• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,883 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Valley Dale (part 7)


The declaration was met with thunderous applause as the crowd stomped their hooves in approval. Luna thought that she had become accustomed to the idea of how much of a town spectacle her performance was hyped up to be, but it appeared that she had still grossly underestimated how excited the ponies of Valley Dale were for her show.

She should have probably asked Windy earlier why that was. The performance of a College Mage was something to behold, sure, but did her presence really justify such fanfare?

Maybe, though, it was her perspective that was skewed. Perhaps this was the way that common ponies had always reacted to exciting events. With cheers and jubilation. Had she become so acclimated to the polite, civil orderliness of Royal and Noble celebrations that she had become completely out of touch with the lives of her subjects?

'Former subjects,' Luna mentally corrected.

The alicorn didn't arrive at a conclusion to internal pondering before she noticed that Wind Chill and her daughter had vacated the performance stage, so as to give her enough space to conduct her grand entrance. Through a small gap in the heavy curtains that separated her from the performance stage in front of her and crowds beyond, Luna saw that the assembled ponies fidgeted in anticipation and murmured to each other in nervous excitement.

Opportunistic vendors sold food and drinks at the sides of the market square, the town's local unicorn artificers peddled their various enchanted trinkets and a group of pegasus colts played aerial tag with one another. The whole square had a festive atmosphere about it.

Not allowing herself to procrastinate any further, Luna lit her horn and started to craft the first salvo of spells that would mark the beginning of her performance. Her peerless multitasking skills in spellcraft, which she had honed over a century, showed their proficiency as she began to power multiple, parallel spell matrices simultaneously.

She had spent most of this afternoon planning her performance and debated with herself for hours over the exact spells she would use. It was a difficult balance to strike. She wanted to put on an excellent enough performance to entertain the crowd and also cement the legitimacy of her backstory, which she had now committed to, as a gifted Mage worthy of her Journeypony status. Yet, not to make such a grand display that only an alicorn would be capable of it.

To that end, she settled for a performance that would consist almost entirely of dynamic illusions. Unlike the hours of preparation that were needed to create the static illusion that hid her identity, dynamic illusions were far easier to craft, but temporary and far less convincing to a trained unicorn. However, she did not need to fool a Court Mage tonight, so her dynamic illusions should be more than enough to suffice in entertaining her audience. And as a bonus, should an experienced and trained unicorn happen to be in attendance or should her performance be scrutinised in any way, all that they would see would be an ordinary unicorn with merely a savant-like gift for illusions.

She broke from her musings when her spells were ready and her grand performance could finally commence.

The first spell that she released served to set the tone for her display of skill and power. The crimson sky, still illuminated by the recently set sun, suddenly shifted in colour. Gasps rang out from the assembled audience as they were suddenly cast under a pale purple sky. Not the deep indigo that arrived with the late-twilight evening, but an unnaturally bright lilac that left the crowd in awe. Never before having seen such a thing.

Luna grinned at seeing the spell come to fruition. With dynamic illusions being her chosen field of study back in her College of Sorcery days, she had learned everything there was to know about light and its interaction with particles, including light scattering. It took a lot of trial and error over the years to perfect such a spell and acquire the desired wavelengths, but the effects were magnificent, even if the phenomenon was localised only to the town.

A second flash of the alicorn's horn released the follow-up spell. It took a moment before its effect became apparent. Gasps rang out as thick smoke began to bellow out in immense volume from every crevice and gap in the wooden boards of the temporary stage.

The magical nature of the illusionary smoke was obvious by its bright pink colour and the fact that it did not rise as normal smoke would. Instead, it rolled across the floor like flowing water. The lip of the stage became a smokey waterfall as the magenta smog clung unnaturally tight to every surface as it spilt down into the crowd below.

Luna had feared that the crowd would have reacted with fear at the ominous fumes, but it relieved her to see that they were instead revelling in the spectacle. A particularly adorable sight was a few foals in the front rows playing a game that was some sort of mishmash variant of peekaboo, hide-and-seek and tag within the confines of the foggy blanket. Yet, the alicorn didn't want to overly prolong the pre-show spectacle, as it was nearly time to make her entrance.

