• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,627 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 11 Part 2

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 11

Part 2

To Defend A Sister

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia appeared with a bright yellow flash of light. The carpeted floor of Celestia’s chambers was now replaced by white fluffy clouds and the walls that had surrounded them but a few seconds ago were now gone with only the sky as their roof. Now of course Celestia had no problem walking on clouds and as for her student; she already knew that Twilight had put her spell on.

Cloudsdale...certainly has been awhile since I been here.

It certainly has.

The last time Celestia could recall ever being within the cloud city was during the Young Flyers Competition where she had witnessed Twilight’s friend, Rainbow Dash, perform a Sonic Rainboom. She could’ve sworn though that she had been here before sometime after that but the only remnant of that memory was cider and waking up to three mares and two stallions in her chamber bed.

“There’s the post office,” Twilight said as she pointed her hoof towards it, “The text said that she was in trouble here...but I don’t see her anywhere.”

Princess Celestia scanned the area around the establishment, looking for the sign of her sisters spectral mane.

I swear Luna...if this is over a game...

During the few seconds that Twilight and her had taken to transport over to Cloudsdale, Celestia’s mind had ran the numerous things that Luna could’ve gotten herself into. She considered the possibility that some new game had came out and was supposed to be delivered to her and it was just late. With Luna being the hardcore gamer she was, it wasn’t far-fetched to think her sister had simply come to the office to find out about it and lose her temper.

There was also the other possibility that ran in her head that this text that was sent by some unknown pony...or whatever it was...was simply some kind of joke that was being played. Regardless, she didn’t want to just assume that it was. If Luna was really in trouble then she needed to know or risk listening about how Luna did this and that on T.V. while she watched her Pony Co-Ed Confidential.

“Wait..” Twilight began as she began to squint her eyes to see the entrance to the office better, “Is that Derpy?”

Celestia quickly brought her attention to the entrance and noticed the blonde mare standing over a white mare and they were muzzle to muzzle.

Hmmm...wonder what she’s doing.

Celestia knew that this was Derpy’s workplace but she could see that the mailmare’s face was a mix of worry and confusion while the white mare’s was in complete terror. Her and Twilight simply watched a few moments, curious to what was going on. It was only a few seconds that went by until she saw Derpy lift her head and her face changed now into just complete fear. Then the mare simply bolted and went into the office.

Are you in there Luna? Why would your little friend look so worried?

Celestia couldn’t say that she knew Derpy inside and out like her sister did but she know enough that Derpy did care for Luna....more than Luna could see. If her sister was here and for Derpy to look that worried and frightened, the regal could only assume that her earlier thought about this being over some type of video game could be thrown out.

But she wasn’t one to go into something without being informed. Intel was always good to have to try and figure out what could be going on and the panicked pegasi that were flying out of the office was a good place to start.

“Twilight,” Celestia said.


“Go and see if you can get some information from one of these ponies before they take off to their homes. I would like to know what’s going on here first before we do anything.”

Twilight nodded, obedient as ever to her mentor.

“I’m on it princess.”

The unicorn trotted off to perform her task and though the princess had the urge to take her wandering eyes to Twilight and gaze upon her student, she kept in mind that her sister might need her help...and quick by the way things were looking and she needed to also do the same.

That mare....the one that Derpy seem to speaking to.

Princess Celestia looked back over to the entrance to see if that mare was still there. Fortunately, the white pegasus was only about to take off into the air. With quickness and precision, Celestia’s white horn lit up and her whole body disappeared and within milliseconds she reappeared in front of the white mare.

“Gah!” the mail clerk cried as she fell back on her haunches.

“Hello my loyal subject,” Princess Celestia began with an innocent smile on her face.

“ Oh my gosh! P..princess Celestia!” The mail clerk quickly got up and bowed before her.

“There is no need for that,” Celestia said in a gentle tone, “ I’m here to just ask you a simple question about what’s going on here as it has been brought to my attention that there had been a possible... incident.”

More like Luna bucking up my plans with my student....

The mare looked up to the alicorn.

“Anything you want to know Princess Celestia, I’ll answer the best I can. I just want to get out of here and go home,” the mare said shakily but still trying to be polite as possible to her ruler.

