• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,138 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 13: Simple Ways

Episode 13:

Simple Ways

On another bright and sunny day in Ponyville, Rarity happily made her way into town with her many good friends from the Guard by her side with Rainbow Dash flying in to join them just as they are all crossing the bridge together.

“Wow! I can't believe how many ponies showed up!” She expressed in awe at the many ponies who have gathered for the upcoming celebration.

“I can!” Pinkie expressed. “I mean, finding out who the Ponyville Days pony of ceremonies is is a pretty big deal!”

Just when everyone has gathered at City Hall, the Mayor approached the podium with a microphone in front of her just when the three elderly judges take their seats at the nearby table with one of them being Applejack’s grandmother Granny Smith.

“Hey isn’t that your grandmother?” Bunga asked the country pony after spotting her at the table along with the other judges.


“I didn't know Granny Smith was on the selection committee.” Kion commented.

“Of course she is.” She confirmed just when Granny Smith affectionately brushes a filly approaching her while carrying a balloon in her mouth. “Ponyville Days celebrates the founding of Ponyville, and she was right there.”

“I'm glad the committee didn't automatically pick me so everypony gets a chance to see how great being me actually is!” Pinkie happily expressed before running her mouth off. “Even though the festival's basically a party and the pony of ceremonies gets to organize the whole thing! So it'd totally make sense if they did pick me.”

Suddenly due to everyone in the crowd getting irritated with her big mouth this time around she is met with the whole crowd going “Shhh!” to get her to stop just when the Mayor begins her announcement.

“Citizens of Ponyville, this year's applicants were all exceptional, but there can only be one Ponyville Days pony of ceremonies. And that pony is...” She turned to the judges for a quick final decision with Pinkie breathing so hard she inflated her head into a large balloon and floated upwards.

“Whoa!” Bunga exclaimed while quickly grabbing onto her tail to keep her grounded.

Granny Smith approaches the mayor with the piece of paper to let them know of their decision.


Everyone all cheered and applauded with this annoucment just when the unicorn herself was over swarmed with delight inside.

“Whoo-ee! All right, Rarity!”

“Way to show them!”

Both Applejack and Bunga congratulated just when a few ponies shake hooves with her and gave her a bouquet of flowers.

“Yeah! Whoo-oo-oo!”

“Way to score, Rarity!”

Rainbow and Fuli also cheered for her just when Kion approaches her to congratulate her for being chosen for this honor.

“Congratulations, Rarity! Do you know what you're gonna do?”

Just then, Beshte arrives with a large diagram of Ponyville being supported on wheels that the fashionista had created beforehand with the ideas she already had in mind should she be chosen for the job.

“Oh, I might have a few ideas.” She replied just when she and Kion look over her diagram and model to which Kion chuckled at the sight of what ‘few’ ideas she has mind.

“And by few do you mean a lot?” He asked while lifting an eyebrow.

“Yes, Kion. Yes, indeed.” She confirmed without even denying it.

The following day, The Lion Guard and the Mane Five gathered at Rarity's boutique, where she had already prepared a runway inside to show her ideas of fashion for the festival.

Pinkie Pie and Bunga were both excited to the point they were standing at the tips of her front hooves and legs.

"I'm so excited for the festival, I can hardly stand up straight!"

“Me too!”

The two both feel first into the floor, with both Rainbow and Ono turning aside in annoyance with their antics.

"Me too." Kion agreed. "I'm glad Rarity was picked. I know she'll add a touch of elegance to the whole thing!"

“And knowing her, she’ll probably means a lot of elegance.” Fuli said while snickering to herself.

“Along with a lot of overly-dramatic fainting should it not be finished to perfection.” Ono added with a roll of his eyes.

The lights turned off with, only the lights on the runway now on, with Spike stepping out wearing a tuxedo and played a phonograph while adjusting his bow tie, before clearing his throat and preparing himself to the crowd. A spotlight shined over him, just when he pulls out flash cards while standing next to a blank canvass.

"This year's Ponyville Days festival, designed by Rarity, will feature various high-class events such as…" He began before lifting up the blank cover sheet, to reveal a detailed drawing of ponies in elegant clothing drinking from classy cider cups. "…a silent cider auction and tasting."

The Mane Five, along with Beshte and Bunga all said 'Ooooh!' at the sight, while the others watched in silence, but still listening. Spike lifted the drawing to reveal another drawing that features ponies ball room dancing.

"A Ponyville gala in town square."

The Mane Five, Beshte, and Bunga minus Kion, Ono, Fuli, and Kyoga all said. "Ahhhh!"

Spike lifted the image again to reveal drawing featuring ponies down a runway, "And, of course, a Ponyville fashion show."


"This year's Ponyville Days festival pony of ceremonies creates shimmering couture of her own design."

The curtain behind him opened up to reveal Rarity wearing a shimmering blue and purple gown accompanied with matching jewels and earrings along with a purple jewel on her horn.

"And the theme is... "Small. Town. Chic"!" Rarity said with pizzaz with her dazzling blue eyes sparkling.

Upon seeing the dress she is modelling in, Fuli couldn’t help but compliment the unicorn for the hard work she put into her dress. “Wow, Rarity. You really have put a lot of effort into this."

"I'll say." Beshte agreed.

"Oh, I think it's going to be a magical evening." Fluttershy said very supportively and sounding dreamily too.

Rarity gasped feeling pleased although a tad nervous. "Do you really think so?"

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie Pie asked, "I can't wait!"

“If your friends love them, then I’m sure everyone will.” Kyoga assured the fashionista.

"Oh, that's such a relief." Rarity said while Spike rolled up a small plight of stairs for her to walk down off of the runway just when the lights turned on. "But of course, I couldn't possibly do it all on my own. The festival is in three days!" She expressed the last part nervously once more.

"Pinkie Pie and I can hang lights and decorations in the town square!" Rainbow Dash volunteered.

"And I can get Sweet Apple Acres all ready for the cider tasting'." Applejack added.

"And I can make sure I’m as stink free as possible by then.” Bunga offered to which earned him looks from Ono and Fuli. “What? I said as possible as I can by then. At least I’m making an effort for a friend.”

Rarity smiled in relief hearing this from her friends. "Oh, that's just perfect! And now, Kyoga, if you, Fuli, and Fluttershy wouldn't mind helping with the fashion show…"

"Of course!"

“I’d more than happy to.”

