• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 3,138 Views, 197 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 4) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to protect Ponyville all while learning more the ways of friendship as the threat of Scar grows.

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Episode 30: Inspiration Manifestation

Episode 30:

Inspiration Manifestation

Both Beshte and Bunga are both best buds who both like hanging out together whenever they are not dealing with their Lion and Pony Guard responsibilities. Before the team’s formation, they both would spend time relaxing in the mud almost all the time. Afterwards, the two managed to have some fun together with both Applejack and Pinkie Pie when it came going on an Apple Family road trip together.

Today was another one of those days when they decided to go to the Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair together. There are both meeting up with Spike, Ono, and Rarity with the latter seeking to create a puppet theater for her latest client.

The former of course was there for his best pony friend Pinkie currently helping the Cakes provide the catering for the festival and with his work already done, he was free to be able to join his favorite hippo friend for a pass to enjoy the festivities alongside him.

“Hear ye, hear ye!" Pinkie Pie called out as she happily made way away through with balloons in tow. "The Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair is almost ready to begin!"

“Good ole Pinkie!” Bunga remarked with a chuckle to the hippo walking beside him.

“You said it. And it sure is great that Ponyville is able to put this together all for the young ones.” While they were walking they came across parents of the kids from the Pride Lands all getting in on the fun. “Along with having it so that everyone can have fun.”

“I’m sure Rarity is excited as well.” Bunga then said. “I heard she’s been working hard on her new puppet theater lately.”

“I wonder what she came up with?”

“Don’t know. Guess we’ll find out.”

By then the two have reached Carousel Boutique where they got an immediate look at the unicorn’s creation just while walking inside.



Said puppet stage was a golden stage extravagant jewels and diamonds all around with flower vases with pink and white rose decorations, pink silk curtains displayed on the front, purple curtains displayed inside the theater frame, and the sides were decorated with a nighttime colored sky with a yellow sun and purple diamonds design.

“Oh welcome boys! I see you managed to get a look at my finest work!” She greeted.

“We see!” Bunga happily returned. “It look’s great!”

“It sure is.” Beshte agreed although he couldn’t help but eye at the stage she is finishing up. “And...Um…it’s very gold and expensive…”

“And…?” She asked hoping to be showered with more compliments.

“Sparkling and dazzling.” Bunga added.

“Well...” Beshte struggled trying to find the right words to describe it. Truthfully it’s great, although admittedly it’s a bit flashy and a little out of place for a children’s fair. “…very stunning and rich in taste.”

“Oh, thanks.” She said while batting her eyelashes and patting her mane curls.

“Just curious though…” Beshte spoke up trying to speak his thoughts lightly. “…what inspired you to create this theater the way you designed it?”

“Oh, it’s something that came from my expertise knowledge of fashion.” She replied. “I mean just because the attendees are young, doesn't mean they don't deserve my very best creative work." said the unicorn, adding her finishing touches to her creation. "Why, this puppet theater is going to be the talk of the Foal and Filly Fair!"

Of course accompanying her in the same room with more boa’s she requested for the puppet theater was her most favorite admirer Spike who is looking on at her all while helping her out however he can. “How could it not be? You're the one making it…" He said lovingly.

Bunga snickered behind his back before hearing a clearing of the throat from the Guard’s Keenest of Sight.

“Done, Bunga.” Ono raised an eyebrow at him. Bunga nodded before the egret proceeded to continue. “Anyways, thank you both for coming and you have both arrived just in time for Rarity to put the final touches on it.” He then muttered to the two so that Rarity wouldn’t hear him. “Personally a little much if you ask me.”

“Well why didn’t…” Bunga began before Ono cleared his throat again while gesturing to the girl at work. “…why didn’t you tell her if it’s overly expensive?”

“I tried, but she insisted that she put her finest work into this no matter what tiny little features it could use as opposed to making the most expensive puppet show that the ponies in Canterlot would feel is more fitting.”

“It must be pretty hard to be honest at times, huh?” Beshte asked knowing what he is trying to say.

“Although even though I’m no keen expert here...” Bunga said as he examined the cart. “…but how exactly can you be honest about making the perfect theater for children?”

“Oh, I’m sure children wouldn’t mine a little extra razzle dazzle and I appreciate your opinion on the matter.” Rarity once more assured. “Having said that I should thank you Spike…” She said in his direction while placing one more boa around the dragon’s neck. “…after all, Spike, you are my favorite dragon."

Spike was very touched and gushing as always. "Your favorite dragon? Aw, gee…"

With her work now complete she is ready to move her latest creation to the fair.

"The hours have been long, the work taxing beyond compare, but it will all be worth it when we hear those three little words!"

However when she presented it to her client…

"This is awful!"

"Awful?!" Rarity was not expecting to come out of the male unicorn puppeteer’s mouth.

"And completely unusable." He added while inspecting it. He spun its golden wheels which did not touch the ground since they were just decorations for the stage itself. "Hmmm… Ugh! It doesn't travel!" He stuck his head into the stage itself, which was crowded thanks to the vases of flowers that Rarity had placed there. "Oh, there's no room for my puppets! It appears I won't have a traveling puppet theater to use after all."

"But--but I--"

“Now, now, come on, there’s no need for that…” Ono suddenly spoke out in her defense. “...listen I understand it’s not what you were expecting but she was just trying to create something that is inspiring for ponies who have such a fine sense of fashion and fillies who dream of being rich and successful someday. So I think you could at least do her a favor in at least trying not to be too hard on her.”

“Tell it to the hoof, bird-brain.” He scoffed before turning away while levitating his puppets away with his magic who likewise give the two the disgusted glare leaving Ono offended and Rarity severely hurt.

“Well…” Ono said in his direction while shrugging it off having heard worse before.

“Sorry, Rarity.” Beshte said in an effort to comfort the unicorn who is now tearing up still feeling the sting of the overly harsh criticism.

“I don't know what that guy was talking about." Bunga said still trying to say otherwise.

“Exactly!” Spike agreed. "This thing is perfect!"

Alas, it did little to make Rarity feel better since she had already galloped away while crying.

“Or maybe he did, somehow…” Bunga then said feeling like his efforts to try to make Rarity feel better only made her feel worse.

“It’s not your fault, Bunga.” Beshte said to him. “I mean yes it wasn’t exactly what he was looking for but he still didn’t have to hurt her feelings over it.”

“He truly didn’t.” Ono shook his head in agreement before flying after her with the hopes of trying to help her out of her latest depression. “And now I got a unicorn to go comfort.”

“Wait up, Ono!” Beshte called after him with Bunga riding on his back. “We’re coming too!”

Back at her boutique, Rarity was sobbing in her infamous fainting couch in her usual dramatic manner. "This is terrible, simply terrible!" She whined while the others watched on.