Celestia’s curiosity started to run rampant with the question of what in the hay her sister had done to cause such pandemonium? Luna had a history of having a short temper but usually kept in it check. Did she finally lose it or something?

“Of course. I’ll make this quick then. All I want to know was what you were discussing with the grey mare that you were speaking to earlier a few moments ago.”

The mail clerk shifted her eyes, hesitant to say what it was. It seemed Celestia was going to have to encourage her a bit so she could get some info.

“Don’t worry if it’s about Princess Luna. I already have an idea it has something to do with her. Now please, go on and tell me what you two were discussing.”

It seemed this approval from Celestia worked, as the mail clerk basically spewed out the information that this monarch wanted.

“She’s Princess Luna’s friend! They both came in because she lost her job and wanted to talk to Speedy-”

Celestia raised her golden hoof, instantly silencing the mare.

“You said she lost her job? You mean the grey mare?”

“Yeah! The pony with the blonde mane and crossed eyes!”

Lost her job? How could Derpy lose her job?

This was now becoming a bit more interesting now. So Luna came here on the behalf of her friend because she lost her job. That still didn’t explain all the panic though. So what if Luna and Derpy were at the office because the pegasus lost her job?

“Okay. Now please continue,” Celestia said in all her calmness and regality.

“Okay...um...Princess Luna wanted to speak to Speedy Delivery- he’s our boss- and so I took them in the back and went in to talk to Mr. Delivery and tell him that Princess Luna wanted to speak to him...” the mail clerk trailed off.

Celestia raised her brow a bit.

“Did Princess Luna do something to this Speedy Delivery?”

The mail clerk hastily nodded.

“She went crazy!” the clerk blurted.

“Excuse me?” Celestia said with a slight firmness in her voice and the mare quickly re-worded her sentence.

“I mean....Princess Luna became...very angry with Mr. Delivery to say the least.”

“How so?”

“I’m not entirely sure,” the white pegasus said as she slightly fluttered her wings. A sign of obvious nervousness.

“ I know she was very livid with him and yelled at me to leave. Then she covered herself with some black smoke and me and a bunch others heard him scream for help and then...Nightmare Moon.”

Oh no...she really did snap this time.

It seemed Luna’s quick temper had gotten the best of her. Now the regal saw why there was so panic and fright. Of course she knew better than to believe that Nightmare Moon had really returned but any other pony wouldn’t no better. Luna still had the ability to take on her darker ego’s appearance but the influence that Nightmare Moon had was long gone, thanks to the Elements of Harmony. Regardless, Celestia couldn't deny that she was more than concerned for Luna;she was very concerned.

What could possibly make you that angry Luna?

Celestia recalled the details that were told to her. Derpy losing her job, Luna coming with Derpy to the office to speak to her boss....

Derpy losing her job...did she lose it over that?

“Um Princess Celestia? May I go on home now? I rather not stay here.”

Celestia brought her attention back to the mail clerk.

“Of course. I won’t take anymore of your time and I thank you for it. I will handle my sister and I promise that this will be all sorted out.”

The mail clerk nodded and unfurled her wings and flew off with haste. Celestia simply watched as the pegasus flew off into the sky.

I will have to reward her later for her help...maybe this Sunday.


Celestia turned to see her treasured lavender unicorn trotting to her. The mare caught up to her princess and gasped for air as she tried to explain what she had been told.

“Princess Luna,” she breathed, “Ponies are saying that she turned back into Nightmare Moon and was doing something to a pony named Speedy Delivery! We have to go in there and stop her!

“Calm yourself Twilight,” Celestia answered the now frantic student, “I think Luna has simply gotten a little upset. Nothing to worry about,” the alicorns said in a casual tone.

“Upset? But why and how could Nightmare Moon-”

Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle openly at her student, her nature of taking things so seriously being a bit amusing.

“What’s so funny princess?”

“You worry about my sister too much Twilight. Believe me, if I thought that Luna was Nightmare Moon again-”

I would definitely tap that...

“...I would have had you get your friends and use the elements again.”

Twilight was obviously a bit confused. She didn’t understand why Celestia wasn’t as worried as she was. Wasn’t the return of Nightmare Moon something that she, of all ponies, be more than worried about? She had to banish her own sister for it last time.

“But she’s your sister princess. If she’s Nightmare Moon again, doesn't that mean...?”

