• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 10: Smashing the Competition

It was another beautiful day in Canterlot and on a bus making its way through the city, a young man sat excitedly waiting for his stop to arrive.

Timber Spruce looked out the window and smirked seeing all the large buildings move past it. He was smiling as he was planning to surprise his girlfriend and take her out for a day on the town, which hopefully wouldn't result in another insane situation.

Timber thought back to some of his previous dates with Twilight, especially the one where he had learned the truth about a certain someone. He had been worried when he learned about the alien invasion, fearing Twilight would get herself hurt because of Flash. But the invasion had been stopped and now Flash was a world famous superhero.

Speaking of Flash, that was all anyone seemed to want to talk about recently.

As Timber sat on the bus, he heard two girls talking in the seat behind him. "I think Volt-Edge is the best alien. He can fly on metal and I heard Flash even surfed a powerline with him to chase down a car thief the other day."

"No way. Diamondhead's the best. He's practically indestructible." The two kept debating Flash's best alien, whilst Timber saw his stop was about to come up.

He got up and headed for the door, the bus coming to a stop and letting him off onto Twilight's street. He smirked as he made his way towards her house, excited to spend the day with her.

However, when he knocked, it wasn't Twilight who answered. "Hey Mrs Sparkle," he told his girlfriend's mother. "Is Twilight here?"

"No," Velvet replied, "she's spending the day with her brother at his work."

"She's at a police station?" Velvet shook her head.

"No, he has a new job. He's a superhero now."

"Shining's a superhero?" Twilight had not mentioned that in her last email, "since when?"

"Well when Flash Sentry's secret became public, Shining was outed as someone who was helping him. Turns out, he's been acting as an intergalactic law enforcer for months. And now he's doing it full time. Did Twilight not tell you any of this?" Timber frowned and shook his head. "Well, you'll find her at the new Plumber Base they built. Here, I'll give you the address. But I wouldn't bother going, since I doubt you'll be able to get in."

Timber frowned as he was given the address and headed into town, wondering why Twilight hadn't told him anything that was going on with her brother.

It was a long trip to the base, since roadworks in the city had caused traffic to grind to a startling hault. But eventually, the bus got close enough to the address that Timber decided to get out and walk. As he did, the city was abuzz with talk about Flash Sentry.

Kids were playing on the street, pretending to be his aliens, guys were talking about the hot girlfriend he had and girls were wondering if Flash would ever attend their birthdays or other events. Eventually, he reached the building in question and found himself at the front gate.

He looked through the bars to see if there was anyone who could let him in, but there wasn't. And the gate was locked with the walls surrounding the complex too high to jump over. He had no way in. "Hello!?" He called out, but nobody answered.

He groaned and considered just calling Twilight, but that would ruin the surprise.

In that moment, a car drove up to the entrance and stopped. "Timber?" The teen spun around and saw Shining Armor leaning out the car, looking at him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

Timber smirked, "Shining. Long time, no see. Heard you got a new gig."

"Yeah," Shining frowned, "why are you here?"

"Your mom said Twilight was here. I wanted to come around and surprise her. So," he gestured to the gates, "wanna let me in." Shining raised an eyebrow at this. "Oh, come on. I promise I'll behave." Shining sighed, having a feeling he wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

"Fine. But one toe out of line and you're out on your butt, got that?" He nodded and Shining opened the gate, driving in and letting Timber follow on foot. Once he was parked up, Timer rushed up behind him and they headed into the base.

"Doesn't look very alien," Timber looked around whilst Shining rolled his eyes and headed for the elevator.

"You haven't seen anything yet," he explained before stepping into the tube. Once Timber was inside, they rode it down to the sublevels and Timber noticed the elevator actually did look futuristic.

When it finally came to a stop, the doors opened and Timber was amazed by the sight in front of him. "Wow." He looked around in utter amazement, as he saw all the alien gizmos surrounding him. And when he spotted the large computer, he smirked knowing where Twilight likely was.

And sure enough, the spectacled girl was sitting in front of the computer as it showed a bunch of alien symbols. She looked truly fascinated by the device in front of her and was completely oblivious to anything else. At least until a pair of hands covered her eyes.

"Guess who?" Twilight was shocked by this, but quickly spun round to see her boyfriend smiling at her.

"Timber!" She got up and hugged him, Timber hugging him back before she sat back down. "What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming for a visit." Timber smirked at her.

"Can't a guy come and surprise his girlfriend? Besides, it gave me an excuse to come see this awesome base."

"I'm surprised Shining let you in."

"I decided to give him a chance," Shining stated. "But he's your responsibility now. If he breaks anything, I'm blaming you." Twilight nodded and smiled back at Timber, who smirked back.

"So what do you say?" He asked, "wanna go have some fun?"

Twilight sighed, "sorry, Timber. But I'm busy today. I'm helping Shining test out a bunch of new plumber gear that's being sent over. Hopefully, Flash will be here by the time it arrives." Timber frowned at this, not expecting Twilight to already have plans that she wouldn't be willing to drop when she saw him. "But you can stay and watch if you want."

Timber did his best to hide his frown and smiled at her, "that sounds like it could be fun. Why not." Twilight smiled before turning back to the computer.

"Now where is Flash?"

Flash was currently flying through the air on his hoverboard.

Due to the roadworks turning the city into deadlock central, Flash's car wasn't a smart way to get around. As such, he had taken out his hoverboard and was using it to get around, something he was starting to consider doing more often.

He looked down, but couldn't see any signs of trouble in the city.

"Looks like everything's going well." This gave Flash a smirk, since it meant he wouldn't have to miss it. "Alright!" He headed towards the Plumber Base, excitedly making his way over the city as he saw the building in the distance.

But as he drew closer to the building, he spotted someone walking up to the front gates and smiled seeing it was Adagio.

Before she knew what hit her, Flash swooped down and grabbed her. "HEY!" She cried, when she suddenly found herself being carried bridal style over the gates.

"Sorry to sweep you off your feet," Flash joked as they headed towards the entrance. Adagio rolled her eyes with a smile, as Flash jumped off the board and put her down. "Come on, we don't wanna miss it."

"Miss what?"

