• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,626 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 3

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 3

The Beginning of Something...Maybe...and Other Stuff

Princess Luna and Derpy Hooves sat in the middle of her chambers, surrounded by snacks, soda, and a variety of pillows for comfort. Both had their headsets on and controllers ready. The duo were ready but they had to wait a few moments before their gaming could begin.

“You did tell them what time we would be on right?” Luna asked Derpy as she took a sip of her drink.

The pegasus nodded her head as she pulled her phone out.

“Yeah, I called them while I took your controllers to my friend and I used the voice command this time instead of actually dialing....these things weren’t really meant for hooves.”

“Well I guess they are running a tad late then. Let’s give it five more minutes,” Luna suggested. So the two waited in silence with only the munching of chips and muffins along with slurps of soda being all that was heard.

“There they are!” Derpy exclaimed a few minutes later as names came up on the immense T.V. screen.

DJPWN3 is Online

XxGandPT_FTW_xX is Online

PerrohambreV2 is Online

LYrA_TaG_ is online

BBeerry08 is online

“‘I'll send the party invite,” Luna said happily as she put out the virtual invitations.

DJPWN3 has joined the party.

“Sup Derps! Sup Princess!” Vinyl yelled through the mic, making both mares cringe from having their eardrums blasted out.

“Heh, hello Vinyl. I’m assuming by the volume of your voice you had a show tonight,” Luna said, rubbing her ringing ears. Anytime Vinyl Scratch was as loud as her Royal Canterlot voice, that could only mean the DJ blew out her own sense of hearing doing a show.

“You know it! I had that place hoppin’!”, Vinyl yelled once more. Thankfully the two mares turned the volume down before she could reply to save themselves from going deaf.

XxGandPT_FTW_xX has joined the party.

The Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived!”

Derpy face-hoofed herself and muted her mic.

“Luna, why do we always have to invite her?”

The alicorn laughed while she also muted her mic for a moment, knowing how much her friend despised this certain pony.

“Oh come on Derpy, she’s not all that bad. Besides, it’s funny to see her rage after she gets beat. You know it’s funny.”

Derpy let a small laugh escaped her, knowing that Luna spoke the truth.

“Yeah, I guess so. I just don’t like how she thinks she’s basically the best pony there ever was.”

Luna gave Derpy’s shoulder a small playful nudge, trying to lighten her friend’s mood. There was no doubt that Trixie was ‘overly-confident’ but that would change soon like usual.

“That’s why you're here. You can bring her down a few notches. You know she’s always like this until you start owning her.”

Derpy smiled and nodded. She turned her mic back on and proceeded as normally.

“Hi Trixie. How have you been?” Derpy asked, at least trying to be cordial with the unicorn.

“Trixie has been excellent! Trixie has been going around Equestria, showing her amazing and powerful magic that none-”

“Okay Trixie, I think we get it!” Vinyl interrupted, obviously showing a disdain for the unicorn that she had no problem showing. Everypony could agree that they really didn’t want to hear Trixie’s ‘great and powerful’ monologue...again.

PerrohambreV2 has joined the party.

Now this was one pony Luna nor Derpy had never seen before online or at least within their party. Luna knew it wasn’t one of her friends on her list. Maybe it was one of Derpy’s friends?

“Who’s that?” Luna asked, hoping somepony knew who this was.

“Oh! Yeah! That’s my friend! He’s a DJ in Manehatten I met a couple weeks ago! He a real cool guy and he wanted in on the fun.” Vinyl said, her voice now going back to an acceptable decibel.

“Hello!” Derpy said, being the first to greet this new player. If anypony was up for meeting a new friend, it was definitely her.


“Huh? Um no, I said hello,” Derpy replied, confused now what this pony just said.

“Sí, lo sé y me dijo hola (Yes, I know and I said hello),” the stallion said, still making no sense to the confused mailmare.

Princess Luna chuckled to herself seeing that her friend obviously had never came across a pony that didn’t speak Equestrian. Of course the alicorn knew what the stallion was saying, considering she was an immortal goddess and had met many ponies with different languages in her time, but she decided against telling her what he was saying for the sake of amusement. It wasn’t very common to come across a pony that didn’t speak common Equestrian and to see her friend’s confused face was too funny to her.

