• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 2: The Mysterious Creature

It had been an interesting week for the people of Canterlot.

After the all out alien invasion, they now knew the identity of the heroes that had been saving them for so long. Flash Sentry had become a name that everyone knew and whilst several individuals were still a little suspicious of him and his Omnitrix, most of the city had come to respect and admire Flash for everything he did.

But the biggest change had to be the new building that was currently being built in a large empty sector of the city that hadn't had any plans for it in a while.

This building would soon be the place where earth's protectors, the plumbers, would be stationed.

Despite there only being two of them on earth, the building was being built with the expectation of their being dozens if not hundreds of plumbers in the near future. But right now, it was only a construction sight that had yet to take actual form.

The rest of the city was starting to get back to normal.

Whilst the buildings had been repaired, anything inside them had not been so lucky. So many of the people who either lived or worked in these buildings were forced to replace everything that had been lost whilst getting rid of the destroyed objects. That was where we find a bunch of men, who had been hired to do just that.

One of them was pushing a wheelbarrow of damaged office chairs towards a large truck, that would haul the stuff away to be safely recycled. "How many more floors do we have to do again?"

"As many as we can," another replied as he started emptying the stuff into the truck. "The sooner we get everything out, the sooner the people that work here can start making money again." The guy sighed as they went back inside, whilst another man walked across the street to a nearby hotdog stand.

He bought said hotdog and licked his lips, wanting to look forward to this as he prepared to take a bite. But as he did, a shadow of something large flew over him. He looked up, but couldn't see anything. "Huh?" He prepared to eat his hotdog again, but the shadow returned. And this time, it stayed.

The man looked up and saw something flying down towards him, causing him to scream as he saw it was big and covered in sharp claws. The last thing he heard before everything went blank, was a loud squawk.

Back at the construction sight of the plumber base, a smaller but still large metal building was standing.

This was Azmuth's portable lab, where the galvin could do his experiments no matter what planet he was on. And inside, the galvin was hard at work tinkering with the Omnitrix. As such, Flash was sitting there letting Azmuth work on the device strapped to his arm.

"That should do it," Azmuth then spoke as he finished doing whatever he was doing. "The locking mechanism is in place. But are you sure you want this?"

"Yes," Flash nodded. "This isn't like it was before. I can't go making mistakes that might stop people from trusting me." As he said that, the doors of the lab opened up.

Trixie and the Rainbooms had arrived, having had to stay back at school due to extra-curricular activities. "Hey," Trixie saw Azmuth had been fiddling with the Omnitrix. "Is something wrong?"

"No," Azmuth told her. "I've just added a feature Flash requested." This surprised the girls, who turned to Flash as he stood up.

"I asked Azmuth if he could fix the problem I've been having. Changing into the wrong alien." The girls instantly understood what he was getting at. "But apparently, he can't."

Azmuth nodded. "Yes, it's an issue I've had with it from the start. Likely an issue with its base software. I'll need to try and fix them in the next model."

"Next model?" Twilight looked confused, "I thought you said you couldn't make another Omnitrix for a long time?"

"I just said that to stop those other leaders from demanding their own. I could make another one if I wanted, but it would still be difficult. Besides, the Omnitrix Flash has is only a prototype. If I'm going to make another Omnitrix, I won't insult myself by trying to make it exactly the same. I'll improve it."

They all nodded, getting what he was saying. "So," Sunset turned to Flash, "what was he doing? If he wasn't fixing that problem, what was he doing to the Omnitrix?"

"Adding a locking mechanism," Flash explained. "If I can't stop myself from accidently changing into the wrong alien, I can at least stop myself from becoming something dangerous."

Azmuth nodded, "this new system will allow him to lock himself out of a particular transformation. That way, even if he does mistransform, he won't become the alien that's locked away. And if he does want to become that alien, he simply has to unlock it using a code he inputs."

"So how many aliens are you locking up?" Rainbow asked.

"Just one. Way Big." The others thought back to that particular alien and knew just how powerful it could be. "Remember when I took out those bank robbers. Back then, the Omnitrix turned me into U-Reek-Ah. But what if it had turned me into Way Big?" They quickly imagined the event of Flash crashing through the roof of the bank and likely crushing everyone inside.

"Good point," Rarity nodded. "Best to lock that one away until you really need it?"

"How does the lock work?" Applejack asked, as the others started looking around Azmuth's lab.

"Simple," Azmuth replied. "When he picks that alien, a screen will come up that needs seven digits. Only after he types it in will he be able to unlock the alien."

"Yup," Flash finished typing it in. "The old birthday's a good seven digits." The lock became activate and now, Way Big was no longer a possible accident.

"However, Flash won't be able to transform into the to'kustar whilst in alien form. He'll have to turn human and unlock it. So remember that when you feel you need it." Flash nodded as Pinkie picked something up.