"New plumber gear's being delivered," Flash explained as they rushed for the door. "I'm hoping I'm gonna get to have something this time."

"But you have the Omnitrix?"

"And I've lost count of the number of times it's been out of power and I was left defenceless. If I get some plumber tech, I'll be able to protect myself in human form." They stepped into the elevator, riding it down as Flash looked forward to seeing what was gonna be there.

But the elevator stopped on the wrong floor, Flash certain they were on the hybrid's enclosures.

The doors opened and they saw Fluttershy and Rarity, stepping into the tube and smiling when they saw them. "Hello darlings." They stepped inside, "going to watch the tests?"

"Watch?" Flash asked, "I'm gonna be the one doing the testing. At least I hope I am. So how our three guests?"

"Doing good," Fluttershy smiled. "Scales has calmed down a lot since coming here and now he can read and speak as well as the other two."

"Well they've got a great teacher," Rarity smiled at her. The others smiled as the doors opened and they saw the others standing in the main base, including someone Flash had not been expecting to see.

"TImber?" Flash cried, the green haired teen turning to them as they stepped forward. "What are you doing here?"

"Came for a visit," Timber replied. "So, what's it like being a big hero that everybody loves?"

"I can assure you, not everybody loves me. And honestly, sometimes I wish I still had my secret identity. Makes it way easier to walk down the street." The expression Timber gave him showed he didn't believe that for a second. "Anyway, is the new gear here yet?"

"Not yet," Shining turned to the computer. "It should be here any moment though. The computer just picked up the plumber ship approaching earth. They're set to lock onto my badge when they arrive." He pointed at the elevator, "let's head to the weapons room."

"We have a weapons room?" Flash asked, Shining nodded as they all stepped up to th elevator and rode it two floors up. It opened up and they were in another large room, with walls that looked extra reinforced and a floor that were a bunch of different rectangular segments.

"This is the weapons room?" Timber asked, "where are the weapons?"

"We don't have any yet," Shining replied. "This place will be more useful once we've got more plumbers working here." He held up his badge and several rectangular sections of the floor began to rise and reveal empty shelves beneath them that would eventually have weapons attached to them.

Shining's badge then started beeping, the plumber holding it up as it created a holographic image of the earth that showed a red dot above it. He pressed the badge and in that moment, a green flash appeared at his feet.

They all looked down and saw several metal cases appearing in front of Shining, the lot of them quickly picking them up and moving them over to a nearby table. As they did, the elevator opened and Azmuth flew in on a hover platform. "Ah, I see your new plumber gear has arrived."

"Yup," Flash opened one of the cases, "and hopefully I'll find something I can use when the Omnitrix is out of juice." He looked inside and found some kind of marble-like device. "Okay," he picked on up, "not what I was expecting."

"Maybe look at the instructions before picking it up," Shining suggested. Flash rolled his eyes and took a pen-shaped device out of the case and clicked the top. Doing so caused a holographic screen to appear out the end, allowing Flash to see what they did.

"Huh. Sticky Bombs. Squeeze and throw to unleash a highly sticky solution, useful to incapacitate enemies with super speed or in a fast moving vehicle." He squeezed one of the marbles and threw it, the marble hitting the ground and exploded to send a green goop that covered a good section of the floor. "Cool."

"I hope you'll think it's cool when you have to clean it up," Shining replied.

Flash smirked as he kept reading the manual. "Easy." He took some kind of aerosol can out of the case and stepped over to the puddle, spraying it with the mist. The green slime began to disappear upon contact with the spray. "And it's pine flavoured." They all laughed at this, as Shining opened up another case and took something out.

It was a strange brown coloured device that was donut shaped and looked like it opened in half. "What's that?" Adagio asked, as Shining took out the manual and read it.

"Says it's an experimental battle armor device. The plumbers want me to test it to see how well it works with humans."

"Experimental?" Rarity asked, "does that mean it's not safe?" Everyone looked at Shining, worried about what it might do. The man read through the instructions, explaining that once activated it would work through thought.

"Only one way to find out if it works." He placed it on his wrist and stepped back, Rarity creating a shield in case something happened.

Taking a deep breath, Shining hit the button. As soon as he did, the device activated and started unfolding itself to spread around his arm. Within seconds, everything up to his elbow was covered in a brown metal gauntlet. It hummed with power and Shining moved his fingers, happy that it didn't try and stop his movements and followed his commands.

"Now that's cool," Adagio smirked as Shining tested out some of its abilities.

The gauntlet began to reshape itself and the hand turned into a mace, then it became a drill followed by a cannon. Shining smirked and pointed the weapon at a wall, as a target appeared out of it. He fired a laser at it that slammed into the wooden board, melting right through it without any resistance.

"Now that's awesome," Flash cried as Shining returned to weapon to its gauntlet form. He then deactivated the device, causing it to revert to its bracelet form and allowing him to take it off. "What do you think?"

"It seems okay," Shining nodded. "But they said it's just a prototype. Probably not a good idea to take it into the field until we're sure it doesn't have any bugs." He placed it on the table and they were about to start looking through the rest of it, only for an siren to go off.

"What's that?" Timber cried, only for everyone to rush towards the elevator.

Timber followed and they rode it back down towards the main base, Twilight rushing to the computer the moment the doors opened. She sat down and quickly started typing away at it, "police alert about a monster attacking downtown."

"Monster?" Flash asked, as Twilight typed away. "What kind of monster? Where is it?"

"Working on it." She kept typing and more info came in. "It's attacking the restaurant district. Apparently, it's already ripped through three kitchens and eaten everything that wasn't frozen."

"Three kitchens?" Adagio asked, "what are we dealing with? Some kind of alien that eats a ton and uses it to shoot lasers?"

"I doubt it," Azmuth told her. "Gourmands can't eat what you consider food. And even if it could, it would have eaten the frozen food as well." Twilight finally managed to find a security camera on the street under attack, bringing it on screen and showing them the image of the buildings.

"I don't see anything," Timber pointed out before the front of the building exploded. "Never mind." Something leapt out of the hole the explosion created and slammed down on the ground, causing the entire street to shake.

The camera jiggled and Twilight was worried it was be ripped offline. But it began to stabilize and the camera's image cleared. And when it did, they were able to tell what it was. And it was not what they were expecting.

