• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,626 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 10

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 10

Luna’s Wrath

“This is the place. My old workplace,” Derpy said with a sad tone as she admired the small postal office.

Luna also studied the small cloud building. It was nothing like she envisioned but it had definitely been awhile since she had actually seen a post office before. A thousand year banishment can make you forget how some things looked like.

It was a small place with a sign on it’s door reading Cloudsdale Postal Office. The duo simply stood outside of it as ponies walked in and out of with parcels of mail and various packages

“Is he in here right now?” Luna asked, her anger still present in her and only wanting to see this bastard of a stallion who not only fired her friend because of stupid crap but also a name that this alicorn would not tolerate at all.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he is. He’s always in his office around noon counting his bits,” Derpy answered as she looked at the determined regal.

Luna gritted her teeth as the image of her friend crying from earlier appeared once again in her mind and how broken she felt inside to see her that way. She was more than eager to give this boss of Derpy’s a piece of her mind...or her hoof through his face.

“Luna, can I ask you something before we go in and do this?” Derpy asked nervously.

Luna looked over to the nervous mare. She understood why Derpy was nervous about all this, especially considering that her friend had never seen her this mad before at some pony. Luna tried to never get mad in front of her because she even knew that she was a bit intimidating when she was angry but this was a situation where she couldn’t help it. This was not a type of anger that went away after a few minutes or hours but one that would only go away once the source of it had seen retribution.

“Of course my friend. Ask away,” Luna encouraged as she met her friend’s crossed eye gaze.

“What do you plan on doing to get my job back? I doubt he’s just going to say ‘Oh okay, here’s your job back.’ He’s not exactly the type to listen to ponies.”

I have no idea but I do know I’m going to do things to him that would make even Discord cry.

Luna really didn’t know how she was going to get Derpy’s job back but she knew for a fact that she would somehow. She was prepared to kill, rape, and even nuke things if it meant getting her friend’s job back.

This shit was just that deep.

“Don’t worry about that. I promise you that you will have your job back by the time we’re done here and everything will be back to normal,” Luna answered, firm in her promise and belief.

“Well...okay then,” Derpy answered with a small smile, taking heart in Luna’s promise, “I just don’t want you to get in trouble or anything.”

In trouble?

How could she, a ruler of Equestria and the master of the night, get in trouble for something like this? What could this boss of Derpy’s do to her that would actually get her in trouble?

“Trouble? Derpy, I doubt he can do anything to me and even if he tried, you and I both know ponies still fear me because of Nightmare Moon.”

“I know and that’s what I’m talking about.”

Luna cocked her brow, confused of what her friend was trying to say.

“What do you mean?”

Derpy sighed and began to explain.

“Your a princess, Luna. If ponies find out what you’re doing and find out it’s because we’re best friends, they will think that you're abusing your power and stuff and think that you’re some kind of tyrant or something.”

She has a point Luna. You think ponies think bad of you now? If they get wind of this, you know a shitstorm is sure to follow.

Derpy was right, along with her inner little voice. No doubt this would cause problems on her part if she did this but she didn’t care. Her reputation and standing was not her concern when she knew that somepony had made her friend cry her eyes out. If anything, this was going to be a message to every pony to not mess with her beloved friend and if they did, they would have to contend with her.

Luna smiled and answered her nervous friend.

“Then let them think of me as a tyrant. All I care is what you think of me Derpy and I’m not going to let this guy treat you anyway he wants. You’re my best friend and I refuse to let this go unanswered. I’m not worried about my reputation and you shouldn’t worry either.”

Derpy let a small smile escape her, compelling her to go over to the alicorn and give her a small hug.

“That means a lot Luna.”

Luna gladly hugged her friend back, happy to see that she was now feeling a bit better and that she herself wasn’t getting all flustered over it this time. She wanted Derpy to be happy and she wouldn’t accept anything less and she was willing to do whatever it took to make her happy.

Anything Luna? That sounds like a lover to me.

Luna hushed the small voice in her head but hearing the word ‘lovers’ sounded pretty nice to her for some unknown, obvious reason.

Derpy broke the hug after a few moments.

“You’re positive you want to do this Luna? You know I could always just find new work right?”

“More than positive. He needs to know that you’re not one to make fun of and that you’re the best worker he ever had and will have, Luna answered without hesitation”

Derpy nodded.

“Okay. If you’re super sure then I guess we better do this.”

Luna agreed. It was a challenge to hold all this anger inside and it demanded release and Derpy’s boss was going to be the vent for it all.

With nothing else to do and no more insecurities from her friend, they both entered the small cloud building.


“You can’t speak to him right now.”

“What?!” Luna blurted,”And why not?”