"Oooow. What's this?" Azmuth saw the device she was holding and gasped.

"Put that down!" Pinkie did so. "And none of you touch anything. The objects in this lab are dangerous in the wrong hands. I doubt any of you will want to explode or turn yourselves inside out." The Rainbooms quickly shuffled away from the devices in the room. Azmuth sighed, wishing he hadn't made this lab easy to get into. "Anyway, Flash. I also took the liberty of adding a few more functions to the Omnitrix."

"You did?"

"Well, these were functions I've been meaning to upload to it for a while. If you recalibrated the Omnitrix regularly, I could have done it then. But the one time you did, I wasn't ready." Flash looked sheepish at this, "you should recalibrate the Omnitrix every month or so. That way, it'll be able to evolve along with you as you grow."

"Got it. It won't cause me to lose any of my aliens though, right?"

"Only if the recalibration is big enough. If you didn't use the Omnitrix for a few years, the recalibration needed to keep it working would probably reset the aliens back to ten new ones." Flash gulped, deciding he would definitely be recalibrating the Omnitrix from now on. "Anyway, I've added two new features. First is the vocalisation feature. That'll allow the Omnitrix to tell you if there is a problem." That surprised him. "Second is the long range scan function."

"Long range?" Flash thought about that, "you mean the yellow setting?"

"Yes. Previously, the Omnitrix needed physical contact in order to scan a DNA sample and unlock it. Now, you can do it at a distance. Whenever you see an alien you wish to become, activate the yellow setting and point it at whatever you wish to scan."

"Got it!"

"Cool," Rainbow smirked. "With those new functions and your ability to switch between aliens, being a hero's gonna be a snap." Flash wanted to be humble, but he had to agree with Rainbow.

"Now you just need something bad to happen so you can stop it," Sunset pointed out.

Flash sighed, since the last few days had been rather quiet since the bank robbery. "Typical. I finally get permission to be a superhero and nothing needing one happens."

"At least it gives you more time to work on your image," Trixie smirked. "Hey, I had an idea for something you can do." Flash raised an eyebrow. "Whenever you transform, you should yell out the name of the alien you become."


"Why not? It would be awesome! Think about it. You're facing down a crook and suddenly, you transform into a giant rhino and yell out Riot-Horn!" She made her voice super lower when she said that, "it'll terrify your opponent and let everyone you're saving know who's come to their rescue."

Flash had to admit, that actually sounded cool. "Hmmm, maybe I will give that a try." As he said that, the Omnitrix beeped to signal he had gotten a call from someone with the Omnitrix's number. And that could only be one person. "What's up, Shining?" Flash answered the way Azmuth had shown him.

"Flash, get down town. Something's attacking everything down there and it's either alien or magical." Flash didn't need to be told anything else, hanging up and nodding towards the girls. They nodded back and everyone rushed out of the lab.

Azmuth watched them leave, interested how things would play out.

Flash and the Rainbooms flew down the street in their vehicles, Trixie flying above them in her Sky Butterfly form.

Twilight was next to Flash, fiddling with something on her glasses. "Azmuth, you seeing this?" The galvin had shown Twilight some of his best inventions over the last few days, Twilight eager to learn about alien tech from someone who actually knew what they were doing. One of the inventions had been a super tiny camera, one of which Twilight had anchored to her glasses so that anything she saw was recorded.

"Everything's coming in clearly." He stated over the phone. "Not bad for your first time working with this device. There might be a little galvin in you." Twilight smiled as Flash turned a corner into the street that was under attack.

As he did, they found the place was a serious reck. Buildings were missing plains of glass, cars were overturned and large claw marks could be seen all over the place. "What happened here?" Fluttershy asked, as Flash pulled up and stopped along with Applejack's truck and Rainbow's bike.

They got out as Trixie flew down and landed next to them, the nine of them searching for any sign of the creature that Shining had called about.

Speaking of Shining, he rolled up on his hard-light quad-bike and stopped right in front of them. "You're here," Shining got off it. "Any sign of the creature?"

"Nope. We thought you were fighting it."

"No, but I got a call about it at the precinct." Despite no longer being a member of the police force, Shining would still be working there until the base was completed. "Be on the lookout. It can't have gotten far." They all split up and started searching the area, Flash going down a street as he spotted several people in one of the buildings next to him.

Two of them happened to be a news crew, who were doing a story on the rebuilt city when this all happened.

"Flash Sentry!" the reporter rushed out, holding her microphone. "What have you done to deal with this creature's sudden appearance?"

"Um?" Flash still wasn't used to the whole being famous thing, "I just arrived. But I'm on the lookout for this creature." He turned to the people, "can any of you tell me what it was that attacked you?" They all looked scared, but one man stepped forward.

"It was a terrifying monster. Big, with wings and giant claws. And it let out a loud sound that was like getting hit by a bus." Flash wondered what it could be, only for someone else to yell out.

