• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 14: Tirek's Crimes

Many years ago.

In the desert plains of New Mexico, trucks and cars were racing down the Route sixty-six highway. The many different vehicles blended together, making it impossible to tell one from another. And that was what the inhabitants of one truck were hoping for.

A truck was rushing down the highway as fast as it was allowed. From the looks of it, it was just a simple truck. On the side of it, a company logo could be seen. Max's Pipes and Plumbing could be seen in bright letters, as the truck shot down the road.

Inside, a man in his early thirties was rolling down the road behind the wheel. He was a pink skinned individual, with brown hair. He was dressed in a blue boiler suit with a white shirt underneath, he company long on his chest. To anyone else, he just looked like an ordinary man. But he was anything but ordinary.

He suddenly heard a beeping sound and pressed one of the buttons on his radio, which caused part of the dashboard to spin around and reveal a radar screen of some kind. On the screen was some kind of red dot, but it disappeared before he could get a lock on its location.

He frowned and pressed his finger to his ear. "Agent Tennyson to base. Do you read?"

"Loud and clear. What seems to be the problem?"

"My scanners just detected a strange energy signature in my location. But it disappeared before I could get a lock. Anything on the base's main computer?" He waited and the voice replied.

"Nothing. You sure it wasn't just a scanner malfunction?"

"Possibility." But as he said that, the scanner beeped again and the dot appeared in the same place. "It's there again." But the dot vanished as soon as it appeared. "Something must be blocking the signal. I'm gonna go check it out."

"You sure you wanna go in on your own? It could be dangerous."

The man smirked. "Can't be any worse than Vilgax. I managed to take him down easy enough. Besides, I'm not on my own. Might be a good way for the rookie to get his feet wet." He ended the call and reached back to bang on a door behind him. "Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."

A minute or so later, the door opened up before a young man with red skin and white hair stepped out. "What's going on?"

"We've got a possible alien energy source," Max found the highway exit and came off. "We're going to go check it out." The young man looked excited, as he leapt into the passenger seat.

"Alright! Finally!"

"Just don't go getting ahead of yourself. This could still be nothing. But if it is something, follow my lead and don't get yourself killed." As he said that, they found themselves entering a valley with many large rocks on either side of them. The road quickly started getting bumpy and the driver flicked a switch on the dashboard.

As he did, the truck suddenly started to morph and change. The wheels folded out from under it and as they did, the tires inflated for better off road traction. The rest of the truck changed from a boxy vehicle, to a streamlined tank. On the front of its hood was a round emblem with an hourglass on it.

The pair sat straight as lights flew out of the dashboard, hitting the pair and causing their overalls to change into a full body suit that was a mix of blue and black. Helmets also appeared around the pair's heads, as they rolled along the ground following the signal as it continuously flashed in an out of existence.

"Um...Max? What exactly is happening to that energy?"

"It's either being switched on and off, or something's attempting to block it from being detected and not doing a very good job." As they got closer, Max pressed another button. "Entering stealth mode." As soon as he pressed it, the tank vanished from view.

A minute later, they arrived at what appeared to be an old mining town.

The place looked like it had been abandoned a long time ago, with not a human soul anywhere in sight. But there was a large building that looked big enough to house a large aircraft in the center of the town, which seemed to be where the energy was coming from.

The tank pulled to a stop and the two humans moved into the back of the tank, which was full of different types of alien weapons. They both grabbed a pair of hand held laser pistols and a rifle blaster before jumping out of the tank, being careful not to be seen as they rushed for cover.

They carefully made their way towards the building and as they did, they heard a noise.

Looking around, they saw a bunch of two foot tall aliens running towards the building. They were gremlin-like in appearance, wearing a bunch of strange overalls and carrying parts that looked like they had been striped from some of the old mining machinery.

"Planchaküle," Max sighed.


"Intergalactic mechanics. A pretty smart species who can take anything apart and rebuild it better with the same parts. But what are they doing here?" He reached for his radio, "Tennyson to base." But they didn't respond, no matter how many times he tried. All he got was static. "Damn. Whatever's blocking the energy must be blocking the signal too." He turned to his partner. "Tirek, we're going into what could probably be a pretty big fight. You up for it."

"You kidding?" Tirek asked, "I've been waiting for a moment like this." With that, he rushed and ran towards the building. "Let's do this!"

"Wait!" Max called out, but Tirek wasn't to be stopped.

He ran into the building and looked around, seeing a ton of planchaküles as they appeared to be working on something under a massive tarp. "Plumbers! Freeze!" The gremlins all turned towards him as he pointed his rifle at them, "what are you freaks doing on my planet?" But instead of answering, the planchaküles all pulled a bunch of different weapons out of nowhere.

Before Tirek knew what was happening, he was being shot at by lasers, fire and metal projectiles.

Luckily, someone ran in and pushed him out of the way. The pair fell to the ground and rolled to safety, Max pushing him behind some crates as the projectiles started exploding around them. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked as Tirek shook his head. "Never run into a fight without knowing the strengths of your opponents." He pulled out his twin blasters and stood up, firing at the aliens.