"So that puppeteer didn't like your exquisitely crafted best puppet theater in the history of puppet theaters puppet theater." Spike said in an effort to help her out of her funk. "You can just contribute something else to the Foal and Filly Fair."

“Yeah like what I’ve been doing for Pinkie by helping out with the catering or maybe something like creating costumes for the kids. I’m sure they’ll love whether you have to offer them.” Bunga added.

"See, Rarity! There are other things you can do to help out!” Beshte further encouraged.

Rarity calmed down for a bit when she turned to face her friends. "I suppose I could... Oh, forget it!” She then stated still unable to work up the courage to try again. “I'd never have something finished in time!” She then continued weeping and levitated a spoon along with a tub of ice cream so she can sink her teeth into her depression all while saying. “Nom! Nom! Nom!” While drowing her sorrows into it.

"I wanted to leave my creative mark on the fair, and I failed –" She helped herself to another spoonful of ice cream before chewing and swallowing it down before continuing. "…miserably! And that makes me miserable!" She continued to cry and eat ice cream while she was at it.

“Aww!” Bunga said pitying her. “If only there was something we could do to help her out.”

“Maybe there is…” Spike said while thinking of something to help his friend out, and he has an idea of where to start.

“Like what?” Bunga asked intrigued with what he has in mind before Spike ushers him out of the boutique so they can go out to find the source…

…all while Ushari accompanied by two skinks, a red female one named Shupavu, and a yellow one with a blue tongue and legs watch the scene from the nearby window.

“Skinks! With me!” He commanded of them before leading the way after them.

“Yes, Ushari!”

“You got it!”

They both complied while following his lead where they follow both Spike and Bunga to the abandoned castle of the two sisters.

The castle of course still had that creepy vibe as before even when visiting it under broad daylight. Once inside both the dragon and honey badger searched the library with Twilight's pet owl, Owlowiscious, accompanying them.

"Argh, there's gotta be something in here somewhere." Spike said as he looked through the books.

“Should be. We just searched through a new record of books in one sitting trying to look for what we need here and I don’t mean Twilight’s record.” Bunga said while skimming through every book he comes across.

While searching, Bunga couldn’t help but think back to when Beshte insisted on wanting to stay by Rarity’s side. I mean sure it was just to be a good friend in his words, but the way he really wanted to stay is something that he couldn’t help but shake off. It was like to him, he saw something that really got to the hippo with his personal investment in his efforts in trying to comfort her, like he’s seen this before and it reminded him of something deep.

The more he thinks about it, he thinks back to a time where he was young and essentially had him living alone before finding Timon and Pumbaa. Back then, he was already brave and smiling, yet deep down, had something deep down that was truly bugging him about living alone with his family much like Fuli and Ono.

“Bunga!” Spike called out to him which snapped the honey badger out of his brief solemn flashback. “Did you find anything?”

“Not yet!” Bunga quickly said while still snapping back to reality. “How about you?”

“No luck here!” Spike returned before pressing forward. “There’s got to be something that will help Rarity make something in time for the fair? She really, really, really wants to make a creative contribution." He said while turning to the honey badger standing on the opposite side of the room. "She said I'm her favorite dragon, so it's up to me to come through for her in her time of need."

“Of course! I mean she’s perfectly aware that you have a crush on her and you’re the only dragon she knows! Duh!”

“Seriously?!” Spike turned around and arched an eyebrow at him. “Have you learned anything from our time trapped in the sinkhole and caves with the king and princesses?”

“I have.” He retorted. “I’m just saying it’s pretty obvious at this point that Rarity really likes you. She just has a different way of showing it like how Beshte wanted to stay by Beshte’s side in comforting her.”

“And I’m sure that he knows that too.” Spike rolled his eyes back at the honey badger before focusing his attention back on the books in front of him. “There's gotta be some kind of spell that'll do the trick." Spike jumped onto the nearby rolling ladder to look at another shelf while Owlowiscious proceeds to constantly hoot at him. “Come on, help a dragon out!" He removed another and saw Owlowiscious hooting at him right in front of him.

Now annoyed, Spike placed the book back in its place, to obscure his view of the owl, before sliding off to another bookshelf, only to find the owl already there hooting at him once again.

“Not trying to change the subject here, but think maybe we should just actually go back to the Carousel and actually try and help make her feel better. I really could have helped her out with her ice cream problem.”

“I think not because I‘d like to think of this is actually about helping inspire a new creative streak for the pony that’s been so generous in designing us all of those outfits for us since the Grand Galloping Gala.” Spike replied before scowling at the owl still hooting at him.

“All right, all right.” Bunga relented just when Ushari peers his head from behind one of the nearby books before slipping his head out of view. Behind those books he secretly used his tail to pull on one from its shelf, only this one was attached to a metallic arc. Suddenly, the room started to shake while Spike was still talking to both Bunga and Owlowiscious.

“You don't think we should use magic–" Spike started until he noticing the ground below them shaking. “What is that?!”

"I don't know! And whatever it was it wasn’t me!" Bunga quickly said defensively.

The wall in front of them shifted and slided to the side, revealing a dark and mysterious passageway blocked off by a black fence with a silver keyhole. Inside the passageway was a staircase leading up to a mystical object on a pedestal with a glowing green light shining over it.

"What is that?" Spike asked amazed by this discovery.

"I don't know." Bunga replied in the same tone before moving towards the locked gate. "And unless you happen to have a key handy to open this I doubt we’re going to find out."

Spike smirked in response before using his fire breath to melt the lock away in just a few seconds. “Not a problem."

“Of course.”

Spike wasted no time in walking in while Owlowiscious hooted after his direction more frequently trying to warn him that this is a bad idea considering that the showering glow has an eerie vibe that matches the color of Scar’s eyes along with his lingering felt presence inside.

Strangely, Bunga had the gut feeling that this isn’t something they should be messing around with given that of all of the enemies they have faced so far, Scar is one enemy he does not want to cross paths with because he along with Sombra are those who don’t play around when the chips are down.

“Uh, Spike. Maybe we should try somewhere else.” Bunga advised still wary of being near the area.

Spike ignored his concerns and continued walking up the steps towards the pedestal. He managed to reach the top, where lies a stone plated book with spikes on the cover. He then effortlessly and pulled it up from it’s stand so he can get a close look at the cover.

“Spike! Get away from that!” Bunga called out from the gateway.

“What? If I wasn't supposed to have it, it wouldn't be so easy to get. And it's covered in spikes, like me."

As he continued blowing off his concerns the walls around him began to shake and fall apart around him

As he spoke, the walls around him began to crumble, all while both Bunga and Owlowiscious watch on nervously as the little dragon casually made his way down. For a moment, he fell down and Bunga was left looking on horrified, until he landed onto the very edge of the entrance and walked safely out of danger, completely oblivious to what happened behind him as he got a good look at the title of the book.