“I'd be honored."

The three generously offered their support.

"Wonderful! I can focus on the thing I'm worried about most of all."

“And that is…” Kyoga asked.

"Creating a Ponyville Days festival fantastic enough to impress... Trenderhoof!" Rarity answered with her eyes bulging out with a look that screams a guy she has a crush on even though the others have no idea who he is.

"Uh, who's Trenderhoof?" Applejack asked.

"What?!” Rarity exclaimed in shock. “How can you not know who Trenderhoof is?" She expected out of them before moving towards another curtain, which she levitated open with her magic, to reveal a shrine of the pony of her dreams, filled with head-shots and photographs featuring a brown coated male pony with white glasses and a blonde yellow mane wearing a grey sweater and an orange shirt underneath. His eyes were violet and there were heart decoratives all around the pictures.

"Trenderhoof is only the most amazing, handsomest travel writer to have ever traveled or written! He's an old friend of mine from when I was just a filly!" She explained before picking up and hugging a poster of him while filled with giddy excitement inside.

Fuli smiled and couldn’t help but tease her. “Sounds like somepony has a little bit of a crush."

Rarity literally swooned and fell into the cheetah’s paws. "Oh, Fuli, "crush" doesn't even begin to describe it.” She stated before getting up and squeezed her cheeks together. “He's practically divine. I can't believe he's coming!" She excitedly said before moving to continue giggling in excitement before admiring her shrine with her friends looking on and at each other with no words to describe this

“Well she better believe it since he is coming within these next few days.” Kyoga said while smirking at the sight of the love-struck unicorn.

Later that day, Rarity, Kyoga, and Fuli all stood at the train station to welcome Trenderhoof to Ponyville. Rarity was in frantic in waiting to see her crush. It was bad to the point she was fanning herself with a fan to wipe away any sweat forming on her forehead.

"Thank you ever so much for joining me. I don't think I could have met Trenderhoof on my own!"

"It's no problem, but you shouldn't be nervous about meeting him." Fuli replied and assured.

“Yeah. If he’s that much into fashion then I’m sure it’ll go off without a hitch.” Kyoga added.

"You really think so?" She asked once more.

"Of course.” Kyoga nodded. “How could he not?"

“Maybe if he finds another pony of interest.” A familiar voice belonging to the alicorn with the slicked back black mane with reddish pink highlights as she approached them.

“Oh no.” Fuli muttered upon seeing potential trouble right in front of them again.

“What now, Twilight?” Kyoga pegged the question. “Here to gloat and crush Rarity’s dreams.”

“Wow! Once again jumping to conclusions and leaping to confusion. Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Twilight calmly chided. “These lessons truly never stick do they? For your information, I'm preparing for a little weekend trip to Canterlot for some royal business.” She explained now used to this kind of behavior while addressing them in her usual stoic and cold tone. “At least princesses have quite a lot on their plate to keep themselves busy. So you won’t have to worry about me crashing your special party. And speaking of crushes, I do have a word of advice before I go, Rarity." She said while turning to the unicorn in question. "Before you meet your crush Trenderhoof keep in mind not to get your hopes up too high if it doesn’t work out because sometimes some ponies don’t always share the same common ground with one another.”

“Like with Rarity and Trenderhoof?” Kyoga figured.

“Yes.” She replied before adding to keep herself from completely discouraging the unicorn. “Now I’m not saying that it won’t work out, but just try not to get too excited if it doesn’t work out and Trenderhoof doesn’t share the same feelings for you.”

The three girls silently pondered her words just when the incoming train pulls up to the station re-sparking Rarity’s excitement at her crush upon knowing that he has arrived.

Once the train arrived, many ponies who have arrived in Ponyville all walked out and Rarity wasted no time in trying to find and spot out Trenderhoof which is so far going nowhere at first.

"Is that him? Is he here? Fuli, Kyoga, is he there?" Rarity frantically asked.

"Uhh… I'm not sure." The cheetah said.

“Not yet.” The lioness reported.

"You don't suppose he's decided not to come? I don't see him! What if he doesn't arrive? The whole festival will be a disaster! Fuli, Kyoga, where is he?!" She suddenly saw the many eyes looking at her upon her sudden outburst. "Sorry." She quickly said with slightly regained composure.

"Easy Rarity, you have to get a hold of yourself." Kyoga insisted. "I mean, you haven't even met him yet!"

“Not until now…” Twilight spoke up directing her attention to the last pony emerging from the train. The tall and handsome unicorn of her dreams had finally appeared and arrived in Ponyville leaving Rarity once more awestruck before hiding behind the girls. “…and now getting cold hooves.”

"Shh! It's him, it's him, is it him? Is it him? It's him, he's here, he's here!" Rarity hushed while hiding behind the girls going as far as hide behind and underneath Twilight’s tail.

"Well, go up and talk to him!" She advised.

But Rarity still crushing hard is refusing to budge or even proper speak until she squeaked. "I--I can't!"

Twilight shared a look with both Fuli and Kyoga before forcibly levitating the unicorn on over in front of the male unicorn. In order to strike up the conversation Twilight whistled in his direction so he’ll notice and look at Rarity.

Needless to say it took a few seconds to get Rarity herself to calm her nerves to the point she can talk full sentences around him before properly greeting him.

"Uh, hi– Hello, Mr. Trenderhoof."

“Hello.” The male unicorn politely returned. “And you must be…”

“Uh, oh, yes!” Rarity blushed once more before continuing. “My name’s Rarity, and I have been chosen as pony of ceremonies for the Ponyville Days festival. So, I really look forward to you witnessing what I've arranged, Mr. Trenderhoof." She added with a nervous laugh.

"Please, call me 'Trend'." He kindly insisted with a bright smile, to which Rarity was now further blushing to the point she ended up passing out in a love struck daze.

Twilight, Fuli, and Kyoga all face/hoof palmed themselves upon seeing this.

"So much for first impressions." Kyoga commented.

"I’ll say." Fuli agreed. “She’s got it bad.”

“Yep.” Twilight nodded before moving towards the train to hop on her ride while levitating Rarity back on her hooves with one last thing to say to her for now. “Anyways…Good luck because you’re going to need it.” She advised before boarding her train.

After regaining her composure, Rarity began showing Trenderhoof all around Ponyville.

“And here in the square is where the Ponyville Days gala will be. Music, dancing! And of course a locally sourced menu of delicious treats." She explained as they walk by that area.

