• Published 13th Sep 2023
  • 1,150 Views, 17 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Smurfs - ponydog127

A little while after their last adventure, our faithful pony heroes team up with the Smurfs when the small blue creatures are being chased by an evil wizard all the way to New York City.

  • ...

Toy Store Chaos

Gargamel never expected that he would be in such a fancy eating establishment with a modern woman so amazed by his magic, she was going to do whatever it took to make him famous.

But, turns out... this was actually happening.

Azrael hungrily slurped from his saucer of milk, and no one else seemed disturbed that a cat was sitting at the table with them. “Señor Gargamel, I'll be frank,” Odile said rather sternly. “Clinique, Lancôme, MAC. They will kill to get what you have in that ring.”

“Not if we kill them first,” said Gargamel. “Let's see, we're going to need some knights, preferably in shining armor, some bowmen, poison arrows.”

Odile smirked at this. “I like the way you think.”

“And some spikes to mount their heads on.”

“Well, it is all about the presentation. And, of course, all of our testing would be animal cruelty-free?”

“What, they pay extra for the animal cruelty? Is that it?” Gargamel asked before throwing Azrael aside when he tried to get into his food. “You have a wicked sense of humor,” Odile smirked with a laugh, and Gargamel threw Azrael off the table two more times before she continued. “Señor Gargamel, now you must assure me, darling, that you can recreate whatever it was that you did to my mother, but on a massive scale. Do that, and the world will worship you.”

“Did you hear that, Azrael?” Gargamel whispered, and the cat merely rolled his eyes. “Worship. Oh, it rolls off the tongue like flesh from a... not pilgrim…”


“Heretic. Yes, thank you.”

That’s when one of the waiters carried out a large pot, making Gargamel sigh in relief. “Thank the gods, a chamber pot. This swill that you call Dom Pérignon has gone straight to my nether regions.”

Then, much to the shock and disgust of everyone at the table, Gargamel began to pee in the pot, and then told the waiter to go and toss it outside. “Now… to the matter at hand.”

“So do we have a deal, señor?” Odile asked. “Not quite, my sweet maiden,” Gargamel told her before smirking wickedly. “You see, first I must have my Smurfs… and tiny horses of great power. If you help me find them… I shall do as you ask.”


Grace had finally arrived while Odile was out to lunch to pick up the ponies and Smurfs, and carried them all, Clumsy included, inside a paper bag. “So… why did Patrick not want us around exactly?” Izzy asked. “Yeah!” Zipp scoffed. “We’re loads of fun!”

“I’m sure you are,” Grace whispered, “but you guys just have to understand that Patrick's under a lot of pressure right now. So if you could just lay low for a little bit…”

“You have my word of honor, Miss Grace,” Papa promised. “My Smurfs will not move from this bag.”

“And not us ponies, either,” Sunny agreed. “We’re gonna stay right here until something causes us to go otherwise.”

Unfortunately, that word of honor would fall apart immediately as soon as Gutsy peered out of the bag. “Stargazer!”

Turns out, the nearby toy store was selling stargazers, and the group immediately leapt out of the bag and out of the taxi while Grace tried to usher them back in. “No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no!”

“Hit the deck!” Papa yelled, and the ponies and Smurfs took cover just as a passing car drove right over them. “That was close...” Hitch said. “Hey, I’m walking here! I’m walking!” Grouchy shouted. “Save me!” Brainy cried, clinging to Gutsy. “Hey, look out, Brainy!”

“We didn’t think this through!” Sunny said in panic. “Can’t everyone just slow down and enjoy life?” Smurfette said. “And risk getting hit?” Pipp asked incredulously. “Wait for it,” Papa warned as they got to the curb, and a skateboarder quickly darted past them. “When we get inside, spread out and find that stargazer!”

But what they didn't realize was that Grace had gotten out of the taxi to follow them, afraid that they might be killed during the chaos.


Patrick was busy constructing the presentation, but he couldn’t think of a good theme to the campaign. He opened a page that led to the blue moon Wikipedia page he looked through earlier that morning, and seemed to be getting an idea. He got an idea, he copied the moon jpeg and added a water surface effect at the bottom.

Maybe he had finally found a good theme.

Suddenly, his phone rang and Patrick reached to answer it. “Hey.”

Patrick, the Smurfs and ponies have gone AWOL,” Grace stated in a panic, causing Patrick to become concerned. “No, no, I’m totally fine, but they need your help!” Grace exclaimed. “Patrick, I’m afraid they’re gonna get themselves killed!

“Sweetie, they’re fine,” Patrick reassured. “They can send us a tiny thank-you note when they get back to shroom-town and pony land. Right after they invent paper.”

Patrick, they need you.


Patrick, I need you. Oh, my gosh, please hurry!

