• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Aggression in the woods.

Author's Note:

Apologies for the wait. I have been trying to keep this weekly but life exists. I had a lot of fun with his chapter, so I hope it turned out ok.

The train ride back to Ponyville was awkward to say the least. Twilight was stressing about what was happening in town, Starlight was pretty mute apart from answering Twilights frantic questions and Anon? He basically had a panic attack the whole way there. The previous train to Ponyville was cancelled, so those passengers had to board their train which was already decently full. It was packed.

The train arrived At Ponyville on time, although to Anon it seemed like an eternity. The doors opened and the packed train let a flow of ponies out, which included one unconfutable human.

After a short walk, the trio made it to the outskirts of Ponyville, where Twilight trotted closer to Anon. "Starlight and I will be busy for the next few days. Afterwards I was hoping to come by your place and discuss something with you. What time would work for you?" Twilight casually asked while at the same time, attempting to acknowledge the ponies that bowed as they made their way into town.

Anon simply answerers with a "Whenever.", keeping his gaze ahead, seeing buildings and ponies slowly go past.

Twilight waits a few moments for the rest of his reply, realizing that nothing else was to come she nodded a few times. "Ok then."

Twilight and Starlight turn down one of the main streets that leads into the centre of town. Anon sticks to the outskirts, taking the longer way round. This gave him ample time with his thoughts as he walked past the back of houses and shops alike.

Eventually, the human reaches home. Anon rummages through his various pockets for the key until the familiar feel of cold metal brushes against his fingers, opening the door, he steps into a dark living room.

Each window has makeshift black out curtains covering them. Anon approaches a small coffee table by the door with bits scattered about with a bowl full of keys, receipts and a few coins from his home world. After adding more things to the 'random shit' bowl, he glances at the small cast iron wood stove by one of the far walls.

Opening the front door again, the human sticks his head to glance at small, roofed storage area besides the porch. In the storage are remnants of firewood. Shifting his gaze towards the sky, he notices groups of pegasi filling the sky with darkened grey clouds.

Anon huffs as he steps outside, locking the door as he walks around the back of his house. "Can't catch a fucking break, can I?"

Walking past a few tree stumps, Anon pulls the axe he used last time free from one of the stumps and continues into the forest. Anon spends several minutes wandering the forest, looking for a slim dead tree before stopping in front of one, humming to himself while circling the tree.

"Broken branches, no leaves, peeling bark." Knocking some of the mulch away from the base, Anon kneels down. "And mushrooms are starting to grow from the roots, this should last me a few weeks." Anon places the axe down before standing up and pressing his palms against the tree.

The tree rocks back and forth from the rhythmic pushes Anon gives it, branches break and fall around him as the mulch breaks and splits around the base. After a few minutes the human stops. "Will you go down already!" Anon exclaims with an exasperated sigh. "Stop fighting me, I need the wood more than you, you selfish prick!"

After taking a few moments to catch his breath, Anon grabs the axe and begins to chop at the base, the rough and worn wooden handle becoming more uncomfortable to wield after each strike. Once finished, Anon drops the axe and begins pushing, it doesn't take long for chopped trunk to give out and begins to slowly arc as it falls.

" Huff Timber..."


"Oh, for fucks sake, right, get my shit and go."

Anon quickly imbeds the axe into the fallen tree, before grabbing one of the thicker branches and lifting the front onto his shoulder. Dragging the tree as fast as he can, Anon can only hear sticks and mulch being disturbed and broken as the other end is dragged through the forest. Not wanting to risk a glance back, he keeps pushing forward.


The two loud and very close sounding aggression causes his head to snap towards the noise.

About 10 metres, stand two large canine creatures, comprised of moss wood and leaves, their jaws are dripping with sap as their eye socks are filled with green glow that emanates hate. Slowly putting down the log, the Timberwolves stalk closer. Their bodies close to the ground as they emanate an eerie and disembodied growl, close enough they separate, each one circling Anon.

Reaching his hand out to the axe, one of them snaps as his fingers graze the rough handle but pulling away. Backing away to stop being surrounded, the Timberwolves begins to spread further as the pass trees and bushes. Hiding behind for a few moments before changing cover.

"Clever bastards ain't ya, now I can't back off because I can't keep track of them. I'm forced to fight, and that tree didn't help with my bruises."

The rustling of bushes and cracks of twigs get closer by the minute, each while Anon only being able to see one of them for a split second before disappearing.

"Ok, so their target is me. I can't move so I need to fight them here, I can't locate them but I'm assuming they are going to try and rush me at the same time." Anon mumbles to himself as the noises get closer.

"I got it" Anon exclaims as a whisper.

Anon quickly kicks off his shoes, letting his bare feet sink into the mulch before crouching down and wiping the top layer of soil and leaves to reveal dirt, rocks and roots. Grabbing as many as he can, the human stand back up and waits. eyeing the bushes and trees.

Hearing a bush rustle behind him, he twists his torso, and throws one of the rocks into the bushes, causing the Timberwolf hiding there to change cover. A stick breaking near the front gets his attention next, throwing a few this time at the closer bushes. Anon gets into a rhythm as the minutes go by. Noise, throw. Noise, throw. Noise, throw.

"Now for the fun part." Anon confidently says as he crouches again, this time sitting on the ground, after a few seconds he hears rustling coming from either side of him.

"Come on..." The human whispers to himself, scanning the area around him.

Anon doesn't have to wait long as the Timberwolves suddenly jolt towards him simultaneously before pouncing from a few meters away.

"GET FUCKED!" Anon shouts as dozens upon dozens of magical thread burst from the ground as they quickly weave around the Timberwolves, slamming them down. As they claw and bite to get free, the thread wraps round their limbs and muzzles.

As the thread becomes tighter, the Timberwolves can only squirm, their glowing eyes staring at Anon.

Standing back up, Anon brushes himself off as he begins walking towards the axe. As his feet lift of the ground with each step, Magical thread is pulled from his feet, sinking into the ground where he once sat.

Dislodging the axe from the fallen tree, Anon walks towards one of the Timberwolves which begins to struggle and squirm harder.

Looming over the Timberwolf with a sly grin, he raises the axe above his head. "Thanks for the firewood chucklefucks!" Anon shouts as he brings the axe down at its neck. The head sheared off as the body shakes and breaks apart.

The door of Anon's house opens with a click as he walks inside, dragging a magic sled full of wood and twigs. Dragging it across the floor over to the stove, he shoves some in before putting the rest in a metal bin besides the stove.

Anon puts a few bits of news paper and wood shavings in the cast iron wood stove before throwing a lit match, opening the top hatch slightly to let air in he sits on the couch, sinking into it as the sparks turn into fire. Watching the flames dance back and forth behind the front grate, Anon lets out a sigh.

"I got a couple days before the magic twins decide to bug me. Should be enough time to do some experimenting." Anon ends with a chuckle before grabbing his stomach. "Ugh Maybe I should let you heal a bit first."