• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Behind the Alien: Cat-Apult

Good evening and welcome back, explorers and omni-planetary travellers. Thank you for returning to take yet another tour of our ever expanding universe, where every planet holds its own mysteries and secrets to be uncovered.

The first planet on our tour, is the home world of an alien Flash received whilst on a trip into the future. The sharp shooting launcher alien, Cat-Apult.

Prepare yourself to be flung back in time, as we head to a planet that almost like looking into one's own history. As they say in this world. Have at thee. Let's go.

The scene opens up on a planet that appears similar to Earth, only many of the continents that make it up appear to be lacking in foliage.

Whilst Earth from orbit appears green with several areas of brown mountainous locations, this planet is the opposite and appears to be mostly open mountains with several areas of green here and there. The continents up north were covered in snow and there were several small continents that were entirely rocks with no plant life appearing at all.

Saxumundus, the only planet in its system that can sustain life. Though life on said planet is anything but easy, the inhabitants of the world have evolved to handle the harsh climate that the planet has in store for them.

With many continents covering different areas of the planet, an abundance of life exists here with many unusual abilities that allows them to live there. That includes the alien we are here to see today. The Felistacatus.

The scene zooms in on the planet, to a rocky location similar in appearance to the Colorado mountains of Earth. There isn't as much greenery here, but there are a few trees here and there that allow for shade and sustenance.

On top of a mountain are a collection of trees, which are all baring strangely shaped fruit. And one of these trees was soon landed on by a long necked green bird, with two sets of wings that it folded up as it landed.

It reached its long neck out to peck at the fruit. But as it did, it had no idea it was being watched by something carefully prowling towards it. And as it began to eat the fruit, the creature revealed itself to be a humanoid cat creature walking on all fours.

Name: Felistacatus
Alien Type: Intelligent Feline
Intelligence: 4/20
Abilities: Prehensile tail that launches items
Form: Humanoid cat standing from four and a half to five and a half feet in height, with a white face, chest and feet. Remaining parts of the body coming in many different colours, being anything from blue, to red, to green, yellow, pink and many more. Long tube-like tail of around six feet in length, being thicker than the alien's arm and having a hole in the centre that appears to go all the way to the base of the tail.

The stealthiest creature on Saxumundus, the felistacatus carefully stalk their prey. And once they're close enough, they use their best weapon to take them down.

The yellow cat alien raised its tail, which appeared to be packed full of things. And just as the bird seemed to notice it wasn't alone, the tail fired what was inside it out at high speed.

They turned out to be rocks, which flew through the air like bullets and began to slam into the bird and knocked it off the tree. It crashed into the ground and before it could recover, the felistacatus leapt at it and tackled it to the ground. The bird let out a squawk, as its long neck was bitten into.

The felistacatus can generate a specialised air within its tail, that is naturally let out when the tail is empty. But when the tail is packed, this air will begin to build and pressurise. As such, once enough pressure has been built, the feline alien can unleash it all into a super strong concussive blast that will launch whatever's blocking up the tail out with incredible speed and power. This turns whatever is launched into a high impact weapon, which could shatter bone depending on the harness of the object.

Once the bird was taken care of, the felistacatus lifted its over its shoulders and began to head down the mountain. The cat showed incredible climbing skill and dexterity, as it leapt from one ledge to another until it reached an area of the mountain that had a cave in the side of it.

The felistacatus headed inside to find a green female cat alien, looking after a bunch of felistacatus kittens that were either yellow or green.

Making their homes within natural mountain caves, they raise their young here and train them to use their abilities and natural reflexes in order to survive.

The male placed the food down, allowing its mate and kits to begin feasting. They all ate, whilst the male looked out the cave and used its strong sense of sight to study the landscape.

Though this area may appear to be the perfect place to call home, it can be quite unpredictable. Especially with another species that lives there, who hold the power the completely reshape the land.

On another part of the planet, a small rabbit like alien was scouring the landscape in search of its own food.

Its arms appeared longer than a normal rabbit's, with a secondary limb attached to it that was folded up at the moment. It hopped around, sniffing the ground searching for something to eat. But then, its ears twitched and it looked around before bursting out into a run.