Her next manipulation of the illusion caused the smoke to suddenly withdraw without warning. It began to coalesce within a whirlwind that manifested in the centre of the performance stage. The vortex grew in size and density as more and more illusionary mass was consumed by it.

Once almost all of the smoke had retreated into the whirlwind's confines and the miniature tornado looked as though it possessed the density of heavy cloudcrete, the top of the vortex started to collapse in on itself, while its centre bulged outwards. The swirling mass soon stabilised in form, until it took the shape of a cloudy pink marble. A swirling maelstrom of smoke and mist contained within a perfect sphere that hovered gently over the stage. The crowd looked on in awe.

Some pegasi had Talent Marks that made them extremely adept at cloud sculpting, to the point where they put on shows, similar to travelling magicians. Yet, the spectacle of Luna’s magic outstripped even the most accomplished of cloud sculptors for the simple reason that her illusions were not bound by reality or physics. They could create impossible marvels.

And with Luna mastering the highest echelons of illusionary magic, she would show the audience how far she could distort the boundary between reality and illusion. She made her penultimate alteration to the illusion before immediately crafting the spell-matrix for a silent teleport. It would be difficult, even for her, to maintain control over the next two illusions. So she needed her teleportation spell ready for immediate use when it was finally time.

A spark suddenly flashed within the smoke before the entire orb erupted into a fiery inferno. Still trapped within the confines of the sphere, the firestorm simmered with an assumedly deadly heat. The market square and all the ponies within it were suddenly awash in bright pink illumination emanating from the amaranth flames.

It spun in place like a slowly smouldering star. The crowd didn't cheer at the display. Instead, they looked too enraptured by the illusion to do more than look on in awe. Luna was pleased that they appreciated the display. Despite her talent for illusions and her famed abilities as an author and poet, she wasn't particularly gifted as a show pony or entertainer. Perhaps that was a contributing factor to her unpopularity as a ruler. She just didn't have the same charisma as her sister in creating compelling public spectacles. Even with a few hours of preparation, she struggled to think of a coherent theme for her introduction. Instead, she resorted to crafting some of the most technically difficult illusions that she could manage. Due to how dynamically they moved, smoke and fire were infamous within magical academic circles for their difficulty to convincingly replicate with illusions.

However, the talent to perform intricate and complex spells under the experienced gazes of College Masters was a far cry from the skills needed to entertain the masses and she was concerned that her spells would seem underwhelming to the laypony. Thankfully, they seemed to be amused enough and her next illusion would be sure to stun them. It was an illusion that she had thought up years ago as a way to test the absolute limits of her ability to control parallel illusions and she felt giddy at finally having an excuse to use it in front of an audience.

At the alicorn’s direction, the orb of magenta fire erupted towards the crowds. However, instead of blasting violently outwards like an explosion, the manner in which the spherical inferno came apart looked more akin to the graceful disintegration of a dandelion whose seeds were carried off in strong winds. Tongues of illusionary flame were stripped from the orb and carried towards the audience. The crowd briefly panicked in uncertainty at the oncoming rush of fire, when the shape of the embers started to shift before their eyes. The flames contorted into insectoid forms with a thin body and large, glamorous wings. Suddenly the firestorm of blazing embers, which had seemingly been about to descend upon the defenceless crowd, had completely transformed into a swarm of incandescent butterflies that fluttered above the crowd, trailing faint wisps of ash in their wake. Now, with their own means of propulsion, no longer solely carried by non-existent wind, the illusionary butterflies fluttered above the crowd in seemingly random patterns.

She directed them to hover just above the reach of the crowd and do their best to dodge any pegasi who tried to touch them. However, those incredibly simple commands were just about all that Luna could impose upon her creations. For as much as she would delight in being able to command them to conduct a synchronised flying ballet, her focus was already being stretched to its limit by trying to monitor and keep corporeal hundreds of illusionary entities. Despite her waning focus, she could tell that her efforts were not in vain.

The crowd seemed amazed and jubilant, shouting with exclamations of awe. The magenta insects wreathed in fire were a stunning spectacle and the ponies seemed overjoyed to bear witness to her magic. Luna felt her heart lighten at their expressions of wonder and appreciation. For years, she had yearned for them to revere the fruits of her labour. For them to see how much her great works could enrich their lives. Perhaps they cared little for her night, but it gladdened her to know that there were other ways for her to earn their awe.