It was some kind of minotaur creature, standing around the same height as Riot-Horn. It was a mixture of black and brown, its waist and lower sections being black whilst its top half was brown. However, that brown part was due to the over abundance of hair currently growing out of its entire upper body. Its face was also almost completely covered by the hair, with only its nose and mouth visible whilst the rest was hidden beneath the brown locks. Sticking out the sides of its head were a pair of long curved black horns and around its waist and legs, it was wearing a pair of black shorts.

"What is that thing?" Timber asked, but nobody could answer. "Well?"

"Never seen one before," Flash told him. He turned to Azmuth, but the alien looked just as stumped as he did. "Ever see anything like that?" As they said that, the creature moved over to a nearby car and began to lift it up. As it did, more hairs began to grow out of its arms and chests that began to wrap themselves around them and make them look more and more muscular.

This seemed to also make it much stronger, allowing it to lift the three ton car with ease. This made Azmuth realise something.

"That ability. It's using its own fur like muscles to increase its physical strength. That's an ability from an alien species that looks nothing like that. Which means it can only be one thing."

"A hybrid," Flash realised as he activated the Omnitrix. Shining put on his badge and the pair transformed, "XLR8!" The speed alien grabbed Shining, "gotta run!" With that, he was gone in a blast of speed.

"Good luck!" Twilight called out after them, then sat down at the computer. They saw the minotaur was walking off, Twilight typing away at it to figure out where it was going so she could send the info to Flash.

The speed alien rushed onto the scene and they found the hybrid exactly where Twilight told them it would be, the beast having found a hot dog stand to start swiping food from.

XLR8 put Shining down and shot forward. "Alright, Tiny. You've had your fill and now, it's time to pay the bill and come with us." But the hybrid saw him coming and grabbed the hot dog stand, throwing it at XLR8 who was able to avoid it. "I don't think so!" He hit the Omnitrix and transformed, "Riot-Horn!"

Seeing a much larger opponent, the hybrid seemed interest and charged forward.

Riot-Horn did the same and the pair clashed, both grabbing each other's hands and trying to overpower the other. "Wow," Riot-Horn cried, "you're strong. But you need to calm down." But the hybrid refused to listen and started swinging Riot-Horn around, making the strong alien cry out as he tried to hold him still. "Stop!" But suddenly, more hair grew out of its arms and wrapped around the creature. "Uh oh."

"OH!" Everyone cried as they watched Riot-Horn get thrown away from the hybrid, Timber rolling his eyes. "Seriously. How can he call himself a hero when he's so easily overpowered?"

Adagio frowned at him, "like you could do any better."

"I totally bet I could," Timber stated with his head high. "If I had the Omnitrix, I'd have taken that thing down by now. I woulda shot forward and thrown a punch right into its face, knocking it out cold instead of trying to wrestle it."

"Flash wasn't trying to beat it," Azmuth stated. "That hybrid is practically a child, with no understanding of the world. Flash attacking it without trying to calm it down wouldn't be very heroic." The others agreed and Timber frowned at the frog, not liking its attitude.

'If only the Omnitrix had crashed down in the camp instead of that Technovore thing,' Timber thought to himself. 'Then I'd be the beloved hero and be able to do things the right way.' He turned to Twilight, who was completely focused on the rhino alien. Why couldn't she be interested in him like that?

Riot-Horn shook his head, groaning as he picked himself up.

The horned hybrid moved towards him, his hair retracting into his body. This caught Riot-Horn's attention, "does it need to return to normal or something?" He tried to think, but the creature charged forward and Riot-Horn did the same. Both threw a punch that collided with one another, unleashing a blast of force that broke several windows around them. But the pair were evenly matched.

Riot-Horn pulled back, not wanting to waste time trying to overpower it when he couldn't. His best bet was to wait until he'd gathered enough solar energy.

It was at this point that Shining decided to rush it, firing his blaster at the hybrid and making it cry out in pain. The creature growled and turned towards Shining, who switched his blaster to its tranquilizer mode. The creature leapt forward and before Shining could fire, it slammed its fists into the ground hard enough to make a small earthquake.

"WOW!" Shining fell to the ground and as he did, he took his shot and the dart flew through the air.

It struck the minotaur, but the hair around his body was practically armor and the needle couldn't even get through the strands. The hybrid saw this and roared, but Riot-Horn rushed up from behind and tackled him. "Sorry about this!" They fell to the ground, "but you leave me no choice!"

The pair rolled around and Shining prepared another tranq, planning to aim for its unarmored leg.

However, the creature's hair once again shot out of it and started wrapping around its body. "Wait!" Riot-Horn cried as he saw this, but the hybrid began to spin around before he could stop him. The increased strength he got allowed him to throw Riot-Horn around in a circle before the alien rhino finally lost his grip "WOW!"

Shining watched as Riot-Horn flew through the air and threatened to smash into the side of a building, only to transform into Goop and splat against the wall.

Another roar made him turn back towards the hybrid, who turned to glare at him before it ran towards another building. "STOP!" He cried, as the creature covered its entire upper-half in its hair. This acted as armor, with only its horns remaining uncovered as it crashed into the building and ripped a hole right through the wall.

The entire building began to shake, as cracks appeared along the walls. Another smash caused the shaking to be constant, as the hybrid rammed his through wall after wall until it crashed out the other side of the building. The entire thing was starting to collapse, which was bad news since the screams he heard made him realise there were still people in there.

"FLASH!" But the alien hero had already leapt into action, flying past and into the building. He looked around and spotted where the building was coming down, the slime creature hitting the Omnitrix and transforming.

"BLOXX!" The lego gorilla cried, as his entire body quickly started to reshape itself. Soon enough, he was a bunch of pillars that began to hold the building up. "Hurry!" He told the people inside, "I can't hold this forever!" They all began to rush towards the exits, whilst Shining used his suit to scan the structure for life signs.

Once the last one was out, he turned to Bloxx. "You're clear. Get out of there!" Bloxx nodded and as the ceiling started to give way, the gorilla's top half formed out of the supports he made and he detached himself from it.