One by one, the planchaküles were blasted down. Max stayed on the move, firing at them as best he could whilst avoiding their own attacks.

Some lasers caused the area around them to explode, whilst other lasers sealed what they hit in blocks of ice. One even turned a crate it hit into lime jello. But none of them hit Max and he continued to blast each and every one of them.

Tirek finally recovered and grabbed his own rifle, using it to shoot down a few of the gremlins himself. And as he did, Max noticed his blaster wasn't on the stun setting.

Eventually, the final planchaküle was blasted and fell to the ground. Their weapons lay on the ground, still dangerous but not a threat until the surviving ones came around. Max put his blasters away and turned to Tirek, who was looking up at whatever was under the large tarp.

Max wanted to give him a chewing out, but knew that would have to wait until after they had investigated what was under there. As such, he grabbed the tarp and pulled. The sound of tearing filled the air and as he pulled it away, he revealed a large red spaceship that looked like something that could put even the best plumber ships to shame.

They managed to find the access hatch and opened the doors, allowing them inside to look around.

The ship was empty, all the aliens having been outside when the pair arrived. They soon found the bridge and Max managed to access the logs. "Looks like they're a bunch of salvage specialists. They crashed on Earth about three months ago and they've been trying to repair the ship without anyone noticing them.

Tirek checked another station and found the ship's diagnostic systems. "Looks like they were hours away from leaving. I'd say this ship's capable of sustained flight, though the warp drive's still offline." He then saw something that made him gasp. "No way."

"What?" Max asked, turning to him.

"This ship is equipped with an Interdimensional Engine. It's not fully operational, but it could allow this ship to travel to alternate dimensions."

Max frowned, "that's a technology that could be dangerous in the wrong hands."

"Yeah," Tirek nodded, "I bet this place has a bunch of different tech we wouldn't want used against us." He found the ship's schematics and discovered the location of the main technology room, the plumber rushing out with Max following.

The pair made their way through the ship and eventually arrived at the doors to a large metal room, the pair stepping inside and find it was a workshop full of different gadgets, gizmos and weapons. The pair started looking through it all, amazed by what they were seeing.

Some of the technology was way beyond what the earth branch were permitted to use. There were weapons and technology that could change the way the world worked. "This stuff is awesome!" Tirek cried, "imagine what we could do with stuff like this."

"We're not keeping it," Max told him. "While yes, this technology is amazing. It's not our job to steal from aliens to make earth more advanced. Those aliens didn't do anything illegal in the eyes of the plumbers. You pointed your gun on them first." Tirek frowned. "We're going to have the plumbers come and take this ship. If they find anything here that's not legal, then they'll deal with it. But for now, we leave everything where it is."

"Are you nuts?" Tirek cried, "you're okay with Earth being left defenceless. The aliens have these weapons, so why can't we. We need to protect ourselves."

"That's final," Max told him. "Put it back." He went over to examine something else, whilst Tirek placed the alien device down. As he did, he looked around and saw all the different gizmos that could help humanity advance.

"How long do you think it'd take mankind to advance this far on our own?"

"Not sure," Max told him. "Centuries, probably. But that's fine. We're not ready to have this kind of technology at our fingertips."

"But just imagine to possibilities," Tirek sighed. "There could be the cure to cancer in here. Or a way to reverse climate change. Don't you want your children and grandchildren to live in a world where hunger and disease is a thing of the past?"

"If I have any grandkids, I just want them to grow up happy. They can be happy with the world as it is. If we started handing out technology like this, we'd be going against everything the plumbers were created to stop. President Washingteeth believed humanity could flourish without outside interference. To go against that belief would be like spitting on his grave."

Tirek frowned, "the plumbers are doing more harm than good keeping this stuff away from us."

"Well luckily, the plumbers will be around for a long time. Actually, this ship's probably gonna keep the earth branch open for another decade or two. The plumbers were starting to think Earth had become too much of an off-limits place with all the aliens fearing to come here after what we did to Vilgax. They'd have probably shut us down if he hadn't found this ship."

"Really?" Tirek asked, Max nodding.

"Yeah. This ship is probably the source of the interference that blocked it from scans. Once it's turned off, the plumbers should be able to locate us." He turned to leave but as he headed for the door, a sound filled the air followed by a agonising burning sensation that flowed through his entire body. "AUGH!" He looked down and his eyes went wide seeing a large hole in his chest, the plumber's legs giving out as he fell to the ground.

He panted, unable to calm down as he felt his body shutting down. In that moment, Tirek moved around him and he saw the man carrying one of the alien blasters. "Talk about a kick."


"This technology is too valuable to not let earth have. We'll finally be able to protect ourselves. If the plumbers are going to shut down, I'll need to make a new living. I'm sure several companies will pay a pretty penny for just one of these things."

Max coughed, "you won't get away with this. People are gonna realise what you did."

"I doubt it," Tirek smiled. "After all, I won't be selling any of the stuff in here. But with a bit of study, I'm sure I can remake some of them using human technology. Then it'll just be a matter of slowly upping the design until I have something exactly like the original."