The white pegasus mare that sat behind the counter looked up at Luna with her granny glasses, giving the alicorn a look that screamed ‘Didn’t you hear what the hell I just said?’

“Speedy Delivery is a very busy pony and doesn't have time to take complaints personally. If you wish , you can file a complaint over at the next desk or if you need to pick up a package or mail, I would be happy to help you.”

He runs a postal office! How busy can that asshole be?!

“Um maybe we should just go then Luna,” Derpy quickly suggested as she could see Luna losing her nerve with this mail clerk.

“No!,” Luna exclaimed,” We’re not leaving until I see him.”

“If you have a complaint, just go file it at the next desk and it will be addressed Princess Luna. I would love to help you so you could see him but he only takes appointments and it’s policy here.”

Luna bit her bottom as her anger began to build up. What could this Speedy Delivery guy be doing that was so important that he only took appointments? He ran a postal office! She could understand if he was some type of doctor or lawyer but this was simply ridiculous and there was no way she was leaving here without getting her friend’s job back.

She promised that she would and she wasn’t going back on that.

“Look,” Luna began, trying to keep herself from grabbing the mare that sat behind the counter and frying her pompous face off with her magic, “Could you please just make an exception and let me speak to him. It’s very important I do.”

The mare simply gave Luna some type of dumb look and rolled her eyes.

“Just because you’re a princess doesn't mean you get special rights. There are rules that I have to follow and in turn that you must follow. There’s a desk right over there to file a complaint...like I said before,” the clerk said in an annoyed tone.

I’m about to kill this bitch...

Luna took a deep breath. She was about to go postal on this mare if she continued this way with her.

“Okay, I don’t know what your problem is but I’m going to see this Speedy Delivery guy whether you want me to or not,” Luna said with a dark tone, trying her hardest to stay in control of her inner rage.

“And what if I don’t let you?” the clerk said with a smug attitude, “I know you can’t throw me in the dungeons because I’m following policy.”

Luna smirked and narrowed her eyes. The clerk did have a point and she couldn’t threaten her with imprisonment like the Old Days but she knew something much worse.

“No, but I’m sure you have heard stories about my sister...you know...her hobbies?”

The clerk’s face suddenly went whiter than her own coat and her eyes went wide as she took off her glasses.

“You mean...?”

Luna nodded her head.

“Yep and it would be a shame if somehow she showed up at your place one night to have a little ‘chat’ with you.”

“B..but I heard those weren’t t..true,” the clerk began to stutter..

Luna chuckled, loving that she was now scaring the living crap out of this pony. Hopefully this fear would help her get to her real target.

“Maybe, maybe not. It’s your choice if you want to find out if they are or not. If you don’t want to find out, then simply let me see your superior.”

The frightened mare began to tremble, probably wondering if Luna was bluffing her flank off or threatening her with her sisters ‘hobbies.’



“...I’ll take you to him. Just let me go get the keys and I’ll let you in the back your highness.”

“Good,” Luna answered with a smile, “I’m happy to hear that.”

The clerk got up from her seat and disappeared to get the key and give Luna access to Derpy’s boss.

The alicorn turned to her friend who had simply been standing there beside her in awe as Luna achieved what probably the grey mare thought wouldn’t happen.

“You just totally BS’d her didn’t you?”

Not really.

The stories of her sister appearing underneath ponies beds was no myth or far-fetched tale and the things she would do to them was more than true, but she would never tell her sister to basically go molest a pony on her behalf. No pony deserved that kind of punishment...or pleasure depending how they took it. So it wasn’t really bullshit at all but Derpy didn’t need to know that.

“Totally,” she lied.

The clerk came out of a door on the side near her counter and signaled for both mares to come to her. Derpy and Luna obeyed and entered the back, following the white pegasus as she led them down to Speedy’s office. The small group came to a small hallway and went down it until the clerk stopped in front of a door with a golden plaque that read Speedy Delivery.

The clerk turned around to the duo.

“Give me a moment and let me tell him that you are here to speak to him Princess Luna.”

“Do what you have to,” Luna answered. The mare quietly opened the door and shut it behind her, leaving the two for a few moments.


The alicorn turned to the grey mare and saw her shaking violently.

“...I’m a bit nervous again.”

That was obvious but why? Luna had thought her friend had released this nervousness when they were outside and she had her. She wasn’t going to let this stallion do anything to hurt her, emotionally or physically.

“Why?” Luna simply asked.

“Well-um-there’s something else I didn’t tell you Luna...”

What? There’s more?

Luna didn’t want to know if there was more...but she had to know. Any wrong that was committed against Derpy had to dealt with...it was her duty as her friend...for now.

“Tell me,” Luna said.

Derpy shifted her hooves on the cloud floor and Luna could see small tears well up in her eyes.