"Inspiration Manifestation: Instantly brings ideas to life."

Once he was out of harm’s way, both Bunga and Owlowiscious wiped the sweat from their foreheads formed due to their brief anxiety building up that Spike was actually going to fall into the deep abyss for a minute.

"I'm likin' the looks of this one. And what did I tell you Bunga, nothing to worry…” He suddenly sees his friend still looking on frozen in shock just when the doorway behind them closed. Thinking he just saw a ghost he shrugged it off. "Hmmm." He then thought.

Behind the group of visitors, Ushari and his two accompanying skinks both watched on as the three make their leave.

“Excellent.” Ushari said to himself.

“Yep, they’re in for it now.” Njano laughed.

“Especially since said they have no idea of what they are toying with.” Shupavu sinisterly added.

“Yes.” Ushari hissed pleasantly. “Scar will be very pleased with our success here.”

“I can’t wait to tell him.” Njano eagerly expressed before the three make their way out of the castle so they can head back to the Pride Lands where Scar is currently watching over their progress from the palm of his magic-enhanced paws.

Back at Carousel Boutique, Beshte and Ono both continued to console the despairing Rarity, who couldn't stop crying and eating ice cream. Both Beshte and Ono, both had nothing they could say to her at the time to help her feel better since in their own ways they understood what it was like. Maybe not in a dramatic fashion, but still…

“Rarity.” Beshte started just when Ono moves to lift the tub of ice cream away from her. “I think maybe you’ve had enough ice cream for one day.”

“I’m afraid Beshte’s right.” Ono agreed. “At this rate, you’re going to let yourself go.”

“I’m sorry…” She wept. “…but it’s just too good to stay from while my dreams have been shattered.”

“I know. All I’m just try to say is I think now is time to pick yourself up and move on. You know, try to find a new inspiration for your new fashion line.” Beshte advised when Ono moves to gently remove the half-eaten tub of ice cream along with all of the other empty tubs she has already consumed during her depression.

“Like what?” She asked still sobbing while trying to wipe away the tears.

“Oh, I think I can help you out with that…” said Spike as he walked inside the shop with a confident smile on his face alongside Bunga. “…because I brought you something.”

It did little to pique the unicorn’s interest. "Unless it's another carton of vanilla oat swirl or word that the festival has been cancelled, I don't think I'm interested."

"It's magic!" The dragon said still smiling and certain this is something he knows that’ll work.

Rarity managed to clean up her previously messy mane before eating up a few Hearth’s Warming chocolates while she was at it. “Spike, precious scales, I already have magic."

"But not the kind that can help you create something in time for the fair." He presented and pulled the book out from behind his back to Rarity. "This can!"

“Spike, where did you get that because that looks like something that came from the Castle of the Two Sisters?” Ono asked feeling the most weary of the book itself.

“Well there’s a good reason for that.” Spike replied. “It is a book that came from the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“Wait…?” Ono could not believe his ears. “…you took that book?!”

“Took? No. Borrow? Yes.”

“Without asking Twilight?”

“Oh, relax. I mean would have asked but she wasn’t around. And if she was, I’m sure she would have given us permission to let us borrow it. Point is, either way we got it and it’ll help Rarity. Am I right or am I right?”

Ono still wasn’t approving of what he did even if it was for a good cause. “Spike, that’s not the point. I mean look at the book itself, it’s got evil written all over it!”

“Yeah, maybe we shouldn’t.” Bunga added in agreement much to the other’s minus Spike's surprise. “What? I just saying considering we found it showered over a sickly green glow of a secret chamber that maybe this is something we should steer clear from.”

“Oh come on!” Spike once more brushed off their concerns. “This book’s really got Rarity’s name written all over it, just look at the title, Rarity.”

Rarity proceeded to do so despite her previous concerns. “Inspiration Manifestation. Hmmm, it does sound promising."

“But at what cost?” Ono asked.

“Probably something minor.” Spike replied. “And whatever it is, I’m sure it can be dealt with immediately. You along with the rest of the Guard always do.”

“That’s true. We do.” Bunga acknowledged feeling it’s worth a try.

“I guess.” Beshte said going along with it as long as it makes his friend happy.

“Okay.” Ono said in defeat still having the gut feeling that something is going to go wrong out of all of this.

By opening the book she began reciting it’s first words out loud. “From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action. Hold close this book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction. Projecting forth whatever beauty you see. Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free."

As she read, the mysterious green mist matching the glow back in the book’s resting chamber emerged from the book and settled itself into Rarity's horn, causing it to glow in that same green color, instead of her natural blue aura. Once she was done, Rarity's eyes blinked with a slight flash of green inside of her.

"Did it work?" Bunga asked.

"Hm, there's only one way to find out." She said before levitating the stone book in front of her, Rarity's horn glowed green to match the color of Scar’s neon green eyes while focusing on the book in front of her. With a smile of confidence, she worked her new magic into transforming the book into something better than it’s previous appearance. The stone book itself was now a stunning purple and pink colored book with gold trimmings on the side along with the edges and the very center with a gold star in the very middle of the book.

"Oh, my!” Rarity gasped in delight. “I thought about making this a much more beautiful spell book, and I have!" She closed her eyes for a moment before opening them up with her eye’s glowing green once more. With another flash of light she managed to transform the sofa she was sitting on into a jewel encrusted golden silk couch fit for a princess, queen, and king. Rarity could not believe what she just managed to do. "Dear, dear Spike! Here I was about to give up, but like a true friend, you've come through with flying colors!" Spike blushed in response just when the pony of his dreams rised from her sofa. "Come! We must find the puppeteer right away, so that I may provide him with the most fabulous theater he's ever imagined!" She proceeded to walk out the door before glancing back at the group. "Or, should I say, that I've ever imagined." She added while her eyes glowed green once more shining the same color as Scar’s once more transferring an uncomfortable vibe down both Ono and Bunga before leaving with Spike following after her without question.

“So…” Bunga started after the awkward silence between the three. “…think maybe we should get rid of that book before anything else happens?”

“I think…” Ono spoke up. “…that it’s something that you have to do since you too went along with it.”



“Nope.” The egret refused to change his mind in getting involved with this one. “I tried to tell you that this is going to lead to trouble even after you knew that it was clearly bad news from the start but you wouldn’t listen.” He moved to fly away. “You’re on your own.”

“Ono!” Beshte called after him in vain. “Come back!” But it was no use, Ono is still sticking with his decision and that’s final.


“It’ll be fine.” He quickly assured. “We’ll just get her to give up the book at the end of the day and we’ll bring it back before Twilight will ever know it was gone.”

