• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,145 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 8: Pinkie Apple Pie

Episode 8:

Pinkie Apple Pie

At the Golden Oaks Library, the alicorn princess that is currently residing there is doing some research. With books stacked up by her side in her bedroom while she rests stomach first on her bed, she is fully committed to it. During her research, she came across a random scroll when taking a break from what she was really looking for and read it.

The more she read it, the more her eyes took interest in this discovery. So when an idea formed in her head she decided to roll it back up and placed it back downstairs with the rest of the scrolls in the main floor before fetching herself another book and made her way outside so she can take a little breather on her little walk through Ponyville.

When her back was turned from the library, both Pinkie and Bunga saw this as their chance to do some research of their own. While they normally wait for her to be around before moving to check out a book, they both have a strong feeling that Twilight would never want to see them unless she is out for their blood. So now’s their best chance to find something to read before she uses it as an opportunity to kill them.

"Whatcha doin'?" A certain pink pony asked, the honey badger while peeking her head through the hole where Bunga had had just taken a book out of.

“Whoa!” Bunga yelped.

"Whoa!" yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly." Pinkie giggled.

“I was just looking for a book about a nice cooking recipe so we could make more of those crisp honey squares.” He answered just when they saw another friend enter the library, their lion friend along with a baby dragon in tow.

“Pinkie? Bunga? What are you both doing here?”

"Getting a cooking book for honey crisp squares.”

“Finding a new cook book for new creative ideas for new bakery treats at the Sugarcube Corner.”

They both answered while moving to take a look around through the shelves.

“How about you?” Bunga asked. “What brings you here while the alicorn’s back is turned?”

"Well….” Kion began hesitantly before confessing since he is now drawing a moot point thinking about chastising them for risking being caught in a place they aren’t welcome in for the time being. “…I'm just here to do some genealogical research on the Pride Lands history.”

"Ohhh." Pinkie commented from the shelf she was on before moving to get out of there and fell flat on her face before getting back up. Spike walked on by to assist Kion, by picking up a few scrolls and books needed for his research with Pinkie whispering in his ear. "I don't know what that is."

"Genealogy is the study of family history." Spike said as he placed the scrolls onto a pile, "Y'know, where ponies or lion in his case come from and who they're related to."

"Ooh, fascinating." Bunga commented while thinking of something before looking around . “I wonder who else I’m related too.” He wondered before looking at another book before making his way back over to Sugarcube Corner with it. “Hmm, hmm, interesting, cool…” He read before finding something very interesting. “Ooh...” He then rushed off ahead to the bakery. “I got to make those honey crisp squares and tell uncle Timon and Pumbaa about this!”

Just after Bunga left, Pinkie was left fascinated by the thought to the point she decided to look into her family origins. So she moved to pull a scroll from the near bottom of a stack disregarding what could happen if she did so without being careful sparking nervous reactions from the others. Especially should Twilight come back and see it all tumbled on the ground all together.

"Maybe you should pick one from the... top?" Kion tried to warn his friend, only to stop once he saw that the stack was still standing, despite what she just did. “Okay, never mind.” He exchanged confused looks with the others wondering how that was even possible.

The pink pony unfolded the scroll and started to read what it said. "Uh-huh… Interesting... I see... Hmm, that makes sense... Not much of a surprise there…" She said while continuing to unroll it while making her way down the stairs to the front door, and all the way out of the room, and all the way outside the library while both Kion and Spike watch.


Kion quickly opened the window where he and Spike turn to see Pinkie Pie standing outside of the library, having read the very end of the extremely long scroll. Apparently, this has gotten Pinkie extremely super-duper excited upon what she discovered.

"This is the most amazing thing ever! Why didn't you tell me how amazing this is?! Genealogy is better than cotton candy on top of a fountain of chocolate!"

Suddenly, Bunga quickly rushed back over with the already baked honey crisps in tow to find out what had Pinkie extremely happy after hearing her shout all the way across town. “What’s super amazing?”

"You'll never believe who it says I'm related to!"

Bunga quickly looked at the scroll to see for himself what she found out and who she’s related to and he too was already very happy and excited for her friend.


Shortly afterwards there was a knock on the door was heard where Pinkie eagerly smiles at her long lost relative answering the door.

"Hey, cousin!" She greeted before giving her relative a big warm hug.


The farm pony was left at a loss for words of how to take this in. The very thought of them being relatives in some way still stirred her mind.

Sometime later, after Pinkie explained it to the whole family and Beshte who happened to be doing chores for them once more, the thought of at being true was now getting exciting for them too.

"This is just so excitin', I can hardly believe it!" Applejack happily expressed.

"I know! Isn't it the best?" Pinkie said in the same tone while sitting on a sofa in the living room, with Bunga lounging his back on the couch.

“Poa!” Beshte remarked feeling very happy for them both.

“I am just wow!” Bunga said with a smile. “A bigger family than before. And it just keep’s growing and melting my heart.”

“What’s that?” Beshte asked Bunga something actually melting on his chest.

“Huh?” He saw before pulling it off. “Oh. My honey crisp squares…” He saw that they all melted into the shape of his heart with honey sticking on his fur. “…oh well.” He proceeded to quickly eat them and licked the honey off of his fur which had the Apples cringing in disgust by what they just saw. “…oh yeah!”

Putting that aside, Apple Bloom jumped up and down on the couch like a little filly right next to her new relative. ”I have another sister! I have another sister!"

"Well, you actually have a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin, but that's like exactly like a sister!" Pinkie Pie corrected, while still smiling.

"I'd try to tone it down a little around non-family members because I don't want to make them jealous, but...” Applejack said while nudging her big brother on the shoulder.

"This is the best family ever!" Apple Bloom stated while jumping up and down on the couch. She ended up jumping so hard a spring from the sofa popped out, sending her flying up into the air, with Beshte quickly catching her on his back.

"It really is." Applejack agreed before approaching Pinkie. "You are gonna love bein' an Apple. “I mean, you've got the playful one…" She said directing her attention to his little sister balancing and bouncing on a beach ball to which Pinkie clapped her hooves seeing this.

"The strong one…" Applejack gestured to Big Mac, lifting the kitchen cabinet with one hoof but ended up having a pie splatter into his face when it happened to be on the cabinet he was lifting.


"And of course, there's Granny Smith, who knows everythin' about everythin'!" Applejack added.

"A Ponyville snail can hibernate for up to forty-eight moons!" The elderly pony said to back up that claim while sitting on her rocking chair.

"Who knew?" Pinkie said in response finding this very interesting.

“I didn’t.” Bunga answered while moving to remove and eat the pie that fell on the big red stallion’s face.

"And then there's me." Applejack finished while walking up to the window, taking a good whiff of fresh air from the farm, "Do you smell that sweet apple air, Pinkie Pie?" She took a whiff of the air just like Applejack did and opened her mouth to answer, only to have a hoof silencing her before she could get a word in. "That was rhetorical. Of course you smell it. You're an Apple now!"

Applejack opened the gate just when Apple Bloom galloped outside.

"And Applejack is the one responsible for it!" Apple Bloom stated.

"Aw, Apple Bloom, that is sweet, but--" Her big sister tried to downplay it before she said otherwise.

"It's true! I mean she keeps us all organized and on schedule and does her own part on top of it all!"