“Vinyl, Trixie demands to know why you brought some pony that can’t even speak proper language to the party.”

“Hey! He can talk! It’s just he doesn't know how to speak our language because he’s not from Equestria, but I’m teaching him so lay off okay? Besides, not like you have much room to talk anyways Trixie.” Vinyl retorted in this pony’s defense.

Derpy looked over to Luna with her eyes askew once again, still confused.

“Luna, do you know what he’s saying?”

She shook her head, still laughing inside about all of this.

“I don’t know my friend but I’m sure he said hello to you too.”

LYrA_TaG_ has joined the party.

“What’s up girls? Sorry I’m late. Bon Bon was having me taste test some new candy again.”

“Yeah! I bet you were tasting her candy!” Vinyl laughed through her mic.

Derpy put her hoof to her mouth, trying not to laugh. Luna was pretty immune to the joke seeing that she got more than her share of sexual jokes with her sister on a daily basis.

“Ha ha. Funny Vinyl.” Lyra said flatly, “My sides are killing me from your humour.”

“Thanks! Sometimes I think I should be a comedian.”

“Are we ready yet? Trixie grows impatient.”

“We’re waiting for one more pony Trixie,” Luna said but she was also growing impatient. She was ready to start playing whatever they were going to play tonight. She had been waiting all day for this and she really didn’t want anymore delays.

BBeery08 has joined the party.

“Heeeyy yoouu shexy girls! Did you,” the voice hiccuped,” did you all shtart without me?”

“Berry, are you drunk again?” Luna asked, knowing the answer already but hoping that this mare was at least somewhat coherent enough to at least know she was wasted.

“I...I’m ain’t drunk...just a bit tipsy.”

“Berry, you sound like you been hitting the hard cider again,” Lyra said with a little static coming from her mic.

“Nahhh, I only had about nine..I shink,” Berry Punch said, barely comprehensible through her slurring of words. “Lets...let’s kick some flanks.”

Luna couldn't agree more.

“So, what shall we play tonight? Halo: Reach or Call of Duty?” Luna asked the group.

Trixie was the first to voice her opinion,”These are games that you and Derpy always win in! Trixie wants to know why we must play these? Trixie thinks-”

“Trixe, jusht shut the buck up pleash. Nopony cares whats,” Berry paused, making a groaning sound in her mic, “ what you thinks kay?”

Derpy pulled a pillow to her mouth and bit on it to keep her from laughing hysterically into her mic. She knew it was wrong to laugh at such a vulgar statement but it was funny because she knew how Trixie was going to react.

“How dare you talk that way to the Great and Powerful Trixie! This is why you will never-”

“Hey you two, let’s calm the shitstorm. I want to play some games here, not listen to you two rage at each other,” Vinyl said.

“Thank you Vinyl. Now, which of these two do you all want to play?” Luna asked again.

“I just got Halo today so I’m choosing that,” Lyra said.

“I’m going with Strings on this one,” Vinyl agreed. “What about you Perro? You got Halo right?”

“Si,” said the DJ’s friend.

“Does that mean yes?” Derpy asked.

“Yeah, he’s down,” Vinyl answered.

“What about the rest of you? Berry? Trixie?” Luna said, hoping that the two wouldn’t get into another verbal qualm.

“Fine. Trixie will play Halo though she knows that she won’t win.”

Well at least she can finally admit that. Luna thought to herself.

“You mean that gamewithspaceponish? I’m show in there.”

“Very well then. We will start the night with that then. I hope you all brought your tissue boxes,” Luna said letting a bit of cockiness show.

Derpy got up as if on cue and went to look for the item from one of the shelves that held a plethora of video games that belonged to the princess. Derpy sifted through the titles, carefully looking to find the right one.

“Colt of Honor...Super Smash Ponies Brawl...Hay-Life 2:Episode 3(Ha!)...Halo! Got it!”

The pegasus quickly trotted over to the game console and pushed the touch sensitive button, opening the tray. She carefully placed the disk with her hooves (Don’t ask how, just go with it) into the tray and closed it.

“Alright! Let’s get started!” Luna cheered.