“Okay.” Bunga felt better now. “At least Rarity isn’t drowning her sorrows in ice cream anymore.” He then eyed the frozen sugary treat. “Speaking of which…” He proceeds to grab the half-eaten container by dumping the remains into his stomach.


“What?” He asked after gulping it down in one sitting. “AAAHHH!” He screamed while literally turning an ice shade of blue. “BRAIN FREEZE!”

After Bunga recovered from it, the two friends managed to quickly catch up with both Rarity and Spike with the former placing the book into her saddle bag where they were making their way towards Sugarcube Corner where the puppeteer is making use of the front entrance is his new puppet theater.

"Ah, Miss Rarity, come to see the show, I presume? You'll notice I had to make do in light of your recent failure to produce a functioning theater." He greeted in a somewhat condescending manner while having his puppets cross their arms in response to seeing her again.

Rarity remained undeterred while smiling somewhat smugly back at the unicorn. "Oh, but I think you'll find the new one I've created will be much more to your liking!" She said while pointing forward to her new theater right where Spike is standing next to. One that had nothing but a simple and colorful design consisting of purple, blue, yellow colors on the theater itself, yellow and green flags on the top, with black and red wheels, poles to able to pull and carry it around, and big enough to able to host a puppet theater.

Upon seeing this, the puppeteer took an instant liking to what he is seeing to what is a mass improvement from before. "Oh, well, this one does seem to travel. Plenty of room for my puppets... I say, Miss Rarity, I don't know how you managed to do so in such a short amount of time, but you seem to have redeemed yourself. How did you manage to do so in such a short time?"

"As a matter of fact, she used a s–" Before Spike could answer, Rarity quickly interrupted him.

“A good designer never reveals her tricks." She replied still smiling.

"But, Rarity…” Bunga tried to say, only to be silenced by Rarity too.

“Bunga.” Rarity smiled in his direction to remind him it’s not polite to interrupt.

The puppeteer was satisfied none of the less before proceeding to make good use of his new theater.

"Thank you again, Spike, for being such a dear friend and finding this book for me!" Rarity gratefully expressed to him who likewise enjoyed every second of it.

"My pleasure." He replied when Bunga spoke up.

“And me too.” He added before moving to try to sneak the book away from the unicorn’s saddlebag. “And now that we got that little puppet theater debacle settled, I think it’s safe to say we can return it back to the library, huh?”

"Oh, yes, of course. I've made my creative contribution as I'd hoped to do, and all is well!" Rarity nodded in agreement. But then she suddenly grasped it with her green-colored aura magic not wanting to let go of it just yet. "Uh, then again, perhaps I should keep it just a skotch longer... You don't mind, do you?"

“But, Rarity…” Beshte spoke up surprised. “…the fair is over. You already made your creative contribution to the fair.”

“Yeah, what he said. You even said it yourself.”

"True, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to use the spell for a few of my designs? I have such a huge to do list piled up, and this would help me greatly."

“Yes but considering there was a pretty good reason why that book was locked away in the first place means I think maybe this is better off being a one-time thing.” Bunga insisted while trying to snatch the book away from Rarity’s grasp who still held it out of his reach.

“Please, Bunga…” She gave the honey badger the biggest eager smile a pleading kid could.

“Rarity…” She then started to give him the pouty face. “No…come on please…no…don’t give me the pouty pony face.” Seeing that she is not giving him a choice in the matter he then said. “…all right, fine. Just a few more spells.”

Satisfied with joyful glee she swooped the honey badger in hug that nearly crushed him.

"So Spike, you still don't mind me keeping the book for a bit longer?" She then asked Spike.

"Of course not!” He answered while waving her off as she walked off ahead. “See you tomorrow.”

After Rarity had left, Beshte already had a question to ask him. “So, what happened back there because she still has that strange book in possession?”

“So what?” Spike shrugged. “She'll keep it for a few more hours, no harm in that."

“Uh…” Bunga said still feeling otherwise.



“If you say so…” Beshte said feeling there’s no winning this argument even though he like Bunga has a really bad feeling that there will be consequences. All while the owl lurching from the nearby tree watches on in agreement.

The next day, Spike went to visit Rarity at her boutique, there he saw flashes of green light coming from the windows and distant magical zap sounds from inside. Curious to what’s going on in there, Spike knocked on the door for an answer.

"Rarity?" Suddenly an explosion occurred and blew the door off with a wave of new clothes piling down on him with Rarity herself appearing with her horn and eyes still glowing green.

"Spike, I'm so glad you're here!" She greeted before levitating him inside to show him all of the clothes she had recently created with her new magic.

"Whoa!" Before he could get into her latest creations he noticed that his unicorn friend’s mane was messy and had twitchy eyes. "Are… you okay?"

"Oh, I've never been better! This book you've given me is amazing!" She explained while her eyes flashed between blue and green while levitating all of the outfits aside. "Why, I, I, I, I've been up all night just creating and creating and creating and creating! I've completed my fall line for the next fifteen seasons!"


"But then I started thinking, 'why stop there'? Oh, Spike, I've always thought this town of ours could use a few beautifying upgrades, and with this book, I can not only make that happen but I can also make my way to the Pride Lands and restore it to it’s former glory once again with such ease! You will support me in this endeavor by letting me keep the book just a little longer?"

Spike gave it some thought before deciding in the name of being a good friend. “Of course I will!" All while Owlowiscious observed from the window outside, hooting nervously along with Ushari and his two skink companions from the highest tree branch nearby the boutique.

Meanwhile both Beshte and Bunga were both making their way across town looking for Rarity hoping they’ll have better luck in getting her to give up that book she’s been madly possessing recently. The two managed to find her who trotting ahead and right by them with Spike trying his hardest to keep up with her.



“Hi, Bye!” Rarity said while passing by.



“No time for waiting!”

"What do you say we get a little breakfast before we get started?" Spike suggested.

"No time for breakfast! I want to get started right away!"

“Are you kidding?! No breakfast?!” Bunga was baffled to hear such a thing come out of her mouth.

"Technically, we do have time, because with that book held close, you can just make things– Rarity?" Spike saw that Rarity had already gone ahead while bypassing him.

“Spike…” Bunga then said to the guilty looking dragon. “…do you have something you want to tell us?”

“Just come on.” Spike instead ushered them to follow him to where Rarity is now standing. There she is looking forward in an alley where she spots both Applejack and Granny Smith were trying to sell apples from their wooden cart.

"Now, this is exactly what I'm talking about! Why, that cart hasn't an ounce of stylish flair!" By glowing her now green eyes and green colored horn, in a flash, the wooden cart had transformed into a golden, jewel encrusted cart. Applejack and Granny Smith were both stunned of what just happened like it was completely out of the blue.

“My eyes playin' tricks on me again?"

"What in rhubarb pie just happened?"

The two reacted with wide eyed surprise.