"LOOK!" Flash spun around and saw something flying through the sky, heading right towards them.

It appeared to be a fusion of a man, bird and lion. It was humanoid in shape, but its bottom half was that of a feline of some kind. Its stomach, legs and feet were covered in brown fur with the feet having cat-like paws and a long tail that appeared to be that of a lion's. Its top half was green and appeared more bird-like, being covered in feathers with a large green head that had yellow feathers on the top that were shaped like a mohawk.

Its arms were green up until halfway between its hands and elbow, the rest being yellow bird feet with a three claws pointing one way and the fourth pointing the other. A pair of large green wings were sticking out of its back, with some of the feathers being yellow. Its beak was yellow whilst its tail tip and the area of its lion knees were green.

The beast shot down and as it did, it took a deep breath before unleashing a high pitched scream. One that caused a blast of force to explode out of its mouth. The sonic blast flew down and hit the ground, causing it to explode as it flew towards them.

"Everybody move!" Flash screamed, pushing the reporter away before diving out of the way as the debris flew passed him. At that moment, Twilight and Sunset arrived on the scene.

"What is that thing?" Sunset asked, Twilight steadying her camera as the bird lion combo flew around.

"Azmuth, are you getting this?"

"I am," Azmuth replied. "But I've never seen anything like this creature before."

Twilight turned to Sunset, "anything you know from Equestria?"

Sunset shook her head, "no. But it looks familiar." As she said that, Flash pushed himself back to his feet and looked up at the creature. It flew down and landed on a nearby lamppost, crouching as it glared at them all.

"Alright," Flash activated the Omnitrix, "I'm sure Firefly can singe those feathers of yours!" He slapped the dial down, but nothing happened. "Huh?" He looked down, as the watch didn't work. "Come on!" He tried again, but the device refused to activate. Then, it did something he wasn't expecting.

"Uncatalogued DNA detected!" It spoke in his voice, "function not available. Please stand by."

"What?" Flash tried again, but it just repeated the statement. "Azmuth, what did you do?" Azmuth heard this and was also intrigued, the creature continuing to stare at them for a moment.

Then, its entire body started thrashing about and it leapt into the air before shooting down towards Flash.

"Gyah!" Flash dived to the ground to avoid getting slashed at by its claws, whilst Twilight used her magic to throw the debris towards the beast.

It managed to fly around, avoiding the incoming rocks before unleashing a sonic blast towards the girls.

Both were blasted back and knocked flying to the ground, making those watching gasp as they looked back to see Flash still fiddling with the Omnitrix. "Come on!" He hit the watch, but it refused to work.

In that moment, Trixie and Shining arrived with the others close behind. They saw Flash seemed to be having trouble and Shining started blasting the creature, whilst Trixie charged with her rapier. But before she could get close, the beast unleashed a sonic blast and knocked her backwards.

"Come on!" Flash cried, "WORK!" The Omnitrix repeated the statement before suddenly turning yellow, surprising Flash as the dial then popped up and unleashed a yellow beam that flew towards the creature. As it did, it morphed into a yellow line of light that hit the beast. It moved up and down, going over its entire body before finally stopping.

Once that was done, the dial moved back down. "Unknown DNA sample acquired," the watch stated. "Scan complete."

"Huh?" Flash tried it and the Omnitrix popped up, finally working. "Yes!" He brought up the alien of choice and slammed the dial down, a green flash of light filling the street before the alien appeared. "Firefly!" He cried out, just like Trixie suggested.

The creature squawked and dived towards him, Firefly quickly thrusting his hands forward to unleash a blast of fire towards it. But the beast fired the sonic blast and the wall of sound blocked the flames, knocking them back towards him.

"WOW!" He closed his eyes to keep the smoke out, as the flames passed over him without causing any problems. And when he opened his eyes he saw the bird charging towards him. He ducked to avoid getting his face cut in half before spitting his silk thread into its chest, the bird noticing this as Firefly prepared to fly around it and tie it up.

But as he did just that, the bird slashed its claws at the silk and cut it off.

It then spun around and unleashed another sonic blast, Firefly dodging it only for the attack to hit the building behind him. The same building the people were watching the fight from. As such, the impact caused much of the building to be ripped apart and start falling to the ground.

"Oh no!" Twilight had recovered from the earlier blast and quickly used her magic to catch as much debris as possible. But she couldn't get it all.

Firefly flew down and hit the watch, a flash of light revealing his change in alien. "Arctiguana!" He landed and quickly unleashed a blast of ice towards the building, hitting the pieces falling to the ground and freezing them to the side of the structure. He then created several ice sections that froze the building in place, stopping it from falling apart. "Get the people out of there!"

Rainbow used her super speed and started grabbing several individuals, Rarity creating crystal shields to do the same whilst the others simply helped direct those who were scared to a place they could stay safe.