The screen went black and Derpy sat back down beside the alicorn. Luna pressed the A button constantly as she just wanted to skip over the intro and get straight to matchmaking. The main menu came up and she went into the custom game tab.

Luna looked over to the side of the screen, showing the ranks of their fellow party members with only one matching her rank.

MuffinMar3- Forerunner

PerrohambreV2- Field Marshal

XxGandPT_FTW_xX- Recruit

BBeery08- General Grade 2

DJPWN3- Legend

LYrA_TaG_ - Reclaimer

Both Luna and Derpy’s jaws dropped to the floor seeing Lyra’s rank as Reclaimer. Derpy and her had been the highest rank out of all their friends as they were both Forerunner...until now.

“¡Mierda!(Holy shit!)”, Vinyl’s stallion friend cried.

“Took the words right out of my mouth dude! Lyra, you just got this game and you have Reclaimer rank? That’s higher than the princess and Derps here! I thought you didn’t even start playing this until now?!” Vinyl said.

Luna’s curiosity was definitely piqued. How could Lyra have gained such a high rank in so little time when she had never played the game until now? More importantly, how was she a higher rank than her and Derpy?!

“I haven't played this yet. It was probably Bon Bon who was playing it earlier. Is Reclaimer a high rank?”

“Trixie does not understand. Trixie thought she had the highest rank!”

Derpy rolled her golden eyes and sighed.

“Trixie, we keep telling you that Recruit is the lowest rank there is,” the pegasus said politely.


“Ha! You so stupids Trixie!” Berry Punch said through her series of small drunken hiccups.

“So I guess I’m highest rank here then? Cool!” Lyra said. “I’m going to have to thank Bon Bon later tonight.”

“Heck yeah you will!” Vinyl laughed.

“Hilarious Vinyl. You know, you make these jokes but at least I’m actually getting some compared to you.”

Luna’s face flared a hot red along with Derpy’s who now both looked at each other, almost asking the silent question of ‘Did she just say that?’

“Hey! I could get some anytime I wanted Lyra. Hell, I could get some right now from my stallion friend here if I wanted it.”

“Errm...”the stallion uttered nervously.

“Trixie is lost. What are you all talking about?”

“It’s called sex, something you’ll nevers get,” Berry Punch said with drunken malice.

“Okay that’s enough girls...and uh Vinyl’s friend...can we just start playing please instead of talking about our personal lives?” Luna interjected with haste before the conversation turned into everypony’s personal life story.

“Whash about you Luna? Has you ever has the sexy times with somes specia pony?”

The entire party went dead silent and her face heated up more than before. She could see in the corner of her eye that even her friend sitting beside her was now looking at her, curious about what her answer would be.

“Berry, what kind of question is that? I’m sure she’s gotten more than we'll ever get in our lifetimes...literally,” Vinyl said over her mic, not knowing how wrong she was.

Luna never really had a special somepony before in her long life nor did she ever engage in such a sensual act. She had her dreams of meeting that special somepony but with having a reputation as the former Nightmare Moon and being one of the royal regals that ruled Equestria, that dream seemed unlikely but it was fine by her. She had her best friend and fellow gamers; that’s all she really needed.

“Um, I rather not talk about that,” she answered, hoping that would end that conversation.

Derpy muted her mic once more and tapped the alicorn on her shoulder, gaining Luna’s attention away from the answers of the other mare’s.

“Have you had a special somepony Luna?” Derpy asked innocently.

As much as she didn’t want to admit that she never had somepony to call her own, she couldn’t lie to this pony.

Were supposed to be playing Halo...not asking about my failed, non-existent, romantic life.

Luna muted her mic as she didn’t want the others to hear her answer.

“I...I never had a special somepony,” she stuttered, now worried that the blonde pegausus would think less of her.

Derpy smiled; almost a smile that Luna swore was of relief.

“Well I’m sure you will have one. I mean, you are really pretty and stuff. Any pony that wouldn’t want to be your special somepony would have to be insane. I never had a special somepony either but I know it’s because of my eyes. Ponies think I’m weird or something.”

“What?! Derpy, your eyes are magnificent though!” Luna suddenly blurted, suddenly realizing what she just said.