"Isn't it gorgeous?" Rarity remarked to the three standing by her side.

"It's amazing!" Spike replied. "You should ask Applejack if she wants you to give all the Apple family carts a makeover!"

"Oh, I don't really think I need to ask permission, darling. Everyone loves surprises, especially when they're gorgeous ones!"

"You're right! Everypony does love surprises."

“Are you sure...?” Beshte asked while watching the two ponies in front of them. “...because I’m not sure if they look really pleased that happened without expecting it.”

"Yeah!" Bunga agreed. “It’s one thing if Pinkie was planning us a surprise party but I think maybe that was a little much, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I don't really think I need to ask permission, darling. Everyone loves surprises, especially when they're gorgeous ones!” She returned thinking otherwise. "In fact we shouldn't even tell anypony that it's me who's behind all the fabulous changes I'll be making! Won't that be a fun little secret for the five of us to share?"

Spike, Beshte, and Bunga all shared concerned looks, "The… five of us?"

"You, me, Bunga, Beshte, and the book, of course." She explained while levitating the book once more before hugging it. "My marvelous, marvelous book!"

It was there Spike began to realize what both Beshte and Bunga were trying to say to them before and that she was now starting to act a little too possessive towards the book and it’s magical properties more than ever.

"…Of course."


“I think maybe you should…”

"Promise me you won't say a word to anypony?" Rarity implored of them.

Spike 'zipped his mouth' and muffled, "You got it!"


“I guess…”

Both Beshte and Bunga replied but before they could try once more to implore her in return to quit playing around with this new and possibly forbidden magic she had already went off ahead to make Ponyville beautiful in her eyes alone.

As soon as Rarity dashed off ahead, Bunga groaned. “Why is it so hard to tell her not to play around with this anymore?!”

“We’ll just have to make her way.” Beshte stated with a resolute tone before the three follow after her.

Elsewhere, Rainbow Dash was working on removing some of the unnecessary clouds from the sky by kicking them away with her rear hoofs.

"Take that! And that!" She giggled while doing it with ease. It was her passion. Just then her fun-filled delight was interrupted when she found herself dressed in a gorgeously designed ball gown much to her shock. "What in the... Get... it... off... me!" She moved and struggled to remove the gown unfitting for cloud busting since it was a heavy hindrance to her job.

Back on the ground, the others minus Rarity who was feeling satisfied were feeling worried for their struggling friend. “I've always thought Rainbow Dash could use a little more glamor, and now look at her! Cloud-busting with style! Moving on!"

Both Beshte and Bunga turned to face each other wondering if they should do something about it while turning to Spike.

“Should we…?”

“You know…?”

They asked while gesturing to the pony having a hard time staying afloat and keep control of her own flying.

"She'll be fine. It's just a dress." He assured before moving to pursue Rarity. "Uh, wait for your favorite dragon!"

Just after Spike had left, both Beshte and Bunga witnessed Rainbow Dash fly and crash onto a roof of a nearby house.


“She’s going to feel that in the morning.”

The two winced before they moved to keep up with both Spike and Rarity.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was currently filling the bird house on one of her trees bird food for one of her robin friends. All while singing… "La la-la la-la la-la la la... There you go, Mr. Robin!"

Said robin emerged from his new house before moving to snack on the food Fluttershy had provided him. "Don't you look so content in your little house–" Suddenly a magical zap appeared right in front of her, and the next thing she sees is her bird house turned into a mansion.

"Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped and the robin chirped now looking lost, She then peeked inside to try to spot out her friend inside to try to help him navigate. "You're lost? No, not that way, that looks like it's the door to a... bedroom. Try that one over there. No, no, that leads to a...Shoe closet? Oh, dear. Maybe try the staircase? Oh, no-no-no, the other staircase."

From afar, Rarity was once more marveling at her latest creation. "Isn't it gorgeous?"

"It's probably the most beautiful birdhouse ever created." Spike admitted though he was more concerned about the bird inside.

"Go on." Rarity pressed for more compliments.

“If said bird is really happy with his new home.” Bunga said.

“Which I’m pretty sure the bird isn’t.” Beshte added.

Rarity scoffed in response to their concerns, "Pfft, what does a bird know about architectural design? What matters is what you all think. And you love it. Don't you?"

The three were slightly intimidated by the smile she gave them into answering.

“Of course I do."

“Same here.”

“Nothing wrong with a little extra beauty here and there.”

"It is, isn't it?" The unicorn smiled in response before hearing the sound of nearby foals laughing. "Ooh!" She galloped ahead with the boys following after her. Before they set off again, Spike got hit on the head by an acorn, courtesy of Owlowisious, glaring down at him from a tree branch.

“You know what he is thinking, don’t you?” Bunga said to the dragon.

Spike nervously gulped in response before leading the others into following after her.

Nearby, a group of young foals were having a birthday party, one that has cake, candy, games, a mariachi band and a funny clown for entertainment.

"Oh, adorable!" Rarity remarked. "But it could use a touch of class, don't you think?"

"Oh yeah, definitely." Spike replied.

But both the Guard’s Strongest and Bravest replied.

“I don’t think that’s necessary.”

“Me neither.”

“Oh, nonsense.” Rarity once more dismissed it before having her horn and eyes glow green once more.

In a flash, the gelatin which the ponies were eating transformed into a stunning swan shaped ice sculpture causing the filly who was trying to get a bite looking on feeling upset. The table of delicious desserts was replaced by fancy party food. The clown had transformed into a fancy waiter, holding a tray of sandwiches. The poor fillies were both confused and upset by this sudden change, but Rarity was far too caught up in seeing of what she views as stunning in her eyes to pay attention that her attempts of doing good were causing more harm than intended.

"This party doesn't even seem to have a proper theme. Let's do something about that, shall we?"

"You've already made things look really really great." Spike quickly said. "Maybe you should stop while you're ahead?"

“Yeah, surely there’s something else you can somewhere else.” Bunga added nervously.

"You're right, Spike! Bunga! There's so much to do elsewhere!"

"Right! Elsewhere…"

“…but maybe you cannot you know…”

"Just one more little thing before we go…" In another green flash of magic, the mariachi band was transformed and replaced into a classy musical orchestra with a violin, a harp and a cello much to the unicorn’s satisfaction. "Why, this party is certain to make the society page now. Won't Pinkie Pie be pleased?"

No sooner than she said it, Pinkie Pie arrived with a birthday cake in tow. “Happy, happy day to– huh?!" She then is left shocked and speechless with what happened while she was away.

Seeing this was enough for Bunga to make his voice and tone clear to Spike. “Hold it!” He barked while grabbing the dragon by the tail to stop him in his tracks.


“Let’s take a look at this.” Bunga gestured to the sad faces at the once happy party. “Does that look like everything is fine to you?”