As this was happening, Shining continued to train his blaster on the creature. But it seemed to decide it was bored of this and flew off, Shining trying to blast it but missing. Trixie wanted to fly after it, but didn't want to get hit by that sonic blast.

Once the last of the people were safely out of the building, Arctiguana froze it in several more places. The weather was getting colder outside, so the ice should remain long enough for someone to make the building structurally secure.

"Thank you." An old woman told Pinkie, who smiled at her as the ice lizard finished his work before returning to human form.

"Flash Sentry?" The reporter moved over to him, "would you like to explain why it was you didn't transform right away? That creature almost killed you and all of use."

"Well," Flash scratched his head, "the Omnitrix...well."

"The watch you use to transform wasn't working correctly," the woman replied. "Many people were led to believe you understood everything about that device. Is this not true?" Flash really didn't like this. He wanted to know everything, but there was a lot to learn.

But the most important thing to worry about was what the heck that creature was. And where had it gone?

In a dark area, the creature was hiding in an abandoned building.

It was panting, as it flapped its wings to help it fly through the place and move from rafter to rafter. But as it did, its body suddenly jerked as a burst of pain raced through its body. This caused it to miss the rafter beam and make its wings freeze up, the beast falling to the ground.

Hitting the floor, it rived around in agony and wished it knew why it was there and what was causing it so much pain.

Back at Azmuth's lab, everyone was watching the news as it showed the footage of Flash fiddling with the Omnitrix.

"Well," Flash sighed, "so much for my first official fight going well." He was once against holding his arm up, Azmuth attaching a cable to the Omnitrix that connected it to his computer. "Azmuth, what the heck happened?"

"The Omnitrix was never made for battle," Azmuth replied. "It's original function was to store DNA and protect it in case a species went extinct. When it detected a new form of life, it would lock out all other functions until it acquired the new DNA. And it's not something I can simply take out." Flash frowned, as Twilight stepped up to the computer.

"So that creature was a species that wasn't originally inside the Omnitrix?"

"Exactly," Azmuth nodded. "But it's strange. I was sure I had acquired the DNA of all milky way specimens." As he said that, the computer showed a strand of DNA. Then, it suddenly split into three. "That's strange."


"The DNA appears to be a hybrid of three different strands. And there are genetic markers indicating that it had been artificially aged up. Whatever the creature was, it wasn't naturally born." He started typing away as the DNA strands were scanned. "One of the DNA strands is Loboan, which would explain that sonic attack it used. The second strand appears to be the dominant one, but it's also...unknown. Whatever this creature is, its primary form comes from this unknown DNA strand."

"So there's an alien out there that's part bird and part cat?" Rainbow asked, that statement making Sunset hum.

"What about the last strand?" Shining asked, "what does that come from?"

Azmuth typed away at the computer before his eyes went wide. "It's...human." That statement shocked everyone, the lot of them thinking back to the creature and how savage it had been.

"That thing was human?" Applejack asked.

"Part human. A very minor part. The three DNA strands were coded to give this creature all the benefits of the species used. It's possible the unknown DNA sample wasn't originally humanoid, but the addition of the human cells shifted its body shape."

"Bird...cat...not humanoid," Sunset whispered. Slowly, he mind was putting these pieces together. "A griffon." The others looked at her, "what if the unknown DNA was that of a griffon."

"Griffon?" Flash looked confused, "the mythological creature?"

"Mythological in this world," Sunset explained. "But they exist in large amounts in Equestria."

"What are you saying?" Rarity asked, "that a creature from Equestria has fallen into this world and somehow gotten mixed with the DNA of a human and...whatever that third species is?"

"Of course not," Sunset stated. "But what if someone found a way to go to Equestria and get the DNA of a Griffon? Then brought it back. We know ponies become humans and dragons become dogs. But we don't know what happens to griffons that come to this world. Maybe they don't transform like the others."

"That's a possibility," Azmuth nodded. "And it would explain why the Omnitrix didn't have its DNA."

"Where it came from doesn't matter right now," Shining explained. "For now, we need to focus on capturing that thing before it does any more damage. Whatever it is, it's dangerous." As he said this, Fluttershy had been watching the news footage and saw how the creature acted.

For a moment, it seemed perfectly calm and simply stared at the camera. Then she saw it thrashing about and appeared to be in pain. "What if it's not dangerous?" The others looked at her in shock.

"Fluttershy, that thing tried to rip me to pieces!" Flash told her.

"A dog could do the same thing and we don't consider them dangerous. What if this creature doesn't understand what's going on?" She pointed at the screen, "it looked like it was in pain for a moment. What if it's hurt and just acting out because it's scared?"

"That is possible," Azmuth agreed. "Plus, we're not sure how old this creature is. The genetic markings on the DNA indicate it was aged up. Whilst its body might be that of an adult, its mind could be that of a child. A scared child that might not know where it is."

