• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,286 Views, 119 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

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Helping Hooves & Reassuring Words

Twilight was in her study. Sheets of paper and scrolls strew the large desk, The purple alicorn levitated each sheet to herself as she skimmed and quickly copied down the information into a slim black book, once done with a page, Twilight levitated it into a pile on the edge of her desk that threatened to tumble off.

With a sigh, Twilight placed her quill back into the ink pot and stretched, craning her neck left and right, which gave slight pops as her joints were reawakened. Eyeing the cup of tea to her left, she took a sip before scrunching up her face.

"Cold again. Damn it." Twilight muttered to herself.

At that moment, a knock came from the large arches doors at the other side of the room.

"It's open." The alicorn stated, picking up a stray sheet as she began slowly skimming it.

The door clicked and slowly swung open to reveal Starlight.

"Hey Twilight. How is that report coming along?" Starlight asked as she walked into the room, levitating a small stack of paper. The lavender unicorn made her way to the desk.

"A bit slower than I would prefer. But if the experiments with Anon later go smoothly, I should be able to finish it off today." Twilight replied, resting her head on her hoof. Not looking away from the paper, she was reading.

Starlight approached the desk and levitated the stack of papers onto it. Twilight glanced towards the new stack before returning her gaze to the singular sheet in front of her.

"Are you ok Twilight? You seem a bit down." Starlight asked in concern.

"I'm fine. Just not a big fan of reports on my friends. More specifically Anon."

"Oh right, I forgot you were doing that one." Starlight added.

Twilight placed the sheet of paper she was reading into the pile. It wobbled slightly, but still did not topple.

"Can I vent to you for a minute?" Twilight asked in slight desperation.

The sudden request surprised Starlight slightly, but the lavender unicorn quickly regained her composure. "Of course." She replied, returning Twilights words with a friendly smile.

"OK. So, when Anon first arrived in Equestria. I of course sent a letter to Princess Celestia. Ever since then, I have been keeping tabs on Anon and reporting any major events, per her request. But, ever since I told her about the demon summoning incident. Celestia has asked me to compile a complete report of any and all events, no matter how small, from when he first arrived to present day. I'm just so worried that I have somehow painted Anon in a bad light, or somehow made Celestia think less of him, which I know in my heart she would never do. Of course, he has his issues, we all do. But I don't know what to say to try and remove any doubt of Anon Celestia might have. Because he talks about his past, where he is from, or even basic information about him. And it does not help that ponies here are scared of him. The slightest movement from him appears to spook them. I have almost ten reports from local ponies who claim that Anon or 'A tall bipedal monkey' is stalking their back gardens. When I know for a fact that these ponies live where Anon likes to travel, at the edge of town because although he does not seem to be afraid of us. He still ignores groups of ponies when he can."

Twilight took a deep inhale as she face-planted into the desk and let out a large, muffled sigh. The large stack of papers to the Alicorns left wobbled from the sudden strike to the table as it began to tumble off before Starlight caught it in her telekinetic grip and placed them back on, and a bit further away from the edge.

After that Starlight remained silent as her brain caught up with the sudden info dump she received before walking around the table and approaching Twilight, placing a hoof on her withers.

"Would you like some help?" Starlight asked with a friendly smile.

Twilight raised her head from the desk as she turned to look at Starlight. "That would be appreciated."


"Jesus. That came out of nowhere." Anon exclaimed, rubbing his nose.

Anon and Azrael walked through the outskirts of Ponyville, making their way to Twilight's castle.

"You're not catching a cold, are you?" Asked Azrael, matching Anon's pace.

"Doubt it. Never really get ill, unless there is some weird ass disease I don't know about." Anon responded.

Azrael lifted her head up in thought as she looked at the evening sky. "Hmm, nothing that really stands out. I think there was a case of cutie pox a while ago. Although it was a rumour, so take that, however." She thought out loud, lowering her head again, the purple castle came into her view.

"Wow, that is very impressive. Also, very out of place for a small town like this." Azrael commented, as she eyed each ridge and corner of the castle's exterior.

"Yeah, Twilight did tell me how it was built. But I actually can't really remember. I think it was something to do with the tree of harmony."

The pair made their way up the short steps of the castle, standing before the large door. Anon looked down at Azrael to see a worried expression creeping on her face.

"You good?" Anon asked simply.

"Just a bit nervous. Celestia does have the power to banish me or worse, and Twilight has a direct connection to her. So I'm just going through all the scenarios of me somehow pissing her off." Azrael explained, her body shivered slightly as she finished.

"Don't worry, it will all work out." Anon said with confidence, rasing his arm to reach the doorbell.

Azrael turned her head away from the wall, she was giving a vacant stare. And looked up at Anon. "How can you be sure though?" The demon asked.

"Simple" Anon started, pressing the doorbell, which replied with a simple set of notes that could be heard playing throughout the castle. "I made a promise".

After a minute, the door unlocked and opened, to reveal a small purple dragon.

"Oh, hello Anon. And miss…?" The dragon began, looking from the human to the pony.

"Azrael." the demon answered.

"I see-Oh, Anon, are you ok? What happened?" The dragon asked in concern.

"I'm fine little man, here to see Twi about the experiments. Also brought a plus one." Anon answered, quelling the dragons concerns.

"Right. I'll let her know you're here. Just wait in the living room on the left when you enter." The dragon instructed, making his way quickly around the corner.

Anon watched the dragon leave before walking in and closing the door. "Right, guess we wait." The human assumed, making his way to the instructed area.

"And, done." Starlight exclaimed with relief as she finished copying down the last page.

"Finally. I still can't believe Anon threw that pony in front of anyone. That's not going to help his image." Twilight commented, slumping back in her chair.

Starlight was going to reply, before spike wandered in.

"Hey Twilight. Anon and Azrael has arrived. They are waiting in the living room for you."

"Anon and who?" "Oh, right." Twilight remembered. "Could you please make them some tea while I tidy up?" The alicorn asked, her tiredness slipping through. "And some coffee for me as well, if you don't mind." She added.

Spike smiled and nodded. "Of course I'll- HUUUURGGEHH!." Spike said before being interrupted by spewing green flames which revealed a letter that fell to the ground. "Letter for you." the dragon added, holding up the scroll.

"I'll read it later, I should probably greet our guests. And thank you, Starlight. I really appreciate it." Twilight commented with a friendly smile.

Starlight returned the smile as she got up from her own chair. "Of course. I'll be in my room. Just got a new kite kit." She grinned wildly as she trotted out the room.

"And I'll get started on the beverages." Spike reiterated as she scampered out the room after Starlight.

Twilight stretched before sighing. "Time for science." She muttered to herself, regaining her motivation, as she too left the room.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading as always.

Apologies for this being a day late. Life has been interesting the past few weeks.

Please yell at me for any spelling or grammar mistakes.