Max wanted to scream, but he couldn't. All he could do was take his final breath, unable to believe this was how it ended.

Tirek stared down at his partner's body and sighed. He hadn't wanted to do that, but he had no choice. He wouldn't deny the world this technology. But before he could give it to the world, he had to make sure nobody took it from him.

Picking Max's body up, he carried him outside and placed him on the ground. He then returned to the bridge and started typing at the controls, eventually discovering a remote that would allow him to control the ship outside of it. Turns out the ship also had a stealth mode, which would make hiding it a lot easier.

Once he had everything figured out, he left the ship and typed in the coordinates. The ship quickly vanished before the invisible object began to fly. Tirek left the building as the roof was ripped through and caused much debris to fall. It then shot off the the coordinates Tirek had placed, completely invisible to the plumber's scanners.

He smirked before rushing over to his tank, getting inside and activating the radio. "Hello!" He cried, "is anyone there!? Please tell me you can hear me!"

We hear you," the voice on the radio replied. "What happened? We couldn't get through to you before. What's going on out there?"

Tirek did his best to sound distraught. "Max...he's dead. The aliens killed him. There was a ship and they...they took off in it. Please tell me you guys are picking it up." He waited, hoping they hadn't detected the ship.

"No, There's nothing in your location that indicates a ship of any kind there." Tirek smirked, knowing he had gotten away with it.

Present day.

Tirek smiled as he stared at the five creatures in the tubes where they belonged. He couldn't help but remember back when he had first got his ship, and everything good that had happened since then. Five years after the plumbers shut down, he had revealed a great invention to the world.

As he had told Max, he had reverse engineered the alien technology and created a simpler version of something using human technology. That one device made him millions, which he used to start his company and fund more technology development.

He had revolutionised the medical, technological and weapons fields by decades. Thanks to him, devices that wouldn't have been made for another century were open to the public. Admittedly, this had resulted in certain individuals using the tech for evil. Animac, Negatine and even a guy who went by the name of Oakheart had used his tech to cause problems. But he had only used it to help the world. America was a serious dominant superpower, thanks to him.

And now he had made his masterpieces.

Several weeks ago.

Tirek's ship was flying through a dimensional portal, Tirek having finally figured out how to access the interdimensional engine.

He was currently coming back from a long and arduous voyage, having travelled into another dimension for one reason and one reason only. To gather DNA. And his reason was a simple one. To create a new breed of super soldiers.

He had been working on this project for years, ever since he had discovered the genetic equipment on the ship. He had discovered a smorgasbord of DNA samples from hundreds of different alien species. Species he could use to create a vast array of different monsters that would be completely subservient to anyone he programmed them to obey.

Alas, the equipment wasn't as good as he had hoped. When attempting to mix different varieties of alien life with human DNA, the process never worked right and the creatures made came out deformed and pathetic. It seemed human DNA wasn't compatible with alien creatures.

That was when he had finally figured out how to access the ships dimension hopping capabilities.

And when he took his first test flight into another universe, he was shocked to find it was a world where the laws of physics themselves were different. Magic was an actual thing in this world, along with a variety of magical creatures.

Talking animals, a sun and moon moved by a winged unicorn, dragons, griffons and other mythological creatures. All real. All for the taking.

Using DNA scanning drones he had made from the pieces on the ship, he had gathered many samples from the many mythological creatures that lived in this strange world. He had studied the DNA thoroughly and once he had figured out which ones he had. He had gotten to work creating five genetic fusions of human and Equestrian DNA with alien DNA mixed in to give them little extra kick. And unlike the human alien hybrids, these ones were all stable the perfect.

And now, here he was. Standing in front of the five creatures that would make america truly unstoppable.

He stepped over to Drift, "high speed aerial warfare." He moved to Pearl, "air to sea warfare." Then to Scales, "aerial flame bombardment." To Charger, "ground assault." And finally to Scoop, "underground assault and tracking." He smirked as he moved over to the computer, bringing up the DNA of many of the Equestrian creatures he had scanned.

He also brought up the alien DNA, wondering what else he could mix together to make into a powerful weapon.

However, as he was considering different variations, the ship suddenly rocked around and her barely managed to keep himself from being thrown around. "What?" He opened a small window on the computer that showed footage of the cockpit.

The ship had arrived back on Earth and when it did, he found himself in the middle of a battlefield.

Taking a closer look, he found a giant spaceship was now floating above Canterlot, with many robots flying out and into that. He had exited the portal in stealth mode and had crashed into some of these robots. "What is going on?" It was then that a large green flash caught his attention, Tirek using his remote to turn the ship around.

As he did, he was shocked to see a giant alien now standing taller then the buildings around it.

The alien quickly started swinging its arms around and stepping on the robots, destroying them before a humming sound made him turn the camera back around. Doing so showed the larger ship getting closer, as it seemed to be powering up a laser cannon.

