• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,626 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 8

Stream Lost :: Re-connection: Failed

L33t, why am I still getting a stream failure?

I apologize. I have tried to reconnect 3,237.42 times throughout the night and cannot seem to connect to the link in Princess Celestia’s chambers.

Ugh...have you tried connecting to the link in Princess Luna’s chambers?

No. Would you like for me to try?

Yes and if that doesn't work then connect to all links within Canterlot simultaneously.

Very well.

Connecting to Port L.U.N.A. .... connecting... please wait... … … loading... … … uploading LIVE stream... … Connection Established!

I have established connection within Princess Luna’s chambers and have located both alicorns.

Good. Let’s try to keep it that way L33t. I want to keep an eye on Luna.

I will do my best.

Begin stream...

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 8

Challenge Accepted

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alicorn heard the annoying buzzing of her alarm and turned her head, shoving her muzzle into a pillow.

“Just five more minutes,” she moaned. Luna felt extremely weak and lethargic. She only felt like she had just went to sleep and now her cursed alarm wanted to wake her.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Luna threw the blanket over head and turned more in her bed, trying to somehow mentally block out the sound. She could just get up and turn off this pestering alarm herself and go back to bed but that meant actually getting out of her bed’s warm embrace. She was too relaxed, too sleepy, too tired to do so.

Damn alarm...I just want to stay in bed.

Luna’s eyelids were heavy and even if she tried to open them, her body was too weak for even that simple task.

Stay in bed...

The sentence repeated in her mind like a broken record and Luna’s lethargic and slow mind was starting to notice something weird about this simple thought.

...in bed...wait...how the hay did I get to bed??

The beeping alarm continued but Luna couldn’t hear it. Her mind now raced with how and what got her here to her bed. Like some type of slideshow, images began to flash instantly in her head.

She remembered her and Vinyl with paintball guns and sneaking around at night in the halls. The guards being put down by their smoke bombs, going into her sisters room, and the journal were all flooding her mind until the most vital and now probably the scariest thing for Luna appeared in her mind.

She could see her sister’s face close to hers with a very devious smile and remembered that look in her eyes. She saw the raging, untamed lust in those deceiving eyes and heard Celestia’s last words before she blacked out.

I finally have you.

Immediately the weakness that encumbered her body instantly left and the alicorn’s eyelids flung open. Her heart went from calm to erratic within seconds and her very blood within her body went ice cold as her mind screamed and spewed things that her sister could have done to her and Vinyl while they were unconscious.

Beep! Beep! Bee-.

Luna’s ear twitched as she lay petrified under her blanket and her mind raced with things that made her stomach turn and made her want to vomit but she failed to notice that her alarm had suddenly went off.

I....what if...did she? Would she??? What kind of question is that!?? Of course she would! I gave her the chance and she took it!!! But she said she wouldn’t...I don’t know!

Question and answer ran through her mind. One part of her mind tried to convince herself that despite the way her sister was, Celestia did say she would never try to screw her but then again... she saw the lust in those eyes of hers. Luna considered Tia a nymphomaniac and she was the worst kind...the one’s that seemed to have no bounds.

But would her sister go that far just to please her own raging needs? Even Celestia knew how important Luna’s V-card was to her...or did she?

Many ponies would think that Luna would have done the dirty deed a million times by now in her long life but this was far from truth. As she told Derpy and her sister, she never had a special somepony and in turn, never gotten the chance to engage in such an act. She kept her virginity and only wanted to give it to some pony who truly loved her and deserved it...but her sister?!!

How was she supposed to tell other ponies, like her friend’s, about something like that?! ‘Oh hey girls, just wanted to tell you I had my first time with my sister. Awesome right?’ That would probably raise some questions... and maybe some judgements.

“Hnnnngh!” a voice moaned.

Luna ripped herself away from her terrible thoughts and worries as she heard the loud moan.

“Oh yes!” the voice moaned even louder.

Luna’s felt her face now turn red as she heard the voice’s moans and knew exactly who it was. She knew those moans too well not to know that it wasn’t her one and only...


...sister. Luna had heard those moans the many times she would pass by her sister’s chambers along with the grunting of some stallion or the squealing of some mare.


She’s...no bucking way! Is she doing it in MY room?!!

“Oh yes! I’m almost there!” Celestia moaned even louder.

Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her own sister takes advantage of her and then dares to now be rutting some other pony in her own room?? A sudden flare of anger now rose up in her as she gritted her teeth and laid under her blanket. She was tolerant of her sister but this was too much for the angered ruler of night.