“I can’t really tell you...”

“Why not?”

“...because I have to show you.”

Derpy lifted her forearm and turned it a bit. Luna’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped. The grey mare’s under leg was bruised violently to the point that it discolored her grey fur around the area. It was black and purple with a mix of yellow, obvious signs of somepony getting beat.

“D..Did he...?” Luna stuttered as her rage quickly consumed her. It was anger so violent now that Luna could feel a terrible magic building up inside her to the point of making her body feel intensely hot.

Derpy simply nodded.


“Derpy...,” Luna said through her gritted teeth, ”Leave right now.”

“What?!” Derpy said with an extremely worried voice, “Are you mad at me?”

Luna quickly shook her head. She was nowhere near mad at her. In fact, she wasn’t even mad.

She was livid with this son of a bitch stallion that would dare hit her mare.

“I just need you to leave and wait outside for me,” Luna said as her voice began to change into her Canterlot voice.

Derpy quickly got what was going on and knew that what she had just revealed to Luna had induced the goddess's wrath.

“O..okay,” Derpy quickly said and obeyed the enraged princess without anymore question and left the hallway.

Luna didn’t want Derpy to see her like this but she had lost all control and she knew that if Derpy saw what she was about to do, the grey mare would fear her for eternity.

Luna looked at the door with the golden plaque and read the name several times, only fueling this hatred and anger for this guy even more until the alicorn finally broke.

“You bastard!” she bellowed and charged through the door.


“I told that damn retard not to come back. Didn’t I make that clear when I held that staff meeting?”

“Yes Mr. Delivery but Princess Luna is the one who wishes to speak with you,” the white mare said.

The brown stallion with his white mane and dark brown eyes sat in his chair with a hay cigar in his mouth, eyeing this clerk with extreme prejudice.

“And what makes you think I give a damn what she wants? Just because she has a royal title? Let me guess, that’s why you let her back here right?”

The clerk looked down at the floor and stood silent.

Speedy Delivery scoffed.

“I swear, you mares are some dumbass bitches you know that? That’s why I’m in charge around here cause I don’t get pushed around. Tell them both to leave and that I don’t have time for whatever they want, you got it?”

The mare quickly nodded her head.

“Yes Mr. Deliver-”

[Really dramatic music because I was listening to it while writing this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNPvjZXALV0&feature=related]

“You bastard!” A voice bellowed from behind the door, making the mare jump and the stallion stand up from his chair.

“What the hell was-” but he wouldn’t be able to finish.

The door suddenly flew off it’s hinges and lodged itself into the cloud wall next to Speedy (I know their clouds but whatever) and there before the clerk and the stallion, both who were utterly shocked, was Princess Luna with burning white eyes and swirls of magic covering her entire body. Ripples of violent magic covered her horn and electric black sparks flashed around her figure.

The alicorn looked over to the terrified mail clerk that had fallen onto the floor and was quickly backing away from the goddess.

GET OUT!” Luna commanded.

“Okay!” the clerk quickly answered and flew her flank right out of this soon to be grave, leaving only her and her victim.

YOU! You’re the one they call Speedy Delivery?!!” Luna roared as she slowly went over to him, staggering a bit from her enraged power.

The stallion backed away, staying behind his desk as if it was somehow going to protect him.

“W...what do you want y..your highness?” the stallion stuttered in a foalish, small voice.

“Our friend! You! You hurt her! YOU BUCKING HURT HER!!!” Luna screeched, stabbing sheer terror through the stallion’s heart.

She came to the desk as the stallion backed himself against the cloud wall behind him. She looked down at the desk that blocked her path to her victim and zapped it with a black electric bolt, disintegrating the furniture into dust.

“Holy shit!” a voice yelled along with other multiple voices from behind. Luna quickly turned around and saw a group forming at what used to be the entrance to the office. Employees and customers stood there in awe and terror as they looked upon their ruler, seeing her fearsome rage and power but she didn’t care.

Luna didn’t care about anything anymore, only that she make this stallion suffer just like he made her mare suffer.

“She’s gone nuts! I told you she was still Nightmare Moon!” a voice yelled in the group.

“BE GONE. ALL OF YOU!” Luna commanded.

Her horn lit up, letting a black smoke pour out of her horn tip. It engulfed the room and slowly the group disappeared and everything around her except the stallion who was now screaming for help.

“Help! Somepony help me! She’s gone bucking crazy!”

But it was futile. This magic that Luna had released drowned out the outside world to both of them. The group that had formed at the door was still there, it was just that they could not see them now since they were engulfed in her dark magic.

“Help!!” he yelled again as he looked around but there was nothing but the goddess and this darkness she had created.