He quickly started hand running towards the exit, his legs slowly rebuilding themselves, whilst the supports began to give way. "YAAAAH!" He leapt forward and through the whole, right as the room he had been in collapsed. He barely managed to escape in time, the building blocks alien sighing. "That was too close."

"Yeah," Shining nodded, "but we lost the hybrid." He activated his communicator, "find him?"

"Sorry," Twilight replied, "but we lost him in the chaos." They sighed, Bloxx turning human again as they looked around to make sure nobody was hurt. The building had been destroyed, but everyone inside was perfectly fine.

When Flash and Shining returned to the base, they all watched the footage they had gotten of the creature.

"As you can see," Azmuth pointed at the footage that showed the hybrid's hair muscles unravelling themselves. "When this creature uses its muscle-like hair, they need to be pulled tight to give it the best power boost. But this is also a double-edged sword."

"The hairs could snap," Shining realised.

"Exactly," Azmuth nodded. "This is why it unravelled its hairs after using them. If they snap, it has to regrow them. And that takes energy, which is likely why it was eating so much food."

"I get it," Adagio nodded. "So the way to beat it, is to force it to push its hair muscles past their limits and make them snap. Then Flash can rush in and deal a good punch to its face or something."

"A good idea," Flash told her. "But I think next time, I'll try and use Pesky Dust to put it to sleep. It can't fly, so I don't have to worry about it grabbing me out of the air. The next time it shows up, I'll be ready to deal with it before it can cause any problems."

"Too bad you couldn't beat it the first time it," Timber pointed out.

Flash glared at him, "what's that supposed to mean?" Timber shrugged as they watched the footage of Bloxx stopping the building from falling. "I'll have another chance to stop that thing. I wouldn't have had another chance to save those people. Lives come before victory, every time."

"Yeah, I get that. But if you had just attacked that thing before it got a chance to power up, you could have knocked it out before it destroyed that building and put those people in danger."

"Violence should never be the first answer," Shining stated. "Some of the other hybrids were able to be talked down from their attacks. If we attack everything that seems like a threat, then we'd be failing to do our job of protecting all those who need help."

Timber didn't seem to get this and Flash wasn't in the mood to argue, instead turning to Azmuth. "Do you think you can track that thing down?"

Azmuth shook his head. "If that creature has a tracking chip like the others, it's either damaged or has already been deactivated. And since you weren't able to scan its DNA, we have nothing to scan the city with. Our only hope of finding it is the old fashioned way."

"Alright," Flash grabbed his hoverboard, "then I'll head out and see what I can find."

"Me too," Shining nodded. "Twilight, you stay on the coms and contact us if you find anything." Twilight nodded as the pair headed out of the room, whilst Azmuth, Fluttershy and Rarity headed back towards the hybrid habitats.

Timber watched as Twilight started typing away at the computer, looking like a kid at christmas as she scanned the city for anything unusual. He looked up at the screen and couldn't make heads or tails of what he was staring at. "How do you understand any of this?"

"I didn't at first," Twilight replied. "But Azmuth showed me what most of it meant and after a while, I was able to figure out the rest on my own."

"Looks like a headache in the making," Timber sighed. "Doesn't it get boring, looking at all of this?"

"How could it be boring?" Twilight asked, "this is alien technology I'm working with. I never thought in a million years, that I might be able to use something like this in my lifetime. And I'm helping Flash and my brother find a bio-engineered alien hybrid. This is some of the most exciting stuff that's ever happened to me."

Timber sighed. He knew he likely wasn't going to be getting Twilight away from this place for a while. All he wanted was for her to focus on him for just a few minutes, but she was too drawn to this alien tech. "Flash," he then heard her say, "try heading west from the area you fought the creature in. That spot's full of restaurant and food trucks."

"Got it." The screen showed Flash flying across the screen on his hoverboard, making Timber frown as he heard Twilight laugh seeing him do a flip.

'Damn it. You've got a girlfriend, so leave mine alone.' He wished things could go back to how they used to be, before that kid became an alien superhero.

His expression did not go unnoticed by Adagio, who tapped him on the shoulder. "Come on. Why don't we go get something to drink. I'm sure Twilight could use something to keep her brain fuelled." Timber frowned, but followed her to the elevator.

They rode it up to the main building and headed into the cafeteria, stepping up to the vending machine and trying to decide what to get.

"So," Adagio placed a coin into it, "feeling a little jealous?"

Timber frowned, "I'm not jealous."

"Yes you are. You're annoyed that Twilight's focusing more time on Flash and this hybrid stuff instead of you." She grabbed her drink and opened it up, "don't you think you're being a little immature?"

"Why aren't you annoyed at any of this," Timber stepped up to the machine. "She's eying up your boyfriend."

"I'd hardly call what she's doing eying up. She's just helping them with a situation that needs to be resolved." She sipped her drink. "Her brother's a plumber. Twilight has skills that can help him do his job. Why are you so against her doing something she enjoys?"

Timber said nothing as he got his drink, thinking about what she said. "I just wish she would look at me like she used to. I used to be the guy she saw as cool and interesting to be around. But ever since Flash got that stupid watch, all she seems to care about is him and his aliens."

Adagio rolled her eyes as she took another sip of her drink. "You know Timber, I used to be just like you for millennia. Narcissistic, wanting everyone to adore me and think I was the best, and looking down on everyone else, especially those I felt threatened by. But I grew up. So when will you?"

Timber shot her a death glare, Adagio getting up and heading back to the elevator. He stayed there for a few minutes, thinking about what Adagio had said. He wasn't narcissistic. He came all the way there to spend time with Twilight. Was it a crime that he wanted his efforts to not be in vain?

He got up and headed over to the elevator, but couldn't remember which one would return him to the computer room.

He guessed and pressed one, the elevator heading down into the basement and eventually coming to a stop. But when the doors opened, he found that he wasn't in the computer room. He was back in the room they had been testing the weapons in.

He about to try another one, when he suddenly spotted something on the table. The bracelet he had seen Shining testing.

He walked over to the device and picked it up, remembering how Shining had destroyed the target with it. And apparently, that wasn't all it could do. He held it in his hands and thought about what would happen if he had something like this. No villain could hope to stand a chance against him. And no girl could hope to ignore him. Especially one particular girl.

