• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 1,150 Views, 17 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Smurfs - ponydog127

A little while after their last adventure, our faithful pony heroes team up with the Smurfs when the small blue creatures are being chased by an evil wizard all the way to New York City.

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Festival Preperations/Gargamel at his Castle

After Sunny went to bed the previous night, it seemed to practically fly by, so that when Sunny opened her eyes the next morning, the sun was already peeking through the morning clouds.

But, there was no time for messing around-- while some of them helped the Smurfs with their Blue Moon Festival preperations, Zipp was going to fly around the village and see if she could see any signs of the cutie mark crystal in the village. Hitch and Misty decided to go with Farmer Smurf and Greedy Smurf to go and collect smurfberries for the big feast later that evening, and the best way to do that…

…was by stork.

Of course, Hitch wasn’t so sure about riding stork since they were so small (he was afraid the storks would eat them alive), but after he was on one for a few short minutes, he loved it!

“Yeah! Come on, Farmer!”

“YEE-HAW!!” Farmer shouted. “Whooo-hoo-hoo! I never imagined flying on a stork would be so amazing!” Misty cheered with a laugh from behind Farmer. “Whoa, golly!” Farmer shouted. “Farm boys love to fly!”

“Oh yeah! So excited!” Greedy singsonged, and managed to move his and Hitch’s stork before they rammed into a nearby tree branch. “Greedy!” cried Hitch out of panic. “Keep your hands at 10 and 2 on the reins!”

“Sorry, Sheriff Hitch!”

“Hitch, live it up a little!” Misty laughed. “We’re never gonna get to do this more than once!”

“I… oh, what the heck?” Hitch shrugged as he saw Sparky enjoying himself. “WAHOOOOOOO!!!”

After getting all his excitement out, they passed through the invisible barrier that Papa Smurf had created to protect their village from evil, looking over the inhabitants going about their daily lives. Then, they dropped their smurfberries off at the giant bucket, with Greedy laughing happily. “Hey! The blue ones are mine!” he joked. “Ha ha!”

Not too far off, Misty ran over to watch Vanity conduct the other smurfs in their dance routine for the festival that night.

La la, la la la la, la la la la la
La la, la la la la, la la la la la

La... la la... la la

Smurfette was tossed into the air before she was caught by her fellow Smurfs, Vanity sighing to himself. “Isn’t she the most beautiful thing on Earth…?”

“She is pretty,” Misty said, thinking he was talking about Smurfette… before she saw Vanity looking at himself in the mirror. “Oh… well, you’re not so bad, I guess.”

“Makes me wonder how Izzy’s doing with Clumsy,” Hitch shrugged. “She really enjoyed his company yesterday during the tour.”

“I bet they’re on their way here as we speak!”


“Come on, Clumsy!” Izzy panted as she and Clumsy ran toward the bridge. “Shake a hoof and hurry up!”

“Oh, no! I'm late for rehearsal!” Clumsy said as they raced across the bridge, nearly knocking over Handy on his ladder. “Whoa! Nelly!”

“Sorry, Handy!”

“No problem, Clumsy! You keep me employed!” Handy shouted as Clumsy stepped on a runaway cart, giving compliments on other Smurfs' work for the Blue Moon Festival as Izzy desperately tried to chase after him, she and Clumsy using their manners as they went past.

A little further up ahead, Pipp was listening to Narrator Smurf's narration for the festival, and was also telling Pipp a little bit about the village. “You see, Princess Pipp, in Smurf Village, each and every Smurf plays their own special part. Which gives the Smurfs a sense of harmony. Whether it's Handy Smurf, the builder, Baker Smurf, who--”

“AGH!!” Pipp screamed as she and Narrator ducked under the ladder on Clumsy's runaway cart. “Hey, Narrator Smurf!” Clumsy said as Izzy slowly trotted over, all out of breath. “Oh, hello, Clumsy!” Narrator called. “Just having Princess Pipp watching me rehearsing the intro for the Blue Moon Festival!”

“Iz, are you sure you can keep up with Clumsy like this?” Pipp asked her tired friend. “It seems like a lot to take in.”

“Okay…maybe he is a lot at hoof, but, he’s just so much fun to be around.” Izzy said wiping the sweat off her forehead. “He reminds me of me back when I was a filly.”