The giant brought its arms together and started building energy, Tirek gasping as he tried to move the ship away. But he wasn't fast enough and the two lasers exploded towards one another, neither knowing that Tirek's ship was between them.

The spacecraft moved, but the tail of the vehicle was struck by the lasers and damaged. This sent the ship spinning out of control, Tirek crying as he tried to stop himself before he crashed. But as he did the computer beeped and something appeared on screen.

'Activating stasis and jettison procedure.'

He gasped, trying to cancel it, but it was no good. The sound of five pods being shot out of the ship filled the air and when he looked around, he saw that his creations were gone. "NOOOOO!"

Present day.

Tirek had hoped he could find them before they awakened, but their tracking devices didn't work in stasis and some of them were damaged and unable to let him track them. Then they had fallen into Flash's clutches and he had attempted to foolishly send them to that world whilst removing their human DNA.

"Now you're back where you belong," Tirek smirked. "I'd thank Sentry for doing the work for me, if I didn't care about keeping myself innocent in all this. Now I can complete my plan without needing to worry about those fools."

A small part of Tirek knew he should either stop or wait, since going through with it would alert Sentry to the hybrid's continued existence. But he had come too far and risked too much, to let himself stop now.

"Let Sentry try and stop me. He'll fail." With that, he started working on making his preparations.

At the partially destroyed Plumber Base, Twilight and Azmuth were hard at work.

With Azmuth's discovery of the hybrid's survival, they got to work attempting to find them. But this was proving difficult. "There has to be some way to find them," Twilight sighed as Azmuth stopped typing at his tablet.

"Unfortunately, the teleporter trace is too badly degraded to find where it sent them. If we want to find them, we'll need to come up with another way of locating them." Twilight frowned, wishing she knew what that way could be.

Down in another section of the base, Shining and the others were in the weapons room.

Shining used his badge to open the gun shelves and they began taking out whatever weapon they might be able to use. Adagio, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity and Sunset were all armed with laser rifles, whilst Pinkie and Fluttershy decided to stick with a simple laser pistol.

Flash had also chosen to arm himself with two pistols, Shining and Trixie planning to use their normal power-set as they did so. Flash had also gotten his hoverboard from home, wanting to have every advantage they could get in order to save the hybrids. They had also equipped themselves with communicator earpieces, to make sure they could contact one another if they got split up.

"So what's exactly is the plan?" Adagio asked, turning to the three superheroes for confirmation.

Shining was the one who answered. "Once Twilight and Azmuth locate the hybrids, we head to that location and save them. How we do that will have to be decided when we know where they are. Knowledge of the location is the most important part of creating a battle plan." They nodded and once they were geared up, they headed back up towards the main control room.

When they arrived, Twilight and Azmuth were still struggling to find a way to locate them. "Anything?" Flash asked, Twilight shaking her head.

"I'm sorry. But the teleport is just too degraded. We can't follow it's signal."

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Trixie asked. "What about those tracking devices the hybrids all had?"

"We removed them," Azmuth stated.

"Not all of them," Flash pointed out. Azmuth turned to him, "what about Scoop's? You didn't take his out, right?" Azmuth realised he was right and typed on his tablet.

"You're right. We still have the tracker's signal in the database. My ship still has a record of it from when we found Drift's. If it's still working, I should be able to locate it." They smirked as Azmuth worked, eventually sighing. "Damn. I can't get a lock on it."

"Why not?" Fluttershy asked.

"Either it's been shut off by whoever has them...or something's blocking the signal from getting through." He frowned and tried to think. "Whoever managed to get them out of the base used teleport beam. But from what I've been able to determine from the data, the beam's range wasn't very high. Only a few miles at the least."

"So you're saying the hybrids couldn't have been teleported too far?" Twilight caught on, Azmuth nodding.

"Exactly," Azmuth nodded as he hummed. "And if they're still close by. Whatever's blocking the signal is also close by. And that means there may be a chance." He typed on his tablet, the others wondering what he was going to do. "I'm going to have my ship send a low level electromagnetic pulse out across the city."

"What good will that do?" Pinkie asked, but Sunset realised his plan.

"You're going to use it to knock out whatever's blocking the tracking signal."

"Not knock out," Azmuth stated. "The city needs power and if the EMP is too strong, everything electrical would be destroyed. But a small one will cause the electrical devices to fluctuate. The only thing that wouldn't stop is the tracker since it'll be behind the shield. The pulse will hit and make the shield cut out for second or two. And that'll be all the time I need to lock onto the signal."

"That's great," Flash smirked. "Light it up, Azmuth." The Galvin nodded before hitting the button. Up above the city, his ship's antenna unleashed the electromagnetic blast that flew across the city.

When it did, anything electrical suddenly found itself glitching for a moment. Radio stations staticed, ovens were knocked off and cars found themselves struggling for a few seconds before regaining control.

In Tirek's ship, he was busy working on what he planned to do with his hybrids when everything suddenly glitched.

"What?" The ship's engines were able to stay online, but he realised the ship's cloaking system was offline. "No, no, no, NO!" He quickly worked to get the downed system's back to full power. But it was too late.