He smirked and placed the device on his wrist, the bracelet locking around his arm and powering up. He held it up and nodded, ready to reveal to the world he could be a better superhero than Flash.

Flash flew over the city, continuing to search for any sign of the hybrid whilst Shining rolled down the street on his bike. But neither of them found any sign of the creature.

They had returned to the scene and searched for tracks, but the hybrid had somehow managed to escape without making any sign that would lead to him and nobody had found it. "How does something that big, just disappear?" He asked, as he was sitting on his hoverboard looking over the entire city.

"We can't stop looking," Shining told him over the Omnitrix's communicator. "It could show up at any moment and do who knows how much damage."

"I know," Flash nodded. "But still, where could it be hiding?" As he said that, Twilight's voice came out through the Omnitrix.

"Flash, we've got something." He looked down and stood up, "reports of a large monster attacking a bunch of food trucks just came in."

"Send us the address!" Flash cried, as he shot through the air towards the location Twilight directed him. Shining rolled up beneath him, the pair moving as fast as they could so they could get there before the hybrid could do any serious damage.

They soon arrived at a street that was surrounded by a large park, several arcades and multiple other spots people liked to go to hang out. It was the perfect place for a food truck to park and when they got there, they found the hybrid was attacking a burger van. "MORE!" He roared, surprising the pair since most hybrids didn't talk before they caught them. "MORE FOOD!"

"Geeze," Flash stated as he jumped off his hoverboard, "this guy's stomach's larger then his muscles." He turned to Shining, "I'm gonna go Pesky Dust and try to put him to sleep." Shining nodded and rushed towards the creature, hoping to get its attention so Flash could transform.

The hybrid turned towards him and when it saw them, it roared before picking up the burger van and throwing it.

Flash and Shining had to leapt to the side, the van slamming down between them and sending metal flying everywhere. Luckily, none of it hit either of them.

"Alright, Charger," Flash activated the Omnitrix. "Time for you to take a nap." But before he could find Pesky Dust, someone suddenly ran past him and Flash was shocked by who it was. "Timber?"

Shining saw his sister's boyfriend and was shocked. "What are you doing?" Timber stood in front of the hybrid, "get away form that thing before it kills you!"

"Relax," Timber told him, "I got this." He held out his arm and as he did, Flash and Shining noticed the bracelet and realised what he was planning. "I hope you're watching this, Canterlot. A new hero is about to be born."

Back at the base, Twilight and everyone else were just as surprised.

"Is he insane?" Azmuth cried, "that device isn't ready for a combat scenario. There's no telling what'll happen if he uses it." Twilight began to worry, as Timber pressed the button. And thus, his transformation had begun and the bracelet began to expand around his arm just like how it had done with Shining.

But it kept going and covered his entire arm, then spread to his shoulders and around the rest of his body. The brown metal suit of armor completely formed around Timber's body, making him grow several inches and bulking him out with wings on the back and fully armed weapons. Once the transformation was complete, the only thing not covered was Timber's face and that had some kind of energy visor protecting it.

Flash and Shining watched in shock, as Timber looked himself over and smirked. "Nice." His hand transformed into a tube, which unleashed a laser to form a sword. "Very nice." He turned towards the hybrid and smirked, "let's go!" His back created a rocket booster, which fired and propelled him forward. "YEAH!" He reached the hairy minotaur and threw a punch into its face.

The creature cried out in pain, quickly wrapping more hair around itself. This gave it extra padding, so Timber's next few punches weren't as effective. It then tried to punch him, but Timber's left arm protected an energy shield that blocked the punch.

"Go ahead!" He laughed as the creature kept punching it, "all you're doing is making it harder on yourself." A bar appeared on his screen that filled with every punch, whilst his other arm transformed into an arm cannon. "Prepare to feel your own kinetic energy flying back at you!" The hybrid punched the barrier and the gauge was completely filled, Timber lowering the shield before thrusting the cannon into his stomach.

"Timber!" Flash cried, "don't-"

"FIRE!" The laser fired and an explosion occurred, hitting the hybrid and blasting it backwards as it cried out. The hybrid hit the ground and started rolling several times before eventually coming to a stop. "HAHAA!" Timber cheered, jumping up in celebration.

"Timber, stop!" Shining told him, "you're not authorized to use that thing. And there's no telling what bugs it might have in that form. Take it off, now."

"Are you kidding?" Timber asked, as the hybrid let out a groan and began to push itself up. "Oh, want some more, huh?" He stepped forward but as he did, Twilight's voice appeared over the radio.

"Timber, stop this. What do you think you're doing?"

Timber smiled, "I'm being the kind of guy you find interesting. You like all this weird alien stuff, well now I have an alien gadget on my wrist that gives me a bunch of cool abilities." The hybrid was standing up and started wrapping itself in its hair again, whilst Timber's hands were transformed into a pair of energy buzzsaws. "BRING IT!"

They watched him charge and start attacking the hybrid, who tried to fight back but found its hair muscles were being cut by the energy saw. Shining linked to Twilight, "you've gotta try and shut that armor down before he hurts someone...or himself."

"On it." Shining then turned to Flash and nodded, the teen activating the Omnitrix and dialing up his alien.

Slapping it down, he transformed in a burst of green. "Pesky Dust!" He quickly flew over to the pair, as the hybrid grabbed Timber's arms to prevent himself from cutting into him. But Timber just smirked as his chest opened up and started firing tiny missiles at the creature.

The explosion caused the hybrid to be knocked back and freed Timber to change both his weapons to a pair of blasters. "One more should do it." But before he could fire, a bunch of dust suddenly rained down upon the pair. "Huh?" He looked up and saw the fairy above him, sprinkling the dust down on them. "What are you doing?"

"Putting you both to sleep before you destroy anything," Pesky Dust announced. "That way, we can capture that creature and get you out of that suit." However, whilst the hybrid seemed to be falling to sleep, Timber appeared completely unaffected. "Don't tell me that mask's air tight."

"Ha!" Timber laughed, "you can't stop me that easy. This new hero is one that nobody can defeat." Pesky Dust rolled his eyes as he stopped creating the dust, whilst Shining moved over and took out a capture cube. "No need to be jealous. Just because I was able to defeat this creature and you couldn't."