“All right. Where are you?” Patrick relented and ran out of his office.


At the entrance of the building, a car rolled up to the curb, and out of it came Odile and Gargamel. “The man is a lunatic,” Odile said to the man on the other end. “It’s not going to work. I don’t know, he needs Smoops.”



“No, no, Smurfs. Smurfs with an…” Gargamel then bumped into Patrick rather roughly. “Sorry. I’m so sorry.” Patrick apologized before running off “You call that groveling, you fool?”

“Meow!” Azrael said as he was being carried by Henri. “Every village has an idiot,” Gargamel snarled, brushing himself off. “Me-meow.”

“What?” the wizard asked, looking back at Patrick as he rounded a corner. His eyes widened in realization. “You’re right! That’s him! Stop! Stop! Smurf thief!”

And just like that, Gargamel and Azrael bolted around the corner to catch up with Patrick and figure out where they took the Smurfs and their pony friends.


Back in the toy store, the Smurfs and ponies ran into happened to be a giant toy store. Smurfette, Misty and Izzy crawled under line of stuffed animals as kids raced by them. “Stargazer, stargazer…” Smurfette said to herself repeatedly. Then their eyes fell on a shell full of stuffed unicorn dolls. “So that’s where all the unicorns went,” Smurfette whispered while Izzy's eyes went wide. “Auntie Buttons…?”


Meanwhile, Papa and Brainy were making their way to the escalators with Hitch and Sunny. “I’m not afraid to go off on my own, I thought you might like the company,” Brainy said, making excuses. “Fine. Then hang on,” Sunny warned, and the two earth ponies, Papa and Brainy grabbed hold of the escalator guardrail and were lifted to the second floor.


At the same time, Gutsy and Pipp found something similar to a dart cannon sitting all on its lonesome. “A Smurf cannon! The only way to fly!” Gutsy said excitedly. “Then what makes these?” Pipp asked opening her wings. “Accessories,” Gutsy replied with a shrug, climbing up the cannon. “Perfect. Come on, princess!”

“Uh… are you sure it’s safe?”

“Only one way to find out!”

“Actually… I’ll just meet you up at the second level!” Pipp excused before flying up, causing Gutsy to shrug. “Suit yourself.”

Grace entered the store just as Gutsy was ready to take off. “Time to catch some air!!!” he cried as he was launched clear up to the second floor. “Smurfabunga!!

As Pipp landed on the floor, Gutsy tumbled beside her, a victorious smirk on his face. “That’ll put some air up your skirt.”

“And I,” said Pipp, “did not need to know that.”

Grace sighed and ventured up to the second floor to find them before they got themselves killed.


Grouchy and Zipp were scurrying across a shelf of stuffed animals while two teens were playing with a ball and paddles. “Gotta be a stargazer up here somewhere,” Grouchy said. “But one thing that doesn't make sense,” Zipp told him, “is why a stargazer would be near a bunch of stuffed toys.”

Then one of the stuffed owls began to move from the motion they created. “Ah! Predator!” Grouchy slipped from the shelf, fell and was pelted away by one of the paddles before landed in a bucket full of blue M&Ms. “Grouchy!” Zipp flew over with a worried look. “Are you okay?”

“Ugh... smurf droppings!” Grouchy groaned before swallowing the candies in his mouth. “These are disgustingly... tasty.”

“Probably because they’re candy,” Zipp deadpanned. “We poop candy?” Grouchy asked in disbelief. “What?! No!”

That’s when Grouchy spotted the stuffed green M&M. “Whoa, hello.”

“Oh, brother.” Zipp grumbled before she flew off to check on the others.


At the same time, Izzy, Misty and Smurfette were walking through the doll section, and to their left was some doll heads with different hair styles. “Ugh, creepy…” Misty shuddered. “Reminds me of something that Opaline might do.”

“I sure hope they weren’t looking for a stargazer too,” Smurfette said, and continued to look until she saw dolls with fancy dresses just her size on the shelf. “Dresses! You mean… I can have more than one kind of dress?! What?!”

“Oooh, I can totally unicycle these for you, Smurfette!” Izzy said. “The stargazer isn’t going anywhere! Come on!”

“But, girls!” Misty called, but sighed when they didn’t listen and decided to follow them.


“Papa, I’m telling you!” Brainy said as he, Hitch, Sunny and Papa searched countlessly with no luck. “We’re never gonna find a--”

“Stargazer!” Sunny found them sitting on top of a tall shelf. “See? I told you they’d be here!”

“But… you do realize that they’re ridiculously high, right?” Hitch asked. “You’re right, Hitch,” Papa nodded. “We’re gonna need something tall.”

Sunny looked around and spotted a stuffed bear near the wall, smirking. “Follow me, boys, I got an idea!”