As it did, the ground around it suddenly turned from solid to a pool of mud. The area it was on was just about to turn liquid, but it leapt into the air at the last moment and spread its arms. Doing so caused the secondary limbs to extend and reveal a pair of bat-like wings, which allowed it to take flight.

It flew away from the mud pool. But at the last moment, the earth shot up from the pool and morphed into a hand shape. And it moved faster than the rabbit, allowing the hand to grab it before the mud solidified back into rock.

The rabbit screamed as it tried to break free, but it couldn't and it was brought back to the ground. The arm solidified and as it did, the one responsible for the sudden earth shift stepped up to the creature.

Name: Canifigerra
Alien Type: Intelligent Canine
Intelligence: 3/20
Abilities: Ground manipulation, heightened sense of smell and hearing
Form: Humanoid dog standing from five to six feet in height, with appearances ranging from looking like any type of earth dog. From labradors, to border collies, to german shepards and so many more.

Canifigerra, one of the top predators of Saxumundus. This canine alien has the ability to mentally manipulate rock and dirt, changing its density to turn it from a solid to a liquid or liquid to a solid. Whilst in the liquid form, canifigerra can morph the mud into any shape and form before solidifying it again.

The doberman alien stepped forward and stared at the rabbit bat, then touched the stone fist and made part of it turn back to mud and grow around the rabbit's head before solidifying it. A minute later, the rabbit was still and the alien liquefied the rock again to pull it out.

A little while later, the canifigerra arrived at an area of the open rockland that was filled with huts and other structures made out of rock. A poodle canifigerra touched the ground with her paws and the whole area liquidated before the alien thrust her arms up, causing the mud to fly up and take form into a house shape. When it solidified again, a new home had been formed.

Though not as smart as the felistacatus, their mastery over the land has made them one of the most dominant species on the planet. And despite their cat dog appearance, the two species spent many years simply staying out of each other's way. On rare occasions, a canifigerra would agree to help a felistacatus by creating a new home for it out of the side of a mountain. But things soon changed when a third member of the planet's intelligent species joined the fray.

In another part of the planet, in one of the few forests that exist on Saxumundus, a small creature was making its way through the undergrowth of the forest.

Name: Trabeamus
Alien Type: Intelligent Rodent
Intelligence: 6/20
Abilities: Warp glyphing
Form: Mouse-like creature similar in appearance to Earth mice, standing at between ten and fifteen inches in height. White fur covered in blue lines running all around its body, all leading to a blue swirl on its head.

Trabeamus. The smartest member of Saxumundus' intelligent species. Though small in appearance, this alien uses its high intellect to survive.

The trabeamus scurried through the bushes in search of food, spotting a few plants that had seeds that it could feast on. It moved over to the plant and as it did, something suddenly flew overhead. The alien mouse looked up and saw no sign of anything, but still rushed over to hide under a bush.

He stared at the sky and waited, knowing that rushing could lead to disaster. As such, it looked around and spotted a small piece of flat wood on the floor. It picked it up and raised it to its head, as the blue spiral began to glow before unleashing a beam that burned a spiral mark into it.

Despite their intellect, the trabeamus lack the ability to truly fight against the dangers of the world. However, through some yet to be discovered means, this species has developed another ability to help it survive.

Once the mark was made, the alien stopped the beam and the wood's spiral turned blue.

The trabeamus then stepped out from under the bush and made its way over to the plant, dropping the wood next to it when it arrived. But as it started pulling the seeds out of the plant, its danger senses pricked and it looked up.

A giant blue hawk-like alien with four wings shot down, its claws ready to grab the alien. But before it could get in close, the blue markings on the mouse began to glow. And in a brilliant blue flash, the alien vanished right before it was grabbed.

In another part of the forest, a burrow had been dug out from under a large rock,

On the wall of the burrow, carved into a rock that was discovered whilst digging out the burrow, was another blue spiral exactly like the one on the trabeamus. This spiral suddenly started glowing, the light flying off and hitting the ground.

A blue flash filled the air and from out of it, the trabeamus appeared looking happy it had managed to escape.

