• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,883 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

  • ...

Valley Dale (part 1)

Luna’s heart beated nearly uncontrollably in her chest as she approached the outskirts of the village. She had made extra certain that her disguise spell was utterly impeccable. A small mirror in the corner of her caravan had helped with the crafting of the finer details. It took a lot of time to carefully shape the illusion, but once she had finished crafting the spell matrix, the magic would, when activated, always output the exact same visual illusion that she had decided upon.

It was far more time-consuming to set up then the dynamic and fluid illusions used in battle or during magic shows, but it was more consistent and easier to maintain.

As she approached the gate that bisected the wooden palisade wall of the small town, a pair of guards stood vigilantly and awaited her approach. When they looked upon Luna, they would only see an azure-coated, platinum-maned unicorn, wrapped in a starry purple cloak.

"Please state your name and business." Ordered one of the guards when Luna had approached close enough to speak to, in a professional, but not necessarily unkind tone.

The disguised alicorn took a deep breath to steady her nerves before putting on an easy smile, answering in a cheery voice. "Hello, my name is Starry Night, and I'm just here to visit the market. Perhaps purchase a few things before I continue my journey."

Travelling Mages were a rare, but not necessarily a universally loved profession, despite the good that they did. In some select towns, a strong anti-outsider sentiment still lingered, as well as a general aversion to letting others solve their problems for them. Luna didn't know the exact attitude and disposition of this town, but thought that she would probably have an easier time entering the town if she initially presented herself as an ordinary traveller that was just stopping by to do some trading, before leaving soon after.

After all, she could reveal that she was an experienced Mage at any point once she was inside. It would probably leave a better impression than cantering in, like some white knight.

She was probably being overly cautious, but since this is the first town that planned to visit on her journey, she wanted to make a good first impression.

"Are you with the Mistvale Trading Company then?" The guard inquired, looking curiously at Luna's trailer.

"I'm sorry, I'm not…" Luna stammered, her head tilting in confusion, "I don't think…." The carefully rehearsed script that the former Princess had been crafting in her mind over the past hour, fell to pieces. Not expecting the sudden pivot in questioning, the disguised alicorn stumbled in her reply.

"Evidently not then?" The guard remarked at Luna’s genuinely caught-off-guard expression. "Sorry for jumping to conclusions like that, but that is a very nice caravan. Looks heavily enchanted too. I thought that you had to be from one of them bigger trading companies to be pulling such a thing."

Luna turned her head to look at the trailer behind her, following the direction of the guard's gaze and cringed. He was right. The trailer was very nice. Much nicer than a no-name travelling Mage should ever be able to feasibly afford.

'Fuck,' Luna silently cursed to herself. Spending a hundred years constantly surrounded by the boundless opulence of royalty and nobility had evidently skewed her perception about what sort of transportation methods common ponies used in their everyday life.

While Starswirl’s trailer wasn't quite as gaudy and ostentatious as the Royal Carriage that she had used in her duties as Princess or some of the vehicles used by the upper nobility, the masterful level of craftsmanship and sheer financial expenditure that had to have gone into the construction of the trailer was immediately evident.

As one of the Grand Masters of the College, Starswirl had been provided with one of the best travelling caravans that money could afford. The former Princess would have a hard time trying to explain how she had come into ownership of such a vehicle.

Luna’s entire plan of action had just been immediately thrown out of the window. She scrambled to think of an explanation for how she could justify owning a one-of-a-kind caravan, like Starswirl’s.

The alicorn internally seethed at her stupidity. After all of the careful steps that she had taken to reach this point, her entire facade had just potentially become undone over something that should have been blindingly obvious to her from the very start.

Luckily, she had given very few details about herself, beyond her name and the fact that she wished to visit the market. No logical or factual inconsistencies that she had to walk back to explain how she came to own the trailer behind her.

A new narrative and backstory took shape in Luna’s mind. With a quiet, shaky breath, Luna turned back to face the guard, before speaking once again.

"I inherited this trailer from my grandfather, Spectral Moonlight. He used to be a Grand Master at the old College of Sorcery, before the Collapse. He taught my father, who in turn taught me everything I know about being a Mage. In fact, I'm currently using it to complete my Journeypony Mage trials." Luna announced in a proud voice.