As Grace looked down the aisle looking for the missing Smurfs and ponies, she didn’t notice the stuffed bear statue rolled behind her.

“Oh, this thing is heavy...” Hitch strained. “And don’t you think someone will notice us?”

“Just act natural,” Papa said quietly. “Grr, I’m a bear.” Brainy growled, trying to imitate a bear. “Brainy!” Sunny hissed.


Meanwhile, Clumsy was trying in vain to climb up the escalator to the second floor, though he was using the side that went downward. “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming, guys!”

That’s when one of the young girls spotted him. “Whoa, look at the stair-climbing toy!”

Clumsy seized up in fear and Pretended to be a stagnant doll. The girls and her family walked up to him and grabbed him, taking him to smurf knows where, much to the worry of a fearful, hiding Zipp. “I better go get Patrick...”


“I’m just tired of the whole dating game,” Grouchy growled to the M&M plush. “Just say who you are and be who you say, right?”


Back with Clumsy, he was getting a face full of the bar scan at the register. “I can’t seem to get it to scan...” the employee said as more and more customers seemed to pile up at the register. “My son wants one of those blue animatronic things.” A mother said.

“Can you help me out here? Do they come in pink? My daughter wants pink.”

“I’m sorry. What aisle did you find this on?”

“I’ll take the floor model.”

“I was here first.”

There’s a line.”

“Can I interest you in a Coldy Holdy Ice Bat?” the employee pulled up a blue doll. “What...?” Clumsy blinked. “Ice bat?”

“I-It comes in pink.”


Outside, Patrick finally found the toy store. Gargamel followed in hot pursuit.“Smurf thief! Stop!”

During the chase, the wizard backed up and walked evilly on top of a steam vent before running after Patrick. That’s when he noticed Grouchy inside the window display. “Do I use my grouchiness as a wall because I’m afraid to be vulnerable? You bet.”

“Smurf!” Gargamel said ecstatically. He looked down to his ring but immediately frowned at what he saw. “No. No, I can’t be out already. What was I thinking? Wasting my only drop of Smurf essence on that old hag?”

“Meow.” Azrael called out. “Meow.”

Gargamel turned to see his cat sitting in front of a man with a giant leaf vacuum. A desperate frown formed on the wizard’s face.

It may have been crazy, but there was no other option.


When Patrick raced into the store, he immediately noticed a bunch of people flocking at the counter. “Patrick, there you are!” Zipp panted, flying toward him worriedly. “It's totally chaos over there and Clumsy is in the total midst of it!”

The people around the counter argued and argued, forcing Clumsy to snap. “Hey! Keep your Smurfs to yourselves!”

Hearing the doll talk caused the people around the counter to panic. The employee dropped Clusmy who ran for his life in the midst of all the feet about to stomp on him. “Don’t you people have any boundaries?” he yelled. “I’m not a toy!”

Zipp and Patrick tried to get his attention, but they were knocked over by the stampede of people running for the exit. When she finally came to her senses, Zipp knew that things would not go well for the Smurfs if the kids found them.

All she prayed was that the others were able to save them in time.


Izzy and Misty were trying to get Smurfette into a dress when several girls entered the aisle.

“Where is she?”

“Where’d she go?”

“There she is!”

“There’s some unicorn dolls, too!”

“Uh oh...” Misty whimpered. “Hey, this dress is mine!” Smurfette stumbled back. “Izzy, Misty, Smurfette!” Grace called out, running to them and picked them up quickly. “Wait, I’m shopping,” the female Smurf complained. “Let’s shop later.” Izzy said as Grace paced away with the kids chasing after her.


Zipp and Patrick were busy searching for the lost Smurfs when they heard Clumsy calling out. “Patrick! Zipp, help!”

“Clumsy, come here!” Zipp cried as Patrick lowered his hand to catch Clumsy. “A giant’s after me! She’s huge!”

“Hey!” a little girl shouted at Patrick. “That's mine!”

“Sorry, little girl, this one’s not for…” before Patrick could explain, he was kicked in the shin. “Mommy!” the girl ran off. “Really?” Patrick hissed in pain, limping away. “Tough break, dude,” Zipp tried to keep her laughter in. “Come on, we better find Grace, my sister and the others.”


Meanwhile, Grouchy was still monologuing to the M&M plush. “Don’t ever forget that magical moment our two worlds met. And I wasn’t grouchy, I wasn’t! ...could you just say one thing, please? I’m dying here.”

That's when a leaf flower sucked Grouchy into it, causing Gargamel to smirk. “That's one!”


Brainy, Papa, Sunny, and Hitch were struggling to get the stargazer into the stuffed bear.