The people around Tirek's building were pulled away from their glitching phones, by something that suddenly appeared above the roof of the building. The red ship appeared and they all gasped, fearing another alien invasion.

Azmuth was about to start looking for Scoop's signal. But before he could, his ship gave different alert. "What's that?" Flash asked, "you find Scoop's signal?"

"No," Azmuth told him, "my ship's detected an energy source that's way above earth's tech level. It suddenly appeared and-it's gone." Azmuth frowned as he turned his ship in that direction, everyone crowding around to stare at his tablet. "i'm sending out another EMP." He fired and once again, every electrical device in the city glitched.

But a ship also appeared as Azmuth switched on his vessel's cameras, the red spacecraft becoming visible once again. "Where did that thing come from?" Rainbow asked.

"It was always there," Shining stated. "You just couldn't see it because it was using some kind of cloak." Azmuth nodded as he found the energy readings beginning to disappear again.

"Oh no you don't." He pressed the tablet and his ship launched something from its satellite, which slammed right into the disappearing ship. This time, the ship became visible and seemed to completely die.

They watched as the ship fell onto the building below it. Luckily, it was only a few feet above it so there was no real damage done. "That should keep it from powering up for a few minutes."

"Then let's not waste any time!" Flash cried, holding up his twin blasters. "Let's get over there and free Scoop and the others."

"Are we even sure that's where they are?" Trixie asked. "I mean, I know it'd be a bit of a coincidence that there's a spaceship that's not connected to the hybrids. But..."

"They're there," Azmuth assured her. "I'm picking up the tracking device's signal. It's in the ship."

"I'd say that's proof enough," Shining nodded. "Can you teleport us inside the ship?"

"Please, don't insult me." He tapped on his tablet as a bunch of objects appeared on all the girls. These objects were round gray badges, with a button in the middle that looked like it lit up when pressed. They had attached themselves somewhere on each of the girls, whilst five more badges also appeared in Flash's hand. "These beacons will allow me to keep a lock on your locations so I can beam you out of there when you find them or if you need to make a quick getaway. When you get to Drift and the others, place those badges on them. Hit the button and I'll teleport you back."

"Got it," they all nodded as Azmuth prepared for teleportation.

"Be careful. You have no idea what you're walking into."

"Maybe not," Flash nodded. "But we can't just sit back and let those guys remain hostages." He turned to the others, "you guys-"

"Don't even finish that sentence," Rainbow cocked the rifle. "We're going in."

"They're Equestrian," Sunset told him. "I'm not gonna let fellow Equestrians suffer." The others all nodded and Flash smirked, Shining and Trixie suiting up as Flash got ready to use the Omnitrix if needed.

He turned to Azmuth and nodded, "do it." Azmuth nodded and with a single swipe of his finger, the eleven humans were warped away in a flash of light.

"Come on!" Tirek cried, trying to get the ship back online. "Turn on, damn it!"

As this was going on, the hybrids were all slowly starting to come around. The EMP had knocked out the stasis system and if they woke up, they would likely be able to escape in seconds. But before they could get completely conscious, Tirek managed to get his ship's systems back online and the stasis reactivated.

However, as the computer booted back up, an alert sounded. "Now what?" He switched on the security system and was shocked to see several individuals appearing in the cargo hold. "NO!" He cried, seeing Flash Sentry and the others standing in the large room. "You're not getting out of that room." He pressed several buttons, activating the defence procedures.

Everyone looked around, seeing they were in some kind of storage room.

They all spread out, looking for a way out of the room. As they did, Shining's suit sent out a life sign scan. After a few seconds, he found something. "Got it. Five unknown life signs and one...human?" That surprised them, but they didn't have the time to wonder about that since the walls of the room suddenly opened up.

"Look out!" Flash cried, knowing what was coming. And sure enough, a bunch of blasters folded out of the wall and opened fire.

Rarity quickly created shields around the lot of them, but the lasers quickly started breaking them apart and she couldn't keep up with the onslaught.

Shining changed his Multi-Striker to rifle mood and started blasting at the wall cannons, as Flash jumped onto his hoverboard to fly around and try to catch some of the blaster's attention. They did so and the blasters changed their targets to start firing up instead of down, lessening the danger for the rest of them.

Applejack rushed towards one of the roof pointing ones and leapt up, grabbing it by the barrel before pulling it out of the wall. Twilight did the same with her magic as Trixie used her Rapid Turtle form.

Slowing down time, she ran up to the wall and threw her shield. She sped time back up as it left her and the shield spun like a buzzsaw, cutting through three of the blasters before Flash caught it and threw it back.

Shining, Rainbow, Adagio and Sunset blasted a few more with their weapons and even Fluttershy and Pinkie managed to hit the same one with their pistols.

Twilight then pulled the last to blasters out of the wall and the attacks ended, the group sighing in relief. Flash then turned to the others. "I think it's safe to assume, they know we're here." They all nodded and as he said that, the doors of the room opened up. "Now what?" He got his answer when a bunch of very familiar jet-like drones flew into the room.