It was a big, bold claim. However, with the priceless caravan shattering any hope of acting humble or inconspicuous, she did not have many available options. It was also a lie that was more likely to be believed at face value than any other claim she could make. The unique trailer, combined with the fact that she would be easily able to perform a variety of high-level spells on demand, lent credence to the false background being truthful and thus, being accepted as truth.

And she did need it to be accepted. Her strategy to initially present herself as a humble merchant/traveller had been rendered obsolete in the face of her potentially being accused of having stolen her caravan. Or worse, there was a non-zero possibility of her true identity being uncovered if any local or regional authorities didn't believe her story and sought to investigate her more closely.

Staying as close to the truth as possible would be her ally. These two low-paid militia ponies, from a backwater town, might not have the resources to dig deeper into her faux identity, beyond what could be gleaned from casual questioning, but that might not necessarily be true for other curious parties.

Travelling Mages were not a very common sight in New Equestria after the demise of the College. It's a claim that would certainly make at least a few higher powers sit up and take notice of her. This is why Luna needed to make certain that her new persona could stand up to a much greater degree of scrutiny.

The name, Spectral Moonlight, was not accidental either. He really was a Grand Master, a colleague of Starswirl and had even directly taught Luna several times, during her time at the tower. He was also deeply introverted and died ninety years ago without any known close family. Meaning that Luna probably knew more about him than any other pony alive and could easily feign any knowledge or details that only a family member would know. The lack of familial records that were recorded or kept during Discord's tyranny certainly didn't hurt her case.

Any pony that looked deeply into her claims shouldn’t be able to spot any inconsistencies. She was probably being overly cautious, but a lack of attention to detail had almost derailed her entire journey, not thirty seconds prior. She was not taking chances a second time with a half-baked backstory.

"So, not only are you a Mage, but a Legacy Mage as well?" The guard asked with an expression of awe and slight reverence.

It was a common misconception that the descendants of powerful and accomplished Mages were destined to become powerful and accomplished Mages themselves. While it's true that there were dynasties of powerful Mage families within the College, that was more due to genetics and superior education.

Common ponies placed entirely too much prestige onto the perceived pedigree of a Mage's family. Luna would likely regret claiming to be the descendant of a Grand Master of the College, because of how much attention it would draw to her, but there was no other way to justify being in possession of such a finely crafted and heavily enchanted caravan.

"How is it that we have never heard of you?" The second guard asked in a curious, but not necessarily interrogating tone. He looked just as awed as his partner.

Luna gave a disarming smile in response to the guard's question. She had also thought up a valid excuse for that potential line of enquiry. "During the Collapse, when my parents were young, my grandfather had them flee from Equestria with several members of his extended family using his caravan. They eventually settled in the Borderlands, in the Eastern Wastes, just west of the Great Divide."

"My parents founded a small homestead in the area and I later worked there as a freelance Mage for a few years, before recently deciding to travel back to my homeland of Equestria," Luna concluded in the most sincere tone that she could manage. It was probably not the most watertight backstory that she could have possibly used, but considering that she had come up with it in less than a minute, it seemed satisfactory enough.

The guards nodded in understanding at the explanation. Evidently, having bought into the utter manure that Luna was feeding them.

"I see… that makes sense." The first guard mumbled. Seemingly more to himself than anypony else.

"Valley Dale is a pretty quiet town. I doubt that a Mage of your talent will find much in the way of crises that require your specialist services, but you are more than welcome to enter." The second guard explained in a friendly tone.

Luna simply nodded in thanks and waited for them to open the wooden gate. She did not want to volunteer any more information about herself unprompted. She would have to really sit down later and have a serious brainstorming session about fleshing out the details and backstory of her fictional persona, as well as mentally reviewing the conversation that she had with the two guards to check for any inconsistencies in her story that might give her problems later.

"The mayor will probably want to see you. I'll escort you to her now." The first guard commented as he opened the gate. Luna nodded reluctantly. She had made her bed by presenting herself as a minor celebrity and now it was time to lay in it.

The guard and the disguised alicorn walked through the gate together as his partner closed it behind him.

As they walked, Luna took notice of the town around her. It was quite a bit larger than she had initially assumed. She estimated that probably between three and five thousand ponies called this town home. Though, without knowing the population density of each building or how many satellite villages and farms surrounded the town, it was impossible to know for sure.

Speaking of the buildings, Luna could infer quite a bit of information about the town from taking note of their details.