Both mares stared at each other for a few awkward moments with both their faces a hot red. Luna didn’t mean to make it sound like that but it just came out. How could anypony not be her special somepony? Simply because of her crossed eyes? Luna though they were pretty unique and actually flippin’ adorkable, so hearing that be the reason was kind of shocking to her.

Derpy finally broke the awkward silence between them that seemed to last forever.

“Well,err, I never had anypony tell me that my eyes were magnificent,” she said, laughing nervously,”Thank you princess.”

Luna quickly nodded, now wanting to end the awkward moment she had just caused

“Oh, uh, yes of course. And thank you for your earlier complement. Now, how about we get this game started,” the alicorn said hastily as she turned away, still her cheeks a hot blush.

That was so awkward...and my face is so hot! Stop being hot!

They both turned on their mics again, welcomed to yet another verbal brawl.

“Trixie, I bet you couldn’t even take a stallion without you complaining like ‘You can’t use that on the Great and Powerful Trixie! It has to go in at a forty-five degree angle’,” Vinyl said, trying to imitate the magician’s voice.

“Bahaha! No puedo creer que ustedes están hablando de tomar pollas (I can not believe you guys are talking about taking cocks)!”

“You need to hang with us more dude, you’ll find out a whole lot about mares,” Vinyl replied through her laughter.

“Okay girls that’s enough. It’s time to play and were wasting the night here talking about...whatever you girls were talking about,” Luna said with a much firmer tone.

“Yes, let’s begin so Trixie can pay you all back for your insults to such a powerful and talented pony as she.”

“So custom games then?” Lyra asked.

“Shlayer! Let’s do some shlayer!” The sound of a cork popping out of something came over Berry’s mic.

Thank You! Finally! Luna rejoiced in her mind.

Luna set up the custom game lobby quickly, trying to get the game started as fast as possible before some other random conversation came up that would turn into questions toward her personal life.

Game Type:Slayer

Map: Powerhouse

Score Limit: 50

Time: Unlimited

“Okay girls, the game is set up,” Derpy said as she watched Luna set the final option. Without hesitation, gamertags started to pop-up in the in-game party lobby, showing that everpyony was accounted for.

It was time to get started; Luna pressed the start button, signaling the beginning of the night and the many rapings that these ponies were going to suffer...figuratively of course.


Six long hours later....

Score: 50-0

MVP- Noct3rnal

Top Medals

MuffinMare3- Perfection

Noct3rnal- Perfection

MuffinMar3-Be The Bullet

“Okay, I give up.” Vinyl declared in her mic.

“Lo mismo digo (Ditto).”

“Trixie for once agrees with the lowly DJ. We have played this for hours and none of us, more importantly Trixie, has not won a single game!”

“Yeah, you guys are too good for us,” Lyra agreed.

Once again, Luna and Derpy owned the carnage report with top marks..for the 30th time in a row. Derpy with her sniper rifle was unstoppable; for her it was headshot after headshot with her handy weapon. For Luna, she dominated with nothing but a plasma pistol and DMR and together, these two gamers destroyed the others game after game for the past six hours. Imagine being smacked that hard...go ahead and imagine that.

“Ish going to bed and havin’ some more cider. Ish can barely see’s the...the...the..” the sound of a hard thud came over the mic along with what sounded like a dropping of a bottle.

Bberry08 has left the party.

“Looks like our beloved drunk has finally succumbed to the cider,” Lyra pointed out, “But I think I’m going to do the same and get to bed. I’m sure Bon Bon is waiting for me anyways and before you even say anything Vinyl, it’s not for that.

“I wasn’t going to say anything this time!” Vinyl rebuked in her defense but also letting a small giggle escape her as she voiced her innocence.

“Oh come on girls, just one more,” Luna pleaded , the fire of competition and domination still burning in her. She barely even noticed how much time had passed by she didn’t really feel that tired either. On the contrary, she was quite energetic and lively. Maybe it was due to all the soda and salty snacks she had eaten or maybe it was simply that the night was her domain.

“Sorry princess but I really must get to sleep but you can bet I’ll be on next week. I had fun. Goodnight everypony.”

LYrA_TaG_ has left the party.

“What about you Vinyl? Are you still up for another?” Luna asked hoping that the DJ was still game.