"Reminds me of the "Spring Fling meets Manehattan Wedding" I wrote about in Gallop & Prance." Trenderhoof said in reply.

"Exactly! I, I can't even describe how much your work has influenced me!" Rarity shared.

“Oh…” Trenderhoof returned feeling interested upon hearing that. “…How so?”

"Oh, nothing other than now running my very own fashion business." Rarity proudly said. “And by following by dreams I’m now the pony who defines fashion here in Ponyville.”

“Impressive.” Trenderhoof remarked with a grin. “That sure is saying something.”

Rarity had to look aside to avoid looking at her crush while slightly blushing again before continuing. “It is.”

“And if I may ask…” Trenderhoof then said. “…who were those lion and cheetah friends of yours back at the train station?”

“Fuli and Kyoga? Oh, just dear friends of mine from the Lion and Pony Guard.” She calmly answered. “Having said that they and we are part of a team that protects all of Equestria and the Pride Lands from any danger evil throws upon us.” She added with dramatic flair to which Trenderhoof chuckled at. “And truthfully they are pretty nice girls to meet once you get to know them especially when one has wisdom beyond her years and the other has speed to be able face danger head on.”

“Wise with quick thinking together.” Trenderhoof commented feeling impressed of their talents. “Sounds like two friends I want to be able to have by my side when I really need them even though I don’t have a clue to where the Pride Lands is.”

“Oh, that…” Rarity giggled before explaining it more. “…The Pride Lands is a Savannah where many animals live together in peace in harmony. You’ve never even heard about because it is located in another world.”

“That would make sense considering I have never even visited that place.” He replied. “Although if I may…” Rarity was listening. “…how did you come across this land you speak of?”

“Oh, long story short, a lion cub friend of mine, Kion, along with his honey badger friend ended up coming across here through a magical portal followed by their friends before learning to work together in defeating Nightmare Moon while forming the first ever Lion and Pony Guard team in Guard history.”

“So a fashion designer, business owner, and the Pony Guard’s most generous pony.” Trenderhoof further commented feeling flattered by her accomplishments. “You sure got quite a story to tell.”

“Oh, I sure do…” Rarity said trying really hard to keep her cool and not to faint from being overly love-struck again before pressing forward with the tour while she was at it.

So far, Rarity was getting more and more comfortable with Trenderhoof and so far, he really liked her the more she talked about what she has done through the most recent years.

After doing so, the two ponies then made their way to Sweet Apple Acres to where Applejack, Kion, Bunga, and Beshte are currently working at.

"And finally, Sweet Apple Acres. Ponyville's core, heh-heh, so to speak, where our quaint little hamlet began."

Trenderhoof was really amazed at the sight he was seeing. "Oh, breathtaking! I've heard about it of course, but to see it in vérité, to stand on the soil of a working farm... You can really feel the authenticity." He said before squatting down and dug his hooves into the soil.

"Oh, yes, uh, they, they really do grow apples here." Rarity quickly said.

"Thank you, Rarity. Thank you for bringing me here.” Trenderhoof thanked while placing a hoof on her shoulder to which gave the unicorn a lovely sense of warmth on her shoulder when he did that. “This farm is truly something special."

"Oh, I had planned to transform it into an elegant country inn for the festival... but now I see just how special it is au naturel." Rarity expressed looking having her heartwarming gaze locked into Trenderhoof’s eyes once again.

"Au naturel indeed." He returned when Rarity’s heart had her continuing her gaze feeling this is the spark needed to share their mutual bond together…

…at least before seeing that’s quickly not the case when Trenderhoof locks eyes with someone other than Rarity herself.

"Who… is... that?" He asked upon spotting the orange earth pony bucking apples and wiping the sweat off of her forehead while doing so.

"Who? Applejack?" Rarity returned now confused of why Trend would be interested her, what does he see in her?

Trenderhoof while more focused on her pushed Rarity aside to get a better look at the mare as she moved her mane around while the apples fell around her yet was more fully focused on her work to notice that the visitor was giving her those lovey-dovey eyes of affection.

"Ahem!” Rarity cleared her throat to try to get his attention. “Why are you staring at her like that?"

"I've seen a lot in my travels, but I've never beheld such beauty. Applejack... The pony of my dreams…" Trenderhoof said while staring at the pony now eating an apple while watching on with love struck awe unknowingly hurting Rarity’s feelings when her ears lowered in sadden dismay.

Sometime later, Kion and Fuli have both arrived at the boutique and came inside, looking for her friend so they can report to her of their progress.


“You home?"

Just then, they saw Spike also trying to find her looking very worried while carrying a cup of tea.

“Hey Spike!” Fuli greeted.

“Everything okay?” Kion asked upon seeing the worried look Spike was having just when Fuli stepped on the wet floor.

“And why is the floor all wet?” She asked while shaking it off of her paws just when they hear the sound of Rarity crying from where her Trenderhoof shrine is.

“That’s why?” He answered before the three friends all approached to where the heartbroken unicorn is.

“Rarity? What happened?”

“What’s wrong?”

The lion and cheetah both asked.

"He--e-e d--d--do li--ike eh!" She incoherently said in between sobs.

Both Spike and Kion were confused.



“She said “He doesn’t like me.”” Fuli translated. “And judging from when I last saw you it’s because Trenderhoof locked eyes with another pony is it?”

“Ye-ee-ss-ss!” Rarity cried out before moving to cease her sobbing so she can speak clearly. “He doesn't like me because he has a crush on Applejack, even though I've had a crush on him ever since the beginning of time, and it's not fai--i--ir!"

“Really?” Kion said very surprised to hear it. “How?”

“Apparently, Trenderhoof sees something in the country pony in contrast to the fashionista pony.” Fuli summed it up with the thought of Twilight’s words of caution beforehand coming to mind.

"Trenderhoof doesn't like you?" Spike commented. "That's ridiculous!"

Rarity resuming sobbing while gazing at the pictures of her dream stallion. "Oh, Spike, how could you ever know what it's like to be totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with somepony else?"

Both Fuli and Spike glanced at her with the same “Really?” looks and that was especially considering the latter went through what the unicorn is going through now.

Kion on the other hand moved to try to console her. "Rarity, I really sorry to hear that but you really shouldn’t be beating yourself up over this."