Judging by the fact that buildings in the town had been organised into a semi-organised grid and the streets had been built with somewhat decent drainage channels. It was clear that at least some foresight had gone into urban planning and organisation. Hinting toward a strong centralised authority.

The town wasn't particularly old either. The lack of any major decay on any of the stonework or woodwork meant that the town had probably been built after the collapse. Within the last hundred years, but more likely within the last fifty years.

Most of the roads weren't paved, but she could see several two or three-story buildings. So the overall level of infrastructure in the town appeared to be mixed, with at least some architects and engineers likely calling this town home and plying their trade. Even though the town was expanding, as demonstrated by some construction projects at the fringes of the town, a lack of finance or resources probably hindered any major infrastructure projects.

While most of the houses seemed to be constructed with practicality and cost as the foremost concern, there was an undeniable rustic charm to the town. Almost every house with few exceptions had been altered or customised aesthetically by its owner. Banners, streamers, flags, gazebos and other pieces of colourful fabric seemed to decorate the streets, the houses and the spaces between, almost ubiquitously.

Windchimes, dreamcatchers, bird feeders and other miscellaneous baubles of decoration hung from window sills, door frames and porches. Much of the woodwork of the houses and businesses seemed to be carved into patterns in places with varying levels of fine craftsmanship.

There was a strong individualistic flare to almost every aspect of the town. It could almost be seen as a chaotic mess and bizarre mismatch of colour, style and aesthetic, but there was such a personable charm and authentic sincerity to it that Luna couldn't help but be endeared by. As though every pony in the town had given an honest attempt to add their own individualistic flare to their little corner of their town, with mixed levels of craftsmanship.

"Well, it's certainly colourful." The alicorn remarked as they journeyed through the main street of the town.

The guard smiled at that. "Valley Dale was founded on its textile and dye works industries. Fabric and dye are our biggest exports, so it's very cheap for our citizens to buy or make. There is also a tradition among the ponies of the town, for new home and business owners to decorate their property however they wish, however they are able to." He explained with a practised tone that implied this was far from the first time that he has had to explain the peculiar idiosyncrasies of Valley Dale to a bewildered tourist.

Luna took notice of the vibrant atmosphere of the town as ponies milled around the various businesses and market stalls along the main street as they went about their daily life. The low buzz of conversation and general noise of activity around the town, combined with the gentle harmony of the many windchimes tingling in the breeze. Created a lively atmosphere that Luna absolutely adored.

After spending countless years trudging silently through a deathly quiet castle in the dead of night. Seeing a place so full of life and energy was like a balm to her soul. She couldn’t help but bask in the vibrance of the street. She even played a small game with herself, where she would try to pick out and identify individual sounds in the general din of meaningless noise. The rhythmic hammering of a local blacksmith, the grating wood saw of a carpenter or the low rumbling of a large stone mill that was busy grinding flour and grain.

She hardly noticed as they approached their destination. Only drawing her attention away from the town when the guard escorting her began to slow down his walk as he approached a group of ponies that engaged in conversation, in front of a large building that looked to function as the town hall.

Most of the ponies looked like general labourers or artisans, like carpenters or masons, but one appeared very different from the rest. A middle-aged, pegasus mare with a lime green coat and dark pink mane, appeared to do most of the talking. Her fancy dark grey waistcoat and jewellery looked to denote her position of relative authority and wealth. That and the fact that she was quite literally issuing orders to the assembled workers, meant that this mare was probably the major.

"Would you kindly wait here for a moment?" Her escort asked before walking over to talk to the mayor. Likely to inform her of the situation and Luna’s presence.

As the former princess patiently waited for the guard to conclude his conversation with the mayor, she felt a gentle tug on her cloak coming from her side. As Luna turned to look to her side, she saw that it was a small filly that was pulling on the hem of her cloak, while looking up at her with wide awe-filled eyes.

"Excuse me miss, but are you a wizard?" The little filly asked in a high-pitched voice that conveyed so much excitement and youthful innocence, that Luna felt her heart melt. "I mean, you have a wizard's hat, so you must be a wizard!" The filly exclaimed, remarking on the purple, pointy, star-patterned hat that Luna wore in tribute to her former mentor. It was a trope in folklore that Mage wore such attire, but it had actually been Starswirl himself that had been the unintentional inspiration for the trope.