They were all equipped with blasters and other long range weapons, which they quickly started firing with. Rarity once again put up some shields to protect them, as Flash leapt off his hoverboard and activated the Omnitrix.

Finding what he wanted, he transformed as the others started firing at the jets. "Vapaw!" The alien lion quickly pointed his tail at the machine, unleashing the gas that covered the jets and stopped them from firing.

"I don't think that'll work," Trixie told him. "These things were able to see through my illusions last time. They have some kind of thermal vision or something." She expected the jets to start firing, but found they they weren't. "Or not."

"These ones might not have been built like those other ones you fought." Sure enough, the jets all seemed to wait until the smokescreen vanished. Only then, did they start firing at them.

But Vapaw leapt into the air and pounced on one, tackling it to the ground and clawing into it.

The others started fighting as well, Shining using a sword to cut away their lasers before stabbing the machines. Trixie switched to her Sky Butterfly form and took to the air, stabbing and slashing at the robots with her rapier. Twilight pulled several drones to the ground, allowing Applejack to smash her fist through them and Rainbow to speed her foot into another.

The other girls all continued to blast the robots, with Fluttershy surprising them with her much force she was putting into her shots. "Take that, and that, and that!" The machines all fell, but more and more kept coming. They knew their couldn't be an endless supply of them, but they also knew they couldn't waste time fighting them whilst the hybrids were having who knows what done to them.

"We've gotta split up," Shining announced. "Flash, take Twilight, Fluttershy, Sunset and Trixie to find the hybrids. We'll stay here and hold them off."

"How?" Twilight asked, "we don't know where they are."

Shining knew, his scan having done a detailed survey of the ship's layout. He began telling Twilight the fastest route to the place their life signs were, whilst Vapaw destroyed another drone.

He then quickly filled the room with smoke, preventing the drones from seeing. As he did, he used his tail to grab the four girls in question and ran for the door. He was careful not to hit anything on his way out. But by the time the smoke cleared, the five were gone.

Tirek watched as some of the group got away, including Sentry.

The old man frowned before moving over to the back of the room. He pulled out a pair of cases and opened them up, revealing a suit similar to Shining and a large laser blaster. He would need time to get suited up, so he quickly activated more of the ship's defences.

As soon as they were out of the room, they headed down the hall in the direction Shining had told them to go.

But as they did, the walls opened up and revealed more laser blasters. Vapaw saw them and quickly hit the Omnitrix, transforming as they began firing. "Diamondhead!" The crystal alien raised his arms as large shields grew out of them, covering the girls as they deflected the beams.

Twilight used her magic to pull them out of the wall, the group running forward as more blasters folded out ready to attack.

But against, Diamondhead used his shields to block and protect them as the girls used their magic and weapons to destroy the blasters. It was a slow process, but they managed to make their way through the ship until they reached a large metal door.

"Please let them be on the other side of this," Fluttershy begged as Diamondhead stepped up to the door. He turned his fist into a crystal spike and thrust it into the gap, creating hole between the two that he used to pull them apart.

They stepped inside and as they did, they were amazed by all the strange and unusual pieces of equipment on the walls and tables. Some of this stuff looked way too advanced to be human or even plumber tech. But this wasn't what they were there for.

Moving to the back of the room, they found another door.

Diamondhead repeated the process and cut the door open, allowing them access. And as soon as they stepped inside, they gasped seeing five glass tubes. "There they are!" Fluttershy cried, seeing Drift and the others still unconscious. But as she ran towards them, Diamondhead spotted motion.

"Look out!" He rushed over and shielded her, as a laser exploded towards them and struck his arm. "AUGH!"

The girls gasped, as they watched Diamondhead's arm crack. They all turned to the source of the attack and saw a figure wearing a red suit of armor and helmet similar to the one Shining had. He was carrying a large blaster weapon, which was still smoking.

"So," Trixie frowned, "you're the one who kidnapped our friends."

"Kidnapped?" The figure asked, "you can't kidnap something you own. And since I made them, I own them."

"You're sick!" Twilight cried, "those five aren't property you can claim. They're living beings with wills and opinions of their own. It doesn't matter if you created them."

"Why the heck did you even create them in the first place?" Diamondhead asked, the others wanting to know as well.

The figure chuckled. "These five genetic hybrids are the perfect soldiers. You can clearly see their fighting potential, given how hard it was for you to bring them down. Imagine an army of them, being used to keep our nation safe. No more soldiers needing to risk their lives."

"You're gonna make more of them?" Fluttershy could hardly believe what she was hearing. "Then why steal them back? Why not just make new ones from scratch?"

"Do you know how difficult it was to create these creatures? It's a miracle I was able to make them as perfect as I could on the first attempt. If I want all my creations to be as perfect as them, I need them to act as a template."

"You're gonna clone them," Twilight realised. She had read about cloning experiments in the plumber database. Depending on what method he intended to use, it could be very dangerous for them. "How are you gonna clone them? What'll it do to Drift and the others?"