Pipp pondered about that for a second before shrugging. “Eh, I can see that.”

Clumsy was still on the out-of-control cart, and he rammed into Chef Smurf who was delivery two, freshly baked pizzas. “Sorry, Chef Smurf!”

“Clumsy!!” Chef Smurf cried. “HELP!!”

The cart kept going, sending the chef into a Papa Smurf ice sculpture that Sculptor Smurf was nearly finished with. Chef tumbled to the ground with both pizzas, now covered in ice, in his hands. “I just invented frozen pizza. Genius!” Chef Smurf said to himself, while behind him, the head of the Papa Smurf sculpture landed right on top of the rest of the body. Sculpter Smurf shrugged and continued to chisel. At the same time, Pipp and Izzy turned to look at each other. “We should go help Clumsy, shouldn’t we?”


The two friends galloped after the runaway cart, passing different Smurfs along the way and bidding a good morning to them as they went past. Clumsy and the runaway cart slid right through a pie table and into Jokey’s house, and once inside, he slid across a work table. “Hi, Jokey!”

“Hi, Clumsy!” Jokey greeted back, pulling a present box out of Clumsy’s way, and the clumsy Smurf burst through the door and tumbled back into his feet. “Heh, who’s clumsy now?”

“Hey. What do you get when you cross a Smurf and a cow?” Jokey asked. “Blue cheese! Ha ha ha! I got you a present!”

“Clumsy, we got to hurry!” Pipp called out from above as she and Izzy finally caught up to him. “Oh, right. Sorry, Jokey, I’m late for rehearsal!” Clumsy ran off with the pegasus and unicorn following behind. “But, wait I…”

Before Jokey could pursue, the present exploded in his hands, smearing his face with smoke and soot, but Jokey merely laughed at the attempted prank.


Within only a few minutes, Clumsy, Pipp and Izzy finally made it to the rehearsal stage, with Grouchy and Gutsy Smurf watching across the bridge. “Hey, Grouchy. Hey, Gutsy,” Clumsy greeted. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow your roll, sailor,” Grouchy said as he and Gutsy pushed Clumsy back. “Hey, what gives? He’s running late as is.” Pipp said. “Yeah,” Izzy nodded. “Isn’t this the rehearsal for the Blue Moon Festival?”

“What can I say, Clumsy? You’re not on the list.” Grouchy pointed to the paper. “Grouchy, it’s right there,” Clumsy pointed at his name. “Yeah. In bright, red letters, too,” Izzy added. “Right.” Gutsy said sarcastically. “Under 'Do not let in Clumsy'!”

“But, our friends are in there,” Pipp countered. “We have to go in!”

“Uh, clearly you two lack the verbal skills required to explain this predicament, scenically,” Brainy Smurf came over the bridge and grabbed the list, causing Grouchy and Gutsy to groan. “Ugh, here we go.” Grouchy said in annoyance. “You see, Clumsy... the other Smurfs don’t want dance with you for fear of, what I politely call... fractures. Heh heh heh...”

“Argh, how could anybody think that?” Clumsy asked, raising his arms up and clonking Grouchy and Gutsy in the face. “Whoops...”

“Soooo... can me and Pipp still go in?” Izzy asked hopefully. “Ugh. Fine, but just be quick,” Grouchy told them. “Before the ache in my nose stops.”

The two mares quickly galloped over the bridge, leaving Clumsy to walk away on his own. “Heh, that’s gonna leave a big, blue bruise,” Brainy laughed, but was ceremoniously silence when the two Smurfs kicked him into the air. Meanwhile, Misty and Hitch were still watching the rehearsals with Vanity, listening to his continous compliments to himself. “Wonderful! Beautiful! Oh, marvelous.”

“Hey, Misty,” Izzy ran over to her unicorn friend. “Oh, hey, girls.” Misty greeted. “How’s the rehearsal coming along?” Pipp asked. “Oh, it’s going pretty good so far... well, aside from Vanity being glued to his mirror non-stop.”

Right as Misty finished, Brainy landed right on the group, causing the Smurfs and fall and rumble to the ground, and some fell into the water. “Argh, cut, cut, cut!” Vanity yelled before looking at his reflection. “It’s a dance, not dominoes. AGH!! A worry line!”

“Yeah, that’s the most of our problems.” Pipp said sarcastically as Zipp flew down to them. “Do I even wanna ask what happened?”