“Sooo...sooo close! I..I think I’m gonna...!”

Nope! That’s it!

With no more hesitation or thinking and preparing her eyes for what she was about to see, Luna flung her blanket off of her and jumped her off her bed and landed on all four hooves on the floor in one smooth motion.

“Tia! How dare you be doing...that...” she trailed off as she stared at the white alicorn that laid on her back on Luna’s rug, holding something square in her hooves.

“I...I think I’m gonna...WIN! Ha! Take that Discord! That’s for all those times you said no!” her sister cheered.

Princess Celestia laid in the middle of Luna’s room with a childish grin on her face as she held up of what now Luna concluded was her DS. Luna’s mind went static as she tried to comprehend what was going on. First, the fact that Celestia was not doing what she assumed was happening but instead playing her DS blew and second, the fact that Celestia was actually playing a video game.

“Oh! You’re up,” Celestia said, seemingly oblivious to Luna’s previous outburst. She set the small red DS gently down on the ground and stood up, “How did you sleep?” she asked with sincere innocence.

“What did you do to me and Vinyl last night Tia???” Luna exclaimed.

Luna wasn’t wasting any time with her sister. She needed to know if the worst had happened to her and what happened to the DJ. Did she have her way with her too? No doubt if she did, Vinyl would go around Ponyville saying what happened and how pervy her sister was. Worse, word would no doubt get back around to Derpy.

“What do you mean little sister?” Celestia replied, keeping that innocent little smile on her face that was beginning to anger Luna.

“You know exactly what I mean!” Luna yelled, “What did you do to me and Vinyl last night?!!!”

Celestia cocked her brow for a moment, looking as if she absolutely had no clue to what the angered Princess of the Night was referring to, but she then lowered it and chuckled to herself.

“Oh, I know what you mean. You think that I had my way with you two, don’t you?”

“Yes!” Luna blurted, “And I swear if you did, I’m going to show you something way worse than Nightmare Moon!”

That was a hollow threat and Luna knew it. In all honesty, she didn’t know what she would do if Celestia did admit that she screwed her unconscious body. She didn’t know if she would break down and cry or simply stare into space for who knew how long. Either way, she needed to let her sister know that this was a dead serious issue.

sexier than your alter ego? I want to see this.”

Luna’s face blushed and she bit her lower lip. She wanted to just tackle Celestia and beat the living crap out of her right now but she would just probably take that as some type of kinky foreplay.

“Stop that! Tell me if you did or not!”

Celestia let out a sigh of disappointment.

“You really must stop teasing me Luna. Telling me that you could show me something even sexier than Nightmare Moon-”

“I’m not- I mean- Nightmare Moon is not sexy! Now bucking tell me!!!” Luna yelled, stomping her hoof on the ground so hard that the floor underneath cracked a bit.

“Oooooooo, you mad.” Celestia laughed and began prancing around Luna, “You mad, you mad, you mad.”


“You mad.”

“Stop it.”

“You mad.”

“I said stop Tia!”

Celestia disregarded her and continued, “Little Lulu is maaaaad.”

Luna scrunched her face, trying to control her now rising anger...

“Tia, for the last time I said-”

“You mad.”

...but it was too late.

ENOUGH!” Luna roared with her royal Canterlot voice and her eyes flashing into a bright white. The window shattered from the force of her voice and all the sheets blew clean off her bed from the magic that now radiated from her body.

Celestia stopped dead in her tracks and simply stared in what looked like... disbelief?

Luna pressed her muzzle hard against Celestia’s and spoke in her deafening voice and stared at the shocked white alicorn with her burning white eyes.

“We demand to know if thou hast fornicated with us and our friend, and we demand an answer NOW!”

Celestia stayed silent with wide eyes.There was a dead silence between the two for a few moments. All that was heard was the seething magic that radiated off Luna’s body and her heavy breathing.

“Well?!” Luna asked with much bass in her voice.

Celestia face of disbelief and shock turned back into a wide smile. She raised her golden hoof and patted Luna’s head like some type of pet.

“Oh yeah, you're definitely mad,” the regal laughed.

Instantly, Luna’s eyes went back to normal and the magic that radiated from her body disappeared. Any anger that Luna had now was completely drained and only utter and raw desperation replaced it. All she wanted was some answer to either calm her thoughts or put them in complete depression; either way, she needed to know. She couldn’t even intimidate the answer out of this troll of a sister.

Luna plopped her rump on the floor and asked the question again but in almost what some would call a pathetic tone.

