• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,138 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 35: The Kingdom Part Four

Episode 35:

The Kingdom Part Four:

Both Twilight and Scar were locked in battle where they had both created a massive dust cloud resulting from an equally large explosion when their largest blasts of magic made contact with each other. When the dust settled the two were still looking at each other with their eyes fueled with intense emotions.

For Twilight, intense anger and determination to take him down, especially after Kion found himself defeated and killed by Scar in battle, further and greatly increased to the point she is now giving her all in terms of concentrating her power against the murderer with wings.

For Scar, intense confidence and blood-thirsty ambition seeing her as one last obstacle to take down before securing ultimate victory, knowing that her defeat in this battle will mean he will rule Equestria and the Pride Lands unchallenged. Should that happen, nothing will ever stop him ever again, not even the great kings of the past in that matter. He has this, he’s managed to learn from his past mistakes that led to his first defeat at the claws of Simba and he’s not about to let opportunity of a lifetime get squandered on the spot.

“Give up, Twilight! Your time serving Simba and Celestia is over!” Scar demanded as he shot another hot flaming burst of magic right at her forcing the young alicorn to use her horn to resist and stop the magic from coming right at her. Once she managed to get his magic under control she managed to mentally thrust the blast back towards him and upon seeing this Scar got himself into a firm stance before using his forepaws to deflect the fire blast with ease.

“Never you murderer!” She defiantly refused while mustering every once of hatred towards him with fire in her eyes as she spoke this with a controlled and venomous tone. “You killed Kion! My best friend! Simba and Nala’s son! Your own grand-nephew! How could you?!”

“Like I said…” Scar returned without any regrets doing so. “…it comes with the price of fighting for the wrong side which your ‘friend’ just did.” Twilight still scowled at this unjustified act of violence he has long resorted to. All because he couldn’t move on and forgive his friends and family for their past regrets. “And soon, the total price will be paid in total with your own coin, too!” He focused his eyes on Twilight once more as they glowed a dangerously blood shade of red just earlier before shooting fire out of them right at her.

Much like her previous battle with Tirek, Twilight conjured a shield to protect herself from the attempted attack before teleporting away from her current spot. After a split second since her disappearance, Twilight appeared right in front of Scar and socked him with a very hot pink beam of magic that sent Scar flying backwards. The strong blast knocked him aside so hard, he wound up tumbling across the ground before finally slamming super hard into a nearby rock barrier from just on the side of Pride Rock. Said attack, cracked and shattered the stone behind him into a million pieces as the villainous lion dropped to the ground feeling great pain before getting up on his paws being able to shake it off in just a few seconds.

From there, Scar had to fly up as Twilight moved to charge right at him at top speed, growling with righteous fury with everything he has done since the day they first met, knowing that she is giving her all in this battle.

The sight of this aerial and fiery fight did not go unnoticed as Simba, Nala, Celestia, and Luna were all able to watch from afar.

“What should we do? Should we help her?” Nala asked the others unsure if they should leap into the fray or not.

Luna was quick to reply to that as she observed the two duking it out from the skies with the younger combatant clearly holding her own. “Tempting but, I think it’s safe to say that Twilight has this fight. Besides…” She used her magic to freeze Chrysalis before she could attack her just when she was an inch from her face before tossing her aside from behind her back into the army of changelings who all tumbled and got knocked away like bowling pins. “…we got company.”

They all turned around and saw the Outsiders and changelings along with Zira, Nuka, Vitani, and Chrysalis all ganging up on them with furious looks seeking retaliation for what the dark blue alicorn did to them just recently.

“Well done, Luna.” Zira falsely complimented since she is clearly peeved right now. “You’ve just earned yourself a well-deserved demise right alongside Simba.”

“So better say goodbye alongside your so called big sister.” Chrysalis added while feeling very agitated herself.

“I don’t think so!” Celestia boldly declared with her wings spread out and horn lit up ready for that battle. “You are never laying so much as a single claw or hoof on my sister unless you want to face the consequences!”

“Oh, yeah?!” Nuka smugly remarked. “You and what army?”

Celestia and Luna both spread their wings and the aura from their horns glow with both Simba and Nala baring their teeth and claws ready for that fight as the latter two lead the charge both taking on Zira and Vitani respectively. Just while this was happening the other alicorn sisters used their magic to take flight and repel the changelings and Outsiders that tried to attack them all at once with another magic shield to repel them shocking and terrifying Nuka greatly into releasing a girlish scream in fright.

“You just had to ask, didn’t you?” Vitani asked rather annoyed at her brother while Zira fiercely glared at him in agreement with her daughter.

“Attack!” Chrysalis commanded the troops as they resumed their fight against the remaining royals here in the Pride Lands as many of them proceeded to all gang up on the most powerful alicorns standing before them.

At the same time in the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor who is currently locked in battle with King Sombra for the Crystal Empire is very much wondering what happened in the Pride Lands that created a hard enough vibration to have shaken up and reach their current location. “What was that?”

“Sounds like it came from Pride Rock?” Fuli deduced while swiftly dodging black crystals the unicorn king is hurling in her direction. “And from the sound of it, something’s really going between Twilight and Scar.”

Kyoga attempted to land a good shot on Sombra by focusing her magic on him while Cadance draws his attention towards her more to distract him, but before she could take it, she ended up gasping and clutching her heart as if a part inside of her just died.

“Kyoga!” Fuli exclaimed in great worry upon seeing her collapse before moving to rush her out of harm’s way and into the stands for safety much to the prince and princesses sudden concern.

As much as they both wanted to know what exactly happened that led to a normally precise shooter in good health to suddenly collapse, they both had to keep their guard up to avoid giving Sombra the upper hand along with control over the Crystal Empire so the two had to continue attacking him together to keep him at bay.

“Kyoga, you okay? You had Sombra back there. What happened?” Fuli asked as she helped him up to a proper laying position so she could rest and try to talk to her about what she just felt.

“Kion…” She struggled between words. “…is dead!”

“What?!” Fuli wasn’t sure whether to believe it or not. “How can you tell?”

“I can feel it.”

“Are you sure?” Fuli had to calm herself before she could panic and dismiss it as a lie.

“Never more so in my life.”

Just then she quickly noticed King Sombra get himself into a position he could land a fatal attack right towards the Princess of Love’s heart with a very malevolent grin on his face.

“Huwezi!” She stated as she sprinted down the steps and leaped over on towards him by using the nearby railings leading up to the booth as a ramp to give her a flying boost towards the unicorn.

The unicorn himself managed to turn around in time to witness what was about to happen but that was it before finding himself kicked in the face by the cheetah thus giving Princess Cadance the opening she needs to follow it up with a beam of magic to knock him off of his pedestal. Said attack that created a small light blue colored shock-wave felt across the kingdom, left Sombra disoriented as he fell to the ground only able to support himself on his fore-hooves.

Luckily for himself, Sombra was able to work his magic into creating a dome around himself while he recovered right in time before Shining Armor could take advantage of it. He ended up finding himself repelled when he was suddenly cut off when the barrier suddenly appeared right in front of him. After that had happened, Sombra managed to teleport back on the dark crystal platforms before canceling his barrier spell ready to resume fighting.

With speed and power at his side, Sombra was riding and sliding up and high while swiftly defending himself against Princess Cadance’s attempts to strike him with her magic while taking flight. At one point the pink alicorn was able to ensnare the unicorn by using her magic to actively restraint his horn in an attempt to take him down with her future husband coming in to deliver the defeating blow.

“Give it up Sombra! I will not let you continue ruling over this kingdom along with further terrorizing innocent lives!”

“Why not?” Sombra asked back feeling he did nothing wrong during the dark times where he was in charge. “They were asking for it back then and none of them would see it my way!”

“Do you even listen to yourself?!” The white unicorn questioned with great disgust. “How much time has Scar been talking to you into thinking this way?!”

“Just recently…” He nonchalantly replied while breaking himself free and knocking off the unicorn to the side. “…right after he brought me from the dead after having your two idiot friends toy around with a certain book I created long ago.”

“Wait what?!” Spike exclaimed upon hearing it from afar along with the others.

“That was his book?!” Bunga also asked just as shocked before he and the dragon quickly realized their mistake of giving themselves away.

“It sure was.” He replied with an evil grin while moving to deflect blasts from both the prince and princess treating it with casual dialogue while moving to advance right towards the two while the others quickly darted away before getting caught. “Right after your fellow princesses defeated me long ago they had my book of dark magic spells locked away deep in their old castle. What you didn’t realize was there was one spell at the very end which allows one to resurrect my body should one be loyal enough to bring me back from the dead. Or more accurately at least having a boss who was more than generous to help restore me back into power here.” He then levitates the two towards him just as Kyoga sees it from afar now having mustered up her strength into getting herself back up on her paws. “And all it took was two fools to do an errand’s run to distract your friends while Scar helped me return.” Both Bunga and Spike were frightened when Sombra worked his magic ready to terminate them on the spot.

Luckily for them, Sombra was suddenly shot aside and slammed into the other side of the stadium by a large white beam from the opposite side forcing him to let go of his grip on the honey badger and baby dragon and allowing them to quickly dart away so they can help their friends rescue the others. He ended up crashing into the stands before seeing the recovered Kyoga floating her way over to him with the unicorn, alicorn, and cheetah following after her.

“And it takes one more fighter to skip the fight against you.” She stated as the unicorn growled in her direction before levitating himself back up on a platform he created from the rubble he is currently standing on.

With seething fury at being outnumbered and unable to gain the upper hand at any point in this battle, he roared before charging right at the lioness ready to put an end to this once and for all.

Back at Pride Rock, fire was beginning to engulf Pride Rock by the time both Twilight and Scar got really heated with each other as they unleash their firepower against each other.

Scar lunged at the latter tackling her down as they landed on the very top of Pride Rock with Twilight landing hard on her back when it happened. But even still Twilight was not showing any signs of slowing down as she endured the lion tackling and wrestling her to the ground. When he attempted to sink his teeth into her neck she managed to punch him in the jaw and blasted one of her strongest blasts of magic right at him to force him off and away towards the edge.