“Minor mishaps,” Izzy shrugged. “Let's just call it that.”

“Alright, don’t get your petals in a twist,” Grouchy said to Vanity as the Smurfs conversed. “As happy and as perfect life could be in Smurf Village is, even sunshine and butterflies must have their dark clouds,” Narrator Smurf said grimly. “For all Smurfs, that dark cloud has one name. Gargamel, the evil wizard.”

All the Smurfs gasped and looked up toward the distance, leaving the others to assume that whatever Gargamel wanted the Smurfs for was not good.


Meanwhile, Gargamel and his cat Azrael were alone at their castle, and while Azrael groomed himself, Gargamel put on a Smurf-themed puppet show for himself. “La la la la la la, sing a happy song! La la la la la la, this is so wrong...

Then, Gargamel maneuvered a Papa Smurf puppet across the stage looking like Smurf Village. “I’m Papa Smurf. I’m the head of a small group of blue people who live in a small forest with ninety-nine sons and one daughter,” Gargamel said in a fake Papa voice. “Nothing weird about that. No, no. Totally normal.

Oh, and I’m Smurfette. Everyone thinks I’m so pretty and I betrayed Gargamel and I don’t care,” a Smurfette puppet came up from the background. “And everything is just sunshine and rainbows.

The two puppets laughed while their evil puppeteer sneered. “But all that is about to change.”

The two puppets cried out in fear, but then Gargamel realized something wasn't right. “Ahem. I said all that is about to change,” he said again, looking at his cat, who was still grooming himself. “Azrael, that’s your cue!”

“Meow...” Azrael grumbled. “That’s your cue to pounce on the miserable beasts. Like some kinda rage-induced feline frenzy,” the evil wizard said, walking up to his cat. Azrael furiously began clawing the Smurfette puppet. “Yes, good. Yeah. More rage,” Gargamel said. “Hey, but don’t go crazy. They’re the only puppets I have.”

“Meowrr.” Azrael deadpanned.

“I am not obsessed with Smurfs. Thank you,” Gargamel said matter-of-factly. “Simply can’t stop thinking about those miserable beasts every single minute of every single day.”

The wizard put the two puppets onto a nearby table. “Meow-wur?” Azrael asked. “Cause I need them!” Gargamel answered. “It is only be capturing the little wretches and extracting their happy blue essence that my magic will finally become…”

Gargamel stopped, trying to think of the proper word to use. “Not infallible.”

“Meowwr?” Azrael inquired. “Invincible! Yes. Thank you. I shall become the most powerful wizard in all of the world.” the evil wizard said before he laughed devilishly. Azrael laughed with him, but sounded more like expressive meowing, causing Gargamel to suddenly pause. “Yeah, but you’re milking it. Don’t milk it.”

The orange cat meowed in annoyance as Gargamel lifted up the Smurfette puppet. “Oh, great one?

“Yes, lying, deceptive, horrible, little Smurfette?” Gargamel answered. “After all your years of Smurf-less searching, how do you ever expect to find us?” the puppet was made to ask. “Oh, I’m very glad you asked, my dear.” Gargamel said cheerily as he approached a map, Azrael leaping to the table. “For, you see, I have a magical map that shows me exactly where the smurfroot grows! I shall now use my formidable to magically transport us... here!”

He pointed to a specific field on the map using the puppet's head as Azrael meowed worriedly. “Come, my little fish-breathed friend.” Gargamel swung his wand around and chanted the magic words. “Alakazoop!”

Suddenly, a cloud of red sparks and magic dust covered the room. Unfortunately, Gargamel and Azrael found themselves lodged in the wall where the map rested. And when Azrael laughed in amusement, Gargamel suddenly looked up. “Ye gods, Azrael. You’re a boy?”

“Meow!” the cat hissed, claws showing. “We really need that Smurf essence.” Gargamel growled. “Alakazap!”

Unfortunately, this spell caused the wizard and cat to disappear in a giant cloud of red smoke, which blasted the castle spire clean off and knocking them to the forest below.

All we can hope now is that Gargamel and Azrael don't find the village and potentially ruin the ponies' latest Unity Quest.

Author's Note:

I had some real help with Friendship Productions with this chapter-- show them some love, guys! I really appreciate they took time out of their schedule to help me.