“Plleeeeease Tia, just tell me if you did. I promise I won’t be mad or anything, regardless of your answer. I just want to know,” Luna now begged and whined.

“Alright fine,” Celestia said as she pranced back to the rug she had left the DS on and picked it up, “I didn’t do anything to you or your friend. You both passed out and I had to carry you back to your room and teleport Vinyl back to her home. I been here all night in your room just watching videos and stuff on this thing.”

She lifted the DS with her magic and showed Luna.

“So... so you didn’t do...you know?” Luna stuttered.

“Nope. Didn’t I already tell you that I wouldn’t do you?” Celestia said in a matter-of-factly tone.

A wave of relief washed over Luna’s body. Vinyl and her were spared Celestia’s sexy charms but now another question rose up in her noggin.

She didn’t do Vinyl?

“Wait, I know you said that you wouldn’t...well you know...cause I’m your sister but what about Vinyl? You could have...” she trailed off again, not wanting to put that picture in her head.

“I could have but I’m a busy pony Luna. Besides,” she gave a dark smirk and looked over to Luna, “It’s no fun when they're not awake to experience my lovely plot.”

Luna shuddered and felt a cold chill down her spine but the fact stood: Celestia didn’t rape her or her friend last night.

“Now, let’s talk about something more interesting,” Celestia began, sitting on her rump on the small rug, “Why were you and Vinyl snooping in my room I wonder.”


Luna was hoping that somehow Celestia would forget about that but that was wishful thinking. The alicorn lowered her head. She resolved she might as well come clean about it. It was the least she could do since Celestia was kind enough to not have her way with Vinyl.

“I was trying to get some dirt on you because of those pictures you had of me and Derpy. I thought if I got something on you then you would drop this blackmail you had on me.”

Celestia’s horn lit up a bright yellow and a banana appeared before her. She started to peel it with precision and skill but her smiling face was unchanging.

“And what did you find my dear Luna?”

The journal.

Luna’s eyes were beginning to dart everywhere as she thought about what to say. Celestia kept smiling at her while she waited for an answer but Luna didn’t know if that was a smile to mask anger or just to screw with her mind.

“I know you read my journal, I’m just curious about what you read is all,” Celestia said as she licked her banana in questionable ways.

Shit...she already knows. She’s just mind-bucking me right now.

“I did read your journal, “ Luna admitted, “And I know that you have a crush on your student.”

“Well duh!” Celestia exclaimed, “Every pony knows that. Jeez, you make it sound like it’s some type of dark secret I have or something. The only pony that dosn’t see it is Twilight which isn’t surprising because she’s naive but you? I would have thought you would have seen that a long time ago. If that’s what you were planning to use on me, then you’re a terrible blackmailer.”

“What?!” Luna exclaimed as she cocked her head in sudden confusion, “Then why haven’t you ever told me that you had a crush on her?!”

“Why haven’t you told me that you have a crush on Derpy?” Celestia retorted as she took another bite of her fruit.

Luna’s cheeks flustered.

“I don’t have a crush on her!”

“Then why are you so worried about those pictures I have,huh Lulu?” Celestia asked teasingly.

Now that was a good question that got Luna quiet. Why did she have such a problem with these pictures? Why not let Celestia just show them to Derpy and let the mailmare decide if they were legit? Derpy knew her well enough to tell if something was genuine or not and maybe Derpy knew better than to think that Luna liked her more than a friend but then there was the possibility that she didn’t, and that’s what scared Luna.

“I don’t have a crush on her. No matter what you think, I know that I don’t have a crush on Derpy.”

Celestia chuckled as she finished her delicious banana that she had taken the time to thoroughly enjoy.

“That’s why you and Vinyl came to my room, knocked out my guards- which I have to thank you for because now I can punish them for failing to guard my room and I simply have the perfect punishment in mind- and rummaged through my room just to get dirt on me. That’s totally not because you have a crush on that small pony,” Celestia laughed.

Oh my gosh! No matter what I say she just turns it against me! How does she do that?!!!!

With nothing clever or witty or even something that could prove that she didn’t have a crush on Derpy, Luna simply said one thing.


Luna began to pick her sheets up from the floor and summoned a broom to clean up the glass from the window she had broken earlier and would now have to get repaired.

“Awww, come on Luna, don’t be like that,” Celestia whined as she got up and threw the banana peel put the broken window, “You look so cute when you get stumped. Don’t give up now.”

“I give up. So there.”

“But why??? I didn’t even get to tell you my deal that I wanted to make with you,” Celestia pouted.

A deal?