“Well…it’s pretty good now.”

“Pretty good okay…” Bunga sarcastically remarked. “…never mind she just managed to turn a little filly’s party upside down by making it fancy shmancy for unhappy kids.”

“Okay…” Spike said upon getting a look at Pinkie doing her best to do damage control. “…but on the bright side she’s happy.”

“At least until she tries setting foot in the Pride Lands. Then she’ll really be in trouble when Scar gets her hooves on that creepy magic she’s been using.”

“…okay. I stand corrected. We gotta find a way to fix this.”

“The sooner we get that book away from her, the better.” Beshte said in agreement.

Just after catching up to her again, the unicorn herself was running off her crazed beautification fantasy while walking across Ponyville. “I am simply buzzing with ideas. Simply buzzing!"

Spike looked up to see the owl, still following them and still giving him specifically the death glare from above. He knew he needed to get that book away from Rarity before she does something even more insane even by her standards. "That's great! But, uh, you've been at this for a while now. How 'bout you take a break? Give that brilliant mind of yours a rest?"

"Don't be silly! I'm not going to stop now! Why, I won't stop until every inch of Ponyville and the Pride Lands has benefited from my creative vision!" Just then she madly directed her glowing green eyes at the three boys following her. "Starting with you, Spike along with you two Beshte and Bunga!" Before any one of them could try to protest they find themselves dressed up to her liking.

In a flash, Spike was now dressed in blue jewel encrusted armor, while both Bunga and Beshte were each covered in white and silver jewel encrusted armor themselves. The armor was heavy than even the Guard’s Strongest had difficultly moving in it. But even with her friends discomfort with their armor, Rarity was thr only one further pleased with her own work.

"You all look fabulous!"

"All because of you, heh…" He replied just for her sake because truthfully the armor was just too much for him.

“On the contrary, Rarity, no we do not!” Bunga however stated.

“We don’t really need this armor, Rarity!”

“The only thing that needs help is you!”

"Oh…pfft…” Rarity scoffed once more. “…Anything for my favorite dragon, hippo, and honey badger, my most supportive friends. Come, there's so much more to do!"

Rarity went ahead again, with both Spike and Bunga tumbling and falling on their faces.

“Whoa! Oof!”

“Whoa! Ow!”

“Hold on…” Beshte moved and struggled with his heavy armor before moving to fall on his side so hard that it would shatter upon impact. “Phew! That’s a relief. Like my dad always said live long enough and you’ll see everything and I never thought there would be a day where I’d actually have too much weigh on my shoulders.”

“From what…?” A familiar voice called out to him. “Beshte?”

“Kion!” Bunga exclaimed in surprised fear upon seeing his best friend. If he knew of what was truly going on he would be as mad as Twilight when he called her Scarface along with saying the phrase “Just a test.” to her face.

And speaking of which.

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed in the same fear as the usually brave honey badger. If she found out there’s no question he would be getting an earful for his adoptive mother like figure for his involvement in all of this.

“Ono!” Beshte exclaimed upon seeing him fly above the two leaders of the Guard who is unquestionably investigating the strange spread of magic alongside them but what he saw from the egret was a careful look at both Kion and Twilight’s watchful eyes like he is hiding something from them.

"Oh no, not you too!" Twilight worryingly exclaimed while helping Spike up.

“Kion!” Bunga greeted with a forced smile. “What a surprise seeing you here at this hour! What brings you all here?”

“First of all, Spike…” Twilight began. “…Spike, are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh. Well, judging by that outfit, I thought for sure you'd–"

"What? This? I just wanted to try out a new look." He said before losing his balance again. Luckily for him, Twilight was there to catch him before he could fall. "You like?"

Both Kion and Twilight looked at him suspiciously but decided against pressing the issue.

“Well, in that case, have you guys seen anybody suspicious around?" Twilight asked.

“Because we’ve been getting word of strange magic appearing all over Ponyville just recently.” Kion further explained. “You know streets, trees, carts, buildings, getting turned to gold and silver, and even a kid’s party getting turned into a fancy party meant for adult ponies.”

“You wouldn’t have any idea of what or who’s causing them, huh?” Ono implored of them.

The three shifted eyes towards each other before they all replied.


“Got nothing.”

“Afraid not.”

Kion wasn’t convinced and neither was Twilight.

“Are you sure because I think you’re hiding something?” The latter suspiciously asked.

Before any of them could further insist of their insistence the mayor came trotting up to them urgently. “Princess Twilight, Prince Kion, the gazebo has been turned into solid crystal, and two ponies are now trapped inside its walls!”

“We’re on it!” Kion stated before he, Ono, and the alicorn ran and flew off ahead to deal with it immediately.

After they left Bunga turned to Spike, "Okay, any reason why we didn’t tell them the truth back there?!"

“I thought you were going to tell them." Spike defended.

"Me?! You were the one who that found the book in the first place.”

"But you went along with it!"

"You were the one who willingly ventured through the very dangers to get it! Not me this time!”

“Well you could have talked me out of it!”

"I did try to, but did you listen? No you didn’t! All in the name of impressing the love of your life!"

“What are you talking about?!”

“Don’t try to deny it! Everything even Rarity knows it’s true.”

At this point Beshte didn’t want to see them arguing anymore. “Guys!”

“I do not have a crush on her!”

“Yes you do!”

“Do not!”

“Do too!”

“Guys!” Beshte shouted which got them to stop arguing upon getting surprised by him of all friends to actually yell at them to break up an argument. “Now is not the time for arguing! Now is the time to get that book that’s causing our friend to go crazy before she ends making the same mistake Twilight did!”



Aside from that, both Bunga and Spike were shocked into silence since they never heard Beshte speak to anyone like that before.

“Sorry guys, I shouldn’t have snapped like that.”

“No, no, no, that’s fair…” Bunga then said under his breath briefly. “…somewhat. Regardless if there’s a chance that Twilight and Kion will kill us for this.”

“No!" Spike however tried to insist against. "I made a promise to Rarity to keep this to myself!" The hippo, honey badger, and owl gave him the look in response forcing Spike to admit of what must be done. "But you are right, Owlowiscious. We have to tell. And once we do, I can forget Rarity thinking of me as her most supportive friend... I can forget Rarity thinking of me as a friend at all…"

“…I’m sure it’ll be okay in the end.” Beshte assured otherwise. “I mean sure she and maybe Kion might be a little upset with you but it’s better than her finding out without you telling her the truth. It’s like Applejack and our friends said relationships whether it’s friend’s, girlfriends, and family are nothing without honesty. Rarity needs to know that book is bad for her mental well-being.”

“Yeah!” Bunga agreed. “All we just need to do is get it away from her so she won’t be able to use its magic anymore!" Owlowisious rolled his eyes in response to that “simple” plan.