“Nah, sorry princess. I think I had enough for tonight and I got to crash. Me and my friend got a show we’re doing together tomorrow so I need to get some shut-eye.”

“Yep,” the stallion simply said.

“Ha! Trixie needs no sleep to do her amazing shows! A true entertainer works hard around the clock to become the greatest there ever-”

“Twilight Sparkle.”

XxGandPT_FTW_xX has left the party.

“Bahahahahaha!” Derpy busted out laughing, rolling onto her back beside Luna as tears began to come down her face from laughing so hard.

“I love how that always shuts her up,” Vinyl said proudly. Trixie was still a bit touchy whenever she heard the name of Celestia’s student obviously.

“Well I suppose you better to get to sleep my friend. I don’t want to keep you both up if you have another show to do tomorrow,” Luna tried to say as her friend continued laughing.

“Alright Princess. Same time again next week right?”

“As always.”

“Cool. Alright Perro, it’s time to bounce. See ya Luna. See ya Derps.”

Derpy quelled her laughter to send her farewell.

“Bye Vinyl and...and friend.”


“I’m going to take that as a goodbye. That does mean goodbye right?” Derpy asked sheepishly, still not understanding what this strange stallion was saying.

DJPWN3 has left the party.

PerrohambreV2 has left the party.

The online party had disbanded leaving only Derpy Hooves and Princess Luna sitting in her now dark chambers with the screen set on the xbox dashboard.

“That was really fun,” Derpy said, taking off her headset and setting her controller down. She brought her hoof to her mouth and let a soft yawn escape her, showing that even this gamer was a bit tired.

Luna did the same as she set her controller down and took her headset off.

“For us at least. I don’t know about the others,”she said, thinking back to the numerous headshots that she and her friend got multiple times within each game. It was definitely fun for them.

“I know they did. Everypony had a good time. Especially me,” Derpy said with a smile.

“Why is that? Do you not enjoy our gaming nights?” Luna asked jokingly, already knowing what she meant.

Derpy caught on quickly to her jest and rolled her skewed eyes with a gentle smile.

“I do, but not because of the video games, but because you're fun to play with.”

Luna’s mind went blank for a moment. This was not the answer that she had expected. She was expecting one to the degree of winning and basically destroying opponents but instead Derpy enjoyed it because she, Luna, was fun to play with? It was almost alien to her to fathom such an idea.

“Oh. Well I enjoy playing with you also Derpy. Can’t say I have more fun with any other gamer than you,” she replied, still a bit taken back by Derpy’s earlier answer.

The blonde mare beamed but her pearly smile was quickly broken with another yawn.

“It seems the others weren’t the only one’s tired huh?”Luna said as she took notice of Derpy’s yawns.

“Yeah, probably from all that flying I did this morning on top of delivering mail all day. Oh well, good thing I have tomorrow off,” the pegasus said quietly as she yawned more.

Luna had almost forgot about that. Derpy did fly over to the castle this morning to deck out her now badass controllers and still had to work as a mailmare. This mare wasn’t simply fatigued but probably exhausted.

“Of course my friend. Here, how about you sleep on my bed tonight so you can rest,” Luna offered as she already began to clean up all the empty soda cans and bags of muffins around them with her magic.

“I couldn’t do that Luna, where would you sleep?”

Luna looked into her friend’s eyes, illuminated by the glowing T.V. screen that sat in front of them. She couldn’t help but admire how considerate her friend was all the time, a quality she didn’t find in many ponies that she had met.

“Don’t worry, I have a sleeping bag that I can rest in. I’ll just put it on the floor beside the bed.”

Derpy stayed silent for a moment before suggesting a quick idea that she seemed almost embarrassed to ask.

“How about we both sleep on the bed? I mean unless you don’t want to, that’s fine..I..just...um...didn’t want you to sleep on the floor while I slept in your bed,” Derpy said hastily.


Luna felt her face heat up for what seemed like the thousandth time this night. She had never actually slept with another pony in bed as she only knew it as something that couples and lovers did. Could friend’s sleep together as well? Her sister told her it was alright to sleep with friends but Luna knew that their definition of friends were much different. Celestia had very close friends compared to her and as the white alicorn would say “I know my friends inside and out.

