• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,213 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

The Empathy of sinners

Anon stirred awake. Groaning as he sat up and stretched. The human rubbed his eyes to rid them of sleep as he tried to make out the time on the wall clock.

"Hmm, noon already. Guess I slept in." Anon muttered to himself. Pulling the covers off while he swung his legs round and stood up.

He stretched again. Bending his back backwards to work out all the kinks, before he got a flare of pain from his ribs.

"I should probably get that checked." The human commented, exiting the bedroom and walking into the living room to see Azrael finishing her cleaning from yesterday. And in her human form this time.

"Glad you remembered to wear clothes. You also don't need to clean." Anon commented towards Azrael.

The demon turned to face Anon, carrying a small stack of books. "Oh, good morning mast- Sir. I assumed that because you wear clothes, that it is some comfort thing. Also, I am just cleaning because the orders you gave yesterday were not ideal I am afraid. I personally have not had ample time in the past to 'have fun' and I imagine a random pony going to and from your abode would make ponies suspicious. They can be very skittish creatures. Azrael explains, ending in a small chuckle.

Anon nodded in reply as he walked to his backpack. Pulling out two apples. Turning back to see Azrael still holding the stack of books, he thought to test something.

"Catch" Was the only warning Anon gave, throwing her the apple.

Azrael quickly turned her head at the 'warning'. Straitening her posture as she faced the incoming object. Anon could see for a split second, the top that he gave her had bulged from the back outwards as a black tendril of ooze extended over her shoulder and forming a three-digit hand, which caught the apple, before the new appendage took on the same skin tone as Azrael. Now fully forming.

The new arm rubbed the apple on Azrael's top before placing it in front of her, giving her access to take a bite. Once she had placed down the books, Azrael took the apple in her left hand, freeing the newer arm of the apple as it retreated back into where it had sprouted from.

Anon had taken a few bites from his own apple, as they both sat down on one of the couches.

"Could you hold this for a moment sir?" Azrael asked, holding out the half-eaten apple.

Anon gave her a questioning look for few seconds before fulfilling her request.

Azrael sat up straight before her entire body turned black, as her form began to collapse on itself slightly, before forming a rough outline of a pony. It only took another half minute before Azrael flare was fully formed and her body began to fill out in colour, once completed she gave a dog like shake as she stood on the couch before sitting down again. Anon saw Azrael had finished and offered the apple back. Which she took with her hooves with a thankful nod before taking a few chomps. Her tail flicking side to side as she enjoyed the flavour.

"You enjoy apples that much do you?" Anon snickered, smiling at the joyful acts of the demon next to him.

Azrael swallowed before speaking. "In a way. I enjoy any and all of Equus's food and drinks. A hundred times better than anything Tartarus could create. I always make an effort to snag some before I leave, one of the perks of being a summon."

"Speaking of which. How does that whole morph thing work? Are you just like sentient ooze or something?" Anon questioned.

Azrael giggled slightly as she swallowed her last bite. Which included the core.

"I can see why you would think that, but it's a bit more complicated than that. As a mîmos my body is able to reform itself. It does this by breaking down bone, tissue, skin and such into pure demonic magic. Afterwards it rebuilds itself as I see fit. With magic not really having a finite density or volume, I am able to compact or expand it. To a certain extent that is. The smallest I could be would be around filly size. And for the largest would probably be a regular sized minitour, although I am going of height more or less, so it might vary depending on the form I take." Azrael explained

Anon nodded a few times before he too finished his apple, but decided not to partake in the core.

"I see. That is a lot different than I expected, but good information to know none the less."

"Well thank you for a break and food sir. Now what are your orde-"

Azrael cut herself off as she stood up on the couch, her head snapped towards the door. Her ears swivelling sporadically, her eyes darted between the two windows either side of the door before speaking.

"Sir. There are two ponies approaching the door with haste, they appear to be concerned and slightly panicked."

"Don't worry Azrael. It's probably just the magic twins telling me off for nicking a demon book." Anon reassured Azrael.

On cue, the door was knocked a few times in quick succession before a muffled voice spoke.

"Anon. Are you home? It's Twilight and Starlight, we need to talk with you about a book you borrowed from the library yesterday, it's urgent."

"Gimmie a minute! I have many windows. If you barge in you will get acquainted very quickly!" Anon stated loudly, he could hear some shuffling outside afterwards before silence.

Anon stood up before turning to Azrael. "Right. I hate deciding for people, so you have three choices. Hide and wait for them to leave while I deal with them. Don't hide and create a backstory and a reason why you are here. Or Don't hide and be truthful. I maybe your 'summoner' but I will not take someone's freedom of choice. Unless it is to fuck me over, then that is their fault."

Azrael stared blankly at Anon as she contemplated the situation.

"Sir, I truly don't mind if you choose-"

She was cut off as Anon wrapped his hand around her muzzle, closing it tightly. Not tight enough to hurt but enough to be uncomfortable. She noticed his demeanour changed as well as the emotions he was emitting. It went from a happy go lucky to a serious tone very quickly. After staring at the hand that grabbed her for a few seconds, she looked into his eyes. Eyes that would give anyone chills.

"It may be different down there. But here, in my house, in my command, I have a few notions for you." Anon leaned in as he pulled her closer slightly.

"You are not a puppet. You are not a tool. You are not to be used and discarded. I care for all those who would call me a friend, even if in my own special way. I will protect you. You will protect me. I have a chance to live a life where I won't hate myself every single fucking day for the things I did. While you are here, I will not allow you to become what I hate. I am going to let go now and you will choose a path for yourself. I am not angry; I am just serious."

Anon let go of Azrael's muzzle before taking a deep breath. After words his demeanour changed back as he gave her a small smile while patting her head.

Azrael took a few seconds to decide before speaking.

"I choose-"

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading as usual.

I only had to rewrite the chapter once this time, let me know of any pacing issues. Thanks.