Celestia shook her head.

“My sister has a short temper my dear student. She can get very intense when somepony brings about her anger. I myself have gotten her very angry at times but she won’t ever try to hurt somepony. She still has the ability of changing into Nightmare Moon but as for her actually being Nightmare, the elements have taken care of that.”

Twilight suddenly recalled her time with Luna during Nightmare Night. Luna still had the ability to take on Nightmare Moon’s appearance as she did to scare the children but she was still the socially awkward Princess of the Night.

“Like she did on Nightmare Night. She can change her form at will then?”

“Now you’re getting it. Now, how about you tell me what you found out?”

Twilight began without pause.

“Apparently ponies were telling me that Luna was with a grey mare, which I assume was Derpy after the way they described her, and that all they heard was some stallion screaming for help and saw Luna with him. Then one stallion I asked before he took off was that there was some black smoke or something of the sort and they heard Nightmare Moon speak. That’s as much as I got.”

So the information is consistent. You must’ve really bucked up this time Luna.

Princess Celestia was now satisfied. The information was matching up and it seemed this eerie text that her student had received was right. In the long time of being a ruler, Celestia learned that knowing something before you get into it was invaluable. The last thing that anypony wanted was to walk into something they really had no clue about...the same could not be said though for some of her ‘choice’ subjects who learn too late what they had gotten into by the time they walk into her chambers. Well, except for Twilight. She wasn’t just another one of her subjects she ruled over.

“Well then, I think it’s time we end this little fiasco of Luna’s and get back home.”

Twilight agreed.

“What would you have me do then princess?”

Celestia smiled, her student always trying to be as helpful as ever. She could only wish that Twilight was willing to help her another way but maybe in time...however long that would be...she would.

“Just stay by my side. This shouldn’t take too...”

She trailed off, her eye catching something in the sky. Actually, it caught several things in the sky.

Twilight took notice of her mentor and looked up also to see what looked like a miniature armada of pegasi that were wearing uniforms and heading straight for the post office.

“Who the hay are those guys?” she asked.

Celestia couldn’t put her hoof on it but those uniformed pegasi looked familiar. Then again, she loved a pony in uniform and maybe they looked familiar from one of her late night rendezvous in the past.

But one thing was certain.

They all looked way too formal and serious to know that they weren’t simply coming to the post office to get some packages or what not.

“We better get in there and get Luna and her friend,” Celestia answered, “Because I don’t think those ponies are here to pick up mail.”


Fast forward to the present....

The uniformed pegasus stallions slowly closed in on Derpy Hooves and Princess Luna. Derpy stood her ground but the mare really had no chance against all of them. Swiftwind simply stood and watched as his comrades carried out his order.

I really screwed up this time...damn my short temper! Now I got Derpy involved in this and they’re going to throw us both in the slammer!

Luna was now really hating that small quality now. She had always been so careful to keep it in check and she thought she had done so well doing so. Being Derpy’s friend tested that very quality. It was no secret that this mare who now stood before her, ready to fight for her, was one that required a lot of patience and understanding. Derpy was clumsy sometimes and there had been countless times where Luna had to replace some things, like her computer for example, because of the pegasus. It frustrated her sometimes but she could never be truly angry at her. Especially when she had those blonde crossed eyes of hers looking up into hers and apologizing over and over.

“I’m going to give you one last chance. Please step aside and let us aprrehend Princess Luna. I would have to take you along with her.”

Derpy scoffed at Swiftwing and unfurled her wings.

“Come on then. Send them all at me,” she said with undeterred confidence.

“Derpy stop!” Luna begged. She didn’t know what these guys were going to do and she was only instigating it.

“Fine then,” Swiftwind said and waved his hoof to signal his comrades to continued their enclosure.

“Stop!” a voice commanded.

Swiftwind along with his little squad and turned their head and grabbed the attention of Luna and Derpy, along with the crowd that was huddled at the broken doorway.

“Princess Celestia!” Swiftwind exclaimed.

Swiftwind and his companions immediately bowed along with the crowd of ponies and cleared a pathway for her and her student to walk through. Luna and Derpy’s eyes were wide with shock at the appearance of the regal.

“Tia?! What are you doing here??”

