• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,882 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Valley Dale (part 3)

It was late afternoon when Luna found herself pacing up and down the narrow length of the interior of her trailer. She ran through the plans for her upcoming performance in her mind. She would have preferred to not do the show at all, but with how many of the town's residents seem to be almost bubbling with excitement, she did not want to disappoint with a poor showing.

Starswirl had always detested magic shows, seeing the pretty lights and showy tricks as insultingly shallow imitations of the true majesty of the sacred magical arts and viewed performance magicians as washed-out failures of Mages. Charlatans and amateurs that could not achieve fame and prestige the "proper" way, resorted to deceiving the uneducated masses into believing that they are great and powerful practitioners of magic through cheap parlour tricks.

Had Starswirl been in Luna’s position today, he would have flat-out rejected the mayor's request and asked if there were any real problems that he could solve. Perhaps he would have even been insulted by the request. At his heart, he was a stallion of pure practicality and utilitarianism. Caring very little for the emotions and opinions of others. The most famous example of this being the infamous bells that he attached to his cloak and his hat. Every pony that he ever met had told him how incredibly stupid they looked, but because the bells' Arcane-Grade metal could hold enchantments far better than ordinary cloth, he never cared about what they had to say.

Her old mentor would most definitely scold her if he was here now, but Luna didn't care. She always had a soft spot for magic shows. Their ability to inspire wonder, awe and whimsy in their audience was a magic unto itself. It was something that Starswirl would not have understood. As a stallion that had been born and raised in the College and had taken its views and ideology to heart.

The belief that the highest echelons of magic were something that should only be wielded by those deemed worthy enough. There were tiers to the value of the lives of unicorns, measured by how powerful they were and how deep they plunged into the depths of secrets of the mystical arts. With the unicorns of the College being at the top, of course, and peasants who could barely use their horns beyond telekinesis and illumination spells, being at the bottom.

That's not to say that Starswirl was completely apathetic to the citizens of Equestria. He took his duties to protect the ponies of the kingdom and to fight evil wherever he may find it very seriously, but there was a detached superiority to his interactions with the towns and villages that he helped. Like a kennel master that had to make sure that the hounds in his care were well looked after and healthy.

Luna was self-aware enough to recognise that despite the love and gratitude she held toward Starswirl, who had sheltered her and saved her life, he was a cold and rigid stallion. Had she and her sister not possessed a peerless magical potential, he likely would have dropped them off at the nearest orphanage without a second thought, if he had chosen to help them in the first place. Though, she assigned greater blame for that mentality on the College as an institution as opposed to the stallion himself.

For a very long time, the organisation buckled and strained against the oppressive weight of three thousand years of legacy, expectations and traditions. It became a vast, unrelenting machine that hollowed out and broke the spirits of everypony in its care into being as compassionless, unyielding and intolerant as it. There was a very good reason why Luna and her sister had chosen not to revive the College of Sorcery when they had ascended to power and instead stood by, doing nothing as it suffered its final death throes in the wake of Discord's defeat.

Now all that remained of the once mighty College were the memories contained within the minds of the alicorn sisters and a single dark spire that stood as its silent, eternal tombstone.

Luna thought that perhaps this was for the best.

A knock on the trailer door stirred the former Princess from her thoughts. It was not the first time this afternoon that somepony had been at her door. Mostly foals and yearlings that wanted to meet this supposedly great and powerful wizard.

The disguised alicorn took a quick moment to moment to check her disguise in a small mirror on the side of the trailer. Her azure blue coat was still the correct shade and texture that she had initially set it. Her platinum blonde, almost silver hair was unchanged in its length and style and her purple/pink eyes had not deviated from when she had first crafted her illusion.

Once certain that her disguise was flawless, Luna took a further brief second to glance around the trailer, making sure that nothing on display in the room would hint at her deception.

She then walked the brief distance to the door, opened it and stepped out to see a young pegasus mare that stood outside. At least Luna assumed that the pony was an adult, she looked young enough to potentially be a teen on the cusp of marehood. Her coat was a dark green and her mane was a bright, electric blue.

However, the most interesting detail about the mare is her Talent Mark. The pattern looked like stylized vortexes of wind that twisted and entwined with each other to form the image of a set of balanced scales. Most ponies had Talent Marks whose meaning was readily apparent at a glance. Such as a farmer having the image of a piece of fruit, a weather-pony having the image of a cloud or a noble having the image of jewellery. Her's was vague and open to interpretation, though held a slight aura of mystery to it that intrigued Luna.

Throughout her long life, she had often found that the most interesting ponies she had ever met also had the most mysterious Talent Marks. Now thoroughly curious, Luna decided to engage the pegasus in conversation, as opposed to rebuffing her as she had done with the other visitors that she had received this afternoon.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Luna asked the young mare in a kind tone.