"I just put him to sleep."

"After I wore it out for you." Pesky Dust frowned, as Shining threw the cube onto the ground and captured the creature. "That's right everybody. It was me that defeated this monster. Me and not Flash Sentry."

"ENOUGH!" He turned to Shining, who removed his helmet to look Timber straight in the eye. "Give me one good reason why I don't arrest you right now?"

"Arrest me? For what?"

"Stealing Plumber technology. Assaulting and attempting to inflict lethal force on a sentient creature. And probably a few dozen more laws I can't think of off the top of my head. Take that thing off now before I do arrest you."

"But I saved the day," TImber argued.

"Take...it...off!" Timber glared at him, but Shining was clearly not messing around. Eventually, the teen sighed.

"Fine." He made the command of it to deactivate, but the suit didn't. "Huh? It's not turning off."

"Don't give us that," Pesky Dust stated.

"I'm serious!" Timber cried, trying to think hard enough to get the armor to switch off. "Get off me! Turn off! DEACTIVATE!" But instead, the suit let out a beep as a message appeared on the visor. "Auto battle mode. What?" Suddenly, the armor was moving on its own. His arms raised as they changed to blasters, which pointed themselves at the other two and began to charge up.

"What are you doing?" Shining cried, seconds before the blasters fired.

"WOW!" Pesky Dust barely dodged, Shining holding up his Multi-Striker in shield form. "ARE YOU NUTS!?"

"It's not me!" Timber cried as his suit switched to using a pair of energy blades, the teen crying out as he ran forwards and started slashing at the plumbers. "The suit's out of control. I can't stop it!" Shining leapt away as Pesky Dust flew up, only for Timber's jetpack to explode and push him into the air. "HELP!"

"What's he doing?" Rarity cried, seeing Timber attack their friends.

"His suit's out of control," Shining stated over the radio. "Twilight. Did you do something?" They watched as Timber flew up and started raining laser down on the pair, Shining unable to do anything but hide himself behind his shield whilst Pesky Dust did his best to evade.

"I haven't gotten into the suit's systems yet," Twilight explained. "Whatever the suit's doing, it's not because of me."

Azmuth frowned as he tried to figure out what was happening. "It must have malfunctioned and activated a system that's causing it to read your biosigns as threats."

"What kind of system is that?" Adagio asked, as Timber suddenly rocketed away and smashed his way through a building. "Twilight, you've gotta turn that thing off before he levels the entire city."

"I'm working on it," Twilight cried. "But plumber security isn't easy to hack into." She turned to the screen showing the fight. "Flash, Shining. You just have to do your best to keep him from doing any serious damage." As she said that, Timber fired a missile out of his arm that destroyed a building. Luckily, nobody was inside of it.

"Yeah," Pesky Dust frowned as he watched the building collapse, "that might be tricky."

"DO SOMETHING!" Timber cried, as he suddenly shot towards Pesky Dust with his arm turning into a drill. The alien slammed his Omnitrix and transformed, right as Timber flew into the light and attacked with the drill. But Timber didn't feel his weapon doing anything and as the light faded, he was shown why.

"Diamondhead!" The crystal alien fell down towards the ground and pulled Timber down with him, the pair crashing into the street with Diamondhead using all his strength to smash Timber down.

"Augh!" He cried, as Diamondhead raised his arm and formed a blade. "Hey, wait!" But Diamondhead slashed his arm down and cut through the wings on his suit before stabbing the rocket to disable it.

"That should stop you from flying!" He cried, only for Timber to point his blaster at him. He just had enough time to raise his arms in defence before it fired, the laser bouncing off his skin but the impact caused him to stagger back. "Timber, is there anything you can do that might stop this? Activating another mode, perhaps."

Timber pushed himself up to his feet, "I've been trying. But it's not responding to me." He suddenly found himself getting attacked by a bunch of lasers, hitting him in the back and making him look around to see Shining firing at him. And then Diamondhead started slashing at him, causing him to leap away. "What are you doing?" He raised a shield to stop some crystal that were fired at him, "are you trying to kill me?"

"Not on purpose," Diamondhead joked.

"We need to keep that suit on the defensive," Shining explained. "If it keeps attacking, it'll do more damage to the city." But as he said that, Timber's arms transformed into a blaster with a spinning end and six barrels sticking out of each one.

The plumbers watched as the two ends started spinning around, humming as they did so. Both quickly realised what was happening and Shining raised his shield, whilst Diamondhead hit the ground and created a wall of gems. Seconds later, the weapons began firing a rapid stream of high speed laser bullets towards them.

Shining grunted at every impact, whilst Diamondhead watched as his wall was slowly being chipped away. "Twilight, any time now."

"I'm almost into the system," she told him over the communicator. "Just give me a few more minutes."

"I don't think I have that long," he replied. He was pretty sure the Omnitrix only had a minute or two of power left. Once he was human again, he wasn't going to be able to defend himself. What to do?

It was then that he got an idea and took out his hoverboard, activating it as his crystal wall was beginning to crack. He leapt onto it and took to the air before Timber could notice, the teen too focused on Shining and the wall.

Speaking of Shining, his shield was taking a beating. If he didn't stop this soon, it would fail and he would be in serious trouble. Luckily, the suit stopped firing the gatling blasts and changed to a pair of sword.

"Look out!" Timber cried, rushing forward and swinging his swords around at Shining. The man leapt back and ducked under the blade, rolling to the side in order to get to a safe distance whilst his shield changed to its sword form.

He used it to blocked the next slash and push Timber back, but he was at a serious disadvantage since he only had one weapon whilst Timber had two. Sure enough, Timber would attack with one weapon right after the other was deflected. Shining didn't get a moment to breathe, but Diamondhead quickly flew in to help.

The suit detected the oncoming attack and leapt back, as crystal shards shot down and imbedded themselves in the ground.

Timber fired at Shining, who sidestepped the blast whilst shooting his laser back at him. Diamondhead then dived down and tried to punch him, but Timber leapt back. As he did, Timber thought about how Shining was fighting and realised he he was so focused on Timber that he likely wasn't paying attention to anything behind him. And then he regretted that thought.