”Oh, come on, it's the perfect plan!” Spike argued in response to that eye-roll. “We… just have to figure out which way she went."

"I can't see!" A nearby pony complained who along with other nearby ponies were instantly blinded and stunned by the now shimmering gold sidewalks.

"I'm thinking she's headed this way." Bunga said, looking on in that direction while putting on sunglasses so he can properly see the gold before moving to help every pony away from the blinding light obscuring their vision.

Elsewhere, Rarity was giggling manically accompanied with twitchy eyes and a constantly glowing green horn. She stood on the roof of a tall hill, overlooking of what she has done throughout all of Ponyville at the expense of the ponies screaming and crying at the horrendous sight down below.

With her work in this town complete, she prepared to make her way on over to the portal that leads her to Pride Rock so she can do the same there regardless of what Scar will do should she set a hoof in that world.

At the same time, Spike, Bunga, and Beshte made their way slowly towards the unicorn with the former two moving to sneak up on her since they had better stealth due to their size. The two teens kept quiet while Spike tiptoed towards his friend to sneak the book away from her bag. But then…

"What do you think you're doing?!"

Spike retracted his claw when Rarity sharply turned her head towards him. “Uh, me? I was just, uh... basking in your creative radiance."

Rarity calmed down and smiled in response while Bunga tiptoed to the side while she wasn’t looking. "Oh, Spike, you do say the nicest things." Bunga ushered Spike to have him keep flattering her while he takes it out of her saddlebag. “Now where was I? Oh yes! A new golden kingdom for everyone in the Pride Lands that not even Scar himself can stop me from achieving.”

By then Bunga had enough time to snatch the book away from the insane unicorn’s grasp before tossing it to Spike.

“Hey! Give that back!”

Acting quick, Spike breathed fire on it thus disintegrating it into ashes.

“The book!” Rarity screamed upon seeing what he did before moving to glare at the little dragon in front of her. “I need my book, Spike! What have you done with my book?!" She threaten and growled.


“Sorry Rarity but it’s for your own good.” Bunga shouted before leaping onto her back while pulling on her mane so he can ride her like a horse. “Zuka Zama!”

“Ow! Not my mane! Get off!” She screamed while shaking her head trying to get the honey badger literally out of her mane. So far Bunga’s attempts at riding her were successful until another green flash appeared with the honey badger now finding himself wrapped up in a gold and diamond encrusted straight-jacket.

“What the…? But how?! The book is gone!"

Rarity’s anger vanished when she realized this.. "But, wait... I don't seem to need it anymore, do I? Yes… yes...! I can feel its magic flowing within me now! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!"

“I’m so scared.” Spike commented at the sight of Rarity working her new magic causing her horn to glow green yet again.

Still relishing in her work she proceeded to head on towards the Pride Lands she moved on towards the portal on the horizon. “My work here in nearly complete. And soon, the rest of the world--nay--both the Pride Lands and Equestria will be touched by my creative brilliance! Ooh, I'm thinking we go by chariot! Or, as everyone will soon be calling them, "Rariot"!" She proceeded to work her magic in summoning said chariot in an instant. "Oh, the places we'll go! Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Canterlot! Big Springs, Mizimu Grove, Kilio Valley, heck even the Outlands will benefit from my new creative touches I have to offer! And there you'll be by my side, just as you've always been, your constant praise and adoration driving me to even greater heights, until there isn't an inch of both worlds that hasn't been utterly transformed by my creative genius!"

Just then she worked her magic in giving both Beshte and Bunga styling diamond outfits that are literally weighing them down to the ground leaving to Spike himself to take action. Upon seeing the damage and harm she was doing and unable to see another friend descend into madness had him decide he needed to act while he still can.


"What did you say?" Rarity hissed back threateningly.

"I said 'no'." Spike asserted. "You've been changing things, but you haven't been making them better. I should have told you the truth at the very beginning, but I didn't because I was trying to be a supportive friend."

“Me too!” Beshte added as he confessed. “I went along with it because I too felt like it didn’t matter as long as you were happy. I didn’t think you would go even more insane than before.”

“And I was only trying to help you out of your depression too.” Bunga added. “And here I too let things get out of control even though I had the feeling that it was bad news when you started getting too attached to that spell book.”

“And instead, we let you become something awful." Spike added.

“And for that we’re sorry.” Bunga finished.

"Awful?" Rarity's eyes widen when she heard those words.

Her eyes turned green completely before finding her body rising from the ground. When that happened the green glow was expelled from her eyes and went away and vanished into thin air and after that she found herself floating back down to the ground now free from the spell. The influence she was under went away but not without leaving the unicorn feeling woozy from the experience.

"Ugh… what happened?"

"Rarity! You're okay?" Spike asked to make sure she’s really okay.

"I… I think so…" She turned her attention to what happened around her along with what she did to her friends. “…though by the looks of it, something quite terrifying has happened to Ponyville."

"You happened." Bunga explained while falling to his side due to the jewel outfit he is stuck in.


It was there Spike realized something. "The last part of the spell! Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free."

"The spell took over you, and you wanted to change everything in Equestria and later the Pride Lands." Beshte explained.

“I tried to give the Pride Lands a dreadful makeover?!”

“Not really!” Bunga shook his head. “We managed to stop you before you could even head over there. Although…none of this would have happened had we been more honest about it right from the start.”

“Yeah…” Spike scratched the side of his arm. “…Truthfully, I was afraid to tell you how I really felt about it, but then I... I told you the truth."

“Sorry we didn’t speak up sooner, Rarity?” Beshte added.

"Oh, Spike, Bunga, Beshte, you should never be afraid to tell me the truth. We're friends, remember?" Rarity embraced her friends in response to assure that all is forgiven and that they are all still friends like peas in a pod.

“Great!” Bunga happily said. “Although…” He shifted his eyes towards the surrounding jewels around their bodies.

“Oh, yes of course!” Rarity proceeded to focus hard on what kind of magic she used so she can figure out how to reverse it though of course when she does this means that Kion and Twilight are going to find out and be sure to give the boys an earful for not saying something from the being too.

With the true source of magic, dark magic uncovered being responsible for all the changes to Ponyville, Twilight with Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Kyoga's help they all worked to remove all of the dark magic Rarity had unleashed all throughout town. The unicorn herself helped out too since she felt the need to atone for causing the mess in the first place taking the alicorn’s example in owning up to her past actions. Kion and Ono assisted them with the strong Pride Landers willing to help out with the heavy lifting in regards to the trash pickup leftover from all of the dark magic left behind.

Meanwhile, Spike took the time to write this lesson learned down in the group friendship journal with Beshte and Bunga looking over his shoulder.

"Today I learned how important it is to be honest with your friends when they're doing something that you don't think is right. A true friend knows that you're speaking up because you care about them."

