden silk. On the chest in green was her magic crest. Trixie wore a robe in blue, complete with a hood and an extremely wide brimmed wizard hat, nearly as long as her arm. Despite its size it managed to rest comfortably on her head. White stars were scattered across the arms, skirt and chest, each with initials in them. Both Trixie and Coloratura held boxes in their hands.

"How goes the progress?" Trixie asked

Rarity groaned

"Slow. You can take the mortal out of earth but you can't take the earth out of the mortal it seems."

"You both look absolutely wonderful."

They both looked at each other and giggled wildly.

"Oh just you wait till you see what you'll be wearing."

Coloratura opened her box to reveal an emerald colored robe with a long cape. The arms appeared to be made of leaves while the chest was adorned with elk antlers. It even came with a wreath crown.

"We talked with Skystinger and Vapor to get an idea of what Clover might wear and this is what they came up with."

Anon winced a bit

"It's so gaudy."

"It's traditional." Rarity corrected

"There's a difference?"

Trixie handed him her box. Just as he went to open it, Rarity slapped his hand.

"Ow!" he cried "What was that for?"

"Tradition!" she repeated "In the box is your Jura, the necklace with your crest on it. If you show it to anyone but your true love, you'll be hexed."

"Do the two of you have someone you'll be going to the ball with?"

"Unfortunately not." Coloratura said "I've been so wrapped up in my studies I haven't had any time for boys."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie," her voice trailed off a bit "almost had someone."

"We've opted to help with the festivities instead."

"Well then you girls have a lot to take care of." Rarity said "Anon and I have quite a bit of practice ahead of us."

"We'll get out of your way head mistress."

The two scampered off. Anon felt a twinge of sadness. It was missing someone: Wallflower Blush. Ever since she'd been imprisoned he'd been worried sick. He knew they'd find a way. But he couldn't help but worry all the same. Rarity snapped her fingers.

"Focus. We have a lot more to cover. And just until tonight to do it all!"

"Yes head mistress." he rolled his eyes

After many hours of practicing posing, sayings, and various dances, he was allowed back to his room. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of Sunset all day. He pulled out the box contained his Jura. It was beautiful. A silver necklace with a three leaf clover and an emerald jewel. As he lay his fingers on it, it began to glow brightly, near blindingly. He noticed a note.

Dearest Anon. I apologize you and I could not create this together. Bonnie and I simply had to get away from all this for a while. We'll be sure to join you on your raid to the North. I hope you forgive me for the hair sample I took when you were not looking. It is said if anyone but your love gazes upon it you'll be hexed forever! Anyway, keep it close to you until the Great Moon Ball arrives. Knock her dead champ! -Lyra

Anon smiled to himself and folded the note back up. He placed the jewel back inside it's container and tried on his ceremonial robes. They even felt like nature, as though they were made from tree bark and week old mud. The sun we starting to set. It was time for him to greet his lovely lady.

"Anon E. Mouse."

Anon nearly jumped out of his skin. A black haired woman in a maid outfit stood by his window. Only she was not quite a woman. In fact, he could see straight through her.

"W-who the hell are you?"

"Be not alarmed. I am one of the Shimmer Family servants. I've served with them for over four thousand years now. I assure you, you can trust me."

"Come to take me to the manor?"

"Yes, sir. This way please."

The woman clapped her hands twice and a ghostly door materialized in the center of the room bearing the Shimmer Family crest. The woman ushered him forward.

"After you."

"Thank you."

Anon took the box containing his Jura and put it in his pocket, then stepped through the door. Next he knew, he was standing in a large garden. Ahead of him was a magnificent manor in a very old english style. Red brick, three stories and at least a dozen windows.

"This way, sir."

He followed the maid down the brick laid courtyard

"I am pleased to welcome you to the Shimmer Family estate. Upon our acceptance into noble lineage in 9 AD as recognition of the Shimmer Family's first true heir, Celestia Shimmer, aiding Clover in her restoration of magic, we were given this estate and have lived here ever since."