She moved to charge at him with another beam of magic aimed right at his heart with gritted teeth to showcase her anger towards him not holding back anymore like she did with Tirek. By the time she managed to get close, Scar managed to counter the attack by hitting her horn so it’ll redirect and shoot upwards into the sky instead. After doing so, he immediately landed an energy blast right at chest and then smacked her back down hard onto the ground. The alicorn had no time to avoid being pinned down to the ground as the lion moved to choke her into submission.

Just when he bared his retracted claws with fire ready to give the girl a nasty kill, she ended up punching him square hard in the gut and knocked him off of her with another precise beam of magic. The attack itself, sent Scar flying off of Pride Rock, and ended up tumbling across the rocky hill down below and right down towards the space where he ended up falling into during his defeat after the Battle of Pride Rock.

Unlike last time, Scar had endurance that allowed him to quickly recover and thrust himself upwards with his wings while using firepower from all four paws to give him a speed boost back up towards higher ground.

Seeing this had Twilight decide to take the fight away from Pride Rock while proceeding to give herself a fiery sprint herself to avoid Scar’s claws and powers once more.

Upon taking their fight across the plains of the ravaged Savannah now being burned to the ground by the wildfire Scar had started, the two were still in a deadlock battle from flying around and trading magical blasts with one another, yet at no point there was a clear sign of either one of them gaining the upper hand against each other no matter how many blows and hits they send and deliver towards each other. Whenever either one of them have a clear shot at one another, the other always is ready to deflect and dodge the shot in time before getting hit.

By the time the two get near the Outlands territory to where the whole takeover coupe all went down shortly after Twilight became an alicorn Scar had managed to catch up to her and managed unleash another fiery blast of magic from his paws in another attempt to take her down. Twilight being able to quickly sense it was able to counter the attack by using her magic to deflect the flames away yet again.

“Hopefully if I can keep him drawn away from the Pride Lands, he wouldn’t cause any more damage here.” The purple pony thought to herself. Although what she is unaware is that Scar is actually pleased that they are taking the fight into the Outlands as he eyes the volcano up ahead as evidenced by the smirk on his face apparently have read what she just said to herself just now.

“Is that what you think?” Scar asked as he used the latter’s brief moment of being off-guard into striking her on the side causing her to scream in pain and crash into one of the tall pillars in front of them. “…Because from what I see is that the damage is already done.” He gestured to the kingdom now set ablaze by the current and ongoing fighting around them along with the rest of the royals holding their own against the Outsiders and changelings. Despite knowing what he says is true to an extent, she also knows that he is trying to taunt and get under her skin yet again so he’ll trick her into completely destroying the kingdom or trick her into catching her off guard again like he did just now. “Your fellow princesses, the king, the queen, all of them all trying to fix the mess you helped create." Twilight still defiantly looked in his direction as he circled around her seeking for that moment of vulnerability. “I mean really it’s too bad things have to end like this, Twilight. I mean really did like you. I really did want to take you in as an apprentice and my future successor but I really couldn’t take the chance that would turn on me and ruin everything that I seeked to accomplish.”

“By accomplish you mean destroying everything Simba and his father stood for?” Twilight scoffed. “This coming from the pony who actually was willing to stand by your side even after manipulating me into doing your following? You know what’s ironic is the fact this fight wouldn’t be happening and would have already won had you not unnecessarily stabbed me in the back which by the way I was least expecting it.” Scar simply continues smirking with an indifferent and callous mindset at the memory. “And now you expect me to get tricked into completely destroying the Pride Lands? Well, good luck trying to get a rise out of me this time because you’re all out cards to play here.”

Scar still remained certain otherwise. “Am I?” He asked with a raised eyebrow of confidence. “Says the pony who thought she could take me on knowing full well of what happened last time back at the Crystal Empire? A mare who’s walked her mouth into trouble more than once and is just really lucky enough to survive against me? Longer than my father did? Longer than my former Lion Guard crew? Longer than my brother did? Longer than Kion? The lion who plummeted to his doom because of you?” He smirked ready for Twilight to blow her top upon throwing that at her.

With avenging her best friend’s death on her mind right now in front of her, she knows that with the volcano nearby. But given of how she tricked Kion into causing an massive eruption with the Roar that led to Scar taking over the Pride Lands, she was not about to let history repeat with her being the one to further destroy the Pride Lands into nothing. She could not afford to give Scar the victory by playing into another one of his mind games again. She retained her glare towards Scar to make clear she is not giving into him again with her horn still charged ready to attack him when ready.

She then thought to herself knowing that no matter what attack she threw at him. So she had to think deep of how to turn the tables on him without giving into her anger yet again unless she wants to risk destroying her loved ones, who she looks up to as her parent like figures in life.

She thought of Princess Celestia, the pony who has been nothing but impressed of her from the day she met her and is guided her into becoming a well-respected alicorn princess. If she were here she would tell her to stay true to herself and have faith in being able to handle this to the good of her ability.

She then thought of Princess Luna, the pony who she helped overcome her insecurities when faced with ponies still terrified of her after her return to Earth. She returned the favor when she helped her regain the courage to return to the kingdom she ended up betraying when at her lowest point. If she were here she’d tell her not to give in to her anger without repeating the cycle and creating new villains to continue her former villainous legacy that led to Scar’s return.

She then thought of Queen Nala, the lion who was there by her side when she was injured after saving her life the first time Kion lost control of the Roar. If she were here she’d tell her to trust herself much like she told Kion when he nearly didn’t want to use the Roar ever again after that incident.

And last but not least, King Simba, the lion who placed just as much faith in her and was the first to emphasize with her plight when she went into self-exile after Scar had betrayed her. If he were here he would remind her to look into her heart, look into her own inner compassion towards other, and remind herself why she is the bigger and stronger pony / lion than Scar but still do whatever it takes to defeat him.

The nearby winds and gusts from Mufusa’s spirit also further gave Twilight the calming influence she needs to figure out the true way to defeat Scar, but the latter was quick to keep her eyes open and defensive stance up as a necessary precaution against the lion waiting for her to make her next move. And judging from the fire conjured up in his palms he was ready to make the first strike since Twilight wasn’t moving to try to attack him again and just about ready to do it now.

But judging from the look of resolve on Twilight’s face, she seemed she knew how and what her next move should be…

At the same time in the Pride Lands not too far away, most of the royal family were still locked in battle against their opponents. Simba and Zira were evenly matched in regards to trading claws with one another, Nala and Vitani were also still it, and the alicorn sisters were still surrounded by the remaining changelings and Outsiders.

Right up in the skies the two princesses were finding themselves surrounded and forced on the defense by a swarm of relentless and vicious group of predators looking at them like prey. All of them were eagerly waiting to be able to sink their teeth into their skin and be able to feed off of their love and blood at the same time the two sisters are fighting with their lives to keep them all at bay. At the same time Ushari readied his fangs so he can unleash his venom on the two sisters.

Nala who was just wrestling Vitani down on the ground after pinning her, managed to witness this and saw that they really needed help in order to take away their advantage away from them. But the question she thought as she looked around is how? How is she going to draw them away from them.

She looked for Simba who is setting trading blows with Zira as the latter is unafraid to go for low blows such as attempting to scratch his eyes, breaking his jaw, and striking his chest all to no avail. Even while managed to get a few grunts of pain from the larger lion and she now finds herself on the losing side of this fight just like when she went berserk against him years ago.

“Simba…!” His wife called out to him. “…I need you to get a shot up there quick!”

It took Simba a second to understand why she wants her to do it before getting an idea of how to finish off Zira too. He moved to run to the side to further anger the insane lioness.

“Get back here and fight, Simba! I’m not finished with you yet! I’ve still got more for you!” Simba paid no attention to her angry words as he led right into the position he wanted her to run towards just when the cobra was sinisterly grinning as he is seconds away from his perfect moment of slaying somepony.

He locked himself into position just when Zira snarls and leaps towards him ready to attack him once more just when Nala sees Nuka attempting to jump into the fray in his sister’s defense.

“Now!” Nala shouted just when Nuka attempted to lung at her only to miss when she instinctively dodged the leap just when Ushari leaped at the flying alicorn sisters still unaware of what he is about to do to them.

Simba attacking on instinct too managed to slap Zira away and off of her paws when she got within arm’s reach of him. The attack sent Zira flying away and into a small pack of changelings at the same time Nuka found himself colliding into another pack of changelings. The attack also knocked Ushari away just when he was right in front of the two face to face.

"AH!" Ushari exclaimed upon being knocked aside in pain.

“Oof!” The changelings grunted in pain.

“Ow!” Nuka however screamed in pain as the changelings glared at him for his usual clumsiness in battle.

Nevertheless, that move gave both Celestia and Luna the breathing room they need to turn this fight around. Both sisters nodded at each other before rushing towards the remaining Outsiders and changelings with great confidence.

“Luna, I get the Outsiders, you take down the changelings.”

“Got it, Sister.”

Luna wasted no time in being quick with her attacks, picking, punching, kicking, and blasting each and every one of them one by one and lot allowing any of them touch her in any way. At one point where she was faced when the remaining changelings ganged up on her at the same time, she quickly used her magic to cast a spell while shouting. “EVERYPONY FREEZE!” Every changeling all froze just inches away from landing their teeth and claws on her. She smiled as she casually stepped aside from her frozen enemies eyeing her before sending a beam of magic right at them causing them all to literally butt heads together and collapsing to the ground in pain.

Celestia while taking a more graceful and divine to her opponents took them on by nailing the Outsiders by taking down one with her magic and then swiftly dodges the next one before using her magic again to knock them out. At one point when they all gained up on her, she calmly used her magic to create a bright golden yellow light similar to the sun.

The Outsiders were all blinded from it before being all blasted away when she focused her magic to creating a wave to send them flying away and scattered across the Pride Lands in front of Pride Rock. By now, they were all too weak and bruised from the hits they’ve endured to keep fighting.