"Easy for you to say!” Rarity shouted back unconvinced. “You’ve never experienced having someone you love in the arms of someone else she is in love with someone else!”

“No…” Kion stuttered a little due to having not experienced true love beforehand before continuing. “…but I can tell you this…” Rarity was listening. “…just try to talk to him and tell him how you feel.” He suggested.

“You really think that’ll get me anywhere?” She asked while drying her eyes before thinking of a new idea of how she can try to get through to him.

“No promises, but…” He tried to insist that she doesn’t get her hopes up suddenly the unicorn bolted out of the boutique before he could finish what he was going to say. “…try not to get your hopes up if it doesn’t work out.”

“Wow.” Fuli remarked feeling amazed yet didn’t want her expression to show it due to how common it is for this to happen whenever they have the right motivation. “Who knew that a pony like Rarity crushing on a guy can give you super speed?”

“Apparently, no one until now.” Spike shared the same sentiment knowing that Rarity’s pursuit in her crush isn’t going to end well.

Meanwhile, Applejack is currently walking through town with a couple baskets filled with apples along with her strong partner Beshte just when Trenderhoof came over trying to begin a conversation with her, much to the country pony’s surprise upon seeing the dreamy gaze he was giving her.

“Oh, hi, and you are…” Beshte greeted yet surprised by his sudden appearance. “Um, hello?”

"You know, I have such respect for the work ethic of Earth ponies." He complimented paying no attention to the question the Guard’s Strongest asked.

"Uh, gee, thanks.” Applejack politely yet awkwardly returned. “Granny Smith always said, "Pick an apple a day and keep trouble away"."

"How many varieties of apples do you think there are?" He asked while following her tail.

"Uh, on the farm or in all of Equestria? 'Cause—" Applejack asked before being interrupted when Trenderhoof spoke up while levitating an apple with his magic.

"I once had an apple so rare, they thought it was extinct. I ate four of them." He recalled while biting on the apple so hard he accidentally made a few bits along with the juice to splatter all over Applejack’s face.

"Is that a fact?" She asked while wiping the juice and bits off of her face while Beshte watched on finding his coming onto her a little creepy.

"That's my thing. I take the mundane, the simple, the unappreciated, and I make it relatable." Trenderhoof continued while pointing hooves at nearby and unsuspecting ponies who eyed him in confusion when he said all of that.

"Well, I hope you can relate to Ponyville." Applejack responded while walking out ahead with Beshte following after her, clearly showing no romantic interest in him.

“Nice meeting you.” Beshte said in his direction before turning back and finding the unicorn has reappeared right in front of them while walking backwards.

Apparently, this unicorn doesn’t seem to fully grasp that the cow girl is seeing this as unwanted affection by the pony who is crushing hard on her. "Me too. But enough about me. I wanna know about you! What do apples mean to Applejack?" He asked still trying to flirt with her.

Applejack, however asserted that she is not interested in his attempts to come on to her. “Look, I'm glad you're interested in Ponyville 'n' all, but I'm kinda busy with my chores. And if I can't get 'em done, there won't be a Ponyville Days festival for you to write about."

"Well, that will never do!" Rarity’s voice spoke up, while appearing wearing a decorated stray hat, pink country and glittery boots, and carrying a matching basket around her neck, a very fitting country version outfit for Rarity.

“Rarity?” Beshte asked highly surprised, finding wearing country outfits is usually not in her taste.

"What are you wearing'?" Applejack asked in the same tone finding it rather odd for her to want to spend her time doing something like this.

"What, this old thing?" Rarity smiled while thinking nothing of her outfit with the hopes that Trenderhoof will , although it was still in vain due to the pony still seeing Applejack with love-struck hearts in his eyes.

"Looks lovely, Rarity.” Beshte kindly complimented. “But shouldn’t you be busy planning for the festival?”

"I am.” She asserted before approaching the three. “But the thought of hauling apples inspired me, and I just couldn't stop myself!"

Applejack didn’t really buy it feeling there is something off with her sudden approach to farm-like activites. "Really? You?"

"If there's one thing I love, it's hauling apples!" She insisted while flipping her mane curls.

Applejack rolled her eyes in response while Beshte didn’t have much to say.

"I'm growing fond of it myself." Trenderhoof commented with a lovely gaze in the earth pony’s direction right in front of Beshte’s face.

"Maybe you two should try it sometime." She muttered under her breath trying to wonder what has gotten into them and ignoring the male pony’s affection once more.

"I'm feeling a tad inspired." Trend continued before speaking then began to speak in poem form, leaving Rarity feeling very touched at first especially when he moved to place a hoof on her chin. "Without farm life, there'd be such disparity. These thoughts I think with great clarity. Apples high to the sky. She's the one of my eye. That fruit-hauling pony named...” Then he suddenly turns and places a hoof on other pony’s chin. “…Applejack!"

Rarity's jaw dropped and felt her heart shatter once more and then felt a sense of green-eyed jealousy and rage boiling inside of her something to which Beshte took notice of.

“Rarity, you okay?” Beshte asked out of concern.

Rarity however, wasn’t in the mood to talk about. “Just peachy keen. Thanks for asking.” Was all she said in response before walking off ahead in a huff.

“Okay.” Beshte accepted without question before eyeing Applejack. “What was that all about?”

“To tell you the truth, I have no idea.” Applejack honestly replied before moving forward continuing to ignore Trenderhoof’s constant gazing her in the eyes. “But I get a pretty good feeling I’m going to be finding out why sooner or later.”

And true to form, her concerns were further increased when Rarity joined them at the farm, ready to try her hoof at field plowing, even though she has no experience or any idea of how to do it.

"Rarity, why do you want to plow a field?" Spike who was there to witness this asked.

The unicorn however was more focused on the task itself to pay attention to his question. “Is it me, or could this use a splash of color? And maybe a wash!"

"Don't we need to check on the gala decorations?" Spike reminded. "Otherwise we’re leaving the Lion Guard with more work."

"Yes, yes, of course, but Trend obviously has a thing for farm life.” Rarity brushed it out without glancing at the purple dragon. “If I can't convince him that I'm just as much of a farm hoof as Applejack, I'll never get him interested in the festival."

"The festival. Right." Spike commented with an uninterested glance away from the self-obsessed unicorn…at least until she gave him an affectionate hoof on his cheek before hugging him.

"And I do appreciate your help ever so much. I couldn't do a thing without you, Spikey-poo.'” Rarity gratefully said to which had Spike’s cheeks turning pink.