“Uh-huh.” Both Big Mac and Granny Smith nodded in agreement to which had the orange pony blushing.

"I was already super happy as a Pie!" Pinkie said with a hop around. "And now I get to be a part of this amazing family too!"

“And so do you two.” Applejack said to both Bunga and Beshte.



“Of course.” Applejack confirmed while placing wrapping her hoof around the hippo. “Considering I invited you and Kion to the most recent Apple Family Reunion, and that any friend of the family is treated like family here.” Applejack added while wrapping her other hoof around Bunga. “So it a way much like the Royal Family it does make us brothers.”

"We're family, we're family, you an' me are family!" Apple Bloom sang while dancing in rhythm and sync with Pinkie.

The little filly twirled Pinkie to conclude the song and dance bit, but ended up twirling her a bit too hard and fast to the point she spun like a twister crashing into a stack of hay.

"Best family twirl everrrrrrr!"

Applejack then took a look at the scroll Pinkie brought with her so she could learn more about this discovery herself. "Huh, I just can't believe we've never heard anythin' about this before!" She then proceeded to examine the scroll trying to figure how this is possible. "Hmm…"

"What's wrong, sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

“Everything okay?” Beshte also asked when spotting the perplexed expressions she was giving.

"I'm not seein' where exactly it says we're family." She answered.

Pinkie Pie quickly unrolled the long scroll to the very end in order to confirm it while walking inside and outside of the barn as the scroll unrolled. ”It's riiiiiiiii-" she briefly inhaled. "-iiiiiight here!" she pointed her hoof to the very last part at the end.

"It… is?" Applejack asked with wide eyes like she is dreaming.

"Uh-huh.” Pinkie nodded again before they leaned their heads down to the last bit of writing. “Applesauce of the Apple family lineage is a fourth cousin twice removed of the Pie family!"

Applejack along with Beshte both took a close look at that. While it’s a nice thought, the former really wants to make sure this is really all true.

"I see the part about our great, great auntie Applesauce and fourth cousin twice removed part, but that last bit's awful smudged. Are you sure it says 'Pie'?"

Pinkie reexamined the last part, before spotting out that little bit. "I guess it is a little smudged, but I see most of it there, and when I read it, I knew in my heart it was true!"

"Well, ain't that just the sweetest thing!" Granny Smith said just when Pinkie came over along with Big Mac and Apple Bloom for a group hug.

"It is, it is." Applejack said, but is still puzzled on the scroll’s actual writing. "I'd just hate for us to get all excited before we found out for sure."

“Understandable.” Beshte agreed while still supportive of the idea of Pinkie Pie being a part of the Apple Family.

"So how are we supposed to find out for sure?" Apple Bloom asked while drawing a hoof into the dirt.

“Eeh…” Granny Smith was speechless until she suddenly thought of something. "Oh! Cousin Goldie Delicious!"

"Huh!" Bunga blinked confused.

"Her cabin's practically an Apple family history museum! If anypony has the records to back up Pinkie's theory, it's her!" The elderly pony explained.

Though Applejack is still trying to process the idea of going on this road trip.

"Huh, I suppose we could always...” Applejack started before seeing the wide smiles from everyone in the Apple Family along with Pinkie and even Bunga. “…I mean, Goldie Delicious doesn't live that far away, and we haven't been on one as a family in a real long time…"

“Please? Oh, pretty please…” Bunga pleaded on his knees with his hands clasped together. “I really would like to see if this is really true.”

Applejack then turned to Beshte for any thoughts about it. “Beshte?”

“I don’t see the harm in it.” He said. “It would be nice and fun to travel together. And even if it turns out Pinkie isn’t your fifth cousin removed twice, I’d say she’s still family who got to spend quality time with the Apple Family.”

“I suppose…” Applejack began to agree smiling at the idea of a road trip more and more along with the thought of one of her friends being actually related to her. It was just too good to pass up now. “Are y'all thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"

The whole Apple Family all nodded before they all answered together, "Family road trip!"

“Oh yeah!” Bunga cheered before turning to the orange pony. “Does this mean I can come?”

“Of course! You and Beshte both can!”

“Sweet!” Bunga was very pleased and then thought. "Oh, oh, and I'll think I invite my uncles Timon and Pumbaa! They'll love the trip too!"

"Well..." Applejack gave it some thought before giving in for the name of family. "...feel free to invite them!"

"Awesome!" Bunga exclaimed before rushing out the door to do so.

“And since you’re coming…” Applejack continued with something on her mind, a favor of the Guard’s Strongest. “…I suppose you won’t mind a little heavy-lifting for the ride over would you?”

“Of course not.” Beshte obliged without hesitation. “A little extra weight on my back won’t hurt.”

"Great!” Applejack said very pleased to her it before turning to Bunga who immediately leaped into her hooves for another hug to which the former accepted with a hoof on the honey badgers back in return.

Pretty soon, they are about to embark on another new adventure together, yet unaware of what’s to come since not everything goes according to plan at times.

Later in the week, Big Mac had started loaded the cart with their luggage and he sure is packing a lot of it into their wooden ride.

“Come on, Big B!” Bunga encouraged his friend to pick up the pace.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!”Beshte called back.

Even though Bunga means well, he sometimes has to remind himself that he can’t keep up with him so he quickly stopped before he allowed himself to get too far ahead.

“Sorry.” He apologized before continuing. “I’m just so super excited for this trip!”

“Right you said that quite a few times on the way over. And by that I mean a lot.”

“That’s how much I’m looking forward to this trip.” He said while wrapping his arm around his friend. “You, me, Pinkie, Applejack, and the whole Apple Family on a journey to see if Apples and Pies are truly bonded together as family.”

They arrived just in time to see everyone has gotten everything together.

"Has anypony seen my travelin' bonnet?" Granny Smith asked while walking outside…while wearing a red bonnet on her, imprinted with orange and yellow flower shapes, and a blue ribbon, tied around her head.

"Isn't that it on your head? The red one with flowers on it?" Apple Bloom asked, raising an eyebrow to direct her attention to the bonnet already on her head.

"No!" She denied.

"It looks an awful lot like--" Apple Bloom tried to point out considering she’s seen it before.

"Well, it ain't, and that's final!" Granny Smith stated while interrupting her granddaughter.

Bunga and Beshte both having witnessed this shared confused looks with Apple Bloom before shrugging considering it’s expected of the matriarch of the Apple Family to be forgettable at times.

Applejack walked out of the barn and greeted the two Lion Guard friends. "Big B, Bunga. You both made it."

“Heck ya!” Bunga cheered. “Like you were going to go on ahead without us!”

“I know.” Beshte happily said. “It’s too bad Kion couldn’t come with us too. He said he needed to do some family research and talk to his dad and grandfather.” His smile faded briefly when he thought of something when he mentioned it. “Something about wondering if there’s some kind of connection between lions and alicorns in the very past that’ll help him figure out where the source of Scar and Kyoga’s magic came from.”

“Hopefully, he’ll find what he is looking for.” Applejack still smiled in good faith for her friend before turning back to the other Apples with something else she wants to say to them. “Can y'all gather round for a moment? I just wanted to say somethin' real quick."

"I've had somethin' in my teeth this whole time, haven't I?" Granny Smith asked figuring it was for that reason. "Gadsnickety, what a way to welcome a family member!"

