• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,883 Views, 1,396 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Broken seals

While waiting for an answer, which usually took a second or two to come, Luna used that time to mentally compose herself as much as she could. Her mind was a swirling vortex of emotion. Her anger, while mostly calm now, still simmering underneath the surface, with a dangerous heat.

She felt a degree of anticipation, trepidation and dread as well. All these emotions had become quite familiar in recent times as her sister had become increasingly overbearing, clamping down on Luna’s behaviors and mannerisms that Celestia deemed ‘not befitting of royalty’.

However one emotion stood out from the rest, sorrow. Sorrow that the simple act of going to talk to her own sister, once something that she looked forward to, now filled her with such negative emotions.

Luna had felt the gap between them widen for years, until now it resembles a chasm, as Celesia tried to force her into the mold of royalty that she herself seemed to fit so well and Luna resenting her for it.

As Luna was organizing her emotions, she noticed that the answer from her sister never came. Celestia was usually very alert and perceptive of her surroundings. A skill that the two of them had to learn from very young age to survive, so it couldn’t be that she didn’t hear the knock.

Now confused, the Lunar Princess knocked again. Only to be greeted with silence.

Celestia must not be inside, the realization dawned on her. This was unusual of her sister, normally the Sun Princess was near religious in the following of her schedule. She would not have asked Luna to meet her at a certain time if she wasn’t available to take a meeting at that time.

Still, no matter the reason, Luna felt a not insignificant amount of relief that she was not going to be confronting her sister and could just leave the documents on Celestia’s desk and be done with it.

Though that relief was darkened by a brief flare-up of anger and annoyance that her sister had made Luna come all the way to see her and had not even bothered to be there at the specified time.

Not wanting to question her good fortune however, of delaying her inevitable argument with her sister until at least tomorrow. When she was hopefully more emotionally prepared for it. Luna turned the door handle with her magic and opened it.

Scanning the room as she entered it, Luna saw that her assumption was correct. The Solar Princess was indeed not inside. With a cautious step, Luna stepped inside and closed the door behind her.

The room was large and ostentatious as befitting of royalty. The layout wasn’t too dissimilar to Luna’s own room, but with more white and gold accents and coloring, as opposed to her own room’s blue and silver.

It was rare that Luna entered her sister’s room, rarer still that her sister was not present as well.

One of the objects that caught her attention as she observed the bedroom was a harp that sat in the corner. The rage Luna felt boiling inside her seemed to falter for a moment as her memory brought her back to the day that Celestia received the instrument.

They were fillies when Starswirl gave the harp to her sister as a gift and to help her train her magic.

Telekinesis is undoubtedly one of the most important skills that a unicorn can learn and makes up the vast majority of all the spells that they will ever use. Thus training in dexterity and precision with telekinesis is something that foals are taught at an early age, usually by means of a hobby that would require fine magic motor skills.

Celestia had been given a harp to fill the world with beautiful music, while Luna had been given a paintbrush and canvas to capture the beauty of the world around them.

A small smile threatened to make its way onto her face as Luna remembered those nights in Starswirl’s tower when Celestia would play her harp and Luna would sing along with accompanying lyrics that she had written just that morning.

She absentmindedly began to hum softly one of her favorite songs that her sister had made, as her mind was brought back to simpler times when the fate of an entire nation wasn’t resting, with a seemingly infinite burden, on their shoulders and when they were both happy.

Her welling of warm nostalgia disappeared just as quickly as it had come and her soft hum faded as she noticed the layers of dust that covered the instrument and other signs of prolonged disuse.

It looked like it had been a very long time since Celestia had practiced on the harp. It was disappointing, but not surprising as their royal duty prevented them from enjoying much time to explore and practice hobbies.

‘It’s a pity,’ Luna thought to herself.

‘Celestia’s music always sounded so beautiful.’

It was times like these that made Luna resent and sometimes even hate their royal positions. Their titles and duties drove a wedge between the sisters, to the point that she couldn’t even visit her sister’s room without feeling anxiety, dread and rage.

Things didn’t always used to be like this between the two sisters though.

Once long ago, she found comfort and protection in visiting her sister. One of Luna’s oldest memories was of when she was a young filly, barely older than a foal, before the Bad Times and the two sisters still lived with their parents.

It was during a vicious and brutal thunderstorm, with lightning that would lighten the whole sky, like a second sun, for a split-second and thunder that would shake the walls of her family’s small wooden cabin.