The suit read his mind and raised his arm, as a missile folded out of the suit before launching.

Once again, Shining avoided the attack by ducking down. The tiny rocket sailed over him and embedded itself in the ground, but that was what the suit wanted him to do. "LOOK OUT!" But it was too late.

The missile's back opened up and from it, several streams of lightning shot out with a couple hitting Shining in the back. "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He cied, feeling his entire body going numb.

"SHINING!" Diamondhead cried, as his partner fell to the ground.

"He's okay," Twilight assured him. "His suit's nullified most of the damage. He'll just be paralysed for a little while. Focus on Timber" Diamondhead nodded and saw Timber heading towards Shining, the alien crystal flying forwards as fast as he could.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared, slamming into Timber before he could react and pushing him away from Shining.

Timber groaned at the impact, but his suit was already reacting and using a pair of energy buzzsaws to grind away at Diamondhead. He groaned at the feeling, but knew he had to keep fighting.

He quickly let Timber go and the suited teen was thrown away from him, crashing into the ground several times before coming to a stop. Diamondhead then leapt off his board and punched the ground, causing crystals to grow out of the ground around Timber. He hoped this would be enough to hold him, as everything except Timber's head was covered.

"Twilight," he cried, "I'm not gonna stay alien much longer. Please tell me you've figured out how to stop that armor."

"I'm almost...I'm in!" Twilight cried, as the firewall broke and allowed her access to the armor's systems.

"Great!" Adagio told her, "turn it off." Twilight looked, but found the programming was a complete mess. The malfunction had messed with its code, which was likely what caused the armor to go insane.

"I need to unscramble to programming to find the code to shut the armor down." Twilight started doing just that, hoping Flash could hold on long enough for her to figure it out.

Diamondhead watched as Timber's suit struggled against the crystals, trying to break free. As far as the alien knew, those gems were the toughest thing in the universe. If they couldn't hold him, what could?

Suddenly, a sound came from the crystals holding him. A strange beating sound was coming from where his arm was, making the whole structure appear to vibrate. "What are you doing?" He asked, but Timber clearly had no clue. The shaking continued and grew heavier, eventually doing what Diamondhead thought was impossible. Make the gems crack. "No way!"

"Look out!" Timber cried, as the gems were suddenly shattered off his arm. He then pointed it at Diamondhead and the alien saw the end of the arm had some kind of speak on it, which suddenly unleashed a powerful sonic blast that slammed into him head on.

"AUGH!" He was thrown backwards and his body actually began to crack, the soundwaves somehow effecting his body.

Timber then used the sonic cannon to shatter the rest of the diamonds encasing him, allowing him to stand up and point his blaster at Diamondhead again. It fired and Diamondhead punched the ground, creating a wall of gems that blocked the blast only to be shattered in the process.

As they fell to the ground, the Omnitrix started beeping. "Not now!" And in a green flash, the alien returned to human form. But that didn't stop the suit from perceiving him as a threat.

"Run," Timber cried as his blaster powered up.

Flash wanted to, but doing so would mean leaving Shining who was completely defenseless. No, he couldn't run. Even if he wasn't an alien, he would hold his ground. "FLASH!" Shining cried as Flash leapt to the side to avoid a sonic blast. As he did, he held up his hoverboard and threw it.

The disk extended and he leapt onto it, flying around trying his best to avoid Timber as he fired several more blast. He did his best to fly in a random pattern, not wanting the suit to figure out where he was going. He managed to keep flying circles around the armored teen.

But even so, some of the hits got pretty close and Flash was barely able to avoid one of them. "Twilight, now would be a good time!"

"I've almost got it"

Flash flew as high as he could into the air, well out of Timber's range, then dived down before he could turn his attention onto Shining. But as he did, Timber fired a laser that flew faster then he could react.

He pulled away, but at the last moment the laser clipped the board and sent him flying out of control. "WOW!" He crashed into the ground and rolled along it for several moments before finally stopping, a groan escaping his lips as he pushed himself up. And as he did, a whirring of a laser cannon filled his ear and he turned to see Timber with the blaster in his face.

All he could do was brace himself for the upcoming attack. But before his face was burned off, the blaster suddenly lost power. "Huh?" Timber suddenly found himself able to move his body, "I've got control again." The armor then retracted from his arm and folded back along his body, slowly retracting into the device that had been on his arm.

Eventually, only the device was left and as soon as the armor was gone, it opened up and fell from Timber's wrist.

The alien hero groaned as he fell backwards onto the ground, panting from terror. "Thanks, Twilight."

"You okay?" Twilight asked through the Omnitrix.

"I think my entire life just flashed before my eyes."

"Really?" She asked, "how was it."

Flash smirked, "fabulous" They both laughed at this, whilst Timber glared at him as he heard his girlfriend being pally with him. His plan had failed, in more ways than one given the damage that had been done to the street around them. "Alright, I'm heading back. Hopefully, whatever happened to Shining can be fixed." Timber's eyes went wide, fear coursing through him.

If Shining was seriously hurt, Timber could be in way more trouble than he already was.

When they returned to the base, they rushed Shining to the medical bay.

As it turned out, Shining's body had just received what could be considered a muscle relaxant. Azmuth was able to easily whip up a cure and Shining was back on his feet, which was not good news for Timber.

"You stole," he told Timber. "You used government property without authority, training or guidance. You attacked a creature with excessive force, which could have caused it to be hurt and will make it a lot harder to build trust with it now that we've attacked it. And then you lost control of the device you stole and did serious damage to the city and almost killed me and Flash."

"That last part wasn't my fault," he cried. "The device went nuts. I can't be held responsible for that. Would you blame Flash if his watch accidently turned him into an alien that kills anyone around him instantly?"

"No, but you chose to put on that device. The minute you did, any damage or injury caused by it became your fault." Timber frowned, knowing he wouldn't be weaselling his way out of this. "All these crimes would have you locked in a cell for a good long time." Timber panicked. "But, for Twilight's sake, I'm going to let you off with a warning." Timber sighed in relief. "However, you've proven you can't be trusted. So from now on, you're no longer welcome at the Plumber Base."