"Er, no, Granny, your teeth are fine.” Her granddaughter corrected before moving forward. “I just wanted to be sure that we're all on the same page about showin' Pinkie Pie how awesome a family we really are. We want her to get to know the family she's been born into, but, like, the best version of it, y'know?"

“Really? Like how?” Bunga asked while scratching the top of his head.

"Well, I just don't want Pinkie to feel so excited about being a part of our family only to find out we're not all that great to begin with."

“What?” Bunga scoffed finding it humorous. “Do you have any idea who we are talking about? Pinkie Pie, the pony who always finds something funny no matter what? Of course it’ll all work out!”

“He’s got a point.” Beshte agreed. “If Pinkie is happy that you’re all happy then that’s all that matters.”

“Well said.” Granny Smith agreed thinking they can do this no problem.

"I'll bet my future cutie mark's gonna be a picture of me bein' the best behaved pony ever!" Apple Bloom said while turning around and resting her flank on the side of wagon before leaping out. "That's how good I'm gonna be! Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." He supportively agreed while lifting a basket of apples into the cart.

“I’m sure whatever cutie mark you get it’ll be something you’re very special at.” Beshte kindly said while nuzzling her cheek.

Just after this heartwarming moment, Pinkie Pie had arrived ready to go. She was all packed with her saddle bag filled with confetti and streamers. "Are y'all ready to go? Because I'm ready to go-go-go!" Pinkie asked everyone before tossing her bag into the large wagon when the large stallion gestured her to place it along with the rest of their stuff.

"Wait!" Timon's voice cried out.

Said meerkat was riding on his warthog companion's back as he ran up to them as fast as he can. "Don't leave without us!"

Bunga was very ecstatic to see them finally arrive. "Uncle Timon! Uncle Pumbaa! You've made it!"

"Of course we did! You didn't think you were going without us!" Timon stated while hugging his favorite honey badger.

"Family sticks together!" Pumbaa added just when they all got saddled in their ride.

When Applejack got a look at the large and tall pile in the wagon, she had a look of uncertainty and uneasy with how much they are bringing along for the ride. "Er, Big Mac? Are you sure we really need all that stuff?” She asked trying to make sure if that’s a good idea.

"Eeyup." He confidently replied even with evidence that the old wooden wagon might break at any time.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to really pull all that stuff?" Applejack asked.

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied once more with firm and annoyed eyes at her younger sister’s questioning.

"Are you sure the wagon's strong enough to hold it all?" Applejack asked while examining the wheels that are slightly wobbly.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac replied irritably and assertively before moving to prepare hoisting the reigns.

“Guess he doesn’t need my help.” Beshte thought to himself after seeing the stallion looking like he was going to give Applejack an earful much like he did to the Cutie Mark Crusaders a while back. Even though he had good reasons to be mad there, it was undeniably harsh and he wasn’t about to start with Pinkie Pie around.

And Applejack got the same idea that it was wise to keep up the good impressions upon seeing Pinkie Pie smile in her direction. After all she didn’t want to give her any reason to see and think otherwise. "Then let’s get this show on the road!"

“Finally! We’re off!” Bunga happily cheered before leaping onto the wagon while Beshte moved to walk alongside Big Macintosh and the wagon so he can ready to assist him when needed along with being able to chat with the rest of the Apple Family while he’s at it.

With the journey beginning, Bunga was still keeping up the same level of enthusiasm he had ever since they made plans to go, just waiting to strike a conversation with the other Apples or even better, an opportunity to break out into song.

And that opportunity came when the sound of two frying pans clanging together was heard, creating a tune that’s catchy to dance to the beat, and the sound of squeaky wheels, and Big Mac’s galloping to add to the mix.

Bunga already feeling the urge quickly pulled out a guitar while tapping his feet alongside Timon with Pumbaa shaking his body around while dancing to the beat onto the wagon and started creating music to the tune and beat of the sounds created from the wagon along with the pans hanging from the back of their ride.

"C'mon, Apples, y'all know this one!" Applejack said to everyone ready to start singing.

"Hot-diggity!" Granny Smith cheered while clapping hooves with her granddaughter.




“Ready?” Bunga asked everyone who all nodded before Applejack started their family musical number.


"Hit it!"

“We travel the road of generations

Joined by a common bond

We sing our song 'cross the pony nation

From Equestria and beyond.”

Applejack sang as she leaped from the wagon alongside her little sister so they can continuing singing and dancing alongside Big Mac and Beshte, while Granny Smith remained seated beside them, and Bunga still playing music from the banjo with Pinkie Pie was jumping up and down from their ride.

“We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom sang together in perfect sync.


And on cue, a small dark gray storm cloud appeared above them, where the two Apple sisters shielded Pinkie Pie with two umbrellas before the cloud disappeared after a very brief shower.

“There's no place that I'd rather be

Than travelin' with my family

Friends all around come to join and see

As we sing out across the land.”

Apple Bloom sang as she leaped onto her big brother’s back briefly before she and her elder siblings sang in unison.

“We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core.”


While they were singing, a strong gust of wind blew by nearly blowing Pinkie Pie away, but was brought back when Applejack lassoed her and reeled her back onto the wagon.

“We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves

Any cliché you can throw at me.”

Granny Smith sang as she and the Apples dressed up like pirates, with Applejack and Timon both holding apple and pirate themed flags and Pinkie Pie was dressed as a burglar, complete with a black mask and zebra-striped colored shirt with Bunga, Pumbaa and Beshte both wearing the same black and white striped shirts and black masks as part of the dress up part of the routine.

“We're here for each other, through thick and thin

You're always welcome with your Apple kin


Pinkie was already liking the way their trip already getting off to a great start to the point she was in a happy and cheerful mood to want to join in on the family musical number too while hugging her family along with flying around with a set of balloons and danced around their ride.

“You're more fun than the color pink

Or balloons flying over your favorite drink

The love I feel here is swim, not sink

As we party across this land.”

“All right!" The Apples cheered together in family spirit before they all finished singing in unison together while dancing along to the beat Bunga’s playing on the family banjo.

“We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!”

"Eeyup!" Big Mac, Pumbaa, and Beshte all stated together when their song came to a close.

But as soon as their song ended, their wagon suddenly broke down with the wooden wheels have completely broken off. Everyone ended up dropping to the ground when it happened with their belongings scattering around the pathway around them.

It had seemed that Big Macintosh overestimated how much weight the wagon could handle and all he can think to himself was “Oops.” for his personal mistake.

"Pumbaa!" Timon loudly accused with a glare.

"What?!" Pumbaa defended in the face of his bickering friend. "Don't look at me!"

"Now boys...!" Applejack lightly warned the two who both quickly shut it and adopt forced smiles since they are trying really hard to make a good impression towards the pink pony accompanying them before turning to her brother with chastising words to say. "Big Mac! I thought you said– " Her younger sister angrily began before stopping herself upon seeing Pinkie Pie right behind her. She was quick to correct herself to avoid upsetting her friend while ushering him aside for a moment. "Uh, I thought– I mean, not that I'm blamin' you, because we don't blame in this family, but I thought you said all this stuff wasn't gonna be too heavy."

All Applejack could do was sport a nervous grin when Big Mac glared at her, touching foreheads, eye to eye very close, touching nose to nose, hoping he doesn’t do anything else. His near-killer glare made it perfectly clear the weight of the luggage wasn’t the problem, it was just the old wooden wagon gave out.