The white alicorn and Twilight trotted into the room that Luna had somewhat destroyed during her rampage.

“My student informed me that you got yourself in a bit of trouble here,” Celestia said gently but Luna caught a hint of displeasure underneath it.

Oh hay, she’s shitty with me.

Princess Luna knew know she really bucked up if even her own sister was somewhat ticked but she was sure happy to see her regardless...for once.

“How though?” Luna asked, keeping her thoughts to herself about Celestia’s displeasement.

Twilight smiled and magically had her phone appear in front of her.

“Somepony was kind enough to let us know that you were in a bit of trouble Princess Luna.”

“Yes and it seems they were right,” Celestia added on as she took in the room around her. She noticed the door lodged into the cloud wall and a pile of dust that sat at her golden hooves. The alicorn then looked over to Luna again.

“I’m assuming you did this?” Celestia asked with a raised brow.

Luna’s cheeks blushed from embarrassment, especially since they were in front of an audience, and she smiled sheepishly with a small squee sound.

“Heh...uh...yeah. I kind of...got a little angry..”

“I see then,” Celestia stated flatly, “We will have to discuss this when we get back to Canterlot Luna.”


Celestia was a joker but Luna knew when she heard ‘We will have to discuss this’ she knew that she had really done something to get under her sisters fur. They were rare moments, as the white alicorn seemed to never take anything seriously, but when her sister got serious then everypony knew within the castle that somepony royally bucked up somehow someway.

Going to jail is sounding a bit better right now.

“Excuse me Princess Celestia.”

Celestia turned to the stallion that was still bowed before her. She began to note of his white and blue spiky mane and noticed the initials of CPGP. They looked oddly familiar to the sun goddess.

“You may rise my subject.”

Wow...she’s actually being formal.

Luna didn’t get to see this side of Celestia much and when she did it always baffled her how. Back in Canterlot she was just her sister, the prankster and promiscuous alicorn, but in public when dealing with matters, she was something else entirely. Her mind simply couldn’t comprehend how Celestia could switch her demeanor like that.

“Thank you princess,” Swiftwind said.

“Oh now you’re being all polite you jackass?!! You weren’t like that with Luna!” Derpy blurted in sudden anger making everypony in the room turn to her.

“Derpy!” Luna said as she pulled the mare’s tail with her magic and brought her to her side, “Tia’s here. Just let her handle this please,” the alicorn begged of her friend....but yet...she somehow like that her friend was so defensive of her.

Celestia smiled.

“Oh really now? Was he Derpy?”

“Yeah! He was going to lock Luna up just because she was getting on Speedy who was beating on me!”

Celestia raise now both brows in sudden shock and her smile instantly left.

“Beating on you?! You mean he was hitting you??” Twilight now asked, shocked herself of hearing this.

Derpy nodded but Luna was the one to answer.

“Yes but he’s gone now. I made sure of that.”

“What did you do Luna?” Celestia now asked, now completely disregarding what Swiftwind wanted to say.

Luna didn’t want to explain all this in front of an audience but seeing the circumstances and the shitstorm she had caused, it was probably best.

“I banished him. He will be gone from Equestria by tonight and I made clear to him to not return and that if he beat on another mare, I would personally deal with him.”

Celestia eyed her for a few moments and then looked down at Derpy who was taking deep breaths as her anger was still fresh within her. She then brought her attention to Swiftwind.

“Is this true? Were you planning to lock up Princess Luna for punishing a stallion beating on mare?”

“Not necessarily your highness,” the pegasus stated with unchanging poise, “She was under arrest for disturbing the peace, holding a pony against their will, and also the reports of Nightmare Moon returning. We came out to simply detain her and put her in holding until we found out what was really going and gain a grasp of the situation.”

“And who is ‘we’ and what gives you the authority to arrest my sister?”

Luna could tell her sister was now getting a bit pissed. It seemed that she wasn’t really taking this lightly which was all surprising to Luna. Her sister was actually defending her.

“We are the Cloudsdale Pegasus Patrol and our job is to uphold the laws within Cloudsdale and act in cases of emergency concerning the two regal sisters within the city limits...as you stated when you put us in place.”

“What??” Luna, Twilight, and Derpy gasped.

“Excuse me? I don’t recall ever establishing this.”