"I suppose that I am," Luna replied, choosing to indulge the fantasies of the young filly.

"You are!" The filly exclaimed with an audible gasp. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" The filly breathlessly cheered, as she stamped her tiny hooves in excitement.

"Did you guys hear that? She says that she is a wizard!" The white coated, bright blue-maned filly announced as she turned to face the small congregation of about a dozen, similarly aged fillies and colts that had assembled behind her. The group exploded with gasps and excitement as they shouted over each other to ask Luna questions or chatted loudly amongst themselves, stamping their hooves with breathless energy. The two or three pegasi among the foals excitedly flapped their tiny wings with enough intensity to make a hummingbird jealous. Luna thought that they might achieve takeoff, in defiance of the laws of physics, even though they were far too young to be capable of flight.

The entire scene was so adorable that Luna nearly cried.

"Would all of you like to see a magic trick?" The disguised alicorn asked the group, deciding to further indulge them.

Gasps and cheers greeted her question, as the foals universally expressed their approval of the idea.

Luna smiled at the enthusiasm of the young ponies as their excitement melted her heart. She pondered for a moment what sort of magic trick she would show them. After giving it some thought and gazing around the town centre for some inspiration, she eventually decided on what she would show them.

The former Princess signalled with her hoof for the foals to calm down. They did so after a few seconds, but their excitement was still palpable. Seeing a magic trick performed by a supposed wizard was probably the most exciting thing that they had ever seen.

Luna detached herself from the caravan, before standing up and balancing on her hind legs so that both of her forelegs would be free to perform the parlour trick that she had decided on. She then used one hoof to lift the large hat off her head and showed her audience the inside to prove that it was empty.

"Do you see that my hat is empty?" Luna asked in a dramatic tone. The foals nodded in the affirmative. "Do you see that my hoof is also empty?" Luna asked again, displaying the hoof that was not currently holding the hat. They nodded once again.

The alicorn lowered her hat over her empty hoof so that the tip of the limb would be completely obscured. Then, with great care to not emit a visible magical aura around her horn, Luna teleported an apple from a nearby market stall directly into her hoof. A miscellaneous array of other hidden spells cast near simultaneously prevented the bright flash and loud bang, that were characteristic of teleportation, from manifesting. So that when she lifted the hat it would appear as though the apple had materialised out of thin air.

It would have been very difficult for even an experienced unicorn to manage so many simultaneous, silent and auraless spells, but Luna wasn't an experienced unicorn. She was an alicorn and a master in the fine manipulation of magic.

The reaction that she garnered from the foals, when she did lift the hat, did not disappoint either.

If their expressions were awed before, then they looked almost worshipful now. Luna didn't stop there though. She lowered and raised and lowered the hat several more times. Each time a new item, temporarily relocated from somewhere in the market, appeared in her hoof.

After repeating the trick a dozen times, Luna eventually capped off the performance by teleporting a nearby black dove into her hat. The poor, disoriented bird flew out the second she lifted the hat, giving a small fright to some of the foals that were standing very close to her.

The grandiose and dramatics of Luna’s performance had escalated throughout the trick and by the end, she had even added a few special effects. Such as ominous green smoke emanating from the hat as before the reveal and sparkler effects as she lifted the hat. It was wholly unnecessary, but as Luna drank in the unfiltered adoration of the foals, she was having the time of her life.

More foals, yearlings and even some adults had gathered around by the time she finished. Her audience of about thirty ponies gave resounding cheers and stomps of approval. The foals most of all.

It was a relatively simple trick in theory. Teleportation was an uncommon, but not exceptionally rare skill possessed by many unicorns. Yet, for most of them teleporting themselves or an object, was a feat that required their complete focus and was not very subtle. Luna's ability to layer her spellwork in such a way, as to make her teleportation completely unnoticeable, while keeping the appearance of her horn being completely dormant, was a feat outside of the abilities of the vast majority of unicorns. Making her trick appear to be impossible according to the known laws of physics and magic.

The first filly approached her once again, almost bouncing with excitement. "That was sooooo cool!" The filly squealed with unbounded enthusiasm. "Can you do more? Please do more!"

Luna was about to gently turn down the filly, but a new voice interrupted her from behind.

"I'm sure that the ponies of Valley Dale would love to see more of your magic. Perhaps you could be convinced to put on a show?" The matronly voice inquired.