The pegasus, who suddenly stood eye-level with the alicorn's chest, took a step back in surprise. Arching her head up and up and up before finally making eye contact with Luna.

"Oh wow, you're really tall!" The mare exclaimed in astonishment.

The former Princess gave an embarrassed chuckle in response. While it was easy enough to change the colour of her coat, mane and eyes or disguise her wings. Creating an illusion to alter the height or shape of her body was a far harder task. Not only would it require her to make her head invisible, but she would also need to create an illusionary false head in the middle of her neck that perfectly mirrored her real one, while actively compensating for variables like the origin of her voice being higher than it should be or direction that her eyes pointed being inconsistent.

Even that would not be enough though, since her entire build was lanky, Luna would have to cast illusions to alter the proportions of her entire body. The top of her back would have to be made invisible, her legs would need to be visually shortened and a fake torso would need to be projected under her real one. Beyond that the illusion of everything from her walking gait, to the shape of her shadow, to how she moved her limbs would be so catastrophically out of sync with her actual body and require such an unfathomable level of focus to mentally account for and actively change the illusion to reflect every single variable in real-time, guaranteed that any such attempt would be doomed to failure.

The simple alternative that Luna had chosen was a rudimentary mental compulsion spell that would cause any pony that looked at her to not find her height especially remarkable. Perhaps a bit taller than most ponies, but nothing abnormal. The spell wasn't remotely infallible though, as this pegasus had just proven. However, it was a lot easier to explain away being deceptively tall, rather than somepony trying to touch a certain part of her body and having the illusion crumble away before their hoof.

The mare's surprise wore off as she finally processed the question that Luna had asked her and eventually replied in a friendly tone.

"Hi, my name is Wind Scale."

Author's Note:

Some things to note:

1). This is a much shorter chapter. It was supposed to be longer and cover much of the interaction between Luna and Wind Scale. I wrote about 800 words of their conversation, but it was awkward, stilted and overall sub-par. It was a lot of reiterating of information that we already knew and felt like it was going nowhere. So I deleted it.

In a flash of inspiration, I decided that I wanted to write the events of the rest of the chapter from Wind Scale's POV. I didn't want to do a change in perspective mid-chapter though. So I decided to just publish what I have as a mini-chapter and write the next one as a much meatier chapter from the POV of Wind Scale. She is going to be an important character, so I feel it necessary to spend some time getting to know her.

2). I would try to draw Wind's cutie mark, but I'm the least talented artist that you will ever meet. So if there are any artists among my readers, maybe you guys want to give it a go at drawing Wind Scale's cutie mark or perhaps even Wind Scale herself.

I'll reward you…. somehow.

I'm a broke university student so I can't really offer money, but maybe I'll write a short story for you at your request or let you create a side-character that will be featured later in this story.

Send me a private message if any of you are interested and we can talk more.

3). I wanted to try to add more lore Starswirl and the College. While the College stood almost singlehandedly as a bulwark against Discord, it was a problematic institution. I firmly believe that any organisation will, if left to its own devices for long enough, regress and decay from within. Starswirl seemed like kind of an arsehole in the show and I believe that growing up in such an organisation would only make those tendencies worse. Luna loved Starswirl, but can recognise that he was a flawed individual, but we will get more information on the relationship Starswirl had with Luna and Celestia in later chapters. I will also give more lore on the modern magical institutions that replaced the College, further in the story.

4). If you guys haven't been able to tell, I'm a massive nerd and history buff when I comes to historical nuclear disasters.

5). Since this was a short chapter and I feel the need to make up for it with a longer Author's Note, there is something else that I wanted to talk about. And that is my inspiration for this story.

I was having a discussion with my editor about the potential applications and limitations of illusion magic and we got on the topic of solid illusions and if they would feature in my story and it brought into the forefront of my mind a fimfic that I had read years ago that delved into that very topic. It was one of my favourite fimfics of all time. It hasn’t been updated in years, but if there was a single unfinished story on this entire site that I could see finished, it would probably be this one. That's how highly I rate it.

It's name was Phantasmare. It was a story centred on Trixie, who had discovered a new and powerful type of magic. The ability to create an illusion so powerful and flawless that it could deceive reality itself. She then assembled a small cadre of companions before embarking on an epic quest to achieve untold levels of power, glory and greatness.

If I could point to any single fimfic as my inspiration for 'And so I left', it would be that one. It's such a shame that story is, in my opinion, criminaly underrated. Even my own fic has twice the views and almost 5 times the likes. It feels almost undeserved that I should eclipse a story that I hold in such high reverence. Phantasmare is the benchmark that I judge my own story by.


Big thanks to my beta-readers:

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.