She held open the door and he walked inside. Below his feet lay a marble floor depicting the family emblem surrounded by white marble. On the old wooden walls were pictures of many different people and, at the center of two large stair cases, was an oil painting of Sunset Shimmer. The background was black and she was holding up a torch. However, the painting left little to the imagination as the only article of clothing covering Sunset's body was a long sash, just barely hiding her most sensitive areas. Anon felt as though he'd walked in on her in the shower.

On the ceiling was a large mural depicting a fair skinned woman with rainbow hair. In her hand was a large golden arrow and by her foot a silver bow. The eyes seemed to pierce into him, as though the stone mural was actually staring at him. The woman had a look of cold determination yet a sense of softness. The maid smiled.

"Ah I see the mural has caught your attention. That is our first true heir, Lady Celestia as she is often called. It is said the bow and arrow was give to her by the Greater Magic itself as a gift for her valor. The bow is claimed to strike true to any target within its sight and the arrow meant to destroy any enemy it pierces."

"Incredible. I wish I had family members so important."

A look of disgust washed over her as she remembered where Anon's lineage came from.

"I'll go fetch the family. Please take care not to touch anything."

The maid hurriedly made her way upstairs. Anon could feel his heart rate raise. Now or never. Time to remember all of that stuffy mage tradition to really impress the parents. Or mother in this case. He could hear multiple footsteps making their way down to the main living room balcony. Six women stepped out, none of whom were the woman he'd fell in love with. They began to whisper amongst themselves, shooting glares in his general direction. Anon could make out a few phrases. Things like 'him!? He's the one!?' or 'I can't believe how far this family has fallen'. It certainly wasn't much of a confidence boost.

Finally the one he'd really wanted to see arrived. Sunset Shimmer. She was beautiful beyond words. Her dress was a bold crimson. Running up and down the arms were two dragons, their jaws meeting between her breasts were a large sun sat. She wore a rather musty looking crown with gem in the center that seemed to be on fire on the inside. Her hair was done up in a confusing series of buns that somehow fit together so perfectly. Since her shoulders remained exposed, he could see the tail end of the scar that was proof of her birthright. Over her face she wore a shawl making her expression nearly undetectable. Time to show his stuff. She walked to the center of the balcony. Time to wait for her signal.

"Good evening, my Late Sun." Sunset said, almost seductively

She did did an elegant twirl and curtsy. His move.

"Good evening, my Rising Moon."

As he went to bow he slipped, slamming face first into the floor. A roar of angry, hushed whispered followed. Anon quickly righted himself and preformed the bow effortlessly.

"I present to thee a gift." Anon said

He placed his hand on the ground and a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers emerged. But he wasn't done there. He was really going to knock their socks off. With his other hand he manifested two humming birds who carried the flowers directly to Sunset. He stifled a chuckle as Sunset's mother and sister's jaws went agape. Sunset made her way down the steps and stood directly in front of him. She was even more stunning up close.

"Sunset Shimmer, as a token of my love I give you my Jura."

Anon held out the box and pulled off the lid. The beautiful emerald glistened almost blindingly.

"I accept you Jura. And to you, I present mine."

She held out hers. It was her magic crest, one side a beautiful dark red, the other a bright orange. They each put the others necklace on their necks and looked deep into their eyes. Anon smiled, as did she. Even through that dark shawl he could see how happy she was.

"Shall we make our way to dinner?" he asked

"Yes, please" she agreed "Mother, if you would."

Again, angry whispers soared across Sunset's family. Her mother, clearly begrudgingly, shuffled off to the dinning room. As tradition so commanded, the lady was to go first and he was to stay outside until the dinner was served. After dinner was the ball, held in the school's own ball room.

Anon walked into the dinning room, continuing to be impressed. There was a long silver table filled with enough food to feed a town. Above was another mural depicting a beautiful red haired woman fighting what appeared to be a devil with large jaws. At each corner of the room was a maid holding a spear, standing at perfect attention. That's when he noticed they all looked identical to the maid that walked him inside. There was no mistaking it, they were all the same person. Sunset sat at the far end of the table directly opposite him, he shawl pulled back over her head to expose her face. Her lips were a beautiful black and her eyeliner made her eyes look magnificent. She looked like a princess. He took his seat.

