• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

A Maze of knowledge

Anon walked up the single paved pathway that led towards the library. The human craned his head upwards as he took in the castle, it wasn't the actual look of the castle that got his attention but rather how out of place it seemed. From what he heard of the crystal empire, this castle seemed to fit more there than here, surrounded by tradesfolk in a small village.

Both admiring the castle and walking were not difficult by any means but Anon did seem to get lost in thought as he tripped on the first stair that lead to the castles door. He was able to catch himself before falling onto the stairs with minimal flailing, then turned around to Alex before he could make a quip. Anon however only saw the pathway he had walked in front of him, taking a quick glance around his surroundings did not yield any results either. He knew Alex would at least mention when he was leaving but chalked it up to some condition that allowed him to appear.

The steps were meant for ponies so they were decently shallow for a human, meaning he could skip at least one step comfortably. Reaching the door, Anon attempted to look through the small stained window on the door. He could see through the foyer into the hallway that broke off to both left and right, seeing a few paintings but no ponies.

Deciding to play it safe, the door was knocked a few times before he leaned against the crystal railing and waited.

For a whole minute.

"Welp, I'm bored." he muttered to himself, pushing off the railing ready to grab the large ornate doorknob.

Before he could open it however the door swung open, the large ornate doorknob now impacting his chest, causing a stumble then a tumble down the stairs onto the pathway with a small dust cloud.

"Ugh... Why is it then fucking ribs? Every. Damn. Time." The human seethed.

While Anon was laid on his back, clutching his chest while groaning. A small purple dragon popped his head out of the doorway to see what stopped him from opening the door all the way. Opening the door fully, the small dragon shrugged as he was about to descend the stairs while carrying a few books, that was until he could hear groaning coming from somewhere.

Placing the books down in one of the railed corners, the dragon looked down the stairs to see Anon using the railing that continued down the stairs to drag himself up to a standing position.

"Oh no." Is all he could say before rushing to the humans side.

"I'm so sorry, a-are you ok? I just assumed I knocked a parcel down." He exclaimed apologetically, trying to see how he could help. With the height difference and Anon using the railing as a support for the time being, the little dragon was lost on how he would accomplish that.

"Oh, I know, I can get Twilight, she should be able to fix you up." He said as he was running back up the stairs.

"No..." The human grunted out just as the purple dragon reached the door. "I'll be fine... Probably. I can just chill at one of the tables in the library for a bit while I recover." Straitening up, he took a few deep breaths then proceeded up the stairs once more, albeit a bit slower.

Anon reached the door, held open by the small dragon who gave an apologetic smile as they walked inside. Making the sure the door closed properly and the books were deposited near the door for later, he caught up with the tall biped.

"Do you want a tour. Or perhaps some directions?"

"Nah, I'm good thanks. I'll just wander for a bit, can't be that hard." Anon shrugged

"Ok, if you're sure. I'm doing some cleaning around the library section later anyway so just shout if you need me." The small dragon offered.

Anon chuckles slightly before replying. "Sure little dude." He finished, holding out his hand in a fist in a friendly gesture. One that the small dragon recognised and returned.

------------10 minutes later------------

"Where the hell am I?" Anon exclaimed, to no one in particular. He opened the next door on his right which led to yet another bathroom. Staring into the tiled room, the human simply closed the door while muttering to himself. "This is fucking dumb."

After a few turns and twists that seemed to break the rules of geometry, although with the walls and ceiling constantly looking the same, it's not that hard to imagine getting lost normally as well.

Eventually, the human comes across something other than just a hallway with doors. A hallway with doors, but with a sign above it. Similar to the ones pubs have. Anon couldn't seem to be able to read the sign from where he was, so he got closer and closer but the sign still did not make sense. Until he was close enough that he realised that the lettering on the sign was merely an assortment of lines, not even touching. Like some kind of fantasy language that gets subtitles.

"Great. This one is labelled and I still don't know what's behind it." Anon exclaimed in frustration. Grabbing both doorknobs on the double doors, he swung open the doors to find a relatively small library. Taking a quick scan of the room. The books looked odd, similar to tomes and grimoires you see depicted as magic books from games and movies etc.

His initial scan of the room let him know that the small dragon was not here. Anon just assumed that he was already done, although the books were still decently dusty. Probably left like that for ascetics.

To his left was a small reception desk facing him which had a large opened book, a stamp and stamp holder as well as a quill left in an ink pot. Barely leaning over the basically coffee table. Anon swivelled the book around to it faced him. He saw a table for checking in and out books. The only names in the book were Twilight and Starlight, and while Twilight retuned the books almost always under 24 hours. Starlight was more lenient on the return time. 1 day, 3 days, a week, an hour, 20 minutes. He stops reading and just pushes the book back where it was.

Walking in-between the various shelves of books, Anon picked one out at random and looked at the cover.

"Oh for fucks sake." Anon exclaimed, his frustration beginning to resurface. The title of the book was the same strange lined patterns that were on the door, although slightly different.

The human walked around the library, pulling a book from the shelf to examine the front then put it back. He did this for 10 books, all spread out. They all had the same strange language.

"Right!" He says loudly, throwing his arms up and letting them fall to his side with a POMF "I have stopped caring. I will take you, you, aaaand you." Picking three random books out as he walked back to the reception desk.

Placing the books on the desk, Anon grabbed a blank piece of parchment, grabbed the quill, wrote a message and left.

Dear magic twins,

I have borrowed 3 books from this library and shall return them in a few days. I do not know what they are called because they are in a language I don't fucking understand.

Fix your shit.

-The Violent Biped

P.S: Your castle is a labyrinth. USE SIGNS

Author's Note:

I have returned. For better for worse.

This Fanfic was mainly to test the waters of writing but I will continue if people ponies enjoy it. I have some other ideas and possible one chapter stories in mind, can't promise they are good though.

Cheers for reading!