"How're we supposed to get to Goldie Delicious now?" Apple Bloom asked with her ears lowered with Beshte quick to have the filly hop onto his back.

“Or back.” Bunga asked while he and Beshte examine their cart. “Because I don’t see how we can fix this.“

“I don’t think we can or get back from here.” Beshte replied finding they’re too far into their journey to turn back.

“We're closer to cousin Goldie's that we are to home." Granny Smith added.

“Then I guess we know where we’re going now.” Bunga said seeing what direction they are going forward in. “No going back now.”

"It's too far to walk either way!" Timon complained before dropping his butt onto the ground while placing his hands on his chin. "Anyone have any ideas of how to make it easily on our legs?"

Just then, Pinkie Pie gasped with a solution in mind. "I have the best... idea... ever! Family river trip!"

"Just one problem." Applejack gently responded. "We haven’t got a raft." She then muttered under her breath. "'Bout the only thing that didn't get packed." Her brother ended up hearing that and shot another glare in her direction. If Pinkie wasn’t around she would be getting an earful for that.

Granny Smith still remained positive and calm about it as she speaks of an idea. "Well, back in the old days, we used to use the sap from a sugar pine tree to glue things together." She walked over to a tree, which had sticky sap on the trunk, and a squirrel stuck to it.

“Zuka Zama!” Seeing another poor critter in help, Bunga moved to free him by using his claws to pry him off of the sap. “There you go!” He then tasted the sap for himself wanting to know it’s flavor. “Mmm, maple syrup.”

Disregarding Bunga antic’s, Applejack was left at a loss of how to respond of what Granny Smith is proposing. "That is, uh, fascinatin'…Don't know that it's helpful, but it is fascinatin'…"

"Pfft! 'Not helpful', my patootie!" Granny Smith asserts it is helpful while using her old lady strength in lifting up one of the wagon's wheel with her head. "We're gonna build ourselves a raft out of these here jalopy parts and keep it held together with sugar pine sap!"

Even if it’s not perfect, it’s not like they have a lot of options at this point. They’re not around any magic to rely on a helpful unicorn or alicorn and are already too far ahead to call it quits. So, this was their next best bet.

"Hm, worth a shot!"

"Woo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered seeing they are all going on the white water raft together as a family.

With Bunga and Beshte’s help, Applejack and Big Mac tightened the vines around the raft, with strong and sturdy wood to use. And as luck would have for the Apple Family they all had life jackets on from the luggage, along with rubber fins and floats for Big Mac. Both Beshte and Bunga didn’t since they’ve had plenty of experience and adventures on water without them, and considering they weren’t a thing back in their home so they both decided to float alongside the Apple family raft. Timon and Pumbaa also having that same experience back home decided to join their friends on the water too.

“Urgh.” Beshte grunted while tying up the last vine tight to the last portion of wood. “There we go. All tied up and ready to go. Hopefully, this will hold for the ride over.”

“I sure hope so.” Applejack agreed before turning to everyone with something important she wants to share with her family. "Now remember, this time we're only packin' the necessities."

“Done and done.” Bunga happily stated while looking upon the belongings Big Mac has packed for the water ride.

"Wait a second!" Pinkie’s voice spoke up with a flash nearly blinding the group due to having very little time to prepare for it. When they regained their eye sight, they saw the flash came from Pinkie’s camera. "This one is for the scrapbook!" She giggled before pulling out a book from her saddle bag, opening it to reveal all of the pictures she took of them, including Bunga and Beshte throughout their road trip together one with Beshte walking alongside Big Mac and Bunga, Timon and Pumbaa both getting in on the fun with their dancing along with the sightseeing alongside Apple Bloom on the top of the pile of luggage where they all played pirates together.

"Pinkie Pie, when did you have time to make this?" Applejack asked caught off-guard by what she just showed her before placing it back in her saddle bag.

Pinkie Pie looked at her friend in the eyes with a deadpan and serious expression. "Applejack, when you're family, you make the time."

With a push into the water with his hoof, Big Mac pushed the raft forward so they can ride into the flowing current of the river. Applejack took the wheel, cheering in triumph. "Woo-hoo! We did it!" Applejack cheered triumphantly before taking control of the steering wheel.

And of course, this means it’s photo time for Pinkie who had her camera ready again.

"Say 'soaked'!" Pinkie Pie said with a smile leaving the others looking at her, confused of why they would say that...

…just when Bunga, Beshte, Timon, and Pumbaa all come riding on a small wave that splashed the Apple Family with water.

Pinkie smiled while taking the picture just after the group got soaked and drenched. In this picture, Applejack, Timon, and Big Mac frowned in annoyance while Granny Smith, Beshte, Pumbaa, and Apple Bloom both looked surprised. Bunga however was the only one who smiled and cheered finding that very fun.

“Woohoo! Un-Bunga-veilable!”

“Sorry.” Beshte sheepishly apologized to everyone before hopping off and accidentally splashed the Apple Family once more. “Sorry!”

Afterwards, the journey turned into smooth sailing going forward. Applejack took the wheel, Beshte is floating alongside the raft with Bunga resting on his back with Timon doing the same on his friend Pumbaa, and Granny Smith and Apple Bloom are both playing checkers.

"Ahh, now this is a relaxing ride!" Timon said feeling at ease right now.

"You've said it!" Pumbaa agreed while bubbles appear from right behind him. When the bubbles stopped a fish emerged from the water belly up due to the stinky gas he left behind. "Oops." He blushed.

"All right! Lunch!" Bunga cheered before pulling it out from the water and started munching on it. "Mmm!" But then his happy smile dropped before spitting it out and tossing it aside on the edge of the riverbank. "Ugh! That reeked! Why did I even eat that?!"

"Sorry." Pumbaa sheepishly apologized.

Ever since the Lion and Pony Guard was formed, they’ve hardly had any time to relax completely due to always being on patrol and needed whenever there is an emergency that the King and Queen along with the princesses can’t attend to. Even though it sucks not being able to patrol the Pride Lands, they definitely have been able to make good use of their now free time.

"So what you're saying is, if I have the courage to jump, the parachute will open." Both Beshte and Bunga perked their ears up when they heard her talking to Big Mac who just stood there and usually doesn’t talk much unless it’s something serious.


"Whoa! That is deep!" Pinkie said with her mind and eyes wide in fascination.


“Interesting.” Bunga commented while getting their attention. “I’ve always wondered why my parachutes didn’t open when I jumped.”

“Me too.” Pinkie added before the two share a good laugh over their mistake.

“Welcome to the family because I had that happen the day we tried to earn cutie marks in skydiving.” Apple Bloom giggled while blushing for a moment while recalling some of the crazy antics she and her friends have gotten into. “Obviously it didn’t work.”

“Eh, Hakuna Matata.” Bunga happily shrugged like it’s no big deal. “Just keep trying new ideas and you’ll be seeing them right on your flanks in no time!”

"That's the spirit!" Pumbaa encouraged.

"Never hurts to keep trying!" Timon added.

“Aw, thanks!” Apple Bloom said feeling more encouraged to keep trying before leaping over to hug the honey badger then briefly leaping onto the floating warthog to do the same to him and then Timon before leaping back onto the boat.

"Sure thing kid." Timon replied after catching his breath when the filly ended up accidentally hugging him a little too tight.