"So what do you want us to do?" Flash asked, "walk up to it and try to talk it into letting us throw it in a cage somewhere."

"Who said we need a cage," Trixie pointed out. "If it really is a confused kid in pain, maybe we can keep them somewhere un-cagey until we figure out what to do with it." Flash actually liked that idea, but he also knew he shouldn't expect it to be so easy.

"This is all pointless if we can't actually find it," Shining pointed out.

"I might be able to help with that," Azmuth told them. "I programmed my ship to scan the city for any DNA signature that matches the one I placed in the computer. If that creature is as one of a kind as I think it is, it won't be long before-" A loud beep could be heard, indicating the creature had been found. "Ah, there we are."

"You found it?" Applejack asked, Azmuth nodding.

"Alright," Flash turned to Shining and Trixie. "Let's go. The three of us will try and bring it in without hurting it. Taking too many of us might make this thing feel like it's being ganged up on." They nodded and all headed out of the lab, the others having to sit around and wait to see what happens.

The three took Flash's car, the lot of them heading to the coordinates that Azmuth sent them. As they drove, Trixie turned on the radio and regretted it the moment she did.

"And as you can see, Flash Sentry is simply standing there doing nothing whilst this creature attacks. He's meant to be our city's protector, but he didn't do anything." Flash groaned as he tried to keep his attention on the road.

"I don't think that's fair. Flash Sentry is still young. It's clear he just panicked due to the danger of the situation." Flash wasn't sure if that was worse or not. "From what we know, Flash has no formal training. He should have received some form of combat training before being sent into the field"

"Combat training? I've fought a bunch of different aliens and villains that required way more fighting skill then the police probably teach." Shining decided to turn off the radio. "This sucks. My rep is shot."

"So you messed up," Trixie shrugged. "So what? Just keep trying and you'll eventually show everyone what you can really do."

"She's right," Shining told her. "Things are different now. You'll have to get over people constantly trying to find fault with everything you do. It's human nature for people to look at someone well known and try to find anything that makes them look less perfect. Now you can either keep moaning about it, or work to improve yourself so you make less and less of these mistakes."

Flash sighed, "can I moan about it whilst working to improve myself?"


"Then that's what I pick," he stated as they turned into the area that had the creature inside of it. Said area was full of different factories, Shining using his badge to call Azmuth who was watching the signal of the Omnitrix and DNA signature.

"Alright, it should be right ahead of you." They stopped and stared at one of the factories, the lot turning to one another and nodding.

"Let me handle this," Flash told the pair. "Three might be too many and scare it. I'll head in and if you think I'm in trouble, come help."

"Alright," Shining activated his plumber suit. "Just be careful." Flash nodded back as Trixie put on her Luna Cat mask, Flash stepping towards the building and activating the Omnitrix.

Dialing up his alien of choice, he slapped it down and a bright flash of light surrounded him. "Volt-Edge!" He roared when the light faded, surprising the other two.

"I like that you're taking my advice," Trixie smirked. "But who was that announcement for?"

"Nobody. Just trying to make it more of a reflex." Volt-Edge headed inside the factory, his alien vision allowing him to see in the dark building as he tried to find it. "Here birdy," he whispered. "You in here?" He got further and further into the building, which was full of all machinery and other bits and bobs that looked like they were from the industrial revolution. "Nobody's gonna hurt you."

In that moment, he heard movement coming from above him. He went on guard and was ready to fight, but held back the lightning. He scanned the rafters and eventually, he spotted the source of the movement as it jumped around.

"There you are." He stood still and watched as the bird, lion, man hybrid flew around. "You can come out. I know you're there." The beast flew down and landed atop a piece of machinery.

The two aliens stared at one another, Volt-Edge staying calm whilst the hybrid let out a intimidating screech.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk." The creature stared at him, seeing the alien wasn't doing anything to warrant fear. "My name is Flash Sentry. I know what you are and that you were created. I don't know why, but I want to help you." He carefully moved towards the bird, who got ready to attack. "I don't want to hurt you. Please, just let me help you. If something's wrong, we'll do whatever we can to fix it."

The beast continued to glare at him, but its features softened slightly.

"Do...do you have a name?" The creature tilted its head, "a name. Something to be called by." He gestured to himself, "I'm Flash. Do you go by something?" Appearing to understand him, the creature shook its head. "Okay...let me think." He looked around, hoping he might have some idea. Then, he spotted a plastic bag that was being blown around by a gentle breeze coming in from outside. "How about...Drift?" He turned to it, "does that sound like a good name?"

The creature chirped a few times before doing something he hadn't expect. It spoke. "Dra...dra...Drift." Volt-Edge was shocked, but realised this creature's DNA came from three species that could obviously talk. Of course it could do the same.