"Well, that's what friends are for!" He replied while tapping his index fingers together while trying to mask his slight blushing moment.

"Right, so." Rarity moved to jump onto the plow and then pulled and whipped the reins like she is riding and commandeering a horse. “Come on! Farm... thing!" She whipped again before quickly sighing in dismay, "Oh, how does Applejack do it?"

"Well, it would help if the harness was on right!" Applejack pointed out while appearing with Beshte and Trenderhoof walking by her side while looking very puzzled at the sight of Rarity’s attempt at plowing. "What are you doin'?"

"I am simply lending a hoof with the chores, which I love doing ever so much." She claimed with a bright smile even though Applejack was eyeing her unimpressed and Beshte was still confused with what she was really hoping to accomplish.

"Well if you're still interested after the festival I can teach you all about it." Applejack said before taking control of the reins herself. "But right now, I need to get the plowin' done, if you don't mind." She then galloped away to carry out her task, with the plow in tow, causing Rarity to fall right off right into Trenderhoof's hooves.

"Not at all." She commented to herself dreamingly before being dropped when Trend moved to watch Applejack doing her job.

"She makes it look so easy." Spike commented feeling very impressed upon seeing Applejack work in progress.

“Well she has been doing it for quite a while.” Beshte added. “And having as much strength as me certainly does help.”

"I know. Isn't she fantastic?" Trend commented while looking on at the hardworking pony with dreamy eyes with his crush for her increasing even more leaving Rarity further discouraged.

Later after finishing up her plowing work, Applejack began bucking the apples while Trend continues watching over her by clapping for her while she works enthusiastically as he observed her work further annoying the farm pony even more.

While Beshte was assisting Applejack with his portion of the trees, he noticed Rarity watching nearby from where he was standing and using his back to knock the apples from the trees.

"I really don't see what the fuss is all about." Rarity commented before attempting to buck a nearby tree Beshte was about to buck with her back hooves.

"Hold on Rarity, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Beshte quickly warned before she could.

“What do you mean?”

“He means that if you don't get the buckin' just right, you could sprain a hoof or worse break your back." Applejack answered while approaching them.

Rarity scoffed her warning in response. "I am perfectly familiar with the apple-bucking process, thank you very much. But while you seem to rely on raw power, I believe a certain amount of style is required." She then locked eyes with Trend with the affection that she wants him to return in kind. "It's really more of a dance, if you ask me."

Beshte turned to the farm pony if he should stop her or not before standing down when she shrugs in response, considering that she is smart enough not to injure herself.

The unicorn demonstrated her point by twirling and humming before kicking the tree with her back hoof, with only one apple falling perfectly into the basket.

"Et voilà!"

“Okay.” Was all Beshte had to say yet slightly impressed that she even managed to get one apple off of the tree with her bucking.

Applejack on the other hoof, was not impressed before rolling her eyes. "Well, your way is definitely long on style, I'll give ya that much."

"Thank you." Rarity returned oblivious to what she really meant when she said that.

"Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have some more chores to do." Applejack began before walking off with Trend following after her. She quickly stopped and turned back with a glare to get him to stop following her. "Inside!" She asserted before walking inside the nearby chicken coop to get eggs, or more accurately to get away from Trend.

After she went inside the coop, Trend turned to Rarity with a question in mind for her. “Rarity, can I ask you something?"

Rarity felt delighted, feeling that he is finally going to say what she thinks he is going to say. "Oh, why, Trend, you can ask me anything."

"I've been meaning to ask for a while, and frankly I'm sort of embarrassed…" He began while the unicorn looks on grinning waiting for those magical and long awaited words… “Rarity… do you think…”

But instead came…

"... Applejack would be my date for the festival?"

And that was the last straw that sent her over the hedge. “Why don't you go ask her yourself?! Hmph!" She angrily snapped before walking off in a huff, leaving Trend behind trying to wonder what had just happened before turning to the hippo hoping for an answer.

Beshte simply shrugged in response since he too was lost on why this was happening.

A little while later, Applejack came out of the coop before moving to tiptoe by Trend, who trying his hoof at bucking apples himself, only to have one land on his horn leading to Beshte to approach him so he can correct his form.

By sneaking by, tree to tree, bush to bush, she was able to make a run for it to the barn unnoticed. Once she was inside and closed the doors behind her, she sighed in relief. She doesn’t like this pony constantly following her with love-filled eyes but truthfully, she can’t push herself into being cold-hearted in refusing his advances without risking hurting his feelings yet unsure of how to do it.

"Whew! Well, that was close." She said to herself finally able to get rid of her stalker for now.

Alas, dealing with a pony that she has no romantic interest in constantly swooning over him was only half of her current problems since she now has to deal with the other half, and that is the unicorn inside the barn along with her big brother at work and lion cub friend who had just arrived to check up on the Apple Family’s preparations.

"If you've come to apologize, there's really no need." Rarity said while her head turned away from her friend.

"What are you talkin' about?" She inquired while Kion eyed the unicorn wanting to know what this was all about.

"Let's dispense with the charade, shall we?" She replied in a tone to assert that she knows full well of what she is talking about.

Applejack now figuring what it is spoke up to try to explain herself and offer a helping hoof. "Listen, I know you really want Trend to like you…"

"And he does! Despite somepony's best efforts!" Rarity immediately cut her off before facing her friend right in her face with contempt.

"I swear I don't know why he's so interested me." Applejack honestly explained while Big Macintosh loads the cart Rarity prepares to walk off with. "I don't know anypony who's that interested in farmin'. Not even me! Besides, I don't even like him that way."

"And you shouldn't! I saw him first!" Rarity responded with a refusal to hear her out.

“Shouldn’t focus more on the festival you're preparin' for. Or should I say, our friends are?" Applejack suggested not wanting to fight with her about it.

Rarity still kept her head up high and proceeded to move forward with what she wants to do. “Well, I have a new vision for the festival…" She said, now speaking to a more country accent. "…and it's gonna be more country than the whole Apple family put together!"

After she left, Applejack, Kion, and Big Mac all shared concerned looks.

“What just happened?” Kion asked eyeing Applejack.

“It’s a long story.” She sighed in response before moving to explain it to him.