At least now, the lions and alicorns could take a brief breather knowing that they have won their part in this battle. But of course, none of them felt like celebrating yet, due to their victory coming at a cost of losing one of own, prompting them to rush over to the fire with the strong hopes that there is some way Kion survived the fire and there is still a chance they can save him.


On the flip side of things, Scar had finally decided to make the first move after a minute of patient circling along with subtly creating electricity with his paws before firing a large bolt of lightning right at her without warning.

But what he didn’t see coming was that Twilight had managed to catch the attack and used her magic to redirect the attack right back at him, causing an explosion that blew off the pillar tops and sent flying and crashing into Flat Ridge Rock leaving him right on the border of the Pride Lands and Outlands.

Upon recovering from the attack, Scar looked up to the mare who’s eyes were now glowing white upon floating over to him much to his surprise, mainly to the fact that split second he would caught anybody off guard.

“How…” Scar gasped in utter shock. That should have been impossible to perform, no one has ever been able to redirect an attack that quickly.

Twilight said nothing before fixating her intense glare on the lion she’s looking down on, non-verbally daring him to try it again.

Scar managed to shake off his shock before glaring back at the pony’s intimidating stance as he quickly shot a beam of fire at him along with a handful burning coal right at her. She managed to use her quick reflexes to redirect the attacks away from her just when Scar flew up to tackle her.

He attempted to maul her once more upon maintaining a firm grip on her only for her to focus her strength on flipping him over and then sent a beam right at his stomach to force him off and slamming into one of the nearby pillars.

Scar then leaped up in flight with firepower to avoid falling to the ground but had no time to recover as Twilight focused her magic in having the pillars release chipped rocks in his direction. The rocks came at him as fast as bullets in a machine gun to which Scar had to fly around at top speed to avoid getting nicked by the smallest and single pebble in the ammunition that was being aimed at him.

When the dust cleared, Scar appeared flying upwards right towards the top of the volcano in the Outlands where he seeks to exploit this more powerful side of hers in order to get her into creating that powerful eruption like he had her do to Kion before.

Twilight seeing through his strategy moved to pursue him in case he winds up deciding to do it himself with his powerful roar all without a change in expression and saying a word and uttering a grunt in the process. Just nothing but deadly silence and eerily calmness to showcase her anger towards him as she went after him with her glowing white eyes locked on her target.

Inside the stadium were the Pride Landers and Equestrian ponies all forced and trapped inside the corridors leading towards the field and the exits.

"Help us!"

"Let us out of here!"

"Somebody! Please!"

Mbeya, Laini, Muhimu all screamed in vain while the kids were more frantically banging the barrier in desperation.

"Come on! Somebody! Anybody! I don't care who!"

"Yeah! What the kids said! You can't keep us locked up like this! Let me go! You're supposed to say I have the right to remain silent! You never read me my Pride Lander rights!" Thurston screamed in a one-sided panic.

The others stopped screaming before all glaring at him like he is seriously and only thinking about himself.

"Thurston..." Makuu began looking really insulted and annoyed. "...you have the right to remain silent! What you lack is the brains to completely understand that everyone here is in danger."

At the same time, both Janja and Reirei are taking amused delight at seeing this right in front of them.

"Not that it matters..." Reirei menacingly said to them. "...since no matter what none of you are getting out of here."

"Yeah!" Janja stated in agreement. "Besides, the only one who can free you all is the pony who imprisoned you all, so get used to it until it's dinner time for us..."

The kids all whimpered and cowered behind their mother's seeing they he is planning on targeting them as soon as Sombra gives them permission to dig in to the buffet awaiting them.

Their lackeys voiced their eager anticipation while peering their heads to the sounds of their pack leader's voices.

"Mmm-mmm! I can taste them in my mouth already!" Cheezi remarked upon licking his chomps.

"Me too!" Chungu was already drooling starting to think about what's soon to come for them.

"Me three! Oops...." Goigoi added as he wound up slipping and nearly broke his paw from the dimwitted hyena's drool. Thankfully for him, nothing broke, but he ended up falling face-first into the puddle Chungu created. "Ow!"

"Oops. My bad." Chungu said upon realizing his mistake as he stopped slobbering before backing away from the jackal as he stood up then fell to the ground again.

That’s when the Lion and Pony Guard sprang to action as they confronted both Janja and Reirei’s packs.

“Hello, boys!” Applejack voiced to startle them. “Ya’ll ready to tussle!”

“Because we sure are!” Rainbow Dash added leaving them no time to be prepared when she charges right at them at her rainbow-powered speed to bowl them down.

Then just when some were all picking themselves up…

“Twende Kiboko!”

Then they were knocked down to the ground leaving both Janja and Reirei having to fight for their lives while trying to obtain backup from the others trying to come to only to be knocked down by Spike's green fire breath when he leaped into the fray.

At that moment, Pinkie along with Bunga and Discord were ready to counter whatever trap King Sombra has placed in front of them.



The two then made their voices clear to the prisoners.

"Go time!" Discord placed his racing helmet and goggles on for the occasion as the others called out to both Pinkie and Bunga for help.

“Hey everybody!”

“It’s us!”

“Pinkie Pie?”


Both Ma Tembo and Muhimu called out to them upon recognizing their voices before approaching the magical guarded entrance to where they are all only greeted to the sight of a rolling cake being carted their way…

…right across the floor where Sombra’s dark magic alarm system activates.

Sensing this gained the unicorn king’s attention as he disappeared from his fight with the crystal couple and the two felines to examine the source of his alarm being triggered. Seeing that the plan is in motion, Discord followed suit by secretly tailing him.

When he arrived, all he saw was the cake Pinkie and Bunga had left out in the open, all trapped in crystal.

He then thought and correctly deduced. “This cake is just a decoy! They’re trying to distract me!” He quickly worked his magic in conquering them and forced to look at him in the eyes.


“What’s up!”

They greeted like they’re not in any trouble.

“Did you really think that was going trick me into slipping up?” He gravely asked them while having his horn flare up ready to kill them right away. “Like I was born yesterday?”

Bunga dared to respond to that. “Well technically you were born he day Scar brought up back so…” Sombra’s magic ensnares him by the throat. “…UGH!” He choked. “…in a way, yes!”

“Then I guess I know who to finish off first…” Sombra said as he prepared to shoot the honey badger defiantly looked back showing no signs of fear even with his life flashing before his eyes.

"Who me?" Discord's voice spoke to up with no telling signs of where he truly is...

... until he suddenly appeared right in front of him and threw off the unicorn’s aim just when he fired off his shot by snapping his talons. When the click sound was made, just like that the beam of dark magic was redirected and sent right towards the captive’s direction. Said shot, wound up deactivating the spell keeping them imprisoned.

Sombra gasped at what had happened before growling in his direction as he focused his anger into shooting hot and powerful eye beams right at him.

"Oopsie....Sorry..." He mockingly taunted just when he simply snapped his talons again to make the dark magic infused attack vanish into thin air before snapping his talons again to create a sparked explosion that sent the unicorn king flying across the stadium grounds as a result leaving him completely enraged of how the Lord of Chaos is making a mockery out of him on his big day.

He quickly flew over with murderous intent in his eyes as he furiously approaches her ready to unleash fatal magic on him who simply smirked and crossed his arms in response to the charging pony in front of him. But when he charged his horn once more, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance were already on him when the latter disoriented him with her magic and the latter bucked him hard in the gut. The impact caused Sombra to crash into the stands allowing Kyoga time to recover to rejoin the fight against him.

Upon getting on his hooves, Sombra snarled up realizing he got tricked big time into releasing the prisoners and is now starting to lose control of the situation upon seeing the Lion and Pony Guard take down the hyenas and jackals along with guiding every pony and Pride Lander to safety.

Acting fast, he teleported to the opposite side of the stadium, used his magic to seal off all entrances and exits to the stadium, and then teleported to another part of the stadium, all while dodging whatever beam of magic the white unicorn and pink alicorn throw at him.

He proceeded to swiftly teleport rapidly and dodge every shot before throwing up a magical shield to specifically to have its properties redirect the magic back at Shining Armor when he attempted to charge at him. The beam ended up sending the unicorn aside with an “Oof!” while his favorite mare had to work up a magic shield specifically to protect herself from the tyrant’s powerful blast.

She sweated and grunted in order to keep the latter’s magic from reaching her horn until she focused her strong willpower into pushing his magic back so it’ll explode right in his face. After forcing him back, Cadance felt the need to catch her breath from the mental exertion she used from using her magic like that. However much to her luck, that moment of catching her own breath is exactly what Sombra was counting on as he used the smoke for cover before blindsiding her with a dark beam to the chest.

“AAAHHH!“ She screamed before dropping to the ground and blacking out upon landing.

As the two were struggling, now that Sombra is fighting more vigorously and intensely, both Fuli and Kyoga knew they needed to act in order to tip the scale back in their favor.

So Kyoga quickly sprang in Cadance’s defense by standing on her hind legs and unleashed magic right at Sombra’s beam just when he was unleashing another one aimed the latter.

The unicorn king simply grinned since the lioness’s power at only half capacity is still not making him sweat at all as he keeps even footing before pushing his dark magic right back at Kyoga causing her to skid backwards and sweat as she struggles to resist being hit.

Luckily for her, that’s where her cheetah friend sprung to the rescue when she sprinted all the across the field and leaped up as high as she can go like she is flying over the gorge. Only this time, she not only managed to make the leap right on toward’s her target but she also managed to pierce her claws right into his skin causing him to howl in pain due to how deep she managed to sink them into her skin. He tried his hardest into shaking her and the pain off but the cheetah wouldn’t let go of her grip on him and still finding himself screaming in pain when she managed to bite him right on the shoulder.

Furious, he finally managed to force Fuli off of him by teleporting away and then sent a pillar aimed right in her direction. But Fuli was able to use it into landing safely onto the ground before joining to stand by Kyoga’s side.