"Right. Drift. Do you like that name?" The bird nodded, Volt-Edge smiled and slowly stepped forward. "I want to help you. Let me take you someplace we can keep you safe. I promise, you'll like it there." The creature appeared to understand this and as Volt-Edge held up a claw, it held its claws out to do the same.

But before it could accept, the creature clutched its neck and screamed as it appeared to suddenly be in pain.

"Wow!" Volt-Edge leapt back, "what's going on?" The hybrid screamed loud enough to create an explosion of sound, which rocketed towards Volt-Edge and made him cry out as he was blasted back.

Drift fired its sonic blasts again and again, hitting the walls and ceiling and blowing holes in them. This caught the attention of Flash's teammates, who all rushed in as Shining turned his weapon into a stun gun. They quickly spotted Volt-Edge as he stood up, whilst Drift flew around and blasted everything.

"Freeze!" Shining started firing, but the hybrid dodged every one. Trixie quickly used the power of her Medallion and caused a bunch of metal walls to appear around Drift, trying to make it think it had nowhere to go so Shining could get a better shot.

"I hate to do this," Volt-Edge launched the lightning as well. The electricity helped keep Drift in place, allowing Shining to get a shot.

"Now I got you!" He fired, but the hybrid acted as he did and let out a sonic squawk.

The sound blast struck the energy bullet and caused it to explode, making it rain energy upon the ground as Drift began to constantly unleash the sound blast. As it did, it spun around and started carving through the walls.

"Stop!" Volt-Edge cried, "you're gonna bring the entire building down!" But Drift didn't listen and pointed its beak upwards, the sound blast hitting the roof and ripping right through it. As he did, the building started shaking to show it was no longer able to support its own wait.

Drift flew up and as he did, the building collapsed on top of the three. It flew through the ceiling and escaped, flying into the sky as it continued to scream in pain.

The factory was now a complete mess, now nothing more then a pile of rubble that was throwing dust into the air. And as the dust slowly started the settle, something appeared out of the rubble.

A crystal spike, which grew upwards before splitting into four and dividing. As it did, Diamondhead was revealed to be inside along with Shining and Trixie.

"Wow," Shining panted, "that was too close."

"Yeah," Trixie turned to Diamondhead, "thanks for the save." The alien nodded before looking around. "Did it get away?"

"Yeah," Diamondhead nodded, "but Azmuth should be able to track it." He thought back to what had happened before and nodded, "Fluttershy's right. Drift is smart, but stunted." The pair wondered who Drift was, "and I think there's something wrong with him. He was about to accept my offer, but something happened that drove him crazy."

"So this isn't just a capture mission," Shining realised. "It's a rescue mission."

"But how are we supposed to stop it?" Trixie asked, as Flash turned himself back to human. "Even if we want to help it, we're gonna need to fight it to capture it. How do we stop it without hurting it?" Shining was wondering the same thing, whilst Flash thought about it. Then, an idea formed in his head.

"I know what we've gotta do."

Drift flew through the air, as the sun was starting to set.

His mind was barely making complex thoughts, the pain he was feeling causing his instincts to kick in and preventing him from doing anything but preserve everything around it as a threat. As such, when it flew through a street it saw the people on the ground and started firing its sonic attacks.

The people screamed and ran for their lives, as the beast shot down and landed on a car roof hard enough to bend it and break the glass.

A police officer was nearby and rushed over, pulling its gun which he pointed at the bird lion hybrid.

Drift saw this and unleashed his sonic blast, knocking the cop flying backwards and bursting his eardrums. The man fell towards mailbox and would have broken his back, had Lady Masquerade now flown in and caught him before he could.

Now in her Sky Butterfly form, the masked hero flew him over to a safe spot and put him down. "Get to safety!" She cried, though he didn't hear a thing as she flew back towards the hybrid. As she did, Flash's car swerved around the corner as he and Shining rod inside.

The creature glared at them and launched another sonic blast, but Shining was one step ahead and pointed his blaster out of the window. The blaster had morphed into a megaphone-shaped device, which fired out its own sonic attack. The two slammed into one another and both completely vanished, as Flash pulled his car to a stop.

The pair got out, as Trixie flew behind Drift. Hopefully, she could keep him from flying away again. "How's it looking?" Flash asked Shining, who checked his weapon.

"Counter frequencies working perfectly. Good thing I was able to get a recording of its sonic attack." They stared at the creature, who beat its wings to hover in place. "Now what exactly is your plan? Just know, you've got a lot of people watching you."

Flash looked around and saw he was right. Many people had taken cover, many with their phones out waiting for him to go alien. "I'm not gonna transform if I can help it," Flash explained. "Drift needs to see I'm not a threat." He slowly walked forward, the hybrid staring at him as he did so. "Hey. Remember me? I'm the one who gave you the cool name."