The following day, The Mane Five and the Lion Guard were all gathered at Rarity's boutique once again. Only this time, they all found that the fashion runway was decorated differently. The curtains looked like created with patch ups and around the sides of the runaway

"Um, isn't it a little late to be changing the theme of the festival?" Fluttershy asked.

“Especially when the festival is now to soon to have anything change at the last second?” Ono added while baffled at what he was seeing. “From formal elegance themed to country farm like themed? I mean what the hay is this?”

“That’s real hay, Ono.” Bunga reminded to which the egret frowned at him in response. “And uh, language.”

“Bunga…!” Ono growled.

"Sorry…” Bunga quickly said seeing that he pushed his luck there.

Just then, Applejack came galloping in.

"Applejack, any idea what's going on?" Fuli asked.

“And why Rarity has taken a sudden interest in farm-like fashion?” Kyoga added.

"I'm too scared to guess." She answered unsure of what’s going through the unicorn’s mind.

At that moment, the lights dimmed and the lights on the runway lit up, where Rarity still speaking in her country tone spoke up. Something that Kion immediately picked up that something was very wrong here and saw that she isn’t acting the pony he knows her for.

"Firstly, I just want to thank you all for comin', and second, I know y'all will all adore my new festival theme!"

Spike emerged from the curtain wearing a straw hat while playing the banjo.

“Huh?” Bunga uttered with a slack-jawed expression.

The curtain opened to reveal Rarity, with her previously curly mane messy and straight, wearing a stray hat with her horn sticking out, and dirty blue jean overalls. Behind her were farm animals, pigs and chickens, along with a few bales of hay, a wagon, pitch forks and horse shoes on the wall.

"Simple Ways!"

For a moment, everyone was silent unable to express of how they all truly felt about Rarity’s 180 in fashion and inspiration since country theme fashion isn’t really her style.

The brief silence broke when Applejack, Bunga, and Fuli all started laughing hysterically at the scene. While laughing, Applejack leaned onto Fluttershy while Fuli and Bunga placed their paws on each other for support.

"Well? What's so funny?" Rarity inquired, still speaking in her bad country accent.

"Rarity, that is the silliest getup I have ever seen!" Applejack answered while still laughing.

"It is a little funny." Fluttershy commented in agreement.

"Fun-nay?" Rarity asked in confusion with an arched eyebrow.

“Of course! How could it not!” Fuli asked in between laughs before dropping onto her back while Bunga placed his hands on his knees.

“It’s hilarious!” Bunga remarked still laughing uncontrollably. "You sure crack me up lady!"

Kion couldn't help but stiffle some laughter before calming himself down so he could get serious with her friend. "Rarity, you aren't serious, are you?"

“This isn’t like you!“ Ono voiced Kion’s thoughts when he examined her outfit. “Not to mention not your style.”

Rarity responded while glaring hard into his eyes to which had him startled when she did it so suddenly. “Well of course I'm serious–" She quickly realized she spoke in her normal voice, before clearing her throat and reverted back to her country accent. “Why wouldn't I be?"

“Because like Ono said, you would never dress like that." Applejack pointed out.

“Yeah Rarity.” Kion chimed in. “You like fashion and high society and fancy things."

"And I can like plowin' fields and haulin' apples just as much." Rarity insisted rather condescendingly.

"But you don't!" Kion stated.

"How do you know what I like?" Rarity huffed in response

"Because we know you." Applejack said while defending her friend when she nearly got into his face for it.

Rarity shoved the two aside, "Wail, maybe you don't know me as well as you thank."

"Oh, really? And I suppose it's just a coincidence that Trenderhoof seemed so interested in country life, too?" Applejack fired back at the stubborn unicorn.

“So that’s what this is all about?!” Fuli asked now feeling baffled with this in light. “Seriously?!”

“Apparently, since it’s not Opposite Day.” Kyoga muttered.

“Nope, definitely not!” Pinkie having heard that pointed out while showing her the calendar she had in her mane. “At least until a few months from now and that’s when I make pies for everyone that holiday.”

Behind the pink pony’s back was Rainbow visibly cringing at the thought before focusing her attention back to Rarity where Kion once more tries to reason with her with country-like approach with both the festival and herself.

“Please, Rarity. I know that it’s frustrating to have to put up with a guy that doesn’t share the same feeling with you, but I really think you’re really trying way too hard of enforcing something that’s not meant to be.” He implored of her.

"I don't know what you're gittin' at!" Rarity ignored him before moving to leave the boutique shop.

Seeing him getting brushed aside like that sparked fury in the cheetah’s eyes leading to her to shoot one last remark in response while looking on sternly at the mare.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to show you!"

"Be my guest! Now, if you all will excuse me, I have a hootenanny of a festival to put on." The unicorn returned before leaving the store, leaving Fuli growling back in her direction as soon as she left.

“So…” Bunga then brought up. “…what does this mean in regards to the festival? Are we redoing everything to fit with this new country style?”

“There’s no time!” Fuli asserted. “Besides that’ll ensure her own self-destruction in her own career by doing so.”

“Fuli’s right!” Kion agreed. “We’re still going forward with Rarity’s more fashionable plan. The plan that actually earned her the privilege of putting together this festival in the first place.”

“Okay, but question is how to do we get Rarity or Simple Rarity to snap out of it?” Ono asked. “Because it doesn’t seem that she’s willing to listen to reason anytime soon.”

"Oh, don’t you worry about that.” Fuli quickly assured him. “I’ll deal with her.”

The Guard all looked at each other and with her, very curious of what exactly she is thinking.

“Are you sure?” Kion asked.

“Kion…” She gently insisted. “…it’s okay. I know exactly what to do…” She turned to Applejack. “…and I know just the pony to help me out on that.”

“Count me in.” She said all ears with what she has in mind…

At Sweet Apple Acres, Spike is writing on his clipboard while Rarity was speaking to the fillies she has gathered for her fashion show.

"Now, to be a model in the Simple Ways fashion show, you might think "simple" means "less is more". Well, that just ain't so. If you want to be real simple, more is more."

She then levitated in her magic a stray hat, a patch of dirt, a dead flowers, a pair of worn out overalls, and two green farm boots. She demonstrated by eying and placing them onto Apple Bloom, much to her and the other fillies' silent horror since it was a really badly designed outfit.

"Now, y'all go off and make yourselves look just like that." She quickly dismissed them who all left the barn with her younger sister eyeing her wondering what happened to the pony she grew up with while her friend struggled to even move in her new getup before moving to remove it from her as soon as they were out of Rarity’s sight. The unicorn turned back to Spike for the next item of business. "Who's our next model for the fashion show?"