“Nicely said.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.”

The two complimented.


The three were currently located at the lake just outside of Ponyville where they are all just sitting back and letting the storm clear up before they set foot back in town.

“So…uh…” Bunga started while twiddling his fingers. “…how much longer until it’s safe to go back to Ponyville?”

“Oh, probably best to wait it out for the rest of the day.” Spike advised. “I figure once Twilight and Kion take the time to calm down and move on from it we should be safe by the morning.”

“But you know we are going to see them sooner or later and they will talk about the next time we see them.” Beshte pointed out.

“Of course. I just felt it was best to play it safe for now. Especially since Twilight’s still getting used to no longer having her scar bug her into screaming at us for pressing her buttons."

“I know.” Bunga laughed. “She’s just like Kion! Both fierce, determined to succeed, sometimes without thinking things through, along with having a fiery attitude towards those who wronged them.”

“Bunga!” Spike laughed back. “Don’t joke like that! Even though they both can pretty scary when angry! If either one of them being mad was bad enough, imagine the two of them mad at us at the same time looking right at us.”

At that moment Beshte who was finding it pretty amusing stopped before speaking up to try to tell them something upon spotting something right behind them.

“Uh, Spike...Bunga...”

But the two were too caught to what their friend was trying to say to them.

“I know! But then again what do we have to be afraid of?” Bunga further said already entertaining himself to even fully notice what's going on around him. “They’re both busy cleaning up our mess and by the time they’re done they’re probably going to want to sleep for the rest of the day instead of going all…”

”Spike! Bunga!”

“Yeah like that Spike! Thank you! Perfect Twilight voice!”

Both blinked and widen their eyes in shock knowing that she along with Kion and Ono are all standing right behind them with messy hair and angry exhausted expressions having heard every word they just said. And needless to say, none of them were very happy right now with all of them looking very cross with them.


“Hold on…hold on…” Bunga spoke up with raised arms before raising an arm for a better feel of who’s behind them with his back turned. “Let’s see here…” He feels Kion’s paws and Twilight’s hooves who both blinked in confusion for a second. “…yellow fur…lavender coat…red mane, black mane…Yep that’s them!” Bunga tried to make a mad dash for it only to be frozen in place by Twilight’s magic and levitated and forced to face her along with Kion and Ono.

Spike moved to turn around where both he and Bunga both sheepishly grinned at the three to try to lighten the mood to no avail since they were all still giving them the look.

"Never, ever, ever, ever take another book out of the library at the castle without asking!” Twilight scolded the two with a glare. “Princess Cadance and Princess Luna have much better things to do than help me clean up Ponyville! Do you have any idea how hard it was to reverse that much dark magic?!"

“Very.” Ono replied while rapidly blinking. “Ugh. So much staring into bright light. I can barely see now.”

“At least you didn’t have to go picking up jewels everywhere around.” Kion remarked while shaking his claws to remove the remaining bits out of them. “Ugh, I can’t believe we had to clean up all of that."

“I know and I’m so sorry I did all of that.” Rarity approaching from behind apologized with a messy mane too. “I really don’t know what got into me when I did all of that.”

“Considering all of that dark magic running through your mind, it sure was overwhelming you into not thinking straight.” Kion noted.

“More so then she could control.” Twilight said sensing that her unicorn friend truly didn’t have control with it.

“Well what’s important is that you’re all right.” Kion assured with a smile with the unicorn likewise smiling back at him along with Twilight.

Their smiles turned to frowns when they directed their attention back towards the three friends in front of them specifically Spike and Bunga. "But as for you two…”

“Now Twilight…” Spike nervously backed away slightly back towards the edge of the lake. “…I know you’re mad but please there’s no need to kill us.”

Twilight giggled in response. “Oh, Spike. What makes you think I’m going to kill you?”

“Then what are you going to do?” Bunga asked still suspicious of whatever tricks she has up her hooves.

Twilight turned to Kion who likewise shared the same devious smile before the former levitated a giant mud ball with her magic.

“Oh no.”

“Uh oh.”

“Brace yourselves.”

Suddenly they find themselves completely splattered with mud along with Ono who had no time to fly away in time.

The only ones not covered in mud are both leaders of the Guard along with Beshte and Rarity courtesy of Twilight’s magic dome levitated over the four with the lion cub riding on her back.

“And for the record Ono…” Twilight said in his direction. “…you should always feel free to tell us should you know the first sign of trouble.”

“You mean…”

“Yes, Ono. We know.”

“Aw, man.” He grumbled seeing that his attempt to keep quiet backfired on him spectacularly.

"You look terrible." Spike said, making the egret glare at him, "What? I'm just being honest! It's what good friends do!"

Ono rolled his eyes in response while he, Bunga, Ono, and Spike all move to get themselves cleaned up in the lake while both Twilight and Kion watch on satisfied that they all learned their lesson…

…at the same time Scar watches over them with locked eyes and a sinister grin with Ushari and the two skinks standing before him. “Indeed they do…” He moves to turn towards another dark figure in the shadows hiding inside Pride Rock. “…and you will help us big time for the next part of our plan…”

“…Yes…” He said with his glowing green and purple eyes focused when Scar presents an image of the Crystal Empire where the Equestrian Games are set to be held.

“And I thank all three of you for your success these last two days.” Scar congratulated towards the three reptiles.

“Certainly our pleasure, Scar.” Ushari bowed on behalf of him and his allies.

“And we sure look forward to what’s to come for the next few days.”

“Especially since they don’t know what’s coming their way thanks to our gullible little book borrowers.”

“Indeed they don’t…” Scar nodded as he looks on at the Crystal Empire from the direction towards the portal from afar. “…because what they didn’t realize throughout all of that chaos going on while the princesses were distracted is that I managed to have the means of recruiting another ally that’ll help power us to victory…” He turns back towards the cave. “…isn’t that right, Sombra…”

“Yes…crystal clear…” He said while emerging his head from the shadows before joining Scar’s side at the edge of Pride Rock looking on the horizon eagerly waiting for the games to come so they can further accelerate their endgame together.

Author's Note:

In this episode, both Spike and Bunga are going above and beyond when Rarity has sunk into another one of her depression episodes after rough criticism on her most latest client for the upcoming Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair. By that they were willing to obtain a mysterious book surrounded with an eerie green glow that should have raised some red flags at this point.

Needless to say, there were foreseeable consequences that followed afterwards in the following two days with more friendship lessons that Spike, Bunga, Beshte, and Rairty all learned themselves, and of course the unforeseeable consequences which paves way for something even worse to come.

With the Equestrian Games on the horizon, the heroes are about to get the surprise of their life and some more while they're at it and none of them even know it.

Something they'll come in the upcoming penultimate episode of this season later on in the month so stay tuned...

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