"Unfortunately, the cloning procedure isn't exactly...survivable." They gasped and Diamondhead had had enough, hitting the Omnitrix to transform.

"XLR8!" The alien speedster shot out of the light and moved towards the figure, who leapt to the side in order to avoid getting punched. He rolled along the ground and fired at XLR8 as he did, the alien managing to avoid the blasts as he ran around the room.

The girls all rushed to save the hybrids, but the figure ran over to a computer and hit a large button.

Doing so caused the machines to light up, electricity shooting into the stasis pods and zapping the five. Even asleep, they could all feel the pain of being shocked by this terrible energy. They screamed, as Sunset, Twilight and Fluttershy tried to free them.

Trixie flew forward, her rapier in hand as she attempted to stab the figure. But he quickly blasted at her, Trixie barely managing to avoid this and flying to a safe distance. But he was so distracted by Trixie, he didn't notice XLR8 charging towards him at full speed.

"RAAAAH!" The alien hero spun around and slammed his tail into his back, knocking the figure forward.

He fell to the ground and when he did, the glass on his helmet shattered. None of it seemed to get into the figure's eyes, but the sound caught everyone's attention and they watched as he picked himself up. And as XLR8 rolled around him, he managed to see who was behind the mask and his eyes went wide.

"Tirek?" They all gasped at the sight of the old man, who growled seeing his cover had been blown. Suddenly, everything seemed to make sense. Flash thought back to when he first met Tirek and was saved by him from that robot, the alien hero only now realising it had all been a setup. He had only appeared after Flash had captured Drift. He was simply playing nice just to get his hybrids back. "Why?"

"Why?" Tirek asked.

"Why do all this? You were a plumber. A hero. Why throw all that away to become a monster?"

Tirek smirked, "I've been a monster since the day I shot my partner in the back." They all wondered what he meant by that, but Tirek quickly reached for his blaster and attempted to blast XLR8.

But the alien speedster managed to dodge the attack and shot forward, slamming his tail into Tirek. This knocked him backwards, right into Sunset. "Look out!" Trixie cried, but Sunset wasn't able to dodge in time. And as soon as she made contact with Tirek, their eyes went white.

The next thing she knew, Sunset was living through Tirek's memories. She saw everything that he had done. How he got the ship, how he killed his partner and tricked the plumbers. How he used his stolen technology to build a business empire and how he travelled to Equestria to gain samples of DNA to build his super soldiers.

It wasn't until after she saw how Tirek lost his hybrids, that the man managed to recover and pull himself off of the girl. "Get away from me!" He jumped back and pointed his blaster at the girl, who was still reeling from her mind travel.

XLR8 shot around Tirek and grabbed Sunset, pulling her out of the way just as Tirek fired his blaster.

The laser instead hit the back of the room, slamming into a box that it destroyed. Doing so caused a sudden surge of energy, which caused the entire ship to shake. "What's going on?" Fluttershy asked, as Tirek gasped.

"You idiots! You destroyed one of the main power relays. That'll send a surge through the entire ship and make it explode!"

"What do you mean we destroyed it?" Sunset asked, "you're the one with the death ray." Tirek growled and pointed the blaster at them, but the ship suddenly lurched out of control and they were all sent flying.

Fluttershy and Sunset were thrown towards the back wall, only for Trixie to grab them before they could hurt themselves.

Twilight managed to hold onto Drift's pod and as she did, she managed to figure out how to open the lock. "Got it!" She cried, opening the pod and releasing the stasis smoke. Drift moaned as the cloning process was stopped for him, Twilight smiling as he started to come around.

The ship lurched again and she was thrown away, Drift almost being thrown out as well. Luckily, XLR8 managed to grab her before she hit something. Trixie flew the other girls over to the pods and Twilight explained how to open them, Sunset managing to free Pearl as Fluttershy freed Scales. Trixie managed to free both Charger and Scoop.

Tirek gasped as he saw the five hybrids all awaken, Drift looking at the others. "Fluttershy? What happened?"

Fluttershy turned to glare at Tirek, "he kidnapped you." The five all turned to Tirek, "he's the one who created you. He did it to try and make an army of clones, but the process would have killed you." The five glared at him, with Scoop even appearing to understand what was being said.

"Is that true?" Drift flew up with Pearl and Scales, through they had trouble beating their wings in their tired state.

"So what if it is?" Tirek told him, "I created you. I should be able to do whatever the heck I want with you." The five all glared at him, looking ready to attack. But before they could, the ship lurched again and everyone was almost thrown around.

"This ship could blow at any minute!" XLR8 told them, pulling out the five badges and quickly zipping around to attach them to the hybrids and activate them.

Twilight used her earpiece to contact Shining and the others, "Shining! We've got them. Activate the beacons!" As this was happening, Azmuth was already teleporting the hybrids.

"NO!" Tirek roared, as they disappeared. Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy and Trixie activated their beacons and XLR8 expected Azmuth to use the Omnitrix, but then they all realised Tirek didn't have a beacon.