Luna turned to see the pony that had addressed her was the pegasus that she had earlier hypothesised to be the mayor of the town. The mare held out a hoof in greeting.

While the alicorn was vastly more experienced with ponies bowing to her in greeting, she wasted no time in shaking the outstretched hoof in greeting. The mayor spoke again before she could respond.

"I have to say, that was very impressive," the mare congratulated. "Sergeant Iron Guard told me that you were a Legacy Mage, trained in the old ways of the College, but until I saw your magic, I wasn't sure I believed it," the pegasus shook her head and waved away her previous comment. "Where are my manners though, I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Wind Chill. I'm the mayor of Valley Dale and it's very nice to meet you."

Even though it was based on a falsehood, Luna struggled to suppress a grin at the genuine praise of her abilities. "My name is Starry Night and it's a pleasure to meet you as well." Luna returned the greeting. Yet, she was more interested in the first comment that the mayor had said.

"You said something about a show earlier?" The alicorn inquired. Curious as to what she meant.

"Would you be interested in putting on a full performance? An entire show demonstrating your abilities. It would be in the central plaza. We'll even have some carpenters erect a small stage." The pegasus did her best to convince Luna.

The offer made Luna very apprehensive. Her anonymity had already been fractured by her improvised backstory and luxurious caravan, but it would be absolutely obliterated if she went on stage in front of potentially hundreds of ponies and drew as much attention to herself as possible. "I'm not sure. It's not the sort of thing that I normally do."

The mayor seemed undeterred and continued to plead her case. "I know that an accomplished, powerful Mage, like yourself, would probably find it beneath you to perform parlour tricks for foals, but I ask you to please consider it. Those foals. This is the happiest that I've seen them in months and considering the several tragedies that have befallen this town recently, the whole town could use a morale boost. You'll be compensated generously, of course."

Luna still had a few reservations, but was spreading joy and receiving recognition for her actions, not the very reason that she had set out on her journey in the first place? Besides, if worse came to worst and she had to leave, then it would be very simple for her to flee. Starswirl’s trailer was enchanted with the same enchantments as a Sky Carriage. If this town didn't work out, then she could just fly away with her caravan, change her disguise and start again in a different corner of Equestria.

"I would love to put on a show," Luna answered with a delighted smile.

Author's Note:

Finally, the first proper step in Luna’s journey. 

You've probably noticed that I've massively stepped up my work ethic in getting these chapters done. That's not by accident and it's for a few reasons. I think that I've been finding my groove a lot better and am more comfortable writing this story. June has been a pretty quiet month for me so I can get a lot of writing done. I used to wait a week or so after I'd published a chapter before starting to write the next one, but now I'm waiting very little. There is also a better clarity of direction now than at the start.

When I first started this story, I sort of just made it up as I went along. There was very little in terms of a grand unified vision for this story. Now that I've put a lot more time into thinking about the direction of this story, a clearer picture has emerged and I've got a plan. 

Her arrival at Valley Dale is the first step that will take her on her first massive overarching story arc that will cover the next 20-30 chapters. 

Funnily enough, the idea for the first major leg of her journey is one that I came up with long before I even thought about writing this particular story. I don't remember what the original inspiration for the idea was, but it's a story arc that has been rattling around in my head for years. And I've always thought to myself, "It would be awesome to write that into a story" and I'm so excited to see it eventually realised. I obviously can't say much more without spoilers, but rest assured that I've got big plans.

The setup of this chapter is also something else that I have transplanted from a different story idea and folded into this one. Years ago I had an idea for a story where a novice unicorn in ancient Equestria stumbles across an artefact that causes all of the ponies to believe that she is a legendary mage and she has to bullshit her way through situations of ever-increasing danger while maintaining the facade of being a legendary hero, destined to save Equestria. Then I found out that someone has already written a story with that same premise and wrote it better than I ever could. (It was a story involving a time-travelling Trixie that becomes Starswirl’s mentor)
EDIT: Found it https://www.fimfiction.net/story/454105/the-legend-of-trixie

That conversation with the gate guards was a conversation that I had come up with for my now rubbished story. I'm glad to see that something from that dead-before-arrival story could be salvaged. 

I hope that you guys like Valley Dale so far. It's a place that I've tried to give personality and character to. We'll find out a lot more about it in the next chapter.

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.