Sombra upon landing to the ground could not believe as he briefly stared at the flesh wounds the Lion Guard’s Fastest inflicted upon him before turning his hate filled gaze back towards the two for distracting him. From dealing with both the true rulers of the Crystal Empire where they both landed payback blows upon striking Sombra the first chance they got.

Said distraction was long enough for the both of them to get back into the fight where Sombra is now finding himself completely overwhelmed with all angles covered. Every single attack they threw at him connected and Sombra was left no room to defend himself. From Fuli landing quick tackles on him, to the other’s relentlessly using their magic to keep from getting him and even retaliating. After a solid minute of enduring it, Sombra was left barely standing even with his futile efforts to fight back this one-sided matchup and could only grunt and breath heavily with a defiant glare on his face.

“Give it up, Sombra. It’s over.” Shining firmly stated.

“As long as I am still breathing, it’s not over.” Sombra quietly yet loud enough for them to hear declared as he attempted to shoot another beam right at the unicorn’s face. His opponent effortlessly dodged and used his magic to force him back.

Even while facing defeat, Sombra is still not backing down from breathing heavily while facing off against the equally glaring unicorn who prepares to finish him off along with the others as they prepare to finish him off once and for all by continuing to barrage him with their attacks until he collapsed in exhaustion after his energy finally gave out leaving a smoke cloud to obscure him from being seen fully. But by then, the remaining forces have been defeated by the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard. The damage had been done, they had lost. Upon realizing this, all Sombra can do now is to cut his losses before using his magic to fade away from the scene with his dark magic like a ghost before anyone could capture and imprison him, but not without swearing to his enemies before the smoke could clear up... “This isn’t over. I’ll be back.”

Even though King Sombra got away, everyone all could now sigh in relief now that the Crystal Empire is now back in the right hooves, the remainder of Scar’s army has been defeated, and everyone else is safe. But then they realize that they need to check up on the others, especially that troubling sense that had Kyoga’s blood drained for a minute before mentally recovering enough to join right back in the fight since she gave Kion partial control of her powers.

They needed to make sure Twilight and the others have succeeded in retaking the Pride Lands with the same results in regards to Scar, Chrysalis, Zira, and the changelings and Outsiders assisting them over there. All while hoping no casualties have happened while their backs were turned.

But just as they were leaving they remembered something. "Discord...?" Fluttershy called out to him.

"Go!" He urged her and the others to go ahead to Pride Rock. "I'll make sure the opposing army stays put." He maliciously grins before using his chaotic magic to imprison Janja, Reirei, along with their clans in the same area where every single pony and Pride Lander were all held hostage against their will. "On top of that, I'll make sure they have some fun together."

Before any of the defeated prisoners could take a guess of what to expect, they suddenly found themselves in a chaotic looking area similar to what he did to Celestia, Luna, along with the Lion and Pony Guard back when he was an enemy to them, along with all of his crazy shenanigans.

"Oh no..." Janja muttered to himself.

"Janja...?" Both Cheezi and Chungu fearfully asked their leader.

"Dearie...?" Goigoi pleaded with his wife to understand what he is going to do to them.

"...just prepare yourselves for a torturous circus-like experience, Goigoi..." She just ordered while groaning upon seeing Discord dressed and face-painted like an actual clown that appeared straight out of a horror film. "...and for a lot of running!" She screamed the last part as everyone all hightailed running around their confined area like a group of panicked zebras running in circles around the Lion and Pony Guard.

"Oh I am so going to enjoy this..." Discord said with mischievous delight before menacingly approaching the frantic captives for the time of their lives playing the ringleader of the circus performance.

Back in the Pride Lands, Scar was racing his way up towards the volcano all while using the nearby pillars to pull the twist and turns to keep his distance from her since she is still close behind.

From behind Twilight witnessed that Scar was nearing the volcano before using her magic to have two pillars crash into each other in an attempt to crush him. The suddenly startled lion narrowly missed the collision before flying to the side in order to catch his breath and maintain control of his flight having nearly stumbled for a second. Said recovery gave the alicorn the chance to use her magic to create a wave of water to splash Scar to the ground after extinguishing the fire allowing him to fly.

Upon standing up and moving his soaking wet black mane out of his face he looked up and saw the purple mare flying down and closing in on him. The half lion-alicorn hybrid had to shoot another stream of fire right at her for to deflect and then fly away to avoid getting knocked hard into the ground.

“What is going on?!” Scar thought to himself seeing that he is facing a one-sided battle going against him as he flew around the nearby pillars before landing on one just he can regain his ground and unleash magic from his horn to try to force the alicorn pursing her to back off. Said attack was super powerful and created another nuclear sized explosion after Twilight used a magic sphere shield to protect herself from the attempted blast much like Tirek did in their previous battle.

When the dust cleared up and his advantage created, Scar was able to quickly punch Twilight square in the face and then backhanded her down hard into the ground. He then flew in quickly to pounce on her again but Twilight was able to teleport away just when Scar was about to touch her. The next he knows Twilight was already floating right behind her and had nailed him in the back with her magic shot by the hot white beams from her glowing eyes. The attack ended up sent the hybrid flying away and crashing his back against the Outlands volcano which left a noticeable crack on it.

Scar then had to fly and flee when Twilight sent five blasts of fire magic right at him, each which had him forced him away from the volcano he had just managed to arrive at. After dodging the fifth blast he uses his horn and his two front paws in charging his hottest and most powerful beams of magic just to be able to stop her. The attempt itself even with more power exerted into it then before, it still wasn’t enough to stop her since she managed to form a blue magical shield made of water than transformed the fire into steam and gave Twilight cover to slam Scar away and back against the stone rock walls again.

Now with the volcano right in front of him, Scar made his way up towards the volcano up the hill on his paws to avoid Twilight seeing her and still be able to lure him to his trap. He used this time to his advantage so he can fully recharge his magic by the time he got to the top of the volcano just above the caldera.

From there he was able to get to the core of the volcano from high ground, but by then Twilight was already there to intercept and found himself suddenly electrocuted from magic sent from her horn and sent crashing into one of the pillars down below. From there, Twilight had him right where she wanted him up floating over to the half lion / alicorn who is barely managing to get himself up on his paws. Upon looking at the mare in the eyes, she is still looking back with the same glaring expression and same glowing white eyes which had internally terrified Scar upon looking into them deeply as he finds all of his paws tethered to the ground by the former’s magic.

“Scar! You and the lions before you have devastated the balance of this world and not only that you alone have devastated the balance of Equestria! And now you shall pay the ultimate price!” She spoke threateningly before harnessing her power into creating a very large blade shaped dagger fueled with fire and metal aimed right at the hybrid’s heart. Said blade hurled right at Scar’s direction who simply closes his eyes upon realizing he’s been beaten and had met his end…

…but then he was instead greeted to a splash of water on his body. Feeling this had him open his eyes to see what was really happening.

Said alicorn stopped herself from going through with it. Her eyes stopped glowing as she gently floated down to the pillar but she still looked on at Scar with punishment for his sins still on her mind. Now that she has defeated him, how does she ensure he’ll never be a threat to everyone ever again? But one thing’s for sure on her mind, she couldn’t go through with killing him as much as she had reason to.

“What are you doing?” Scar asked trying to read her mind yet still unable to free himself.

“The right thing.” She simply said in response as she slowly approached him. “As tempting as it is, I’m not going to end it like this. I'm not going to be a killer like you.”

“Okay…” Scar eyed her weirdly as she walked up until they were face to face once more. “…then how do you plan on ending it if you’re not going to kill me?”

To answer his curious and wary question, he finds that she is placing her hooves onto his heart and forehead as she focuses her mind deeply as she mentally prepares to properly defeat him on her terms, something that a princess herself would do in this kind of situation instead of killing said foe on the spot.

She thought back to when she first formed the Lion and Pony Guard when Nightmare Moon returned. After defeating Luna’s dark side, Twilight had regained her trust and love for friendship once more which blossomed more so through the following patrols and missions they went on together since then. From helping the Pride Lands royal family bond more and grow stronger together, to the time the Lion Guard along with Simba and Spike comforted him at her lowest point, and especially being welcomed back in open arms after her previous betrayal and attempted takeover of Ponyville in Scar’s name. All with one common thing shared throughout each and every one of those cherish moments.

With that on her mind she turned her head up with her eyes glowing white energy with its beams shining up in the sky. Seconds later, Scar’s eyes glowed black energy and had its beams shining up in the sky too. The ground shook as the Outlands around them was consumed by white and black energy.

Scar’s energy begins to make its way to Twilight’s body, consuming her white energy and replacing it with his black energy. It reached her face as Scar’s energy reaches her face and nearly consumed her to the point that she has only one white eye left.

But at the last second it blasts out of her eyes, overwhelming the villain energy in the process and instantly took over his body. As Twilight’s energy takes control over Scar’s body a bright white beam of energy erupts into the sky catching the royal family’s attention. After several seconds, the beam disappeared and Scar falls to the ground as Twilight releases him. While slightly fatigued from having performed that level of magic like she never has before, she fully stands triumphantly knowing that this battle is over.

When the light completely cleared up, Scar appeared still a lion / alicorn hybrid but when he attempted to get back up and attack, but he ended up falling back exhausted and unable to use his dark magical powers. Not even a spark from his horn appeared when he tried to use it.

“No…” He quietly whispered to himself knowing and realizing what she has done to her. “…You didn’t.” He quietly said in defeat.

“Yes.” She confirmed still looking on at him with a firm expression. “I took away your dark magic along with your special Roar. You can’t use it to hurt or threaten anyone else ever again."

Turning her attention towards the Pride Lands ablaze as a result of the lightning and their subsequent battle over the savannah, she had eyes glow white once more as she prepares to give the kingdom the first step towards much needed healing. With strong and bright violet red magic, she sent a beam up towards the sky with a soft and gentle blow. Said blow had the gray clouds darken all over the area before releasing a brief heavy rain to extinguish the fire.