“Just…” Beshte spoke trying to get the filly not to get her hopes up too much. “…try not to try too hard.”

“Of course.” Apple Bloom quickly assured even with all of the past mishaps she and her friends have gotten herself into in the past. “Have we ever gotten ourselves into trouble just for the sake of our cutie marks?”


“Never mind, don’t answer it!”

“All right then.” Bunga said.

At the front of the raft, Applejack looked ahead at the river ahead of her, before seeing something troubling up ahead. “Uh-oh… “ She turned back to her family. “All right, y'all. Please tell me that the map didn' get wet. 'Cuz it looks like I'm gonna need it right about now."Up ahead is a fork with three different paths, one that goes straight ahead, one that goes left, and one that goes right.

The Apples all looked around until Apple Bloom spotted a yellow parchment paper on the top of the luggage pile.

"Found it!" She said as she moved to get it, at the same time Bunga moved to do the same.

“Oh, I can take it down.”

“No, no, I can, I got it.”

"No, no, I insist."

“No really, I got this.”

The two argued until they both ended up tumbling down the luggage pile and ended up losing the map which flew ended up flying away.

It flew into the river where a fish leaped out of the water and grabbed it before diving back down…along with being captured by an duck and taken away. Pinkie Pie took a photo of the whole thing.

"You both okay, Apple Bloom, Bunga?" Beshte asked the two after having caught them with his back.


“Never better.”

With that out of the way, Applejack moved to chastise her little sister and friend for their careless mistake with great restraint.

“All you two had to do was bring it over to me. No singing, no dancing, and no games. Just walk it over.” She scolded with gritted teeth.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac crossly added.

"Say 'best siblings ever'!" PInkie Pie told the five with her camera at the ready once more for another picture. The three Apple siblings along with their Lion Guard friends all huddled together with forced smiles before she took the picture. "Ooh, that's another keeper!" She said before turning her back to find more happy memories to take or think she’s taking when the Apple siblings all glare at each other while the hippo and honey badger both look aside feeling uncomfortable being in the middle of the whole brewing internal conflict.

"It's okay, y'all!" Granny Smith assured when Applejack moves back towards the wheel. "I traveled down this river as a filly and I know it like the back of my hoof!"

"Are you sure you know which way to go?" Applejack asked as they move closer to the three paths ahead of them.

"Does a June bug like to hide in a tree?"


“I think so.”

“I don’t know.”

Beshte, Bunga, Applejack all answered with Bunga’s memory on them still vague since he’s hardly seen them around.

"Well, I do know! And I also know we wanna head southeast! Now step aside, young'un!" Granny stated before pushing Applejack aside to take control of the wheel, to which she didn’t quite like her approach before she steered the raft right on the fork.

Unbeknownst to them, Timon and Pumbaa who have both ended up falling asleep ended up going straight down the middle of the river away from the rest of their friends.

"Ahh, nothing but smooth sailing from here." Timon declared while resting his hands behind his head on Pumbaa's stomach.

"Yep!" He agreed with close eyes before having a thought occur in his head. "Say Timon...do you think we're heading down the right direction?"

"Why certainly my warthog friend." He assured without much thought. "I'm as sure as I am honest."

"Well in that case, then we're definitely on the right path." He said before yawning and closing his eyes to take a nap for the rest of the ride over.

"Yep! I'm sure we're definitely not encountering trouble along with our family right now." Timon said before settling down for his nap too.

On the contrary, Applejack had silent disagreements with her grandmother's choice in taking control and going down that direction. Especially when she saw something very concerning.

"Um, Granny?"


"Are we supposed to go through a cave?"

Both Beshte and Bunga shifted eyes towards each other, beginning to already have a bad feeling about this and that they are truly going down the wrong direction now with the latter having a growing curiosity of what’s in that cave.

"Ah, don't worry, child! The scariest cave in Equestria was down that other way!" Granny Smith assured despite evidence to the contrary in front of them and her youngest granddaughter clinging onto her big brother in fright.

“Really?” Bunga commented feeling her sense of direction isn’t quite tip top. “Because it looks like the scariest cave in Equestria is right in front of us.”

“The scariest cave in all of Equestria.” Apple Bloom said frighten already.

"Oh, it's a fright all right!” Granny Smith replied while still oblivious to the cave they are approaching. “Filled with creatures that'll eat ya soon as look at ya!"

"Ooh, sounds scary.” Pinkie remarked with her body slightly shivering before her face turned into an expression of eagerness along with Bunga.

“Tell us more!” Bunga eagerly asked.

"Ponies go in... but they never come out!"

"And you're sure it's not that cave?" Applejack asked once more, with increasing fright and trembling. "The one we're headin' straight for?"

"Now, Applejack, I taught you better than to question your elder ponies!" said Granny Smith said sternly at her granddaughter in response, who narrowed her eyes in annoyance. The two suddenly noticed Pinkie is now standing right beside them with a smile while reminding themselves that they need to continue being on their best behavior.

"Heh… you sure did." Applejack said with a forced laugh before obliging for the sake of not upsetting the pink pony really seeking a good time with her family.

"Alrighty then. Now everypony just sit on back an' leave the steerin' to your old Granny Smith."

“Eh.” Bunga shrugged finding this not too much of a problem with his intrigue of what’s so scary about really getting him excited deep down. “Maybe this might be fun!”

“I sure hope so.” Beshte said for his sake just when their ride enters the shadows of the dark cave before entering inside of it.

Next thing everything knows is that once completely inside the very darkness, they were surrounded by terrorizing growls which had the group screaming in terror likewise…

…Followed by a camera flash from Pinkie’s camera once more to capture the moment. "Got it!" Pinkie said before the growling and screams continued followed by more pictures being taken. "Best scary unidentifiable creature ever! Say 'terrified'!" The group continued screaming until their ride finally made it out of the cave.

The good news, the raft along with everyone all made it out in one piece. Granny Smith and Beshte were both wide eyed and jaw dropped, frozen in place, while the Apple siblings were all huddled together, with the same frightened eyes with one of the scariest things they have ever still fresh in their minds.

Bunga spoke first with his hair standing backwards while still frozen in shock. “Un-Bunga-veilable! That was so terrifyingly awesome!”

"Good to know.” Beshte said while still shaking his legs from going through the whole ordeal.

Pinkie Pie, like Bunga, didn’t find anything scary about the cave, and was actually humming happily even after what happened.

"Guess that was the scariest cave in Equestria." Granny Smith realized after recovering from her shock while receiving annoyed looks from her grandchildren. "Uh, of course I meant to take us through it!" the elder pony then said, trying to act like it was planned from the start. "Unexpected adventure is good for the soul!"

"Best granny wisdom ever!" Pinkie Pie complimented.

“No kidding!” Bunga agreed with a wide smile after pushing his hair back to normal.

"Uh-huh.” Applejack said after recovering from her shock before moving to firmly take back control of the wheel. “Why don't you just scooch on over there, Granny? Think I'll take it from here on out."

Granny Smith scoffed at that suggestion before moving to forcibly take control of the wheel. “Huh! Is that how I taught you to treat your elder ponies?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

"You taught me to trust my common sense. And my common sense says we should get to Goldie Delicious's cabin in one piece." Applejack calmly argued while trying to take back the wheel from Granny Smith.