She really didn’t. The last time she had been in Cloudsdale was for the fliers competition to her knowledge. She couldn't bring up anytime that she had established this Cloudsdale patrol and especially for them to act and have authority over her and her sister.

“It was a couple years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon...”

Luna grimaced inside. She really didn’t want to recall all that.

“...you were requested by the Cloudsdale Committee to discuss safety and they expressed their concern about you and Princess Luna. They felt that in case another incident concerning...”

The pegausus shifted his eyes to Luna then back to Celestia.

“...Princess Luna should occur, or you by some rare chance, that there be some type of organization to be able to defend it. Thus, you gave the approval for the Cloudsdale Pegausus Patrol.”

“Are you serious?? Tia?” Luna said, not believing what she was hearing.

Celestia turned to her and gave her a look of ‘I have no bucking clue what he’s talking about.’ Though after such a look, it turned into one of sudden realization as Celestia eyes grew wider than globes and turned back to Swiftwind.

“Wait...was this committee made up of three mares and two stallions by any chance?”

Swiftwind nodded.

“Yes. The names are as follows your highness...” but Celestia didn’t pay attention as her memory was starting to come back to her.

Cider. Lots and lots of cider now flooded her mind. She had been to Cloudsdale to meet with the committee about their concern but she had decided to go do some binge drinkingbefore she went because some of her guards had challenged her that she couldn’t out drink any of them. Of course, they found out after vomiting their guts out that she could hold more than her own but even the goddess wasn’t immune to the power of hard liquor.

She figured she must’ve approved of this little patrol of theirs in her drunken state and then slept with the entire committee. Talking about establishing good political relations right?

“I see,” Celestia simply said but as with every law there was loophole, “So you say by my authority yes?”

“That is correct your highness. By law, I have to arrest Princess Luna I’m afraid and her friend for interfering.”

Celestia smiled with a mischievous gleam in her eye and looked over to Luna.

“It seems this stallion has a point Luna. By law, you have to be arrested.”

Luna’s mouth dropped along with Derpy’s. No words came out of Luna’s mouth as she couldn’t believe that her own sister would simply just let them arrest her and Derpy.

“Princess?? Luna’s your sister and you’re going to let them-” but Twilight was silenced by Celestia’s hoof to her mouth.

Twilight looked up to her mentor.

“Don’t worry Twilight,” Celestia whispered, “They’re not taking Luna.”

Celestia brought her attention to Swiftwind with her signature smile.

“Well I guess she will have to be arrested Swiftwind.”

“Of course Princess Celestia,” he turned to his small squad that were still in their bowing position, “Arrest Princess Luna and her friend and take them-”



“I never said that you would be arresting her Captain Swiftwind,” Celestia said with a small chuckle.

What?? Luna thought. Then who the hay was going to arrest them? Why was Celestia even letting this happen in the first place?

“E..excuse me Princess Celestia? What do you mean? What others have the authority to arrest her?”

Celestia was going to love this part.

I am arresting Luna and her friend and will be taking them both to Canterlot with me so that they may be punished.”

Holy hay....

Derpy’s face from sheer shock turned into one giant smile and Luna could only put her hoof over her face. Celestia was just playing a small game with this prick of a stallion but she couldn’t but let a wide smile come across her face. Her sister wasn’t trying to throw her under the hay cart but she was just protecting her in her own way.

“What?? But-”

“But what captain?” Celestia said as she lowered her face to his, “Since I am the one who gave authority to your little group here to be able to detain my own sister, I think since I am the one who gave such authority, it only be right that I take her. She is my sister after all. Don’t worry though, I promise that she will be dealt with for punishing a stallion that was beating on a mare,” she said with sarcasm, clearly letting Swiftwind know that what he was trying to do only made him look like a complete douchebag.

Swiftwind’s face began to turn beat red.

“Of course Princess Celestia,” he said with gritted teeth, now realizing that he had simply been played.

Twilight, Derpy, and Luna chuckled a bit as they stood behind the white monarch. For once, Luna was enjoying the mind fuckery that Celestia was playing with this stallion.

“Douchebag,” Derpy whispered in delight and stuck her tongue out at him, making his face even more red.

“Now, as for you two,” Celestia began as she now brought her attention towards Derpy and Luna, “Luna, you will take Miss Hooves home so that she may watch her sister but I am forbidding her from leaving her home until I have dealt with her. Understand?” Celestia said, winking at the grey mare.