It didn’t take long until the fire was turned to steam with both Celestia and Luna smiling knowing that Twilight had finally managed to defeat Scar after a long and enduring battle with him. By then, the others specifically Kyoga, Shining Armor, Spike, and Cadance all had arrived just in time to see the others witnessing Twilight flying on over to Pride Rock with the rest of the crew arriving seconds later. Little did she realize as she was flying away, the heavy downpour from the rain had caused the black hair dye on her long Rarity length mane to wash away thus returning it to her original lavender shade of purple.

Upon arriving just when the rains stopped and the bright blue sky and sun appeared, Shining Armor quickly tackled her little sister with a great big hug with Cadance joining in with a more gentle hug and Spike leaping in the middle. Twilight kindly returned although the happy moment didn’t last long as they both turned their attention back to the others.

By then Simba and Nala had managed to find their son still in one piece thanks to Kyoga's magic but severely injured from getting major burns all over his body. One look at him is enough to put tears in anyone’s eyes and know that there is very little life in him that there is little to no chance he’ll wake up again.

Twilight approached the lion cub on death’s door step with nothing she can say to offer her condolences to both the king and queen for what happened just earlier. All she could do was give the lion who fought beside and was the first to reach out and reason with her when she turned to the lion who killed him a solemn and sorrowful look. A look that has her feeling responsible and very remorseful for all that she put him through during that time when she ended up following Scar’s paw prints.

Just one look from his grieving parents caressing him, was enough for the young princess to actually seek to see if there is some way to save him. She placed her hooves on his forehead and heart to see if it was still warm and beating.

“Maybe…” She thought. “…if I could apply that healing technique Cadance once showed me in an attempt to heal my scar on Kion, I could probably save him.”

Cadance quickly sensing of what she is seeing along with Luna and Celestia were quick to rush over to be able give a hoof in trying to revive him and once the four all circled around him they were all ready to perform the spell together.

Twilight started it off by working her magic onto Kion’s body with her magic making her way into his heart. Cadance was next to follow suit by adding her magic into Twilight’s in order to ensure that this goes through smoothly. The spell itself is something that must be handled with such preciseness and delicately that one wrong move could make the spell go wrong.

The magic lifted Kion’s body up as bright violet red and sky blue magic circle around it like a following DNA strand. Said colors mixed to a purple and pink coloring that matches both the alicorn’s coat’s as slow helpings of magic surged into his body to heal the burns he had suffered. Once that was going through both Celestia and Luna infused their golden yellow and dark blue colored magic into the mix to give the gift of life to the fearless Leader of the Lion Guard which led to all four colors forming together to create a black-colored beam of magic that completely consumes his body.

After a few seconds of his parents worrying that they may have overdone it, it turned into hope when gold magic appeared and had his body and eyes glowing and illuminating a bright yellow light that matches his father’s fur color that had everyone shielding their eyes when he was lifted into the air.

When the magic cleared up, the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard who witnessed the whole thing had all made their way on over just when Kion’s body was gently placed onto the ground.

“Kion…” Simba’s voice gently spoke to him in a fatherly way as a single eye brow twitched indicating life.

“…are you all right?” Nala finished in the same gentle motherly tone.

Kion slowly opened his eyes to indicate that he is now alive much to their relief. But then, when he stood up and rubbed his eyes, something appeared a great big white flash as he pulled his head upwards…

…a pair of majestic wings similar to the four princesses standing before him along with a horn on the top of his head matching his fur color. On top of that, he has a special cutie mark of his own on his right shoulder. Said cutie mark, is a bright yellow sun with red fiery flaming hair similar to Sunset’s fiery sun cutie mark but more shaped like a lion with said facial expression on said lion.



Both Twilight and Beshte gasped in sudden surprise.




Fuli, Rarity, and Fluttershy all added in astonishment.



Rainbow and Bunga then said completely amazed at seeing what has become of the Lion Guard’s Fiercest.

“Once again the universe continues to amaze me.” Kyoga remarked feeling very impressed of what has transpired in front of her.

“You’re darn tootin!” Applejack remarked in agreement likewise as she was the first to approach the lion now half alicorn as he looks on his new wings. “I’ve heard wild stories about a unicorn turning into an alicorn along with a lion turning into a half alicorn and half lion. But one brought after being brought back from the dead. They sure don’t call you one tough lion for nothing!”

“It’s Kion we're talking about here!” Bunga added while hugging his best friend. “And with a massive upgrade! I mean look at these wings!” He added while touching them.

“I know right!” Rainbow remarked excitably while hugging him. “And another flying buddy!”

“And another somebody that we can race together!” Fuli added feeling equally proud as she winked in his direction. “Looking forward to it!”

Next up is both Rarity and Ono with the latter still trying to process the very sight in front of him.

“You’ve become an alicorn, or more accurately half lion, half-alicorn!” Ono deduced while examining his new wings while Rarity marvels at the sight before her. “Just how is this possible?”

“I wish I knew, but still very exciting nevertheless.“ Rarity stated while being happy for her friend.

“Another Alicorn party!” Pinkie Pie screamed out loud, while wearing a party hat and blowing into a party kazoo much like she did when Twilight became an alicorn.

“It would seem that whatever magic Kyoga had transferred into her along with all of the magic me, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all used to revive you must have triggered that transformation.” Twilight figured as she took a look at Kion’s new form. “We really put in a lot of power into wanting to bring you back.”

“Yeah…” Kion agreed still very stunned that this is all happening. One minute he was fighting Scar alongside Twilight and now he’s become an alicorn prince just like Twilight. “…who would have ever guessed this would happen.”

“Nobody did.” She replied as the two shared a heartwarming hug together. “And we’re glad we were able to bring you back whether you’re an alicorn or a lion, no matter what you are now.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Kion returned while turning to the other princesses who brought him back to life. “Thank you all.”

“I think we should be thanking you.” Celestia warmly returned with motherly pride. “None of this would be happening if it weren’t for you.”

Kion smiled in return knowing that his sheer bravery in getting through to Twilight when he did ended up being the key factor in saving Twilight from succumbing to her own inner darkness along with preventing Scar from completely taking over both worlds today.

Just then, they heard groaning from nearby, as said lion was moaning in pain and making his way up the pathway leading up to Pride Rock. Scar, who had managed to regain his energy and strength into being able to fly his way over, but upon landing he had struggled in managing enough strength to be able to support himself.

His sudden appearance was met with wary glares and scowls from everyone as Shining Armor was ready to march over and pound him for all of the trauma he put his sister and his adoptive brother through.

But his sister was quick to place a hoof on his chest to stop him before approaching him while he and everyone else kept their guard up in case he tried to pull any tricks to try to turn this around in his favor.

Upon meeting face to face with him as he struggles to stay standing with nothing but his claws and wings with his dark magic now gone, Twilight looked on with something on her mind, something that is rare for villains gone too far to be worth the trouble.

“It’s over, Scar. You and your followers have been beaten, and you will all have to pay the consequences for your reign of terror here in both the Pride Lands and Equestria.” Scar still defiantly looked on even when he had no fight power inside of him left. “But you know…” She added as she had something else on her mind. “…it doesn’t exactly have to be this way if you’re willing to listen and hear me out.” Scar raised an unconvinced eyebrow in response as she continued now speaking heart to heart with him now. “After what happened at the Canterlot Wedding, I too was heartbroken and feeling like friendship meant nothing after all we have been through together. I too was left scarred from what happened that day. Since then, I too worked up my anger into wanting to seek revenge against my family and friends and after losing my dark magic back when I was Midnight Sparkle I choose to run away after regretting with everything I did when I was evil. But you know what? Even after all of that I ended up coming back after opening my eyes back up to friendship and being reminded of all of the good times I had with my friends and family. That being said you don’t have to live the rest of your life seeking revenge and trying to take down those who once hurt you before.” She then kneeled down to his eye level when he ended up slumping due to the weakness in his legs. “You can change yourself for the better by letting go of your anger and hatred over what happened back then and open your heart back up to friendship again.” She then offered her hoof. “By doing so you’ll be able to make steps into becoming the leader you were meant to be. A great one. One that your subjects truly deserve. So please…” She reached out her arm so Scar can take it if he choose to do so. “…let me help show you the way to a better life like you once tried to do for me. Sisi Ni Sawa.”

Scar looked at Twilight and then to the ground along with his defeated followers still doubling over in pain from their most recent battle before looking around at the friends and family standing behind her and by her side ready to come to her defense. He thought for a fair few seconds before returning his eyes back towards Twilight still extending her offering hoof towards redemption. He lifted his paw up towards her hoof seemingly moved by her compassion towards him even after everything that had happened…

…but then growled and instead firmly planted his paw down on the ground and then released a spiteful spit onto her face as payback for doing so to him not too long ago.

“I was already a great leader before you came along, Twilight.” He spoke in a low and grave tone as he stood up and snarled in her face as she wiped the spit off. “I had already taken steps into working into becoming the one my subjects deserve. I even was willing to take you on as my protégé under the right guidance. And what do I get as thanks for recruiting you? You betrayed and destroyed everything that I stood for and all of the hard work I had to go through to get it. Like I would ever let you help me and after what you did, you backstabbing murder. One of these days you will eventually see that you’re ultimately wrong about friendship.”

Twilight simply and calmly turned her back from him seeing that he is not worth the trouble anymore. But not without sensing he is attempting to attack from behind before quickly turning around and punching him hard in the jaw and quickly knocking him out but not without him uttering this before passing out. “Sisi Ni Sawa.”

Everyone else all watched looking on very surprised and impressed upon seeing that with those like Applejack and Rainbow Dash both laughing out loud, Shining Armor, Kyoga and Simba were all smiling and internally laughing inside at the sight just barely keeping themselves from bursting out like their two pony friends.

“Poa!” Beshte spoke up feeling very impressed with that punch before whispering to the stunned orange earth pony standing next to her. “Good thing I didn’t say anything to get on her bad side.”