Drift chirped as he stared at him, appearing to recognise him.

"Come on. You've gotta fight whatever's hurting you. I can't help if you attack me again." Drift slowly floated towards the ground, landing as he folded his wings in. "Come on. Show me what hurts." The bird slowly shifted to show his neck, Flash seeing some kind of lump on said neck. Something was under it. "That's not good. But I'm sure my friends can get it out. You just need to hold on long enough for us to do so."

Everyone was watching and was amazed, as Flash held up a hand and placed it on the creature's head.

Many were worried Flash would get his hand bitten or cut off, but Drift was able to stay calm. "See. Now let's get you-" He didn't get to finish, as the hybrid suddenly screamed in pain. "WOW!" Flash leapt back, as Drift grabbed his neck and keeled over in pain.

"Flash!" Shining told him, "whatever's hurting him isn't gonna stop. And it's clearly too painful for him to block out."

"He's gonna rampage again!" Trixie cried, but Flash wasn't gonna let that happen.

"Alright!" Flash activate the Omnitrix, "time to end this!" He slammed the dial down and in a burst of green light, he transformed into an alien nobody expected him to become. "Pesky Dust!" The fairy alien fluttered around and let out a girly giggle.

"Huh?" Shining and Trixie tilted their heads, unable to believe he had transformed into that alien. At first, they thought he had accidently gotten the wrong alien. But then, Pesky Dust smirked and flew over to Drift without a second of hesitation. "What are you doing?" Shining cried, only for Pesky Dust to start waving his hands around.

Doing so caused the sparkly fog to appear, which flew over to Drift and surrounded his head. "That's it," he told him as his eyes went droopy. "Go to sleep and dream pleasant dreams. We'll fix you up whilst you do." Shining and Trixie both realised what Flash was doing and both thought it was brilliant.

Eventually, Drift fell to the ground and started snoozing. Hopefully, the sleep would allow him to block out the pain.

Once the hybrid was asleep, Pesky Dust stopped making the mist and flew down to check on him. He then touched the Omnitrix and transformed again, "XLR8!" The alien raptor picked the griffon up. "I'll take him back to Azmuth. Think you can handle things here?" He didn't wait for an answer and shot off, leaving Shining and Trixie to deal with fixing the mess Drift had made.

Back at the lab, the others had been waited as Flash arrived with the unconscious hybrid.

As soon as he arrived, Azmuth summoned a large enough examination tube to comfortably house the creature. This tube was a large metal and glass cylinder, which had a bunch of metal arms that would allow Azmuth to perform a proper exam on him.

Everyone watched from the other side of the room, as Azmuth examined Drift thoroughly. The computer behind them had an X-ray of the beast, allowing him to see the problem. "Yes, Flash was right. There is something in its neck."

"Can you take it out?" Flash asked, Azmuth humming.

"I'll need to run a few more test to make sure it isn't some kind of explosive. If it is, it might be designed to trigger when removed. But, I've given him a powerful painkiller that should stop him from feeling whatever it's doing to him. His body appears quite strong. Whoever created him did a rather good job. He should be healed up in no time, provided I can remove the object in his neck."

Shining and Trixie finally arrived back at the lab at this moment, having been able to get everything sorted out back at the battle site. Shining smirked when he turned to Flash, "have you seen the news?" Flash looked confused, as Trixie switched on the TV and tuned it to the right channel.

The screen showed Flash standing in front of Drift, talking it down. It was clearly footage from somebody's phone, as they watched Flash place his hand on the creature's head. The reporter then spoke. "It appears that Flash Sentry doesn't need to transform to stop creatures from rampaging. Reports from the scene indicate he was able to stop the creature's rampage without hurting it. It was also discovered that this creature, whatever it was, had only been rampaging due to being subjected to some form of pain."

Everyone smiled, happy to see Flash was starting to get the respect he deserved.

But then, the footage showed Drift in pain and Flash transforming into Pesky Dust. "And I think we've found the alien every girl will want a plushie of." They laughed at Flash's embarrassment. Flash hadn't wanted to use that particular alien if he could help it, but he knew it had to be done to help Drift.

"Done," Azmuth announced. "The scan of the device is complete."

"Well," Flash got up, "is it safe to remove?"

"Yes. It appears to be some kind of beacon. Likely a tracking device, designed to allow whoever created him to find him. But it was likely damaged somehow, causing it unleash a small but painful electrical pulse through its body. If it continued, it likely would have caused permanent damage." The robot arms got to work, one slowly and carefully cutting into Drift's neck before another reached inside and pulled out a tiny device.

The arm then placed the device inside an opening in the side, which closed up before the other side opened up.

Azmuth reached in and took out the tracker, looking it over with disgust as the others moved over to examine it. "Very poor quality. Clearly made in a rush, so it was no surprise it broke the way it did."