Luna simply nodded, trying to hold back another smile along with Derpy.

“Of course sister.”

“And you Luna, you will return to Canterlot and meet me in my chamber and speak about your punishment. Because you know, punishing one for beating on mare’s is not something I completely approve of,” the monarch said with another wink.

Luna nodded again but let that build up of a smile escape her.

“Okay Tia.”

“While you do that, I believe Mr. Swiftwind and I along with the Cloudsdale Committee have much to discuss about revising a certain law. Don’t you think captain?” she said as she turned back to him.

“Ooo, can I come with you princess?” Twilight asked, jumping on an opportunity to see politics in action.

“Of course my faithful student.”

“If that’s what you feel best...your highness,” Swiftwind answered reluctantly.

Ha! He’s shitty! Luna laughed in her head.

“Very good. Now, I would like for you to clear out all these ponies for me while I fix this office up.”

“As you command....”

Swiftwind rounded up his little squad and carried out Celestia’s orders, though it was obvious that he very much didn’t want to.

Celestia turned back around and smiled at Luna.
“So, you know you’re going to have to tell me all this when you get back to Canterlot, right Luna?”

Luna couldn’t help but chuckle. It was a wonder that only moments ago that she thought her and her friend were going to be locked up but Celestia came through. Luna never questioned if Celestia cared about her, as she really didn’t show it when she was always messing with her, but if Luna didn’t question it, this was proof right here that her sister did.

“Thank you Tia.” That’s all she could say. The dark alicorn couldn’t explain the feeling she had seeing her sister come to her defense along with Derpy.

“Don’t thank me yet little sister. Thanks to your little fiasco, you delayed my lessons with my student which I don’t take kindly of, so don’t think you’re off the hook just yet. I wasn’t kidding when I said you would be dealt with,” Celestia said with a sly grin.

Oh great....

Okay, maybe she assumed too much but regardless, Celestia did keep her from going to prison but now she was a bit worried what her sister had in store for her;possibly much worse than jail.

“Uhhh...yeah...of course Tia...sorry.”

“Now go and take Miss Hooves home and I’ll meet you back in Canterlot.”

Luna nodded her head and looked over to Derpy who now had a giant smile on her face, one of happiness and relief.

“Ready to go home my friend?”

Derpy looked up to her with her crossed eyes.

“Yeah...cause you know...I’m now on house arrest and everything now,” she said with a laugh.

Celestia, Twilight, and Luna couldn’t help laugh a bit from her small joke but Luna was more than ready to leave this place. Home was sounding pretty good right now anyways.

“Alright. Let’s get you back to Ponyville.”

Celestia turned to Twilight.

“Twilight? Care to help me get this place cleaned up?”

Twilight nodded happily.

“Of course princess.”

So with nothing else to do, Luna and Derpy made their way to the doorway while Celestia and Twilight began to clean up the office with their magic. Luna passed by Celestia who she saw was looking at her out of the corner of her eye.

“Thanks Tia,” she whispered as she passed by her and left with her friend.

Celestia didn’t turn her head and waited until Luna and Derpy were completely gone from the office and she whispered her answer as she began to rebuild the desk that had been turned to dust.

“No problem little sister.”


“I’m sorry for all this Derpy,” Luna apologized for the hundredth time as the two stood outside the muffin mare’s home, “I didn’t mean to go and make a giant scene up there and all that stuff.”

“It’s okay Luna,” Derpy laughed as she tried to quell the princess’ worry, “It was actually a bit exciting after you get past the bit of you going completely badass on Speedy.”

“Heh...yeah..that,” Luna laughed coyly.

“So how many ponies will be thinking twice before they mess with you?” Derpy asked jokingly.

“I don’t think many after today’s events,” Luna replied.

“Yeah, no kidding. I’m just glad Speedy’s gone now and I can get working again...thanks to you.”

Luna laughed a bit more and felt her face heat up a bit.

“Well he was a complete asshole and you could do a much better job than him. Who better to run the post office than the very mailmare dedicated to it right?”

They both laughed together at Luna’s compliment but it didn’t last long as they both knew that they could go all day discussing Speedy and how much of a complete dick he was.