“You said it partner.” Applejack commented in agreement.

With no other choice, Twilight worked her magic in trapping Scar along with the rest of his army here in the Pride Lands in separate bubbles before preparing to send them away.

“Luna…” Twilight called. “…care to do the honors?”

“Absolutely.” She nodded before taking control of the prisoners just when Twilight exerts herself into opening up a portal to Tartarus for her to fly them inside of thus giving herself some closure by seeing to it they are properly locked away from both worlds for good.

There in Tartarus, the place for the most evil and irredeemable villains can rot away for the rest of their lives. After the night princess flew inside Twilight turned to the side from the portal’s direction.

Deep down, she really hoped that if she could get Scar to listen to reason for once he would actually move to turn himself around like she did. But sadly, the guy was just too consumed with anger and vengeance to even listen. His heart was just too dark and was really too far gone to be worth saving.

The tallest alicorn sensing and understanding why her faithful student did what she did was the first to comfort her by placing her right wing onto her back. “I really thought I could change him. I just had to try.” She explained herself still feeling disappointed at the lion’s absolute refusal to change his ways.

“It was a commendable effort, Twilight.” She assured she did her best. “Unfortunately not everyone can see things like you and I can, and Scar just isn’t one of those lions and ponies who’s willing to realize the errors of his ways.”

“I know.”

The tender moment shared between the two alicorns lasted about a minute and by the time it passed, Luna had just arrived back in the Pride Lands in an instant. After she returned the portal, the purple alicorn created had closed. “It’s done.” She reported to everyone. “Scar and his followers are locked away to spend the rest of their lives behind the gates of Tartarus.”

“But what about Janja, Reirei, and the other Outsiders?” Kion asked wondering if sending them to Tartarus is truly the best call.

“Janja, Reirei, along with their followers shall be released back into the Outlands, once we get to the Crystal Empire and release them. But not without making it directly clear that they are never to set foot in the Pride Lands again.” She sternly stated to the fairest of her ability. While it’s true, they didn’t commit any crimes on Scar’s level, they still partook in his war campaign and still had warranted punishment to be issued.

“All right.” Kion accepted without protest. “It’s not like they’re going to want to change for the better anytime soon.”

“You can say that again.” Twilight replied acknowledging that the cub turned alicorn still doesn’t find it fair. “It’s going to take a while for them settle down and accept what has happened. Maybe someday, but we’re going to have to be patient with them and let up open up their minds to what they really want what is best for themselves, that is if they truly know what it is.”

With the two at an understanding in that regard, Bunga spoke up with a curious question. “So…” He awkwardly began before finishing with. “…what now?”

Twilight smiled in response as she spotted the dropped keys Scar left behind while lowering down to his eye level with a warm smile. “Now we fix everything.” She replied as she led everyone back on over to the Tree of Harmony through the portal inside the Pride Rock cave.

Once they got to the Tree of Harmony, Twilight levitated the keys back into their slots just the way before Scar intervened.

“Well what are we waiting for?” Bunga asked when she didn’t move to turn the keys right away. “Open it!”

“No!” She firmly shook her head before smiling. “This is something we have to do together!” The others smiled seeing her approach before moving to be ready to turn the keys on her command. “Ready?” Everyone nodded. “On three. One…” Everyone turned to face their keys. “…Two…” Everyone all grabbed their keys ready to turn them. “…Three!”

All twelve keys from all of the key members of the Lion and Pony Guard all turned their keys at the exact same time Kion unleashes the power of the Roar inside it. As soon as they did so the top of the chest opened. A strong light, a rainbow bursts from the chest sending it to both Twilight and Kion’s cutie marks which produces a bright light to all the other elements as they together produce a combined shining light from the tree covering everyone in the bright yellow and white beam it.

When the magic cleared up so that they were all visible for all eyes to see, everyone had magical enhanced appearances from the rainbow power. The ponies all had long and magically flowing multi-color manes and tails similar to Celestia and Luna’s while the Lion Guard crew all had colorful tattoos and markings.

The back of Bunga’s white hair had grew longer and had bright blue honey badger markings on his chest, while Fuli had the orange cheetah shaped marking on her back and sides. Beshte had a big bright blue hippo shaped tattoo painted on his sides and back too, while Ono had an orange egret shaped tattoo painted on his head. Kyoga had her cutie mark shining brightly on her cheek and right shoulder while Kion had sported a large red flowing mane similar to his father’s along having the same tattoos on his sides and back.

With the rainbow power activated, it’s magic quickly spread all over the two worlds as everyone all spread out to cover more ground faster and undo all of the damage Scar had done during his brief reign of terror.

Twilight, Rarity, and Kyoga all worked to restore the magic of all of the unicorns in Canterlot with the latter even getting all of the magic she loaned to Kion restored back within her own body. After having their magic restored, all of the unicorns along with the ponies from the Royal Guard smiled with gratitude towards the three for restoring their magic.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Ono all worked to restore the magic of all of the Pegasus ponies in Cloudsdale with many ponies especially the Wonderbolts very grateful for having their ability to be able to fly restored.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Beshte, and Bunga all worked to restore the magic of all of the earth ponies in Appleloosa with many ponies as happy to be able to regain the strength they once lost because of Tirek.

And last but not least, Kion and Fuli moved to spread magic across the Pride Lands with Twilight, Rarity, and Kyoga arriving to assist them. Together they were able to restore the Pride Lands to it’s former glory to the way it was before Scar turned the place into a wasteland including the broken parts of Pride Rock done during Twilight and Kion's fight with him.

Once everyone all returned to the Tree of Harmony, everyone was all smiling knowing that peace and order has been restored once more. Just when they arrived the mysterious bright colored chest buried itself deep into the ground.

Sadly, two things that the power of the rainbow could not do was restore the Golden Oak Library, and make the scar on Twilight’s face fade away, something that the latter would have to come to accept as she looked at herself in her reflection in the nearby puddle of water with a solemn expression.

“Sorry, Twilight.” Spike apologized upon seeing this.

“Guess you’re going to have that scar forever huh?” Bunga added while hoping that he wasn’t coming across as insensitive this time around then quickly said. “Along with needing a new home?”

“I’m afraid so.” Twilight calmly replied in an accepting tone to the fact that she’ll always have the mark on her face as a reminder of her mistakes that led to a catastrophe to occur for both worlds with disastrous results. But yet in a way, a positive reminder of how she became a stronger pony because of it. One that ended up defeating the world's ultimate enemy that nearly took over both worlds just when it seemed all was lost. A stronger and brighter pony ready to continue starting anew.

“Enough said…” Bunga then attempted to backspace from what he just said. “…have any ideas of where you’ll want to live?”

Twilight truthfully hadn’t given it any thought due to having been so busy in putting effort into defeating Scar and had initially planned on leaving both the Pride Lands and Equestria once her redemption mission here was over. But before she could give a good honest answer her train of thought was interrupted when the ground suddenly started to shake.

When the ground shook, a rainbow appeared and sent a stream to another part of Ponyville, right into the center of Ponyville, where the chest’s magic would create a powerful earth shake that led to a huge crystal castle appearing from the ground.

A large shiny crystal purple castle placed on top of a blue and purple crystal tree with a bright blue and purple star on the top of the tree, a golden colored balcony, and a matching color set of double doors and set of steps leading up to the castle entrance itself.

Upon arriving at the newly created castle, the magical transformations wore off thus returning them to their original appearances, but not without them looking on in awe at what’s in front of them.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity gasped as she was the first to speak her thoughts upon seeing the majestic building. "Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?!"

“I know!” Bunga remarked feeling surprised as everyone well. “Someone pinch me I must be dreaming!” Suddenly feels a pinch on cue. “Ow!” Fuli being the one who pinched him smirked in his direction. “Nope I am not dreaming.”

“Definitely.” She replied right away before turning her attention back to the main focus of attention. “But seriously, who’s castle is it?”

“I believe it is Princess Twilight’s castle.” Came the voice of Princess Celestia who happened to arrive on the scene with Luna, Simba, Nala, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Discord all appearing by her side. “I understand that is all so sudden, but I think it is very fitting after what you have done here today." Twilight turned to her to make sure she isn’t imagining any of this just when Bunga pinched her from behind.

“Ow.” She winds up accidentally whacking the honey badger with her tail. “Bunga!”

“Sorry.” He apologized as he stood up and brushed himself off. “Just making sure you weren’t dreaming it.”

“Not really.” She replied rather annoyed before focusing her attention back to her mother-like mentor. “Anyways…truthfully and honestly, I really don’t know what to say. I mean it wasn’t too long ago that I came back with the sole intent of staying around long enough to defeat Scar and atone for my mistakes, and now…I’m the pony who managed to defeat him along with helped restore harmony to both the Pride Lands and Equestria. The very thought had never come across my mind since I thought doing what did here today was I least I could do before leaving.”

The others gasped with saddened shock feeling the thought of Twilight leaving is actually becoming a reality now she succeeded in what she set out to do upon returning from her brief self-exile not too long ago.

“But…but…Twilight…” Fluttershy desperately stammered on the verge of tears. “…surely you don’t that mean, right? It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

Twilight could now only fight back tears trying to form in her eyes upon seeing the look on her face. “Oh no, Fluttershy…please don’t…” She pleaded back when faced with the sad look and cute looking eyes that a foal would give to their parents begging for them not to leave her. “…not the eyes, not the face.” She turned to the others pleading to be backed up here. “…somebody, somepony, please tell her.” But she wasn’t even getting that since they all really want her to stay.

“Everything will be okay, darling.” Rarity assured her alicorn friend. “If it’s about seeing everyone else again, I’m sure they’ll put the past behind them and see you as their savior. The one who defeated the very monstrous lion who nearly conquered and terrorized all of those innocent ponies and Pride Landers once held captive at the Crystal Empire.” She then said with a somewhat dramatic flair before ceasing it in getting back to her point. “That being said, Twilight…” She cleared her throat before continuing. “…you still have a place here and we still need our friend and our fearless leader of the Pony Guard to lead us in protecting us from danger.”