The trabeamus body generates a strange form of energy, which it can use to mark certain objects with a spiral glyph that connects any two objects marked by this ability. Once marked, these two objects can become a doorway through space for the alien. It's entire body is transmuted into the energy and transferred into one of these glyph, allowing it to travel through the connection and arrive at the location of the second glyph.

The trabeamus dropped the seeds on the ground and began to enjoy them. Once it was finished, it turned back to the mark. Said mark had stopped glowing blue, the trabeamus moving up to it and unleashing a beam into the wall.

Once these two connected objects are used to transport the trabeamus, the glyph will mostly faded and be unusable again. As such, many trabeamus tend to remark their homes every time they use them. This allows them to make a quick getaway should the need arise and return home safely. But it also allows for quick escape when home is no longer safe.

Night arrived and the trabeamus was asleep.

As it snoozed, something appeared in the forest that they called home. A canifigerra stepped up and looked around, nodding as he decided this was a perfect spot to call home...for now.

The husky alien placed his hands on the ground and caused the earth to liquefy.

Down below, the trabeamus' ears pick up a strange sound and it wakes up. Looking out of the tunnel, its eyes went wide seeing the tunnel was starting to turn to mud and collapse. As such, the mouse alien rushed over to the glyph and warped into it. Moments later, the burrow was destroyed as the earth that made it up was used to make a hut.

Up on the surface, the canifigerra smiled at the new home he made. Meanwhile, a blue flash of light filled the air as the trabeamus flew out of a tree. When the light faded, it looked around and saw what the canifigerra had done to their home.

It should have been angry, but seeing the dog's abilities made it hum as he stroked his chin.

The next morning.

The canifigerra yawned as he left the hut, only to find something in front of it that hadn't been there the previous night. A chunk of wood with a glowing blue spiral on it.

He picked it up and scratched his head, only for the light on the spiral to explode off of it and form a mouse-like alien on the ground.

The dog was shocked and dropped the wood, whilst the mouse smiled up at him. It had gotten the canifigerra's attention. Now for its pitch.

At some point in the future, the two were rushing through the rocklands.

The canifigerra was wearing a sash around its shoulder, with pockets covering it. In one of the pockets was the trabeamus, whilst others held a bunch of seeds and grains they had found whilst on the hunt. They ran as fast as they could and eventually spotted a bird in the air, the canifigerra skidding to a stop before placing his hand on the ground.

The land turned to mud and shot up, grabbing the bird by the feet before pulling it down towards the ground. It then slammed into some more mud, sinking as it solidified. A minute or so later, it turned back to mud and the bird was lifted out.

The canine lifted its prey into the air, as the rodent used its ability to mark the earth. Once that was done, he climbed back into the sash and they were both surrounded by the energy. They then shot into the spiral and travelled through the gateway, coming out the other side as they were back in the forest hut.

The canifigerra emptied its sash of all the different grains and seeds, filling different bowls for the mouse to have its fill. It then got to work preparing the bird, happy to do it before it started to rot.

A unison of different abilities, allowing them to travel further for food without needing to exhaust themselves getting back. And they weren't the only ones to discover a partnership.

The pair are out on the hunt again, spotting a flying rabbit in the air.

The canifigerra launched the mud hands and tried to grab it, but the rabbit managed to avoid them all. And before the dog could launch another assault, something else shot up and struck the rabbit. A boulder.

The hybrid fell to the ground and before it could escape, the canifigerra turned the ground the mud and it sank. The alien dog and mouse stepped up to it, then looked over at the rock that had been launched.

Suddenly, something landed down on a rock and the pair looked up. There they saw a red felistacatus, with a sash like the one the canifigerra was carrying. And from out of it, a small trabeamus popped out. This one appeared female, the canifigerra trabeamus seeing this and jumping out.

The two mice rushed towards one another and smiled, whilst the cat and dog gave each other a curious look. But eventually, they both smiled as well.

Time moves forward and the four are working together to hunt, the group's differing skills making catching food much easier. Once they had something, the trabeamus teleported their partners back to the large home they all shared.

This one wasn't like the simple huts the canifigerra were known to make. This one was a mansion, made of interconnected bricks created from reshaping smaller clumps of earth. It was bigger, stronger and able to weather the elements much better than anything the canifigerra were able to make before.