"And that is exactly what I'm gonna do!" Granny angrily asserted while taking the wheel back.

"That is mighty generous of you, but I think you've done enough for one day." Applejack voiced with a forced smile and tone of politeness while trying to assert that she wants to be in control with the wheel.

"And how exactly are you gonna know which way to go?" the elder pony asked with a smug smile.

“Okay, okay. Let’s all calm down here.” Beshte moved to quickly intervene. “I’m sure everyone one is just frustrated and lost since it’s pretty clear we have no idea where we’re going.” Then he realized someone's missing. "And where's Timon and Pumbaa!"

"Uh-oh!" Bunga gasped and realized. "They must have strayed away from us back at the fork!"

"Well, we wouldn't be lost if the map hadn't gone overboard!" Applejack argued while glaring at her little sister.

"Hey!” Apple Bloom angrily stomped her hoof in protest. “There wouldn't have been an overboard if Big Mac hadn't over-packed the jalopy!"

"Eeyu-“ He happily started before realizing. “…hey!"

"Exactly! So I think we can all agree that from here on out, I should be in charge of everything'." Applejack proudly declared, which only earned her collective glares from her family before they all moved to try to take control of the wheel by force.

Seeing this, had both Lion Guard members stepping away from the arguing family seeing that nothing is going to get them to stop arguing with each other.

Then Beshte noticed something up ahead, and widen his eyes in horror. “Uh-oh!”

“What?” Bunga curiously asked before seeing what’s in front of them. “Oh boy!” He then shouted and jumped in to try to alert everyone of what’s about to happen. “Everyone stop!”

Unfortunately, that proved to be a mistake since it led to Applejack accidentally breaking off the wheel and out of her hooves and flying into the water...which ended up picked up by the claws of another eagle.

“Oops.” Bunga sheepishly said upon being angrily glared at by the whole Apple Family. “That was not what I meant to do.”

But before he could get back on track, Pinkie popped up with a smile. "I just wanna say... that I think you're all super-duper, and I can't wait to make a page in my scrapbook about the amazing waterfall we went down!"

“And that’s something I meant to tell you.” Bunga added still sheepish and nervously chuckling.

“Hang on!” Beshte yelled while shifting his body weight in front of their raft ready to take on the fall for the Apple Family before their raft fell down the huge waterfall with everyone screaming for their lives.

Well, all but Pinkie and Bunga who both cheered “Wee!” and “Zuka Zama!”as they both fell down with the former taking more pictures with her camera rapidly.

One of her with a screaming Apple Bloom, another while hugging Granny Smith screaming, ruffling Big Mac's mane, one where she puckered her lips together next to Applejack shielding her eyes from the fall, and one of her and Bunga both cheering together while hugging onto each other just while they all fall together.

After several seconds of falling and screaming, the raft reached the bottom before submerging into the white foam created from all of the pouring water down below. And after a few seconds, the raft resurfaced one piece, and everyone survived while soaking wet thanks to Beshte keeping the raft afloat and absorbing most of the impact.

“Wow!” Bunga spoke amazed. “That was amazing!”

Beshte suddenly emerged from underwater while gasping for air after spending a minute holding his breath. “Glad to hear it.” He said before moving to the side of the river so he can rest and catch his breath.

“Big B!” Bunga cried in his direction before swimming after him.

Granny Smith smiled upon seeing everyone has made it out without any injuries while proud that their raft managed to stay in one piece too. "Huh! Told you that sugar pine sap would hold this thing together."

No sooner than she said that, Pinkie came floating down, holding onto colorful balloons she had with her before safely landing on the raft…which then broke into pieces causing the group and their belongings to drop into the water. Pinkie's balloons popped causing her to drop into the water too.

Shortly after Beshte recovered from the fall with Bunga’s assistance in getting him out of the water (which wasn’t easy due to his friend’s heavy weight), the group all emerged from the river with the few belongings they were able to salvage with the remains of their wagon. While many walked, Granny Smith rode in the wagon having done enough walking for the day, along with everyone else.

The only ones not tired were Pinkie and Bunga with the latter riding on the former’s back as she leaped ahead of the group towards a wooden house in front of them.

"We're here! We're here! We made it to Goldie Delicious's's's's's!"

“About time.” Bunga said very pleased that they have finally arrived with his partner noticing a small piece of paper on the front door.

"You guys! There's a note!" Pinkie said before pulling said note from the door. She scanned it before giggling with Bunga getting in on the giggling too after reading it.

"Uh, Pinkie Pie? Maybe you could read that one out loud?" Applejack asked with forced politeness.

"Oh, right, sorry! I haven't even read it yet. I was just looking at how pretty the paper is." Pinkie said before actually reading it. "Okay, it says that she ran off to run some errands but will be home soon! Oh, that's perfect!"

"Why is that perfect?" Apple Bloom asked confused of why she would still be cheerful about that.

"Because it'll give me enough time to get more scrapbook paper!” She answered before hopping off ahead. “See ya!"

After she left, Apple Bloom sat down and sighed. "Worst family road trip. Ever."

"Eeyup." Big Mac sadly agreed.

"I can't believe she witnessed our family fallin' apart like this." Applejack said with disappointment in her voice.

“Aw, come on.” Bunga smiled trying to lighten the mood. “You didn’t fall completely apart.”

“But we still argued and didn’t act like a family back there. Applejack pointed out unconvinced with the honey badger looking down feeling regretful for his role in the family feud.

“All because I helped tore the wheel right off the raft.” He said upon realizing what his attempt to warn everyone ended up further making things worse.

“No, Bunga.” Applejack responded with a raised hoof. “It wasn’t just you considering you were just trying to warn us of the waterfall we went over.” Even with what Applejack said, Bunga still can’t help but feel he still fractured the family’s dynamic relationship. “And the fact that I was arguing with Granny Smith…” She added with an apologetic look in her grandmother’s direction. “…It was like I wasn't myself at all."

"Aw, that wasn't your fault." She quickly assured while regretful for her role in their earlier dispute. "My stubborn streak got a hold of me somethin' fierce. Should've let you take the wheel long a'fore that and we never would have lost our friends back there."

"It was my fault the map got all wet…" Apple Bloom admitted.

"Me too..." Bunga admitted again even though he didn't have to at this point.

"I was the pony who—" Big Mac began before being interrupted when Granny covered his mouth.

"Now, now, Big Mac, you gotta know we forgive you for packin' the jalopy so much that it collapsed. You was just as eager to please Pinkie Pie like the rest of us."

“And you were willing to risk your life to protect ours.” Apple Bloom said while hugging their hippo companion yet remorseful of what he endured to save everyone. “And we’re sorry we put you up to it.”

“It’s okay.” Beshte accepted their apology.

“But if we hadn’t been bickering along the way you wouldn’t have nearly got hurt there.” Applejack pointed out still filled with guilt.

“But I chose to take on that fall.” Beshte said with slight assertion that they are not to blame for this. “I brought this on myself in my efforts to protect everyone. Therefore, I’m responsible for my own actions.”

Applejack sighed once more knowing that he’s right. “That is so very true. In fact, the same can be said for us.” He then faced both Beshte and Bunga once more. “I just hope that you both know that we both value you as part of the family, even if you’re not technically Apples. Both of you along with Timon and Pumbaa.”

“And we both like that you are both here with us all the same.” Apple Bloom added while wrapping her hooves around the two.