"Seriously?" Timber cried, "I know I messed up but..." He turned to the others, hoping they would vouch for him. But not even Twilight seemed willing to defend him.

"I think it's best you leave," Shining ordered.

Timber sighed, as Twilight walked up to him. "I'll walk him out." They pair headed for the elevator, Timber giving them one final look before the doors closed and he was left alone with Twilight. The pair stood in silence, Timber unsure what to say to her. But she was the one who broke the silence, "you didn't have to do that."

Timber sighed, "I just wanted to be someone you'd find exciting." Twilight glanced at him. "Ever since this alien stuff started happening, that's all you seem to think about. I was worried you'd decide I wasn't cool enough for you, if I didn't have something like Flash or Shining to help me stand out."

"Timber," Twilight shook her head, "You don't need to be someone you're not to be with me." Timber frowned as the elevator opened up and they were on the ground floor. "I understand this alien thing is a lot, but it's not the only thing happening in my life. But, it is still a part of my life. My brother's a plumber, so I'll always have something alien happening around me. If we're gonna stay together, you have to accept that."

"Wait," Timber turned to her, "you're not breaking up with me?"

"No," Twilight told him. "I know you just wanted to be a part of my life and I understand that. But you have to promise me you'll never do something as stupid as that again. Deal?"

"Deal," Timber smiled whilst kissing her on the head. Twilight sighed, still feeling a little betrayed but also knowing this was partly her fault. She needed to learn how to split her time between the excitement of her situation, and those outside this part of her life that deserved attention to. The trust between these two had been broken and they needed to work on a way to rebuild it.

"Hey," Twilight stated, "how about we go out and get something to eat."

Timber smirked, "sounds like a plan." They headed out of the base and towards the nearest food venue. But as they did, they saw a bunch of people looking at their phones.

"Look at this headline," one girl showed her friend. "Armored Idiot destroys half of Canterlot." Timber flinched, unable to believe his little incident was already making headlines.

"Flash Sentry saves the day from monster and metal maniac," another guy read off his phone. Timber groaned, knowing he wouldn't be shaking this off for a while. Hopefully, the next time he was in town this whole thing would have blown over.

Back in the base, Azmuth was in the hybrid inclosure.

Drift, Pearl and Scales were watching as he put the extra reinforced glass in place. The entire room had been quickly renovated to be the perfect environment for the creature, which was a rock covered environment that even had a few weights and other tools to help keep up the creature's muscles. He had also made sure it was air conditioned, since all that hair must cause the hybrid to get extremely hot.

The others arrived and when they did, they saw what Azmuth had done and were impressed. "Are you all ready?" Azmuth asked, Flash preparing to go Pesky Dust again in case the creature went wild and attacked again. "Here we go." Azmuth activated the device and the capture cube appeared in the enclosure.

It expanded and shrank in a second, revealing the creature who was still asleep.

"Ah," Fluttershy smiled, "he looks kind of cute like that."

Flash stepped forward, wanting to use this chance whilst it was still asleep. He held up the Omnitrix, as a small opening appeared in the glass. The watch beeped before speaking, "uncatalogued DNA detected!" It opened up and unleashed the beam of light, which flew through the glass and ran over the creature. "unknown DNA sample acquired. Scan complete."

Flash smiled as the opening shut, Azmuth connecting the Omnitrix to his tablet and looking over the new sample. "Just as I thought. Human DNA mixed with the alien I thought it was. But there are also two unknown strains of DNA mixed into it."

"Like me?" Pearl asked, "does that mean he can transform too?"

"No," Azmuth told her. "His DNA has no transformative properties."

"He kind of looks like a mix of a minotaur and a yak," Adagio pointed out. "Guess whoever made him couldn't decide which to use." As she said that, the creature started coming around.

Flash once again prepared to transform, but Fluttershy knelt in front of the glass as the beast picked itself up. "Hello there," she waved. "I'm Fluttershy and you don't need to be afraid!"

"RAAAAAH!" He roared, putting his face right up against the glass to try and scare her. But Fluttershy just smiled without even blinking.

She smiled, "you must still be hungry after that fight." As she said that, the ceiling opened up and something fell out of it. A small pink cube that hell to the ground. "Dig in." The hybrid moved over to it and picked up the cube, the others looking confused.

"You really think that thing's gonna fill him up?" Flash asked, "you saw how much it could stuff its face with."

"Don't worry," Azmuth smirked. "This is a special substance I developed a while back to help with needing lots of food with very little space." The creature threw it into its mouth and started chewing, swallowing it down and looking unsatisfied.

But then, its eyes went wide and it touched its stomach. "What's going on?"

"The food is expanding," Azmuth replied. "Within seconds, it has grown inside its stomach to be equal to twenty pounds of food."

"That much from one little cube?" Shining asked, as the creature smiled and finally looked full.

"Yes. And it packs quite a lot of energy. As long as it doesn't use its hair growing ability, one cube every twelve hours should be more then enough to keep him fed." They all smiled, since the hybrid didn't seem to be intending to rampage. Instead, it moved over to the glass and looked through it to see the other hybrids in their enclosures.

"Don't worry," Fluttershy told him. "We're going to keep you safe. And when it's time, we'll send you someplace you'll be able to live safe and free. I promise." The creature stared at her for a moment, then nodded as if it understood. "Good. Now, we just need to decide what to call you."

"I like the name Flash gave him," Shining smirked. "Charger. Certainly fits."

"Charger?" Flash had just called him that on the fly during the fight. "What do you think, big guy. You like the name Charger?" The hybrid thought about this for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

"Char...ger...like." They all smiled, glad he was happy with it.

They then turned towards the final empty enclosure. Only one hybrid remained. It was somewhere out there and they had to find it before whoever was after them did.

In the dark laboratory, Tirek was watching footage of the Plumber base.

The old man stared at the four hybrids, frowning at the sight of his creations locked away instead of with him. "I think it's time I take back my investments." He turned in his chair and stared at something behind him. That something were five robots, which looked ready to attack at a moment's notice. "I just need to wait for the right moment."

Author's Note:

I bet a lot of you were enjoying Timber's talking down. Well, that's four hybrids down and one to go. What will the last one be? Only time will tell.

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