Several dozen of her creations faded from existence as her control over the spell began to slip. There was only so long that she could maintain cohesion over so many individual illusions. She needed to finish this now before the spell unravelled entirely. The sky reverted back to its original shade of deep crimson as the alicorn sacrificed her light-scattering spell in order to divert more of her focus to the main illusion. The shimmering swarm altered their course midflight and immediately rushed back to the stage at great speeds. Some of the ponies in the audience were slightly startled at the sudden change in behaviour from the fiery insects, especially the airborne pegasi that scrambled to gain altitude in an attempt to avoid the oncoming swarm. She wished that she could have orchestrated a more graceful transition to her entrance, but she only had a few more seconds of control. Luckily, Luna had already powered up her teleportation spell and now only had to choose her moment.

Like a cascade of fire, her illusions flew just above the performance stage before disintegrating upon impacting with the heavy curtains. Right when the densest cluster of butterflies passed over the centre of the stage, Luna released her silent teleportation and suddenly re-emerged in the heart of the swarm. Her control over her creations was almost nonexistent at this point as they carried out her last order to hurl themselves against the curtains. However, the anti-pony collision-avoidance parameter that she had given them, functioned just well enough to avoid her.

That they still mostly obeying their parameters was an unexpected boon as her grasp over the illusion frayed into nothing. As the last of the creatures flew past her and the crowd finally realised Luna’s presence, she imagined that it probably looked massively impressive from their perspective as she stood tall, unmolested and undaunted by the living firestorm that rushed past her.

Their looks of admiration as Luna emerged centre of the swarm did not disappoint. The alicorn preened in self-pride as the crowd looked at her in silent awe. How long had it been since ponies had looked at her with anything other than disdain or indifference? Perhaps it was slightly pathetic how much Luna needed love and appreciation from others. Yet, this kind of attention was what she had yearned for over decades. Her problems and doubts seemed to fade into the back of her mind as she basked in the admiration of her onlookers and for this brief moment, she could shine as brightly as one of her stars.

However, unlike her stars, everypony was watching her now.

Author's Note:

A few things to discuss:

1). This was a very problematic chapter to write. I had written about 1.5k words about two weeks ago, but after consulting with another author, I realised that there were severe problems in the chapter.

The problems were too great to just touch up, so I had to rewrite the entire chapter from scratch. It took ages.

I had hoped that I would be able to include the entire magic show in chapter, but just getting to Luna's introduction has been a great uphill battle and I swore to myself that I would never take longer than a month to write a chapter.

2). Those with keen attention will notice that I have skipped the section with Luna’s conversation with Windy and Wind Chill in the backstage. There is a reason for this. I have noticed that I may have unintentionally over-villified Wind Chill. Understandable when we only have Windy's perspective and she is not exactly impartial. However, what we know so far isn't necessarily the whole story.

Some commenters were even theorising that she orcastrated the raid on her own town.

I wanted to explain things from her point of view a bit better, so I planned to write that whole backstage interaction from Wind Chill's POV.

However, Wind Chill is not as clueless as she might seem and to explain her motivations, I would need to at least allude to greater and more sinister events that are happening in the background of Equestria.

I felt that this would invalidate the grandiosity of Luna’s magic show. This is supposed to be her moment of triumph.

So after the next chapter that will contain the rest of the magic show, I will do an Interlude from Wind Chill's POV. A sort of "1 hour earlier" type of deal.

3). This will be a fairly short Interlude and I wanted to add more to it. Pad it out a bit. Earlier in the comments of chapter 7, some of you readers mentioned that you would like it if I would share with you some of my rejected first drafts and cut content. So I thought that some of you would enjoy if it included my defunct chapter 15 under the Wind Chill POV of the Interlude. Though some of you might also hate the bloat of a completely unnecessary section that bears no relevance to story.

I've started a strawpoll to gauge opinion on whether you guys would enjoy that. Otherwise if not, I will just post a link to the Google Doc in the description of the Interlude.


4). A legendary reader created the first piece of fan art for my story. Windy's cutie mark

Massive thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/434464/Indigo+Storyheart

Big thanks to my beta-readers:

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.