“Please Twilight…” She once more gently implored with a pleading look. “…don’t leave.”

Twilight looked around from every face around her present and saw that every single one of them was practically begging her internally for her not to go. Not one to break everyone’s hearts in seeking a life of adventure where she would be all alone and only around when truly needed, Twilight could tell from the look on their faces that they won’t get by without her and the more she thought about she realized she would be all alone all over again. The same mare everyone once knew just before the Lion and Pony Guard was formed.

“All right.” She relented for their sake. “I suppose I could claim this castle as my own. It won’t replace the home I just lost but it looks very promising.” Everyone smiled hearing this as Twilight made her inside get a good look at the place.

“That’s all we ask from you.” Rarity said feeling delighted that she was able to get through to her.

As everyone walked through the hallways filled with beautifully decorated hallways, lush red carpeting, similar to the ones in Canterlot, they made their way towards a throne room where twelve separate thrones laid out next to each other, and each had separate markings that resemble each friend’s cutie marks and special Marks of the Guard, including ones that had the special tattoos from the Lion Guard crew when empowered by the magic rainbow from the Elements of Harmony. Most of the crew were eagerly quick to sit in their seats, upon finding they were made and written with their names on it.

Upon turning to her mentor, Celestia gave a warm smile before explaining what this means for her. “I’m sure you’re probably wondering what your role in Equestria was meant to be. It would seem today has given you that answer. Do you know now?”

“I do.” She answered while recalling how she defeated Scar. “As princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. That is the role I am meant to have in our world! The role I choose to have! Even though I defeated Scar on my own, it took all of us to unlock the chest and finally reverse all of the damage he did during his brief reign of terror.”

With that said, the sun monarch smiled as she made her newest declaration. “Then I hereby declare you Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship!" Said princess smiled humbly in return. “And I can say for sure is that you will not be undertaking your new royal duties alone. For what is the Princess of Friendship without her friends…?” She then turned to Kion. “…along with her fellow prince?”

“You mean, me as Prince of Friendship?” Kion figured where she is going with this now that he is part alicorn.

“Of course.” She confirmed. “If you ask me I think it also suits you since your role in spreading friendship proved to be crucial during our darkest hour.”

“Fair enough...” He accepted once more acknowledging that they won’t be here today if it weren’t for what he did just recently. “…though I’m still going to have to get used to these wings and this new title.”

“I’m sure it’ll grow in time.” Celestia assured with the cub’s parents expressing silent looks of encouragement yet clearly still not fully adjusted to the life changing experience their son is now going through.

“And no matter what…” Twilight added as she approached him. “…you’ll have our friends all by your side.” She gestured to the dragon she sees as a son along with the Lion and Pony Guard as a whole. “All of them.”

Kion smiled feeling much better hearing that from his best friend as the purple alicorn turns to see Discord poking his head out from the doorway before slinking back in shame for his recent betrayal of Equestria even though he contributed to the victory in the Crystal Empire.

Twilight took pity for him mainly since he was forced into serving Scar and along with knowing the sting of betrayal and fighting for the wrong side. So much that she used her magic to levitate him over to him to bring him in for a group hug. “It’s okay.” She gently assured. “You are forgiven.”

“Really?” Discord was genuinely touched. “Well, thanks, I guess…”

“Though I do have to ask…” Ono spoke up still suspiciously curious. “…how did Scar really convince you into helping him out anyway?”

With a heavy sigh he reluctantly confessed. "Nothing other than appealing to what I truly wanted, the ability to have some chaotic fun whether I go. In order for him to give me what I wanted I had to follow along with whatever he says. Initially I found the idea intriguing, but then I thought I have a friend who wouldn’t take it very well if I did. But then he somehow managed to read my mind and changed his offer into a threat. If I didn’t do what he said, he would kill my best friend, Fluttershy.” Hearing that earned a sympathetic awe from Fluttershy as he hung his head in shame. “And if I were to confess to any of you of what Scar was planning then he would have taken away my magic. But none of the less, even after all of that, he still betrayed and took away my magic as punishment like he knew that I would eventually turn on him when given the chance and no longer served his purpose.”

Princess Celestia, however, understood his reasons as he reassured him. "I wouldn’t stew over it anymore. You did what you had to. You were saving your friend’s life and Scar was just that good at manipulating everything around him in his favor. He knew what buttons to push, what strings to pull. Plus..." She added with a proud smile. "...you also have helped reclaim the Crystal Empire."

"Still, I don’t feel great for allowing all of this to happen." Discord further said as he looked back at Twilight. "If only I had taken the risk when I had the chance I could have helped stop Scar from taking over the Crystal Empire along with all of Equestria, you never would have gotten hurt, you never would have lost your library, and we never would have nearly lost you and your friend." He added the last part with an equally apolgetic look towards Kion.

“But everything worked out in the end.” Twilight again assured with an upbeat attitude. “And yes believe me from past experience, it’ll take some time to get readjusted back into everyone’s good graces, but they’ll eventually come on. They always do.”

“Couldn’t have said any better myself.” Luna added in agreement having been there before too.

“So…” Bunga then said before shouting excitably. “Who’s ready for a party?”

“I am!” Pinkie excitedly shouted. “And we sure got a lot of parties and special celebrations to celebrate!”

Shortly afterwards, the party was put together, and ponies, non-ponies, along with the good-hearted Pride Land natives came over to get a look at the castle both inside and out. Twilight was the first to welcome them in alongside Kion as a happy tune between commenced.

“Each one of us has something special.”

Twilight sang first.

“It makes us different, it makes us rare.”

Kion then sang.

“We have a light that shines within us.”

Fluttershy then sang alongside Fuli.

“One we were always meant to share.”

Fuli then chimed in.

Then the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard joined in on the song as they posed in the throne room in the center of the castle:

“And when we all come together,

Combine the light that shines within!

There is nothing that we can't do.

There is no battle that we can't win!”

Just then a powerful rainbow colored light swept across all of Equestria, passing by Coco Pommel working hard in her apartment, the Wonderbolts as they soared overhead near Ponyville, Cheese Sandwich and Boneless Two while they were strolling across the land, the breezies (including Sea Breeze) in their home, and Silver Shill who was now trying to make an honest living for himself.

“For when we come together,

There'll be a star to guide the way.

It's inside of us every day.

See it now! See it now!

Let the rainbow remind you,

That together we will always shine!

Let the rainbow remind you,

That forever this will be our time!”

The rainbow beam of light then finally returned to the castle, though not without passing through Discord was rather surprised and delight to have it’s warmth flow right through him along with having his chaotic powers fully restored. He even pulled out a bouquet of flowers from seemingly nowhere and offered them to Princess Celestia and Queen Nala who both kindly accepted them.

Then all thirteen friends all gathered together for a group photo to be taken. And as everyone came together as both Kion and Twilight happily sang together.

“Let the rainbow remind you,

That together we will always shine!”

The photo was taken and the party inside the castle continued through the rest of the day well into the night.

Even though her old home in the Golden Oak Library was gone for good and she will still carry the scar across her left eye for the rest of her life, she now had a castle all to herself and knew for sure what her role as princess was meant to be. Plus, even while looking her scar from her own mirror she now just sees it as a symbol of how she grew into becoming an even better and stronger pony inside, one that further embraces friendship and learns to let go of the past to move on to focus on a brighter future, something that makes her better and stronger than Scar himself.

As for what their new mission in spreading friendship is, that’s another story…

…A story that Scar along with his imprisoned cronies all witnessed from inside of their cells.

One week later, everyone from both worlds have gathered together in front of Pride Rock to commemorate Kion's coronation as the newly proclaimed alicorn prince to officially join the long line of Alicorn royalty. Much like Twilight's coronation The Lion and Pony Guard are all standing on the edge of Pride Rock alongside the other princesses, and the rest of the Pride Lands Royal Family while everyone else who have gathered stand in front of them row by row. All of them were wearing formal clothing for the memorable occasion.

Simba was wearing a fancy red tuxedo with a white undercoat and black bowtie, Nala was wearing an aqua-blue crystal dress much like Princess Cadance, and Kiara was wearing a golden yellow dress similar to Fuli's during the formal event Rarity had put together a while back.

Once everyone was all eyes and ears towards the edge of Pride Rock, King Simba began his speech.

“We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My second-born son, the Lion Guard's Fiercest, Kion, has done many extraordinary things since he's become the leader of the Lion Guard. He proved to be fearless in the face danger when things were at it's darkest hour. When it seemed that the fate of Equestria and the Pride Lands was threatened and it seemed that Princess Twilight had succumbed to her own inner darkness, Kion was there to help snap her out of it and help give us a fighting chance. Even with everything that has happened, Kion never gave up hope, and it proved to be a very crucial moment in preventing Scar from achieving total victory in claiming control of both realms. And today, Kion continued proving to be that same brave lion who fought alongside Twilight in defeating Lord Tirek and even going up against Scar for the fate of the Pride Lands. We wouldn't be here today if it weren't for his bravery and he was even willing to lay down his own life in order to protect ours and that is why he is without a doubt ready to be crowned Equestria's newest prince. Ladies and gentleman, Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present for the very first time, Prince Kion!”

The half alicorn / lion emegred from the shadows of the caves inside Pride Rock to fully emerge and show everyone the new proudly walking forward in the flesh while spreading his wings out with lionesses and ponies carrying a banner with her cutie mark on it from behind began to sing.

“The Princes Kion cometh

Behold, behold

A Princes here before us

Behold, behold, behold.”

The choir sang when he proudly made his way up towards the edge while everyone looks on proudly at him. Rafiki then approached the young cub with his crown on a pillow before gently placing it on top of his head.

Kion then looks back at the others where Applejack, Beshte, Fluttershy, Kyoga, and Rarity all give her proud looks just like they did before with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Ono, and Fuli all wink at her, Bunga and Pinkie Pie happily wave before looking on to everyone proudly watching on. The young alicorn princess herself much like Kion himself before was exceptionally proud of him and very thankful for what he did that led to everything that is currently going on to happen. Kion smiling back moved to give her a great big hug as thanks likewise before turning to face the audience down below with what his father done had when he was crowned being the true King of the Pride Lands.