Spike read the next name on the clipboard, while eyeing and squinting at the written name in question very closely, "Um… Apple... Jewel…and…Fuli…Formal…?"

"Who the hay is that?" She wondered in confusion when the lights dimmed with tango music playing when a spotlight shined on the models on stage.

One model, Applejack, was a pony wearing in a stunning pink and aqua blue dress, her golden yellow mane styled upwards, tied up by a decorative apple-shaped jewel with a pink and aqua stone.

The other model on the stage following after her, a familiar cheetah, Fuli, now wearing an equally stunning fiery orange and golden yellow dress, and a similarly colored jeweled necklace around her neck and on the top of her head.

Rarity could not believe what she was seeing, finding it really out of character for both Applejack and Fuli to be doing this sort of thing.

Regardless, Applejack and Fuli both gave a really good show, walking across the runway with elegance that Rarity would normally approve of. Even the sassy look that they both gave upon turning their backs towards her.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Rarity asked thinking this is actually a prank someway somehow.

"Why, Rarity…” Applejack spoke in an upper-class accent similar to what Rarity usually speaks in. “…whatever would make you think we were joking?"

"Because you two would never wear ensembles like that. You like plowing fields and hauling apples. And you Fuli, you prefer to hunt and run around at top speed—"

"And we can like fashion just as much." Fuli countered in the same upper class accent while tilting the unicorn’s straw hat, who quickly readjusted it back properly after she did so.

"But you two don't!"

Applejack held her head up high and turned away in response. "Well, maybe you do not know us as well as you think."

“Surely, you of all ponies, would understand that.” Fuli added looking on while sounding like she is looking down on her.

"Fine. But I got a whole festival to plan, so if you're goin' to start modelin', just get on with it!" Rarity said now back in country-like voice.

Applejack and Fuli both smiled at each other before moving forward with their plan by continuing to speak in their upper-class voices.

"Life is a festival, and you should celebrate it by looking just like me! Because I'm a trend-setting fashionista!" Applejack said first while posing for a few photos.

"You're a trend-setting fashionista?!” Rarity asked in incensed shock in her normal voice. “Why, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever– I mean…" She quickly corrected herself before resorting to scratch her ear like a dog, "Good for you. I, on the other hoof, couldn't care less how I look, long as I get the chores done." She then tapped her nose, while giving a stupid look and braying like a mule.

“Oh, is that so?” Fuli questioned with a mischievous smile with Applejack following suit.

"Yes, indeedy-doodle!" Rarity stated in the face of the two models circling around her.

"Not me! My mane needs to be perfectly coiffed at all times." Applejack said while admiring herself in the mirror.

“And my fur needs to smooth and slick no matter what.” Fuli added.

"Well, my mane is full of dust and split ends." Rarity fired back while removing her hat now starting to get a little testy with her temper now.

"My hooves are so polished, you can see your reflection in them." Applejack remarked while admiring her clean hooves.

“And so are the claws on my paws.” Fuli added while briefly retracting her nice clean and sharp claws.

"My hooves are cracked and dry from working in the fields!" Rarity said while showing her dirty hooves.

"I'm so fashion-forward."

"And I walk in a regal matter."

"I wear droopy drawers!"

"I smell like rosebuds."

"And my dress is so on fire!"

"I love being covered in mud!"

The three traded culminating with the unicorn snapping and leaping into a large pile of mud in the pig pen causing mud splatter everyone with a big drop landing on Applejack’s dress. Once Rarity saw what she did, she suddenly looked on in shock and had an immediate change in attitude.

"Goodness! Your couture!" Rarity exclaimed no longer speaking in her former country accent before rushing over to clean off the stain with her hooves only to place more mud onto it due to having mud on her own hooves. "Ooh, it's bad. Will somepony bring me a towel to wipe this repulsive filth from my hooves?!"

Fuli was quick to hand her a towel for her to do so while moving to pull another towel to wipe most of the mud from Applejack’s gown.

Applejack's voice changed back to normal as she hugged her friend. "There's the Rarity I know!"

“Looks like Apple Jewel and Fuli Formal tops Simple Rarity.” Fuli remarked smugly.

“All thanks to your plan.” Applejack commended.

“Really?” Rarity was astonished. “This was your idea?“

“What?” Fuli asked teasingly. “I can come with plans as well as Kion. I might not be a genius and I might like speed and taking action, but I’m not stupid.”

“Well come on now…” Rarity giggled a little in response trying to voice otherwise before immediately dropping the smile with much needed words to say to her two friends. "Oh, Applejack, Fuli, I'm sorry I said all those things. You're both true friends who probably knows me better than I know myself. I don't know what I was thinking wearing this ridiculous outfit."

"I kinda know how you feel." Applejack said in response speaking from past experience.

“And sometimes we all get carried away with our pride taking over while caught up in the moment.” Fuli added.

"Oh, but you were just trying to help me see how silly I was being.” Rarity countered.

“True.” Fuli nodded while pulling no punches there to which Applejack smiled at. “But, like I said it’s bound to happen when we’re not thinking clearly. I mean you’re looking at someone who nearly gotten eaten up by vultures after one too many sprints across the Pride Lands.”

“Coming to someone’s rescue isn’t hard to forget.” Rarity giggled slightly at the memory. “And like what you did today, you went through the trouble of coming to my rescue.” She then eyed the dresses the two tomboyish girls were wearing. “Besides, those gowns look just gorgeous on you both. I wish I hadn't ruined yours Applejack."


“It's nice, ain't it?"

The two replied taking the compliments in stride liking the dresses themselves.

"They’re magnificent! Wherever did you get them?"

Applejack winced before honestly telling her… "Oh um, they’re actually, yours including this one."

Fuli winced too given Rarity quickly widen her eyes in horror before urgently grabbing and shaking Spike. "I'll need three gallons of boiling water and one ounce of detergent, stat!"

Spike ran off to fetch the urgently requested items just when Trenderhoof walked in, now wearing overalls and a stray hat just like Rarity.

"I'm moving to Ponyville!" he announced, much to the girls' surprise. "Being the most interesting pony in Equestria is exhausting. I want to leave my exotic, exciting life behind and live on a farm!"