XLR8 was about to rush over and grab them, but the ship jolted and they were all thrown around. Tirek was sent flying and flew into one of the pods, as a surge of energy caused the computer to activate. XLR8 and the girls could only watch, as the lot of them were teleported away and Tirek was surrounded in a bunch of strange mist.

As they vanished, the computer's screen showed some words. 'DNA splicing, underway.'

Multiple alien images filled the screen and as each one appeared, Tirek felt himself being injected with something and his body started feeling like it was boiling. He screamed as with every second, the pain grew greater and greater. All he could do, was beat on the pod trying to escape.

Back at the base, Azmuth watched as the light appeared in front of him.

One by one, each of his friends appeared. When the last one showed up, he sighed and was glad to see they were all okay. And even the hybrids were there. "You're okay," he told them. "That's good. Were you able to find out who was responsible?"

As XLR8 changed back to human, a look of betrayal appeared on his face. Twilight and the other girls all had the same expression, everyone who saw this looking worried. "It was Tirek," Flash finally explained. "He's the one who created the hybrids. We wanted to use them to create a race of super soldiers."

"What?" Shining could hardly believe it, "you can't be serious. But he's a plumber."

"Not a good one," Sunset replied. "I looked through his memories. He stole that ship so he could sell the technology and make a fortune. He was the one who killed Max Tennyson to keep his secret. And he only wanted to help us so he could take the hybrids when he got the chance."

Everyone frowned, unable to believe that old man had tricked them all so easily. Azmuth was also upset, but now realised how the virus had infected their systems. He looked at his tablet and could detected some serious energy surges coming from it. "That ship's going to overload."

"We know," Flash frowned. "Tirek damaged something that made the whole place go crazy. And he's still in there."

Azmuth nodded, tapping at his tablet. "I'll use my ship to pull it into orbit, where it can explode safely. I'll scan the ship for human life signs and teleport them out."

Back in the ship, the lab filled with smoke as the systems went into overload.

As they did, the pod holding Tirek was thrown open and he staggered out. He fell to the ground and as he did, his skin felt like it was crawling. "Ahhh!" He screamed in pain, feeling like he was being ripped apart from the inside out. And as he did, his body started growing larger and ripping through his suit.

His arms and legs ripped free and as they did, their started changing. His right arm began to turn to metal, whilst his left one changed to look like it was made out of red rocks, with lava seeping between them. His legs also changed, his left turning green with sprouts appearing along it, whilst his right slowly turned crystalline.

His rear suddenly started changing as well, his butt extending outwards as a new pair of legs started growing out from under it, one of these legs looking like something you would see on a praying mantis whilst the other looked like it was made entirely out of water.

The back of his suit also ripped apart, as something grew out of his back. That something were a pair of a long tail-like limbers, one appearing to be a yellow mechanical whip-like object with a drill on the end of it, whilst the other was a black cord with a gold plug-like instrument on the end. His shoulder and upper back also turned black, with green lines running through it. From out of his rear, a tail like XLR8's also began to grow out of it.

Tirek continued to cry out in pain, as he looked up to reveal his face was also changing. His beard and hair remained the same, but his eyes changed as his right one grew larger and bulged out to look similar to a galvin's eye. Meanwhile, his right eye turned completely green whilst a second one appeared beneath it. Two large tusk-like fangs started growing from his upper mouth and from out of his head, a pairs of large horns similar to charger's began to grow.

"RAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed, his mind completely breaking from what was happening. Soon, his voice turned to be completely beastial.

Back at the base, Azmuth was moving his ship closer to Tirek's in order to tractor beam it away.

But as it got close, he scanned the ship for human DNA and found nothing. "What?" Azmuth did another scan, "I can't seem to locate Tirek." The others frowned, wondering what the heck had happened to him. But as the ship got in close to the red one, Tirek's ship suddenly ripped apart as something broke through the metal.

The camera zoomed in on the hole that had just been made in the side of the ship, smoke flying out of the ship as whatever had made it pulled its way free and leapt out the ship. As it fell to the ground, Azmuth used his ship to pull the almost destroyed ship upwards. As it did, Azmuth sent out a drone to look at what had just fallen free.

Everyone was shocked when they saw a giant centaur monster, that looked like it was made out of different alien body parts, as it crashed into the street so hard it caused the entire place to shake.

It was roughly the size of an elephant and when the camera zoomed in on its face, everyone in shock by what they saw. The creature's eyes might had been different, but they all recognised who it was.

"Tirek," Flash growled.

"What the heck did he do to himself?" Rainbow asked, as the creature suddenly turned to the drone. It opened its mouth and from it, a blast of light exploded outwards and the camera footage went to static.

"I don't think whatever happened was on purpose," Shining told him. "But that doesn't matter right now."

"Indeed," Azmuth nodded. He was still focusing on pulling the ship into space, "you need to stop him before he does any more damage." Flash and the others didn't need telling twice. They all headed for the exit, hoping they could stop Tirek before anyone got hurt.

Author's Note:

Well, Tirek's deception has been revealed. And now, his outward appearance matches his inner self. How will Flash and everyone stop this? Only time will tell. See you next time.

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