“You’re both as much as apples as the next.” Granny Smith warmly added in an kind elderly like manner.

“Wouldn’t think any less of you all any other way.” Bunga returned in kind.

“Me neither.” Beshte said in agreement with Applejack having something to say in regards to their other friend.

"I think we have to let Pinkie Pie know that even if she does discover that she's an Apple, she does not have to feel obliged to consider herself one."

“Sure as applesauce.” Granny Smith gloomily agreed.

"Are you kidding me?! You guys are the best family ever!" Pinkie Pie stated while stomping her hoof in the ground upon returning with her scrapbook supplies.

"How can you say that?" Applejack asked unable to comprehend why. "We started out as one big unit, and now look at us."

But Pinkie still insisted saying otherwise before pointing out... "Yeah! Now look at you! You're all here still in one big unit, loving each other and owning up to what went wrong! You never gave up, even when things got tough!"

“That is so true.” Bunga agreed.

“She does have a point.” Apple Bloom added.

"You aren't just family, you're best friends!" Pinkie added while leaping up and down before tackling Applejack to the ground. "And I wanna be an Apple more than ever!"

"And we want you to be one too!" Apple Bloom returned which had the pony as excited as ever by that statement.


"Now that's how you run an errand." Another voice from nearby spoke to them. The group turned and saw a female elderly pony walking towards them, with kittens placed in shopping bags on her back. Her coat was an aged shade of orange, emerald green eyes similar to Kovu’s, and a white mane. She also wore a pink collar around her neck with an silver colored broach keeping it together. Like her granddaughter they both have the same white freckles on their cheeks.

Applejack was quick to happily greet her. "You must be Goldie Delicious. So nice to meet you."

"Uh-huh. And who exactly are you?"

Pinkie Pie answered while hugging her entire family together. "We're Apples!"

"And how about these two huh?” Goldie asked with a hoof directed at both Beshte and Bunga. “Friends of yours?”

“Close friends.” Beshte replied with a smile.

“Yet close enough to be considered family.” Bunga added.

"And we think we're all Apples." Applejack said while getting to the reason why they’re here. "But we need your help finding out if Pinkie Pie here is our fourth cousin twice removed."

"Well why didn't you say so? If anypony can help solve this genealogy mystery, it's me!" Goldie moved to walk over to her front door, which creaked as she struggled to open it. "Oh, I am sorry about this. I wasn't exactly expectin' company. Lemme try to squeeze in here…oh!"

“Here…” Beshte was quick to offer assistance along with Bunga.

“…allow us.” Bunga finished while placing oil on the rusty hinges with Beshte finishing by gently opening the door for her to which she was very grateful for them doing so before moving inside.

“Lemme just tidy up the place a bit." She said before moving and tossing out a lot of stuff she had inside while her relatives and friends watch on in surprise with how much cleaning she just did.

“This pony sure has a lot of stuff she’s been holding onto.” Beshte whispered to Bunga.

“No kidding.”

And amazingly, her cleanup job didn’t take long at all before peeking her head outside.

"Come on in! Sorry about the mess!" She told everyone before everyone moved to walk inside.

Inside there was still a lot of clutter inside consisting of books and cats. And by cats, so many cats that they are all practically spread out all around the house, including a cheetah sleeping inside.

“Phew.” Bunga quietly remarked. “At least she’s not crazy.” Bunga quietly said to himself while he and the others entered her cottage with Beshte having trouble getting inside due to his wide size before resorting to sucking his weight in so he could squeeze his way in.

While walking inside Applejack accidentally stepped on a few of horseshoes on the floor.

"Oh, careful now. Those belonged to your great-great-great-great uncle Apple Tart!" She kindly cautioned.

"Well, whose was this?" Apple Bloom asked while pointing to a gingerbread house on the table.

"Well, that was my lunch. A couple of weeks ago." Goldie replied.

“Ooh…” Bunga’s mouth watered at the sight of it before remembering his manners and asked of her. “…if I may…” He began while gesturing to the gingerbread house. “…can I have it?”

“Go for it.” She replied with Bunga moving to pick it up and starting munching into it.

“Thanks. Mmm….” He said as he ate the two to three week old treat. “…still sweet.”

Goldie moved towards to a stack of books where two cats were sitting on the desk right in front of them. The two quickly moved out of the way before she blew the dust that was cat-shaped before picking a single book from the bottom of the pile. Amazingly, like with Pinkie earlier, it didn't cause the pile to fall to the ground.

"This here is a complete record of, of our family tree!" Goldie said while opening the book and began flipping the pages. During this, Pinkie Pie quickly moved back to the others just after drawing comedic shaped glasses and a mustache on a mirror.

"It's not here, or here, or, or here, or it certainly isn't here, is, is it...?” Goldie skimmed through the pages before finding the one she is looking for. “Oh, here it is!" She read the page closely but then… "…Oh, dear."

"'Oh, dear'? What is it?" Granny asked seeing that’s not a good sign.

Pinkie Pie got a close look at the words on the page, but couldn’t get a clear reading on it. "Am I not an Apple after all?" She asked hoping that the answer isn’t “No.”

"Well, that's just it. I don't know. The page is all smudged." She replied empty-hooved before Pinkie and Bunga both examined the page closely.

“What?” Bunga commented trying to understand how. How is that possible? Like in the library the same page, the same smudge. “Un-Bunga-veilable. How?!”

Pinkie sure was a little down hearing that. They had come all this way only to run into the same results. Now they’ll never know for curtain if she truly is an Apple or not.

"I sure am sorry, but I don't think I can help you out after all." Goldie apologetically said to her.

Pinkie Pie after a moment of frowning quickly sported a brief smile before turning to face her. "Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm just a little disappointed that I'll never know for sure if I'm a part of this family."

It sure was disappointing to the point that not even her Lion Guard friends could know what to say to make her feel better.

But Applejack did. "Well, I know for sure!"

"What do you mean? You can't know!" Pinkie inquired with her back still turned from her.

"I can know for sure that it doesn't matter what the book says or doesn't say. After all you've been through with us and all you've put up with, it's obvious you're an Apple to the core!" Applejack answered with heartfelt words to strongly cement that she is family to them

"Darn tooting'!" Granny Smith stated.

"Yes siree!" Apple Bloom added in agreement.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac also added with a nod. “You’re one of us, Pinkie Pie and we sure don’t need a clear indication to confirm that.”

“Wow!” Bunga remarked feeling very touched by the rare encouraging words from the unusually quiet pony. “Truer words have never been spoken.”

“Just like your adoptive uncles Timon and Pumbaa.” Beshte agreed. “And they both sure would feel the same way if they were here.”

“We sure are.” Timon’s voice spoke to them before walking inside the cottage.

“So very so!” Pumbaa added.

“Uncle Timon! Uncle Pumbaa!” Bunga addressed them in happy surprise. “You're both okay!”

“Of course we're okay. Especially since we were both able to find you all.” Timon assured with a chuckle before thinking back to when they were straying down the path in the middle of the fork. “In fact, we didn't even know…until we were awaken when a certain map that led us here came flying right onto our faces.” Said map was presented by his warthog friend leaving the Apple family had just lost which had them left bewildered by this revelation.

“Well I’ll be…” Applejack remarked feeling amazed they happened to come across it.