“SILENCE!” Luna yelled as she turned to her prey, “NO PONY SHALL HELP THEE NOW! IT IS ONLY US!

“What the hell you want?!” Speedy cried as Luna walked over to him.

The alicorn’s mind was hazy and burning with terrible thoughts and the image of Derpy crying and her bruised leg...it had control of her.

This wasn’t the gamer Luna that some knew her by.This was something completely different. This was darkness incarnate.

This was Luna’s wrath.

Her horn lit up once again and engulfed the stallion in her magic and slammed him against the dark wall, making him let out a loud grunt from the sheer force of her slam.

“Derpy Hooves! Why did you fire her?!!

“You mean that retard bitch?!!” Speedy answered, but not the answer that Luna wanted to hear and only sent her rage to undescribable levels.


She brought the stallion towards her with her magic at a fast speed and just before he was muzzle to muzzle with the goddess, she swung her silver hoof across his face and sent the stallion rolling onto the black floor as he cried out in pain.

“NOW ANSWER OUR QUESTION! Why did you FIRE HER?!!” Luna roared, sending the bass of her voice right through the pony that cowered before her.

“She was late! She was always late with her deliveries and I was losing bits! She was a burden!” Speedy cried as tears now began to roll down his cheeks from sheer fear.

This was still not the answer Luna desired but no answer would suffice. There wa no good reason for her that could explain why Derpy had to be fired.

Luna grabbed the stallion with her magic once more by his neck and lifted him into the air.

“So this was about MONEY?! You fire my friend over MONEY and then you dare call her a retard and bitch to her!?? What gives you that right?!!!”

“I never said any of that, I swear!”


Her magic tightened around the Speedy’s throat and he threw his forehooves up to his neck as he began to gag for air.

“Say that you did! You called OUR mare a retard and bitch, didn’t you!? Say it before we break your pathetic neck!”

“Yes!” he coughed, “I did! I called her a stupid bitch, cunt, retard, I did it all!,” he admitted as he coughed more and his face began to turn a slight purple.

Luna let her release go and let him drop to the black floor, letting him gasp for air.

Luna...you need to stop. You’re going too far. What if Derpy see’s this?

Her inner voice in her head wasn’t heard though. She needed to hurt him, scar him for life so he would never do what he had done to Derpy again...if he even lived that long.

“You have no right to call her or anypony that! She was your best employee and you dare fire her and call her names! Tell us, who’s the bitch now?!”

“I’m sorry! I promise I will never call her or anypony names again! I’ll even hire her again, just please stop!” Speedy begged as he struggled to lift himself from the floor.

But she couldn't stop...not yet.


Luna...you have to stop...

“What are you going to do to me?!” Speedy Delivery asked, fearing what she could do to him but she had the perfect plan.

Luna smiled wickedly and lifted him by her magic and brought him face to face with her burning white eyes.

“Ponies fear me because of what I was before but you...you're going to learn why they do.”

Luna’s body began to change in front of the stallion. Her horn grew a bit longer and turned black. Her eyes went from teal pupils to slits like a snake and her regalia changed along with a helmet appearing on her head. Her coat became black and her now darker form was present.

“N..Nightmare Moon! You’re s..still Nightmare Moon!”

“Now...,” Luna began, taking on her appearance as her darker side, “...tell me, do you have a wife by any chance?”

Speedy looked at her with confusion, not knowing where this angered goddess was taking this.

“What are you talking-!?


“Yes! Yes I have a wife!” he quickly answered as he levitated in mid-air before with her by her magic.


As if on cue, a pair of sharp, long scissors appeared between them along with a jar and scalpel.

The brown stallion’s eyes went larger than ever before and he knew exactly what she was planning to do and why she had asked him that question.

“You’re going to cut my balls off?!” he blurted.

The alicorn chuckled darkly.

“I’m going to make sure that you know how Derpy felt when you called her names and hit her. I had to see her...broken and sad. Now I’m going to break you...

“Wait! WAIT!” Speedy cried, “I’ll give her her job back, pay her more, even make her a supervisor! I promise that none of this will ever happen again! I promise!”

Luna...think of Derpy...if she see’s you doing this and the way you are now...

Again, the voice’s reason fell on deaf ears. Luna was lost in her own anger and retribution.

She flipped the stallion upside down and spread his hind legs to reveal the equipment.

“NO! Please!”

“Too late for that Speedy Delivery. You hurt my friend and in turn have hurt me...now it’s your turn. You brought this shitstorm on yourself.”

She took the scissors and scalpel and readied them for a swift and quick emergency vasectomy.

“You will NEVER make her cry AGAIN!”

And with that, all that was heard was one sound.


[I wonder if I went too far this time...oh well ;)]