"What?!" the three girls exclaimed in response to his declaration with Applejack now worried by his statement.

"Well, that's real nice, but I sure hope you weren't thinkin' of Sweet Apple Acres."

"Oh." Trenderhoof voiced in disappointment seeing that she is not board with this.

"Uh, look, you're a fine pony…” Applejack began trying to put him down gently. “… but, uh, I'm, well uh…"

Before she could fumble in her awkward attempt to explain herself before her friend Rarity stepped in. “I think what Applejack is trying to say is that there's something unappealing about a pony who'd change themselves so much just to impress somepony else. If somepony doesn't like you for who you are, it's their loss."

Fuli nodded in approval with her nicely thought words personally thinking she couldn’t have done it better herself.

"Well, this is awkward." Trenderhoof voiced when her words of wisdom finally kicked in and had him realizing what he had been doing ever since he met Applejack.

"Not at all." Rarity smiled in assurance. "In fact, I think I know just how you feel."

“Couldn’t have said it any better, Rarity.” Kion complimented upon arriving at the barn with a proud smile for the unicorn just having learned her lesson.

"So I take it everything’s all set?” Fuli asked knowing why he’s here.

“Yep.” He nodded. “We’re all good.”

“Good for what?” Rarity asked confused by what they meant by that before realizing. “Oh my stars, the festival!”

“Easy, Rarity.” Kion was quick to place his paws on her chest to get her to calm down before she could fly of the handle in freaking out again. “Even with your little love filled distraction we still managed to take care of what needs to be done, so consider the only things you need to get done is dressing up for the festival.”

Rarity quickly sighed in relief before embracing all four friends into a group hug. “Oh, thank you all so much!”

When it was now nighttime in Ponyville, the festival began and took place with the formal theme as originally planned by Rarity herself. Everyone was all dressed in formal attire with the Lion Guard crew in tuxedos just like the Grand Galloping Gala with the only change being the color in their tuxedos and bow ties.

Kion wore an orange colored tuxedo with a yellow bow tie to match the dress Fuli was wearing. During the celebration the two shared a friendly dance together with Kion smiling very pleased with her successful effort in getting one of their friends back to normal.

Beshte wore a bright blue tuxedo with a matching bow tie while Bunga wore a dark blue one to match his fur along with his matching bow tie and they were both snacking on classy food together along with helping themselves to apple cider too.

Even though Bunga might not be the best example of displaying proper etiquette, he did however surprisingly, show proper manners for the party which showed to Rarity of how much he respects her and values his friendship with her.

“Ah-hmm.” A girly voice spoke in Beshte’s attention. It was one of the lady hippos that previously flirted with him the other day wearing an equally colored sky blue dress with bright blue crystals on her necklace. She was hoping he would spare some time for a dance with her.

“Wish me luck.” Beshte whispered to the honey badger before joining her on the dance floor along with Kion and Fuli.

“Good luck!” Bunga shouted after him just when tango music started to play.

When the music started to play, Trenderhoof now dressed in formal attire too, approached Applejack and Granny Smith hoping for dance. And much to Applejack’s relief, he instead was seeking a dance from her grandmother, after finally understanding that the farm pony doesn’t share the same feelings for her.

“Phew! About time!” Ono wearing an orange tuxedo with a bright blue blow tie remarked.

“No kidding.” Applejack commented in agreement while they watch the ponies dance to the tango along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Fluttershy who likewise joined their pony friends on the dance floor.

Rainbow choose to dance with Fluttershy, Pinkie choose to dance with Bunga, and Ono danced with both Applejack and Kyoga mainly because they didn’t want to be left out of the dance since all of their friends were dancing the tango too.

Following the dance, Rarity appeared on the runway for the fashion show showered with pictures and praise for her wonderful blue dress to which Trenderhoof appeared with a red rose for her as an apology for the way he previously acted. And true to character, Rarity gladly accepted them both.

Even though they understand that they both don’t feel equally in love with each other, they’ll always still be friends deep down and that was enough for the two to hug it out to which the crowd awed at the heartwarming friendly sight.

During the celebration, Rarity took this time to write the lesson she learned on the friendship journal.

"Organizing the Ponyville Day celebration was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I learned an important lesson. Real friends will like you for who you are, and changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones. And when you're as fabulous as I am, it's practically a crime!"

“Truer words have never been spoken…” Twilight’s voice commented upon observing the scene from the Canterlot Castle before making her down the hallway towards the direction of the observation tower before using the telescope to get a close look at the formal party going on in Ponyville. “… But question is Rarity…” She eyed the unicorn with Trenderhoof on the runway specifically just when the rest of her friends got together for another one of their group hugs “…are they real friends to you...?”

“Guess we’ll have to find out.” Scar commented upon appearing alongside her, once again wearing his black cloak with only his head appearing. “Because if they really do care for her, then they’ll really have to dream of it, if they ever hope to save her…” His sinister neon green eyes glowing with flames appearing in them. “…otherwise, Equestria might be ours for the taking.” He then chuckled to himself while Twilight continues looking on the Guard with locked eyes of determination for another opportunity of revenge against them right around the horizon…

Author's Note:

In this episode we have Rarity meeting her idol who she has a crush on in preparation for the upcoming Ponyville Days Festival. Unfortunately for her she finds the hard way that crushes can be one-sided to when said pony falls hard for Applejack instead who on the contrary does love him back.

A pony not good with rejection drives the fashionista into acting like a country pony and even going as far as trying to change up the theme briefly even though her fashion-filled elegant them fits it way more perfectly.

Long story short, it took two friends of hers who knew her very well, two tomboyish friends of her to act and dress exactly like her to get her to snap out of it and resolve to being herself even if she doesn't get a pony of her dreams and put forward the elegant night to honor the founding of Ponyville.

Now that we've made it this far, it is now time for the long-awaited mid-season finale of this season which consists of a 4-parter featuring the Lion and Pony Guard along with their family and friends going up against the forces of nature that involve the Princess of Night's past evil self, along with two titular characters leading the charge of finishing off what Nightmare Moon started during the thousand years from when she was banished to the moon.

Midnight Sparkle and Nightmare Rarity. (AKA IDW Issues 5-8)

Without saying much, all I can say about this upcoming special is that more big changes are coming this way and what you might what wonder what they are well, something that awaits for everyone a week from now, Sunday the 13th (AKA Super Bowl Sunday) so stay tuned...

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