“I know.” Pumbaa agreed before opening it up and recalling the memory further while looking around and wondering where the others went. “Once we came to and realized you went a different direction, we noticed that you ended up going in the direction of the scariest cave in all of Equestria here. Of course we thought to ourselves. "I don't think going back is such a great idea?" then Timon said. "No question about that, maybe we'll just meet up with them once we reach the end of the river.""

"Of course, we found some tasty grubs flowing along the way, but of course thanks to a bunch of fish immediately taking them right out of our hands..." Timon said while recalling said memory. "...we never got a chance to really experience the taste of them. Not to mention smell the reeking stench of one that someone bit into." Bunga nervously scratched the back of his head upon hearing it.

"You don't say."

"Oh yes, Bunga." Timon said. "And it sure was a good thing we took that path because there were rumors that the scariest cave in Equestria was down on the other two paths we didn’t take.” Timon recalled while the others had their eyes shifted towards each other before looking ahead in bewilderment of the journey. “Can any of you, imagine actually wondering what danger was lurking in that cave?”

“I can imagine it.” Bunga answered.

“Me too!”


“No kidding.”

“Same here.”

“It sure was terrifying to think about.”

The others said in agreement.

“Well anyways…” Timon continued not even bothering to ask any of them whether they actually did go through that cave. "Once we saw of how things went south during our journey we ended sharing a few words arguing who was at fault for getting us lost and separated back there...“

"This is your fault!"

"Your fault!"

"Your fault!"

"My fault?!" Pumbaa questioned with one of his hooves pointed in his direction.

"My..." Timon quickly realized to which Pumbaa grinned at. "...your fault!"

"I tricked you!" Pumbaa said in teasing delight.

"When we reached the shore we ended up coming across some apples that were left behind and had worms in them. Apparently somebody lost them after going over the waterfall.”

“Really?” Applejack chuckled awkwardly. “How about that?”

"Yep." Timon nodded before recalling he and his friend slurping up the worms. "And it was there we ended up realizing of how silly we were to be fighting and that we are both best friends and family to the end after reminding ourselves of how the Apple Family always comes through."

“Yep.” Timon nodded before he and Pumbaa moved to join the Apple Family for a group hug. “And we sure are glad that you all see each other as family no matter wherever you’re directly related to them or not.”

“It’s like giving love to someone who you feel shares the same bond with you in return.” Pumbaa happily added.

“Well, well…” Timon thought about correcting before deciding against it. “Exactly.” He then muttered to himself. “Close enough.”

Pinkie Pie lifted up the camera with her tail ready for another family photo. "Say 'best family hug ever'!"

"Best family hug ever!" everyone said in unison happily right before the flash of the camera was taken.

With this picture taken, it ended up being the crowning and most special picture in her scrapbook, now filled with decorations. Buttons and stickers framed just around every photo she has taken on their journey from the moment they travelled away from Ponyville. Once she was done handling it with delicate care. She placed it into her mane before hopping in the wagon to which Goldie generously gifted them for the ride home.

"Thanks again for the wagon, Goldie!" Applejack thanked. “We'll see you soon!"

“The sooner the better.” Beshte added while ready to pull the reins alongside Big Mac who was generous enough to allow how to share control of the carriage for the ride back.

"Y'all sure you don't want to take any of these Apple family heirlooms home with you?" Goldie asked… just when a clutter of her heirlooms dropped down onto the ground.

Everyone turned to Big Mac, to see whether he’ll say yes or no, and whether they have to worry about it breaking down again due to it being overloaded.

"Nnope." He replied while shaking his head politely.

“See ya, Goldie-oldie!” Bunga said to her with a wave just when their wagon moved on towards the direction of Ponyville.

Once they were all back out on the road once more, Bunga pulled out the guitar again for a little song to pass the time faster with the whole group singing together like one big happy family.

“We're Apples forever, Apples together

We're family, but so much more

No matter what comes, we will face the weather

We're Apples to the core!”

"Eeyup!" Both Big Mac and Beshte both happily stated.

Back on the farm, everyone was all resting from their long journey where Applejack pulls out the purple friendship journal where their most recent friendship lessons have been recorded with the most recent one about to be added to their collection.

“Surprisingly, even if Twilight was just taunting us, this was definitely an experience worth puttin' in the journal." Applejack said before opening the book up to a blank page. "Think I'll write about how bein' a good family isn't about bein' perfect as much as it is about bein' able to get through the rough patches together."

“Along with being able to forgive each other for mistakes." Beshte added in a friendly reminding way to which the country pony winked back at him to assure that she will just when Apple Bloom walks inside with a bucket of apples.

"Don't forget to mention how really good friends can also feel like your family." Apple Bloom further reminded while hugging Pinkie, Bunga, and Beshte.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed while walking into the room.

Applejack then moved to obtain the quill, only for her little sister to quickly intercept her. "You know what? Maybe I should write it. I'm good at makin' things sound excitin'."

"I have a history of excellent storytelling'." Granny Smith proudly stated. "I should probably do it— Hey! Where in the haystack do you think you're goin' with that there pen?!" She exclaimed when she saw Big Mac taking control of the quill in his mouth and once again the Apple Family was arguing.

"Look at me! I'm part of the Apple family too!" Pinkie said to her Lion Guard friends before rushing over to the Apple ponies to join in. "I'm arguing! Argue, argue, argue! Bicker, bicker!"

Both Beshte and Bunga both shook their heads in amusement while continuing to watch them all argue amongst each other knowing they’ll work it out…

…all while Twilight watches the scene from her magical orb back in her library.

“Glad to see it, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight commented with a calm smile before pulling out the scroll she previously pulled from her stack and then gently placed it back in its original spot at the bottom of the pile. “Glad that you’re all managing to find new lessons to learn every day.” She then moved her magic to zoom in closer on Pinkie Pie joking around during the Apple Family’s argument. “Because now it is your turn to help me find the key I’ve been searching for.” She said while a rainbow shimmer has been detected in the western parts of Equestria by a pony wearing a cowboy style hat and clothes. “And Bunga’s too.” She added while focusing on the honey badger relaxing and enjoying the show while eating an apple from the bucket Apple Bloom brought in. “Time for the Pony Guard’s most laughable the Lion Guard’s Bravest of the bunch to be tested on their elements.” She said with a sinister grin directed at them ready to see to it that they succeed in doing what both Rarity and Ono both did back when they were in Manehattan.

Author's Note:

In this episode, we have another breather where Beshte and Bunga along with Timon and Pumbaa accompany Applejack and Pinkie Pie on a Apple family road trip where they try to discover if Pinkie is a true Apple cousin thanks to a parchment paper of family history while at the library.

Of course even good family members whether it's brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, there's always bound to be disagreement's every now and then which the Apple Family tries really hard in reigning it in with Pinkie Pie accompanying them with little to no success. Leading to a complicated method of traveling, some fumbling, lost navigation, crossing through the scariest cave, and of course going over a huge waterfall.

But thanks to Pinkie Pie, they learn as long as they are all a happy family through and through it truthfully doesn't matter whether a few squabbles come here and there and thanks to the family bonding experience, Pinkie Pie (and by extension the whole Guard to an extend) is a true Apple Family cousin to Applejack.

Speaking of which, said mare along with her best friend Bunga will have their elements tested when the former has a new party challenger coming to town which I will try to see to it it's ready by the weekend so stay tuned.

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