Luna shuddered thinking about the kinds of friends Celestia had but she was different, so was it okay? Was it acceptable for her to sleep with her friend?

We are good friends and I’m nothing like Celestia...and I guess I’m a bit tired also.

She quickly thought about it a bit more and resolved that there was nothing wrong with it. They were just friends and not near the status of lovers. They were best friends and gamers. Nothing more.

“Very well then. We can share the bed.”

“Oh! Oh okay..um...I should just let you know I hog the bed sometimes.” Derpy laughed nervously a bit and scratched the back of her head.

Luna laughed.Obviously her friend had no idea how much of a bed hog she was herself.

“Don’t worry Derpy, I’m the same way. If need be, I can just get us separate blankets if for some reason we have a bed war,” the alicorn said, chuckling at the thought of some battle over blankets.

“Heh, yeah. Hopefully that doesn’t happen.”

Luna lit a small candle with her horn and cleaned up the pillows after trashing all the empty bottles and bags with her magic, clearing up the middle of her chamber that her and Derpy had sat in for the past several hours playing Halo with their unique group of gamers.

“I’ll get the tower.” Derpy rose up and began to unplug multiple electronics including the sound system, T.V., and the console itself. Luna set their controllers and headsets next to the xbox nicely with her magic.

“Is there anything else before we go to bed?” Derpy asked.

Luna ran the list through her mind.

Tower of Power is off.

Xbox is off and controllers are put back with headsets.

Cleaned up trash.

Pillows put away.

“I think that’s it Derpy. I guess we can go to bed now.”

It was somewhat awkward to say we in that sentence for Luna since, as said before, she had never slept with another pony before. She always slept alone or they would both just end up falling asleep on the floor from staying up so long but she wasn’t going to make her friend stay up any longer, so Luna had no problem calling it an early night... though it was three in the morning.

Both mares went over to the Luna’s bed. Four fluffy black pillows sat at the head of the bed while covered by sparkling, dark blue silk sheets. It was a bit fancy for Luna’s taste but she was working on getting some new bedsheets, ones that didn’t scream ‘Hey, I’m a princess!’ She wanted some that were basic; simple.

Derpy was the first to climb in but she had to flutter her wings a bit to get on it since the bed was a bit taller than the pony herself. Of course for Luna it was just the right size for her since alicorn’s were naturally taller than other ponies. Derpy snuggled herself under the silk sheets and laid her head on one of the pillows, looking toward Luna who still stood at the side of the bed.

“You coming?” Derpy asked jokingly with a cheesy smile.

Luna nodded. Her dark regalia unhooked and her black crown atop her head floated away to their respective places leaving her now feeling essentially ‘naked’, so to speak ,or that’s how she felt without her royal attire...or maybe it was because she was in the presence of her friend. Who knows.

She climbed into the bed and slid under the sheets and laid her head on a pillow right beside her friends. Luna was careful that her body didn’t touch her friends since she didn’t know if that would be beyond that of friendly contact when sharing a bed.

“Are you comfortable?” Luna asked, wanting to make sure she wasn’t taking too much blanket or anything.

“Yep,” Derpy said softly as sleep was now beginning to take the mare.

“Okay good. Well goodnight Derpy. I will see you in the morning.” Luna didn’t want to keep the pegausus up any longer as she was obviously exhausted if she was already falling asleep.

“Goodnight Luna. I had a really good...” Derpy trailed off and fell into the descent of sleep.

Luna stared at her, this being the first time she had seen Derpy asleep. She felt a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest as she watched Derpy snore softly. She looked peaceful and happy. Luna thought she looked...cute.

Goodnight my friend.

Luna turned her head and blew out the candle she had lit earlier, making the room go completely dark with only the light of her moon pouring through her window. The alicorn closed her teal eyes and drifted off to sleep with thoughts of tonight’s transpired events; the headshots, perfection medals, MVP’s, Trixie raging, Vinyl and Lyra’s awkward conversations...


Little did these two mares know that a certain alicorn was watching through the window with a giant grin on her face and with her was a confused unicorn beside her that held a camera, positioning it take pictures.

Let the shenanigans ensue.