“Well I better get inside. I’m sure Dinky’s been probably wondering where I been and you know...house arrest,” Derpy said with a wink.

“Tia really came through for us didn’t she?” Luna said as she thought about her sister. She just couldn’t wrap around how Celestia had did it but it made her feel...loved. Celestia had came out all the way to Canterlot just to come get her when she was probably doing something much more important. She did mention lessons with her student, which was definitely questionable as to what kind of lesson they were, but it didn’t change the fact that her sister still came(get your head out of the gutter).

“Yeah. Did you see how mad she got Swiftwind? He looked like his head was going to explode.”

“Yeah...about that. I want to thank you for standing up for me Derpy even when I told you not to. I don’t think any friend I ever had would do something like that, well, except you.”

Derpy smiled sheepishly, her cheeks blushing a bit.

“Don’t mention it. I didn’t think it was right that they try to arrest simply because you were giving what Speedy deserved...”

You have no idea Derpy...

Luna still hadn’t divulged what she originally planned to do to the stallion but she figured she didn’t need to. Derpy had been through enough today and she didn’t need to know how she was going to make Speedy into a mare with a scalpel and scissors.

“Well still, thank you.”

Luna wrapped her forearm around the grey mare and brought her in for a warm hug and Derpy returned it gladly. Luna couldn’t ask for a better friend and though today had started out as crap for the both of them, here they were in the end with smiles on their face and their friendship deepened.

[Music because music.]

The alicorn was about to break the hug so she could let her friend get about her day and relax but Derpy suddenly caught off her guard. Just before she could let her friend go, Derpy turned her face and kissed Luna’s cheek.

Immediately the alicorn’s heart raced in her chest and she felt her whole body had just turned into some type of feather or cloud.

S...she...kissed my cheek...

They both broke from each other’s embrace and looked at each other with extremely red faces, with Derpy smiling nervously. Luna brought her hoof to where her friend had placed that tender kiss on her face and could only stare at the blond pony.
“W..what was that for?” Luna stuttered, not able to control how her body was feeling so wonderful now.

“That was for everything today,” Derpy replied as she nervously kicked the dirt underneath her hooves a bit.

“What you did meant a lot to me Luna.”

I feel so...good? Why am I feeling like this?

“I..uhh...” she didn’t know what to say. What could she say? This was so unexpected but yet so welcomed at the same time.

“No problem,” Luna said as she tried to regain herself, as difficult as this was now.

“I...uhh...better get inside and tend to Dinky...make dinner...heh.”

“Yes! Of course my friend...you go and do that. I should...uh...get back to Canterlot.”

I’m so nervous! I feel like my legs are going to give out!

“Okay Luna,” Derpy said with her flushed face and coy smile, “Soooo I will see you this Saturday?”

Luna nodded her furiously.

“Yes! I’m looking forward to it.”

Stop being awkward Luna! Stop it! She kissed your cheek! Your FRIEND....but I feel so...elated.

Derpy laughed a bit and nodded her head as she turned to her door and began to open it. She turned back to Luna one last time before going inside.

“Bye Luna and uhhh, thanks again...for everything.”

Luna simply stared at the blonde mare. She had the sudden and strong urge to just pull Derpy back into her embrace and make out with this mare. The images of such lovely bliss began to protrude her mind but she kept her body in control and replied with her goodbye.

“No problem...Derpy. I will talk to you...later.”

Derpy nodded with a wide smile and entered her home and closed the door behind her while Luna now simply stood outside of it.

I...I need to get back to Canterlot and speak with my sis-DAMN I FEEL GOOD!

Luna turned away from Derpy’s home and began walking. This high that had overtaken her body was filling her to the brim and that nervousness and shock that had taken over her moments ago was now being replaced with raw happiness...and she didn’t know why. All she knew that that small kiss on her cheek sent her to such levels she couldn’t describe.

Losing control of it, a grin, one that could rival the one of a certain pink party pony, spread across her face.

This day had began with sadness of her friend and only got worse with her losing her temper and almost getting them both arrested. Yet, Celestia came to her aid and now the best part, Derpy kissed her cheek.

Should she have expected any different from her actions this day?

Probably not..

One thing was certain though.

Princess Luna didn’t expect any of this....and she loved it.