“Technically,” said Brainy, “when loading cargo onto the head of a bear, one should distribute the weight.”

“Brainy, just pull!” Papa said as Gutsy swung over, and Pipp flew to land beside him. “Ahoy, mateys! What are ye waiting for? We’re drawin’ a crowd.” Gutsy pushed the box into the bear’s head. “Show off.” Brainy grumbled. “Get ready!” Pipp pointed to the crowd of children. “Here comes some trouble!”

“Oh, dear. They think we’re toys.” Papa said worriedly.

“Hold onto you knickers, boys and girls,” Gutsy said as the bear swayed and lurched, “it’s about to get grisly!”

“I’m gonna be sick. I’m gonna be sick.” Hitch panicked. “Don’t let me fall!” Brainy begged. “Just hold onto that stargazer, you all!” Papa said as the bear teetered over, dropping all of the Smurfs and ponies to the floor. “Now what?” Hitch asked, and Sunny then noticed a skateboard right next to them, giving her an idea as they ran over to it. “C’mon, you guys.”

“Let’s go, go, go!” Papa ordered quickly. Gutsy and Pipp pushed the skateboard away as the kids began chasing them, eventually gaining full speed. “I think we lost them,” Brainy confirmed, just before getting clonked in the head by a shelf. “Again with the head...”

“Out of the way or I’ll caber toss ya!” Gutsy yelled. “How do you steer this thing?” Sunny asked worriedly as they steered under customers' legs and under stands. “Where did you learn to drive?” Brainy asked. “You think you can do better?” Gutsy countered. “Yes, I do believe I can do better.”

Then, Gargamel came out of nowhere and sucked up Brainy, Gutsy, and Pipp, causing them to scream. “Three more!”

“Brainy! Gutsy! Pipp!” Sunny cried out. “Papa! Orange alicorn!” Gargamel chased after the skateboard, just as the skateboard entered an aisle intersection when Gargamel spotted Grace. “Grace!” Misty whispered loudly. “That's Gargamel!”

As casually as possible, Grace turned around and began waking away. Unfortunately, Azrael ran up to them and swatted the purse out of Grace’s hand. “Oh, you again?” Smurfette cried out. “Get your paws off me and my friends!”

Smurfette, Izzy, and Misty made a run for it, but Gargamel tired to corner them. “Bad kitty!” Grace batted Azrael away down an aisle.

“I hate that cat....” Smurfette winced as the three girls ran down an aisle before Gargamel chased them through an adjacent one. And the girls raced through down the path when Gargamel hopped in front of them, revving his leaf vacuum. “Gargamel.” Smurfette sneered as Misty and Izzy gasped. “Ah, Smurfette. More lovely than ever. You and your little horse friends.”

Izzy and Misty prepared a battle stance. “We're ponies!”

“Potato, potato.”

“Oh, Gargamel. I guess you outsmarted us again.” Smurfette said in a fake sad tone, causing the ponies to act surprised before they realized that Smurfette had a plan. Just as Gargamel swung the leaf vacuum at them, Smurfette grabbed Izzy and Misty and jumped into the skateboard with Sunny, Hitch, and Papa. Azrael was chasing them, which caused him to get sucked up. “Azrael. Azrael, what are you doing? Get out of my suckamajig!” Gargamel said angrily, shaking the vacuum around. That’s when Patrick ran up to them. “Let me help you with that.”

In an instant, he flipped the switch from suck to blow. “Oh, thank you, kind…” Gargamel realized who it was. “You!”

The evil wizard swung the vacuum at Patrick, but the pressure became so great, the leaf blower blasted Azrael out right into a pile of Hello Kitty toys before blasting out Pipp, Gutsy, Brainy and Grouchy, and each shot pushing Gargamel closer to an elevator. The doors opening forcing him inside just as the blower blasted out a bunch of dead leaves.

“Patrick!” Grace ran up to him. “Hey,” Patrick said as to two watched the elevator doors closed. “Impressive.”


“I’ll get the stargazer.”

“I’ll get the Smurfs.”

On the second floor. Gargamel shot out of the elevator in a pile of leaves. Meeting him were two officers and another man. “That’s him! He took it right off my back! Leaf-blower thief!”

The two officers grabbed Gargamel. “Please stand up, sir. You’re going downtown,” one the officers said. “Do not resist. Do not resist!” the other officer ordered. “Unhand me. Unhand me, you heathens!” Gargamel yelled angrily, scrambling out of their grasp. “Or suffer the wrath of the great and powerful…”

Before he could finish his sentence, one the officers pulled out a taser and shot. The electric shock forced Gargamel to spasm to the floor.

From the bottom floor, Sunny sighed once she and the others rejoined with Grace and Patrick.

At least Gargamel was out of their manes for a while longer.