"Now, for the blessing." Sunset said, taking out her wand

Her eyes suddenly glowed brightly and she spoke in an ancient language. From her wand a large sun appeared in the center of the table before falling on the food, causing it no harm at all.

"We may eat."

Anon dug in. The food was better than anything he'd ever eaten in the mortal world. It was almost like it was something above food.

"So, Anon was it?" one of Sunset's sisters asked "What family do you hail from exactly?"

Anon look at Sunset who shook her head slightly.

"I don't hail from any family, however I seem to have a gift for magic."

"Life magic it seems. Quite unusual for someone new to our world." her mother said

"Yes. When I first studied I greatly admired the works of Clover the Clever. I want to try to replicate the magic she used, hence the Jura."

More hushed whispers

"Where did you learn such an arcane and ancient skill? Some of the most gifted and accomplished mages couldn't even scratch the surface of it, in fact, Clover was the only person to ever use it so proficiently."

Anon felt sweat drip down his back. They were clearly seeing straight through him. And with their connection so close to the king it could lead to trouble.

"Now, now." Sunset interrupted "It wouldn't be proper to treat a guest in this manner, especially the husband to be of the head of the family."

He nearly choked on his food.

"Husband to be!?"

Sunset gave him a glare that said 'just go along with it'

"Why yes my love. Don't you remember? You preposed to me but last week. Such a jokester you are. You should also know that you could land in hot water saying your illusions are life magic."

"Yes, Sunset, forgive me. I'm a mortal after all, we just can't get enough of jokes."

He could feel his heart rate sky rocketing.

"An illusionary magic?" her mother asked "Sunset I expected better of you than to deal with such an ugly school of magic."

"What do you have against illusionary mages, if I may?" he asked

Sunset made a pain stricken face and tapped her wine glass

"Ahem, if I may remind you this is no time for politics. And I believe the ball is due to start any minute now. Come, Anon. We must get going."

Sunset got out of her chair and pulled the shawl back over her face, quickly walking to him and locking her arm with his. Outside a white horse drawn carriage was waiting them. Once inside Sunset let out a large sigh.

"You really need to learn when to keep your big mouth shut you know that? If someone so close to the royal family finds out your secret we're as good as toast."

"Sorry. I got careless. Thanks for covering me back there."

"My sisters are clever, but my mom is worse. She still hasn't forgiven me for taking her status and prestige at such an early age. She'll do whatever she can to spite me, including throw you into the metaphorical fire."

"I'll be more careful next time."

"Enough of that. It's over now."

Sunset hugged his arm and leaned her head against her shoulder.

"You look amazing."

"So that thing you said... about your husband to be."

There was a thick silence across the carriage. You could her a pin drop.

"What of it?"

"Did you...?"

The silence continued

"Mean it?" she filled in


"Well... it's not exactly traditional for the woman to prepose but..."

Another long stretch of silence. Sunset's face dropped.

"Forgive me. It... it was silly to-"

Anon interrupted her sentence with a long kiss.

"You'll need to tell me all about what the proper way is some time."

Sunset looked in his eyes with a child like wonder, he mouth agape. She quickly shut it and turned beet red.

"Y-yeah. I-it's not proper for you to be out of the loop."



"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Vignette walked out of the crypt, dagger in hand. The moon was high in the clouds. Nightmare Moon walked close behind her.

"Is this truly the right moment?" Nightmare asked

"Yes. I won't get a better time than this. The day has come to take my rightful place."

"I understand."

"Nightmar- Luna." she said "Thank you. For everything. I wish you luck in the north."

"You're welcome. Though my offer still stands. You can change your mind. Come with me instead."

Valencia gripped the dagger tight in her hands

"I want too. More than anything in the world. But... I have to do this. I must do this."

"I understand. Then please, take this."

In Nightmare Moon's hand was an ornate steel key

"What is this?"

"It is my most treasured possession. When the day comes that you need it, and that day shall come, you will understand its use. Rule wise. Rule well. And know you are welcome in my arms should you grow tired of your duty."

For the first time since childhood tears began to roll down Valencia's cheeks.

"You are a cruel and vile witch. I love you deeply."

"As do I. Now go. I shall depart for the north. And be safe."

"I shall." she said "Death to the King."

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