"You said it could track Drift," Twilight pointed out. "Does that mean we can trace the signal back to whoever was tracking it?"

"Possibly. But with the device damaged, the signal was likely lost."

"So we might have no way of figuring out who made him?" Rainbow asked, as they gathered around the tube to stare at Drift. Azmuth nodded as he put the device down and started trying to find the signal.

"Maybe he can tell us when he wakes up," Fluttershy suggested. The others weren't sure, given how little intelligence Drift seemed to exhibit. Since the only word he had spoken was his own name, it was unlikely he could give them a detailed description of who created him and why.

"There has to be some way to figure out who made him," Applejack frowned as they all tried to think.

Then, Trixie had an idea. "Sunset, you were able to read Xylene's mind. Think you can read his?"

Sunset hummed, "he is part human. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible."

"Only one way to find out," Twilight pressed a few buttons and the tube opened up. Drift remained asleep, as Sunset stepped over to his head. She was a little nervous, not wanting to touch something that could bite her arm off, but she knew she had to try.

"Alright," she took a deep breath and placed her hands on his head.

As soon as she did, her eyes went wide as the memories of the creature flew into her mind.

The next thing she knew, she was trapped in some kind of glass tube. She looked around, seeing she was inside Drift's body. From what she could tell, Drift was just waking up from a rather hazy sleep.

She looked to the side, but the glass stopped here and was replaced by metal. She was barely able to see four other tubes that looked just like hers, each with something inside that she couldn't properly identify. She then looked forward and as she did, she saw a computer on the other side of the room.

The screen had a bunch of different images on it, Sunset straining her eyes to try and see them. She quickly recognised one of the images as a griffon, just like what she was. She then spotted an image of a strange mix of insect and pony, Sunset realising it was a changeling.

The images were all of creatures from Equestria. There was a dragon, a pegasus, a tatzelwurm, yak, diamond dog, sphinx, unicorn, minotaur, phoenix, manticore, hippogriff, seapony, chimera and several other creatures she had only ever seen in Equestria. They were all there, right next to a box with a DNA strand next to it.

Those images were then replaced by images of creatures Sunset didn't know. That was a lie, as she then noticed an image of a creature she had seen Flash become known as Diamondhead and Bloxx. She quickly realised these had o be a bunch of aliens, Sunset's eyes scanning them and seeing many different kinds. There was one that looked like a wolf, one that looked like Majister Glug, another that looked like a muscular creature whose entire body was covered in hair and many others. Each of these also had a DNA box next to it.

Sunset noticed someone sitting in front of the computer, but their back was turned to her and she couldn't see who it was.

Then, an alarm sounded and the figure rushed out of the room before she could see who they were. The alarm kept sounding for several moments before the entire room shook, rocking the tube and her inside of it. And as it did, the screen beeped as something appeared on it.

'Activating stasis and jettison procedure.'

That was all Sunset was able to see before the entire body filled with a strange gas. It completely blinded her and as she felt herself beginning to drift off, the tube suddenly moved as if it was being fired out of a cannon.

This was when the memories ceased, Drift likely not remembering anything after this before waiting up and attacking. She staggered back and clutched her head, the others moving over to help her. "What did you see?" Rarity asked, as Twilight closed the tube up before Drift could wake up.

"He was in some kind of lab. I...I saw a computer that had a bunch of different alien images. I think it had their DNA in it."

"Sounds like a genetics lab," Azmuth stated. "Genetic resequencing was a trend in several parts of the galaxy a few decades back. The plumbers shut them down because the resulting creation was mentally and physically unstable."

"That's not all I saw," Sunset sat down. "There were other images too. These ones showed creatures from Equestria. I'm sure they were from there."

"So someone went to Equestria and gathered a bunch of their DNA?" Flash asked, "what for?"

"I don't know," Sunset sighed. "But there's something else. I saw another four tubes besides the one Drift was inside. I couldn't see into them, but I think they had something inside of them."

"More griffon creatures?" Shining asked, Sunset unsure.

"I don't know. Maybe. Or maybe a bunch of different combos of human, alien and equestrian." They all frowned at this. If they were like Drift, they could handle them. But if they were a different mix, then who knows what they were capable of. "I'm not sure what happened, but somehow Drift was separated from wherever he was. And if he got out of there..."

"The others might escape as well," Flash realised.

He was right on the money. In four different areas of Canterlot, a capsule like the one Drift had been in was hidden from sight. Each one was still working, but it would only be a matter of time before they failed and the ones inside would be released. And when that happened, Flash Sentry would be in for a heck of a time.

Author's Note:

That's right, I'm doing something similar to the Andromeda aliens from Ultimate Alien. Only my five creatures will be Equestrian creatures mixed with human and other DNA. Hope you like this twist. What other four Equestrians will Flash get to add to his collection and what will he end up calling them? Only time will tell.

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