“Behold, behold (behold, behold)

The Prince Kion cometh

Behold, behold (behold, behold)

The Prince is

The Prince is here!”

When the choir finishes, Kion gave a mighty roar to the sky as the Great Kings of the Past roar alongside with him and the other lions down below with the alicorn's having the magic in their horn's glowing to show said Great Lions of the Past in their full color and glory proudly looking down on their recently crowned lion who helped the recently crowned princess overcome her own inner darkness and defeat the lion who caused so much pain and suffering.

Busa and Circle of Life 0:52 to 2:27

Said lion is currently watching the scene unfold before his very eyes thanks to hidden magic in the prison's dark depths.

“Ugh! I can’t believe this is all happening!” Zira complained.

“I know right!” Chrysalis agreed. “Just when everything was working in our favor!”

“To think that purple pony along with that yellow lion became our undoing.” Zira then added.

“Defeated by children, how embarrassing!”

“How would you know?! You never even faced off against her!”

“Neither have you!”

“Oh, shut up, you deranged lunatic!”

“Don’t tell me to shut up!”

Suddenly they found their argument interrupted when Scar roared loudly in their direction to get them to stop. It wasn’t quite as powerful as before when he had his powers but still powerful enough to frighten his accomplices into submission. Upon seeing the glaring lion looking down on them, they both gulped and shut up right then and there.

With the dispute personally settled he focused his attention back on the Prince and Princess of Friendship still looking on defiantly in their direction. “Well played, Twilight Sparkle and Kion, young leaders of the Lion and Pony Guard.” He then smiled. “But no matter, I still will come back for you both and I will take back what is mine.” He said as he felt little sparks of magic inside of him from the exposure of the other prisoner’s magic. “Even if I have to resort to other means to get it.” He added with locked and narrowed eyes before evilly laughing to himself with a new plan to start all over in mind…

Author's Note:

In the fourth and final part to Season 4, the battle between Scar and Twilight gets even more intense as both sides are all in with their emotions at their peak trying really hard to win this fight while the king and queen of the Pride Lands and the alicorn princesses are locked in battle with the Outsiders and Changelings.

Thanks to some quick thinking outside the box both Nala and Simba were able to tip the scales in the princesses favor when the changelings were overpowering them in sheer numbers while after much more even footing. And it seems Twilight is finally figuring out how to counter every one of Scar's attacks when she starts focusing of Mufusa's advice from Part Two as she taps into her inner peace and had her eyes glowing white.

Meanwhile at the Crystal Empire, thanks to our goofy tricksters the Pride Landers and Equestrians held captive were set free while Sombra finds himself overpowered by both Princess Cadance and Shining Armor with both Kyoga and Fuli's assistance and forced to make his escape while everyone else is held at Discord's mercy.

After a long and hard struggle, Twilight finally defeats Scar and strips him of his dark magic leaving him as a half lion / alicorn with only wings and his life subject to a Fate Worse than Death in the dark depths of Tartarus. The same move that Kyoga used to defeat Zira. Even after a heartfelt speech to reach out to him with redemption offered to him, he ended choosing to reject it.

Also, thanks to Kyoga's magic along with the four alicorn princesses working their magic on Kion, he was brought back from the dead...

...along with a new alicorn physique and powers of his own, horn and wings which with all things considered is well earned. Everyone at Pride Rock won't be here and still standing if he hadn't taken that leap of faith in confronting Midnight Sparkle back when things were really looking bleak. Had that not happened, both Scar and Midnight would have won there.

After all of the Elements are reassembled the healing needed to start returning everything to normal began, starting with the magical healing process for the two realms, and on top of that a new home for the newly bestowed Princess of Friendship who has Kion standing by her side as the Prince of Friendship.

If Season 4 finale was the Grand Finale, then things would have been capped off well. Kion becomes an Alicorn Prince after being brought back from the dead, The Crystal Empire along with the Pride Lands have been reclaimed, Scar is finally defeated, Zira, Chrysalis along with the other changelings and Outsiders have been imprionsed, the remaining supporters were banished, and Twilight and Kion become Princess and Prince of Friendship ready to lead both worlds into a new beginning together.

But since there are still five MLP seasons along with the rest of TLG left to cover and the fact that Sombra is out at large after having got away from being captured, there's still a ways to go plus even with Scar imprisoned he is still not out of the picture yet.

Comments ( 17 )

I hope next season shining armor and cadence have their wedding

A bit sad that daddy lost his magic, but a least he’s still alive. I hope he can find a way to escape and regain his powers. I wasn’t expecting Kion to become a Lion/alicorn hybrid and to have a cutie mark. I wonder if daddy’ll learn about the dazzlings and Starlight Glimmer. I just hope it won’t take to long to create. I also wonder if Makucha might learn about daddy and magic

Well, this was an ending. But the story’s not over.

Scar may have been nerfed beyond belief, and I doubt he’ll ever get his powers back, but he will return somehow.

Times the fact Sombra and the other outlanders are still out there and we still have much war left.

And, I doubt Twilight’s been fully forgiven so redemption isn’t quite over yet.

Boy, this season………..it’s been wild

Not what I had in mind, but satisfying nonetheless

"Thurston..." Makuu began looking really insulted and annoyed. "...you have the right to remain silent! What you lack is the brains to completely understand that everyone here is in danger."

Took the words right out of my mouth, Makku.

That's true. Even with Scar defeated, there are still some lingering problems and obstacles for the Lion and Pony Guard created from this season to face going forward. Not to mention that he is not out of the picture yet even while currently behind bars and him returning stronger than before is still a possibility. With two worlds filled with magic and as Twilight said in this finale (along with another Disney character), "Nothing is impossible."

Are Cadence and Shining Armour ever gonna get married?

What happened to Nuka and Vitani? Also, where are Kyoga's siblings, Kovu and Thorax?

Comment posted by RomaTsarenko deleted Aug 15th, 2022

Amazing series. I love this crossover! I always wanted this to be animated on tv,but this is the next best thing. Keep up the good work👍. I just have 2 questions, if you do follow how lion guard season 3 went down,is kion still going to fall in love with rani and become king as a lion alicorn hybrid? And does kyoga already know about the tree of life?

Thank you, it's always nice to hear that and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.

In answer to your questions, Season 3 of the Lion Guard time-frame is still a way's away so both have yet to be determined. But what I can answer in regards to Kyoga, considering how she's been an experienced traveler outside of the Pride Lands it wouldn't be a surprise if she had prior knowledge about the place.

Sorry to disturb you again i know your probably busy,but as a fan of both shows,i just have a few more questions about the series. I'll try to keep this short. 1st question,how did you come up with the idea for this crossover series? 2nd question,in regards to kyoga,her siblings,and diamond valley,how did you and pikachu skitty find a way to implement them into the crossover when they have nothing to do with TLK, TLG, or MLP to begin with? 3rd question, as the series progresses, is kion gonna stay a lion alicorn hybrid for the rest of this,or will he go back to being a pure lion at some point? 4th and final question,i thought about your response from yesterday about kion and rani and i thought of something funny. If you have kion and rani fall in love,wouldn't it be funny to see twilight get kind of jealous or feel like she's losing her best friend,since kion and twilight are very close ,but kion and rani also work together and get close too,during the actually show? So those are my questions and again I'm sorry if im bothering you and your busy and for this being so long. Also im also sorry about constantly bringing up the fact about kion being a lion alicorn hybrid. It's just gonna take some getting used to. Have a nice day and don't over work yourself too much😎👍

Glad this isn’t over yet. Starlight wasn’t given a chance to shine yet, and knowing you, she’ll undoubtedly reform.

Even when Starlight was evil, I doubt she’d ever join Scar unless he manipulated her into thinking she’s on the good side, though she’d likely catch on eventually.

Anyway, hope to see season five soon. This story was a blast.

It's okay, no worries.

In answer to your questions these are something I can fully answer to the best of my ability.

First of all, the whole idea came just when I was getting into MLP when into it's final season at the same time I was watching TLG enter with it's final season. After watching both shows from start to finish, I saw a lot of parallels between the various main characters, and after reading other great crossovers on this website, combined gave me the inspiration into creating this series.

Second, the idea behind Kyoga and her siblings along with Diamond Valley was Pikachu Skitty's suggestion to try to incorporate lions with magical abilities and to give hints at the magical ancient history for both worlds before connecting when the Lion and the first Pony Guard came together. Something that very few express some disagreements on but at least didn't stand out terribly.

Third, that depends on how things work out in the end, I can't browse into that deeply but that depends whether it's something that'a normally impossible can be possible. I mean I'm not saying it's not possible given with what feats have been accomplished in this season finale, but considering of how alicorn transformations work along with the fact that Kion briefly died from the fall during his fight with Scar, it's up in the air right now.

Fourth and finally, The idea of Twilight getting jealous is tempting, but doubtful since she's not the type of pony to get all green-eyed over someone also becoming his best friend. And knowing Kion, even when having best and close friends, isn't the kind of guy to play favorites and disregard other's after a life-long bonding with them.

Also, I understand in regards to Kion now being half alicorn and half lion now, I'm sure everyone is going to need to take the time to get used to it as well.

In addition, it's okay if you have questions, and as long I find them within reason, I'll gladly reply in time if I don't the day of the published comment.

I hope these answers as satisfactory with more stories of this crossover to come in time.

That's true, still plenty of story to tell even with what down in this season finale and as for Starlight herself, she'll definitely be coming when we return and what happens next with her?

Well, while some can be guessed off the bat, others with question marks and answers to come soon enough.

Anyways, as always I appreciate to hear that this is story is enjoyable so far with Season 5 soon to come when ready.

Do you have plans for Leo (kimba) the white lion?

I think this went a lot better than I expect from this?

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