The few Pegasi that lived in the small village protected it from most violent storms by redirecting them away from the village. The only storms that ever actually struck the settlement were truly monstrous monsoons that were too large for the few pegasi to handle.

To a very young filly, who had never experienced such a storm before, it had seemed like the world was ending. Like the vengeful gods of the ancient Pegasus pantheon had unleashed their wrath on the world.

The two sisters had shared a room back then and when the storm grew too frightful for the young filly, she would wake her sister by climbing into her bed with her. Celestia wouldn’t say anything, she would just hold Luna tightly in her hooves and wrap both her wings around her small body.

The little filly would sleep soundly then, content in the knowledge that within the safety of her sister’s hooves, nothing could ever harm her.

She only ever grew more reliant on the protection of her sister in the coming years, during the Bad Times. When they had to flee their home in the night and face the whole by themselves, with nothing, but each other.

'That was then and this is now,' Luna reminded herself. The days when she could rely on Celestia were long gone.

Not wanting to get sidetracked for too long and risk her sister catching her snooping through her room. Luna made her way to Celestia’s desk, which sat against the far wall directly under a large window.

Although the candles on the desk weren't lit, the mesmerizing kaleidoscope of ever-shifting colour and light that filtered through the window from her aurora, illuminated the area without issue.

As Luna put the documents on the desk, she noticed that one of the desk draws was open. A large, thick and ornate book sat in it.

The Night Princess was immediately curious. It wasn't a book from the library. After helping to build and organize the castle library, as well as spending a significant amount of her time reading there, Luna was very familiar with the types of covers and bindings used and she had never seen such a book before.

It wasn't a general ledger or any other type of government affairs book either, as they wouldn't use such an expensive, ornate binding for official record keeping.

Perhaps it was a gift of some sort from a foreign dignitary or a noble? That might have been a plausible explanation, until Luna noticed the single most important detail of all. The book was locked.

Not just with an ordinary lock, but a magical seal and a powerful one at that. She instantly recognized the magic as her sister’s. The seal was radiating a distinct aura of warmth and sunlight that was entirely unique to Celestia.

The seal was also recognizable as an invention of Starswirl. The same one that had been taught to both of them under his tutelage.

Such a powerful enchantment would prevent anyone, but the caster of the seal from opening the book. The seal was also designed to last. Starswirl had calculated that the enchantment would only need to be recast after a thousand years.

Celestia would not have used such powerful and advanced magic on just any random book. Whatever was contained within the book must have been of incredible importance or danger. The only other time that the sisters had used such a difficult enchantment, was on the Inspiration Manifestation, before it had been sealed behind the walls of the castle.

'Of course Celestia would keep such a thing from my knowledge.' Luna thought to herself bitterly as another wave of dark emotions surged through her veins and her anger reached a near crescendo.

Determined not to be kept in the dark, Luna set to work undoing the seal. She was sick of Celestia keeping things from her. The incident with the Saddle Arabians still brought bile up to the back of her throat whenever she thought about it.

She knew that she wouldn't be able to conceal the broken enchantment should Celestia ever check on the book and would probably get in trouble for it, but Luna was so far beyond caring about the consequences at the moment.

It didn't even matter to her that her sister could walk through the door at any moment and catch her in the act. Luna was determined to never again be blindsided by her sister’s deception and focused on carefully undoing the enchantment with near single-mindedness.

As the more magically studious of the two sisters, as well as being very familiar with the spell, it didn't take long for Luna to undo her sister’s magic. The seal shattered violently with an audible sound, like glass shattering.

With much anger and slight trepidation, Luna opened the book to the first page and read the first line.

Dear diary.....

Author's Note:

Here it is.

The chapter was originally supposed to be longer, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. I also wanted Luna’s reaction and flight from the castle to be one chapter. That will be the next chapter.

I wanted to thank everyone for sticking with this so far. The response to this story has been more positive than I ever could have imagined.

As a first-time author with no other stories or any followers, I thought that this would get maybe a few dozen views before it would get buried by the dozens of other stories that are posted weekly.

I was nearly paralyzed with writer's block for two weeks after I posted the first chapter. With near universal praise I was worried that any further chapter would not live up to expectations.

I hope that you like what I have done so far.

Big thanks to my beta-readers:

Apparently according to the stats for this story, it's the 594th highest rated on the website. Which considering that Fimfiction has hundreds of thousands of stories, is fucking insane.