With the trabeamus' superior knowledge, they were able to instruct the canifigerra on how to build better houses. Ones capable of withstanding almost anything. Almost.

The four began to relax, the trabeamus both rushing over to a small corner of the mansion with a miniature house made just for them. And inside this house, a bunch of smaller trabeamus were waiting. These ones were roughly the size of an Earth mouse and didn't have any of the blue lines or spirals their parents had.

The trabeamus family began to eat some seeds and grains, whilst the felistacatus and canifigerra both began to prepare their meal. But as they did, the entire mansion began to shake.

The aliens all rushed towards the door and when they arrived, they found a bunch of rocks flying in their direction.

They rushed back inside, as the rocks slammed into the wall and caused it to break apart. The aliens looked through the hole and found the ones responsible were a group of felistacatus. And they weren't alone.

A bunch of canifigerra slammed their paws into the ground, causing the foundation of the house to melt and make it sink. The ones directing them to do this, were a bunch of trabeamus.

The felistacatus fired more rocks at the house, causing it to break apart even more. The aliens inside were fearing they might not survived, but then the male trabeamus had an idea. He grabbed a piece of rock to place the glyph on before handing it to the felistacatus.

Moments later, the rock was propelled out of a hole and sent flying past the attacking group.

It landed a ways away and as it did, the spiral glowed before the light shot off and the previous inhabitants of the house appeared out of it.

The male trabeamus looked exhausted, teleporting so many at once draining him. The female hugged him, as the felistacatus and canifigerra turned back to their former home, which had been reduced to nothing. They were all angry and swore to get their revenge.

When the three groups of species banded together, they realised they could do anything. But when one has no limits, their desires to acquire also become limitless.

Time moves on and the group of aliens that had been attacked had gathered more trabeamus, felistacatus and canifigerra. They formed a large group, who worked together to create a massive fortress in the middle of the wastelands. Said fortress was built upon a rare underground source of fresh water, which became accessible thanks to the canifigerra.

Once the water source was acquired and the fortress built, they worked together to defend it against whoever might try and take it for themselves.

And sure enough, a large army began to march towards the fortress. When it arrived, the felistacatus stepped forward and got into firing range. The canifigerra used their abilities to create tightly compacted boulders, whilst the trabeamus studied the fortress and determined the best area to attack.

Once the felistacatus were loaded, the mice aliens stated the battle plan. The cats then fired, launching the rocks at the fortress and hitting it in roughly the same area.

As this was happening, the force inside the building were preparing their countermeasures. The felistacatus leapt onto the fortress walls and launched their own rocks back, many slamming into the ones in the air and destroying them.

Outside, the lead trabeamus placed a glyph on a rock before a felistacatus launched it higher than the rest.

It flew over the walls and began to fall towards the ground. As it did, the glyph unleashed its light and a bunch of felistacatus and canifigerra appeared out of it.

The two groups began to do battle against one another, an all out war pretty much breaking out.

Fast forward to the end of the battle and it is shown that the makers of the fort had claimed victory. It was a hard fought victory, and not without casualties, but they had won and protected their home. Now they had to repair it and wait for the next attack.

All over the planet, fortresses like that one have been built. They're all used to protect something, be it a water source, food source, or a plant filled location one could farm and cultivate the land. Every fortress had something worth defending it for. And so this went on, for many centuries until the planet became what it is today.

Fast forward one last time and the descendants of the aliens that first made this fortress were working hard.

Now they were kitted out with armor and weapons, combined with their own natural powers. The armies set out to defend their home and fight whoever might try to take it from them. Like the knights of old, they would fight to protect what was their's.

Saxumundus. A harsh world to call home, for sure. But thankfully, we were just visiting. Time to move on to the next planet of our tour. You geology lovers are sure to get a kick out of this one. And don't worry if you think you're starting to see double. Your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Onwards, to our next big adventure.

Author's Note:

And so the Behind the Aliens chapters return. Hope you enjoyed this one and the ones to come. I'm really proud of this chapter, considering I only made Cat-Apult for the pun. Let me know what you think.

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