Luna’s curiosity was piqued, for good or worse. She turned her head and slowly began to sweep her floor of glass.

“What deal?” she asked with caution.

“A deal that you can’t refuse,” the white alicorn said in a mafia style tone.

Luna rolled her eyes but still pressed the question. She wanted to know what deal Celestia had in mind.

“What’s the deal Tia?”

“A deal that if you win, you don’t have to come to the party with me and I’ll give you all the pictures I have of you and Derpy. As an added bonus, I’ll get you any new game that comes out for the rest of eternity.”


Luna almost fell on the floor hearing this. Celestia was willing to make a deal that could cost her her hold over her? And she would get all the latest games as soon as they came out for eternity??? This was something that the gamer was really liking.

“And if I don’t win?” Luna asked, trying to keep from drooling over the bonus of new games.

Celestia lowered her eyes and licked her lips.

“If you don’t win, I keep the pictures and you and Derpy will come to this party with me indefinitely. On top of that, you will wear the costume I got for you for all of Nightmare Night and like it.”

It was steep.

As of now, she already had to go to that party with her sister but nothing about wearing some panties and socks. If she agreed to this deal and actually lost, then she would have no choice to and her very reputation and life would be ruined. Ponies would stare at her and judge her, thinking she was some perv or something... just like her sister. She didn’t want to be compared to Celestia.

But then there was the chance that she would win and be completely from Celestia’s blackmail and not have to worry about her embarrassing or humiliating her. Then there was the promise of new games! Now this wasn’t much considering that Luna already got all the new games as soon as they came out, you know, being a princess and all, but the fact that Celestia would go out and get them? It was the very principle of it! Celestia always remarked that it was kind of nerdy to go out in the middle of the night just to pick up some game, so what better than to make her do that and eat her words?

Now there was just the question of what she had to do to win.

“So what’s the deal then?”

Celestia walked over to Luna and summoned something over between them that made Luna’s eyes grow wide.

“Me and my student play a game of Halo against you and Derpy and whoever wins, wins the bet,” Celestia said as she levitated an xbox controller between them.

Luna stared at the controller and then at her sister. She scrunched her snout and bit her tongue as she felt a rush of laughter begin to fill her. She began to snicker and snort a few times as she tried to hold back her laughter but it was futile and within moments, Princess Luna was laughing her ass off.

“Bahahahahaha!” Luna screeched hysterically, falling onto her bed, “You?!! You... by Equestria! You think you could beat me and Derpy?!! No way!!”

“Yep,” Celestia stated with a cheery smile, taking no offense to Luna blatantly insulting her.

Luna laughed even harder and tears began to roll down her cheeks, “Tia! You don’t even play video games!”

“So then it should be pretty easy for you to win right?” Celestia said happily.

Luna quelled her laughter a bit and looked at her sister with teary eyes.

“So you’re serious? We play a game of Halo and when we beat you, then you will give me all those pictures and everything?”

“Sure will little sister. I always keep my word when I make a deal.”

This couldn’t get any better. Celestia was challenging her, the most badass gamer there was along with Derpy, to a video game match? Luna had to ask if she was serious because it seemed like just one giant, hilarious joke but her sister was serious about this little deal.

Luna got up from her bed as she wiped away some tears away from her cheek and let a chuckle or two escape her as the thought of her sister actually thinking that she had a chance to beat her and make some deal like this.

“Okay Tia, you got a deal. You want to get your ass whipped right now then?” Luna said with cockiness. She was enjoying this too much that she was ready to get her friend and show Celestia who owned when it came to games right now.

Celestia’s eyes lit up and hopped up in the air.

“What?! You want to whip my ass Luna?! You dirty filly!”

“You know what I mean Tia,” Luna laughed.

Not even her sister’s dirty comment could deter Luna from this amusement. Her mind was simply boggled that Celestia would make a deal with like this when there was just no way that Celestia could win it. This deal was already in the bag for Luna!

“Ha, okay then Luna,” Celestia pressed her face against Luna’s but the dark princess didn’t give. She pressed her muzzle against her sisters and they both narrowed their eyes.

“You want to know when?” the white alicorn asked with a slyness.

“It won’t matter. I will beat you anytime, anyday,” Luna answered with confidence.

“Okay then...saturday night. You and Derpy vs me and Twilight. Think you can handle that little sister?”

Luna licked her lips and smiled even wider. It wasn’t a question of if they could handle Celestia, but if Celestia would be able to handle them after her and Derpy owned her ass. The gamer princess didn’t back off and only said one thing.

“Challenge Accepted.”